• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,732 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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B: Birth of a Hero / Activate! Mimetic Drive!v (Edited)

Twilight was pacing her room, having watched the whole fight on the news. She was screaming and shouting her exhilaration at every instance that Sunset landed a blow against the Dopant monster, and even squealed in delight when she jumped up into the air and landed that glowing flying kick to the monster. Twilight was surprised that her bike had changed and was now moving too fast for any helicopter or police car to catch.

“Twilight calm down, you saw Sunset leave, she’s fine,” said Spike.

“I know, I know…but I’m still worried! I mean, I haven’t tested the Uni-Driver, so who knows what effects it’ll have on Sunset! She could be under tremendous strain, or her cells could be deteriorating, or if – if – if –!”


“If she’s right at the front door?”

Spike felt a rush of wind and heard a door slamming open. The purple furred dog looked to where Twilight was, and then to where she went and chased after her.

Twilight practically jumped many of the steps before landing at the bottom step and dashed to the front door. The genius girl opened the front door, her eyes wide with worry as she beheld the intact former bad girl.

Sunset stood there, the belt still wrapped around her waist, minus the Unicorn Memory, and wearing a confident smirk.

“You’re okay!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Of course, I am me after all – oomph!”

Sunset suddenly found herself brought into a tight hug, at first, she was caught off-guard by the embrace and was feeling an unusual sense of warmth radiating from her face.

“I was so worried! I didn’t know of if the Driver would work, hurt you, or…or…!”

The awkwardness faded when Sunset heard the distraught tone in her friend’s voice, she gently patted Twilight on the back in a reassuring fashion, smiling kindly down at the shorter girl.

“Hey, I had no doubts about this little doohickey working for me, and you know why?”


“‘Cause you were the one who made it and I trust you,” said Sunset with sincerity.

Twilight began to blush, but continued to hug Sunset, nonetheless. After a few seconds more she realized the exact place her head resting on Sunset and Twilight quickly pulled away, looking flustered.

“Sorry, I – We should head inside before anyone sees you!” Twilight said quickly before pulling Sunset inside.

Spike came running down the stairs and leaped at Sunset, she caught him in her arms, and he started licking her on her face while wagging his tail happily. “Sunset, I knew you’d beat that thing! You were so cool!”

Sunset cradled Spike in her left arm and flipped her hair with her right. “Of course, it was all brawn and no brains.”

All three entered Twilight’s room and the bespectacled girl quickly closed the door behind them and locked it, making both Sunset and Spike turn around.

“Alright…Sunset…I’m going to have to examine you, now!”

“Wait, examine – Oh crap!”

Spike jumped out of Sunset’s arms and onto Twilight’s bed, just in time to witness Sunset get pounced on by Twilight, taking out wires and nodes from seemingly out of nowhere. Spike also witnessed several articles of clothing flying off, and heard many surprised shrieks, squeals, and gasps.

“Oh boy, she’s going into full analyzer mode.”


Double Diamond considered himself a patient man, cool, calm, and collected. In his hand he had a Gaia Memory, not like the ones he and his colleagues used. Personally, he didn’t see Sugar Belle being able to do something like this, Night Glider was too hotheaded, and Party Favor’s demeanor was too…soft for this sort of work.

But Double Diamond was different, he believed in Starlight’s grand plan, and knew what it would take to make it come to fruition, ready to do whatever Starlight needed of him. Even deal with lowlifes.

The white-haired young man walked through the dilapidated structure of an abandoned warehouse, hearing commotion coming from deep inside. There were cars parked in a circle, their headlights shining on two individuals fighting. There were other teenage boys and girls on the outer rim of the circle, goading them on and cheering for one or the other.

Double Diamond continued to walk in, carrying himself with unflinching confidence and strength. He entered the crowd, many of them looking at him funny because he was wearing a formal business suit while everyone else was wearing either something inappropriate or just casual. Some even dared to get in his face and ask Double Diamond why he was here.

The white-haired young man looked around the crowd and gazed at the one fighting. The boy, shirtless, delivered punches with savage strength and speed. He had red tattoos of a dragon winding around his body, with dark orange hair, and hazel yellow eyes. The other boy tried to punch at the orange haired boy. He dodged it and thrust out his right hand, grabbing the other teenager’s face and squeezing down hard on him. The vice grip made the teenager cry out in pain, but his cries ceased when the orange haired teenager threw that same teenager to the ground, headfirst. The orange haired boy looked down at the one he had slammed to the ground and smiled wickedly as he rose and saw that his opponent was thoroughly knocked out.

