• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,733 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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C: Crisis at Crystal Prep / The Winds of Change! (Edited)

The following day, Vice Principal Luna had met Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle in the quad, she approached the duo and told them “We will be leaving for Crystal Prep, as two of our brightest students, it would be prudent to establish better relations. And I believe it would be nice if Miss Sparkle could revisit her friends at the Academy.”

Of course, Sunset and Twilight accepted the offer, understanding that this was the ruse the older woman was planning on using to get them to Crystal Prep under the radar. After clearing it with Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna had both girls enter her car and they drove off to Crystal Prep.

Now alone, Luna sighed heavily and glanced to her passengers in the rearview mirror. “I am sorry, again, to ask this of you two. I know you’re still recovering from the Friendship Games, Miss Sparkle, but if there was anyone who could spot something amiss, it would be someone familiar with the student body.”

Twilight shook her head. “No, don’t worry Ms. Luna, I don’t mind. Especially if it’s to help Dean Cadance. And while we’re on the subject, there’s something you should know.”

Sunset and Twilight explained – with some parts omitted – about Sunset sneaking off to Crystal Prep to do a little recon on the school, and how she narrowly escaped getting killed by some creature.

“Is this…another magic related mishap?” Luna asked.

Both girls glanced to each other, as if having a silent conversation. After a couple of seconds, they came to some kind of consensus.

“Yes, and no, let’s just say it may be related to that masked hero on the news yesterday, and that monster they faced,” said Sunset.

“Just when I thought I understood – or at least had a vague idea – of how this magic works, something new pops up,” said Luna.

The feeling is mutual, Twilight and Sunset thought.


After an hour drive, Luna, Sunset, and Twilight arrived at the gilded site of Crystal Prep Academy. Both girls were already on edge, with Sunset ready to call the Uni-Driver at any time to transform. Inside Twilight’s backpack was the automaton Hawk she had created, probably her only means of defense at this time.

The trio walked down the smooth and polished stone path and past the crystal-like columns, once they entered through the doors, they were treated to a plethora of students who were walking about, either in the middle of transitioning to their next class or enjoying a free period.

Ahead of them they saw a couple of people they weren’t expecting to see right off the bat. Dean Cadance was standing there, her usual kind and warm smile brightening up the room. Next to her was Sunny Flare, and on her right arm was a red band that had the words “Student Liaison”.

All three CHS members were surprised to see her, given what they knew of the situation. However, they had to remain oblivious and ignorant of what they did know, approaching this as if they had no idea what was going on.

“Dean Cadance,” said Luna.

“Vice Principal Luna,” replied Cadance in a cheery tone.

Both women extended their hands towards each other and shook, maintaining their air of professionalism.

“It has been…awhile since I last was able to talk to you, are you well?” Luna asked.

“Yes, it’s just that things have been a little crazy around here. Principal Cinch has become ill and has taken a few days off to recover. I’ve been busy taking over her responsibilities until she gets back, so it’s been a bit hectic, sorry if I haven’t returned any of your calls.”

Luna wished she could feel at ease with that explanation, however, knowing what she knew, Cadance either had to be lying to protect the students, or was already under the control of the monster Twilight and Sunset spoke of.

“Well, so long as you’re alright.”

“Twilight Sparkle,” said Sunny Flare as she walked up to the bespectacled girl.

Twilight steeled herself and gulped. “Um, yes, Sunny Flare?”

Sunny hung her head a little low. “I want to say that I’m sorry, for what we put you through during the Friendship Games, and what…Principal Cinch did.”

“N-No need to apologize, it’s fine!” Twilight assured.

“No, it’s not ‘fine’! We…We were inconsiderate…self-centered, and just horrible people all around. But, with Vice Principal Luna’s permission of course, I’d like to show you around, let you see how we’ve tried to make things better.” Sunny Flare looked to Sunset. “Of course, I’d like it if the girl who saved Twilight and everybody at the Games accompany us. Who better to see the progress we made than the one who showed us the meaning of the word ‘friendship’?”

Sunset glanced to Luna, who nodded.

“We’d be happy to,” said Twilight.


“Well, I’ll talk to Vice Principal Luna in my office, this way please,” said Cadance.

Sunset and Twilight followed Sunny Flare, feeling a little anxious about leaving Luna alone. They had hoped that Dean Cadance wasn’t a Thrall, or worse that Dean Cadance was the holder of the Queen Memory.

“Things have been changing around here, Twilight, the girls and I have been making great strides towards that,” said Sunny Flare.

“O-O-Oh, how so?” Twilight asked.

“Well for one thing, Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet head up a student counseling department, in order to prevent others from feeling neglected, they have a place to talk about their problems, and solutions towards them.”

Sunny Flare led them to a room marked “Student Counseling Room”. Through the window they could see Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet, and a few other students, sitting down with various other students. From there she continued to another part of the school, where music was seeping out in a kind of funky, hypnotic beat.

