• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,732 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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M: My other self / Welcome to Earth

Starlight Glimmer tip hoofed through the castle, checking around every corner as she made her way closer and closer to the library. Twilight and the rest of the group had gone on out for a friendship emergency mission, and left Starlight alone in the castle, well not totally alone, Spike was still here. Trixie was out of town as well, performing one of her magic shows in another town for a couple of days, and Maud was off spelunking in the mountains.

As things stood, Starlight was utterly bored, she had practiced all her magic spells for the last couple of days. Well, all the ones that wouldn’t result in major property damage anyway, and even went over past friendship lessons learned. It was times like this she missed Sunset Shimmer, they got along great.

Starlight made it to the entrance of the library, doing an about face as she closed the doors, making sure that nopony had seen her. She walked over to the portal and worked the overcomplicated piece of machinery, contemplating if she should message Sunset first before going through the portal? Technically she wanted to surprise her, but considering the form she might take once on the other side, Starlight believed messaging her friend would be better.

“What are you doing, Starlight?”

The lilac mare practically jumped out of her fur, whirling around with wide eyes. Sitting in the chair was Spike, a pile of comic books stacked on his right side and one held in his claws, his gaze fell on Starlight as he arched his brow waiting for an answer.

“Oh, uh, Spike! I-I didn’t see you there! H-How long have you been here?” Starlight asked nervously.

“I came to read my comics. Usually I do that in my room, but I thought I’d change up my reading venue. So, to answer your question, pretty much for the last two hours or so. But I think the better question is: what are you going to do with that portal machine?”

Starlight rubbed the back of her head, she was practically busted, and Spike obviously saw her sneaky way of entering the room and headed straight for the portal. Damn focused tunnel vision. “Okay, you caught me, I was going to go visit the other world, where Sunset lives.”

Spike put down the comic and walked towards Starlight. “Does Sunset Shimmer know you’re coming to see her?”

“No…I was going to surprise her,” said Starlight.

“Starlight that’s dangerous! First off: you’ve never been to that world, it completely changes your body, it took Twilight a while to figure out how to walk and use her claws – er – hands,” said Spike. “And second: you don’t exactly know where she lives.”

“Well, do you?” Starlight asked.

“Actually, no, I only know where that world’s Pinkie Pie and Applejack live.”

Starlight waved off Spike’s concern. “Then what’s the problem? Sunset Shimmer’s lived there for years, and she looks like she got a handle on the ‘hands’ thing. She’s smart and determined, just like me.”

“So is Twilight, and she still writes with her mouth when she’s over there.”

“Well what do you expect? Sunset said they have no horns, so some sloppy mouthwriting is understandable,” said Starlight.

Spike face palmed himself, Starlight was in for a rude awakening when she got there. “At least send a message with the journal.”

“You know you can come with me, you don’t have to stay here all alone,” said Starlight, feeling a little bad about excluding Spike from a trip to the other dimension.

“Thanks, but somepony’s gotta stay behind and watch the portal. Can’t have the thing on all day, no telling who might stumble through, and then that’s a headache and a half that I don’t want from Twilight,” said Spike.

Starlight relented to the young drake, wrapping the journal in her aura and bringing it down from its perch atop the machine. She placed on the table at the center of the room and took up a quill as she wrote.

Dear Sunset Shimmer

It’s me Starlight! Hey, I know this is kind of last minute, but…is it possible for me to come over and hang out in your world?

I honestly have nothing to do here, and I am sooooo, bored! I don’t know how busy you are, but please tell I can come over. I promise to do exactly as you say while I’m there.

I’ll be waiting for your response

Starlight put down the quill pen and stared at the adjacent blank page, waiting for Sunset to respond to her. Spike looked from Starlight and back to the journal, and asked, “What are you going to do if she doesn’t respond? She may not even be in the city for all we know.”

Starlight’s ears folded against her head. She hadn’t really considered that. Sunset could have gone out of town to some beach somewhere, or to another city like Manehattan or Las Pegasus for a vacation. Ugh, but it might still be okay, she thought, Sunset may have left the journal with one of her world’s counterparts, like Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, or Applejack.

Thankfully, Starlight’s prayers were answered when the tome glowed and words appeared on the blank page in response.

Hey Starlight.

So, you want a vaca in another dimension, you sure about that? I totally don’t have a problem with it, but it may not be all that exciting for you over here.

Starlight took the quill in her magic and responded.

Are you kidding? That whole world is going to be exciting to me! And it honestly won’t be for too long.

Does Princess Twilight know you’re coming over?

……Not exactly, she’s away. On a friendship emergency. All the girls are.

Fine, but when you’re over here, you stick by me. Okay?

Like tree sap! Thank you!

I’ll be at the statue in ten minutes, if I’m not there just sit down in front of the statue and don’t go anywhere.

Starlight hopped around like a giddy schoolfilly, she was going to go to another dimension, and see new things, and be in a completely alien body. That’s when her giddiness ceased as she remembered something important. “Oh, horse feathers, I won’t have my horn, and no magic.”

“Yep, Twilight learned that the hard way, and I figure Sunset Shimmer did too.” Spike watched as Starlight began pulling books from the shelves, her eyes roving over each volume as she saw her scrunching her face in contemplation. “What are you doing?”

“You’ll see~”


Sunset Shimmer arrived back at the quad in front of CHS. It was strange seeing the school completely vacant of cars; the stillness of a place devoid of any activity. Sunset had an arrived a little earlier than she expected and had about five minutes before the portal opened.

Five minutes came and went, and when Sunset checked her phone she realized she had been waiting ten minutes herself. A worried expression came over Sunset as she reached into her bag to send a message through her journal, but then the marble surface of the statue began to ripple. Sunset quickly put her journal away and waited near the entrance.

Soon a figure stumbled forward out of the portal, Sunset reached out to grab her, but the forward stumbling was so quick that it managed to knock her onto her back, with her visitor on top of her. Sunset groaned as she looked up, watching the girl before her prop herself up on hands. The girl before her had a lilac complexion, with violet eyes, and purple hair with a sky-blue streak running through it. Despite the transformation, Sunset could recognize this girl anywhere.

“Starlight Glimmer,” said Sunset.

