• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,732 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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D: Deceit / There's another Sunset?! (Edited)

A few days had passed since the incident at Crystal Prep, and for the time being things had been quiet in Canterlot City, so much so that it was starting to make Sunset Shimmer feel restless. She was granted great power, and now she had a responsibility to use it to defend the helpless against the Dopants. But not knowing when and where the next attack would come was making her a little edgy. Twilight and Sunset had concluded that there were now two types of memories, the T2s and the Breakable Memories. The Breakables, as their name states, shattered upon receiving a Maximum Drive attack, while the T2s remained intact after the attack, and unfortunately, the Breakables’ remains mostly disintegrated after being shattered.

However, that would have to be an investigation for another time. Now Sunset and Twilight had another thing to deal with. Since Rarity all but figured out that Sunset was Kamen Rider Unicorn, it was high time to come clean to the rest of their friends. The safest place for them to meet privately was decided as Applejack’s barn on her farm. Later in the afternoon all seven girls arrived at the big red barn, with Applejack closing the doors, and covering the windows. Granny Smith was busy in the house, Big Mac was out picking up parts for their tractor, and Apple Bloom and her friends were off playing around in the orchard.

“Okay, so y’all wanna explain to us what was so urgent that we need to meet in meh barn?” Applejack asked.

Twilight glanced to Sunset, and Sunset to Twilight. Both gave a sigh and began to explain the situation, the recent incidents with the Fang and Beast Dopants, and the incident at Crystal Prep Academy that Rarity added some exposition. Along with the fact that Sunset is Kamen Rider Unicorn. A full minute of silence reigned within the barn until Rainbow Dash finally spoke up, “Okay, I know ponying up is one thing, but turning into a masked hero is something else. And I really hate to be that person, but can you show us?”

Sunset figured that that would happen, so she was ready as she reached behind her back and brought out the Uni-Driver. She placed it against her waist and the belt quickly shot out and looped around Sunset’s waist, making Fluttershy squeak a bit at the sudden action of the device. Sunset took out the Gaia Memory from her jacket and pressed the button.


“What the heck, did that thing just talk?” Applejack asked.

“Wait for it. HENSHIN!” Sunset shouted as she placed the Memory into the slot and pressed down.


A field of energy appeared around Sunset, materializing an armored suit that covered her from head to toe. When the field disappeared, what stood before them was the armored clad warrior girl, Kamen Rider Unicorn. Her helmet’s eyes flashed for a moment, along with her horn as she took a step forward. “Well, girls, what do you think?”

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity’s jaws were hanging open, Fluttershy had fainted, and Pinkie Pie was bouncing around and wearing an excited grin at the spectacle she had witnessed. Spike walked up to Fluttershy and began poking her cheek with his paw, after a few seconds of prodding, Fluttershy finally stirred awake.

“Oh goodness, I had the strangest dream. Sunset turned into some kind of monster or…” Fluttershy looked up and saw Kamen Rider Unicorn crouching and extending her hand to her. “Oh…my”

“It’s alright, Fluttershy, I’m just in a suit of armor, my body hasn’t changed.” Sunset assured.

The shy girl carefully took Sunset’s hand, feeling that it was indeed a suit of armor and not a living body.

“So…um…Twi, can I get one of those?!” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No.” Twilight stated flatly. “I don’t think it’s wise to have more than one of these, besides, we don’t know if the other Memories will work with another Driver other than the Uni-Driver.”

“One’s fine, I seem to be doing okay for the time being. Especially when I get other Gaia Memories to help augment my form.”

“Wait, you can change how ya look too?” Applejack asked.

“Well, it’s not just her appearance that changes, it also augments her powers, gaining the abilities of the new Memory combined with the Unicorn Memory, if you don’t mind Sunset, would you demonstrate?” Twilight asked.

Sunset nodded and pulled out the Cyclone Memory, pressing the button.



A gust of wind emanated from Sunset, throwing hay and dust everywhere. Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack shrieked when they found that the wind lifted their skirts higher than what was comfortable, exposing the briefest of glimpses of what was underneath. Rainbow Dash paid no mind to the wind, having on sports shorts under her skirt, Pinkie Pie…well…somehow, the wind only served to lift her up off the ground, Twilight had anticipated the use the of the Cyclone Memory and thus opted to wear shorts today.

