• Published 23rd Jul 2017
  • 7,733 Views, 651 Comments

Kamen Rider Unicorn - Michael_Ravencroft

Items of power thought destroyed have found their way to a parallel world. And the only one who can stop the coming danger, is a masked rider.

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T: Trigger's Decision / Moment of Truth

The ultimatum was given to Sunset Shimmer, Shining Armor had lifted his “restraining order” on her and has now allowed the former Equestrian to resume their normal couple activities as well as take Twilight to the Fall Formal. While this has come as a relief to Sunset, it’s not a complete relief. Shining Armor still knows she’s Kamen Rider Unicorn and is still in possession of the damning evidence that shows her transforming into the masked hero.

Sunset had made the call on Saturday to Twilight and informed her that she would be honored to take the prettiest, most adorkable girl in CHS to the Fall Formal. What followed after was a string of repeating “yes” and thuds which were most likely caused by Twilight jumping up and down like a rabbit on crack. After claiming, down, Twilight told her that she would be happy to go out with her and would call Rarity to see if they could go to her Boutique tomorrow for some dresses; a project that both knew Rarity would push everything to the backburner just for them.

With that date settled, there was still the looming matter of exposure, so Sunset Shimmer went to see Rainbow Dash. She needed to be informed of the coming danger and how this could eventually lead back to her, and how this could affect her parents who were completely allowing their daughter’s superhero activities. Although this practically made them the most awesome parents in the world, it wasn’t exactly something the law saw as a good thing, the whole “child endangerment” laws and all. So, Sunset arrived at the Dash household and went to Rainbow Dash’s room to discuss the matter, all and all she took it pretty well.

“Lemme get this straight…Shining Armor, Twilight’s big bro, mister ‘I’m going to arrest Unicorn and Nasca whenever I catch them’, knows you’re Unicorn. Not only that, but he made you – or blackmailed you – into staying away from Twilight, which explains why you both looked so bummed out this past week, and now he’s suddenly ‘allowing’ you to take her to the Formal. Is that pretty much it?’

Sunset nodded.

Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. “Okay……WHAT THE ACTUAL F-ING HELL?!” after her exclamation, Rainbow plopped onto her bed as she let out a frustrated groan. “But, seriously, I’m guessing this is better than what we were thinking. We thought you were breaking up with Twilight, and that I was going to have to start hitting on her to make you get your ass in gear.”

Sunset released her own frustrated groan as she said, “First off: try hitting on her, and the next time you take a shower in the locker room, you’re going to find all your clothes have vanished and the only thing left behind will be a bunny girl costume, I guarantee that! And second: thank you.”

“So, what’re we going to do?! He’s had it out for Unicorn from the beginning, and now that he knows it’s you, he definitely has every reason to blow the whistle on you!……So why hasn’t he?” Rainbow asked now that she thought about it.

The former Equestrian took a moment to think that over. “Maybe…he’s conflicted? If he really wanted me out of the picture he would’ve done so that night and I wouldn’t be having this conversation with you. He’s probably thinking about all the ways this would not only affect me, but also Twilight. You should’ve seen him last night; I think he genuinely feels bad about making Twilight go through all that.”

“Asshole should’ve thought of that before making you promise to stay away from her,” said Rainbow Dash with a hint of malice in her voice.

Sunset waved her hand in a calming motion. “Settle down, Dash. I hate that he made me promise that, but he’s her big brother and a cop, and he’s doing what any other elder sibling would do, look after their younger sibling. So, for now, we’re going to have to go with what we can do, and that’s taking Twilight to the Fall Formal and making sure she has a good time. After that…”

“Hey, hold on, why don’t we tell Twilight! Then he wouldn’t have any leverage over you! If he’s that devoted then maybe he’ll back off if Twilight gives him a scolding?!”

Sunset made an “X” shape with her arms. “Negative, right now, he believes that I’m the one who made the Driver. Telling him that Twilight’s an accomplice would only make things worse for her.”

“Yeah, but at the same time, he’d be less likely to follow through with any of his BS because he’d be too afraid that Twilight would get arrested for, like, aiding and embedding, right?” Rainbow argued.

“Or he could be on the other side of the spectrum and have both of us put in jail, although that scenario is highly unlikely, the most likely scenario would be that he’ll think I brainwashed Twilight or manipulated her with my wiles into making me our gear,” Sunset explained as she struck a seductive pose for dramatic effect before scoffing. “Please.”

Rainbow’s lips curled into a grin. “I don’t know, I’d commit armed robbery if it meant I could have a shot with you.”

Sunset’s expression became deadpan. “One: you try something with me and I’ll just leave you the skimpiest bikini I can find in your locker. And two,” Sunset struck another pose, “you lost your chance at this months ago.”