“KO, and Garble’s the winner!”

Garble stood up and cracked his knuckles. “Alright, who’s next, I haven’t even broken a sweat yet!?”

“I’ll take that challenge,” said Double Diamond.

The crowd parted, turning their heads to view the nicely dressed young man. Garble laughed mockingly at Double Diamond, finding the notion that such a person was even here absurd. The crowd joined in as well, throwing in curses and insults his way. Yet Double Diamond never flinched, holding his still calm and stoic expression as he walked down the parted path and entered the improvised ring.

“You really must have a death wish pal, this place ain’t for rich boys looking for a cheap thrill,” warned Garble.

The corner of Double Diamond’s mouth curled as he spoke. “Believe me, this won’t be for thrills, my conception of a thrill would make this spectacle look like a cheaply made Saturday morning kids program. To prove my point, I’ll only use one arm.”

Garble watched as Double Diamond put his left arm behind his back and kept his right arm loose and ready to fight. Garble growled at the posh boy’s attitude and came in swinging. Double Diamond blocked his first blow with his right forearm, but Garble came in with his right fist. Double Diamond quickly slapped Garble’s left arm away and then caught the right fist in the palm of his right hand.

The orange haired boy threw one fast and wild punch after the other, but Double Diamond was able to sidestep every action he took. Garble sprinted forward with a right straight punch, but Double Diamond feinted to the left, and used his foot to trip Grable, sending him rolling and tumbling until he hit the grill of a car. Garble rubbed his head, glaring at Double Diamond with venom.

“I am NOT going to lose to some preppy rich kid!” Garble threatened.

“You won’t lose to me because I’m a ‘preppy rich kid’, but because you’re weak, and do you know why you’re weak?”

Double Diamond brought up his left hand, within it he held his Gaia Memory and pressed the button.


The white-haired boy rolled up his right sleeve, exposing his wrist. He then placed the blue connector against his wrist, the IceAge Memory disappearing into his body. His whole body was encased in ice, glowing blue at its center. After a few seconds, the ice shattered, revealing an entirely different form.

His forearms were covered in diamond hard, sky blue ice, the fingertips shaped into claws. The lower half of his legs were also covered in the same icy armor, along with a chest plate and shoulder pauldrons of the same substance. The unarmored parts of this body were white as snow, with dark, navy blue lines weaved into intricate patterns. His head was completely covered in ice, with spiky icicles acting as his hair, and eyes glowing yellow.

The IceAge Dopant waved its clawed hands to the right and left, launching an icy blast of wind that froze the people on either side of him, creeping all the way up to the walls on the far end of the warehouse. The teenagers that were spared began to run away, but Double Diamond stomped his foot, generating an ice fissure that snaked its way around the area and prevented every one of them from leaving as the cutting cold began to affect them.

Double Diamond looked down at Garble, despite witnessing his incredible power, he still had a defiant look in his eyes.

“You’ve seen what I can do, and yet you dare give me such a look?”

Garble didn’t respond right away, almost as if he were trying to figure out a way to fight him or to get away. Double Diamond smiled inwardly.

“The dragon, a powerful beast, feared by ancient civilizations across the world, and revered. How would you like to be that creature?” Double Diamond asked.

“W-What are you talking about…?” Garble asked as his teeth shivered.

Double Diamond reached behind his back, and drew a gun-like object, and in his other hand was the Gaia Memory he had brought with him.

“This is the Beast Memory, use this, and you will have power like mine. Become the true beast you want to be!”

Garble looked at the Memory, and then to the destruction Double Diamond had caused around him. Such a power could be his, to become stronger than anyone. How could he say no?

“What do I do?” Garble asked with a cocky smile.

The IceAge Dopant, with inhuman speed, pressed the gun-like object against the teenage boy’s chest. He squeezed the trigger and the device fired, but its discharge sounded more akin to someone stamping something than firing an actual bullet. When the device was pulled away, Garble saw that there was a strange tattoo on his chest now. It looked similar to a USB connector. Double Diamond handed the Beast Memory to Garble, who quickly took it.

“Press the button on the Memory and place the silver end against the port.”

Garble didn’t hesitate, finding the button and pressing it.

< BEAST! >


Sunset adjusted her shirt, feeling a little violated after the whole thing was over. Twilight was diligently typing away at her computer, entering all the data she had gotten when she had the nodes hooked up to Sunset to take her physical data.