When the wind finally died down, Sunset was now in Mystic Cyclone form, but she became a little embarrassed by the disheveled state her friends were in now. “Sorry about that guys…”

“I’m not, that was awesome! And on that note, Flutters.” Rainbow Dash glanced to her shy friend. “I was not expecting you to wear something that risqué. Respect.”

Fluttershy’s face turned as red as the barn itself as she hid her face behind her long bangs. Rarity threw Rainbow Dash an indignant glare. “Rainbow Dash, please refrain from acting like some dirty old man!”

Pinkie Pie finally dropped out of the sky and rushed to Sunset, taking in every detail of her augmented armor. “Wow, this is amazing! You’re a real-life superhero! Oh, oh, we totally have to celebrate this! Secret Superhero Party in AJ’s barn!”

“Whoa there, hold yer horses–!”

“No parties, Pinkie, this is serious,” stated Twilight

“Ah…” Pinkie sighed.

“It’s not that we wouldn’t want one, but right now things are kind of serious with this whole Dopant thing and me being a Kamen Rider. So, for now, keep it secret, everyone knows that we have magic, and that’s fine, so long as they continue to think that and nothing else.”

The five girls nodded in agreement.

Sunset flipped up the switch on the horn part of the buckle, disengaging the Unicorn Memory and causing her armor to break down into particles of light before vanishing completely.

“So, Ah guess from now on, we’re keepin’ an eye out for these ‘Memory’ things, right?” Applejack asked.

“I wouldn’t recommend actively looking for them, as those who obtain them may become mentally unstable due to the energies of the Gaia Memory,” said Twilight.

“For now, if you see someone with one, don’t call them out on it, just call me and Twi and we’ll deal with it ourselves,” said Sunset.

Rainbow Dash stretched, “Okay, don’t know about you guys, but I think it’s time we cut loose a little. Who’s up for a mall run?”

Rarity excitedly jumped up and down as she squealed, “Me, me, me!”

Applejack shrugged and decided why not.

As the girls left to head to the temple of consumerism, Sunset stopped Twilight from going further, prompting the bespectacled girl to look at Sunset questioningly. “What’s wrong?”

Sunset smiled and opened one of her bags from her bike. “I got you something, catch.”

Twilight held out her arms as Sunset tossed an object towards her. Upon inspection, Twilight realized that the object was in fact a motorcycle helmet, colored in streaks of lavender, pink, and dark purple. It even had her favorite six-pointed star pattern on each side. Twilight looked up to Sunset, seeing her rub the back of her head as she blushed a little.

“Is this helmet for me?” Twilight asked.

“Since it may come down to you having to ride my bike here and there, I thought I’d get you a real helmet.” Sunset arched her brow. “Unless of course you’re comfortable riding with that other helmet, I mean it’s cute and all, but…”

Twilight blushed and shook her head. “No, no, no, I-I love this! Thank you! Wow you even had it detailed with the star I like!”

“It’s no big deal, c’mon, let’s take it for a test drive,” said Sunset.

Neither girl could pinpoint it exactly, but the present of the helmet made both girls feel good for different reasons. Sunset felt warm inside, seeing Twilight’s beaming face from receiving her gift, and Twilight felt an odd sense of giddiness inside from receiving a gift from Sunset. It was not that big a deal though, it was just a friend giving another friend a gift, and it was a practical gift at that. No reason to think anything else of it, right?


Gaia Memories, powerful devices that erupted from the Earth and shot out to every corner to people or places unknown. Fortunately, one of these Memories fell into the hands of two girls, one, Twilight Sparkle, who has access to knowledge she never had before, and another, Sunset Shimmer, originally from another world, who uses the power of the Unicorn Memory to fight against those corrupted by the Gaia Memories as Kamen Rider Unicorn. Becoming, for all intents and purposes, a hero to the people of the city. However, like all heroes, whether through action or inaction, accidental or intentional, sometimes create their own villains.

Of course, Sunset did not subscribe too much to that idea. Now it had been a week since the last Dopant attack, and Sunset was enjoying the return of some normalcy, but as she walked along the quad, she was getting a lot of suspicious looks from the other students at CHS, looks that felt too familiar to forget. Sunset shook her head, that was not possible, everyone had forgiven her, having helped save the school and its students twice over would do that for you. Though, the looks were piercing.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie appeared in front of Sunset, right before she reached the Wondercolt statue. “Sunset, you really need to go, like now!”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Um…why?”