Starlight shook her head, her mind still a bit off kilter from her first time passing through the portal. Once she looked down, she saw the familiar fiery hair and aquamarine eyes. “Sunset Shimmer?”


“Wow, you really do look different here!” Starlight maneuvered her new appendages around and felt a strange, warm, squishy sensation coming from her newly changed hoof. Starlight looked down and found that her hoof – well hand – was squeezing something on Sunset’s chest. “What is this?”

Sunset’s eye twitched as she held back the urge to swat Starlight’s hand away. “Depends, you mean the thing that’s replaced your hoof, or what you’re currently groping right now?”

“Both actually.”

“To answer your first question, that is your hand, the wiggly things are called ‘fingers’. And what you’re squeezing right now is my breast – more colloquially known in Equestria, as my teat!” Sunset informed with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

Starlight’s face turned red as she quickly released her hold and stood up quickly, only to find herself off balance due to her new center of gravity. Sunset sprang to her feet as well, catching the mare turned human before she could fall and hit her head. Carefully, Sunset helped Starlight adjust to her new standing position, allowing Starlight to get her footing. The new arrival stared at her hands, flexing the fingers and wiggling them. Sunset noticed a look of both curiosity and slight disgust at looking at the dangly things, a look that she herself had when first entering this world and realizing her hooves were gone.

Sunset took a moment to exam Starlight’s appearance. A pink beanie with white stars, a leather vest, ripped gray jean pants, seagreen shirt, and a wrist watch, an accessory that Sunset felt annoyed that the portal gave Starlight a handy device while all she got was a leather jacket, boots, a blouse, and a skirt. While Sunset was reminiscing, she failed to notice that Starlight was now groping her own, ahem, assets.

The fiery haired girl finally did notice and blurted out, “What are you doing?!”

“Wow, you weren’t kidding, they really are on my chest now……Sunset, did I get pregnant on the way here?” Starlight asked.

“What?! No! Why are you asking me that?!” Sunset face was become redder by the second.

“Because they’re a bigger, and normally they don’t get this big unless a mare’s preparing to nurse a foal.”

Sunset quickly grabbed Starlight by the wrists and gently removed her hands from her chest, taking a cautious look around to make sure that nobody was around. Thank Celestia it’s summer vacation. “Look, Starlight, that’s how big they are on a human female here…some bigger than others…but that doesn’t mean you’re pregnant. It’s just natural.”

Starlight looked to her own chest, and then back to Sunset’s. “Wow, human bodies are weird. By the way, where did these clothes come from? I wasn’t wearing any when I left through the portal.”

“Yeah, there’s a number of things I need to catch you up on, for now, just play it cool. C’mon, I’ll drive you to my place,” said Sunset.

“Playing it cool, no sweat.”

As Sunset began to walk, she glanced to her right and watched as Starlight began walking on her hands and feet…like a pony. Sunset quickly stopped, and helped Starlight stand up straight. “Why don’t you hold onto my hand while we walk, until you’re comfortable on two feet.”

“Ugh, human bodies are so weird,” said Starlight.

“Tell me about it.” As they walked, Sunset noticed something else on Starlight. There was a string around her neck, and something outlined underneath her shirt. “Starlight, are you wearing a necklace?”

“Oh, um, that’s better told when we’re in private.”


Sunset wasn’t going to lie, she got a bit of a sadistic kick from hearing Starlight shriek in terror from riding her motorcycle. By the time they reached her loft, Starlight was holding onto Sunset so tight, she thought she’d have to carry the poor girl inside. Thankfully she managed to pry her off and lead Starlight inside.

Starlight stared wide eyed at the appliances and décor of Sunset’s home. The string of lights that lined the railing up to her bed. The stove, oven, and even the refrigerator looked vastly different from Equestria, but she wasn’t sure the box thing with the two long holes was, or the box that had numbers on the side were. Starlight’s curious eyes quickly found Sunset’s TV, along with a Blu-ray player, two objects she had no clue about, but was fascinated by all the same.

Sunset chuckled a bit, Starlight was like a child seeing the world for the first time, well, this world anyway. “Go ahead and kick off your shoes, my home is your home, Starlight.”

Starlight sat on the couch, and began the task of trying to remove the shoes on her hooves – er – feet. “Thanks again, for letting me come over. I know it’s last minute and you’re probably busy with school or something.”

Sunset sat across from Starlight in the empty seat. “It’s really no big deal. School’s out for Summer Vacation anyway, and I figured if you wanted to, you could come with me to hang out with the girls.”

Starlight finally managed to get her shoes off, and began wiggling her toes. “This is going to take some getting used to.”

“So, you were going to tell me about what’s hanging around your neck.”

“Oh!” Starlight reached under her shirt and pulled out an amulet stone, sky-blue in color. “I remembered you telling me that you can’t use magic here – well, your normal unicorn magic – so I infused this little guy with some of my magical power. Theoretically, I should be able to cast spells with it just by concentrating.”

Sunset’s eyes narrowed at the stone in her friend’s hands, feeling a bit worried that more Equestrian magic had just been brought through the portal. “And…it’s contained, well contained, right?”

Starlight blue a raspberry. “Of course, it’s contained. I enchanted this thing so that nothing short of a magical friendship laser beam will be able to shatter it.” The mare turned human saw the look Sunset was giving her. “Which it won’t ever come to that! I promise!”

Sunset was still cautious, but decided to let it slide. “So long as you’re careful with how you use it, it’s fine. Just remember, your magic may be affected differently here than in Equestria. It may even be weaker since there’s not that much here, other than what I brought back with me when I stole Twilight’s crown.”

Starlight put her hands to her hips and puffed out her chest proudly. “Well there’s no worry about that, because when I say I put some of my magic into it, I really mean all of it, along with a self-regenerating energy matrix, which will allow it to constantly replenish itself so that I don’t have to worry about it running out. And as an added bonus, I enchanted it so that only I can call on the magic inside of it.”

Sunset sighed heavily. “Do not take it off no matter what, you bathe with it and you sleep with it, I don’t want to have to worry about your potential counterpart stumbling across it and becoming a super, magically empowered, monster.”

“Got it, keep on at all times!” Starlight gave a little salute as she said that. “By the way, why are we wearing clothes, I wasn’t wearing any on the way here?”