“Lemon Zest took a few hints from Pinkie Pie and decided to bring a little cheer into the school, so now she’s taken charge of entertainment via the Student Clubhouse, a dedicated room for students to hang out, relax, and unwind a little.”

Sunset and Twilight peeked into the room, and sure enough the neon green haired girl was behind a turntable, bobbing her head as she masterfully crafted the beats. Twilight recognized many of the students, Fleur De Lis, among them, who looked particularly less perturbed and actually smiling and laughing. The tour continued, taking the two CHS girls through many halls and peeking in on several classrooms to see how the new Crystal Prep was doing. Although, neither could shake the uneasiness, knowing what was really happening.

How many of the students were Thralls? Who had the Queen Memory? Could they trust that Sunny Flare wasn’t a Thrall? They knew Indigo Zap was, and some of the girls from the archery range, but did that also mean that Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, and Lemon Zest were Thralls? Or were there only some who were Thralls and others who were not? In which case, the list of trustable people in the school was quite low.

Sunset decided to poke the hornet’s nest and strode beside Sunny. “I really like what you’ve done so far with the school, the atmosphere isn’t as oppressive as I was made to believe.”

Sunny Flare chuckled. “Thank you, honestly it was. Everyone striving for the number one spot, almost cutthroat. Now though, well, we still strive to the be best, but we’ve realized that there’s no point if we become total assholes because of it. Um, pardon my French.”

“No problem, still, I can’t imagine Principal Cinch is exactly thrilled with this change in mentality. It’s probably driving her up the walls,” said Sunset.

Sunny Flare stopped walking, almost having Twilight bump into her back from the sudden stop. “Oh, I don’t think Principal Cinch, has much say in these activities. So long as the grades and standards are met, ends justify the means.”

The fiery haired girl was studying Sunny’s demeanor, she noticed a slight twitch of the eyebrow and tightening of her jaw when she brought up Abacus Cinch. At this point, Twilight interjected. “Um, Sunny, if it’s at all possible, I would like to speak to Principal Cinch.”

The purple haired girl whirled around and looked at her in disbelief. “W-Why would you?! She blackmailed you and coerced you into unleashing that magic stuff that turned you into a monster! Why would you want to even see her, much less be around her?”

Twilight steeled her nerves as she stood proudly. “Because I want to show her that having friends, and enjoying life, doesn’t mean that you’re not the best. One can be smart and strong, and still have those close to them without shutting out that which makes a person who they really are.”

Sunny Flare was about to say something, that is until Indigo Zap rounded the corner and skidded to a halt before Sunny. “Indigo, what’s wrong?” The spiky haired girl leaned in close and whispered into her ear, Sunny’s expression went from a raised eyebrow and then confusion. “So sorry girls, I have a matter that needs seeing to, but Indigo can finish up the tour. Do you mind?”

Indigo Zap waved off the concern. “No prob, I got it.”

With that settled, Sunny left, and now Indigo Zap was with them. The sports girl quickly focused on Twilight and rushed to the nerdy girl, draping her right arm over her shoulders and shooting her a wide grin. “Sparkle, have ya been?!”

Twilight, who was blushing for some reason, chuckled. “I-I’m doing fine, Indigo, I’ve liked what you’ve done with the school so far.”

“Eh, we still got a long way to go. Hey, Sunset right, nice to see you again!”

Sunset’s left eye twitched, for some reason, seeing Indigo Zap hang all over Twilight, and seeing Twilight blush because of it, was irritating Sunset on a level. “It’s great to see you, too!”

“We totally need to have a rematch, I heard you ride all the time!”

“Well…y-yeah I do.”

“Sweet, maybe we could head to this track I know later after school?”

Twilight glanced to Sunset, and Sunset to Twilight. “Sounds great…!”


Luna walked alongside Cadance, neither had said much outside the occasional observation here and there. It was starting to worry Luna, honestly. Normally Cadance wouldn’t be that shy about showing how close they were, but now she was kind of being reserved, which was not like her at all, even for a place like Crystal Prep. During their walk, Luna couldn’t also help but worry for her two students. She knew from past occurrences that Sunset Shimmer was crafty, quick witted, and as far as she knew a bit of a brawler. So, there was little worry that the former bad girl of CHS could handle herself if the need to fight had to arise. However, Twilight Sparkle was not a fighter, sharp and brilliant, yes, but hopefully she had enough fight to get out of trouble or spot it before it happened.

“We’re here, Luna,” said Cadance.

Luna snapped herself out of her thoughts and looked to Cadance’s office door. The fuchsia woman opened the door and allowed Luna to enter first. As in keeping with the crystal theme of the school, Cadance’s desk was made of dark oak wood, with crystal edging on the sides, as well as the top of the desk being made of sturdy crystal. Behind her desk was a window that provided ample lighting and gave a nice view of the trees and city skyline in the distance. On the right wall hung her many diplomas in teaching and child psychology, and on her left wall were pictures of herself with some of the students. As well as a more recent one that had Twilight and the six girls who had saved the Canterlot High more than once.