“What is she still doing here?!” Sunset looked behind Pinkie Pie and saw Rainbow Dash rushing down the steps, practically zooming past everyone else and coming to a stop before them. Sunset swore she felt a gust of wind from that stop. “Pinkie you were supposed to stop her at the parking lot!”

“I tried, but she got here earlier than usual!” Pinkie retorted.

“Light traffic today, I breezed right through. Now would you guys tell me what’s going on?” Sunset asked.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Pinkie, Rainbow, and Sunset turned their gazes towards the front entrance to the school. Standing at the top of the stairs as an older woman, dressed in a purple suit and skirt, and a pink ascot around her neck. She had a tan complexion and blonde hair, and blue eyes that stared into the depths of one’s soul and made them feel cold. The other students parted for this woman as she walked towards the trio, stopping a mere three feet from them. “You have some nerve to show your face here after what you did.”

Sunset shook her head in confusion. “I’m sorry, Ms. Harshwhinny, but what exactly did I do?”

Ms. Harshwhinny huffed. “Typical, playing innocent as always.”

The fiery haired girl was now starting to get a little peeved. Ms. Harshwhinny had never subscribed to the whole “Sunset has changed her ways” effort, even after helping in saving the school and the student body, twice. No, Ms. Harshwhinny saw it all as a front as far as she was concerned and was just looking for a perfect excuse to put her in juvie. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your position, Sunset had managed to evade Ms. Harshwhinny’s efforts to do so, keeping most of her more heinous deeds done in secret or through clever deception, which also infuriated the older woman, knowing she was behind some of the misdeeds but never able to prove them to either the Principal or Vice Principal.

“I’m not ‘playing’, Ms. Harshwhinny, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about,” said Sunset.

The older woman smirked. “Humph, we’ll see how long that innocent act lasts, follow me. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are waiting for you.”

Sunset certainly did not want to go anywhere with that woman but considering that this might just be a misunderstanding – or vendetta – she followed Ms. Harshwhinny.

Once they entered the school, Sunset winced when she saw the broken trophy case, and several trophies smashed along with them. Almost as if someone had taken a sledgehammer to it. Along the way, they passed by a chemistry lab that had its door hinges blown off, and from the looks of it the explosion had done a lot worse inside.

“Ring any bells yet?” Ms. Harshwhinny asked in an accusing tone.

Sunset tightened her fist and steeled herself. “No, Ms. Harshwhinny, it doesn’t.”

“An actor to the end.”

After the long walk, Ms. Harshwhinny and Sunset arrived at Principal Celestia’s office. Once inside, Sunset beheld both sisters, one in her usual spot, setting behind her desk, and the other at her right side. There was a laptop on Principal Celestia’s desk that somehow gave this whole thing an ominous feel to it. “Thank you for coming Sunset, please sit down.”

Sunset placed her backpack next to the chair and sat as instructed. “Principal Celestia, what’s going on?”

Celestia flipped open the computer and turned it around, on it were multiple screens, six in total, each one a CCTV camera that was time stamped yesterday, Sunday night. “Please watch.”

Sunset watched the camera’s carefully, the top left-hand camera, which was trained on the entrance, showed someone breaking into the school late into the night. Upon getting further inside, this individual, who was carrying a sledgehammer, proceeded to smash the trophy case again and again. The upper center camera showed that the intruder was actually Sunset going into the chemistry lab, and after a few seconds, rushed out and an explosion followed soon after. The upper right hand camera window showed Sunset breaking into lockers, the rest of the bottom row were not any better. The whole time Sunset was shaking her head, not believing what she was seeing.

“Well Miss Shimmer, what do you have to say for yourself?”

“It’s not me!” Sunset answered.

Ms. Harshwhinny scoffed. “Typical, but you can’t deny that that is in fact you on that screen.”

“It has to be something else, I mean, even my clothes are different!”

The principals and teachers glanced back at the footage, the Sunset in question was wearing her old attire, the black leather, metal studded jacket, and boots with flame decal, a purple top, and orange skirt. Indeed, it was Sunset’s old outfit compared to her recent change in attire.