“Eh, social norms, and differences in how humans have no fur to protect them from the elements, so clothes were developed, and then became the norm and any kind of nudity outside of being intimate with your special somepony or bathing, is considered deviant.”

Starlight blinked. “Wow, you did your research.”

“Gotta know the culture if want to blend in.”

“So…” Starlight played with the collar of her shirt, a bit annoyed. “Is it okay if I get rid of them here? It’s not a problem if we’re in your home, right?”

“Nope, what’s done is one’s private residence doesn’t count. Heck, some humans go around all day in nothing but their underwear when they’re home alone and just relaxing,” said Sunset.

“And you don’t why?” Starlight asked.

Sunset shrugged. “Guess I lived her long enough that I just got used to wearing them, but it’s not a big deal to me, if you want to, go ahead.”

“Oh, thank Celestia, these things were starting to feel stuffy!” Starlight exclaimed.



Sunset glanced to her door. “Huh, who could that be?”

The fiery haired girl walked over to her door and looked through the peep hole, seeing her girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle, standing there with a happy smile on her face. Sunset unlocked the door and embraced her girlfriend without question. “Hey, Twilight.”

“Hey, Sunset! I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Science Centre tomorrow, I got tickets for when their new display of a new rocket system that EarthAero was going to launch in the coming year!” Twilight stated with glee.

“That sounds cool, and sure I’ll go. How did you get here? Did the girls drive you?” Sunset asked.

“Nope, Shiny dropped me off on his way into work,” said Twilight.

Huh, guess he trusts me a bit more. Surprised he’d leave me alone with Twi, you’d think he’d afraid I’d take away her purity or something.

“He uh…he also said, ‘Sunset Shimmer, don’t do anything to my little sister that she doesn’t want, I know where you live.’”

And there’s the big brother threat I was looking for, Sunset thought. “Jeez, does he think I’m going to throw you onto my bed or something?”

Twilight’s face blushed as the implications of that thought ran through her head. “Ahem, w-well, I don’t think he thinks that specifically…okay, maybe he does. But he just doesn’t know you like I do, give him time.”

“Sure, anyway, did you want to come in and stay a while? Or I could drive you back if you want?” Sunset asked.

Twilight played with a lock of her hair as she said, “I wouldn’t mind that, staying over I mean!”

Sunset chuckled and stepped aside, only to regret her action as she remembered they weren’t alone, and last she checked, Starlight was undressing herself.




“Starlight you’re amazing!”

“No I’m not.”

“Are you kidding? You’re super smart, you’re fast, and can beat up most of the other boys in our class! You’re the best friend I ever had!”

“Y-You’re my best friend, too, Sunburst!”

Starlight suddenly found herself in a void of darkness, the only light shined down on her like a stage spotlight, illuminating only a three-foot radius around her. Voices began to whisper to her, so many voices, all praising her intellect and physical strength, all of them praising her over and over again.

But laced with those praises were also jealous words.

“She thinks she’s so much better than all of us.”

“No, I don’t!”

“I heard she bribes the teachers to get good grades, she’s rich enough, why not?

“I didn’t do that at all, I’m just like that, I’m just that smart!”

“She’s crazy athletic, even beat out Swift Heart! Who needs a track team when Starlight’s the only one anyone needs for a team?”

“No, stop, please!” Starlight fell to knees, putting her hands to ears to stop the voices, but no matter what she did, they wouldn’t be silenced. “I never thought about myself like that, I’m not better than anyone!”

“Then why did you let me die…?”

Starlight’s eyes widened as another spotlight shined ahead of her, showing her a scene that would never leave her mind, combined with a green explosion. The explosion filled the void and engulfed Starlight Glimmer.


Starlight awoke with a start, laying in the bed within her modest sized mansion. She wiped the sweat from her brow as her chest heaved, her heart still racing from the nightmare she had had. Starlight got up out of her bed and walked out of her bed room. She descended the stairs and saw the kitchen light already on, when she entered, much to her dislike, Night Glider was sitting at the kitchen table, snacking on some of Sugar Belle’s freshly made cookies.

The tomboy was dressed in boxers and a tank top, having a devil may care attitude about her. Starlight didn’t pay her much mind, she just wanted a glass of water. Sometimes she wondered if it was really the best thing to bring all of them under her own roof, gods know she lived in a big enough house to shelter three families of four. However, out of the four of them, having one insufferable housemate was easily preferable to living in an empty house.

“You look like crap,” said Night Glider.

Starlight rolled her eyes at the comment as she placed her glass against the frig dispenser. “Thank you for that observation.”

To which Night Glider added, “And kinda hot, too.”

That comment made Starlight almost spill her water as she looked back at the girl, asking, “Didn’t you just say I ‘look like crap’?”

“I did, but doesn’t mean you don’t still look hot. I mean, you come down in that open bathrobe with a nightie on that’s practically showing off your cleavage. If I so wasn’t sure you’d totally throw me out the window, I’d probably follow you to your room.”

“Thank you, it’s nice to know one of my housemates is mentally stripping me and contemplating performing lewd acts in my bedroom with me,” said Starlight with a deadpan tone.

Night Glider shrugged, “Hey, take it how you like, it’s close to a compliment from me anyway.” The tomboy went back to eating another cookie before glancing back at her leader as she swirled the water in her glass, barely having taken a sip. “What’s wrong?”

“And you care, why?” Starlight asked.

“Jeez, I may act like a bitch, but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. What’s wrong?” Night Glider asked again.

Starlight considered the option, still looking at the glass full of cold water. With a heavy sigh, she said, “I had a nightmare.”

“Must’ve been really bad if it woke you up this late.”

“I dreamed about a friend, my dearest, best friend…” Starlight placed the glass on the counter as she spoke. “He’s never been far from my mind, he’s the whole reason for this plan I have enacted, as well as others like him. But why is it now that I am having such nightmares about him?”

Night Glider turned her body to face Starlight as she thought. “I ain’t no shrink, but it may be that you’re having second thoughts about this whole thing. That or you’re getting too stressed about all this.”

“I assure you, I haven’t had any second thoughts about my plan……However, you may have a point about the stress, with the break ins, and this recent attack on the building and myself, it has been hectic as of late,” said Starlight.