As soon as the door clicked behind them, Luna turned around and prepared to barrage Cadance with multiple questions, but she never got the chance to say anything as her friend launched herself and drew Luna into a tight hug, surprising Luna and causing her to blush. “Um…uh…C-Cadance…?”

“I’m so glad you came Luna! I was so worried that she might see past this excuse to have you all here and…”

Luna could feel Cadance trembling, which only served to steel herself and remain steadfast. “It’s alright, I’m here. What’s happening?”

Cadance slowly parted from Luna and sat on the edge of the desk. “The students, they’re not themselves.”

“How do you mean?” Luna asked.

“Sunny Flare and her friends really are trying to make Crystal Prep friendlier; I remember after the Friendship Games they came to me wanting to draw up a plan to make that happen. Your students really inspired them, Luna.”

The light-blue woman blushed at the praise. “I can’t take the credit; those girls are amazing people. I feel honored to be their teacher.”

Cadance nodded to that. “Anyway, we started, but the plan was derailed a lot by Principal Cinch.”

Shocking, Luna thought.

“She saw the girls’ attempts as a waste of time and energy, that it was imperative, now more than ever, that Crystal Prep’s reputation be outstanding. The loss of the Friendship Games hit her hard, losing Twilight, the brightest student in the school, was an even worse blow. Most of the faculty could see this for what it was, but Cinch has too much clout and influence that they couldn’t go against her without risking their jobs.”

Luna leaned on the desk and smirked. “Somehow I don’t see you as one to worry about such things.”

Cadance smiled. “You’re right, I’m not. I repeatedly went to Principal Cinch to petition the proposal set by the girls to help make the students feel less stressed and create a less cutthroat environment for them. But she wouldn’t hear any of it. I felt so bad for Sunny Flare…”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Why her, specifically?”

“Abacus Cinch is the mother of Sunny Flare.” Cadance waited for that to sink in, and it did, if Luna’s shocked expression was any indication. “So, you can imagine the kind of stress she was going through, dealing with this issue both at school and at home. And…well…”

“What else?” Luna asked.

“Sunny came out to me a few months back before the games. Apparently, it didn’t set well with Principal Cinch and I had to play counselor to them, thankfully she hasn’t done anything to her, but neither has she fully embraced that side of Sunny either.”

Luna felt she could relate a little to the young girl, especially considering who it was she was standing next to.

“I seem to be a magnet for others to come out to, considering how we were in college,” said Cadance.

“Well, we were girlfriends for a brief time…do you regret it? Any of it?” Luna asked with a bit of hesitance.

Cadance placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled kindly. “I don’t, I now know I swing that way too, and the time we spent together was fun, and warm. But I just didn’t see it going further. Sorry…”

“Don’t be, I’m glad you found somebody else, although I was not expecting it to be Twilight’s older brother,” said Luna with a raised eyebrow and coy smile.

“Do not tell her, Shining Armor and I will tell her when we’re ready.”

Luna rolled her eyes at that, knowing that the day she does find out will be their wedding day. Now that Luna thought about it, there was something about Cadance’s words that seemed off. “Cadance, if Abacus Cinch was against this, why does it appear that the atmosphere has changed, or did something change it?”

Cadance tensed up. “After the Friendship Games, things that I used to think were fairytales are suddenly starting to seem less farfetched, so…after seeing what she could do, I couldn’t deny it, or fight against her.”

“Who Cadance?”


Sunny Flare rounded the next corner and opened the door to one of the empty classrooms. “So, this is the girl who was meddling around?”

The girl in question was sitting in a chair, wearing a red trench coat, a gray-brown hat, and sunglasses, who was tied to the chair and had a rag wrapped around her mouth.

“Nice Shadow Spade cosplay, but you better tell me what you were doing snooping around the school?” Sunny Flare threatened.

She then snapped her fingers and Upper Crust removed the rag. “Sunny Flare it’s me Rarity!”

Sunny’s eyes went wide as she quickly moved closer, carefully removing the glasses and hat and revealing the long, violet curled locks of CHS’s fashionista, Rarity. She dropped the items and placed her hands over her mouth in shock. “R-Rarity?! What are you doing here?!”

“I came to find out what had happened to you, so – in a fit of desperation – I snuck out of school and came to Crystal Prep to speak to you, but then I was so rudely assaulted and taken in as if I were some sort of criminal,” said Rarity as she looked to Jet Set and Upper Crust.

“Untie her immediately!” Sunny ordered.

