• Published 23rd Jul 2017
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Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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Y: Yearning / To Save the World

The Winter Games Olympic tryouts were upon Canterlot City, all of the would-be competitors had gathered at the nearby mountain resort to tryout for one of the coveted spots in the prestigious games. There were a lot of favorites who came in for the qualifiers, but there were only two spots left for the Olympic Snowboarding team, and among the hundreds who came out to compete, there were three who were the top contenders for the spot.

One of which was a young man, eyes as blue as ice, hair and skin pure as the driven snow, and his name was Double Diamond, or DD for short. He felt most at home in the cold, the winter time was his favorite and one he looked forward to all year, not just because of the holidays, but because he felt more alive during this time of year, as if winter itself was a part of his soul.

He had been practicing all year, conditioning and prepping for the course, familiarizing himself with the different ins and outs, and even re-watching old Olympic Games footage of the snowboarding contestants, figuring out what they did right and paying attention to what they did wrong.

At last the day of the competition arrived and Double Diamond was up.

“Mister Diamond.”

Double Diamond turned around and was shocked to see the head honcho of the company who was sponsoring him come out to see him. He had heard it was a young woman, but he had no idea how young she was, they were practically the same age. She wore a purple parka, violet mittens, black pants and boots to match. Her head was covered with a violet beanie that had a star on it.

“I’m Starlight Glimmer, the CEO of PhoenEXE Corp.,” said Starlight.

Double Diamond immediately straightened up, trying to present himself in a proper fashion rather than the normal lazy look he had. “M-Miss Glimmer, sorry I-I didn’t know you were coming!”

Starlight chuckled at Double Diamonds reaction. “Please don’t act that way, I’m not that much older than you, so it’s better to keep this casual and eliminate the awkwardness, so just Starlight.”

Double Diamond’s nervousness began to fade as he looked upon the smiling face of the woman before him, she then offered her gloved hand to him for a handshake, of which Double Diamond obliged. “In that case, Starlight, call me DD. Easier on my bros than having them say my entire name. And thanks, again, for sponsoring me!”

“Hey, I like what I’ve seen. And I know you’ll do great, good luck out there and don’t think you have to do anything fancy to show off for me. I already know you’re good, you just need to do this for you now,” said Starlight.

And so Double Diamond did, he shredded with all he had, beating out a large majority of the other competitors, and it all came down to the top three with the best runs, and only two could go to be representatives in the Games. Double Diamond sped through the other two competitors, putting himself ahead, but one of the others were close on his heels.

It was during their last jump that brought everything to a screeching halt. The other competitor, during the jump, bumped into Double Diamond, throwing him off kilter when he landed. The force of the landing made him snap something in his leg, making him grit his teeth to the point that he thought they’d all shatter, but he endured it, he endured it all the way down the slope and came in first place regardless.

It was only after that did he fall to the ground in pain. It was later determined that he did fracture his right leg, the slight collision in midair was deemed an accident, and the man who did bump him was given his slot. Starlight had argued on his behalf to the committee that his leg wasn’t completely broken, and that it would heal in time for the Games.

However, they couldn’t take the risk, she even argued that they should at least make him an alternate in case one of the others got hurt during the Games. Again, they were denied, as they already had at least four others from the qualifiers today who would be able to fill that role.

This was Double Diamond’s shot at his dream, and now it was gone. The young man felt defeated and heart broken, he had worked so hard to get here and now it was all taken away.

“It’s not fair, right?” Starlight asked.


“That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it? I wouldn’t blame you, I wholeheartedly agree. PhoenEXE Corp. has made major strides in the medical field. With our facilities your recovery time would be reduced by eighty percent at best, least, sixty. If you want, I’d be more than happy to have you at one of our facilities to expedite your healing.”

“No…it’s…you’ve already wasted enough money on me, there’s no need to throw anymore away,” said Double Diamond.

“I don’t see it as a waste, and to be honest I have more money than I know what do with, which is why I put some of it towards charity. But you’re an investment, the Olympic Games would’ve been great, but we can still work on your image, we can build you up in the leagues and then next time, you’ll make them look like fools for denying you.”

“It’s not just that…It’s everything, I mean…nobody really saw me as good for anything, but I found my niche in snowboarding and skiing, and now…I mean, I’m not dumb or anything, but…”

Starlight eyed the young man they sat in her limo on the way back into the city. “My sources say there’s another reason, they probably went with those other two because they’re more well-known and figured that a newcomer wouldn’t draw as much attention. Such a world is in need of reform.”

That caught Double Diamond’s attention. “What do mean?”

“I mean, this world is filled with such things, people who can’t see what’s in front of their own faces and see the potential. What makes you less than those two? It’s not just you, DD, there are others, and my plan is to rectify the world of these kinds of prejudices and shortsightedness. I won’t lie, it will require sacrifice, and we may be doing some things that are illegal, but I have no intention of hiding away after it’s complete, I’ll face my punishment after I’ve brought peace to the world.”

***___________ AccelTrial v. IceAge ___________***

The entire floor was coated in a layer of frost and ice, although, there were some areas that were completely melted. This was a battle of ice and speed, between IceAge, Double Diamond, and AccelTrial, Ryu Terui. During their battle, Accel had been moving at super speed, his steps were so fast that they actually made the ice melt wherever he went.

IceAge had created a barrier of frozen winds and ice as sharp as diamonds, making it nearly impossible for Accel to reach IceAge and deliver any kind of decisive blow to him, unfortunately, this defensive strategy didn’t hinder IceAge at all, for he was still able to fire off ice waves and frost blasts at Accel. So, now, Accel was only left with running around his opponent, switching between the Jet and Steam elements of his Engine Blade to fight off the cold attacks from his IceAge.

“Starlight is going to bring the world together, to be truly equal! What would you know of her grand design!” IceAge accused.

I know that there’s always someone wanting to do something good but are going about it in a bad way! That doesn’t mean her goal isn’t noble, but there are better ways to do that! IceAge fired off an ice blast, but Accel fired off a steam blast to counter, the result was an explosion that shook the entire floor. I’m an officer of the law, I know that not everything is black and white, the world doesn’t operate like that, but going to extremes like that would only bring more pain than salvation!

IceAge growled as he brought his hands up and then slammed them onto the ground, making the floor rise with incredibly sharp ice glaives that rushed towards Accel. The other world Kamen Rider dashed across the room, the glaives were hot on his tail, but then he angled himself and ran along the walls, allowing the glaives to smash into them, but the glaives weren’t done, they followed him along the edge, forcing Accel to jump off and make for the other end.

