• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,734 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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K: Key to her Heart / For the one she cares for

After filling in Rainbow Dash on what had happened at the mall, Sunset and Rainbow were able to send an emergency call out to their friends, and after clearing up the misunderstanding, Windy gave both girls a lift to the hospital. Once there, they waited in the lobby for the girls to arrive, and in the meantime they were given a front row seat to the plethora of people who were brought in on stretchers in the same condition as what Sunset saw Twilight in. The fiery haired girl sat in the chair next to Rainbow, her foot tapping repeatedly and impatiently as every part of her body and mind screamed at her to run to Twilight and see her.

If it wasn’t for Rainbow and Windy, she’d have stormed away by now to look for her. Thankfully, the rest of the girls arrived and Windy Whistles went to ask the receptionist where Twilight Sparkle was, Sunset growled when she heard that old cliché about “Only family members at this time” line that she gave.

Buck that! Sunset thought as she readied to give the receptionist her two bits.

As if by divine intervention, Twilight Velvet and Night Light came rushing into the lobby. They quickly spotted Twilight’s friends and practically sprinted to them. “Sunset Shimmer? How’s Twilight, have you seen her?!” Velvet asked.

“They won’t let us in, family only,” said Sunset with a hint of venom.

Night strode up to the desk and asked, “Where is my daughter, Twilight Sparkle?! Her brother said she was here!”

“Yes sir, third floor, room 302,” said the receptionist.

Velvet and Night were about to move when they saw the group hadn’t budged from their spot. Night Light looked to them and said, “As far as I’m concerned, you all are family, and I think our little Twily would like to have you all with her.”

With smiles upon their faces, the group rode the elevator up to the third floor and were pointed to the ICU. Several people were brought in, the victims of the Key Dopant. They were brought to the room where Twilight was, but found Shining Armor sitting in a chair outside the room, hunched over, his hands held together in a prayer position as he pressed his forehead to them.

“Shiny!” Velvet cried.

Shining Armor raised his head and shot to his feet as he saw his parents and Twilight’s friends approach. Velvet hugged her eldest child fiercely, and looking him up and down to see if there were any injuries to him.

“I’m fine Mom, but…”

“How’s your sister?” Night Light asked.

“They’re running some tests on her right now, they asked me to step out,” said Shining Armor. It was then that his gaze fell on Sunset Shimmer and his eyes narrowed. “What are you doing here?”

Sunset Shimmer could feel the anger in his words and it made her take a cautious step back. “Me? Why wouldn’t I be here?”

“Because you abandoned her, that’s why!” Shining Armor barked. “You two left the house to go to the mall, I had a bad feeling about that and followed you two!”

“Shining Francis Armor!” Velvet exclaimed, aghast at her son’s actions.

“I’m glad I did though, when the attack happened, you just up and left Twilight! You ran away and didn’t even take her with you! Too busy saving your own skin!”

Sunset balled up her fists and glared at Shining Armor. “That’s not why I ran!”

Shining Armor took a step forward. “Really? Then tell me, what did you have to do that was so damn important that you left your ‘friend’ alone?! If I hadn’t been there –!”

Sunset took another step forward, practically in Shining Armor’s face now. Despite their height difference, Sunset showed that she didn’t care, it wasn’t height, but the aura of intimidation. “Yeah, if you hadn’t been, Twilight would be fine!”

“What was that?!”

“You heard me, Francis, I heard some cop tried to go one-on-one with that monster, shooting at it. If you had just focused on getting her out of there instead of acting like a dumb,” Sunset poked Shining Armor in the chest, “macho,” and again, “MAN OF THE LAW! Twilight would be at home talking about how close a call that was! But noooo, you just had to prove that you could take on a monster, when you knew damn well that Unicorn or Nasca would be by to stop that thing!”

Shining Armor gritted his teeth as he looked down at Sunset. “You realize you just technically assaulted an officer, right?”

“ENOUGH!” Windy shouted. “Look at you two, you’re seriously fighting over who’s at fault here?!” Windy looked to Sunset, “Your friend,” and then to Shining Armor, “your sister, is in the other room, she doesn’t need this kind of drama going on, so please, both you, cool down!”

Sunset and Shining felt their rage simmer down as Windy’s words took root. They stepped away from each other, with Shining Armor returning to his seat and giving a long sigh. Sunset backed off as well, with Fluttershy rubbing Sunset’s back soothingly to calm her down. After a couple of minutes of silence, the doctor emerged from Twilight’s room.

“Sir, how is she?” Night Light asked.

“I wish I had a definitive answer, but right now I don’t know. Her brain activity shows as if she’s in a coma-like state, but I’m more afraid of what will happen in a few hours,” he said.

“What exactly do you mean, what will happen to my daughter in a few hours?” Velvet asked.

The doctor looked like he didn’t want to worry them anymore than they already were. But as a medical professional, he had a duty to present them with the best and worst case scenarios. “She isn’t the first one, just a couple of days ago we had two cops from CCPD come with similar symptoms. They’ve been in the same state ever since, but slowly, some of their functions are shutting down. It is slow, and we’ve been doing all we can to keep them from slipping, if they stay in that state any longer they might…”

Velvet looked like the strength in her legs was going to go out, but thankfully Night Light and Shining Armor were able to keep her standing. “Can we go see her?” Shining asked.

“Surely, but only three at a time, I don’t want to overwhelm her with too much stimuli all at once.”

Twilight’s family went in first, leaving the others outside. A loud thumb caught the attention of the girls, when they looked towards the noise, they saw Sunset had punched a wall hard enough that there were small cracks on the surface, an action that caused her knuckles to bleed. Fluttershy gasped and quickly grabbed some gauze that were on a nearby table and rushed to her friend. But when she neared Sunset she snapped her arm away from Fluttershy.

“I don’t need that, this’ll heal in a few seconds! You know that now!” Sunset snapped. Fluttershy backed away, seeing the embers of anger in her friend’s eyes. Sunset realized who she had gotten angry at and immediately regretted it. “I-I’m sorry, Shy, I didn’t mean to snap at you…”

Fluttershy stepped forward again and placed her hands on Sunset’s shoulders. “It’s alright, Sunny, I know you’re angry about what happened to Twilight, but we’ll find a way to save her.”

Windy tapped her daughter’s shoulder and motioned with her head to an empty room. When both were in the room, Windy asked, “Has Unicorn contacted you?”