The roar of Sunset’s motorcycle engine cut through most of the traffic noises as both her and Twilight rode to Rarity’s little Boutique. It actuality, it was Rarity’s home, but due to the wealth of her family, her father had the garage converted into a studio to allow his daughter to create and run a fairly profitable online business. Rarity always affirmed that one day she would own a real building and plaster it with the name “Rarity For You”.

Sunset’s bike stopped as it reached the house’s driveway. I was a large two-story house, colored an immaculate white, with a couple of topiary lions that “guarded” the front door. On one end was the two-car garage that held the family’s vehicles, on the other end was the second garage that was made into a two-story garage that was adjacent to Rarity’s bedroom, allowing her access to her work space whenever she pleased.

The garage door was finely made, it was a standard door with white a finish to reflect the harsh rays of the summer sun, it had tinted windows on it to allow light to come in, but kept prying eyes from peering in. Considering the nature of her work, privacy was a must. Sunset was wearing a pair of denim jeans and tank top underneath her leather jacket, while Twilight wore simple purple skirt with black leggings, and pink blouse. The two went around to the side door and gave it a few knocks.

Immediately they heard the sounds of movement from within and were greeted by a starry-eyed Rarity. “DARLINGS! I cannot tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this!”

“Heh, heh, knowing you, Rarity, probably since we first started going out,” said Sunset.

Rarity made a few nonsensical noises before stating, “Puh-lease, I’ve been shipping you two since Twilight arrived at CHS. Although, I will admit to a little guilty shipping of you and Princess Twilight as well.”

Sunset and Twilight blushed bright red.

Twilight cleared her throat a bit, “Ahem, well, so long as you haven’t been ‘shipping’ all three of us in a three-way relationship, then…” Twilight’s expression fell when she spotted Rarity guiltily blushing as she fidgeted in place.

“You didn’t?” Sunset asked.

“You haven’t…?” Twilight also asked.

“LET’S GET YOU UPSTAIRS AND FITTED SHALL WE, OKAY?! OKAY!” Rarity announced loudly to end the string of questions as she headed straight for the stairs.

“She imagined us in a three-way relationship, didn’t she?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, I’m sure it was more than just the relationship and more on the relations part of that ship her mind was on, judging by that reaction.”

“Are all of my friends perverts?”

“For sure Rainbow and I are, definitely Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy…jury’s out on her, and apparently Rarity is a closet pervert,” Sunset answered.

Twilight took off her glasses and dragged her right hand down her face. “Jeez, I’m starting to wonder if I’m the weird one because I’m not or if all of you are.”

Sunset began walking towards the stairs, stopping at the first step as she offered out her hand to her girlfriend in a dramatic fashion. “Come, Twilight Sparkle, join the side of complete debauchery and hentai websites, you know you can’t resist!”

Twilight threw out her left hand and raised her right to her forehead, also in a dramatic fashion. “No, I will remain pure, you shall never corrupt me!”

“Oh, my dear Twilight, you’re already mine, come to me!” Sunset commanded.

Twilight began walking towards Sunset, however her movements were slow, as if giving the impression that she was resisting. “I can’t…I mustn’t!”

Before long, Twilight was in arm’s reach of Sunset, allowing the amber girl to reach out, and grab her girlfriend by the waist, bringing her close as she stared into those amethyst eyes. “You must…”

“Ahem!” Both girls looked up the stairs and saw Rarity leaning on the railing as she gazed down upon both of the lovebirds. “Sorry, Darlings, but do you need use my bedroom before we get started?”

“NO!” Sunset and Twilight spoke at the same time, a little embarrassed at being seen in a goofy moment.

“Please, don’t be embarrassed, I find it fabulously cute.”

After getting over that bit of awkwardness, it didn’t really get much better. Once they were in the upstairs design/work studio, Rarity immediately broke out the measuring tape, giving a quick snap as she turned to her favorite couple and asked, “Who’s first?”

Twilight took a giant step back, leaving Sunset completely alone. Before she figured out what had happened, Rarity stripped Sunset of her clothing, making Twilight turn away before she had a nosebleed. After a fair amount of grumbling and other embarrassing sounds, Rarity was finally done with Sunset, and moved on to Twilight. The result was the same for Twilight, but Sunset kept her back turned, out of respect, and for the promise of someday seeing her like that on more romantic terms.

Once the measuring was done, Rarity went through a number of sketches that she had conceived. “I’m going to make you two shine so brightly that every couple will just die!”

“Um, maybe not that. I wouldn’t want my first school dance to be riddled with corpses,” said Twilight.

“Figure of speech, darling. Anyway, I have several variations if the two you want to go more traditional routes,” Rarity flipped through a number of sketches that showed Twilight and Sunset in flowing dresses. “Or, if you want to change things up, I have some alternatives.”

Rarity brought out another round of sketches that showed not only dresses, but tuxedos, each done for either one of them. “Personally speaking, I think Sunset would look rather dapper in a tuxedo.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow and grinned. “You saying I wear the pants in this relationship, literally?”

“Well, I wanted to be prepared so I made a suit design for each of you.”