However, IceAge quickly made even more glaives rise up from the floor and now he was being chased by two lines of glaive waves. It took a minute, but Accel realized that the two waves were herding him right towards IceAge, creating a narrow passageway. IceAge focused his ice energy and blasted it straight ahead. Accel was struck with a beam of cold energy that slammed into him and caused multiple sparks to fly from his armor.

Accel flipped in the air from the blast and landed hard against the icy, unforgiving floor, his Engine Blade having fell from his grip and lodged itself in the floor about twenty feet from where he landed.

“The world will be made into a better place, and I’ll gladly help Starlight achieve her goal! She believed in me when nobody else did! I won’t turn my back on that!”

Accel slowly got up into a kneeling position as he caught his breath. I understand, you don’t want to let someone down and break a promise. You’d do anything for that person no matter what, it’s the same for me, when I believe in something, I follow my gut all the way. Sometimes it leads me astray, when I was consumed by vengeance, but I shook off that hatred.

The speed Rider stood up to his full height as he stared down IceAge and said, You believe you’re doing the right thing, and maybe the utopia you’re wishing for is not a bad one, but doing so may erase every sense of individuality that people have, that which makes a person a person, can you really say you’re willing to sacrifice that which makes you, and everyone, human?

IceAge’s flurry lessened in that moment, could they be wrong? Was it possible that Double’s warning could come to pass? But Starlight had checked, double checked, and triple checked everything, there was no way she was wrong, right?

Accel saw the hesitation and decided to end this now. The speed Rider detached the Trial Memory device and changed it into its Timer Mode, he then pressed the button on the device and tossed up into the air in IceAge’s direction. The orange visor of AccelTrial glowed bright as he dashed at blinding speeds towards IceAge. The Dopant snapped out of it and began launching ice javelins at Accel, but each one that came at him was sidestepped as if they were just frozen in time.




When Accel finally got in close, her unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks at IceAge. The blue blur then switched to rapid fire kicks, one after the other in quick succession.






The kicks came faster and faster, and with each kick, a blue “T” began to form in the wake of each kick, the IceAge Dopant had no way to counter, no way to defend, not against this incredible speed and power of this Rider from another world. Accel gave one last kick to the center of the “T” as he turned around, reached up, and grabbed the device as it finally reached him and clicked the button on its side as the readout on the device showed “9.8”.


9.8 seconds until your despair.

As if by delayed reaction, the Dopant’s body exploded with dozens of sparks from its body, until, IceAge finally just exploded. The ice and frost that had covered the entire floor evaporated instantly now that its creator had been defeated. Accel turned around and walked towards the young man who was now on the floor, beaten and weak from his battle with the veteran Rider. The IceAge Memory was lying beside him, and in his current condition, there was no way Double Diamond could use it again.

Stay here and rest, this’ll be over soon.

“You’re right, it will be over soon…just not for us.”

Suddenly, the IceAge Memory rose up, covered in a hazy blue aura. The Gaia Memory then shot off like a bullet into the distance, Accel gave chase, trying to catch up to it, but it was no use, the IceAge Memory smashed through a glass window and zipped straight up the building. Accel stopped just before he went over the edge, then dashed back to Double Diamond and asked, What was that?!

“Now that the majority of the T2 Memories have been assembled her Memory Ring can act as a magnet to draw the remaining T2 Gaia Memories to it. However, they can’t go to the Ring while they are still connected to their hosts…so…”

Defeating you essentially allows her to regain the remaining Memories, whether you win or lose, said Accel.

“Like I said, Starlight has thought of everything.”

***___________Night Glider___________***

Night Glider wasn’t always a suit wearing kind of girl, no, before she met Starlight Glimmer, she as a girl running free. She had been moved through the foster care system so many times that she had lost count, she was abandoned, forgotten, she had birth certificate, but the parents’ names were not listed.

That was fine, if they didn’t care enough to stick around to make sure she was okay, then who needed them. She was always alone, and that’s how she liked it. She grew up in Canterlot’s rougher neighborhood, it didn’t exactly come close to the level of bad that Griffonstone was, not by a long shot, but it was still bad.

Night Glider had run away, from what she could remember, the tenth foster home she had been put in. Not like they were bad people, they were pretty decent and probably were better than other nine. But life wasn’t easy, and Night Glider’s stubborn personality wouldn’t let her take the easy way.

She began roaming the streets and later joined a local gang, she was a runner, she always liked to run, especially at night, her name was fitting, there was something freeing about the night and just running through it, especially on a full moon night. So, she became a kind of “stealth runner”. Needed goods delivered fast at night, she was the girl, needed to teach some punks a lesson under the cover of darkness, Night Glider was the one to ask.

It was like that for a number of years, it wasn’t her ideal life, but it was a life. She had a couple of girlfriends along the way, but her relationships never lasted too long, she didn’t care too much for them, and their interest in her was superficial at best. Not like she as looking for love, despite liking being alone, sometimes she didn’t want to be completely alone either.

Her chance encounter with the young woman named Starlight Glimmer was one that would change her life, strangely, for the better.

It was a snowy December, and Canterlot was already in a festive mood. Christmas decorations hung from all the shops and light polls, and of course, the park had its big tree lightning gig. Night Glider always came to see it, of course only when it was late at night, she didn’t want to have to deal with the crowds.

As she waited for the crowd to thin out while on a bench, she was approached by a young woman, about her age, with lilac skin and long purple hair, she wasn’t half bad looking if she was being honest.

“Not a fan of crowds, huh?”

“Not particularly,” Night Glider responded.

“I understand, unfortunately, for events like this I kind of have to wade through crowds.”

Night Glider chuckled. “Why, you like being at the front?”

“No, I just have to make public appearances.” Starlight noted the girl’s confused expression. “My name’s Starlight Glimmer, I’m the owner and CEO of PheonEXE Corp.”

Night Glider’s eyes bulged. “Wait, the owner, as in you run that big ass company?! Seriously?!”

Starlight blushed a little and said, “Yep, I do. Please don’t make a big deal about it though, I just want to enjoy the scenery and you seemed mellow enough.”

Night Glider raised an eyebrow at that and gestured to herself. She wasn’t exactly hiding that she was possible gangbanger, her leather jacket had a crudely spray-painted insignia of her current gang affiliation, despite the cold weather, she wore ripped jeans, and sported some combat boots, and wore a red bandanna around her neck.

“You’re not scared? Most mothers steer their kids clear when they see me around, same for guys.”

“I can take care of myself, besides, if all you wanted to do was cause trouble, I’m sure you’d have come with a bigger ‘crew’ than just yourself.”