Both the boy and girl removed the ropes that bound Rarity, allowing her to rise as she rubbed the spots where the rope had pushed against her. “Leave us, I want no one interrupting us.” Jet Set and Upper Crust nodded and hurriedly exited the room, shutting the door behind them. Sunny Flare moved closer to Rarity and rubbed gently against the spots where the rope had bound her. “I am so sorry, Rarity, are you okay?!”

“Yes, Darling, I may look delicate, but I am quite tougher than I look,” said Rarity with pride.

Sunny smiled. “I don’t doubt that at all.”

Rarity moved to another chair and looked Sunny Flare in the eyes. “But on a more serious note, are you okay? I’ve tried to call and text you several times, but it was as if you had dropped off the face of the Earth, I…I may have overreacted but…”

Sunny Flare sighed as she shook her head. “No…No…It’s my fault, I’ve just been busy with some things here at CPA, and…at home.”

The violet haired girl noticed a hint of sadness in her friend’s voice. “Darling, if there’s something wrong you can tell me. I don’t know if I can help, but if I can I’d like to try, or at the very least lend an ear.”

Sunny turned her back to Rarity, she couldn’t believe just how sincere and generous this girl was. She was beautiful, creative, strong, and full of concern for others, but then again, if there was one person Sunny knew would listen to her, could possibly understand what she was trying to do, it was Rarity.

“Rarity…we’re friends, right?”

Rarity gave Sunny an incredulous look. “Sunny Flare, of course we are.”

“And…you’d listen to me, right? Even if they were hard things to talk about…things that might make you see me differently?” Sunny asked.

Rarity placed her hands gently on Sunny’s shoulders. “I promise you; I will hear you out, Darling. Nothing you say will make me see any differently. For goodness sakes, Sunset Shimmer turned into a She Demon, and now she’s one of my dearest friends, and the same can be said of Twilight. Sunny Flare, I’m here for you, right now.”

Sunny Flare felt as if she was going to cry, she gently placed her hand over Rarity’s, feeling strength coming from it. “I…I…I like girls Rarity…and I think I like you that way.”

“Oh…Oh my, well okay, that’s not as bad as I thought.”

“You’re not angry about that?”

“I find it flattering, Darling, knowing I can turn the heads of boys and girls alike.”

Sunny chuckled, of course she would be flattered by that.

“And in all honesty, I don’t believe in stifling a chance at happiness because I’ve been waiting for a prince charming, no one ever said that prince can’t be a girl,” said Rarity.

Sunny Flare turned around and gave Rarity a hug, making the fashionista squeak in surprise from the action. But after a moment, Rarity returned the hug when she heard Sunny Flare crying. “Thank you, Rarity, I was so afraid you would hate me! I-I don’t know if I could take losing you as a friend because of that!”

“Shh, it’s alright Darling, you don’t have to worry about that.”

“But I do! Because…that’s not all I have to tell you.” Sunny Flare reluctantly removed herself from Rarity and took a few steps back. “I tried so hard to make this school better, me and my friends, but she kept getting in the way of it all! She just…just couldn’t see how badly she acted towards Twilight, and what came of it! You’d think seeing a black winged angel of death ripping reality apart would be a sobering experience, silly me, it wasn’t!”

“I struggled to make sure that would never happen again, but nothing I do would sway my Mother! And what’s worse, she kept pushing me after that, wanting me to be better, to be smarter than Twilight, to take the top spot! But that’s not the way, that’s not who I want to be!”

“Sunny…are you saying your mother…is Principal Cinch?” Sunny Flare nodded, grimly. “Sunny…please tell me you haven’t done something you’ll regret, please?”

Sunny Flare reached and gingerly took Rarity’s hand. “Follow me.”


Cadance and Luna carefully, but quickly made their way up the stairs, avoiding as many of the students as they could. It was confirmed by Cadance that the students and many of the faculty were being controlled, and were little more than drones, believing their actions are their own, but not really knowing that there was someone controlling them in the background of their minds.

“She didn’t want me to become a ‘Thrall’ as she called them, she trusted me, and wanted me to help her make Crystal Prep a nicer place, but I had to be careful,” said Cadance.

“And what of Principal Cinch?”

“She only said that she was ‘indisposed’.”

Luna and Cadance finally made it to the top floor and opened the door to Cinch’s office. The inside was just as intimidating as it was the last time Cadance had entered it. The low lightning, the long mostly empty space between the door and the desk, it was almost as if walking towards the gallows. But what was more disturbing was the pink cocoon that was lying on the desk. Luna and Cadance rushed towards it and inside they could see Principal Cinch in a state of suspended animation.

“Sunny Flare did this?” Luna asked.

“Yes…I should be thankful she didn’t kill her, but I’m worried. Worried that if she uses that power, she’ll become how Twilight did when she unleashed the magic,” said Cadance.

“Well, well, well, I’m very disappointed in you Dean Cadance.”