“Twi, I get you needed to get my physical data, or whatever, but was it necessary to strip me down while doing that?” Sunset asked.

“You had your panties on,” said Twilight as she continued her work.

Sunset rolled her eyes, but smirked. “Well, nice to know you can be forceful when you have to be.”


It was only now that Sunset had said something did Twilight realize what she had done. The memories flooded her mind, every article of clothing that came up, and the image of Sunset’s…assists. Her face went bright red as she became aware of this, radiating enough heat that she thought she could roast a marshmallow.

“I…I am so sorry about that! I didn’t mean to just do that without your permission,” said Twilight, very apologetic.

Sunset waved it off. “It’s alright, not like I have anything you don’t.”

Twilight kept her chair in front of the computer, not wanting Sunset to see how embarrassed she was. Sunset had to admit, it was a little mortifying to have Twilight do that, but it wasn’t all that unpleasant. It was then that she slapped herself across the face and groaned inwardly.

Get your head out of the gutter, Shimmer! This isn’t the time!

“So, what’s up? Am I dying?”

The genius girl turned around in her chair and glared at Sunset seriously. “Please don’t joke like that, Sunset!”

“Sorry, sorry, bad joke! But seriously…?”

Twilight sighed and turned around, she typed away and brought up her data.

“So far as I can tell, there’s nothing wrong that sticks out to me. But my knowledge of anatomy is basic, I’ll have to do a little more studying on abnormalities and genetics before I can say for sure that there are any. For now, though, it seems the Uni-Driver worked.”

Sunset shook her head in affirmation. “Yep, now we need to figure out what to do with that.”

Sunset and Twilight looked in the same direction, next to the Uni-Driver was the Fang Memory, and beside it was the Unicorn Memory. Even now, Sunset didn’t know how she did all that. The use of the Maximum Drive, the name of her form, and how to wield the energies.

“‘Kamen Rider’, the word to activate the transformation was ‘henshin’, Neighponese for ‘transform’, so is ‘kamen’ a Neighponese word too? ‘Cause I know it’s not the same c-o-m-m-o-n word.” Sunset asked.

“I did look it up, it means ‘masked’, a Masked Rider.”

Sunset thought about it for a moment and shrugged. “Eh, Kamen Rider sounds better.”

“Still, I’m amazed the Unicorn Memory gave you such knowledge, even combat oriented knowledge as well!”

Sunset rubbed the back of her head, embarrassed a little. “Well…the use of the magic wasn’t so much the Gaia Memory as it was my own memories of how to use magic. And the combat skills…that was all me.”

Twilight looked up at Sunset with shock, she knew Sunset was physically fit, but she didn’t know she was a fighter.

“It was back when I first came to Earth, I figured out pretty quick that I had no magical powers here whatsoever. All I could do was broaden my knowledge of science and improve my physical strength, which included learning various fighting styles. I just didn’t want to feel…powerless.”

Twilight placed her hand gently on Sunset’s arm and smiled up at her. “I understand, about being powerless and alone. But neither of us are like that anymore, right?”

“Yeah, not anymore,” said Sunset. “So, if I put that thing into the belt, will I become Kamen Rider Fang or something?”

Twilight typed at the computer and brought up the specifications of the Uni-Driver.

“Unfortunately, no, the Uni-Driver was designed for the Unicorn Memory, and only for the Unicorn Memory. The additional ports however seem to function with other Memories though.”

Both girls had already deduced the purpose of the right hip port. Once a Memory was inserted, it unleashed the full power of that Gaia Memory allowing the wielder to perform a “Maximum Drive” attack. The left hip port, however, was still unknown. Twilight growled in frustration as she had been wracking her brain as to what the second port’s purpose could be.

“I don’t get it! I made the darn thing; how can I not know what it does!?” Twilight spat. “Ugh, it reminds me of when I made that pendant all over again!”

Sunset raised an eyebrow at that. “Yeah, been meaning to ask you. How did you create that thing? A device that locates and actually absorbs magical energy, and now a belt device that can transform me into a superhero?” She then spared a glance to the bow and arrow set. “Not to mention the robot bird arrow.”

Twilight head desked herself, groaning from both the pain and her ignorance. “I honestly don’t know…Sometimes I won’t even have to think about it too hard and I’ll just know, like the knowledge is there and ready for my use at any time! It’s only been recently that I’ve seen these infinite bookshelves in my head!” The genius girl looked up at Sunset with a saddened face. “Could…Could I be somehow tapping into Princess Twilight’s memories and knowledge?”