She wasn’t wrong. “Touché.”

From there, Night Glider and Starlight had begun a steady correspondence with each other, meeting at the park, being each other’s distraction from the daily grind. However, Night Glider’s world threatened to spill over into her little respite, as the leader of her gang got word that she was chummy with the big wig of one of the wealthiest companies in the city. Ideas of blackmail, kidnapping, and even requesting of favors through Night Glider were being thrown around.

It eventually reached a fever pitch when Night Glider refused to do any of it and was subsequently set upon by her own crew. She managed to get away, but they were hot on her tail, but she found refuge in the way of Starlight. Somehow, she was waiting for her, and took her away, and following that the police got an anonymous tip about the notorious gang and were put away.

While resting back at her mansion, Night Glider asked, “Why would come out there? Did you know they were going to do that to me?”

“You seemed agitated during our last few get-togethers, so I had my people look into you. You’ve lived a bit of a hard life,” said Starlight.

“So…? I’m alive, aren’t I?”

“You almost weren’t, so it leads me to ask, what happened that you were willing to lose your life over?”

Night Glider looked away, but Starlight walked over and sat across from her, her gaze was strong and made Night Glider gravitate her eyes back to Starlight. Their stare down went on for half an hour before Night Glider finally broke down and told her everything about what her gang wanted her to do, and what they had planned on doing. The whole time, Starlight kept her expression neutral as she listened to every word, at the same time, Night Glider felt as if she was signing a proverbial death warrant. If Starlight wanted to, she could probably make Night Glider vanish off the face of the Earth with her wealth.

‘Just as well,’ Night Glider thought, ‘I barely existed anyway.’

When Night Glider was done, Starlight stood up, which made the other girl flinch a little. She didn’t understand why, but Starlight gave off this commanding presence, despite the business woman being a bit shorter than her, and not as muscular, for some reason, Night Glider had no doubt that Starlight could probably snap her neck if she wasn’t careful.

Starlight stood before Night Glider, but, much to her surprise, Starlight sat down next to her and patted her on the shoulder saying. “You risked a lot for someone who doesn’t seem to care about anything, but no one is worthless. Despite what the world may say, despite what you yourself may think, everyone has worth in one form or another. I’m going to make a world where no is made to feel worthless anymore.”

Night Glider looked to Starlight and asked, “How? You gonna take it over with your business?”

“No, something much, much, much messier, possibly – most likely – illegal. But, if you want, I can find a way to set you up so that you wouldn’t have to spend the rest of your life on the streets, or you can join me and help in changing the world, for yourself and others like you,” said Starlight.

Night Glider could see it in this girl’s eyes, she wasn’t bluffing, lying, or anything, she was telling the truth, whatever she was planning was going to be big, and for some reason, that made Night Glider feel giddy inside. “Sounds like I’ll be trading one gang for another, what’re the perks?”

“Residence at my mansion, authority one tier below me, based on seniority, and enough money to do whatever you want. All I ask is that you follow me and my orders to the very end.”

***____________ DoubleXtreme v. Bird ____________***

The Bird Dopant maintained her aerial supremacy as she hovered above Double and rained down quill after quill at them. The two-in-one Rider was able to block and deflect most of them, but the problem was that the quills secondary ability was even bigger, each quill was like a small stick of TNT when it detonated, creating a buffeting blast that would throw the hero around. Sometimes she didn’t even aim directly at them, but at the floor and walls around them to cut off their escape.

You really okay with what she’s doing?! The fact this could potentially end with the whole world becoming husks of their former selves? Double asked.

“You say that as if it’s guaranteed what you said will happen! But life’s a gamble, and right now, I’m gambling on Starlight! She didn’t throw me away, she gave me a place to belong!” Suddenly, Bird’s body began to crackle with electricity. “The exploding-piercing feather thing isn’t the only trick I know, let me show you Thunder Bird!”

Upon declaring that name, the Bird Dopant’s body changed into living lightning. With a powerful screech, the Dopant flew straight down at super speed and struck Double across the chest with her wing, causing sparks to fly from their armor. The second attack came just as quick, as she appeared behind them and swiped her wing across their back, causing more sparks to fly.

Her blows were strong but not powerful, but her speed was incredible, all Double could do was hunker down and weather her blows as they came from all directions. Bird wasn’t done yet, she came to a screeching halt on the floor, her talons dug into the concrete, leaving a trail from her stop.

“Now here’s my next trick…!” The lightning disappeared, but in its place, embers began to rise from Bird’s body. Fire Bird!”

The Bird Dopant’s body was completely engulfed in flames as she dashed towards Double. She jumped into the air and came down with a flying kick, but Double raised their Bicker Shield just in time to block it. However, upon contact, the flames erupted into a powerful explosion that pushed Double back. Bird did not relent as she closed in again and threw another kick, resulting in another explosion. Each blow made Double back away, and each explosion was causing sparks to fly from their armor.

Where the Thunder Bird form lacked in power it made up for in speed, and while Fire Bird didn’t have the speed, it certainly had – literally – explosive power. Bird took the air again and hovered there as she glared down at Double with a smirk. “You’re supposed to be some big shot Rider from another world with Gaia Memories, well I’m not impressed!”

We were hoping you’d see reason, but I understand your loyalty. That being said, Starlight’s goals are noble, her methods however will end the world, whether by accident or through conscious effort, this can’t come to pass. Right, Philip?

“Indeed, and nice stalling, I’ve researched everything I need to know about the Bird Dopant, and after those attacks, I have the solution.”

“WHAT? You were stalling?!”

“You failed to realize one thing, we are not just one person.”

“I am one half.”

“And I am another.”

Bird transformed into lightning, becoming Thunder Bird. The Dopant moved at lightning speed and was upon Double in no time at all, however, the Rider’s eyes glowed and at that moment, a gust of wind blew through the entire floor, the vortex gathered around Double, creating a wall of wind that made Bird back away. Just then, the Xtreme Memory began to absorb the wind, the “X” symbol glowed brighter and brighter until Double themselves shined.

When the light dimmed, Double had achieved their true form. The Crystal Server was no longer silver, but now shined a bright gold color. Six insectoid wings flared out from their back, allowing Double to take to the air and brought him level with Bird.

We are the two-in-one Rider, Kamen Rider Double CycloneJokerGoldXtreme! Double raised their Prism Sword and pointed it at the Bird Dopant. Now, count up your crimes.