Rainbow Dash had to stop herself from glancing over her shoulder, she may have told her parents she was Nasca, but she wasn’t about to spill Sunset’s identity unless absolutely necessary. “Yeah, she told about the monster, she’s the one who got Twilight and her brother here to the hospital.”

“Thank gods for her doing that. Do you…do you need to go and see her? I mean, I can tell you want to catch the person who did this to your friend?” Windy asked.

Rainbow wanted nothing more than to chase down and beat the tar out of the guy who did that to Twilight. But Rainbow knew better, more than likely the Dopant was lying low after a fight like that, if he was smart. “No, she told to be on standby, she got roughed up a bit from the battle and needs to rest up. For now, I’ll just stick around here.”

Windy breathed a sigh of relief. “Rainbow Dash, just know that we meant what we said about being proud and supporting you as being a Kamen Rider, but just know that that doesn’t mean we still don’t worry about you. It’s still a little hard to just let you go out and fight monsters that could…”

Rainbow moved forward and gave her mother a hug, she understood. After what happened with Twilight, the roles could easily be reversed, she could be in the hospital bed, and bawling her eyes out like Mrs. Velvet was no doubt doing right now.


By the next morning, Sunset and Rainbow hit the ground running. Since Twilight was out, they could not access the Infinite Library, and therefore had no info on the Dopant they were fighting. But just as bad, Twilight’s technical expertise would make it harder for them to track down this Dopant. Thankfully, they had another kind of help. Sunset put in a call to Namby Pamby, who jumped at the chance to assist with a case like this. And so the girls found themselves back that the scene of the crime, with Sunset glaring at the battle ruined portion of the mall, replaying the battle over and over again, trying to figure out how she could’ve ended it quicker.

“There’s no point in beating yourself up, Sunset,” said Rainbow Dash. “Careful as you were, that Dopant was trickier than you expected.”

“Yeah,” said Sunset with disdain.

“Still can’t use your other Memories?”

Sunset shook her head. “No, my Unicorn Memory didn’t get hit, but Cyclone, Joker, Metal, Fang, and even the Shining Memory are locked up. I haven’t been able to activate them. I’ll just have to rely on the Unicorn Memory, and the mech-animals for assistance when we fight again.”

“Well, I still have Accel, but that’s not all the Gaia Memories, there’s still one more,” said Rainbow.

Sunset’s brow furrowed, she knew which Memory Rainbow Dash spoke of. The Queen Memory, the very one she saved Sunny Flare from some months ago. The one Gaia Memory that she hadn’t used since obtaining it. “No, I won’t go back to that!”

“Back to what?”

Rainbow and Sunset turned around and saw Namby walking up towards them.

“Nothing, thanks for coming,” said Sunset.

“I’m sorry about Twilight, we’ll figure out who the Dopant is and save everybody who he hurt,” said Namby with a determination.

All three headed off to the taped off area, luckily the majority of the security cameras were busted from the fighting, so no one would be able to point out that they were here. Sunset took Namby to the place where the Dopant started his rampage. Namby crouched down as she stared at the spot, and then took in the area a bit more.

“This isn’t where it started, rather, this is the middle,” said Namby.

“Come again?” Sunset asked.

“That’s what she – OOMP!” Rainbow was about to a rather bad joke, and sensing this, Sunset quickly elbowed her friend in the gut. “Not cool.”

Namby waved her hands to emphasis the area. “Look at this place, it’s trashed from here to the food court, but back here,” Namby pointed to the other end, “there’s no damage at all. I think something led up to this attack, and it starts down there.”

Sunset and Rainbow followed Namby as they crossed the police tape to the other end of the mall. Remarkably, nothing was damaged on this side, the Dopant focused is rampage on the other side were Twilight and Sunset were. As the got further away from the actual crime scene, the girls took stock of the security cameras in this area.

“Why would you think that?” Rainbow asked.

“There’s always a story behind everything, always a ‘why’. We just need to figure out the ‘why’ and then we’ll figure out the ‘who’,” said Namby as she opened her ExPad. “Read this.”

Sunset looked at the articles she brought up on the pad. “Robbery at local jewelry store, a string of robberies? Namby, where are you going with this?”

“You said the monster had locks and keys around it. The first article happened about two days ago, someone crudely broke into a story by smashing his way in through the window, and taking some diamonds. Soon after that, there more robberies for gemstones, money, and expensive designer clothing. Funny thing is, the thief got in without any alarms going off, as if he had key do the place.”

Rainbow put her hands as if to stop this train. “Whoa, whoa, so you’re saying that this Dopant is some two-bit thief?!”

Namby put up her right index finger. “It makes more sense. Think about it, why would the, uh, ‘Dopant’, who has been stealthily stealing expensive things, all of a sudden just rampage in the middle of a mall where everyone could see him and had the big risk of his face being seen?”

“Hold on, jewels, gems, money, and clothes…If he was just stealing this stuff for himself, the jewels, gems, and money would make since. You could sell the first two for more of the third, the clothes are the oddball here,” said Sunset as the gears in her head began to turn.

“So then he’s stealing this stuff for someone other than himself!” Rainbow reasoned.

“Exactly,” Namby confirmed. “I’m also willing to bet that something didn’t go right here today, the buyer probably wanted more or something that caused the Dopant to become emotionally unstable, and drunk on the power of his device, transformed and vented his frustrations on everyone around him.”

The notion that Twilight was in the hospital because someone was throwing a hissy fit only infuriated the former unicorn mare even more. “I’m going to wring this person’s neck when I find ‘em.”

“It’s a good theory, mind you, that’s all it is for now, but it’s the only one I can figure out that makes any kind of sense in this scenario. So, to find the Dopant, we have to find the buyer of the goods,” said Namby.

“Damn, I think I’m starting to get a on crush you Namby,” said Rainbow as she flashed the older woman a flirty smile.

“Yeah, I don’t want to go to jail for that. I’ll go to jail to protect a source, or to stand up for what I believe in. Dating jailbait, no ma’am!” Namby stated as she formed an X with her arms.

“Keep it in your pants, Dash! This isn’t the time to joke around! We’re on a deadline here, emphasis on DEAD! Which is what will happen to Twilight if you keeping wise cracking!” Sunset shouted.