Sunset sighed and sat down on the desk. “Honestly, I don’t think so. I’ve been away from home for a while, but even I know that Equestria’s science hasn’t fully gotten to the point that it is here, so I don’t think the complex mechanics came from the Princess.” The former bad girl clasped Twilight on the shoulder. “For now, though, let’s just focus on the problem at hand.”


Twilight sat up straight and typed at her computer yet again. The images changed, showing their school, and a green pillar shooting up in the distance. She then brought up some videos that were posted online and correlating them with her own calculations. After a minute or two, Twilight was able to create a model of the event when all this craziness began.

“Alright, we can safely assume that the ‘Emerald Pillar’ was the cause of these Gaia Memories entering our world,” said Twilight.

Sunset leaned down and pointed her finger at the individual streaks of light coming from the main pillar. “Each of these represents – we can assume – one Gaia Memory flying off. Judging from the way they’re angling; I doubt they flew past the confines of Canterlot City.”

“That should make finding them easier, and unfortunately, we can’t rule out the hypothesis that some individuals have also found or that the Gaia Memories have sought individuals who are a ‘genetic match’.” Twilight began to hum in contemplation. “Maybe I could develop some kind of tracker that can key onto the energies of the Memories?”

Sunset yawned and stretched her limbs. “Well, I’d be glad to help Twilight, but I’m feeling a little tired after all that.”

“Of course, head back home and get some rest –” Twilight yawned, “– and I guess I’ll need to get some too. Oh, and take these!”

Twilight quickly grabbed the Uni-Driver and handed it to Sunset, along with the Unicorn and Fang Memories.

“You sure about this?” Sunset asked.

“It’ll be safer and easier for you if you had them. If another incident happens like today’s, it’d be dangerous for you if you couldn’t defend yourself,” explained Twilight.

Sunset nodded, taking both the Driver and two Memories, hoping she would not have to use them anytime soon, although, she had a sinking feeling that from this point onwards, she was going to be using both a lot in the days to come. She had made it downstairs and waved goodbye to Twilight, mounting her bike in preparation to head home.

And that’s when it hit her.



The next day came and went by quite fast, at Spike’s behest, Twilight was forced to sleep in to catch up on the sleep she missed working on the Driver. Sunset was with Rarity, thankfully the fashion show had been cancelled due to the crisis with the Fang Dopant the other day, so Rarity wasn’t upset that Sunset hadn’t showed up, and was informed it was to be moved to another date.

Meanwhile, there were reports of cops getting attacked around Canterlot City, the news stations and newspapers were calling it random attacks, but to some it was less than random.

The day after though, Twilight was riding with her big brother, Shining Armor, who was taking her to a doctor’s appointment. Twilight had repeatedly told her parents and brother that she was fine, but after one spontaneously falls unconscious, it does raise some red flags. So, the doctor had requested to see Twilight at least twice for the next three weeks to see if she was alright.

“Thanks for taking me, Shiny, I know you’re busy,” said Twilight.

“Hey, you don’t need to apologize. You’re my little sis, like I’m not going to drive you to the doctor,” said Shining Armor.

Both were traveling in Shining Armor’s car, he was given today off, having gotten on a later shift what with all the chaos. Despite his happy expression, Twilight wasn’t ignorant of her older sibling’s worry.

“So…how are your friends?” Twilight asked.

“Some aren’t very good, they got messed up pretty bad and are touch and go. Others are unconscious, and a few are little banged up. Someone’s targeting cops, and the force is trying to find out who,” said Shining Armor.

Twilight cupped her chin as she thought on this. “If you want, maybe I could help you? I have been wanting to try my hand at crime investigation.”

Shining Armor chuckled and ruffled Twilight’s hair with his free hand, Twilight groaned a little, but wasn’t opposed to the show of affection.

“I don’t think so Twilight, believe me, it’s a totally different beast from what you study. That, and it can get pretty gruesome, I don’t think it’s a good idea even if I was okay with you helping,” said Shining Armor.

Twilight sighed, she wanted to be of help to her big brother, he was her BBBFF, but she understood his reasoning. Although, her intentions weren’t all to help Shining Armor, Twilight suspected a Dopant was behind this, and if it was a Dopant, then local law enforcement wouldn’t be of any use in subduing one.