“Well why don’t you take a day off or something? You are the boss after all,” said Night Glider.

Starlight drummed her fingers against the countertop, she had to admit, a day to just relax did sound like fun. She hadn’t had any real time to herself since her plan began, everything was proceeding as scheduled, the Gaia Memories were in production, and no recent T2s had surfaced since the Key Memory. Double Diamond could be counted on to take care of most of the things at the office; no one dared question him. After a minute she finally took the glass, drank it, and placed it in the sink.

“Why not, a little day off may be what I need. Thank you, Night,” said Starlight.

“Eh, if you really want to thank me, I could come up and make sure you don’t have any more nightmares for the rest of the night?” Night Glider added a wiggle of her brow as she made that suggestion.

Starlight face palmed herself as she made her way to the exit. “We were having a nice moment, and you ruined it.”

“I still didn’t hear a ‘no’.”

“Let’s put it this way, my door will remain unlocked. Should you wish to, enter at your own peril, just so long as you ask yourself ‘Is it worth it?’” Starlight made sure to give a shake of her hips as she left the kitchen.

Night Glider began to feel her face heat up, she was trying to get Starlight to blush, but wound up blushing instead. She went back to eating the cookies, and then stopped as her foot tapped repeatedly against the floor, and her gaze shifted from the plate back to the door. After about a minute, Night Glider slammed her hand against the table and said, “Ah screw it, I regret nothing!”

The tomboy put the cookies back in their original place and chased after Starlight.


Yesterday was awkward. Sunset Shimmer had to spend a whole hour explaining to Twilight that Starlight Glimmer wasn’t some stripper, or that she was cheating on Twilight with Starlight. After explaining that Starlight was in fact from Equestria, and about the social norms differences between both worlds, Twilight had calmed down and had pushed thoughts of a cheating Sunset out of her mind.

Now, at the Science Centre, Sunset, Starlight, and Twilight were walking around, seeing the exhibits. Twilight for her part kept apologizing every chance she got.

“I told you, Twilight, it’s fine. Just a simple misunderstanding,” said Sunset.

“I-I know, but I should’ve trusted you more than to just automatically jump to the ‘you’re cheating on me’ thought process,” said Twilight.

“It’s probably healthy that you did, not sure how I would’ve taken it if you were just alright with me having a strange, nude girl in my house.”

“Hey!” Starlight complained as she gave a snort, but that was quickly forgotten when she saw a model of the lunar lander. “Ooh, what’s that?!”

Sunset watched as Starlight zipped straight for the exhibit, fighting her urge to jump onto it and examine it. “See what I mean?”

Twilight chuckled. “I guess you’re right, sometimes I doubt myself is all.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow as she asked, “Why would you doubt yourself?”

“Well…” Twilight hung her head a little. “…I sometimes can’t believe that, someone as amazing as you is my girlfriend. As best friends, it makes sense to me. But considering how outgoing you are, how passionate, and fierce you are, I’d expect you to be with someone like Rainbow Dash.”

Sunset frowned a little and put her arm around Twilight’s waist to bring her close, earning her a little squeak of surprise from Twilight. “Listen, don’t say stuff like that. I care about you, not because you’re athletic, or outgoing. I like being with you, I like having you close, and kissing you too. We’re both people who like to push the envelope when it comes to science and magic, and as much as we dislike it, we both became raging she-demons.”

The fiery haired girl used her other hand to bring Twilight’s gaze to meet hers. “Plus, it helps that you’re so adorkable.”

Twilight blushed and whined, “Please don’t call me ‘adorkable’.”

“Can’t deny what’s true.”

“Ooh, is ponysaurus! It looks so life like!” Starlight exclaimed.

Sunset and Twilight glanced towards Starlight and saw that she was approaching a giant animatronic T-Rex and as soon as she got close, the mechanical dino released a semi-loud, [RAWWWWR!] Starlight jumped in fear and scrambled towards Sunset and Twilight, hiding behind the two girls as if she was a little filly wanting protection under her mother’s legs.

“It’s alive, you have a live ponysaurus rex in this world?! That’s dangerous!”

“It’s not alive, it’s actually just one big machine designed to look like and sound like a dinosaur. But we can only speculate how exactly these creatures looked based on computer programs, artists representations, the structure of their bones, and cave paintings during some of these eras when they were alive,” said Twilight.

Starlight blinked and then turned to Sunset for translation.

“No, they’re all extinct just like in Equestria, no live ones around here.” Sunset then added in a low whisper, “If you don’t count the T-Rex Dopant I fought a few months ago.”

After dispelling the fear from Starlight that the machine recreation would not in fact eat anyone, they continued to explore the other exhibits before the main show. Further back there was stage, with the curtains drawn and the logo EarthAero plastered on it, thankfully they managed to snag an extra ticket for Starlight, granting them front row seats to the main presentation.

On the way in, Sunset noticed a woman standing at the wall in the back. She had a cyan complexion, with dark blue hair and a green streak going through it. The woman appeared to be in her mid to late forties, roughly. Her clothes were grungy looking, as if she hadn’t really bothered to care what she had on, as evidenced by some of the rips and tears, and what Sunset could identify as oil stains. But the most striking feature of this woman was her red colored irises.

The woman herself wore a perma-scowl, and appeared as if she was hungover. The woman caught Sunset staring and quickly shot her a glare, Sunset averted her eyes quickly and continued walking, but as the three of them made their way down the aisle, a young girl whizzed past them. All three turned around to see who it was.

The girl was wearing a schoolgirl uniform, but it was kind of fancy, possibly from a good private school. She wore a gray skirt, with a dark blazer, a white button shirt underneath, and red bow around the color. The girl, who looked all of fourteen, had a yellow complexion, her hair was a combination of deep blue and emerald green, her face was sprinkled with some freckles, but just like the woman Sunset saw earlier, this girl too sported the same striking red eyes. A daughter perhaps?

The three continued, finding their seats, but curiosity got the better of Sunset as she glanced over her shoulder to the young girl and older woman. The young girl had a bright chipper smile on her face, as if she was full of positive energy, it was a stark contrast to the woman she was talking to, presumably her mother. After a minute of what looked like a one-sided conversation, the presumed mother walked out of the doors with the young girl following her.