Luna and Cadance quickly turned around and saw Sunny Flare standing the doorway, along with Rarity. “Miss Rarity, what are you doing here?!” Luna asked.

“Um…Vice Principal Luna…I might have left school grounds without permission…”

“Sunny Flare, I know what you’re trying to do is good, but you can’t go about it like this! Bending another’s will is not the way!” Cadance stated.

“I’m not ‘bending’ their wills. I’m just nudging them in the right direction, the majority of the Thralls are acting on their own, as they would normally, but in the new environment I’ve created, no one ever has to feel alone, isolated, or feel as if they were the next Sacrifices in the Starvation Trials book!”

“Sunny, listen to me, whatever magic you have come into position of, you can fight its influence! I’ve seen the good and bad that can come from it firsthand!” Luna argued.

Sunny Flare glared at the two women. “Adults, always think they can make things better. You always say, ‘We were young once too’, but that was in your time, not in the here and now! So, I won’t hear it anymore! I’ll make sure this school, and everyone, treats each other better! Even if it means having to silence you two as well.”

“Sunny what are you–!” Rarity spoke.

The mint-blue girl pulled out a USB device from her skirt pocket, pulled down her collar, and pressed the button on the device.

< QUEEN! >

Sunny pressed the Gaia Memory against her neck, the device shimmered and infused itself into her neck, disappearing completely. In that same moment, Sunny’s body underwent a transformation. Hot pink light coated her body, morphing it into a new form. Now the Queen Dopant was before them, her purple eyes shining bright in the dim lightning of the office space.

“S-S-Sunny Flare?!” Rarity gasped.


In true Rarity fashion, the fashionista fainted, but Sunny reached out with her power and caught her before she could hit the ground and raised her up. She then brought the girl she cared for into her arms, and then glared at both women. “I assume, that Twilight and Sunset Shimmer are here to help you, right?”

“Sunny leave them alone!” Cadance stated.

“I won’t hurt Twilight, this school’s hurt her enough. As for Sunset? In respect for what she’s done, I’ll just have them thrown out, I can’t promise what will happen if they try to return. As for you two…”

Sunny Flare thrusted her left hand forward and released strands of pink light that wrapped around both Luna and Cadance, after a few seconds both women were encased in pink cocoons. Sunny looked to Rarity, an expression of regret befell her features, this was not the way she wanted to reveal this power to her friend, to her crush, but there was no turning back now. The golden crown atop the Queen Dopant’s head began to radiate with energy, sending an invisible wave as she gave her commands to the Thralls.

“Hear my command: Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer are to be taken off school grounds. By force if they resist.”


Sunset and Twilight were on their way to the gymnasium, Indigo having challenged Sunset to an archery shoot out. Twilight leaned in close to Sunset and asked. “Do you even know how to use a bow?”

“I used to take some basic archery back in Equestria from the Royal Guard, most unicorns don’t bother learning it because they rely on their magic for offense, but you never know when somepony might have a magic canceller device laying around. Then you’re screwed.”

Both girls stopped when they noticed Indigo had stopped in the middle of the hallway, she pressed her right index and ring finger against the Bluetooth device on her ear and shot them her usual grin. “Hey, so, sorry to say guys that the tour is over. Just got a call from Dean Cadance that Vice Principal Luna’s waiting for you outside, something urgent came up.”

Twilight and Sunset glanced to each, suspicious of that. “Okay, so then Vice Principal Luna must’ve given you the password,” said Sunset.

“Password?” Indigo asked.

“Yep, Vice Principal Luna set it up a safe to make sure that we don’t leave unless she gives it. It’s to prevent abductions by unsavory people,” said Twilight.

“Password…right, um…let me…just confirm that.”

Indigo turned around placed her right hand against her right ear. During this time, Twilight reached into Sunset’s backpack and pulled out the Uni-Driver, and placed it into her hand, while Sunset stealthily pulled out the Unicorn Memory from her jacket pocket. Indigo Zap turned around looking a bit nervous.

“The password is ‘We are Wondercolts forever’.”

“Yep,” Sunset and Twilight stated.


“Except for one thing, there is no password,” said Sunset.


Sunset quickly placed the buckle against her waist, making the belt release its metal loop and closing around her waist.


The fiery haired girl slipped the Gaia Memory into the slot and slammed down on it with her left hand.


A field of energy formed around Sunset, and in just a matter of seconds she was placed into her suit of armor, eyes glowing upon her helmet as Sunset assumed her heroic identity, Kamen Rider Unicorn. The masked hero quickly thrusted her hand forward, calling her telekinetic spell to wrap around Indigo, she then pulled back bringing Indigo close to her and gave a light punch to the sports girl’s stomach. The blow, although light, was still much stronger than a normal punch, having enough power to knockout Indigo Zap. The Q symbol briefly appeared on her forehead, but soon Indigo lost consciousness.