“Hey, hey, calm down, I am taking this seriously! Look, we have a good idea of what to do, now we just need to figure out who the Dopant was seeing here when the attack happened,” said Rainbow.

Easier said than done, there were many people at the mall. The Dopant could have spoken to any number of them, a fact that Sunset understood. Twilight…just hang on.


Sunny Flare was with Rarity that Sunday, the new couple were currently in Canterlot City park when Rarity informed her girlfriend of what happened to Twilight. Upon hearing this news, Sunny had a worried look on her face.

“Oh my gosh, Rarity, why didn’t you tell me?! I could’ve called the girls, they’d want to see her!” Sunny Flare stated.

Rarity placed her hands over Sunny’s to keep her from outright bolting to the hospital. “Love, unfortunately, they’re only allowing family at this time. The only reason we could see her at all was because Mr. Light and Mrs. Velvet were there to allow us in. If you were to go now they would most likely turn you away.”

Sunny Flare slumped into her girlfriend, resting her head against Rarity’s shoulder. “I can’t believe that happened her…gods, when I think back to what I did when I had one those devices, when I turned into the Queen…I could’ve done something like…”

“No, because even at your worst, you were still you inside, and that’s the only reason why you were still able to stay you in the end. Don’t ever forget that.” Rarity punctuated her point by drawing Sunny Flare in and giving her a light kiss onto her lips. “Because I won’t let you.”

“What did I do to have be you with me?” Sunny Flare asked.

“Oh, had a few of your fellow Crystal Preppers take me hostage, and then confessed your feelings.” Rarity recounted.

“Oh…yeah,” said Sunny Flare blushing. “Not exactly the best romantic start, was it…?”

“I told you to leave me alone!”

Rarity and Sunny turned their heads towards the sound, spotting a girl with a light-gray complexion, crimson red hair, and matching colored eyes. She wore a pewter blouse and a black pencil skirt, and was currently having a bit of a tiff with a young man, possibly her boyfriend. He was a wearing a dark green hoody and khaki pants, his hair was dark purple hair, with a light purple skin tone, and sea-green eyes.

“Cayenne, please just listen to me! I can give you everything!” he stated.

“After what you did?! I don’t want that, I never asked for those, I just…what made you think that you needed to steal for me, Sly?!” Cayenne asked.

Sunny Flare looked uneasy, “Um, Rarity, maybe we should call the police, it looks like it might get bad.” Sunny noticed something in the boy’s right hand, something blue, something that had the letter K on it. Sunny Flare’s eyes went wide and she began to shake.

“Sunny, Love, you’re shaking like a leaf, I’ll call the police right now –!”

“No, he…he has one of those devices like I did!” Sunny uttered in a harsh whisper.

Rarity’s eyes fell on the boy’s right hand, and indeed there was a Gaia Memory clutched in his hand, the K letter just barely visible. He’s the Key Dopant, he’s the one who hurt Twilight and all those people! I have to call Sunset and Rainbow Dash, oh dear, that woman, if this goes on any longer he might change!

“Sunny Flare, I see it too.” Rarity dug into her purse and gave Sunny her cellphone. “Take this, pretend that you’re posting something on MyStable, but I want you to text Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash what’s happening.”

Sunny took her girlfriend’s cellphone. “R-Rarity, I don’t think that’s safe!”

“It won’t be if I don’t diffuse this situation somehow, please, my love, just send the message.”

Rarity walked over towards Cayenne and Sly, the fashsionista steeled her nerves the best she could and called upon the actress within. “Cayenne, Darling!”

Sly and Cayenne looked towards Rarity, with the former putting his right hand into his pocket. “Who the heck are–?”

“Oh, so this is the Sly you told me about, my he’s handsome.” Rarity held out her right hand. “My name’s Charity, I’m Cayenne’s younger cousin. Twice, removed.” Rarity glanced up to the young woman. “Cayenne, I thought we had agreed to have some family spa time, so I could introduce you to my girlfriend. Remember?”

Cayenne looked to the teenage girl next to her, and then to Sly. It took her but a moment to understand what she was playing at. “Oh, Charity, I’m sorry I…ahem, was preoccupied and it slipped my mind.” Cayenne turned to Sly. “Um, Sly, let’s talk later, okay?”

Whatever fury was building in Sly seemed to quell enough for him to think rationally. “Okay, later then.”

Sly walked off, his right hand still in his pocket and no doubt clutching at the Key Memory. Rarity led Cayenne over to where Sunny Flare was and all three girls headed towards the parking lot. Once they were sure that Sly was not following, Cayenne released a sigh of relief.

“Thank you, I was in a tight spot there. So, what’s your real name?” Cayenne asked.

“Rarity, and it’s no trouble at all. However, I must ask, is he your boyfriend?” Rarity asked.

The young woman sighed heavily. “I was hoping he would ask me, but…It’s gotten complicated – and thanks for pulling me out of that but I need to go.”

Cayenne walked away and towards her car, leaving Rarity and Sunny dismayed at the reaction. “Sunny, Dear, did you send the message?”

“I did, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer said that would look into it. Rarity, you’re not going to do something dangerous again, are you?” Sunny asked.

Rarity wrapped arm around Sunny’s slender waist and placed the other on her shoulder. “Sunny, I hate to say this, but considering my friends and I’s connection to magic, some danger is expected now and again. But…this time around, it’s not me you should be worried for.”


In the time that the message was received, Sunset had forwarded the info over to Namby who began digging into the couple Cayenne and Sly. It was Monday now, officially Summer Vacation, and Twilight was still in her comatose state. Sunset wanted so badly to go up to the room where she was, to hold her hand and tell her that she’d make the Dopant pay for what it did. But with the special circumstances of her condition, along with the other people affected, the hospital was only allowing family in.

Sunset just hung out in the lobby of the emergency room, it was as close to Twilight as she was going to get. She would spot Mrs. Velvet and Mr. Night Light walking by and they would come over to give the former bad girl a hug and give her an update Twilight’s status.

“She’s not doing too well, Sunset. They had to put her on oxygen because her breathing is slowing and…and…she’s not getting enough just by breathing.”

Velvet’s words echoed in Sunset’s mind, Twilight was getting worse, and if they didn’t defeat the Dopant soon, all the Dopant’s victims would die. Sunset would see Shining Armor coming in, wearing his uniform as he went up, stayed for about half an hour, and then left, and each time he would glare at Sunset. A glare that Sunset was happy to shoot back at him.

