• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,733 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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I: Initiation / Nasca's First Case

Canterlot City was enjoying a nice, bright sunny day…until the T-Rex made of junk debris came stomping through. The giant prehistoric predator roared mightily as it swung its tail, smashing buildings and throwing cars about. The tyrant lizard opened its mouth and was ready to let loose a beam of violet light straight downtown and at city hall. However, before the beast could fire, three bolts of turquoise light came flying straight for the beast’s face. Each one exploded, making the lizard cancel its attack and looked to see who was foolish enough to come and attack it.

Coming full throttle down the street was Kamen Rider Unicorn, her right hand glowed with magical power as she fired another volley of magical blasts. Her attacks only struck the head, which seemed to be the only organic part of the creature’s body. The tyrant lizard roared and charged straight for Unicorn, but the masked rider teleported at the last second, disappearing and making the beast skid to a stop.

Unicorn appeared some ways down from where the T-Rex was, and headed right back for it. Using her magical energy, Unicorn began riding on the sides of skyscrapers, looking down at the T-Rex. She then pulled out the Fang Memory.

< FANG! >

Unicorn jumped off her bike and began to freefall down towards the T-Rex, and while in midair, quickly inserted the Fang Memory.


A bright blue light engulfed Unicorn, transforming her into Fang Edge form.


Unicorn energized her Fang blades and slashed forward, creating a glowing X that cut right into the T-Rex’s debris body. However, once she closed in she fell into the hole she created, and the debris body quickly closed the hole. The T-Rex turned its head around and gave a toothy grin as it concentrated, using the debris and junk to crush Unicorn from the inside. The tyrant lizard was greeted to an unhappy surprise when a glowing blade of blue light slashed through its body from the inside out. Another blade was loosed, and another, and another, and another. The T-Rex Dopant was completely helpless as Unicorn slashed at the behemoth from the inside out, taking away large chunks of its concrete and steel ridden body.

The T-Rex Dopant whimpered, and with its little arm it raised a sign that said “Uh-Oh”.

In the next minute, the Dopant’s debris body exploded, making it crumble apart until the only thing left was the T-Rex Dopant’s head, which sprouted two arms and legs before landing, and rolling on the street. In the dust of the falling debris, Unicorn’s eyes and horn glowed as she got into a ready stance.


Unicorn jumped out of the dust cloud and appeared overhead, her Leg Fangs were out and glowing bright. She then kicked in the Dopant’s direction, releasing them and letting the Fangs fly. The Fangs became large blue crescents as they flew at the Dopant from the right and left.


The two half-moon Fangs struck the Dopant at the left and right sides of the T-Rex’s head, and exploded in a shower of fiery fury. Before Unicorn hit the ground, she caught the Fangs with her legs as they returned to their original positions. On the ground was a man, and next to him, a broken Gaia Memory.


Sunset sped through the city streets after the battle, teleporting several times until she reached CHS. She then made one more teleport jump and ended up in the girl’s restroom. Sunset opened the stall and looked at herself in the mirror. There were bags under her eyes, and she looked very fatigued from the battle, and Sunset was feeling a little on the dizzy side, but she shook her head and splashed water on her face, it wouldn’t do her good to look this tired and doze off in the middle of class.

After psyching herself up, Sunset held her head high, exited the restroom, and prepared to face the rest of the school day. Until the bell rang and school was let out for the rest of the day. Sunset checked her watch and noticed that it was already time for school to end, the fiery haired girl found a wall and thumbed her head against it, groaning in both aggravation that she had literally been fighting the Dopant all afternoon, and because she hurried back for nothing.

“Getting enough sleep, Ms. Shimmer?”

Sunset glanced to her left and quickly stood at attention at the sight of Ms. Harshwhinny. “Oh – um – yes! I guess classes today were a little extra tiring, I’m just fine.”

The older woman scanned the young girl, she then shook her head and motioned for Sunset to follow her. Sunset Shimmer groaned, she was not in the mood for a lecture, especially one from Ms. Harshwhinny, she had just gotten through fighting a dino Dopant, and had to uncover a smuggling ring that was connected to it. Now she was about to get chewed out for missing class.

Ms. Harshwhinny brought Sunset into an empty classroom and allowed her to enter first. Once inside, Ms. Harshwhinny closed the door and sat in a desk next to Sunset Shimmer. “So, I think we need to address the elephant in the room.”

“Which is?” Sunset asked.

“That you’re Kamen Rider Unicorn.”

Sunset sat straight up, her mind and senses now completely awake at hearing her revelation. “Uh…Ms. Harhwhinny, that’s a bold accusation. I mean, I know my friends and I have done some crazy magic related things, but me a superhero? I’m flattered but –”

Ms. Harshwhinny rolled her eyes. “Please don’t insult my intelligence Miss Shimmer, during Glitter Glam’s stunt, I saw that little armadillo robot, and not very long after that incident, I saw the news video of Unicorn defeating that puppet monster with a robot armadillo.”

Sunset face palmed herself, she completely forgot about that detail.

“And I also happened to sneak a peek when you asked me to turn around, ‘birth mark’ really, I can’t imagine you showing your friend something that personal if it’s in an ‘embarrassing place’. But in either case I saw you pull out a strange little device that was colored similarly to Unicorn. Considering all that’s happened recently it’s not hard to put two and two together,” said Ms. Harshwhinny.

Sunset face desked herself, it was over, honestly, she was surprised she got away with it as long as she had without making anyone suspicious, but now that Ms. Harshwhinny knew, she was more than likely going to have Shining Armor of the SCU come and arrest her, she was after all a vigilante wielding a dangerous power. “So, how long until the police get here?”

“I didn’t call them, Sunset.”

Sunset sat back up and looked at Ms. Harswhinny in confusion. “Really? I mean, yeah for me, but why haven’t you? If you know I’m Unicorn shouldn’t you be – I don’t know – turning me in and trying to make me stop?”

Ms. Harshwhinny loosened her ascot and sighed heavily. “I tried to deny and even dismiss the strange things that happen here in the school, but after having been turned into you, and witnessing the heroic deeds you performed over the last few months, I would be a fool to not see the benefit of your being Unicorn. If the only reason you were doing this was for a thrill then I’d have some words for you, but after seeing you in that cage with me, and how you continuously risk your life to fight these horrid creatures, it’s…well…it’s high time I wake up to the new reality.”