Suddenly, Shining Armor hit the brakes, the tires squealing as Twilight braced herself, feeling the seatbelt dig into her chest and stomach. After a few seconds the whole car came to a stop, allowing Twilight to look and see why her big brother had made such a sudden stop.

In front of the road stood a, shirtless, teenage boy with a red dragon tattoo. The boy’s narrowed eyes glared at Shining Armor, his smile wicked and sinister. Twilight glanced over to Shining Armor, noticing his change in demeanor. His hands were gripping hard on the steering wheel, his own eyes were narrowed, and his jaw was tensed up. Twilight had never seen this side of her brother before, she suspected that this was his “Cop face” when he was doing his job.

“Shining Armor?”

“Wait here, Twilight.”

Shining Armor slowly exited the car, keeping one foot in the car and one in the street. The orange haired teenage boy smirked, wickedly at that. Something about this wasn’t sitting well with Shining Armor, and neither was Twilight liking this.

“Hey, kid, why are you standing there in the middle of the street!? Are you trying to get yourself killed!?”

“Heh, you don’t remember me, Officer Armor?”

Shining Armor blinked, this kid knew him. “Judging from that response, am I correct in assuming we’ve met while I was on duty?”

The teenage boy clapped his hands mockingly and then pointed at Shining Armor. “Congrats, man, you figured that much out! Now, for ten points, who am I?”

Shining Armor combed his memories, he had done much in his time as a police officer and busted several punks and criminals in that time. Remembering all of them was impossible, but there were those that would sometimes stick out in his mind. Shining Armor focused on the boy’s face, staring at it intently until…

“Garble, also known as ‘Red Dragon’ Garble,” said Shining Armor with a stern voice. “We raided your little illegal ‘fight club’ and arrested you and other punks like you!”

“Someone get this pig a donut, he figured it out! Yes, you and the rest of those pigs took away the one place I called home! I only feel alive when I’m in a ring, unrestrained and unleashed! Street fighting is my life!” Garble shouted. “And now…”

Twilight watched as Garble reached into his pocket and took out a USB drive object, making her tense up. Even from where she was sitting, Twilight could tell it was no ordinary USB, it was a Gaia Memory, but it looked very much different from the Unicorn and Fang Memories.

“I’ve been saving you for last, now I’m going to go beast on your ass!” Garble declared.

< BEAST! >

Garble quickly placed the Gaia Memory against the strange circuit shaped tattoo, allowing the Memory to transform him. Shining Armor quickly got back in the car and started calling in the situation to his fellow officers. All the while, Twilight took in the details of the transformation. Red energy layered itself over Garble’s body, morphing his very being. When the energy disappeared, Garble had completely changed. His body was covered in ruby red scales, his face elongated to form a snout, growing fangs and eyes glowing green. Yellow scales formed down his chest, with shoulder pauldrons forming with three boney white spikes coming from it. Garble, or rather, the Beast Dopant, roared out with fury and crouched low, ready to attack.

Shining Armor threw the car into reverse and peeled out, tires screeching as he put his cop training into effect and shifted gears into drive, putting as much distance between the Beast Dopant and themselves. Garble roared and ran for the car, smashing into cars that weren’t able to get out his way in time. Shining Armor quickly pulled out his cellphone and looked to Twilight, who was gripping the passenger handle and the seat belt tightly out of fear.

“It’s gonna be alright, Twily, just stay calm.” Shining Armor dialed in 911 and waited until he heard someone on the other line. “This is Officer Shining Armor, badge number 81553! I am currently being pursued by…by some sort of creature like the one that attacked yesterday! Requesting immediate backup! Traveling down–!”

Shining Armor made a sharp turn and looked behind him to see that Garble was still hot on their tail.

“Traveling down Trotter Boulevard, currently in a civilian vehicle!”

Police aren’t going to be able to stop that Dopant, at best slow him down, but at the cost of their lives! The only other one who can stop it is…!

Twilight quickly pulled out her cellphone and using one hand to send a text, thumb moving like a blur across her touch screen phone. Shining Armor saw this but said nothing, his focus was squarely on keeping the dragon monster at a distance until some police units could come and subdue him.

Shining’s prayers were answered when the heralding sounds of police sirens came from every direction. The Beast Dopant looked to the sides, watching as two cop cars tried to box him in, but Garble merely jumped into the air and landed hard on the hood of the right car, crumbling it like paper. He then jumped up and landed on the roof of the second car.