Like he has any right to be angry at me! If it wasn’t for him trying to shoot that Dopant, Twilight would’ve been outside! Where was that brotherly instinct then?! His first priority should’ve been to take her outside, his own family! Sunset ranted in her mind.

Her fury died out a few seconds later as she turned some of that guilt on herself. Not like I’m any better…I should have retreated when he locked up my first Memory and got Twilight and that idiot out of there. But I pushed on…He caught me off guard, it won’t happen the second time.

Even as Sunset thought that, she knew her options were limited. The mech-animals weren’t a good choice, the Key Dopant could lock them up like he did Shining Armor’s gun. There were only two choices, either take down the Dopant with a coordinated attack with Nasca…or…resort to the Queen Memory.

Sunset took out her cellphone and texted Namby. [Have you managed to find out where this guy is living?]

A couple of seconds later, Namby replied. [I’m getting close, but, Sunset, what are you going to do?]

[What else? I’m going to blitz him in his own home and take the Memory from him.]

[You realize you’ll be wanted for assault and breaking and entering afterwards right? Sunset, if you take the Memory while he’s still like that, the police won’t be able to do anything. It’ll be his word against yours!]

[Last I checked, a judge in a court of law seemed to agree my words had weight.]

[You kind of got lucky on that one, with the evidence you had, and the fact that Spoiled Milk transformed in the middle of the courtroom. Right now, we need to hang on. When I find out more, I’ll pass it along to CCPD as an anonymous tip, and they’ll go after him. If he changes, then you’ll be there to take him down.]

Sunset growled as she wrote the next message. [Twilight doesn’t have time for this! Her breathing’s getting shallow, I don’t want to think what another day would mean for her!]

The fiery haired girl sat up and put her phone in her jean pocket. I need some air.

Sunset walked out of the lobby and stood at the sidewalk. It was now three in the afternoon, and the sun had made a considerable journey across the sky since the last time Sunset looked outside. As she stood there, thinking about what needed to be done, Sunset spotted a girl standing outside with her. The young woman had crimson red hair, and matching eyes, and was staring at the hospital with a look that echoed both sadness and guilt.

“Wait a minute…” Sunset moved closer to the woman. “Cayenne?”

Cayenne was snapped out of her trance and turned her gaze to Sunset. “Um, y-yes that’s my name. Do I know you?”

“No, but you met a friend of mine yesterday, she helped you in the park.”

Cayenne searched her memory and remembered the teenage girl and her girlfriend. “Oh yeah, Rarity and Sunny Flare. Wow, small city huh?”

“Yeah…” Sunset muttered. “Is there someone you wanted to see here?”

“Not exactly…” Cayenne rubbed her arm. “Did you ever get into a situation, where you know what the right thing to do is, but you’re afraid of what will happen to the person you’re trying to help?”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Depends, is the person the problem?”

“Yeah…they’re doing something bad, all because of some stupid idea in their head, and…you just don’t know what to do…”

Sunset turned to face Cayenne and stared her down. “This person you’re talking about, he’s the reason why the people in there are still comatose.” Cayenne flinched. “He’s the reason my friend is slowly dying, and you’re just going to stand there and debate whether or not you should turn him in?!”

Cayenne looked at Sunset with shock. “H-How do you know he’s –?!”

“Listen to me!” Sunset interrupted as she stalked towards Cayenne. “If you know something, you need to spill it, because I will not watch my friend die! Can you live with yourself if that happened?! Tens of people, and maybe more, are going to die because you can’t muster up the courage?!”

Sunset had walked all the way until she was right in Cayenne’s face, she wanted her to see the fury in her eyes, and even the tears. Cayenne lowered her gaze as she sniffled. “I never wanted any of this…Sly…he’s always had a crush on me, even when we were in high school. When we got into college I thought maybe he would feel more open to asking me out, but…he somehow got into his mind that he wasn’t good enough for me…”

“What?” Sunset asked.

“I hung out with a lot of – what you’d call – the ‘cool crowd’. But I always hung out with him, I never showed that I was above him or anyone! Yet, even after leaving high school, he thinks I’m too good for him, and that he needs to give me everything I deserve! I heard about the robberies, but it wasn’t until later when we were at the mall did he tell me what he had done, and how he did it! I never expected he’d do that to all those people…”

Cayenne felt her legs go numb as she slowly fell to her knees, crying as she accounted the story of how the events of two days ago went down, leading to now. Sunset understood now, Sly was just trying to impress the girl he liked, but the Gaia Memory was skewing his perception, not unlike Sunny Flare and Gilda. As much as Sunset wanted to yell at this woman that it was all her fault, she crouched down and patted her on the back gently.

“I get it, you never wanted any of this. But right now, you have a choice. You can either tell the police where he is now or you can just wallow in guilt and silence, and have the deaths of all those people on your head for the rest of your life.” Sunset placed a hand under Cayenne’s chin to tilt her head up to look Sunset in the eyes. “Where is he, Cayenne?”

With a sniffle, Cayenne said, “He’s…He lives on 862 Palomino Boulevard, apartment 5A.”

“Thanks, now make the call.”

While Cayenne did that, Sunset took out her phone with her right hand and prepared to text message the girls, but paused. No, this was a fight for her alone. Sunset helped Cayenne into the ER and left on her bike, she sped through the city as the sun began to fall and her namesake was overtaking the sky. Sunset had made it all the way to Twilight’s house, she ran up to the door and gently knocked on the door.

After a minute, Twilight Velvet answered the door, her eyes puffy from crying. “Oh, Sunset, I thought you were still at the hospital. I was going to call you to see if you wanted something to eat since we were heading up there.”

“It’s alright, Mrs. Velvet, I need to head home. I’m no good to anyone if I keel over from exhaustion. Um…do you mind…do you mind if I stay with you guys for a bit? I really don’t want to be alone at my place…” Sunset asked. It wasn’t a total lie, being alone with her thoughts and worrying about Twilight wasn’t helping her sleep.

“Of course, dear, you’re always welcome in this house. We’re going to go ahead and head to the hospital, please make yourself at home. There’s some leftovers in the fridge.”

Sunset entered the cozy abode, and saw Night Light getting ready himself. After Velvet went and talked to him, the older man nodded in agreement with his wife. “We’ll be back later, and if Shining Armor comes home and gives you a hard time, just call us, we’ll set him straight.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Sunset.