“Guess the jig is up, the Queen knows why we’re here,” said Sunset.

“We have to find out who’s the Queen Dopant fast, but how?!”

“Simple, we make her come to us! Stay close behind me!”

Unicorn ran down the halls, with Twilight right behind her. Along the way they came face to face with many other Crystal Preppers and Faculty members, each bearing the Q, their eyes glowing pink as they were imbued with the otherworldly energy of the Queen Memory. Sunset slammed her hand against the floor, sending a wave of energy through it and making the ground rumble. The result caused a shockwave that tripped up everyone, and while in midair, Unicorn used her telekinetic spell to slam them against the walls for a swift knockout.

Many a time someone tried to grab for Twilight, but thankfully she was able to beat them back with a quick hit with her backpack, prompting Sunset to ask, “What the heck do you have in there?”

“Books, Hawk, and more books!”

Sunset rolled her eyes under the helm and pressed on. They needed to get into an open space, fighting inside made it too easy to get ganged up on, and would cause too many casualties when she fought the Queen Dopant one on one if she would even allow her to get that close. Sunset stopped as she looked at a wall. “Hey, is the track field on this side?”

“I-I think so, but–!”

Unicorn balled up her right fist, charged it with magical energy and struck the wall, pulverizing most of it and creating a large hole in it. When the dust settled, Unicorn and Twilight stared wide eyed. Apparently, Twilight was trying to warn Sunset that, yes, the track field was on the other side of the wall, but that behind the wall was also the girl’s locker room. Many of the girls were either wrapped in towels or in the middle of changing, and each one had a look of shock on their faces. Sunset and Twilight had the same expression as well, but their faces were beet red. The only thing that helped was that Sunset’s Unicorn helmet obscured her face.


“We’ll…just be leaving…now.

Both girls dashed down the hallway and heard a collective scream coming from the hall behind them, making a solemn vow that they would never speak of that ever again. Thankfully they happened upon the doors to the field, Unicorn kicked them open and hurried with Twilight to the center of the track field and prompted Twilight to take cover.

“Queen! I know you can hear me! Come and fight me or are you that cowardly that you would send all these people to fight me?! What kind of leader just sits by and doesn’t join the fight?!”

A blast came out from one of the towers, and from it floated out the Queen Dopant, and in her arms, she held another girl, one that both Twilight and Sunset knew well.



“What did you do to her?!” Unicorn accused.

“I did nothing, she just fainted.”

No surprise there, Sunset and Twilight thought.

The fashionista began to stir as her blurry vision came into focus, her first sight being that of a pink creature holding her. Her first instinct was to scream, but then she remembered that this pink creature was in fact someone else. “SUNNY FLARE!”

The Queen Dopant released Rarity, allowing her stand upon her two feet. “Rarity, I can explain…”

“What is all this?” Rarity looked around and watched as several of Crystal Prep’s staff and students came out, each bearing the Q mark on their bodies, eyes glowing pink, and reverberating in rhythm with Sunny’s crown. “Sunny, are you doing all this?”

Sunny Flare hugged her body. “I did all this for them, for everyone who was feeling crushed by this place!”

Unicorn walked towards them, but a group of students and staff blocked her path, and leading the group were Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap, having regained consciousness. Sour Sweet was dressed in her archery gear, and walked forward, along with six other girls who were geared up as well. All seven notched an arrow, the tips glowing with pink energy as they readied to fire at Unicorn.

“You say that, and yet look at what you’re having them do! They are not your militia, trust me when I say that this is not the way!”

The Queen Dopant scoffed. “You think I’ve been controlling them this whole time?! NO! Up until now, I’ve had everyone do as they wished. Everything I showed you was all true, we’ve worked hard to make this place better! I used this power to help with that, to show them that this school can have a high academic reputation, and not be a place of oppressiveness! The only one who stood in the way of that was my MOTHER! Now you’re coming here to disrupt everything we’ve worked hard to build!”

“SUNNY!” Rarity shouted, making the Queen Dopant look down at her. “Do not let yourself be consumed by whatever this power is! You saw firsthand how power can turn an innocent thing into a monstrous disaster!” Upon saying that, Rarity glanced to Twilight. “No offense, Darling.”

“None taken,” said Twilight with a sigh.

“Sunny, you can still achieve all of that, but using this power will just make things worse!” Rarity pleaded.

“I can’t, I have to continue, I have to fix this school! No…not just this school, the city too, it’s full of people who shun others and think only of themselves, they need a leader to stop it all, they need a Queen!” Sunny declared as her eyes shined bright, and her aura flared.

“This isn’t good, Sunset we have to separate her from the Memory, it’s warping her mind the longer she uses it like that!” Twilight stated.

Unicorn nodded and dashed straight for the Queen Dopant. Unfortunately, in doing so, she prompted the archers to release their arrows. The pink comets zoomed towards Unicorn and exploded around her, another wave was loosed, and even more explosions went off. A few of the arrows hit their marks, exploding against Unicorn’s armor and sending sparks of light shooting off her body.