Sunset smiled at her teacher, and at one time adversary. “Well…thanks, Ms. Harswhinny. I promise I’m trying to have this not affect my studies!”

“Oh please Miss Shimmer, you’re so far ahead you and Miss Sparkle practically attend for the sheer fun of it at this point.”

Sunset rubbed the back of her head as she blushed, as it was true, both she and Twilight were way ahead, and practically the smartest people in the school. “So…was there something else?”

“Yes, you look ragged, I caught you dozing off during class a few times, but considering what you’re doing I’m not surprised. I can only imagine how your parents feel,” said Ms. Harshwhinny.

Sunset lowered her head. “Well…I live alone, no parents, so I pretty much have the freedom to do this Kamen Rider thing, plus I never had any to begin with.”

Ms. Harshwhinny covered her mouth and cursed inwardly. “Oh, I’m sorry Miss Shimmer, I…I’m sorry.”

“It’s no big deal, I actually had someone who acted like a mother to me a long time ago, in another world and life.”

“Knowing you, you mean that literally.”


“Well that doesn’t change the facts. You’re tired, you need to rest.” Ms. Harshwhinny ran her hand through her hair before she sighed and said, “I could possibly work with Principal Celestia to allow you a leave of absence for at least a week. Preferably I’d rather you not do any superheroing during that time.”

“Not so easy when I live in a city that could pop out a monster-of-the-week any day now,” said Sunset. “But…I think I might know someplace close by but still far enough away for me to relax, let me look into it and I’ll get back to you.”

Ms. Harshwhinny nodded and began to leave.

“By the way, what would you have done if it was actually a birthmark and not my device?” Sunset asked with a grin.

“I would’ve apologized, I’m not a pervert.”

“Really? Sure you just didn’t want to sneak a peek at my –?”




The girls all had looks of shock on their faces, and Sunset was very glad at this moment that they were all meeting in the music room, although she was certain that was loud enough to pierce the soundproof walls.

“W-Why are you leaving?! Was it something we did, something we didn’t do?!” Pinkie Pie rushed Sunset and grabbed her by the jacket. “SPILL IT SUN SHIM!”

Applejack walked over and pried Pinkie Pie off Sunset. “For Pete’s sake Pinkie let Sunset tell us, Ah’m sure she’s got an explanation.” The farm girl glanced to Sunset with a worried expression. “Ya are goin’ to tell us why, at least, right?”

“Yes, settle down guys.” Sunset sat on the piano chair and looked at each of her friends. “I just need a little vacation, I guess I’m getting a little run down and I think it’s starting to show.”

Rarity cleared her throat. “Well…maybe just a tad. Although, now that we have a new Kamen Rider, I would think the burden would be evenly spilt. And Rainbow Dash where were you when she was out fighting that dinosaur monster?!”

“In Algebra, sitting right next to you,” said Rainbow Dash in a deadpan tone.

Rarity blushed.

“But she’s right, I wish I could’ve gone and helped…You gotta teach me how to sneak away like you do.”

“Years of practice and knowing all the nooks and crannies of the school. But anyway, I won’t be going far, in fact I decided on where I could go that’s far enough away to let me relax, but still close enough for me to hurry back in case of an emergency,” said Sunset.

“Where’s that?” Fluttershy asked.


A round of “duhs” came from five of the six girls. Of course, Equestria was the perfect place for her to go, after all it was Sunset’s home, and what better place to relax than back home and in the form she was most comfortable with. And thanks to the portal, Sunset could come to their world fast if the need was great. However, out of the group, one girl seemed a bit hesitant to this idea.

“You’re going to cross the dimensional plain and head to alternate world?” Twilight asked.

“My world Twi, remember, I’m originally a pony and as far as I’m concerned, this world is the alternate world. You saw a glimpse of it when you…ahem…you know.”

Twilight thought about that and as much as she disliked remembering her time as Midnight Sparkle, she did remember seeing the alternate world that had ponies in it. “Huh…sorry, I forget sometimes that you’re from another world.”

“No problem,” said Sunset.

Rarity walked up next to Sunset and patted her on the shoulder. “Well if you ask me I think a vacation is long overdue for you Darling, you’ve been doing a lot to keep everyone safe as Unicorn, and just as much before that. So why not take some time off, I’d say it’s well deserved.”

“Yeah, and in the meantime, I’ll keep the city safe! It’s about time I started to do more, you’ve had a few months doing all the heavy lifting, let Nasca take over for at least a week,” said Rainbow Dash.

Sunset knew that going would be good for her, but she still worried that there would be a Dopant attack. “You sure you got this? You just started as a Kamen Rider and what if –?”

Rainbow Dash came up and bonked Sunset on the head, making her stop midsentence. “Relax, I got this. Like I said, you’ve done a lot to protect everyone, it’s about time I started to too. I can handle at least a week.”

Sunset smirked. “Guess I’ll message Princess Twilight, I’ll leave the journal behind so you guys can contact me if there’s an emergency.”

“A-Are you sure? I mean, the other me is a Princess and I’d assume she’s busy,” said Twilight.

“Nah, her castle got tons of room, the only other ones living there are her student, and her assistant Spike. But Spike’s a dragon, instead of a dog,” said Sunset.

“Yeah, still don’t understand how that works.”

“Neither does he.”


And so the promised day arrived, it was Sunday morning and the girls had gathered in front of the Wondercolt Statue. Sunset had a couple of saddle bags with her, not much was in them. Rarity noticed her lack of baggage and had to ask, “Darling, is that really all you’re taking to Equestria? You didn’t pack any nightwear or anything else?”

“Just my toothbrush and some toothpaste. But remember, back there, clothing is optional, and more or less to make a statement of that pony’s individuality. But otherwise, the majority go around without, like me.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “So it’s a society of nudists, sounds like fun.”

“You do realize that when I’m a pony I have fur, right?” Sunset asked in a deadpan tone.

“Still makes you wonder,” said Rainbow.

“I’ll be sure to pass that along to your pony counterpart when I see her.” Sunset reached into her saddle bag and pulled out the journal. She then handed it to Twilight who gingerly took the journal into her grasp. “Remember, if you guys need me just write a message in the journal and I’ll come straight here. Or if you just want to see how I’m doing, that’s cool too.”

Pinkie Pie appeared next to Sunset and patted her on the head. “Aww, don’t worry your pretty little head, Sunset, you just go there and distressify yourself, and say hi to the other me!”