Using his claws, he peeled part of the roof off and yanked both cops out of the car and threw them off to the sides like rag dolls. The part of the roof that Garble had ripped off, he threw ahead of him. The severed top of the roof spun in midair as it embedded itself in the road ahead of Shining Armor’s car.

The young officer hit the brakes as he and Twilight felt the car lurch forward. The tires screeched in protest to the sudden maneuver, forcing Shining Armor to turn the car around at the last second, having the vehicle come to a stop, just mere inches from the debris. Shining Armor and Twilight’s hearts were drumming in their chests, feeling as if the organ was going to burst out of their chests at any given moment.

Shining Armor glanced to Twilight and asked, “Are you alright!?”

“Y-Yeah, yes I’m okay! Look out!” Twilight shouted.

Shining Armor turned and watched as Garble leaped up and landed a few inches from the driver side door. The Beast Dopant grabbed the door, ripped it off, and grabbed Shining Armor. He then slammed him against the car, nearly knocking all the air out of his lungs.

“I’m going to kill you, and after, I’m going tear down every single police station, and every pig infesting it!”

“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Twilight shouted.

The Beast Dopant glared at Twilight, making her slink back into her seat. “Heh, that your little sister? She’s cute, in a nerdy way.”

Shining Armor gripped Garble’s arm, squeezing it in a vain attempt to try and overpower him. “Don’t you dare touch her!”

“You don’t have a say, I’ll do what I want, and take what I want! And right now…” Garble raised his left arm, making his claws extend as he readied to deliver the final blow. “I want you DEAD!”


“What the hell was that noise?”

Suddenly a turquoise light formed, and the sounds of a motorcycle echoed from it.


Sunset had left Rarity’s, after spending the last three hours modeling and standing as Rarity fitted dresses and different outfits for her. The fiery haired girl mounted her bike and prepared to leave the fashionista’s residence but stopped when her phone began to go off.

“Huh, someone’s calling?” Sunset reached into her jacket pocket and unlocked it, seeing the notification. “Twilight texted me. Guess she needs to follow up on something.”

Sunset tapped on the text, and her eyes widened when she read it.



Sunset turned on her bike and revved the engine, she reached behind her back and brought out the Driver. She placed it at her waist, the belt released the straps which shot out and wrapped all the way around until it connected to the other end of the buckle. Sunset reached into her left jacket pocket and pulled out the Unicorn Memory, pressing the button.



Sunset placed the Unicorn Memory into the connector and pushed it into the Driver.


A field of turquoise energy expanded around Sunset and her bike, the electrical bolts firing at her and materializing armor, at the same time, the bike morphed into a new form. When the field collapsed, Sunset was now in the form of her heroic alter ego, Kamen Rider Unicorn.

Wasting little time, Sunset opened the throttle on her bike and took off like the wind down the street. She did a mental calculation of her position, and where Trotter Boulevard was, and cursed under her breath.

“Dammit, I’m too far away to get to there in time, even with this speed! Unless…”

Sunset concentrated, tapping into her old magical abilities. The horn on her helmet began to glow, emitting particles of aquamarine light that wrapped around her and the bike.

My telekinetic spell worked, so…hopefully teleportation should too. But…I’ve never done long distances before!

Doubt began to fill her, but the image of Twilight entered her mind, and all traces of doubt evaporated. The particles shined brighter and doubled in number. In the next second, Kamen Rider Unicorn and her bike vanished in the blink of an eye.

Sunset found herself traveling down a tunnel of magical light, she never took the time to see the channels of magic that her teleportation spell took her through, but now that she was seeing it, it was beautiful. Unfortunately, admiring the view would have to wait, especially when she was able to see her destination coming up. Sunset opened the throttle and went full speed.

The Kamen Rider saw the situation in slow motion, knowing exactly what she needed to do. Sunset popped a wheelie and exited the tunnel, the Beast Dopant looked up at that last second and received a face full of bike tire. The Beast Dopant was sent flying from the force of the tire punch, making him bounce on the asphalt like a stone skipping water.

Sunset put on the brakes, performing a donut before coming to a complete stop. Unicorn dismounted her bike and quickly rushed to Shining Armor, checking him over.

“Are you alright?” Unicorn asked.

It took a moment before Shining Armor fully grasped what had just happened, and the fact that he was just saved by a girl in a greenish blue suit, with a horn. And that said suited girl had just knocked a dragon monster upside the head with the front wheel of her bike. Shining Armor shook his head, trying to make sure that this wasn’t a dream.