“That’s hardly valid as evidence of an imposter,” said Ms. Harshwhinny.

Sunset looked back at the footage, her mind going a million miles an hour as she tried to figure this out, but then it hit her. Like getting struck by the Beast Dopant, it hit her hard, the reality of who this might be. The fiery haired girl fell into the seat, her face almost draining of color. “It…It can’t be…”

“It is Miss Shimmer, and you cannot deny it.”

“I…I mean…I had always assumed, but to see it…”

Principal Celestia raised an eyebrow as she studied Sunset’s demeanor. She did not look like someone who was caught red handed, God knows she had seen plenty of students like that. No, this was different, something soul shattering had occurred in looking at the security feed, and it was panicking Sunset. “Vice Principal Luna, Ms. Harshwhinny, may I ask you both to step out for a minute, I’d like a moment with Sunset Shimmer.”

Ms. Harshwhinny smirked, believing that Sunset Shimmer was finally going to answer for her crimes, past and present. As Luna exited, she glanced over her shoulder to Celestia, an unspoken understanding passed between them, and she shut the door behind them. Now alone, Principal Celestia stood up from behind her desk and walked to Sunset’s right, she kneeled and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“Sunset Shimmer, Ms. Harshwhinny would like to see only the bad in this situation. However, I know you’re not that same person anymore. And given the recent supernatural events that have happened at CHS, I can’t personally rule out that this might be something magic related, is that why you look so panicked?” Celestia asked.

“No…” Sunset sighed heavily. “You remember Princess Twilight, right?”

Celestia nodded.

“And you know that the Twilight Sparkle that was formerly from Crystal Prep is the Twilight of this world, her double.”

“Oh yes…I do recall you telling me about the pony version of me…the thousand plus year old, magical pony goddess of the sun,” said Celestia, feeling a bit intimidated that her pony counterpart was practically a god.

“Yes, well, for a long time I thought that maybe I was a unique existence. When I came to this world and found out about the doubles of those from my world, I figured that there might be a Sunset Shimmer here too. I searched everywhere, at least in the city, but I couldn’t find another Sunset Shimmer. I mean, it was always a possibility that she was in another country or in some different city, but up until now I figured I was the only Sunset Shimmer…”

Celestia played that phrase in her head, “…until now”, it was then that she made the connection. “You’re saying that that girl is the Sunset Shimmer of this world?!”

Sunset nodded her head, slowly and solemnly. “I’m not going to deny that I was a – and pardon my Prench – a queen bitch to everyone in this school, making them be afraid of me and doing some other bad things. I operated under the assumption that I was a unique existence and that there was no other Sunset Shimmer here. But in reality, it seems that there is, and quite possibly my actions have caused this version of me grief. Having rumors started about her because of my actions, if anything, this is probably revenge.”

Celestia thought about that for a moment. “So…if this is really another you, from this world, then there’s really no way for us to say it isn’t. I’d assume that anything we’d find of her, hair or whatever would more than likely be identical to you right?”

Sunset thought about that one. “Possibly, I mean, biologically speaking I’m human, but I’m not sure what my DNA would say under a microscope.”

The tall woman snapped her fingers. “Wait a moment, you and your friends can change forms, right? You can grow wings and pony ears, which should be singular to you only.”

“Yeah, yeah that could work!” Sunset exclaimed.

“Although…Despite the supernatural, magical events at our school, many of the faculty have either embraced it as the norm, refuse to accept that it was real and deny it as a hoax or mass hysteria, or deny it happened to retain some sense of normalcy in their lives. And convincing police would be harder on top of that.” Celestia began pacing behind Sunset as her mind worked feverishly to come up with a way to save Sunset from the actions of her doppelganger. “Sunset, do you have any kind of alibi for last night, anything?”

Sunset shot up, like a light bulb had clicked in her head. “I can, I definitely do!”

“Good, by now the rumors have spread through the school about the incident, but I don’t think the students are quick to accept them just yet. They know well what you and your friends have done to save them, and more recently all reality. So, I think they’re willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but if we cannot clear this up soon…I may not be able to stop Ms. Harshwhinny or deny her requests for expulsion and possibly criminal charges,” said Celestia with a heavy heart.