“Will do.”

Suddenly, the statue began to ripple like water, followed by a small shimmer of light signaling the way was open. Sunset released a breath she didn’t she was holding, she felt nervous for some reason, but it didn’t make sense why. She was going back to her home world, it was just for a vacation and it wasn’t like there would be armed guards waiting to take her away. Princess Twilight had made it clear that Princess Celestia hadn’t harbored ill will towards her or was looking to lock her away in a dungeon, or banish her to the moon.

“Here it goes, see you girls in a week.”

“Sunset!” Twilight spoke out. Sunset turned around and in that same moment, found Twilight giving her a hug. The action made Sunset blush noticeably. “Please…just be careful over there. I mean I know it’s your home, but that doesn’t mean you can be careless.”

Sunset smiled and gently separated herself from Twilight and rested her hands on Twilight’s shoulders. “I’ll be fine, Twilight, and thanks.”

The fiery haired girl turned and walked straight ahead, reaching out with her hand first. The portal rippled like water, and as her hand sunk in, light began to shine. Taking one last breath, Sunset made the plunge and went all in.


Three days had passed since Sunset Shimmer’s departure to Equestria for her week vacation, and so far nothing had happened. Sunset had left Rainbow Dash in charge of any Dopant related incidents, a job that the newly minted Kamen Rider Nasca was more than happy to do. In a way, although Dash would never admit it, she was a bit nervous about handling a Dopant case on her own, but with Twilight’s help she didn’t have to worry much, all she had do was bust up the Dopant when it showed up. If it showed up.

Currently the girls were in class, with Rainbow listening to another lecture from Ms. Harshwhinny, and spotting Twilight at the head of the row taking notes. Her gaze turned towards the window for a moment, although having nothing happen was a good thing, in a way, Rainbow wanted to test her grit as a Kamen Rider. Defeating Lightning Dust and obtaining the Accel Memory was a great start though.

By the time lunch time came around, Rainbow Dash was slumping in her seat with her chin resting against the table. “I’m so bored.”

“Whatever do you mean, Darling? Aren’t you busy enough with the sports teams?” Rarity asked.

“I mean, since Sunset left I was hoping I could spread my wings as Nasca and really take on some superhero responsibility.”

Twilight adjusted her glasses and looked to Rainbow. “Rainbow Dash I understand you want to show what you can do, but as far as I’m concerned, a day, a week, even a month without a Dopant attack is great.”

“Indeed,” Rarity chimed in, “It’s stressful enough not knowing when those attacks will come, much less getting caught in the crossfire of one.”

“‘Sides, Dash, ya can do with some more trainin’, didn’t ya say ya haven’t used that new Memory that ya got?” Applejack asked.

Rainbow knew what she was talking about, during their last training session, Rainbow Dash initiated a Mimetic Drive with the Accel Memory, and it turned out that the power of the Accel Memory was stronger than she was ready for. “Yeah, I guess.”

Suddenly, Twilight’s phone went off. She took out the cellular device and opened it up to see that there were news reports of a Dopant attack. The girls huddled around Twilight and Applejack glanced to Rainbow. “You just had to jinx it, didn’t ya?”

“Okay, probably not the best thing, but I got this!”

“Rainbow wai –!”

Before anyone could offer protest, Rainbow Dash was already out of the cafeteria. The tomboy continued down the hall until she found the nearest exit. Once outside, she held out her hand and the N-Driver immediately materialized, Rainbow placed the buckle against her waist and let the straps shoot out and connect. Rainbow reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out the Nasca Memory.

< NASCA! >


> NASCA! <

A field of blue light appeared around Rainbow Dash, releasing sparks of electricity that materialized armor upon her body, transforming her into Kamen Rider Nasca. The masked rider took a runner’s stance, and immediately her fiery, electric wings sprouted from her back. With a cocky grin, Rainbow Dash sprinted and in the next second shot into the sky, heading right for downtown Canterlot City.


Nasca made it to the city in record time, down below she could see the mayhem that was being created by the Dopant attack, and it only infuriated the hero. Further ahead she could see several police officers of the SCU already taking positions and firing on the Dopants. Some were using some new equipment that she hadn’t seen before. One of officers, who Rainbow Dash recognized as Shining Armor, was toting a kind of rifle gun. It was colored white, with a magazine loaded into it that had glowing blue lines on it. The barrel had three oscillating rings that whirred as it came to life, spinning around as the energy funneled through the barrel.

The Kamen Rider looked ahead to see what he was aiming the weapon at and that’s when she saw not one, but two Dopants. One looked like a black widow spider, with the lower half spider and the upper half humanoid. She had an hourglass on her abdomen, that had small lines as if denote that it was cracked, the hourglass itself was a dull shade of gray-blue. Along the abdomen were blue colored nodes that ran up the abdomen, along the sides of her spine and diverged until they hit two larger nodes on arachnid’s shoulders.

The arachnid’s arms were slender, with long clawed fingers. Her head was smooth and round, with four sharp, green eyes that gleamed with menacing power.

To the left of the spider Dopant was a Dopant that resembled a bat, and stood a head taller than the spider Dopant. It had mauve colored fur, with tribal-like patterns done in a dull purple color. Its arms were long and skinny, it had three talons, each one colored a deep violet, and during the times the Dopant flexed its wings, Rainbow could see the grayish-white membrane of the wings. The Dopant’s head had two big ears that twitched as the slightest sounds, and amethyst eyes that gave off an eerie glow.

Shining Armor took aim with the new weapon, and fired a bolt of energy that sailed towards the spider Dopant. The nimble arachnid dodged the blast by jumping up and latching onto the side of a building, at the same time the Bat Dopant did a vertical takeoff that put in the air about twenty feet, and having the energy bolt strike the ground where they were last. Shining Armor, however, did not falter as he quickly readied the second shot and fired it at the hovering Bat Dopant, the creature didn’t have time to react to Shining’s quick draw as the bolt sailed and struck the center of the creature’s chest, and making sparks fly from the Dopant, throwing it back down to the ground.

The Spider Dopant opened its mouth, which were two mandibles with rows of sharp teeth. From the center of the mouth the Spider Dopant fired a string of webbing at a nearby mailbox and ripped it from the sidewalk, she then cut off the strand with her claws and swung the mailbox towards the SCU officers. Shining Armor quickly fired a shot at the incoming object and made it explode in midair.