Once both adults had left the house, and their car already on the road. Sunset made her way to Twilight’s bed room. Her scent was abundant, the smell of lavender. On the bed, Spike was sleeping on Twilight’s bed, curled up as he made whimpering noises. Hawk, Dillo, and R0V3R perked up upon seeing Sunset, movement which alerted Spike to Sunset’s presence.

“Twilight?” Spike asked.

“Sorry…just me,” said Sunset.

“Oh…” Spike turned around and looked up at Sunset. “How is she?”

Sunset tensed up, her first thought was not good, but then again, that wouldn’t be an issue for long. “She’s hanging in there.”

“I wish I could go see her.”

Sunset sat next to Spike and petted him on the head. “I feel the same way, they won’t let you in because you’re a dog, and I can’t go in because I’m not family.”

“That’s some messed up rules,” Spike commented.

“Agreed. Spike, I need your help. Do you remember the pink Gaia Memory that I gave Twilight for safe keeping?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah, I do, why?”

“I need it.”

Spike looked at Sunset quizzically. Twilight had told him that she was given the Memory because Sunset didn’t want to be tempted into using it, and she also said that the only time she’d ever consider giving it back was if there was no other choice. “Are going to fight the monster that did that to her?”


“And there’s no other option.”


Spike scratched the back of his head before sighing and jumping off Twilight’s bed. He walked over to his doggy bed and pulled at a hidden pouch underneath the bedding. Spike locked his teeth in on something and when turned around, in his jaws was the Queen Memory. Sunset walked up and sat on her knees as she carefully took the Queen Memory into her hands.

“Please, save Twilight,” Spike begged.

“Don’t worry, I will.”


Shining Armor and his SCU Combat Team were currently in a high-speed chase. When they went to confront Sly, thanks to an anonymous tip, the thief bailed as soon he heard their sirens. Some cars stayed back to secure his apartment while the rest pursued. Eventually, they cornered him in the industrial district, zero civilians, and plenty of combat space. Shining Armor loaded up with the new pulse rifles that fired the special blue rounds, hand guns, and the rifle that managed to put one monster on its rear once before.

Spearhead was helping the operation, but when he saw his friend coming out looking like the Terminator he had to say something. “Whoa, whoa, dude, I know we’re after a monster, but that’s a lot of hardware!”

“I’m going to beat that thing and save my sister!” Shining Armor stated.

“Yeah, no, you’re not going out there like this! I can see it your eyes, bro, you’re not a cop right now, you’re a brother looking for payback,” said Spearhead.

“Don’t be ridiculous! I’m not –!”

Suddenly, the wall of the warehouse off to their right exploded in a shower of concrete and rebar that had the officers ducking behind their cars to avoid getting hit. The dust cloud that accompanied the explosion shrouded the area and made it hard for them to see. However, not for a certain someone. One officer after another began to fall to the ground as the chains of the Key Dopant wrapped around them, locking them up just like those in the hospital.

Shining grabbed Spearhead and dragged him down the ground to avoid getting hit, both men blinked as the dust began to irritate their eyes, but despite the stinging in his eyes, Shining Armor was able to make out a silhouette in the dust, a being that he recognized all too well. Without hesitation, Shining Armor took up the pulse rifle and fired a volley at the Dopant. The results were immediate as the mini-warheads exploded against their target, cutting through the dust cloud and revealing the Key Dopant.

“Spearhead, get the hell out of here, call for backup and medical!” Shining Armor ordered. “C’mon, I’m the one you’re fighting now!”

Shining Armor stood up and continued to fire as he ran in the opposite direction of his fellow officers. The Key Dopant obliged and pursued Shining Armor, he tried to aim his key fingers at the man, but Shining Armor wasn’t stupid, he remembered that trick, which was why whenever he saw the Dopant’s hands raise he quickly blasted them to make sure they would stay down.

This infuriated the Key Dopant, but he was not about to let one cop beat him. Concentrating, he made two keys fly from his belt and fly towards the locks on his legs. Shining Armor saw this, slung his pulse rifle, and took out the power rifle he had on his back. Looking above, he planted his feet and fired one shot up into the side of the dilapidated building. The shot impacted against its side, just as the keys unlocked the chains around his legs, and released his speed.

At the same time, when the beam shot hit, it exploded and sent a shower of mortar and concrete fall to the ground. By the time the Dopant reached Shining Armor’s position, he was pelted with chunks of debris in a landslide. Shining Armor threw his two rifles ahead of him, and quickly rolled out of the way. Quickly recovering, Shining Armor got on one knee and pulled out two sidearms, pointing both guns at where the Key Dopant had been buried.

Shining Armor panted hard, but his adrenaline was pumping so hard that fatigue and pain were barely even an afterthought. “You’ll fix what you did to Twily, those innocent people, and my friends! You messed with the wrong cop’s family, Sly!”

Suddenly, the debris burst apart, making Shining Armor have to duck down to avoid getting hit. The Key Dopant’s arms were unlocked, allowing him to use his boosted strength to bust free from the trap. “I don’t care about some stupid cop’s family, all I want is for her to notice me! To understand all I want is for her to see me as more than a friend! And for that, I’ll give her everything! No one will stand in the way of that! LOCK!”

The Key Dopant released multiple blasts from his key fingers, hitting each one of Shining Armor’s weapons and locking them up. Shining realized this and threw them away as he stared down the Dopant with a defiant look in his eyes. “If you think you’re man enough, then bring it!”

Before the Dopant could attack, several spheres of turquoise light rained down on the Dopant’s position, knocking him back, two more spheres fired off and struck him in the face, making the Dopant spin in the air before landing on his back with a hard thud. A flash of turquoise light went off, and from it appeared Kamen Rider Unicorn.

Shining Armor shook his head in disbelief at what he saw, but quickly turned his anger on the vigilante. “This is police business!”

Unicorn glanced over her shoulder, her horn and compound eye glowing with such intense power that it made even Shining Armor take a step back. “The longer this goes on, the less time your sister and those people have! For them, and your cop brothers-in-arms, either you let me do this, or they die! Do you understand?!”