Twilight twiddled her thumbs as she spoke, “Well…to be honest…I, ahem, always imagined you as the more…I guess, core of the relationship? I mean, I have so little experience with dating and all, I was more comfortable with you taking the reins.”

Sunset smiled and rubbed Twilight back soothingly. “Hey, don’t just assume I have all the right answers. I kind of blew it with Flash, even though I was just using him for popularity, at first, I did like him and honestly dated him. But, that fell apart quickly as you all know where it led. Don’t be afraid to take the reins yourself, Sparky. I don’t want to you feel as if I’m suffocating you or controlling you, okay?”

Twilight smiled up at Sunset and leaned against her girlfriend. “Thank you.”

Rarity was biting her lip, trying in vain to keep her excited squeals of delight from being heard. “Oh, you two are just SO precious!”


The sound of laser fire echoed within the large chamber. Trigger wielded his Chrome Magnum as he blasted through several holographic targets that sprang up around him. He cycled through several of his Utility Gaia Memories before entering SWAT form and blasting away remaining enemies. When the smoke cleared, only Trigger SWAT stood, his body glowed as he returned back to his default and holstered his weapon.

[That was good Officer Armor, we’re done with testing for today, you can exit the training area.]

Trigger did just that, as he did, the recreated buildings and monsters all disappeared as he walked through the standby area and changed back to normal. The other door opened up and waiting for him was Starlight Glimmer, a towel and bottle of water in hand. “Good work out there, Officer Armor.” Shining Armor gratefully took the towel, wiping off the sweat and took a few sips from the offered bottle. The whole time though, Starlight Glimmer couldn’t help but notice something off about him. “Are you alright?”

Shining Armor looked away and chuckled. “That obvious, huh?”

“Probably not to others, I’m just observant that way. I could lend an ear if you’d like?” Starlight offered.

The blue haired man looked to Starlight and then back to his bottle, after a moment he sighed. “You ever know a secret about a person, but you weren’t sure how to approach it?”

Starlight blinked. “Think I’m going to need a little more detail than that, kind of vague.”

Shining Armor scratched at his head to figure out a way to word what he was asking without it revealing too much. “Kind of hard to say without outing the person I’m thinking about.”

“Well, is the secret a bad one? Is it hurting them or hurting someone else?” Starlight asked.

“Potentially, both.”

“‘Potentially’, but this secret hasn’t hurt anyone up to this point. Okay, does this secret help people?”

With an annoyed grunt he said, “Yes.”

“Like just a few, or a lot?”

Again, with an annoyed grunt, he said, “Yes.”

“But I’m also guessing that this something is also illegal, hence your dilemma, right?” Starlight asked.

“Yeah…I mean…I know what the law says, it’s cut and dry. They do this, I arrest them, they go to court. They break the law, and I stop them…but then we get into moral gray areas, and lord knows I’ve seen a few here and there,” said Shining Armor.

Starlight leaned up against the wall as she contemplated the philosophy of his question. “Just so you know, this is only my opinion and under the advice of my lawyers is not a reflection of my true beliefs.”

Shining Armor chuckled. “Got it.”

“Okay. Sometimes, we have to live in the gray in order to ensure that good things happen. History is full of people who were oppressed, and then rose up to end that oppression. Others where unjust laws favored the powerful, and individuals broke the law to bring about order and justice. We can only imagine what goes through a person’s mind when they’re thrust into a situation where they know they can do something to stop something bad from happening but know that the world may look at them as either hero or villain.”

Starlight glanced to Shining Armor. “You fight as Kamen Rider Trigger, and keep your identity known to the public, because you believe that it is the right thing to do and that the people deserve to know who’s under the mask. However, the negative applies as well, some would see such an act as idiotic, moronic even. Considering your line of profession, you put your family in danger by being a police officer, making them targets of lowlifes that you put away, but now as a Kamen Rider, you invite monsters with powers that do more harm than any thug could ever do.”

Shining Armor winced a little, he had experienced his folly first hand.

“So, the question then becomes, do you believe, in your heart, is this secret this person is keeping important enough to them?” Starlight asked.

“I…don’t know…” Shining answered.

“I guess that means you need to talk to this person, honestly. Without judgement, without the badge, just a person, hear them out, and maybe others who know that person and know what they’re going through…” Starlight looked away. “Heaven’s know the rest of world could benefit more if we knew so much more…”

Shining Armor smiled and offered his hand to Starlight. “Thanks Miss Glim – er – Starlight, this talk helped a bit.”

Starlight smiled back and shook his hand. “Glad I could help.”


Dear Princess Twilight,

How’s it going in Equestria? Hopefully things have calmed down since that Nega-Shocker thing.

Listen…I need to tell you something. Shining Armor, the one in my world, he knows I’m Kamen Rider Unicorn. I was careless, and he found out during a battle about a week ago, and now I’ve been on edge about when he’ll out me! He told me to stay away from Twilight, but when he saw how much it was hurting her that I wasn’t around, he lifted his “restraining order” and is allowing me to take her to the Fall Formal. After that…I’m not sure what he’s going to do.