In that short time, the Bat Dopant opened its mouth and released a supersonic sound wave that rang out for yards. Suddenly, the armored trucks, police cruisers, and even some abandoned civilian vehicles all came to life, their engines roaring and the headlights having changed to a violet color. The Bat Dopant released another supersonic screech and the cars attacked.

Some of the cars sped forward and tried run over the police, some managed to get away in time, but others were sent flying into the air. The officers began to open fire, striking the engines and causing them to explode in order to stop them. Meanwhile, the Spider Dopant shot out webbing that wrapped around other officers, in a matter of seconds the insides of the web cocoon began to glow and then someone yelled, “GET DOWN!”

The officers that were cocooned had been turned into bombs, exploding and tossing up debris and throwing even more officers into buildings or into the air.

Nasca couldn’t stand this any longer and dove down. The Spider Dopant spotted Shining Armor and fired a strand of webbing at him, but at the last second, Nasca appeared and summoned her sword. She slashed at the webbing at super speed, dicing it up into little harmless threads.

Shining Armor looked at the blue Kamen Rider. “What the heck?!”

“Get your guys out of here, they’re too dangerous! I’ll handle them!” Nasca stated.

Shining Armor got up and readied his rifle again. “With all due respect, you’re a vigilante wielding dangerous powers and weapons, I can technically arrest you and Unicorn!” Shining Armor looked about. “Where is she anyway?”

Rainbow thought fast. “S-She’s on a secret mission out of town, and I’m watching things while she’s gone! A-Anyway, vigilante or not I’m here to help you same as her! The only way to beat those Dopants is with power like mine. Now seriously get your guys back before you lose them!”

Shining Armor glared at Nasca, but reluctantly, he conceded to her. “Everyone, fallback! Fallback now!”

The officers laid down suppressive fire as they retreated to a safe distance. But the Bat Dopant wasn’t about to allow them to leave that easily. The creature opened its mouth and prepared to release another supersonic screech to control the vehicles. But Nasca sped towards the Dopant and slashed at its torso once, twice, thrice in a split second. Sparks flew from the creature and sent it flying backwards into the side of the building.

The Spider Dopant began spitting webbing at Nasca, but the speedster masked rider was faster than the web. Nasca flew to the right and made a beeline for the Spider Dopant. She charged the blade of her sword and slashed forward, sending a crescent wave of blue that that struck the building and made it explode. The result made the Spider Dopant leap off the building to avoid getting caught in the shower of debris, but put it right in Nasca’s reach.

The blue Rider attacked with a flurry of slashes that appeared as streaks of blue light, and from every strike sparks flew off from the Dopant’s body. The Spider Dopant flopped onto the ground, rolling until she hit a car. Nasca hovered over them and sized them up. Huh, guess they’re not as tough as they look. I’ll end this with one shot!

Nasca moved her Gaia Memory from the buckle and into the right hip port.


The fiery electric wings of the Nasca released a powerful aura field, Nasca used her blade and traced a circle, gathering that aura energy and wrapping her blade with it. Once she completed the circle, Nasca took the sword into both hands as the eyes of her helmet glowed bright.

“Sky Fury!”

Nasca slashed horizontally, creating a giant, orange-yellow crescent that roared towards both Dopants. The targets were horror struck as they saw the attack coming towards them, and Nasca grinned under helmet in triumph. However, her grin faded as two orbs of energy came sailing out of nowhere and struck the crescent. Their dual power was enough to cause the crescent to explode prematurely before reaching its targets, sparing the two Dopants.

“What the hell, who did that?!” Nasca asked.

“Huh, Unicorn didn’t come so she sent her sidekick?” The owner of the voice appeared as a creature hovering over the battlefield. The new Dopant had a visor over her eyes, with a turned up, black collar that was at least a foot high. She had long slender legs and arms, her fingers were bony and were claw tipped. The front was exposed in a V pattern, allowing a small portion of her neck, collar, chest, and naval to be seen, which was a fuchsia color. Her outfit was comprised of dark violet and black gloves and high heel boots. “That’s weak.”

Nasca looked up at the new Dopant and scowled from beneath her helmet. “I’m not anyone’s ‘sidekick’! Unicorn and I are partners! And who the heck are you?!”

The new Dopant smiled smugly. “I’m the one who’s going to help beat you into the ground.”

The flying Dopant held out her hands and pointed them towards Nasca. Orbs of energy, colored, red, violet, and orange began to spring up around Nasca, with a snap of her fingers, the orbs exploded in a powerful display of destruction, making the air thunder from the rapid succession. Before Nasca could recover, another orb sprouted out of nowhere and exploded again, turning Nasca into a pin ball bouncing back and forth in the air.

When the explosions stopped, Nasca saw a window to activate Vermillion Mode, but before she could make the switch, the Spider Dopant shout out some webbing from her wrists and wrapped up Nasca’s legs. The Spider Dopant pulled and swung the Kamen Rider right into the side of a building. Both Nasca and a pile of rubble came crashing down onto the sidewalk in a heap, Nasca punched upwards and slashed at the debris to clear her way, but as if to add insult to injury, an armored car came roaring towards Nasca and rammed into her. The flying Dopant fired two energy orbs that struck vehicle and exploded it into fiery fury.

The flying Dopant grinned, knowing that they had finished one Rider off.


Suddenly a flash vermillion light went off from the flames, followed by a whirlwind as something flew from the flames. In less than a second the flying Dopant was struck seven times, in the following second, the Bat Dopant was hit five times, and in the next half second, the Spider Dopant was also struck five times. On the street, Kamen Rider Nasca reappeared in her Vermillion Mode, huffing as her sword gleamed from the glow of the flames and her wings. Upon flicking the blade once, the delay in the damage to the Dopants was lifted, and all three had sparks flying from their bodies as the blows of Nasca’s blade took effect.

All three fell to the ground, damaged and huffing as well, but not out. Nasca felt pain all over her body, but still maintained an aggressive stance. The three Dopant’s looked to each other and the flying Dopant raised her hands and fired multiple energy orbs at the ground before Nasca, exploding and sending a cloud of debris into the air.

Nasca knew she needed to go after them, but after that assault, she was not in any condition to do so. Reluctantly, Nasca flew off, headed back to CHS.