Sunset didn’t know why, but she had a feeling something was wrong. Starlight noticed this and asked, “Are you okay, Sunset?”

The girl and question snapped her head back to her friend. “Oh, what? Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Sorry I’m being a fifth wheel here, I know Twilight was hoping to spend time with you,” said Starlight.

Sunset bumped her friend’s shoulder with her own and smiled. “It’s alright, Twilight doesn’t mind, we’ve learned to enjoy any outing together, even with others. Considering how big our group of friends is, it’s kind of a must. So, don’t worry.”

The lights in the auditorium dimmed as a tall man walked onto the stage. He was wearing a khaki colored suit, with a black tie. His hair was three toned of red, orange, and yellow, with a scruffy three o’ clock shadow, and intelligent gray eyes. The man had some freckles on his face that reminded Sunset of the girl from earlier. The man pressed a button on the side of his earpiece and turned on the microphone connected to it.

“Hello everyone, and welcome to the EarthAero Expo! I am the president, Jet Stream, and I’d like to say it is a pleasure to be here in Canterlot City! Now, space exploration has been a dream of mine since I was a boy, until I realized I didn’t have the constitution to be an astronaut. Honestly, I couldn’t even handle a merry-go-round when I was little.”

The audience gave a chuckle at the embarrassing story.

“But it was then that I realized that I was more fascinated with the building of the rockets, all the hard work, the calculations, the creativity, all of it combining into one to give humans the ability to shoot for the stars. So, I set on path to get there, and EarthAero was born! Of course, I won’t take all the credit, heck, I do some hands-on work in the shops, but it takes a team to make these columns of alloys and fire to reach into space.”

Jet Stream pressed a button on his wrist, and immediately the entire auditorium was filled with a holographic display of space, more specifically the solar system. Sunset, Twilight, and Starlight gazed at the display, and for Starlight this was real exciting, she couldn’t believe humans had mapped out their stars so far as to know the exact positions of the planets, and recreate them through these machines. Starlight gave a playful swipe at a passing comet that was nearby her, only for her hand to pass through it.

“So much explored, and yet we still haven’t scratched the surface of this wide, wide cosmos of ours,” said Jet Stream. “But soon, we hope to soar further than just our moon! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, EA’s newest shuttle. The Arion!”

As the curtains unfolded, an explosion went off that tore down the curtains and nearly knocked Jet Stream off the stage. Most of the people in the crowd rushed to the back of the auditorium, waiting with baited breath as the one responsible for the explosion stepped forward.

It was a Dopant, with sharply pointed airplane wings coming out of its back, and rocket back attached to the center of the Dopant’s back. Its body was covered in sleek emerald metal alloy, it’s hands were claw tipped, and the lower half of its legs were two thruster engines. The Dopant’s head had a V shaped visor, with glowing red eyes shining from behind it. The Dopant’s wings opened, from the silos several mini-rockets were released, each one exploding against the display behind it.

Twilight and Starlight looked to Sunset, and Sunset to them. No words needed to be said, but assistance was needed. Starlight concentrated, feeling the magic of her amulet flow through her body, without her horn, she had to use her left hand as a focus for where the spell should go. In less than a second, Sunset was teleported away.

Sunset reappeared somewhere in the lobby, she knew it wouldn’t be long before Shining Armor would arrive, and she needed to get a handle on things to mitigate the damage until they could double team the Dopant. Sunset saw that the people were running away, and used this as her chance to look for places to hide and transform. She made a b-line for the girl’s restroom. Once inside, Sunset went towards the largest stall, and summoned her Uni-Driver.




A turquoise field of electricity formed around her, and in the next second, Sunset was transformed into Kamen Rider Unicorn. With a flash of her horn, Sunset disappeared to fight the Dopant.


“I’ll make you pay! For all of it, for everything I deserved!” The Dopant exclaimed.

Jet Stream tried to crawl away from the monster, but he was moved to the edge of the stage, with nowhere to go. “Please, don’t! I have a daughter!”

Mentioning his daughter only seemed to make the monster growl with increased anger as it unleashed another salvo of rockets, hitting the walls and ceiling. Chunks of concrete, steel, and plaster began to rain down on the stage and surrounding area.

Starlight saw this and covertly used her magic to levitate all the pieces of debris, making them freeze in midair. Twilight saw what Starlight was doing, panicking that someone might see her, thankfully she was saved from being spotted as Kamen Rider Unicorn teleported in and delivered a flying kick to the Dopant’s chest, sending it falling back a few feet. Unicorn spotted Starlight and nodded to her. Starlight released her hold and Unicorn took over, using her magic to condense the debris and moved it all to an unoccupied part of the stage.

“You know, it’s rude to interrupt people in the middle of their presentations.” Unicorn entered a fighting stance. “Why don’t we take this outside where you can’t hurt anyone?”

“No, only him!”

The Dopant released several more mini-rockets, all of which were aimed at Jet Stream. Unicorn created a barrier around them, letting the rockets explode against its surface. The power that was generated from these rockets, and from this Dopant, Sunset could sense it. This Dopant was in possession of a T2 Gaia Memory. Not good, who knows what else it can do! I need to take this fight outside, I don’t know how many more rocket explosions this place can take!

The Dopant ignited its leg thrusters and began to hover above the stage; the rocket pack ignited next and sent the Dopant flying towards Unicorn’s barrier. Unicorn reinforced her barrier as the Dopant struck the shield with a powerful punch, and continued driving it into Unicorn’s shield. Unicorn gritted her teeth as she tried to keep the barrier up, but then she saw the wing salvos reload and then launch another round of rockets into the air. The rockets angled themselves to fall right on Unicorn’s shield. Thinking quickly, Unicorn’s horn let up, and teleported Jet Stream to the exit just as the rockets exploded.

Smoke was kicked up from the explosion, making the red eyed Dopant glare at the spot. The Dopant knew of Unicorn, and knew that an attack like that would not easily fell her. Unfortunately for the Dopant, it was right.



The smoke cloud around Unicorn dispersed, and from it appeared Unicorn in her Mystic Cyclone form. “Let’s take this outside!”