The former unicorn nodded, she knew what was at stake, and the stakes were high.


“Excuse me?!” Ms. Harshwhinny exclaimed.

“As I said ma’am, I was with Twilight Sparkle last night, all night actually,” said Sunset.

Ms. Harshwhinny straightened her ascot and looked down at Sunset. “Please refrain from explaining any illicit affairs you may be having other students Miss Shimmer.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Not in that way Ms. Harshwhinny. Twilight was sick this weekend, a bad stomach virus. When I heard I went over to help, I don’t get sick, like at all, so I thought I’d be able to help.”

“It is true, Sunset Shimmer has never been ill in all her attendance of CHS,” added Vice Principal Luna.

“Mr. Night Light was out on a symposium in the next town over, and Twilight’s big brother, who’s a cop, is working late due to the, well, strange things that have been happening around the city. So that’s why it was better for me to help, I was free anyway.”

Ms. Harshwhinny scoffed. “And how does this help your situation.”

Sunset Shimmer crossed her arms and smirked at the teacher. “Because at the time I was supposed to be doing all of this, I was holding Twilight’s hair as she…ugh…prayed to the porcelain god, if I’m not being too subtle. Mrs. Velvet was there as well and can confirm that I never left Twilight’s side the whole time this was happening.”

Ms. Harshwhinny eyed Sunset with scrutiny. “Well then, if I call Mrs. Velvet at this time, she’ll confirm this?”

“Go ahead, she’s staying home from work today to look after Twilight, she has her cellphone on her.”

Ms. Harshwhinny looked to Celestia, and the Principal politely allowed her to use her phone and computer. After searching the student directory and locating Twilight’s parents’ contact numbers, she called Mrs. Velvet’s phone and placed it on speaker.


“Yes, am I speaking to Mrs. Twilight Velvet?” Ms. Harshwhinny asked.

[Yes, this is she.]

“My name is Ms. Harshwhinny, I am a teacher here at CHS. I would like to speak to you regarding Sunset Shimmer.”

[Oh dear, did she get to school late? I’m sorry, she was helping me take care of my daughter this weekend and Twilight was having a bit of a…ahem…well, she was praying to the porcelain god so to speak. It was late at night when it happened so if she’s a bit tired I’m sorry for that, I’ll take full responsibility, if she’s late I’ll sign for whatever you need me to in order to show this.]

Ms. Harshwhinny’s jaw dropped at hearing this, stunned speechless.

“Mrs. Velvet, this is Principal Celestia, Sunset is doing fine, but we’ll leave it up to her if she feels too tired today and excuse her, if need be,” said Celestia.

[Thank you, Principal Celestia.]

“Hey, Mrs. Velvet, it’s Sunset, is Twilight doing alright?” Sunset asked in genuine concern.

[She’s doing better, last night’s little episode helped.]

[Mom, who’s that?]

[It’s Principal Celestia, it’s about Sunset.]

[Oh no was she tardy?! It’s my fault, please don’t blame Sun – BLGAH!]

Everyone in the room went silent and had a look of disgust on their faces, along with a queasy feeling in their stomachs after hearing that.

[Well that’s my cue to go, again, if I need to sign anything just let me know.]

Ms. Harshwhinny composed herself before speaking. “Hmm, very well then. But the footage is still undeniable.”

“Come now, Ms. Harshwhinny, given events at Canterlot High School in the past year or so, I don’t think we can rule out something strange is occurring her. Whether it is connected to magic or something else entirely. Do not forget I have had a recent encounter at Crystal Prep Academy, as well as the Principal of the school, Mi Amore Cadenza,” said Vice Principal Luna.

The older woman waved her hand. “All this magic nonsense, it’s just some hype that the students are circulating and are going to great lengths to ensure it is real. If it keeps their spirits high then so be it, but I will not have it used as an excuse for poor behavior, or as a ‘get of jail free card’. But very well, I’ll be watching you Miss Shimmer.”

All three watched as Ms. Harshwhinny left the room, and a collective sigh was released.

“Honestly, Sunset Shimmer, it may do you good to take the day off and think of your next course of action. I can only imagine that this is magic related,” said Luna.