Luckily for Rainbow Dash, somehow, no one asked questions as to why she was not there for Miss Harshwhinny’s class, in fact the teacher didn’t seem to bat an eye to it. But that did not save Rainbow Dash from a verbal accosting from Twilight and the others, mostly of it came from Twilight, the others just watching as she went on.

“That was incredibly reckless, stupid, and-and-and – UGH! I can’t even find the words right now!” Twilight exclaimed.

“You seemed to be doing well there for the last two minutes.” Rainbow mumbled under her breath.

“Taking on two Dopants is risky enough, but now there’s three of them! We’ve never had a situation where two Dopants appeared…we…we should call Sunset,” said Twilight as she reached into her bag to take the journal out.

Rainbow Dash saw this and rushed to Twilight stopping her, wincing from the aches and pains from the battle as she did so. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up Twi. We can at least do some leg work before we have to call her. She’s only been gone three days and I doubt she’s had little time to unwind, do you really want to cut her vacation short like that?”

Twilight winced. No she did not want to end Sunset’s vacation back home, if anyone in their group needed some time away it was Sunset Shimmer and she was entitled to that after all she has done to protect everyone. However, the threat they were facing was real, especially if these were T2 Gaia Memories. Rainbow Dash did have a point as well, they needed to run down leads as to who the Dopants might be.

“In the meantime, Rainbow, Ah think you should head home and rest up,” said Applejack.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “What are you talking about? I’m good to go, let’s do some detective work!”

Pinkie Pie appeared behind Rainbow Dash and poked her in the ribs gently. But that gentle poke was enough to make the sports girl release a painful “yeowch” upon contact. “Oh yeah, you definitely need to go rest if that hurt.”

“It didn’t hurt, you just surprised me!” Rainbow shot back.

Fluttershy walked up to her friend, in full view of Rainbow Dash, and poked her in the stomach. The reaction was immediate as Rainbow Dash released another painful wail and jumped back away from the one causing the pain.

Rarity shook her head. “It’s official, you’re hurt if even dear Fluttershy’s gentle touch hurts you.”

Rainbow Dash groaned loudly. “Look I’m fine, Sunset Shimmer takes hits like that all the time and she manages to get back up and is fine later.”

Twilight growled in frustration and stated, “You and Sunset are completely different, she can heal faster and you can’t – EEP!” Twilight quickly slapped her hands over her mouth.

Five pairs of eyes all stared at Twilight with confusion, and Twilight herself felt a deep surge of regret and self-loathing at how she just blurted out a secret that not even Sunset herself had revealed to her friends yet.

“Twilight, what do you mean that ‘she can heal faster’?” Fluttershy asked.

The brainiac of their group tried to figure out something, anything to make it sound as if she didn’t out the secret. Maybe she could blame it on the Gaia Memory? It’s possible, the Memories have unique properties and the Unicorn Memory has displayed being able to bestow powers outside of transformation. Then again that could ruin whatever Sunset had planned for when she eventually did tell them.

“L-Look, just forget I said anything, and just keep your ears open and eyes wide for anything out of the ordinary, okay? Okay! Bye!”

Before anyone could rebut, Twilight was out the door and headed to the front of the school to be picked up by her mother. On the drive, Twilight continued to berate herself for blurting out that information, and thought about how to tell Sunset. Unfortunately, it may be awhile before they came back to that with the most recent Dopant attacks.


Pinkie Pie didn’t know exactly how to “pound the pavement” for clues about the Dopants. The news was talking about them a lot and how Rainbow Dash – or rather Kamen Rider Nasca – managed to repel the attackers, but were still on the loose. But she couldn’t think too well with an empty stomach, so she managed to wrangle her big sister Maud to bring her to the local diner. It had a cute 70s vibe to it, with the checkerboard tile floor, jukebox, and the back end of an olds mobile stuck in the wall. Both Maud and Pinkie sat the counter, with Maud having taken a cursory glance of the menu and had already picked out what she wanted.

When she glanced to her little sister, Maud noticed that she was taking longer to decide than normal, and she was unusually quiet. “Cupcake for your thoughts?”

The word “cupcake” seemed to snap Pinkie Pie out of whatever self-induced trance she was in and smiled at Maud. “Oh, it’s nothing really, I guess the monster attack kind of soured the day a little. And I guess my friends and I may have learned something about a friend that was probably a secret that she didn’t want tell yet. So…that.”

Maud hummed in contemplation. “This secret about one of your friends, is it bad?”

Pinkie thought about it for a moment. “Well…not really, it’s more surprising I guess, but in a good way!”

Maud nodded. “Then that just leaves the monsters, but that Unicorn hero and that winged one seem to have it handled. Although, I didn’t see Unicorn around.”

Pinkie Pie blinked. “Oh…Um, yeah, that’s weird, guess she’s doing something top secret.”

Maud shrugged. “Oddly enough, I haven’t seen Sunset Shimmer around lately, either. Strange that Unicorn is gone, and just so happens that Sunset Shimmer is too. One would think that Sunset Shimmer is Kamen Rider Unicorn.”

Pinkie Pie’s left eye twitched as a nervous smile spread across her face, the party girl slapped Maud on the arm and forced a laugh. “Oh Maud you’re such a joker! ‘Sunset Shimmer is Kamen Rider Unicorn’, that’s classic Maud alright! Ha, aha, such a kidder!”

Maud turned towards Pinkie and stared her in the eyes. “Am I kidding?”

The younger Pie sibling began to sweat, the burning gaze of her big sister’s eyes bore down into her soul, and, if she was not mistaken, for a brief moment, the Neighponese calligraphy symbol of “DEATH” appeared behind her.

“I am kidding, Pinkie. Gotcha.” Maud stated as she went to flag down the waitress.

The pink haired girl released a sigh of relief. Pinkie Pie took a look around the restaurant and noticed a girl watching them. She had a bubblegum pink complexion, with goldenrod colored eyes, and long, spiky, bright blonde hair. She wore white jean shorts, and a purple t-shirt that had a six pointed star with rays coming out of it. Pinkie Pie told Maud what she wanted and excused herself for a moment. The other girl must’ve noticed her stare, and tried to play it off like she was looking around casually. But Pinkie Pie casually walked up the girl and smiled at her.

“Hi, my name’s Pinkie Pie, what’s yours?”

The other girl smiled at Pinkie and answered, “Sunshine, Sunshine Smiles. And, um, sorry for staring at you two earlier.”

Pinkie took a seat in the opposite side of the booth. “It’s alright, you don’t seem like a creeper. Unless you were checking out my big sister, in which case I could maybe put in a good word for you?”