Electricity crackled all around Bird as she shot off towards Double, at the same time, the Legend Rider flew straight for Bird. Both appeared as a bolt of lightning and streak of gold, both the streak and bolt struck several times in the air, parts of the floor, the pillars, and guardrails on the higher levels were getting wrecked during this highspeed battle between them.

Bird stepped it into high gear as she flew high above Double’s position and began raining down lightning charged quills. Double sheathed their sword into the shield.

Double raised their shield above their head as the four Gaia Memories of Heat, Cyclone, Metal, and Joker glowed. Bicker Finallusion! The Bicker Shield released multiple, multicolored lasers from it, each one crisscrossing and in different directions as the beams intercepted the quills and blasted into oblivion before they even reached Double. The beams were making it hard for Bird to get around as she was caught in a kind of laser cage, the beams all converged and struck Bird, causing sparks to fly from her body as she spun out in the air.

Bird managed to halt her descent, her eyes narrowed as she glared at Double with fury. “Don’t think I’m giving up yet!” At that moment, Bird entered her Fire Bird state and flew straight for Double.

Unfortunately, we assumed as much.

Double dismissed the Prism Bicker, he then closed the wings on the Xtreme Memory and then pushed them open again. An emerald whirlwind swirled around him, along with golden particles of light.


Double flew up into the air, following the whirlwind as it looped them around and guided them towards their target. They flipped around and pointed their right foot in Bird’s direction, at the same time, Bird flared up and zoomed straight for Double.

Down below, Accel dashed onto the floor, finally making it, but once he looked up it was too late. SHOTARO, PHILIP, WAIT!

The two attacks collided and generated a powerful explosion that rocked the building and made the walls, balconies, and support pillars crack under the extreme power that both opponents generated, but in the end, the golden kick of Double hit its mark as they reappeared from the explosion on the opposite side of where Bird once was. A flaming silhouette of Bird fell straight down onto the ground, whereupon her form shimmered and reverted to her original human form.

The Bird Memory rose from her arm and fell to the ground. Accel dashed once again, heading straight for the Bird Memory, but just like before, the Memory rose up and shot off towards the window on the far side of the room. The sound of glass shattering made Accel curse as walked over to where Night Glider laid.

Double flew over and then asked, Terui, what’s going on?

We’ve been played, Starlight Glimmer as a Gaia Memory magnet that attracts that T2s. They’ll only go to the magnet once the host has been defeated, win or lose, said Accel.

“Heh, guess the jokes on you…” Night Glider commented.

We need to head up to Sun-chan and Rainbow-san, if they’re facing T2s they’ll only play into her hands as well!

Before the two Riders could make a move, multiple explosions occurred on the balconies above them, causing large chunks of debris to rain down upon them, following that were several more explosions that occurred below their feet, making the floor crumble.

***___________Party Favor & Sugar Belle___________***

Party and Sugar were close, they grew up together, played together, even did a little business together as a baker and party planner. They would never consider themselves to be boyfriend and girlfriend, far from it, but more akin to close siblings. Not say that they didn’t try it at first, but they found the whole experience completely awkward.

Party Favor was great at setting up parties, more specifically children’s parties, he was a natural at creating balloon animals. Often times he’d visit the local children’s hospital and create various balloon animals and sometimes structures, it was practically an art form with him.

Sugar Belle was really into baking, she loved everything about it, mixing together different ingredients to create something sweet and delicious that would never fail to bring a smile to someone’s face. She would sell her creations and whatever didn’t sell that day, she would donate to shelters. She was mostly self-taught but honed some of her skills when she worked part time at the sweets shop owned by Mister and Misses Cake.

The two of them were a dynamic duo, two of a kind, they sought to take Canterlot by storm as a party supplier and bakery. They first met Starlight a long time ago at a soiree for her acquaintance, a catering job in which Sugar Belle was helping as an intern and Party Favor as part of the hired help to setup the party itself.

They mingled with her but had no clue that she was the owner of one of the most powerful and wealthy companies in the city. The way she talked to them was casual and lighthearted, she never spoke as if she was superior to them. Unlike a few many of the other partygoers. She saw their potential and asked them to help put together a charity party. A lot of different companies were vying for the attention of a big company like PhoenEXE Corp., but here a couple of nobodies got such a coveted spot.

The other companies who were there to assist made their jobs, quite literally, hell. Missing supplies, spoiled ingredients, but the two persevered through it all, that is until one of the competitors decided it was a good idea to switch one of the helium tanks with a hydrogen tank and release the gas into the air. No one noticed right away, but by the time they did, it was too late.

The hydrogen reached the kitchen and the moment Sugar Belle turned on one of the burners, the air caught fire and led straight back to the tank of hydrogen and caused an explosion. Needless to say, their competitors managed to shift the blame to both Sugar Belle and Party Favor, a couple of novices who failed to check their equipment.

After their stay at the hospital, Starlight was waiting for them, she said to them, “I know it wasn’t your fault.” She then produced a newspaper. “I had my private investigators look into the matter, apparently the Fire Marshal was bribed by your competitor to try and frame you and blackball you from doing any more business. I’ve already got the necessary evidence and have turned it over to the police, anonymously, mind you, but from what I hear, they’ll be investigated.”

“You don’t sound too hopeful,” said Sugar Belle.

“Honestly, I’d rather not have to flex my ‘muscles’ too much or else it could be seen as a coverup. But just know, since I was the one who hired you, I’ll do whatever it takes to clear your names.”

“It’s okay…we’ll just start from scratch…even though it took us a while to get even this close…I can’t believe they’d do something like this! They could’ve hurt all those people just to get at us!” Party Favor fumed.

Starlight sighed. “Such is the way of the world, something of which I’m trying to fix. I can see that you two also want to change the world for the better, in your own way, bring smiles and happiness to others. If you’re willing to listen, I have a plan that will do just that. But I won’t force you to join me, this has to be your decision.”

Sugar Belle looked to Party Favor, and he to her, both of them had determined looks on their faces as they nodded to Starlight.

“Let’s hear what you have to say,” said Sugar Belle.

***____________Unicorn Nasca Cross v. Heat & Luna____________***

Heat unleashed a torrent of flames at Unicorn, a swirling vortex of flames surrounded the united Rider, making them enter a defensive stance. From the wall of flames the Luna Dopant popped in and came in swinging, but Unicorn sliced through the Dopant in one go, but upon doing so, their blade made contact with something at its center. The image of the Dopant faded away and revealed a fireball that had been sliced in half.

The fireball ignited and exploded, pushing Unicorn away and into the wall of flames. The power of the vortex caused sparks to fly from their armor as they were forced back into the center. Another Luna Dopant entered and began attacking, upon which Unicorn sliced through it, but this time there was nothing. Another copy jumped in and Unicorn slashed at it, but this copy did have a fireball inside it and detonated the moment Unicorn sliced through it.