Unicorn Fang Edge emerged from the smoke, both arms having sprouted crescent blades from them. The archers released more arrows, and as they got close, Unicorn sliced them in midair, cutting off their energy and turning them back into normal arrows. Blades of blue light slashed against pink as Sunset continued to head towards the Queen. But it was not over, the Queen Dopant gave the telepathic order and had Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, and Indigo Zap charge for Unicorn.

Sunset growled with indignation, canceling the Arm Fang and resorting to fists. Lemon Zest jumped into the air, spun once, and came down with a blazing ax kick. Unicorn brought up her forearms and blocked the attack. However, in doing so, she left herself open as Sugarcoat and Indigo came in with a double side kick to her stomach. The empowered strikes hit Unicorn hard, sending her flying back and causing more sparks to shoot out from the point of impact.

Sunset eventually landed on her back, a few feet away from where she was earlier. The attack had forcibly canceled out Fang Edge form. Damn, I can’t fight them. In this form I could seriously hurt them, and there are way too many to use my magic on. If only I could get around them without hurting them or Rarity. Unicorn heard a whistling sound and watched as several arrows came flying from the sky and were about to strike her position.

“SUNSET!” Twilight shouted.

Just then, the sound of howling wind kicked up, causing Twilight to quickly place both hands on her skirt to keep it from flying up. The wind started to take on a greenish, shimmering tint as it flowed straight for Sunset. In less than a few seconds a green orb flew towards Sunset and created a barrier of wind around her, deflecting the arrows before they reached their target.

Unicorn stood up slowly and looked upon the orb, she placed her hand into it and felt something. Once she grabbed it, the orb shattered and revealed a new Gaia Memory, colored green with a wispy, stylized “C”. “A new Memory?” Sunset looked ahead at the many Thralls, and beyond them to the Queen Dopant, Sunny Flare, who would soon be consumed by the power of the Gaia Memory. “Let’s see what you can do!” Unicorn shouted as she pressed the button.


Unicorn placed the Gaia Memory into her left hip holster and hit the button on the side.


Sparkling emerald wind swirled around Sunset as a new power rushed into her body and transformed her into a new Mimetic Drive form. When the tornado faded away, everyone looked on in awe. Unicorn’s forearm gauntlets had taken on a winged edge, parts of her armor were tinted the same emerald color and had wispy wind patterns engraved into them. Around her neck was a long, red, twin tailed scarf that flapped behind her. Upon her helmet, on the sides, were frills in the form of wings, the same that adorned sides of her boots.

“Unicorn: Mystic Cyclone!”

“ATTACK!” Queen ordered.

The archers took aim again and fired their arrows. Unicorn didn’t move, instead, she waved her hand in front of herself, and caused a whirlwind to kick up. The wind caused the arrows to veer off and hit the other arrows nearby them, exploding upon contact. Unicorn crouched low, and jumped into the air, the wind aiding her ascent as she rose higher and higher. She then focused the wind to form a hardened surface below her feet as she vaulted off it. Her scarf flattened out, becoming gliding wings for her as she dove straight for Queen.

Queen prepared to blast her with an energy orb, but at the last second, Unicorn changed course and swooped down to scoop up Rarity into her arms and flew away before Queen knew what happened. Unicorn gently floated down back to the ground, landing a few feet away from where Queen was. Rarity looked upon Unicorn, she had seen the masked hero on TV, and yet, despite meeting her for the first time, she felt familiar. When she saw Twilight over in the distance, it made sense to her.

“Sunset Shimmer?” Rarity asked.

“You got it. We’ll explain later,” said Sunset.

The Kamen Rider turned around to find a very angry Queen Dopant glaring at her.

“I understand what you’re trying to do, it’s noble. But you’re letting that power corrupt your ideals.” Unicorn took out the Cyclone Memory and placed it into her right hip holster. “It’s time to restore harmony.”


Unicorn crouched low as glowing emerald wind wrapped around her, she then jumped into the sky, gathered more of the emerald winds to her. Facing her target below, Unicorn thrust both of her feet forward, on the outside it looked as if a jade tornado was descending from the skies above. Queen lobbed one energy orb after the other, but each time it got near the tornado, the turbulent winds caused the orbs to shoot off in another direction and explode harmlessly in the distance.


The tornadic winds struck the Queen Dopant, forcing her to remain where she was. Unicorn came with her dual blazing feet of emerald light and struck the Queen at the center of her chest. The impact caused a magnificent explosion within the tornado, ending with Unicorn skidding to a stop some feet away from where the explosion took place. When she stood up, it was revealed that Unicorn held within her hand the Queen Memory, and when the dust cleared, Sunny Flare was back to normal.