Sunshine shook her head. “Oh no, no I’m not like that either! No offense if you are though!”

Pinkie Pie shrugged, for her, boy or girl, as long as she was happy with them, and them her, gender didn’t really matter. “None taken.”

“It’s just, you remind me of me and my sister. We’re like total opposites, but in a fun way! She’s kinda dark and moody, and I’m –”

“Bright and cheery?”

Sunshine smiled. “Exactly! We may have been opposites, but we loved each other.” The blonde girl pulled out her cellphone and showed a picture of her sister. She wore a black dress, with violet trim. Her hair was a midnight blue, with a grayish-blue complexion, and her eyes were the same goldenrod yellow color as Sunshine. “That’s her, Moonlight Raven. She looks grumpy but we’re total BFFs! Lately though…she’s been real distant. Like she doesn’t care anymore, and she vanishes at times of the days that really worries me.”

Pinkie Pie reached out her hand to Sunshine in a show of comfort and smiled at her. “Hey it’s alright, my other sister, Limestone, she’s like super grumpy and generally cranky all the live long day. But, despite all that, she’s loves me, Maud, and our other sister Marble, and she does get super protective of our shy Marble.”

Sunshine could feel Pinkie Pie’s kindness, but the worry over Raven made her smile droop a little. “I wish we could have that back. This one time I ‘investigated’ her room, trying to find anything I could to see what would make her act the way she was or anything.”

“Did you?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, nothing out of the ordinary. There was this weird looking flash drive had hidden under her bed, it had an ‘S’ on it and there was a button on the side. I…uh-hmm…I kind of that it may have been a stash of something naughty, which I can’t really judge, I mean we all have something in the closet. But she caught me in her room with the USB and she had this look of panic and anger that I’ve never seen before.”

Pinkie Pie’s eyes widened at that mention of a strange flash drive. “Um…sorry Sunshine, but did you just say something about a weird flash drive? Did it look kind of metallicy and had these ridges on the sides?”

Sunshine’s eyes widened at the description. “That’s exactly it! When she saw me with it she rushed into the room and grabbed my wrist, she did it pretty hard and it kind of hurt, but after I let it go she let my wrist go and yelled at me to get out of her room. Do you know something about it?”

Pinkie Pie bit her lip, she wanted to say “yes”, she wanted to tell Sunshine Smiles what her sister had was a Gaia Memory, and that it was dangerous. Pinkie wanted to tell her that it would be alright because she knew Kamen Rider Unicorn and Nasca and that they could help. However there’s a secret that needed to be kept, so, all Pinkie Pie could do was say, “Don’t worry, it’ll work out for you and your sister, I have a good feeling about these kind of things!”

I gotta tell Twilight and Rainbow Dash!


Rarity was busy sorting out her various cloths and sewing tools. The fashsionista couldn’t help but think about Twilight’s comment about Sunset being different, “healing faster” was the word she used. Rarity didn’t understand, they all knew Sunset Shimmer was from another world, Equestria, and that she was once a pony. But Sunset didn’t look that much different from them. Both on a personal and professional level, Rarity was very aware that she wasn’t that much different from the rest of them, physically speaking.

“Oh, this is going to nag at me all night,” said Rarity.

Just then her computer chimed, Rarity walked over and saw that there was a video call waiting. When she saw the caller name she smiled and opened the line. The screen opened to view a girl with a yellow-gold complexion, baby blue eyes, and faded purple hair. “Lily Lace, Darling, it’s been ages since you called!”

[Rarity it’s good to see you too! But…I kinda wish it was under better circumstances, I need some advice, girl,] said Lily Lace with a valley girl accent.

Rarity pulled up her chair and sat down. “Of course, whatever is wrong?”

[You remember my roommate, Inky Rose?]

Rarity probed her memory, remembering a tall girl who had her hair into braided pigtails, and had dark purple hair, with a lavender colored streak in it. She had a dull gray complexion, and had opal colored eyes. “Yes, I do, she was quite…the interesting character.”

Lily chuckled. [I know she’s an acquired taste, but she’s a good friend……Well, she was or kinda still is…it’s confusing.]

“Lily, dear, is something the matter with Rose?” Rarity asked.

[It’s just that Inky can get, like, into her – as much as she hates the term – ‘goth moments’ where she’s either writing some kind of poetry or channeling it into making a new outfit. But lately, it’s like she’ been having a ‘goth moment’ for a while now.]

“Oh dear,” Rarity tried to think of an explanation as to why her friend may be acting strangely. “Has Rose done or said anything strange-er lately?”

Lily’s expression changed as she scrunched her face in contemplation. [She did come home with a weird flash drive thing, it had these ridges like ribs, and had a funky looking B in the center. I almost touched the thing and Rose almost slapped my hand away from it.]

Rarity’s mind immediately knew what Lily was talking about just by the description. Oh no, Rose has one of those Gaia Memories! The fashionista composed herself and spoke carefully to Lily, “Darling, I must ask that you leave Rose be for now, she may have gotten ahold of something that’s not quite good. So for now just give her space and give me a call if something changes.”

Lily looked at Rarity with concern. [Rarity, should I be afraid? Do you know something?]

“It might be nothing, but better safe than sorry.”

[Alright, I’ll trust you on this Rarity. I gotta go before Rose gets in, later girl.]

“Later.” Rarity ended the call and sighed heavily. “Well then, best message Twilight about this.”


Twilight couldn’t believe it, not but a few hours after school let out the other day did they stumble upon the identities of both the Spider Dopant and the Bat Dopant. Was it luck, or was the universe actually pulling for them? Either way Twilight was not going to question how or why, the fact of the matter was that now they knew two of the three Dopants who attacked downtown and now knew who to keep tabs on. During their free period, the girls met up in the music room and began their discussion with Twilight having brought a tablet to aid in visuals.

“Okay, so from what Pinkie Pie and Rarity have told me, Moonlight Raven, the sister of one Sunshine Smiles. She goes to Rock Hoof High School, and is in possession of the Spider Memory. I found that this Gaia Memory gives its user spider agility, senses, and strength, at the same time, its webbing is incredibly strong. However, its most deadly attribute comes from being cocooned and turning any organic being caught inside into a bomb.”

Rainbow shivered upon hearing that, recalling when the Spider Dopant wrapped up some officers and said officers later exploded.