‘Okay, this is getting really annoying now!’

“Agreed, let’s change that!”

Unicorn’s horn began to glow, the Nasca Blade glowed at the same time as Unicorn wrapped her left hand around the hilt and pulled back. As she did, the sword duplicated itself, Unicorn spun the duplicate around in her left hand until she held it in a reverse-grip style. She then pressed down on the left hip port once.


Unicorn held their arms stretched out to the sides, her right blade glowed turquoise and the left blue, and in the next instant, the dual heroine spun around in the opposite direction that the vortex of flames. A tornado of blue and turquoise colored energy began to form within the flame vortex and steadily grew bigger and moved faster with each second.

Heat tried to maintain the vortex but was finding it difficult to make the flames spin in the direction she wanted.

“What’s happening?!” Luna asked.

“I-I don’t know, I can’t control the flames!”

The dual colored tornado eventually snuffed out Heat’s flames, the tornado died down and left only Unicorn standing at the center. Unicorn took both of their swords and joined them at the hilts, their crystal horn glowed brighter as the weapon transformed into a dual-edged sword. Unicorn twirled the weapon around and then dashed towards their targets, their electric wings flaring out from their back.

Luna used his power to create multiple copies of both Heat and himself, littering the entire floor. Unicorn swiped through two of them in one swing, but only struck air as the images faded away. The Heat Dopant copies ignited their hands and lobbed fireballs at the hero, but Unicorn spun their sword around their body, drawing on Nasca’s sword technique and skill to deflect the incoming attacks.

Unicorn suddenly found herself struck from the back as if she was hit with a whip. When she turned around they saw that the Luna Dopant had energized its arms and turned them into twin beam whips. Four of the copies lashed out with their beam whip arms, two wrapped around Unicorn’s right arm, another two around her left arm, the two whips held her in place as the copies of the Heat Dopant got into position to roast her.

The dual heroine’s eyes shined in unison with her horn, and in the blink of an eye, she disappeared. She later reappeared on the far side of the room, and struck their left hip port again.


Unicorn spun the twin-sword around until it became a blur of blue and turquoise energy. She then tossed the weapon in the direction of the clones, the weapon made a sharp whooshing sound as it cut through the air and sliced through one copy after the other. Unicorn’s right index and ring fingers glowed as they swiped downwards with that hand. The weapon flashed and then separated into two spinning blades, one blue and the other turquoise.

“Dash, keep an eye out for the originals, we’ll mow down the copies until we find them!”

‘Roger that!’

The two whirling blades moved about the floor at rapid speed, as if they had a mind of their own as they cut down one copy after the other. Unicorn flared their electric wings and dashed into the fray, they punched a Luna clone across the face, and drop kicked a Heat clone, working in tandem with their still spinning blades to take out the clones one after the other.

As they continued to attack, the other half of Unicorn’s form, that which was Nasca kept a three-sixty view of the battle, watching for any signs that the originals were still around. It was then that she noticed one of the Luna copies glowing for a brief second before another one appeared from the one that glowed.

‘Sunset, three ‘o clock!’

“On it!”

Unicorn sped in the direction Nasca indicated, her two swords sliced through several more copies before they joined Unicorn, spinning vertically at her sides as she jumped into the air. They held out their hands and both blades stopped spinning and rejoined into their dual-edged form. Unicorn took hold of her weapon and descended with haste as they channeled their energy into the sword and brought their blade down on the Luna Dopant. Sparks flew from the Luna Dopant’s body as it was thrown back, slamming against the far wall and creating a cloud of dust from the impact.

The united Rider prepared to finish their foe but stopped as she gasped and dropped their weapon. From the dust emerged Twilight, now with a gash across her body where Unicorn's blade had struck the Luna Dopant.


“Sunset…” Twilight held out her right hand, which was covered in blood as she reached out towards Unicorn. “…why…why did you…do this?”

Unicorn was about to rush towards Twilight, but her body suddenly stopped. “What the hell?! Rainbow it’s Twilight, we need to help her!”

‘That’s not Twilight, it’s another illusion! The Dopant made the switch as soon as we attacked! Trust me!’

Sunset stopped struggling and let Rainbow take control. Unicorn slashed the air in front of them, releasing a crescent wave of light that was aimed in the opposite direction of where Twilight was. The crescent struck something as sparks flew from out of nowhere, the air became distorted as the Luna Dopant appeared, now on the ground after sustaining damage. The illusion of Twilight faded away, as well as many of the copies.

“Thanks, Dash.”

‘No problem, partner!’

Sunset and Rainbow resumed joint control of their form, just in time for Heat to come up from behind them with a fire laced punch. But Unicorn swiftly dodged the attack, got behind Heat, and spin kicked Heat straight to where the Luna Dopant was.

“You two don’t understand what you’re risking. Starlight’s plan could potentially wipe out all individuality in the world! People won’t be people if she does succeed!”

Heat looked to Luna, she then turned to Unicorn and said. “How do you know that that will happen?”

‘The half-and-half Rider who came with us, his world has Gaia Memories too, and he’s connected with the Memories of the Earth, well, his Earth. Anyway, if Starlight manages to do what she wants, everyone will be connected, but to the point that no one will know when one person ends, and the other begins!”

“It will be a peaceful world, but one where no one will be who they are, just husks that live!”

The Heat and Luna Dopants looked to each other, their aggressive demeanor seemed to fade as they stood side-by-side.

“We joined Starlight because we believed in what she was doing, what she planned to do for the world…but…”

“But we had our…our doubts,” said Heat. “We knew how much she wanted this plan to succeed, to save the world, so we didn’t think it was our place to really tell her that this might be a bad idea.”

Unicorn dismissed their weapons as they became more relaxed. “I know it can be hard sometimes to speak up, especially when you don’t think you have the right to. But, as a friend, sometimes it’s better to tell your friend that there is something wrong, or that you have concerns. Maybe they’ll get mad, but if it ends up making them rethink their plan, to be safer or to seek further counsel, it’s worth it.”

‘Sunset’s right, if you guys feel that way, then there’s still time to stop all of this. Starlight may be doing something good, but it can end up hurting people rather than save them. Power down and we can go to her.”

Heat and Luna shook their heads at that request.

“It’s not that simple, if we power down, Starlight’s device will take the Gaia Memories back like a super magnet.”

“WHAT?!” Unicorn exclaimed.

“So long as we stay in these forms, the Memories won’t return to her. And you can stop her – we can stop her.”