I don’t want to believe he’ll just out me like that, but I’m still nervous. What would your Shining Armor in such a situation? Also, if things go sideways…I may need to come back home, permanently. I’d rather keep that as a last resort, I like my life here, despite the low amount of magical power here, it’s still a place I call home, I have someone I love and friends I never want to part with…please…write back as soon as possible.

Your friend

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset stood in front of the mirror, checking herself out as she gazed upon the dress Rarity made for her. It was strapless, allowing Sunset’s bare shoulders and just the tiniest amount of cleavage to show. The warm colors of orange, red, and yellow, and a touch of turquoise here and there, made the dress sparkle brightly when hit by light, the skirt only came down to a little past her knees, which lead to a pair of red high heels. The dress had a wildfire design, but when you looked close enough, you could tell that the flames made the image of a phoenix.

As much fun as this night was going to be, Sunset still felt nervous. One half due to the looming threat of Shining Armor, and the other half due to not wanting to mess this night up for her lover. This was going to be the first Fall Formal she could enjoy with someone she loved with all her heart, and nothing was going to go wrong, not even Shining Armor’s little vendetta was going to ruin it.

The sound of knocking, followed by a car horn, grabbed Sunset’s attention. She quickly checked herself over one last time and headed towards the door, when she opened it, Sunset was struck speechless. Standing before her was a dazzling beauty, her girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle. Her hair was let down, flowing past her shoulders and down her back. Unlike Sunset, Twilight wasn’t nearly as bold as she was to go with a dress that exposed too much, but it was no less beautiful. The dress was a deep violet, with differing hues of violet, purple, and blue, mimicking the night sky. There were tiny specks of crystals that, when the light caught them, sparkled like stars in the night sky.

Sunset could tell that Twilight was wearing makeup, it wasn’t a lot, and no doubt Rarity helped her with it, for Twilight, less was more. For a good minute and a half, Sunset Shimmer was just staring at Twilight with her mouth hanging open. The purple girl blushed as she waited for her girlfriend to regain her senses, but that didn’t appear to be happening any time soon.


The girl in question shook her head, “Huh, uh, y-yeah?”

“Let’s go, everyone’s waiting,” said Twilight as she gestured towards the limo.

Sunset grinned happily a she closed the door and walked towards the limo. Just like last year, Rarity, had rented another limo to take them to the dance. Rarity’s family may not be as rich as the resident rich girl, Diamond Tiara, but she was well off enough that her family could afford such things and not worry about it. After a twenty-minute drive the limo arrived at CHS, there were cars still coming in with all the couples and friend groups pouring in through the front doors.

When the girls exited, they made sure that Twilight and Sunset were out last. Sunset was out first and offered her hand to her lover, Twilight happily accepted and stepped out of the limo. In a bit of a bold move, Twilight wrapped her arm around Sunset’s right, leaning her head against Sunset’s shoulder. Both girls blushed, but not out of embarrassment, more like from the feeling of the closeness. Rarity was doing all she could to keep herself from jumping up and down and squealing like a madwoman at how gorgeous and cute they looked.

While they were walking in, Sunset took a moment to take note of how many couples there were here tonight. The obvious paring of Lyra Heartstrings and Bonbon, those two had been a couple sense Sunset first arrived at CHS. Out of all the people she tormented, she never really gave them a hard time. The next couple she spotted came from Flash Sentry’s car. To Sunset’s surprise, the girl who exited the passenger side was none other than, Derpy. The blonde-haired girl blushed as Flash approached her and offered his arm to her, which she gladly accepted, Flash matched Derpy’s smile, both young teens were happy as far as Sunset could tell.

Heh, wow, Flash and Derpy. Good for you Derpy, he’ll treat you right, thought Sunset.

Sunset heard the roar of a motorcycle engine as it parked, both Twilight and Sunset stopped when they noticed two girls dismount. The first was Gilda, wearing dress pants, a blazer with a white shirt underneath, and a loose black necktie. Next to her was Gabby, who was all smiles as she looked up at the school. The young girl was immediately swarmed by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who had become good friends with her via online chats and through meetups over the Summer. Following behind those two was Apple Bloom and…

“Diamond Tiara?!” Sunset exclaimed.

“And is she holding hands with Apple Bloom?!” Twilight asked.

“Eeeyup.” Applejack interjected. “Ever since that whole mess with Diamond’s mother goin’ Dopant psycho, she and Bloom had become closer, their whole spat between them kinda vanished and somehow…that, happened.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow in a concern. “You’re not…upset that she’s like that, right?”

Applejack smiled and waved off her concern. “Shoot, no, if Ah was, Ah wouldn’t have been so on board with you two bein’ a couple. Not my cuppa tea, but Ah don’t got nothin’ against it. So long as meh little sis is happy, that’s all Ah care about.”