Unicorn jetted forward, tackling the Dopant and taking her upwards through the roof and into the open sky. Now outside the science museum, Unicorn could freely fight the Dopant. The Dopant raised both hands and brought them down into a sledgehammer strike on Unicorn’s back. The blow made Unicorn release the Dopant and go into a slight tailspin, but Unicorn was able to correct herself quickly and rise back up to meet her.

More salvos opened on the Dopant’s forearms and shoulder pauldrons, launching at least thirty rockets at Unicorn. But just as she was in the domain of the Dopant, the Dopant was in hers as well. Unicorn swiped her hand through the air, and the emerald winds blustered and blew, creating turbulent air that made the incoming rockets veer off course and hit the other rockets, causing a chain explosion that wiped them all out.

The V shaped visor began to glow as if analyzing the explosion. The Dopant took off and began firing several more rockets, an aerial dogfight occurred, with Unicorn firing condensed air spheres at the rockets themselves and intercepting them. After a few seconds, the Dopant ceased its attack, its salvos glowed and fired another thirty rockets.

“I think we established that I control the wind, your rockets aren’t getting through!” Unicorn stated as she swiped her hand through the air, creating another emerald whirlwind gust.

However, unlike last time, the rockets were not veering off course, in fact, they were still on course. Unicorn fired condensed air spheres at the rockets, but instead of exploding, they simply pierced through them and continued undeterred. Unicorn saw that the fins on the missiles were glowing as they hit the air, as if…Oh crap!

Unicorn created a barrier of magic and emerald wind, just in time for the missiles hit it. The Kamen Rider exited the smoke cloud created from the explosions, now rethinking her tactics. “Whoever that is, they analyzed my attacks, and reworked the rockets to ignore the wind sheer…” Unicorn contemplated using the Shining Memory, but thought against it. “No, I should only use that if necessary, and if Equal shows up again, I’ll need its power. Gotta figure something else out…”

“If we’re done, there’s someone down there that I have to make sorry!” The Dopant yelled.

“I’m not going to let you hurt anyone! That device you’re using is giving you great power, but it’s also messing with your head! If you don’t get a grip on yourself, you’ll do something you’ll regret for the rest of your life!” Unicorn explained.

The Dopant glared at Unicorn, her eyes glowing as if somehow that statement just made her even angrier. Unicorn glanced down below, and spotted something that made her grin. “Alright, guess we’ll bring you down the hard way!”

A bolt of blue light whizzed by the Dopant, grazing her left forearm. The Dopant shrieked in pain and in surprise from the sudden attack. Down below, Kamen Rider Trigger had equipped his Sniper Arms and was currently taking aim at the flying Dopant.

“Target off by five degrees, resetting.” The reticle on Trigger’s scope sights was running calculations as the crosshairs aligned, and in a matter of seconds the red crosshairs turned green. “Targeted, and firing!”

Another sniper shot was fired, and this time, it hit its mark. The blue bolt struck the Dopant in the chest, causing sparks to fly upon impact. Two more shots were fired, both hitting the wings of the Dopant, effectively cutting off its salvo attack.

Unicorn took advantage of the Dopant’s staggered state, placing the Cyclone Memory into the Max Drive port.


Unicorn gained some altitude and willed the emerald winds to spin around her, creating a tornado. Once at the center, Unicorn dove down, feet first and made the tornado follow her. Both soles of Unicorn’s boot glowed bright green as the tip of the funnel was set ablaze. The Dopant didn’t have time to react as Unicorn drove both feet into its abdomen, creating a powerful shockwave.

“Tornado Touchdown!”

Both Unicorn and the Dopant descended back to the ground at a rapid rate of speed. Each second that passed was another foot closer to the ground. The Dopant fired all its salvos at the same time, the rockets exploded, causing Unicorn to go the rest of the way without the Dopant, but the damage had been done, the Dopant was falling and crashed back into the Centre.

Unicorn righted herself and looked towards where the Dopant entered, she saw Trigger entering as well and moved to intercept. After a quick flight and teleportation, she appeared next to Trigger, the law Kamen Rider almost shot her in surprise.

“Could you not do that without warning me first?!” Trigger asked.

“Wouldn’t be much of a teleportation if I telegraphed where I was appearing. And, is that an invitation to work together?”

“Don’t push it, the monster fell this way!”

Ironically, it seemed the Dopant crash landed and bounced its way into the space exhibit. Unicorn summoned an air sphere and mana sphere, while Trigger had his blaster at the ready. Both Riders entered the exhibit carefully looking around for any signs of the Dopant. They followed the trail of destruction up until it hit the clay sculpture of the moon.

“Well it was definitely here,” said Trigger.

“Problem is, where are is it?”

Suddenly, a flash of light went around the lunar lander. Trigger and Unicorn moved for that area, and prepared to attack, until they saw a girl coming out from behind the set. Unicorn released her hold on the spheres, and Trigger cautiously lowered the Chrome Buster. The girl couldn’t have been more than fourteen years old, and she was wearing a schoolgirl uniform.

Wait, it’s that girl from earlier, thought Sunset.

The girl in question had dust covering her clothes, hair, and face. Unicorn disengaged her Mystic Cyclone form, and slowly approached the girl, getting down on one knee to bring herself closer to her level of height. “What’s your name?”

“Apogee,” the girl spoke.

Trigger put away his blaster. “Did you get separated from your parents? I can help you find them, but we need to get you out of here, it’s not safe. There’s a monster on the loose and we need to stop it.”

The girl’s face twisted into a grimace, Unicorn noticed that Apogee was holding something in her hands, what exactly she couldn’t make out, but Apogee was gripping it tightly.

“T-Then…you found the monster.” Apogee opened her hands and revealed a green colored Gaia Memory with the letter R on it. “I’m that monster.”


Starlight was a bit panicked at this point, and nervous. When Twilight and Starlight ran out after Sunset appeared in her Kamen Rider form, there was a large crowd still outside the auditorium, all scrambling to get outside. In the sea of people, Starlight got separated from Twilight, she tried calling out to her, but it was no use over the screams of the panicked people. By the time she reached outside, Starlight had found herself on the other side of the building.