Touching, but we can’t have that can we?

Suddenly, several missiles flew towards them, Unicorn saw that some of them were heading towards Rainbow Dash’s body and she immediately sped towards it. She held her friends’ body close as she flared her wings to try and give some extra protection. Several explosions took place as more missiles were launched towards them, accompanied by multiple blue ray beams that pelted the area.

The attacks finally ceased as a heavy dust cloud hung in the air. Unicorn could feel that they took some damage, but not as much as they was bracing for, they checked Rainbow’s body, and aside from being covered in dust, she seemed alright. However, when Unicorn looked back, they saw why Rainbow’s body and herself didn’t sustain much damage. Heat and Luna had used their bodies as shields, taking the brunt of the onslaught.

“You guys!”

“Starlight would be sad…if you two got hurt,” said Luna.

“Please…stop her…save her,” said Heat.

Both Dopants fell to the floor, their bodies glowed as the Luna Memory and Heat Memory rose up from their bodies and flew out like bats out of hell. Unicorn growled as their body released a blast of wind that blew away the dust, revealing the perpetrators behind the sneak attack. The Commander and Eyes Dopants were standing on the other side of the room, both looking smug as the Eyes Dopant hung off of the Commander.

“YOU TWO, WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! You know what’s at stake here, those Memories will complete Starlight’s device!”

Exactly, said Commander. Which means she’ll have to give up her own Equal Memory to complete it. Which means she can’t use her Driver, and can’t fight back.

Leaving the two us the only ones who can use Gaia Memories, we’ll take control of her device, we’ll have the whole world in our hands with that thing, said Eyes.

‘Oh that tears it! Sunset, let’s take ‘em down!”

“Yeah, and we’ll make it showy too!”

Unicorn pressed down on the left hip port twice.


Vermillion electricity flowed through Unciorn’s body, their blue armor parts shifted to the same color as their power and speed were amplified. Unicorn reached for the Nasca Memory, but the moment she touched it, it sparked. The Memory sparked again and again, releasing blue electrical arcs.

‘Sun…Sunset, something’s wrong!’

“What, what’s happening?!”

‘I think we pushed it with this Form, the Nasca Memory’s breaking apart!’

Unicorn looked down at the Nasca Memory, and indeed, the Memory had blue glowing cracks forming with each passing second. “Crap, Rainbow, get back to your body, NOW!”

‘We have to take them down first, it’ll be two on one if we don’t! Use the Maximum Drive while we still can!’

“We don’t know what’ll happen if you’re still merged when it shatters! You could disappear! I’m not taking that chance, Rainbow! I’m removing the Memory and cancelling this form, you need to return to your body!”

‘But–!’ The Memory cracked some more, and Rainbow could feel herself slipping when it did. ‘Dammit, I’m sorry, Sunset!’

Unicorn removed the Nasca Memory and flung it at Rainbow’s unconscious body. The moment it hit, a blue orb shot out of the device and straight into Rainbow Dash, and right after, the Nasca Memory shattered into pieces. Unicorn returned to her original form as well and quickly hurried to her friend.

“Rainbow, RAINBOW?!” Unicorn shouted as she knelt and shook her friend’s body.

It took a minute, but slowly, Rainbow’s eyes began to open. She blinked a few times and rose back up into a seated position. Rainbow looked down at the floor, to the remains of the T1 Nasca Memory and sighed. “Sorry, Sunset…”

“So long as you’re alright, that’s all that matters.” Unicorn stood up and walked towards the two Dopants. “Keep these two safe, I’ll take care of them!”

Rainbow hurriedly woke up both Sugar Belle and Party Favor, they were bruised, scraped up, and bleeding from the corner of their mouths, but they were alive.

You don’t honestly think you can beat us? Do you? I mean, after what happened to Pride Parade’s Gaia Memory, how long do you think yours will last? And you still have to get to Starlight after this and her puppet upstairs, said Eyes.

Commander pressed a few buttons on her wrist mounted device, and in the next second several Commandos appeared around them, twelve in total. While these ones didn’t have Gaia Memories, they would serve to further delay her, and make Unicorn have to work harder to keep the other three safe.

So, what’s it gonna be, little girl? Fight us or give up? Commander asked.

Unicorn didn’t want to admit it, but she was right. If Rainbow’s Nasca Memory shattered, who knew how much longer her Unicorn Memory would last. Maybe long enough to defeat these two, but that still left Shining Armor as Trigger, and of course, Starlight. She couldn’t afford to waste her energy with these two, but if she didn’t, Rainbow, Sugar Belle, and Party Favor will be killed, and these two would kill her and everyone upstairs.

Before a decision could be made, the Silver Veil appeared in the room about ten feet away. The Veil moved backwards and from it stumbled out a woman wearing a black trench coat. “Tsukasa you ass! Don’t go transporting me at random like that!” the woman shouted. “What godforsaken place has he thrown me into this…time…?”

The woman slowly turned around and revealed more of herself to the occupants in the room. She had a dark orchid complexion, rose colored hair that was combed to the side, while the other side had a buzzcut look. Her eyes were opal colored, and upon her right eye was a scar. She looked older, about twenty-one or so. She wore a kind of black armor chest over a purple shirt, black, faded jean pants that had some rips from several fights, combat boots that were steel toed, and fingerless leather gloves.

Right now, the woman looked less confused and more, well, Unicorn wasn’t sure what to call it. Mortified? Sad? Frustrated? Happy?

The young woman rubbed the back of her head as she sighed heavily. “Tsukasa you can be a real asshat sometimes,” said the young woman as she walked towards Unicorn, her eyes never leaving the Dopants or their summoned minions. “I take it these two are keeping you from whatever’s important on the other side, right?”


“Just to be clear, they’re not out of control, they’re fully aware of what they’re doing, right?” she asked.


“Good, no need to take it easy, I need to blow off some steam for that ‘passing through Kamen Rider’ throwing me in here without asking first.”

“Wait, you know Tsukasa?! Who are you?” Unicorn asked.

The young woman didn’t answer, at least not with her words. She reached into her trench coat and pulled out – what appeared to be – a Driver. The mysterious woman placed the device at her waist, upon which the Driver released a bright blue strap that wrapped around her waist and connected to the other side of the device. The young woman made a motion with her hands and two small bottles shot into her hands from the sleeves of her coat. She began shaking them for a little bit and inserted them into the device.