“No, leaving now would just make me look guilty. If I’m going to figure this out, I need to see if there were any clues left over from what the other me did,” said Sunset.

Luna and Celestia glanced to each other and nodded.

“Very well, Sunset, we’ve cordoned off the damaged areas so other students wouldn’t tamper with them. But be careful, others might see your investigating as returning to the scene of the crime.” Celestia warned.

Sunset grabbed her backpack and smiled to both Principals. “Don’t worry, I’ll figure this out.”

Despite the confident look on Sunset’s face, Celestia and Luna could not help but think this was going to get worse before it got better.


The rest of the day was what Sunset expected, suspicious glances from the students and faculty. Some were skeptical about the whole thing, given the magic mishaps at school, they could not rule out that something weird might be happening, so in that regard many were giving her the benefit of the doubt. Once free period rolled around, Sunset met up with the rest of the girls and filled them in on what was going on. They were all in various states of shock, even more so when she informed them that this might be Earth’s Sunset Shimmer.

“Darling, why would this other Sunset Shimmer want to do any of this to the school?” Rarity asked.

“Probably in retaliation for everything I did as her. All that time I spent making the students here fear me and all the time I spent dividing them, rumors must have traveled and fell on her. Others might have been tainted by what I did and made them think she was a horrible person!” Sunset sat on the piano chair, holding her head as she lamented her actions in the past.

“Well, luckily Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are willin’ to give ya a chance to prove it, but Ms. Harshwhinny’s going to be a tough sell. She was really on yer case back in the day,” said Applejack.

“That’s the understatement of the year, she practically made it her mission to catch Sunset and expel her. Which…heh, heh…at the time was something we were all kind of hoping and rooting for – no offense!” Rainbow added.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “None taken.”

“Shouldn’t we, um, start searching for clues? The other Sunset Shimmer may have left something behind,” said Fluttershy.

“Great idea!” Pinkie exclaimed as she pulled out something from her hair, and in a rush of motion, was donned in an outfit straight of Sherlock Holmes. “Detective Pinkie Pie is on the case!”

“Oh, Darling, you cannot have a mystery solved without a crafty a mind, and critical eye like moi.” Rarity, in the same out of nowhere fashion as Pinkie Pie, was now clothed in a dark red trench coat, and wide brimmed hat, her signature Shadow Spade look.

“Thanks girls, and do me a favor, try to keep this under the radar from Twilight. She’s still sick and the last thing I want is to stress her out,” said Sunset.

The others nodded in agreement, especially after the story Sunset told about a weekend taking care of a sick and vomiting Twilight. Rainbow would have made a girlfriend joke but considering the situation, it was better kept on the backburner.

“I’m going to check the trophy case in the lobby, it was the first place the other me hit.”

“I-I’m coming too, it-it might be better if I was with you, so nobody gets suspicious if it’s just you,” said Fluttershy.

With their plans settled, the girls broke away and went to investigate the different spots that were hit during the night. Sunset and Fluttershy went to the trophy case, the area cordoned off by yellow tape and orange cones. Most of the glass had been swept away and contained within the small area, among the debris were various trophies from Canterlot High’s past victories that were crushed or bent out of shape from falling to the floor or receiving the full brunt of the hammer. It was times like this that Sunset wished she had her full magical powers back, along with a few spell books, she could easily cast a spell to notice any trace amounts of, well, anything incriminating. For now, she would have to rely on her deductive skills and discerning eye to find something, anything.

“That sledgehammer she used, in the rest of the security footage, she wasn’t carrying it on her way out,” said Sunset Shimmer.

“Do you think it’s still here?” Fluttershy asked.

“If it is, she did it on purpose.”


“Because…” Sunset raised her right hand and pointed to her fingers with her left, “…if we’re identical, then even our fingerprints will match. Speaking objectively, I’d most likely hide it somewhere not too out of the way, but not obvious either. She intentionally made sure that the cameras could see her face, because she knew I was going to be here and would take the blame in full. Again, objectively speaking, if I were her, I’d keep a good distance away from the scene, but close enough to know if my plan went right.”

“But wouldn’t that put her at risk? If she’s found, then it’ll show that there are two Sunset Shimmers, and only one of you has an alibi,” said Fluttershy.