The former unicorn mare wasn’t one to be worried, normally she was a lot calmer and collected in stressful situations, normally. But now having been separated from Twilight, and with Sunset battling it out with a monster, she had no one to ask for help. Starlight thought to use her magic to teleport herself, but she was not yet familiar with the city to perform that spell, and feared ending up stuck inside a wall, or worse.

“Great work, Starlight, you went and got yourself lost…”

“I thought I was seeing things earlier, but it appears that I wasn’t.”

Starlight turned around and saw a figure walking towards her. She held out her hand, preparing a defensive and offensive spell, to the figure, it just looked as if she was making a gesture for the figure to stop. “Don’t come any closer! Who are you?!”

The figure stepped into the light and what Starlight saw, made her jaw drop.


Sunset didn’t feel right, not at all. After leaving the young girl, Apogee, with Shining Armor, she teleported away and returned outside, watching the rest unfold before her. Kamen Rider Trigger, along with five other cops of the SCU, were escorting Apogee out of the building, with Trigger carrying an evidence bag with the R Gaia Memory. Sunset still wasn’t a hundred percent sure she should let that Memory rest in an evidence locker at a police precinct, but it wasn’t like she could just up and take it either. Not when Apogee so easily handed it over and proclaimed herself to be the Dopant who attacked the stage.

No, nothing about this feels right at all…

“Apogee!” Sunset heard the girl’s name being called out, recognizing it as Jet Stream’s. The man had pushed his way passed a few people and other officers to get to where the escort was, only to be stopped by two other SCU officers. “Move, please, that’s my daughter! And why is she in handcuffs?!”

Trigger separated from the escort and walked up to Jet Stream. “Sir, right now your daughter is being taken in for questioning.”

Jet Stream stared at the armored police officer, flabbergasted. “’Questioning’? Why in the blue hell would you need to question my daughter?!”

“Your daughter was in possession of this.” Trigger held up the evidence baggy that contained the Gaia Memory. “This is a device that allows people to transform into monsters, and it was given to us by your daughter, at the scene of the crime.”

Jet Stream shook his head. “Are you kidding me?! She could’ve picked that off the ground for all you know!”

“Sir, I can tell you from experience that these things don’t have an age limit. Anyone can become a monster just by using this thing. She even confessed to us that it was her. Now, is it possible she took this off the floor and is being threatened by the real perp? I don’t know. But, what I do know is that we need to question her. As a minor, per law, we need you there for questioning.”

Jet Stream narrowed his eyes in anger, but intimidation didn’t work so well when the person you’re trying to intimidate is a few inches taller than you, and covered head to toe in high-tech, super armor. “…Okay.”

Sunset continued watching as Jet Stream entered another squad car, and Apogee was loaded into the back of another. The sirens wailed and the cars took off, with Shining Armor mounting his bike and following close behind with the Gaia Memory stored in its secure compartment.

“Guess that’s the one that got away, still…”


The fiery haired girl turned around and spotted Twilight running towards her, the bespectacled girl hunched over, catching her breath as she was running around looking for Sunset.

“Oh jeez, Twilight, I’m so sorry! I should’ve texted you or called when I was done, sorry…” Sunset waited for her girlfriend to catch her breath, but noticed something alarming. “Uh…T-Twilight…Where’s Starlight Glimmer?”

Twilight sucked wind as she spoke, “She’s – Gone! I-I’ve been…Looking for her…for the last ten minutes, and nothing! I’m sorry, we got separated in the crowd when we were evacuating and then…!”

Sunset inhaled slowly and exhaled slowly, calming herself. “I-It’s fine, it’s fine, I-I mean we just have a newly arrived Equestrian roaming around a city that she’s never been to, in a body she’s just barely getting used to! S-She couldn’t have gotten far…right?”


There were definitely some things that Starlight Glimmer hadn’t figured on encountering on her day off. First of which, she decided to head to the Science Centre and see the new rocket design from EarthAero, not how many would imagine spending their day, but some nerd habits die hard. Plus, Starlight wasn’t in the mood for anything fancy or expensive, something simple and fun was good.

Encountering a Dopant destroying the stage, that was a major surprise. But not just any Dopant, Starlight could sense it, this Dopant was in possession of a T2 Gaia Memory. For a moment, Starlight had considered finding a place to transform and take out this Dopant to get the Memory, but that train of thought was interrupted when she spotted the second thing she wasn’t expecting. Herself.

Yes, sitting in the next aisle over, was herself, albeit a slightly younger version, but still herself. The world seemed to come to a grinding halt as Starlight tried to process this information, the fact that her double was setting across the aisle from her, and was for some reason hanging out the younger sister of Officer Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle if she remembered correctly.

The strangest part of this whole thing was when she saw her double clutch at some jewel around her neck, and suddenly, all the debris that the Dopant blasted free was frozen in midair. It was only a few seconds later that Kamen Rider Unicorn appeared, and a nod was shared between them before Unicorn took over and levitated the debris away from everyone.

Once Unicorn was on stage, everyone took this as their chance to flee. Starlight’s need to obtain the T2 Memory was overrode by intrigue about this doppelganger. It took some time, but Starlight was able to track her double, she seemed lost and scared, and some part of Starlight told her that this wasn’t an act, that it was genuine confusion and fear. Taking pity on her double, and because she needed some answers, Starlight convinced her double to come with her.

It was almost scary how easy it was that the double trusted her. Was it because they looked alike, or because this double was that trusting of others? Well, she wasn’t wrong, Starlight had no intention of harming…well…herself. Unless otherwise forced to in self-defense, but mainly, she was curious about the double, and the strange power she had.

Starlight had driven herself today, and found it strange how her double was reacting to the motor vehicle, it was as if she was a kid experiencing her first car ride, ever. A reaction that made Starlight chuckle, her double acted like a child seeing things for the first time, it was quite amusing in an endearing way. Yet another curious thing to look into.

Starlight drove up to her house, a mansion was surrounded by a wrought iron gate, with a keypad entry. The driveway was circle type, with a large fountain at the center of it. Starlight pulled off to the side towards where the garage was. Thankfully it was still early in the day that her housemates would still be at the office and would not bother them, Starlight really was not in the mood to explain why she suddenly had a twin sister, nor did she have time to deal with the drama that would ensue from it.