All of a sudden, the staff and students all fainted, the Q marks all faded away, no longer were they EnThralled. Rarity rushed to Sunny Flare’s side and was relieved when she found her friend still breathing. Sunny Flare stirred and opened her eyes to see Rarity looking down at her, mascara running as she cried. “You’re ruining your makeup.”

“I don’t care right now, I’m just glad you’re alright,” said Rarity as she continued to cry happy tears.

Sunny smiled and hugged her friend.


Case Report: Queen Dopant

It has become evidently clear that the Gaia Memories, while holding tremendous power, are dangerous in the wrong hands. And tend to warp the ideals and mindset of those who come into contact with them. My belief is that this partially due to direct contact with the Gaia Memory. Sunset Shimmer, while using the Uni-Driver, can safely access the powers of the Gaia Memories without being subjected to any mental alteration. If I had to compare its use, it is almost like a drug, some will have a high tolerance and might be able to resist the negative effects of the Memory, while others are less tolerant and may actually do more harm to themselves and others.

In the case of Sunny Flare, she wished to make Crystal Prep Academy a place that not only excelled in academics but also relationships between students and faculty, much like Canterlot High School. Unfortunately, Sunny Flare’s efforts were continuously thwarted by her mother, Principal Abacus Cinch.

Due to this emotional stress, combined with her ambitions, must have made her a perfect match for the Queen Memory. With it she was able to silence her mother for a period to implement her ideals to the school. Of course, with the aid of the Queen Memory, she was able to EnThrall them, but it seemed the EnThralling effect only went as far as she deemed.

After her defeat, it was apparent that many at the school did not even know that they were being controlled, it seems once her control was broken, all memory of being controlled was gone from the minds of the victims. As it turns out though, all of what Sunny Flare had accomplished did not come from the sole use of the Queen Memory, but by her own hands and the assistance of Dean Cadance. Dean Cadance herself did not find out until later what happened to Principal Cinch, and that’s when she contacted Vice Principal Luna for assistance.

It was nice to see that it didn’t take mind control to help CPA see a different way and knowing that their efforts were primarily their own gives me hope for my old school.

However, the same could not be said of Abacus Cinch…

“Twi, what are you doing?” Sunset asked.

Twilight looked up from her computer, remembering that Sunset had come over to her house and was patiently sitting on the edge of her bed. “Sorry, I was writing a report.”

Sunset quirked an eyebrow as she walked around and looked at the computer. “A report, on what?”

“On the Gaia Memories, and the Dopants that are created from them. I figured that keeping some notes on each incident would be more beneficial to us. That way we can look back on some of them in case we come across something conflicting or new.” Twilight explained.

“When did you start this?”

“A little after your battle with the Fang Dopant, I even made one for when you fought the Beast Dopant as well.”

“Huh,” said Sunset with intrigue. “So, we’re like investigators now.”

“Seems appropriate, given the recent events. How’s Rarity?”

Sunset got off the bed and walked to her window. “Rarity’s fine, she said she won’t tell the girls, but that we should probably tell them soon, or it’ll cause more problems for us than anything.”

“Makes since.”

Unlike the last two cases, this one ends on a bittersweet note. Principal Cinch, Dean Cadance, and Vice Principal Luna were cocooned during the fight. Dean Cadance and Vice Principal Luna were given a story that Sunset had turned into her alter form of Daydream Shimmer and used the Magic of Friendship to change Sunny Flare back to normal. I didn’t like lying to them like that but right now Kamen Rider Unicorn’s identity must remain secret.

But, unfortunately, Abacus Cinch remembered when Sunny Flare cocooned her, and was outraged with all the changes to the school that were made in her absence. She had threatened to change everything back, but thanks to the faculty and the students, no such thing was done. After the numerous complaints from students and staff alike about Abacus Cinch’s conduct, she was ousted as Principal of Crystal Prep Academy.

Abacus Cinch saw Sunny Flare’s hand in these events as an act of betrayal, and in the process, disowned Sunny Flare, throwing her out. Dean Cadance has taken up temporary guardianship as Sunny does not have any immediate family besides other than her mother. Hopefully Dean Cadance can obtain permanent guardianship, if nothing else, being around someone as kind and loving as Cadance will help to heal Sunny Flare.

Twilight saved her work and closed the computer screen. “So…are Rarity and Sunny…?”

Sunset shrugged and smiled. “I think they might want to be, but right now Sunny needs a friend more than anything.” The fiery haired girl looked into the distance as the sunset beget twilight. “T2 Gaia Memories, and the breakable one we saw a few days ago. Something is stirring in Canterlot, and it’s not good.”

Twilight got up from the bed and joined Sunset as she too stared out into city skyline. “Well then, we’ll just have to do what we can, this is a mystery, and we’ll solve it together. Kamen Rider.”

Sunset smiled, and Twilight returned with one of her own.

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