“It is a risk, but for her plan to succeed she needs to be close by to make sure everything falls into place. The hidden sledgehammer can probably help us forensics wise.”

“Returning to the scene of the crime?”

Sunset and Fluttershy turned around and saw Ms. Harshwhinny standing there, arms crossed and a critical gaze falling upon them.

“Investigating, actually, Ms. Harshwhinny.” Sunset replied.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing Miss Shimmer, but it’s high time you answered for your past grievances. And you, Miss Fluttershy, I’m surprised a kind and gentle girl as yourself can be friends with her, considering all the times I remember you being the subject of her bullying,” said Ms. Harshwhinny.

Sunset felt a stabbing pain in her heart. Out of all the bad things she did, tormenting Fluttershy was the one thing she had yet to get over. Fluttershy was the kindest girl anyone would ever know, caring and loving, the fact that she yelled and cornered her so many times before and made her cry hurt Sunset. Sunset, even to this day, is surprised that Fluttershy forgave her for everything she did, willing to look past that and see the good in her. Still, bringing that up never failed to make her feel lower than dirt.

“M-Ms. Harshwhinny! I-I know Sunset isn’t perfect, and yes, she bullied me, but that’s not who she is anymore. She’s done so much to help this school and the students in it, did she lose her way, yes, but she found it again. Now, she’s a friend I can count on, always,” said Fluttershy with a surprising amount of conviction.

Ms. Harshwhinny huffed. “Do not touch anything, we’re preserving it as best we can.”

Fluttershy and Sunset watched Ms. Harshwhinny walked away, and once she was far enough away, Fluttershy released a pent-up breath she didn’t know she was holding. Sunset gently patted her on the back and smiled at her friend.

“Thanks for that Shy…and…sorry, again,” said Sunset.

“Sunset, I said I’ve already forgiven you.” Fluttershy placed her hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “Please forgive yourself.”

“I’m still trying.”


Rainbow Dash and Applejack visited the gym, another site of destruction by the other Sunset. The storage room had several balls deflated, stabbed, and left flatter than a pancake. Several other sets of equipment for baseball, soccer, football, and basketball were also completely trashed. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get close because this site too was cordoned off.

“Shoot, how are we supposed to look for clues like this?” Applejack asked.

“The heck with yellow tape, Sunset’s getting accused of crimes she didn’t commit, we have to find something to help her out,” said Rainbow Dash as she readied to hop over the tape.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned to their lefts and saw Sunset Shimmer, dressed in her old attire, and standing at the edge of the adjacent door. “Don’t want to contaminate the evidence, do you?”

“You!” Rainbow Dash shouted and pointed.

The other Sunset closed the door, prompting Applejack and Rainbow Dash to give chase after her. Both girls rushed through the door and entered the pool. It was vacant, not a soul to see. It was their first instinct to go into the locker rooms, but by now the other Sunset most likely would have gotten too far away.

“Damn, she totally got away!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Calm down, Rainbow, the fact that we saw her means she still here. Probably wants to see her plan unfold,” said Applejack.

“Heh, then that means she’ll be easier to catch. We gotta tell Sunset that – WHOA!”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack soon found the floor extremely slippery and somehow sloped down into the deep side of the pool. A flash went off behind them as both girls splashed into the pool and hurried back up to the surface. Only once they reached the top, they bumped their heads against something hard. Applejack punched against the invisible wall and cursed when it didn’t break. Upon further inspection, they realized it was akin to Plexiglas, unfortunately, it was kept just a couple of inches above the water, offering little room for Rainbow and Applejack to get air. They frantically looked around and noticed that Sunset Shimmer, the other Sunset, was standing at the edge of the pool and kneeling to look at them.

“Quite the conundrum, isn’t it? That’s pretty much bulletproof glass, so you won’t be able to break it that easily, or anyone for that matter. You see, I can’t have anyone expose what I’m doing, I need Sunset to fall, and pay for everything she’s done. I am surprised you’re actually friends with that bitch. Well anyway, good luck treading water, I figured you two are athletic so maybe you can last an hour or two?”

The other Sunset walked off casually, leaving both Rainbow Dash and Applejack alone in the pool.

“What…are we…going to do?!” Rainbow Dash shouted in a panic.