“Y-Yeah…I think so?”

Sunset’s features relaxed a bit but went rigid when she didn’t see Twilight. Her fears were put to rest when she saw the nerdy girl run from around the passenger side of the car and into the arms of her big brother.


“You’re okay right!? Right!?” Twilight asked with worry.

Shining Armor hugged her tight and patted her back. “I’m alright, Twilight, really.”

Twilight released a sigh of relief, she then turned to Unicorn, or rather Sunset. Even though she was unable to see Sunset’s face underneath the helmet, somehow, she could tell her friend was smiling at her.

“Thank you S – uh – mysterious stranger I’ve never seen before!” Twilight quickly said, almost saying her real name aloud.

“You’re welcome,” said Sunset.

Suddenly, Garble, the Beast Dopant, rose from the daze he was put in after getting hit in the face with a tire. The Dopant growled in anger as he laid eyes on the one responsible for the insulting blow.

“Who the hell are you!?”

Sunset turned and walked forward, putting herself between Garble and her friends. “The name’s Kamen Rider Unicorn! I’m the one who’s going to kick your ass!”

“Huh, a chick!? Fine, doesn’t make a difference to me! Boy or girl, you get in my way, I’ll kill you!”

Unicorn entered a fighting stance, and underneath the helmet, Sunset smirked confidently. “Bring it, lizard boy!”

The Beast Dopant roared and charged for Unicorn, the ethereal, aquamarine energy glowed and flowed towards Sunset’s feet. She sprinted forward, preparing to intercept Garble as she cocked back her right fist. Garble reared back his right arm, preparing to strike.

When they met in the middle, both Unicorn and the Beast Dopant thrust forward. Unicorn’s punch headed straight for the Beast Dopant’s snout, at the same time, the Dopant’s punch weaved around Unicorn’s arm and continued forward. The result was both punches making contact, with Garble initiating a cross counter. Sparks flew from both fighters, pushing them back a few feet before coming to a stop.

Sunset looked up, surprised that the Dopant was able to counterattack like that. Putting that aside for now, Sunset sprinted forward yet again, closing the distance between herself and the Dopant.

Unicorn came in with a right hook, which the Beast Dopant blocked with his left. Sunset recovered and spun on her heel, raising her leg to deliver a spinning kick. Garble saw the attack coming and jumped back to avoid it, the Beast Dopant waited until Unicorn was in recovery and attacked.

The Beast Dopant struck Unicorn in the chest with a straight punch, causing sparks to fly off. His next attack came from the left, with a hook punch to Unicorn’s right side, causing Sunset to grunt in pain from the impact. The Beast Dopant pulled back and jumped up to deliver a kick. Unicorn was able to catch the attack, blocking it with her forearms as she dug her heels into the street.

The Dopant landed on the ground and charged his claws with energy. Garble jumped into the air and slashed towards Unicorn, releasing twin arcs of energy in the form of an “X”.

Sunset looked up at the last second, too late to dodge the attack as it struck her. The ground around her exploded with fury, causing sparks to fly off from her form like a sparkler. Unicorn was thrown to the ground, rolling around until she came to a halt, grunting and groaning in pain.

Damn, he’s not like the Fang Dopant, this guy’s in full control of his actions, thought Sunset. Oh yeah, and he’s skilled.

Garble landed on the ground and laughed mockingly at the Kamen Rider. “That the best you got!? Guess you ain’t nothin’ without your bike!”

Sunset picked herself up, standing on wobbly legs. She needed an edge, she needed something extra, but what? Suddenly, the left hip port began to glow, drawing Sunset’s attention. She sensed something happening and pulled out the Fang Memory. The Gaia Memory glowed, as if resonating with the port.

“Alright, I guess I have no choice.” Sunset glanced at Twilight and Shining Armor, reaffirming her resolve as she stood firm. “Let’s do this!”

< FANG! >

Sunset slipped the Gaia Memory into the port hit the button.


Suddenly, the Fang symbol appeared behind Sunset. The symbol disappeared and the energy wrapped around Unicorn’s body. The pauldrons of her suit became curved and sharp, the tips of the fingers gaining sharp claws. The heels of her feet grew two long, curved spikes, while her arms grew segmented plates, along with the legs. Finally, Unicorn’s crystal, metal wrapped horn grew a couple of inches and curved like a katana blade. Parts of the suit were colored white, just like the Fang Dopant, but mixed with Unicorn’s colors as well.