“Inky Rose, who goes to the Canterlot Art School, is in possession of the Bat Memory. Similar to the Spider Memory, her strength, speed, and senses are heightened, but its greatest weapon is its supersonic shriek, it releases a kind of energy that scrambles any vehicle electronics and slaves them to the Dopant’s command, turning practically any motorized vehicle into a weapon.”

Rarity and Fluttershy seemed particularly afraid of the Bat Dopant, a slight fear of having their cars come to life with them inside. Rainbow Dash stood up and confidently stated, “Okay, now that we know who they are, let’s go out there and break those Gaia Memories.”

“No.” Twilight stated.

Rainbow gave Twilight an incredulous look. “What? Why not?! We know who they are now, it’ll be easy!”

Twilight shook her head. “We still don’t know the identity of the third Dopant, the one that appeared and provided back up for the other two. For all we know she’s watching them, and waiting for Kamen Rider to make a move.”

“So? If I go Vermillion Mode out of the gate, I’ll be too fast for them to even do anything! I’ll snatch up her Gaia Memory before she has a chance to push the button.” Rainbow boasted.

The studious girl slapped her forehead in frustration. “And I told you that Vermillion Mode can’t be used after the initial transformation. It needs at least ninety seconds to charge up, and afterwards that’s how long you have before it disengages. Sunset wouldn’t blindly initiate an assault she’d still insist on recon!”

Rainbow Dash sighed and glanced at the floor. “Well sorry I’m not Sunset Shimmer! Forget it, I need some air.”

Rainbow Dash stormed out of the music room and down the hall, leaving Twilight and the girls to watch. The studious girl began to feel a pang of guilt in her heart. Was she comparing Rainbow to Sunset too much? And then it also hit her, she just had a fight with one of the girls who helped her transition into this new school, someone who wanted to be her friend.

“Oh no…what have I done?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“It’s alright Twilight, she’s just a little…over-eager is all, Rainbow has never been one to sit on her hands for too long and not do something.” Rarity explained.

“I can vouch for that, Dashie’s always been action and planning second,” said Fluttershy.

Despite their explanations, it did nothing to sate Twilight’s anxiety. She had just alienated one of her friends, and now she was afraid of losing her friendship, a genuine friend like all of them. The girls could see Twilight was still worried about what she had said to Rainbow Dash. It wasn’t hard to understand, Twilight had never knew real friendship, definitely not from Crystal Prep which practically isolated her. Now that she had friends, and realized how much she liked having them, she was afraid of losing them.

“I…I should go and apologize, I –!”

“You need to simmer down Twi, Rainbow’s just bein’ a bit hotheaded right now. Yer right to wait and see fer now. Ah’ll talk to Rainbow Dash later, okay?” Applejack interjected.

Twilight reluctantly shook her head.


[Look Rainbow just give Twilight a break, she does have a point. Waitin’ and seein’ is best right now.]

“Applejack, we know where they are, we know who they are. This is our best chance to win a fight before having to Rider Up. I’m not letting the same thing happen to someone else like it happened to Gilda,” said Rainbow Dash with conviction.

There was an annoyed grunt on the other end of the phone. [By the way, where the heck did ya storm off to? I can’t find ya anywhere here and it’s almost time for school to let out.]

“Yeah…I’m kinda sorta…”


[That sounded like a bell, but it’s not time for the last bell yet?] There was thirty seconds of silence before Applejack spoke again. [Oh for the love of – tell me ya ain’t over at Rock Hoof right now?]

“Okay I won’t tell you, so later,” said Rainbow Dash in a cheery voice.

The sports girl ended the call and turned the gaze towards the school. Rock Hoof High School wasn’t as impressively big as CHS or CPA, but it was decent. It was one of the older schools in the city, founded by a Norhay migrant and named it after his favorite legendary figure. The name’s stuck ever since. The students filed out of the school, many of them grouping together into their own cliques and circle of friends as they talked and made plans.

Rainbow kept a sharp eye out for Moonlight Raven, and thankfully she wasn’t hard to find. Her sister, Sunshine Smiles, contrasted greatly against her, allowing her to pick them out of the crowd. It seemed as if Sunshine was talking to Moonlight, but even though Sunshine’s expression was all smiles, Moonlight remained stoic, reminding Rainbow Dash of Pinkie Pie’s big sister, Maud.

The rainbow haired girl reached into her backpack and pulled out a baseball cap, tucking as much of her hair as she could into it. After doing so, Rainbow walked parallel to them as best she could, trying to stay close enough to spring into action, but not too close as to make it noticeable she was tailing them. Rainbow continued to follow them until dusk settled, and she wondered how late they would stay out since it was still a school night. She had sent a text to her parents stating she was going to be home late as she was staying over with one of her friends. Rainbow never specified who, but she knew her friends would cover for her if they called.

“Okay, you need to leave now,” said Moonlight.

“But, Moon, we need head back. Mom and Dad are kinda getting a little worried about you getting home late, and I am too,” said Sunshine.

Moonlight sighed in annoyance. “I appreciate the worry, but I’m fine. Trust me.”

Sunshine watched as her sister began to walk off, but Sunshine stamped her foot and ran until she got in front of Moonlight. “No you’re not! You’re not fine! You’ve been moody-er than usual, you’re coming home late, and you snap at me, you never do that.”

Moonlight growled. “I’m just going through some things right now Sun, I’ll figure them out.”

“But I’m your sister, your family, you can tell me and I’ll help you! That’s how it’s always been since we were little,” said Sunshine sniffling.

“We’re older now Sunshine, and sometimes you gotta stand on your own, and do what you have to do,” said Moonlight.

Sunshine looked at her sister curiously. “Sis…is someone making you do something you don’t want to do? Is…Is it some boy or…a girl – because I’m totally not judging if you like girls or anything! In fact, I think it’s cute, and kind of hot, but I don’t mean you’re hot! I mean – eww – totally wrong to think of my Sis like that! I just meant it in general, and –!”

“SUNSHINE, WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!” Moonlight yelled. “Just go home and stop with the word vomit! Like NOW!”

Sunshine was taken aback by the harshness of her sister’s words. The blonde haired girl went silent and slowly walked away, the faint sound of her sniffles echoing as she left. Moonlight watched as her sister continued to walk on, and all the while sighing heavily, and sadly.