“Still, what’s Gilda doing here?” Sunset asked.

As if to answer the question, Rainbow separated from the group and walked up to Gilda, sporting her trademark smirk.

Gilda looked down at her friend, a light blush on her face as she said, “Nice dress, Rainbutt.”

“Nice suit, Featherbrain,” said Rainbow Dash.

Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack blinked a few times.

“Did I miss something, or are Gilda and Dashie…flirting?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Oh no, we’re right there with you, Darling, when did that happen?!” Rarity asked.

Fluttershy fidgeted. “Um, a bit over the Summer Break, and a little before that, they’ve been keeping in touch for a while, and after their last little incident, some things just clicked.”

“Fluttershy, you knew?!” Twilight asked.

“Rainbow Dash wanted it to be a surprise, and…” Fluttershy gestured for the group to come closer to whisper. “Apparently, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have a crush on Gabby, Rainbow told me because she found out from Gilda.”

All the girls looked back at the trio of middle schoolers. Now that they were given this info, they could tell that Sweetie Belle did seem a little clingy to Gabby, while Scootaloo seemed to be giving her the stink eye, before finding a way to wrist Gabby away from Sweetie and cling onto the girl herself, leaving Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara to shake their heads at the actions the other two girls were taking.

“Damn, now that’s interestin’,” said Applejack.

“Oh, my sweet little sister is becoming a young woman! Ah! Fighting for her first crush!” Rarity exclaimed in a giddy tone.
With all that established, the group continued forward, and Sunset noticed there was a few more chaperones this time around. CHS staff and PTA members were positioned at certain points along the way, leading all the way into the gym. Once inside, Vinyl Scratch – aka DJ PON-3 – was already at her turntables and busting out a dance beat for everyone to enjoy. The dance floor was filled with multiple teens from almost every grade, making the cool air from outside vanish in place of the combined body heat within the gym.

“Good evening Miss Shimmer, Miss Sparkle.” Sunset and Twilight glanced to their left and noticed Ms. Harshwhinny, sporting an elegant dress that made both girls go wide eyed. “You both are very cute together.”

“Thank you, Ms. Harshwhinny, you look nice too!” Twilight stated.

“There’s definitely an increase in the number of chaperones around here tonight, something up?” Sunset asked.

Ms. Harshwhinny shrugged. “Well, considering that during one of our Fall Formals…certain things happened…”

Sunset expression fell. “Oh…I see.”

“Please understand it’s not really you in particular. It’s all precautionary, we’re mostly told to stay as invisible as possible and give the students some space. Personally, I’m glad you’re here, it would’ve been a tragedy if you didn’t come for your senior Fall Formal,” said Ms. Harshwhinny.

The amber girl smiled as her mood picked up. “Careful teach, I’m not legal and out of school yet, plus I have a girlfriend so you’re kinda out of luck.”

Ms. Harshwhinny rolled her eyes. “Yes, well, I’ll just have to live with it won’t I? Now go on and dance with your girl!”

“Yes ma’am.”

The dance had gone off without a hitch so far. The group had mostly dispersed throughout the gym, each one with their dates or just hanging out with some of the others. Rainbow and Gilda were practically in a dance off for most of the time, which eventually got a few others roped in creating a makeshift dance crew, one on Gilda’s side and another on Rainbow’s.

Fluttershy had somehow gravitated towards Bulk Biceps, the musclebound young man was surprisingly shy when Fluttershy approached him, their interactions were cute to watch. Rarity was a natural tease and had most of the boys who weren’t already with their dates clamoring for her attention.

Pinkie Pie was hurricane of activity, making sure the party was going at maximum efficiency, dancing with her friends, as well as dancing with the numerous boys – and girls – who asked her to. Twilight had asked Pinkie Pie at one time, if she was into girls or boys? The answer was, “Neither! I honestly don’t care if they’re a girl or a boy, so long as I’m sure that the other person cares about me, then gender doesn’t really matter to me. Besides…you can have fun with both~” That last part was said with a pervy grin and a wink.

Eventually the music took a slower pace, allowing the couples to have the floor. Of course, Lyra and Bonbon were out there, but so were Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps. Flash and Derpy waltzed, with Derpy resting her head against Flash’s chest, the latter smiling down at the cute – if a bit overly clumsy – girl in his arms. Gilda and Rainbow were out there, both were awkward, blushing up to their ears as Gilda led their dance. But, none would argue that the couple that took center stage this night, was that of Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. Their outfits complemented each other well, Sunset’s beauty was only rivaled by Twilight’s cuteness.

Their gazes were locked onto each other, the world faded away and left only the dance floor, the music, and them. Sunset’s happy expression fell a little as she said, “I’m sorry…”

Twilight raised an eyebrow and asked, “For what?”

“The way I’ve been acting all last week…Something came up and it was on my mind a lot…” Sunset explained.