“Wow, you, uh, you must be rich!” the double stated.

Starlight chuckled. “Yes, I am, I kind of run a big business here in the city. By the way, how shall we set this up? I think it’ll start to get confusing if we have to call each other Starlight back and forth.”

The double placed her hand against her chin, her fingers curled in, with her chin against the back of her hand. “Got it, you can be just Starlight, and me, Glimmer.”

Starlight raised an eyebrow. “You sure? I mean, I’m fine with that, but I’m surprised you don’t want to take the first name.”

Glimmer shrugged. “Eh, it’s your world, I’m a guest here, so I figured it’s best to let the native born take the first name.”

“Your world”, “native born”?

Starlight led the double into her foyer, a place for talking. There was a fireplace at the head of the room, a large window with drapes to allow light in, and the fireplace itself was surrounded by two shelves filled with books that filled up half the space. At the center were two couches with a glass table between them, and an expensive oriental rug below them. Starlight had the double sit in the couch across from her as she took her own seat.

Glimmer sat in the couch across from Starlight, her eyes wide as she took in everything she was seeing, it was almost sensory overload. This did not go unnoticed by Starlight. “Like what you see?”

“It’s definitely different than what I’m used to,” said Glimmer.

Starlight leaned forward, propping her arms on her legs as she looked at Glimmer. “Okay, so let’s get down to brass tacks. I know for a fact that I am not a twin. I’ve seen my birth records. So, the long-lost twin bit won’t fly here. I also know of that old saying about everybody having a double of themselves out there in the world, but this is too literal to be a coincidence of genetics. If you are indeed me, you won’t insult my intelligence.”

Glimmer had to hand it to herself, she was very astute about these things. “Alright, just keep an open mind though.” Glimmer took a deep breath and then spoke, “I’m actually not from this world, I’m from a world called Equestria, a sort of parallel world to this one. Where ponies are the main inhabitants of the world, alongside others. The main differences I would say between our worlds, would be the level of technology you have. Our magical knowledge and application of it are quite advanced, but our technology – and I’m being generous – is coming along, but not quite this level yet. There also doubles of the people here, of course some circumstances and ages are different there.”

Starlight sat back in the couch, raising an eyebrow at that information. “Seriously?”

“I swear it’s the truth, how else do you think it’s possible for you to be talking to yourself?” Glimmer asked.

Starlight leaned forward, resting her forearms on her thighs as she eyed her doppelganger. “You’ll forgive me if that’s a bit hard to swallow, you’re speaking about alternate worlds, the multiverse theory. I’ve seen – and done – a few strange things in my life, but I’ve never heard of a world filled with magically advanced, intelligent, talking equines. Tell me then, are you the head of a multimillion dollar corporation?”

Glimmer rubbed the back of her head as she blushed pink. “Eh, heh, heh…Not quite, I am the student of one of my world’s royal rulers, the Princess of Friendship. That’s only after I messed up a lot of things and became a bit of an evil, dictator bitch.”

That grabbed Starlight’s attention. “‘Dictator’? Me? How?”

Glimmer fidgeted in her seat, part of her becoming a better mare was learning to accept that she was once a horrible pony, and recounting the tail of her dark path was necessary to make sure she never strayed too far from the light. “You see, in my world, everypony has what’s called a ‘cutie mark’. It appears on our flanks, and it symbolizes our special talents, our identity, and destiny. A friend of mine got his before me, and because of it I never saw him again, he moved away from me because of his special talent. It was then I began to hate cutie marks and what they did, so I set on a path to conform others into believing in equality, at the cost of their individualism and special talents.”

Starlight nodded, and quite interested in her method. “How exactly did you manage that? I find it hard to believe you could so easily strip someone of their uniqueness.”

“Yeah, I had to lie to the town that I controlled, I made them believe a piece of drift wood had the magical power, even called it the Staff of Sameness.” Glimmer watched as Starlight’s jaw dropped. “Uh, you okay?”

Starlight shook her head. “No, no, I’m fine, please continue.”

“Well…the reality was that the staff had no power, like I said, I lied to them, I hid the fact that it was my own magical power that took away their marks and locked them away. You see, taking a pony’s cutie mark is essentially stripping them of what makes them, them. When you’re young you’re a blank flank, your magic and talent is there, just undiscovered, basically you’re a block of marble waiting to be sculpted, a lump of clay to be modeled by your own hooves. But what I did, pretty much set them back to zero.”

Starlight couldn’t help but be impressed by how even a, supposed, pony version of herself could pull off something like that. “Oh, you never said, but who was the friend that set you off on this journey?”

Glimmer face palmed herself. “Duh, how could I forget him. His name is Sunburst.”

All the color faded from Starlight’s face, her heart nearly stopping at hearing that name. “You said…Sunburst, right?? You mean, he’s there, in that world of yours?!”

Glimmer was taken slightly aback by the question. “Yes, just like – I assume – his double is here as well, right?”

Tears began to fall from Starlight’ eyes as a sad smile formed. “He’s alive there, right? He’s happy and healthy?”

Glimmer felt a great weight on her heart as she was putting the pieces together. “Starlight…is…is your Sunburst…?” she couldn’t finish the question.

Starlight simply nodded.

Glimmer gasped in horror, she never thought that this world’s version of her foalhood friend would be dead. The pony turned human stood up from her seat and walked over to sit with her double, Starlight leaned into Glimmer as the two of them shared a cry. Even though Glimmer knew that her Sunburst was alive and well, it didn’t make the pain of his being gone in this world any better.

“To answer your question,” said Glimmer, “Sunburst is doing very well and is very happy. He’s assisting one of Equestria’s Royal families in the raising and teaching of her in the art of magic. And just being a good ‘Uncle’ Sunburst.”

Starlight chuckled a little as the thought of her childhood friend being anyone’s uncle, especially with how awkward and book crazy he could be. It took a few minutes, but eventually both Starlights were able to calm themselves. “I’m happy to hear that at least there’s a version of my friend who found happiness.”

“Well, maybe one day I could bring you to my world and you could see him, of course I’d have to get permission from Princess Twilight and………OH HOLY HORSE APPLES! SUNSET!”

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