Shining Armor clenched his fists and was prepared to argue with Unicorn, but then the image of Twilight with an oxygen mask stopped any words from exiting his mouth. The tension in his fists released and looked away from Unicorn. Sunset took that as a sign that she understood and set her sights on the Key Dopant. The Key Dopant was currently picking himself up as he rubbed his face, the stinging sensation of the spheres hurt his eyes, but eventually he was able to see.

“I’m going to make you regret–!” Unicorn fired another shot straight for his face, which hit him in eyes and made him howl with pain. “STOP DOING THAT!”

This is for you, Twilight! Sunset took out the pink Gaia Memory and pressed the button.

< QUEEN! >


Pink light took the form of a Q behind Unicorn, and in no time that same light wrapped around her, empowering the heroine. When the light faded, a new form of Unicorn had emerged. Her shoulder pink pauldrons were rounded, with a golden band running around it. Her forearms were covered in pink armor, there was a slight curve to the armor like a shark’s fin, but on the fin was the embroidery of a phoenix with a ruby gemstone for an eye.

On Unicorn’s legs there was pink armor which covered from the knee cap down, the armor had the colorings of gold wings with cascading feathers. The armor ran up the outside of her thigh armor, connecting to a ring that was set just a bit above where the Driver rested. From this ring a long train flowed down all the way to just hovering off the ground. On this train was a picture of a phoenix with golden flames on it, the material itself looked as if it were spun from the finest silk.

The chest armor was part pink and turquoise, with the center tracing out the shape of a heart. Her helmet had changed as well, now colored completely pink, with sapphire blue compound eyes. Around her head was a golden crown, with two spikes poking up from the sides, and two from the back. The crown connected with the horn metal casing, and curved it upwards to match the height of the other spikes.

“Unicorn: Empress!”

The Key Dopant rose to his feet and beheld the newly transformed Unicorn, he cursed under his breath at how he hadn’t been able to stop her, but it wasn’t of any matter. Defeating Unicorn would prove to the one he loved that he was great, that he was worth her love. But before he could move, Unicorn thrust out her right hand and created a barrier around herself, made from pink and turquoise light. Unicorn then pressed the button on her left hip port.

\ PAWNS! /

Suddenly, at least eight, humanoid, pink light constructs appeared before Unicorn. Each one was faceless, but they were all lightly armored, brandishing shields and swords.

“Advance and attack!” Unicorn ordered.

All eight of the Pawns charged forward, Pawn One came in with a horizontal slash, hitting the Key Dopant in the abdomen, and from there Pawn Two and Three brought down their swords, hitting him on both shoulders and then raking back their blades to cause a series of sparks to fly off as the Dopant backed away. But in that retreat, Pawns Four and Five dashed forward for a double shield bash into the Dopant’s back, sending him straight to the ground.

Pawns Six, Seven, and Eight jumped into the air, and dove back down, blades first, to deliver a decisive blow. But the Key Dopant quickly rolled out of the way as all three hit the ground and shattered upon impact, the Key Dopant got up and unlocked his arms and charged the Pawns. Five and Four brought up their shields to block, but they weren’t any match for the power of Sly’s blows as he shattered them both in one hit.

Pawns Three, Two, and One began slashing with their swords, but the Key Dopant caught Two and Three by the throat, and drove his right foot forward into One, shattering him to pieces. The Key Dopant clenched his fists around the constructs’ throats and shattered them as well.

“Not so tough,” said Sly.

“Spoken like someone who’s never played chess. The pawns are always the first to go, but they’re also good for setting up for win,” said Unicorn as she pressed the button twice.

\\ KNIGHTS! //

Two constructs formed before Unicorn, both wearing more elegantly designed armor, and brandishing claymore swords, and stood roughly six feet tall. Unicorn then struck the side button three times.

\\\ BISHOPS ///

Two female constructs appeared on either side of Unicorn, they were dressed in mages robes, and carrying a staff. Once they appeared, Unicorn hit the button four times.

\\\\ ROOKS! ////

Two eight-foot-tall behemoths rose up before Unicorn, both carrying shields that were just as tall as they were. The shields bore the crest of the Queen and Unicorn Memories, and from the thud that the burly behemoths made with each step, were quite heavy.

“Knight Two, advance and attack, Knight One rear guard!” Knight One entered a defensive stance while Knight Two dashed for the Key Dopant. “Rook One and Two, iron wall defense!” The two Rooks moved forward and planted their shields down on the ground, and from them formed a barrier that covered a ten-foot radius, and was at least twenty feet high. “Bishop One provide support! Bishop Two, on standby.”

The Key Dopant’s unlocked arms returned to locked as Knight Two practically flew across the battlefield and slashed at the Dopant. Sly narrowly escaped, but now knowing how fragile, they were, was less scared of the constructs. With that in mind, the Key Dopant lashed out and struck the construct in the chest, making it skid backwards.

Cracks started to form on the constructs body, but immediately after, a glowing light surrounded the construct, and its body was healed. “What the hell?!”

“I’m guessing you’ve never played any RPGs either? Healers in the back, tanks in the front, and attackers on the frontline. In other words, my Bishop will keep healing my Knight repeatedly, you won’t be able to shatter him that easily, or get to me that easily either.”

“Tricky little bi–!”

Before Sly could finish that sentence, Knight Two dashed in and slapped the side of his face with the blunt side of his sword, sending the Dopant bouncing on the ground like a pebble skipping water, before landing against an abandoned dumpster.

“Yeah, I’d watch your mouth around my Knights, they’re not too fond of people bad mouthing me when their around,” said Unicorn and playful tone.

The Key Dopant tore himself out of the dumpster and pointed his key finger at the Knight. “LOCKDOWN!”

Black and blue chains wrapped around the Knight and froze him in his tracks, the Knight was trying to resist the power of the Dopant, struggling with every fiber of its being. Knight One glanced behind him, and Unicorn nodded, and sprinted towards the Dopant. He ran alongside the walls of the buildings, swiftly bounding from one to the next. Unfortunately, Sly saw One at the last second and fired another Lockdown. The attack caught the construct and made him fall to the ground as he too struggled against the binding power of the Dopant.

“So, this is your plan, to have your toys fight me while you stay safe behind a shield?!” Sly asked.

“No.” Unicorn teleported behind the Key Dopant and fired a cannon ball sized sphere of pink and turquoise mana, which exploded and made Sly roll across the ground. “Because how can a queen’s subjects follow someone who doesn’t take the same risks as they do on the battlefield!” Unicorn hit the button on the left hip six times.