Twilight squeezed Sunset’s hand a little. “I was scared…I thought I had done something wrong, said something that offended you, something I didn’t do that I should have…But, I’m just glad you said ‘yes’ to coming here with me. Was it because it’s the Fall Formal, because I remind you of the other me and it reminds you of the last time you were here?”

Sunset brought Twilight closer. “No, you and the Princess are two different people, for the similarities you share with her, you’re also very different from her. And while, yes, the Fall Formal reminds me of some my more ruthless days, and as the day that I was brought down and found myself in a hole, literally. But, it’s also the day that I decided to change myself, and tonight, marks the start of something new for us. So, no, it wasn’t you, and it wasn’t the dance, and don’t ever think I don’t care about you.”

Twilight leaned up and kissed Sunset briefly on the lips as she gave a wide smile. “I promise.”


“Sir, you want me to do what?”

“It’s just simple guard duty, I have everyone stretched thin tonight, and you’re the only one close enough to do it, and quite frankly, given the history of this place, it’s better if it is you.”

“Sir, it’s just a high school dance, have Stonewall or Recon do it.”

“They’re both assigned to the prison transfer of that Garble fella. Look, kid, I know your duty as a SCU member and Kamen Rider, but look at it this way, your sister goes to that school too, right? Look at it as protecting her safety as well.”

Shining Armor sat on his bike outside of CHS, watching as the last few of the student body enter the school, leaving the outside completely deserted, with only the thrumming of the dubstep that echoed from the gym to fill the night.

“You say that, Cap, but…” Shining Armor sighed, inside that building, his little sister was dancing with a girl who was hiding a huge secret from her, and he wasn’t even sure if he should out Sunset Shimmer, despite knowing by law he had to. “…this is still annoying.” Shining Armor stared off towards the school, the music seemed to have changed from the dubstep to a slower paced song. “Oh great…that means they’re probably slow dancing about now…”

Suddenly, there was a glow coming from the marble statue. Apparently, there was once a horse that stood upon the marble platform, but has not been replaced yet, but that could be pondered later, as the glow that was emanating from it was getting brighter. Shining Armor quickly dismounted his bike and called upon his Driver and Gaia Memory.




An azure electrical field formed around his body, transforming Shining Armor into Kamen Rider Trigger. Drawing his Chrome Magnum, Trigger rushed to where the glowing light was coming from, keeping a few feet back as he watched the light, keeping his weapon trained on it. After a few seconds, a human figure exited the light, stumbling forward until the being caught itself, standing on wobbly legs.

“Halt, put your hands in the air!” Trigger ordered.

The figure did as he commanded and said, “P-Please don’t hurt me, I’m not an enemy! I’m her to see a friend!”

Trigger lowered his weapon as the light finally dimmed down, revealing the person who had come through to be his little sister, Twilight. “T-Twily…?”

Twilight blinked paying attention to the voice as she gazed upon the Kamen Rider before her. “Shiny?”

Trigger put his weapon away and deactivated the transformation. “Twily, what…how’re you…?”

Twilight lowered her hands as she breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, good, this was my first time seeing you like that, Sunset told me you were a Kamen Rider too, but I’ve never seen what your form looks like.”

Shining Armor continued to stare at the girl before her. She was dressed in a violet skirt, black loafers, long purple socks, and a powder-blue blouse with a pink ribbon. Right off the bat he could tell the differences between the Twilight before him and the Twilight he knew, for one thing, this Twilight stood at least few inches higher than what he knew. Her, ahem, assets weren’t exactly that defined, and she didn’t have glasses.

“Are you…No, you’re not the Twilight I know,” said Shining Armor.

“Correct, I’m not the Twilight you know, but I’m still your little sister.” The other Twilight bowed her head and curtsied to Shining Armor. “My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, of the kingdom of Equestria.” The curtsey ended, and Princess Twilight quickly put her hands against her hips and gave her big brother a stern look. “And I’ve got some words for you, big brother!”

Like a child having been scolded, Shining Armor sat down on the grass with Twilight sitting across from him giving him a lecture, mostly about where she was from and why she didn’t look like the Twilight he knew. An hour almost past before she finally finished her explanation as to who she was, and that the multiverse did in fact exist, and that she was biologically his little sister, even with a few small physical differences, she they were still family.

“Wow…I mean, comics talk about this stuff all the time, but to see this…wow,” said Shining.

“The theory had some merit, but now with my being able to traverse between two worlds, and from the other things I’ve seen, it’s made the possibility of alternate realities existing real,” said Princess Twilight.

“I mean, when those Kamen Rider doctors appeared, that was one thing, but now you’re telling me there’s a world with magical talking ponies?!”

Princess Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “I know, it can be a bit overwhelming when you think about it.”

“Hold on, you said earlier that you were here to see a friend, what friend was that?” Shining asked.

“Actually, she’s the reason I came, but since you’re here, this makes things easier, because I needed to talk to you about her, about Sunset Shimmer.”