Rainbow frowned at seeing the two sisters fight, she took on Scootaloo as a surrogate little sister, and couldn’t imagine herself being that harsh with her. The tomboy believed that enough was enough and began moving closer to Moonlight. The night fell on the city now, and Moonlight Raven had covered a fair bit of ground, getting closer to less a populated area where there were mostly empty lots and old businesses that hadn’t been demolished. It was now or never.

“Hey,” said Rainbow.

Moonlight spun around with a frightened look on her face. “Who are you, what do you want?!”

Rainbow put up her hands and removed her baseball cap. “Hey, hey, chill out I’m not going to hurt you, I just want to talk.”

Moonlight looked Rainbow Dash up and down with suspicion. “What do you want to talk to me about, I don’t even know you.”

“No you don’t, but my friend is friends with your sister back there, and she was worried. I thought I could help,” said Rainbow.

Moonlight looked down at the black pants pocket and scowled. “There’s nothing you can do to help me, it’s none of your business anyway. So just leave me alone.”

“That Gaia Memory is bad news!” Rainbow blurted.

Moonlight Raven froze in her tracks, looking back at Rainbow Dash with horror and shock. Her hands trembled, her mind racing a million miles an hour as Moonlight tried to figure out how this girl knew about her Gaia Memory. “W-W-What are you talking about, Gaia what now?”

Rainbow growled in frustration, in a preemptive move she quickly rushed towards Moonlight, dug into her left pocket and pulled out the Spider Memory. “This thing is dangerous, but I think you know that already, don’t you?”

Moonlight glanced about as her eyes widened with panic. “W-W-Who told you about that?! Was it Sunshine?! Please tell me it wasn’t her?!”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at that. “No…she has no idea. Forget how I know about it, all you need to know is that the more you use it the more it messes with your head and will turn you into a monster, it almost happened to one of my friends! I won’t let you mess yourself – or your relationship with your family – up!”

Moonlight rushed towards Rainbow Dash, grabbing her by her jacket. “You don’t understand, I have to use it or she’ll –!”

“Moonlight, Moonlight, I can’t believe you lost it that easily.”

Rainbow Dash froze, she recognized that voice, the voice of the third Dopant that attacked her. Before she could react, a hand grabbed ahold of Rainbow’s left wrist and clenched at it hard enough to make her yelp and release the Spider Memory. In the next second, Rainbow was tossed like a rag doll and struck the side of an abandoned convince store. The Dopant raised her right hand and fired an orb of power at the same time, it sailed through the air until it struck Rainbow’s midsection and exploded. The explosion was less fiery and more buffeting force, causing Rainbow Dash to fall to the ground in a heap, her clothes showing rips and tears and small trickles of blood.

Moonlight Raven stared in horror at the swift attack that the Dopant unleashed. The Dopant looked down and picked up the Spider Memory with her left hand and “tsked” at Moonlight as she turned towards her. “Moony, Moony, I thought I told you and Rose to keep a lid on these little gems. Why’d you go and blab?”

“I-I-I didn’t she just guessed! She said one of her friends had a Memory too!” Moonlight argued.

“She also said she was here because of your sister. Tell me, do I really need to pay your sister a visit? Do I really need to put in the effort to remind you what I am capable of with this Taboo Memory?” A sphere of power formed in her right hand, releasing small flares of pent up energy.

“No, no please don’t! Leave her alone! I’ll do what you say, just don’t hurt her!” Moonlight pleaded.

The Taboo Dopant chuckled. “Good girl, now here,” she tossed the Spider Memory back to Moonlight, who fumbled with it before finally grasping it. “Use your spider silk and blow her up. Or else.”

Moonlight looked to the Taboo Dopant, and then to Rainbow Dash. She didn’t want to hurt Rainbow Dash, she was only trying to help. However, if she didn’t do this, Taboo would attack her sister. With great reluctance, Moonlight Raven rolled up the sleeve of her gray shirt, revealing the connector tattoo.


Moonlight pressed the Gaia Memory’s connector against the tattoo and the transformation immediately took place, changing Moonlight Raven into the Spider Dopant. The Dopant clicked its mandibles as it approached Rainbow Dash, she raised her right hand and pointed her spinner at the girl at her feet. The claw of the Dopant trembled, she didn’t want another innocent life on her conscience and yet if she didn’t, Sunshine would suffer her weakness.

“I’m sorry…”

“Not as sorry as you’re going to be.”

The Taboo and Spider Dopants glanced in the direction of the voice that came from the road, watching as a girl in a dark purple hoody, and navy blue jeans walked towards them.

“Who the hell are you?” The Taboo Dopant asked.

The girl stopped in the middle of the road, keeping her head down so as to have her face obscured by the shadows. “Someone who’s property you stole, and upon which I plan on collecting, either intact or in pieces. This can be easy or hard depending on your choice ladies.”

The Taboo Dopant scoffed and fired an orb of power straight at the girl. The unknown girl jumped to the left with great reflexes and speed, the resulting explosion briefly illuminated the shadows and granted a glimpse of her face. A lilac complexion, amethyst colored eyes, and mauve colored hair, with two streaks of light purple and ocean blue going through it. The girl rolled on the street and recovered just as quickly as she stood up.

“Good, the hard way’s more fun!”

Starlight placed her left hand behind her back and materialized a driver, placing it over her waist as the belt released and looped around to secure it to her waist. The buckle was that of two black equal sign bars with a slot sticking out from the right side. Starlight took out her T2 Gaia Memory from her jacket pocket and pressed the button.

< EQUAL! >

“Henshin!” Starlight slid the Equal Memory into the slot, and pushed down on the equal bars.

> EQUAL! <

A field of silvery-gray light released around Starlight, striking her body and generating armor. In less than a second, the armor was formed and the field collapsed. Her armor was the same silver-gray, light-blue crystal orbs lined her body, two on the shoulder pauldrons, two more on either forearm, two on the shins, three on her chest. The tips of her fingers were clawed and coated in the same diamond-like material as the orbs. The eyes of her helmet were the same color, but angled to give her a fierce visage. Two crystal bars rose from the middle of her forehead like a horn, humming with power. On either side of her belt were “>” shaped attachments, what they did and could do, was a mystery to the Dopants.

“Y-You’re a Kamen Rider, but you’re not Nasca or Unicorn!” The Taboo Dopant stated.

“You’re right, and I’m not as nice as them either. Call me…Kamen Rider Equal. And I’m here to even the score.”

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