{=+=} HORSE! {=+=}

{=+=} STORM! {=+=}

{=+=} BEST MATCH! {=+=}

The mysterious woman turned the lever on the right side of the Driver, and immediately, clear tubes began to materialize from the two bottles that weaved around her. Some of the tubes splintered off and began creating, what looked like, pieces of armor. The tubes were then filled with purple substance of the Horse Bottle and the azure of the Storm Bottle. When the matrix was completed, the mysterious woman released the lever.

{=+=} ARE YOU READY? {=+=}



{=+=} YEAH! {=+=}

The matrix closed in on the young woman, the armor fitting upon her body as arcs aurora lightning were released from her body. After a few seconds, the lightning dissipated and finally revealed the newest Rider to join their fight.

Her armor was dark purple, with some of the plates colored azure, the armor also had black lines that were etched into the armor that pulsed with azure lightning. Around her chest plate it had the image of two azure colored lightning bolts that pointed to a red, diamond shaped crystal. Between the cracks of the armor was a black armor mesh, similar to that of Unicorn’s. The helmet had a similar look as well, but the eyes had an opal color to them.

The helmet also sported a raised crest from back, almost like a mohawk. It stopped halfway to allow for the horn-like device at the center of the forehead. The device itself was black in color, and had three extendable sections, with the top of the horn left open and jagged at the sides.

“The Guardian of Harmony, Kamen Rider Tempest.”

Unicorn’s jaw dropped, not just because of this new Rider, but the energy she as giving up, it was similar to magic. “Wait, your power is it–?”

“Get going, Sunset! If you got time to gawk at me, you have time to move your ass up those stairs!” Tempest stated.

“Uh…r-right, RIGHT!”

Unicorn’s horn glowed, and, in an instant, she was teleported to the other side of the room, away from the Dopants and Commandos. Unicorn took one last look over her shoulder towards Tempest, who then nodded in her direction. There was something familiar about this Rider, maybe it was because her power felt similar to her magic, but Sunset felt she could trust her.

Tempest watched as Unicorn disappeared up the stairs, leaving only herself, the Dopants, Rainbow Dash, Sugar Belle, and Party Favor. The new Rider rubbed the back of her head as she said, “Oh well…Hey, Dash, you alright?”

“Wait, you know my name?!” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah, sorry, guess it’s a little weird to just spring that on ya.” Tempest looked away and whispered, “Still…it’s good to see you and Sunny again…”

Tempest began walking forward, but the Commandos were already starting to swarm around the new Rider. Tempest merely shook her head. “This is bad, you don’t have nearly enough guys for this fight.”

The first Commando swung at Tempest with his baton, but Tempest merely sidestepped and came around with a spinning roundhouse, sending the Commando flying into his comrade. The second tried to hit her from the left, but Tempest caught the Commando by the wrist, balled up her right fist, and punched him across the face, a flash of electricity went off upon making contact.

Another two came up behind Tempest, she merely jumped straight up, did a backflip, and landed right behind her attackers. Tempest swiftly closed in on them, striking Commando Three with several quick jabs, before spinning in place and nailing him across the face with an elbow jab. Tempest moved to number four, sweeping his leg to throw him up into the air. While he was airborne, Tempest laced her left fist with aurora lightning and struck him in the stomach. She followed through the blow all the way until she brought the Commando back down to the floor with a powerful thud that cracked the concrete beneath their feet.

“Let’s mix things up a little.”

Tempest took out two new bottles, one was colored golden brown and the other was white. Tempest shook both bottles and began replacing the ones in her Driver with new ones.

{=+=} WOLVERINE! {=+=}

{=+=} SWORD! {=+=}

{=+=} BEST MATCH! {=+=}

Tempest turned the Vortex Lever quickly, and once again the matrix of tubes appeared, creating a new set of armor.

{=+=} ARE YOU READY? {=+=}



{=+=} YEAH! {=+=}

Just like before, the armor pieces latched onto Tempest, overwriting the previous Best Match with a new one. The sounds of a beast and streaks of light swiped through the air in pairs of three. When the light faded, Tempest was in a new form. Her armor was a mixture of golden-brown and white. On the left forearm, was gauntlet with a wide shield that had three claws coming out the front, and on the right forearm was a gauntlet that had a long white sword blade. Tempest’s helmet changed slightly, she still retained the horn and mohawk, but the mohawk had golden fur on the top. The shoulder pauldrons of her new form also had fur edges, and the lightning bolt symbols were now two white swords pointed at the jewel. This was Kamen Rider Tempest WolviSword

Oh great, this one can change their armor too!

“Yep, so you pretty much know what that means!”

Tempest got into a crouching position, the sound of a wild animal echoed in the room when she did this. Another Commando dared to attack her, the Commando swung its baton, but Tempest blocked it with her Claw Shield, and followed up with a swipe of the Ivory Blade across his chest. Sparks flew from the Commando before he disappeared into nothing. Tempest dashed straight for two more, jumped into the air, spun once, and slashed at two of the Commandos. Streaks of gold and white light were left in her wake as she appeared behind them, just as the two Commandos disappeared.

Three of the Commandos tried to attack her from all sides, she managed to block the first two, but the third hit its mark against her chest. Some sparks flew as the electrified baton attempted to digitize her, but nothing happened, in fact, the shield was glowing as she continued to take damage from the baton.

“Yeah, should’ve mentioned, the best thing about this Best Match, not only is my attack power amped up, but so is my defense. Passive regen, so any damage I take is nullified after a few seconds to a minute depending on the damage. Which means whatever this thing is trying to do to me, isn’t going to work!”

Tempest pushed off the other two Commandos and kicked the third away. She grabbed the Vortex Lever and began turning it once again, the two bottles in the Driver began to glow as energy coursed through them and into Tempest.

{=+=} READY, GO! {=+=}

{=+=} VORTEX FINISH! {=+=}

{=+=} YEAH! {=+=}

The Ivory Sword blade shined bright white, while the Claw Shield’s claws glowed gold. Tempest crouched low as her feet began to shine with the dual lights of white and gold. The new Rider shot off, moving through the remaining Commandos, as she crisscrossed through them, a streak of white and gold could be seen as she slashed through them at high speeds. Once she was done, Tempest came to a skidding halt. The claws and blade lost their glow, and all at once the Commandos exploded into nothingness.

“Okay…that was awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Agreed,” Party Favor and Sugar Belle added.

Commander growled in frustration as she and Eyes prepared to attack. Tempest, however, wasn’t done just yet as she removed the Wolverine and Sword Bottles and took out two more. One was colored a bright purple and the other a bright green, Tempest inserted both of them and turned the Vortex Lever.