“Unicorn: Fang Edge!”

Twilight’s eyes widened at Sunset’s newest transformation, the mystery of the second port had been revealed as a power up.

The Beast Dopant snorted. “So you changed up your outfit, big deal!”

Unicorn growled, her eyes glowing as she crouched low and flexed her claw tipped fingers. “If that’s how you feel, then bring it on!”

The Beast Dopant dashed towards Unicorn, but before he could get too close, Unicorn sprinted forward, appearing in front of Garble. She swiped her claws across his midsection, causing sparks to spray out and making Garble back up from the damage taken. It stung, but the quick healing of the Beast Memory was able to mend the damage.

Sunset growled and hit the button on the left drive port.


Unicorn’s right and left wrists suddenly grew two curved fang blades, giving off a sheen in the sunlight. Sunset moved with the speed of a raptor, getting in close to the Beast Dopant to deliver a charged slash with the right fang blade. A streak of blue light appeared and hit Garble diagonally across the chest, causing more sparks to fly. Unicorn followed up with an uppercut from her left fang blade, the force generated from the energy slash threw him into the air. Unicorn pressed the switch twice, making both arm fangs disappear.

\\ LEG FANG! //

Two fang blades appeared, one on Unicorn’s left ankle, and another on her right ankle. Unicorn jumped up, channeling her energy into her blades. She threw a spinning kick, launching the right ankle fang like a boomerang. While still in the air, Unicorn performed a second kick, launching the left ankle fang.

The two fangs sailed through the air, appearing as spinning blue discs of destruction. Garble was helpless as the two spiraling fangs made contact, hitting him from the back and the front, exploding in midair and sending the Beast Dopant crashing to the ground.

Unicorn landed back on terra firma, she then stuck out her right leg, allowing the fang blade to reconnect. With perfect control, she dropped her right leg and spun around, catching the second fang blade, and returned to a standing position. Finally, Unicorn pressed the button on her left port three times and her two legs fang blades disappeared.

\\\ HORN FANG! ///

Unicorns’ curved horn grew out into a crescent blade, Sunset took out the Fang Memory from the port, inserted it into the right port, and hit the button.


“Time to restore harmony!”

Unicorn’s horn blade gathered energy to it, blue raging energy, and ethereal, wispy green particles. The crystal portion of the horn glowed brighter and brighter, storing all the power it could. Garble got up, roaring with all his wrath and energizing his two claws in preparation to counterattack.

Unicorn jumped up into the air, spinning three times in the air and released the energy, creating a long blade of pure power.


Unicorn angled her head down, bringing the glowing energy blade down on the Beast Dopant. Garble could not counterattack as the blade hit him on the head and sliced through him, down the middle. The energy blade disappeared, with the Beast Dopant having a large blue-green gash running down his center.

Kamen Rider Unicorn slowly rose back up, at the same time, Garble went down, and exploded grandly, sending up fire and debris as Unicorn’s silhouette remained shimmering in the glow of the detonation.

When the explosion settled, Garble was lying on the street, with dark bags under his eyes, and groaning. Unicorn’s Fang Edge form disengaged as she walked towards Garble, spotting the Gaia Memory that he had used to transform. Sunset noticed that it looked very different from the Fang and Unicorn Memory, but she was sure that Twilight could figure it out once she retrieved it.

But just as she reached for it, the Gaia Memory broke apart, startling Sunset a bit. What the hell…? It shattered?

Sunset gathered the pieces into her hand, figuring she could at least take something back to get analyzed later. With that settled, Unicorn ran back to Twilight and Shining Armor to check on them.

“You two alright?” Unicorn asked.

Shining Armor nodded in response. “Yeah, we’re fine…um…who were you again?

Sunset rubbed the back of her helmet in a nervous fashion. “Kamen Rider Unicorn, just your friendly neighborhood monster buster!” Unicorn titled her head as she heard the sirens in the distance. “And that’s my cue to make a dramatic exit, stay safe!”

The Kamen Rider hurried to her bike, revved the engine, and peeled off down the road, leaving both Twilight and Shining Armor alone, until the police finally arrived and surrounded the area.

“Kamen Rider Unicorn…” Shining muttered.

“She’s pretty amazing, right?” Twilight asked, her voice betraying a hint of pride.

“Yeah, amazing…” And dangerous.

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