Shining Armor’s eyes narrowed at the mention of her name. “What about her?”

“Sunset wrote to me, she said she was scared about what you would do to her with the information you know. Shining Armor, she doesn’t mean you any harm. Yes, she was once a danger to herself and others, but she has long since purged herself of those ambitions, and only seeks friendship and to defend it, and those she loves and cherishes.”

Shining Armor raised an eyebrow. “So…wait, are you saying Sunset Shimmer is from your world?”

“Yes, she was taught by the ruler of our world, as was I, but…” Twilight began the tale of Sunset Shimmer, starting with her fall from grace when she thought herself above everyone, including their teacher, escaping into this world and plotting her vengeance. This led to Twilight telling of her first journey to Earth, defeating Sunset Shimmer and leaving her behind to learn about friendship from the girls that Shining Armor’s little sister was friends with now.

That led into the Battle of the Bands, where the Sirens – also known by their stage name, The Dazzlings – tried to take over the world through the use of dark magic and song. She told him of how, even with her magic aiding the others, they were still no match for them, and that it was Sunset Shimmer whose power and resolve granted them all the strength to defeat the Siren.

The next chapter was told only from what she was told by Sunset, but she recounted the events of the Friendship Games and how Sunset struggled to figure out the magic that seemed to be changing on this side of the mirror, and how the appearance of her Earthly double threw things into a tailspin for the group. In the end, Sunset not only saved all of reality, but also saved Twilight Sparkle from becoming a monster.

Through it all, Shining Armor’s emotions were plain to see, his anger rising and falling at certain points, as well as his excitement. “Now, as far as Sunset being a Kamen Rider, I can only give secondhoof – sorry – secondhand accounts of what she’s done from our correspondence, but I can account for what she did when she came to visit.”

Twilight’s next story told of how Sunset arrived back to her home world to have a little vacation from the stress of being Unicorn and her daily life as a high schooler. Unfortunately, her vacation was anything but relaxing as the organization, Nega-Shocker, invaded Equestria, were it not for the efforts of Sunset Shimmer and the Kamen Riders from parallel worlds, Equestria would’ve fallen. “And not soon after that, I’m certain Nega-Shocker would’ve come for this world, and nothing would’ve been able to stop them. Actions sometimes speak louder than words, Shiny. Sunset has done some bad things in her past, but she’s determined to make up for them, and saving the world at least four times over should speak a lot to her character.”

“Five,” said Shining.


“Recently, she and another Rider from another world beat a monster that could’ve taken over this world.”

Twilight gently tapped her head with her knuckles. “Oh, yes, that slipped my mind, it was recent so forgive me for forgetting that one. But, still, that’s not counting the number of times she’s saved this city, and its people from harm. I’ll let her explain the finer details about her adventures, but I hope that you have a better idea about Sunset’s character.”

Shining Armor sighed as he mulled over everything in his head. “I do, but I still don’t know what the right decision is…”

“I think you do,” Twilight spoke gently as she moved closer and placed her hand over his own. “I know you, big brother, there are some differences between you and the one I know, but you both are a good judge of character.”

Shining Armor looked up into the eyes of Princess Twilight, her face was so alike to his own sister, but her eyes spoke volumes. There was a similar thirst for knowledge and natural curiousness within them, but where they differed even more was how it looked like this Twilight had seen and done more, when she spoke it was as if he was having a conversation with a grown woman, not the seventeen-year-old he was looking at.

“Tell me something, and feel free not to answer if it’s too rude, how old are you?” Shining asked.

Princess Twilight giggled. “It’s not rude, it’s actually a fair question. To be honest, my true age back home is twenty-five. But here, I retain that age mentally, but physically, I’m the same age as your Twilight, albeit with a few minor physical differences, not needing glasses for one.”

“So…wait…does that mean Sunset Shimmer’s older than my sister?!” Shining asked in shock.

“Well…she was a grown mare around my current age back before she left Equestria, and whenever we pass through the portal our bodies are morphed to fit the age of this world, in this case a teenager. And seeing as how Sunset hadn’t aged at all when she came back, and that around the time Sunset exiled herself I was a young seven-year-old filly, she’d be quite a bit older…” Princess Twilight explained. She could already see the gears in Shining Armor’s head moving, going off on a tangent, to which she quickly added, “I guarantee that Sunset hasn’t done anything inappropriate with the other me! Don’t forget, she may be mentally older, but physically they’re the same age!”

Shining Armor sighed heavily as he ran his hands through his hair. “You know what, I’m not even going to think about it, the law was not made to handle this level of craziness.”

Princess Twilight released a sigh of relief. “I hope I at least gave you a better understanding about who Sunset is, and why she does what she does.”

“You have, thanks,” said Shining Armor.

Princess Twilight nodded and rose up, dusting off her skirt before she turned around and headed for the portal. “It was nice getting to meet my big brother from this world, the other me is lucky to have you. Just like I am.”