\\\\\\ RALLY! //////

The Rooks, Bishops, and Knights appeared next to Unicorn, and then she took the Queen Memory and placed it into her right hip port.


The Bishops fired two streams of mana straight for the Key Dopant. The hit resulted an explosion that sent the Dopant into the air, from there the Knights jumped to intercept the Dopant in midair. Once in range they struck with both swords, making sparks fly and throwing the Dopant back to terra firma. Sly had had enough and released all the locks on his body, making him glow bright as his power was at its max.

Dashing forward, the Key Dopant cocked back its right fist to deliver a power punch. But the two Rooks placed their shields together, forming a wall of defense as a shockwave erupted from the impact, making the Dopant stagger back from the force of the wave.

At last, all six constructs broke down into particles of light, particles which reformed into an energy javelin in Unicorn’s right hand. “Time to restore harmony…Wrath of the Queen!”

Unicorn dashed forward, gliding over the ground as she thrust the javelin forward and struck the Key Dopant at the center of his chest, the Dopant yelled as he was pushed back further and further, trying to resist the power that was overwhelming him. With one final push and a fierce battle cry, Unicorn pinned the Dopant against the wall of another building.

Cracks started to form on the wall in the shape of the Unicorn symbol and from there, a massive explosion went off. In the light of the flames, only Unicorn could be seen with her glowing javelin and blue eyes. When the flames died down, the Key Memory jettisoned itself from him and flew over into the open, and Sly was left standing, but collapsed to his hands and knees soon after.

“You didn’t have to do all of that to impress her.”

A defeated Sly looked up at Unicorn. “W-What did you say?”

“I know about the girl you’re wanting to impress, and the only thing you needed to do was just be yourself. If that’s not good enough for someone, then they’re not worth your time. But that’s all she wanted from you, just to be yourself,” said Unicorn.

Tears began to well up in the young man’s eyes as he wept at his own stupidity, Sunset felt nothing but anger for this idiot when she fought him, but now, seeing him like this and knowing the consequences that would befall him, she only felt pity. Sunset sensed movement from her right, and watched as Shining Armor walked towards them, a pair of handcuffs in hand. Once he stopped he looked between Sly and Unicorn.

“You going to arrest me or him?” Unicorn asked.

“Even if I tried you’d just snap the cuffs of like they were a cheap plastic toy.” Shining Armor proceeded to cuff Sly. “Will…uh…my sister and the others be alright?”

“Once the Memory’s be separated from the person it bonded with, its effects are cancelled. So, book this guy and hurry up to that sister of yours, meanwhile, I’m going to take that dangerous thing and hide it somewhere,” said Unicorn.

“Oh no, that’s going into evidence! After seeing what he can do with it, I definitely don’t want you having it,” said Shining Armor.

“You don’t have the capability to keep them safe, there better off with me and Nasca!”

“And I say, it’s safer in the hands of the police force than some masked vigilante!”

“Might I offer a compromise?” Unicorn, Shining Armor, and Sly all turned towards the new voice. Standing over the Key Memory was another Kamen Rider, one that Sunset and Shining Armor had never seen before. Clad in silver-gray armor, with orbs embedded at different parts of the armor, and a Driver buckle that looked like an equal sign, the new Rider took up the Gaia Memory and admired it in her clawed hand. “I’ll take the Memory, and you two can have the scum. Fair and even trade.”

Unicorn took a defensive stance and asked, “Who are you?!”

“My name is Kamen Rider Equal, and I’m here to even the score.” Equal took one of the arrow points on her hips and placed it at the center of her belt.


Blue orbs shifted to crimson red as Equal gathered energy into her left hand. Unicorn quickly raised a shield around them as Equal fired that sphere. The power of the attack was incredible, it was really making Unicorn have to grit her teeth and focus as to keep the shield from falling. The sphere grew brighter and brighter as the energy the comprised it reached critical mass.


A giant explosion went off and brought down the entire building behind Unicorn, the area was shrouded and large plume of dust that spread throughout the entire area. Kamen Rider Equal merely chuckled, she knew that wouldn’t be enough to end Unicorn, that wasn’t the point though. The point was to make sure she knew not to get too confident, and it served another purpose as well.

“I think it’s time to shake things up a bit.”


It was now Tuesday and everything was right with the world. Twilight and the other victims of the Dopant attack had recovered, but were asked to remain in the hospital a couple of more days just to make sure that they were alright. The young man known as Sly was processed and now awaiting trial, a broken-hearted Cayenne had turned to the comfort of her more sensible friends to help with the heartache.

Sunset had a lot of explaining to do, as to why she didn’t call Rainbow Dash so that they could double team Sly, and then there was the appearance of Kamen Rider Equal. Which led Sunset to call her partner again to apologize for not bringing her in to fight.

[I get it, the girl you like-like was hurt and you wanted payback. I still can’t believe you used the Queen Memory.}

“You and me both,” said Sunset.

{I’m surprised you were able to control it, after all the times you said it reminded you too much of your old self, I thought you might destroy him.}

Sunset tensed. “For a moment, I was really wanting to. But, all I could think about was Twilight, and wanting to save her. I guess, it helped me to focus on what was important and not go overboard.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled over the phone. {Man I knew you had it bad for Twilight. So don’t waste any time and tell her how you feel before another Dopant shows up and ruins your chance.}

“Ugh, that’s not even funny. But…that is good advice, I’ll talk to you later Dash.” Sunset hung up the phone and rode the elevator up to the third floor.

Thankfully, now all visitors were welcome. Sunset made her way to Twilight’s room and opened the door, only to see Twilight and Shining Armor talking. Sunset tensed for a moment, before she heard her name.

“Sunset!” Twilight called out. “Come in! Um, Shiny, do you mind giving me and Sunset some privacy?”

Shining Armor hesitated for a moment, but then relented, patting his sister on the head before leaving. Sunset sat down in the seat her big brother was in and scooted closer to Twilight. “I’m glad you’re alright, Twilight.”

“Same here, and, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help with this latest attack,” said Twilight.

Sunset lightly bopped Twilight on the head. “You dork, you were comatose. Not much you could’ve done. I was really scared for you, you know? And…angry. I…”

Twilight put her hands over Sunset’s and looked into her teary eyes. “I was too, but I knew you would save me, just like you saved me before. Seems like that’s all I tend to do, make you worry.”