“Don’t panic Rainbow…we’ll just make ourselves more tired…we gotta find a drain or somethin’ to hold onto otherwise we’ll get too tired…just treadin’ water out here,” said Applejack.

Rainbow and AJ scanned the area, noticing a little gap up ahead. They began swimming to it, already noting that it was a bad idea as their clothes just created more drag making the swim a bit longer. Realizing this, Rainbow kicked off her tennis shoes, and AJ her boots. Rainbow ditched her jacket and Applejack her denim skirt. Now little lighter, both girls swam to the drain gap, hanging onto it with their arms and kicking lightly to keep themselves up.

“Tell me your cellphone wasn’t in your skirt pocket,” said Rainbow.

“It was, and at this point it’s probably too waterlogged to use, what about you?” Applejack asked.

“In my jacket, same situation.”

“Okay, we just gotta hold on then until Sunset and the girls come lookin’ for us. They’ll begin to worry if we don’t show up after a bit,” said Applejack.

“And how long’s ‘a bit’?” Rainbow asked in a deadpan tone.

Applejack looked around and felt a twinge of dread. “Hopefully not too long…”


As Sunset and Fluttershy walked down the hall, Fluttershy noticed something odd. There was a turquoise glow coming from Sunset’s jacket. “Um, Sunset, your jacket.”

The fiery haired girl looked down and saw that the pocket where she kept the Unicorn Memory was glowing bright. Curious, Sunset reached in and took the Memory into her hand. Upon doing so, something occurred, her vision was suddenly filled with turquoise, sparkling light. It spiraled about, like a funnel, but then the center began to open, revealing something. An image formed at the center, showing Rainbow Dash and Applejack in water. The vision faded away and Sunset was brought back to the now.

“Sunset, are you alright? Your eyes glowed for a second and then…”

“I’m fine, but Rainbow Dash and Applejack aren’t! I think I know where they are, c’mon!”

Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy ran down the hall and cut down various hallways until they reached the gym. Sunset glanced about and spotted the door that led to the pool, she dashed towards the door but for some reason, found the door completely sealed. There were no seams at all, as if the wall grew around the door itself.

“What’s going on, the door wasn’t ever like this!” Fluttershy stated.

“Something else is happening here, and unfortunately, I don’t have time for subtlety!”

Sunset reached around her back, the Uni-Driver materializing into her hand as she placed the buckle against her waist and making the straps shoot around. Once connected, Sunset pressed the button on her Unicorn Memory.




The former Equestrian slipped the Gaia Memory into the slot and pressed down. A field of energy surrounded her body, generating armor all over her. Once the field came down Sunset Shimmer was in the form of her heroic alter ego, Kamen Rider Unicorn. Unicorn thrusted forth her right hand, the crystal horn and her right hand glowed bright with magical power as the door and part of the wall became enveloped in her aura.

“Fluttershy get to my left!” Unicorn ordered.

The shy girl did as she was instructed. In the next moment, Unicorn wrenched back her right hand. The wall began to crack until a large chunk of the wall was removed, along with the door. She floated the section of wall off to her right against the adjacent wall, and now free from obstruction, both Fluttershy and Unicorn entered the pool area. They were surprised to see that the pool was sealed in by some kind of glass layer. Fluttershy spotted Rainbow Dash and Applejack at the far end of the pool, hanging onto a drain. The Kamen Rider and Fluttershy ran to that side, noting the relieved expressions on their faces.

“Told ya…they’d find us!” Applejack stated.

“How are we going to get them out?” Fluttershy asked.

Unicorn thought for a moment and nodded. “Both of you hang on, this is going to feel weird!”

The horn on Unicorn’s helmet glowed bright as she concentrated on Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Their bodies glowed in the light of Unicorn’s aura, and with a flash of Unicorn’s eyes, Rainbow and Applejack vanished from under the glass. In the next moment they reappeared on either side of Fluttershy, both coughing up some of the water that had gotten into their mouths.

“Thanks *cough* Sunset,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Knew ya *cough, cough* would find us,” said Applejack.

“Who did this?” Unicorn asked.

Applejack and Rainbow glanced to each other and said in unison, “You did.”

“Sunset, you were right, she is close by!” Fluttershy stated.

“Yeah…” Sunset looked back to the glass still covering the pool. “But I wasn’t expecting her to have powers too.”

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