{=+=} CROW! {=+=}

{=+=} ARROW! {=+=}

{=+=} BEST MATCH! {=+=}

As Tempest turned the lever, the matrix appeared again, this time it was crafting new purple and green armor.

{=+=} ARE YOU READY? {=+=}



{=+=} YEAH! {=+=}

The matrix fitted the armor over her last form, and completely changed her appearance yet again. The armor was a mixture of purple and green, and now she sported a long cape made of black feathers. In her left hand was a green bow, the arms of the bow finely sharpened so that it could act as a close-range weapon if necessary, with some golden patterns etched into it. The symbols on her chest plate changed as well, instead of two whitr swords, now it was two green arrows. Her helmet was now green, with two sharp fins on the sides of her helmet that almost resembled pointed ears.

Tempest glanced at one of the shadows that was cast by the support pillars to the floor and smirked. “Time to vanish.” The feathered cape flared open, parting down the middle to form two large, black wings that wrapped around Tempest. She then aimed right for the shadow and dove into it as if it were a bottomless pit.

W-WHAT HELL?! Eyes exclaimed.

Calm down it’s an illusion or something, probably still in here somewhere! Commander stated.

I don’t think so, though Rainbow Dash.

As if on cue, a green energy arrow flew out of nowhere and struck Eyes in the back. The Dopant turned around and willed her two floating eyes to fire beams in that direction, but they hit nothing. Another arrow flew out and hit Commander in the side, causing sparks to fly from her body. Commander glanced in that direction, but again, they could see nothing. More arrows were loosed from, seemingly, out of nowhere, each one hitting their mark with remarkable accuracy.

DAMN YOU! Fine, if that’s how you want to play it, HERO, then come out and save these chumps! Sunflower!

The Eyes Dopant had her two floating eyes aimed themselves right at Rainbow, Sugar Belle, and Party Favor. Commander pressed a few buttons on her wrist terminal, and immediately after, missiles were launched from her back, at the same time, energy rays were fired from Eyes’ two floating eyes. The three civilians braced for impact, but just then, from the shadows behind them, two black wings fanned out and enveloped them, dragging them into the darkness just before the attacks hit.

A large explosion blew a hole in the wall, and both Dopants grinned in satisfaction that they took out three annoyances, but their mirth was short lived when the trio emerged from the shadows some ways away from where they once were. Tempest appeared next to them, and her eyes glowed as she looked at them.

“Okay, now I’m mad!”

The bow Tempest used generated a beam of green light that acted as the bowstring. Tempest pulled back on the bowstring, and as she did an arrow of green light appeared. Taking careful aim, the guardian Rider fired her arrow, as it sailed toward the Dopants it quickly separated into three different arrows. All three arrows sprouted wings, changing their trajectory as two struck both of the floating eyes and Commander’s wrist terminal. The terminal blew up, utterly destroying Commander’s ability to summon her Commandos or fire more missiles, and her partner could no longer fire beams along with the floating eyes.

“Let’s finish this!” Tempest declared as she removed the Crow and Arrow Bottles and took out her original Horse and Storm Bottles.

{=+=} HORSE! {=+=}

{=+=} STORM! {=+=}

{=+=} BEST MATCH! {=+=}

{=+=} ARE YOU READY? {=+=}



{=+=} YEAH! {=+=}

Now back in her original form Tempest began to turn the Vortex Lever, causing both bottles to glow. At the same time, all three sections of the horn went from their retracted positions to fully extended. The opening at the top of the horn-device began to glow, releasing aurora lightning that raged and arced all around Tempest.

“Let justice be done!”

{=+=} READY, GO! {=+=}

{=+=} VORTEX FINISH! {=+=}

{=+=} YEAH! {=+=}

Tempest channeled the lightning into both her hands and shot it forward. A chain of lightning wrapped around both Dopants, lassoing them together. Tempest ran straight for Commander and Eyes, the aurora lightning wrapped around her body as she used its power to jump up into the air. The lightning gathered to her left leg, enveloping everything from the knee down. Tempest spun as she neared her targets, and once she was close, she threw out her leg and struck both at once with a flying spinning heel kick. The aurora lightning flashed as it struck both Dopants at once, resulting in dual explosion just as Tempest landed on the ground, horn and eyes still glowing as the remaining arcs of lightning died out.

When the dust settled, Clear Skies and Sunflower were now on the ground, both beaten and bruised, their T1 Gaia Memories rose from their bodies and once they hit the ground, they shattered like fragile glass.

Tempest looked over her shoulder at the two downed women and scoffed. “Didn’t even break a sweat. Hey, Dash, you guys alright?”

Apparently Rainbow, Belle, and Party were all staring with their jaws dropped at the display that Kamen Rider Tempest put on.

“I take back what I said, THAT was AWESOME!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“So, that’s what another Rider from a different world can do…wow,” said Party Favor.

“Ditto,” said Sugar Belle.

Tempest canceled her transformation; the intense young woman had an awkward smile on her face as she blushed. “It’s no big deal. Anyway, are there more of those guys around?”

“No, the remaining Dopants are only us, and our friends downstairs, but seeing as how they were battling those two other world Riders, I’m pretty sure they were beaten,” said Sugar Belle.

“That means the only thing left is a mind controlled Shining Armor and Starlight herself,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Sounds easy enough, you three get out of here, and I’ll –!”

Suddenly, a loud explosion went off behind them, the elevator and stairwell that led to the roof had just been completely destroyed, there was a follow up sound of the elevator falling from the sixty stories up and crashing down below echoing up the shaft. Everyone looked towards Clear Skies as she held a remote control in her left hand and sported a smug look.

Tempest rushed towards her and grabbed the woman by her collar, “You bitch, what did you just do?!”

“Just made it harder for you to help that brat…and you might want to hurry up if you want to save them…”

“What does that mean?!” Rainbow asked.

Sunflower managed to take out a device of her own and pressed a button. “Figured if we lose, then everyone loses, we rigged the roof to detonate in three minutes. You can either deal with us or try and help them, either way, there’s no way you’ll make it to the roof in time.”

At that moment, the windows lit up as a bright light began to shine from atop the building. Tempest released Clear Skies, but gave both her and Sunflower one last punch to knock them out and make sure they didn’t try anything else. All four rushed to the other end to look out the windows. Rainbow colored lightning arced towards the sky and appeared to be ripping the sky apart, and within those tears, one could see dozens of tiny dots of green light.

“What’s happening?” Tempest asked.

“It’s…It’s happening,” said Party Favor.

Rainbow looked to Party and Sugar in disbelief as she asked, “Y-You don’t mean…?”

“Gaia Impact…”

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