“I worry about everyone, you’re no different…Well…that’s a lie,” Sunset admitted. “This time, I worried that I’d never get to tell you…”

Twilight blushed, “T-Tell me what?”

Sunset blushed as well, she needed to tell her. Princess Twilight had confidence in her, and given the events of recent days, another chance may not come along. Mustering all the resolve she could, Sunset prepared to bare her heart. “Twilight…I…I like you, as more than just a friend, I really like you, Twilight Sparkle! I don’t want you to have to think you’re obligated to say yes, I mean, I’m kind of a mess, and I haven’t always been the nicest person or pony in the past – scratch that, I wasn’t! But in any case I just wanted to tell you before something else crazy happens…uh…Twilight?”

Twilight’s eyes were watering, as if she were on the verge of crying. Sunset began to panic, she knew this wasn’t a good idea, she still didn’t know if Twilight was into other girls, and after everything that has happened, telling her how she felt was probably the last thing Twilight needed on her plate. But, Sunset’s panic began to wane as a smile crossed Twilight’s lips.

“You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that! I…I wanted to you the same thing!” Twilight exclaimed. “That day at the mall, I was planning on telling you, but…you know. I know you said you like-like me, but if you’re sure you wouldn’t mind being with someone like me…”

Sunset took her left hand and placed it against Twilight’s cheek. “I don’t mind at all.” There was a bit of tension in the air as Sunset watched Twilight fidget. “I’m sure you think I’m going to kiss you, right?”

“Um…” Twilight gulped. “I think the occasion calls for it.”

“The occasion? Yes. But, I’m not going to if you’re not ready, Twilight.”

Twilight’s heart fluttered at hearing how considerate Sunset was. “Well, in lieu of that, would you mind if we…um…snuggled a bit?”

Sunset smiled as she stood up, Twilight moved over a little and allowed Sunset to lie back on the on the pillow. Twilight rested her head against Sunset’s shoulder as she moved closer to her first girlfriend. This feeling of closeness, this warmth, it was everything they imagined it would be.

“So, what happens next?” Twilight asked.

“First, you get out of this hospital. We’ll plan a proper date later on, and I’m sure you want to tell your parents about this.” Sunset suggested.

“Oh, I never considered…I love my parents, and I know they’re kind hearted, but I’ve never really discussed my gender preference in regards to romantic relationships,” said Twilight. “However, I think I can convince them with enough data. It shouldn’t be too hard, they already like you.”

“I can’t wait.


Double Diamond was currently standing in the elevator, hearing the pop music that was coming out of the speakers and watching the display show his descent. This was the executive elevator, which was only to be used by the ranking officials of the company, that included himself, Night Glider, Sugar Belle, and Party Favor, and of course Starlight Glimmer. Once the elevator neared the ground floor, Double Diamond pressed his hand against the biometric scanner. A holographic keypad appeared before him and he quickly typed in the secret code. Once inputted, the elevator stopped and then shifted position, and continued its descent.

The numbers on the display showed that the building was far deeper than what it looked like outside as one floor after another continued came and went. Once the elevator stopped, it opened to reveal a vast underground research facility. Many people were working around veins of emerald rock which all led to a large stalagmite of the same emerald rock jutting from the floor. Many computers and wires were hooked up to the rock as data was collected from it, and from there it was fed into their systems and into the next section.

Double Diamond observed all this from a catwalk high above, but it was nothing he hadn’t seen many times already. Following the path, he passed through sliding door that had “S2” painted on it. In the next sector it was pure white, the catwalk on this side was encased in a shatter proof glass, keeping the inside free from contamination. Below was the assembly line, where the scientists worked to create new Gaia Memories from the energy that the emerald rock produced.

The white haired boy eventually moved into Sector 3, where the Gaia Memories were stored. There were quite a few since the last time he had visited, some were recreations of the ones that were previously destroyed by Unicorn and Nasca, but some others were new. In this vast room there was a special vault where the golden Gaia Memories were kept, the strongest type of T1 Memories, but in comparison to the ones he, his colleagues, and Starlight had, they were nothing. But this wasn’t where he was going, no, Double Diamond had a special place for this new addition, Sector Ω.

It was a sector that only the five could enter, no one else could get in. It had a biometric scanner that had the genetic info of all five of them stored inside, but more importantly, it could detect the trace energies of the specific Gaia Memory they each used. The vault itself was made of a newly created metal by PhoenEXE Corp. that was ten times stronger than titanium, and lighter than tin foil. On top of that, behind the doors was a force field that could withstand even Sugar Belle’s fire blasts from her Heat Dopant form, and therefore, practically making it the securest place in the building itself.

Thank gods that thief didn’t locate this place, if Starlight was angry before with the loss of the T1s…I don’t even want to imagine what she’d do if the T2s went missing.

Double Diamond stood before the last door, with a giant omega symbol painted on it. A scanner at the top of the door released a beam that passed over Double Diamond three times, the light on the scanner went green and the doors were unlocked. Inside this room stood twenty-six pedestals. Each one was labeled with a letter of the alphabet, all arranged in a circle. Under the “P” was the Puppeteer Memory, under “V” was the Violence Memory, and now, as Double Diamond stood before the “K” pedestal, home to the Key Memory. Once placed on the pedestal, a dome of energy was raised, keeping the Memory secure.

This place would house their Gaia Memories, should any one of them decide to go rogue or as a form of punishment by Starlight. As Double Diamond was about to walk out, he noticed something off. The “T” pedestal was vacant, panic started to overcome Double Diamond, he knew for a fact that that space was not empty.

“Computer, bring up logs!” Double Diamond ordered.

A holographic screen showed up before him, and upon it was a list of everyone who had entered and exited the vault. Considering that there were only five people allowed inside, the entries were few. The last entry before Double Diamond showed…Starlight Glimmer.

Curious, Double Diamond headed back the way he came and entered Sector 2. He looked down at the many workers and spotted a familiar lilac skinned girl. Double Diamond tapped on the glass and a view screen opened, with a pinch of his fingers he magnified the image to show Starlight working on something. The Gaia Memory in question was on her work table, but along with it, there appeared to be at least four, possibly five more Memory devices. However, the additional Memories weren’t the issue here, no, it was the other device that she was piecing together.

“Is that…a Driver?”

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