With those last words, Princess Twilight walked through the portal, vanishing in a flash of light. Shining Armor walked up to the statue pedestal, touching the smooth marble surface where Princess Twilight had gone through, but there was no reaction. “Weird is the new normal…”


“You were robbed!” Rarity exclaimed.

The night had ended, it was about eleven at night before the dance finally wound down. A good number of students still remained, having one last slow dance with their dates. During the dance, Principal Celestia announced the Fall Formal Princess, and it was none other than Derpy, with Flash Sentry as her prince. All cheered for the sweet, if but over clumsy, girl, but it seemed that others thought differently.

“It’s alright, Rarity,” Sunset assured. “I’m fine with not winning another Princess title.”

Rarity huffed as she said, “I could understand that, but at the very least, Twilight could’ve been chosen! I mean, did anybody notice how gorgeous and stunning you two were?!”

“To be honest, yeah, everyone did. As far as anybody’s concerned, from what I gather, they already see these two as the Princesses of the school, but in a cool way. So, letting that blonde-haired chick have the title this time around doesn’t seem that bad,” said Gilda as she draped her arm over Rainbow.

“Honestly, Rarity, it’s alright. I’m happy Derpy got the Princess title, I’m not quite sure I’d want to copy something that the other me did, I don’t feel like I earned that title,” said Twilight.

Rarity sighed heavily and smiled as she conceded to their points. “Very well, I’m happy for her too, and I do agree with Gilda, you both are like royalty here.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Wouldn’t go that far.”

The girls managed to meander outside where the limo was waiting, but in the case of Gilda and Gabby, they were to head back to their apartment on Gilda’s bike. Fluttershy, after saying goodbye to Bulk, walked over to the tall, gruff girl and asked, “Don’t you want to ride with us?”

Gilda rubbed the back of her head. “It would be cool, but I’m not sure…don’t want to leave my bike here…”

Rainbow hooked her arm around Gilda’s and looked up at her, “Just come with us, you and Gabby can stay at my place and then we’ll have my Dad drive us back to pick it up.”

Scootaloo quickly rushed in and asked, “Can I come with you?! It can be a sleepover!”

Sweetie Belle immediately chimed in, “No way, Rarity can I go too?!”

Gilda nudged her adopted little sister and said, “Aren’t you popular with the ladies?”

“Gildaaaaa, that’s not funny,” Gabby whined.

Before either Rainbow or Rarity could answer, Sunset tensed up. Twilight could feel it in how hard Sunset gripped her hand. When she looked in the direction Sunset was, she was surprised to see her big brother walking towards them.

“Shining Armor, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“Sorry, my Captain said we were shorthanded tonight and asked me to do security detail for CHS during your dance,” Shining explained. “Did you have fun?”

Twilight beamed and shook her head vigorously.

“Good…” Shining’s gaze fell on Sunset Shimmer as he said, “Sunset, can we talk in private for a minute?”

Rainbow broke away from Gilda and gave Shining a fierce glare. “Anything you gotta say to her, you can say it in front us.”

“Rainbow?” Twilight asked in confusion of her behavior.

Shining Armor glanced about the group, seeing as they were of like mind with their rainbow haired friend. “Alright, let’s talk by the statue.” Shining began walking towards the statue, keeping a slow pace so that the group may catch up.

“Hey, Gab, we’re getting in the limo,” said Gilda.

“But, Gil…?”

“Do as I say Gabriel.”

Gabby knew this was serious, Gilda didn’t usually use Gabby’s full name unless something was up. With a reluctant nod, she entered the limo, with Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell following close behind, Gilda gave a nod to Rainbow and shut the door. The group walked towards the statue where Shining Armor was waiting for them, the whole Sunset was growing noticeably more nervous. What was he planning on doing now? Was there backup lying in wait somewhere ready to take her down?

Once they reached the statue, the girls formed a semi-circle line, Shining Armor took notice of their various expressions of confusion, along with the worried look on Sunset’s face. Twilight also had a worried look, but it was from how Sunset was reacting, concern dominant in her eyes as she watched her girlfriend.

“I was paid a visit tonight, by another version of my little sister,” said Shining Armor. “Can you take a guess who it was, Sunset?”

Every one of the Rainbooms had a shocked expression, with Sunset’s being the biggest of all. “Princess…Twilight?”

“Yes, apparently, she told me you’re a magical unicorn from a world on the other side of this statue, called Equestria, right?”

Sunset nodded.

“She also told me how you were a smart and talented sorceress, but that your ego and pride got so big that you denounced your mentor’s teachings and fled here. She mentioned that you went back and stole her magical artifact that turned you into a demon and that you nearly killed the girls standing around you, your friends, and almost enslaved the city to fight in your army to conquer your own home world.”

Sunset bit her lower lip as the memories of that night started to flood back, and what’s more, she hated that Twilight was hearing about it like this. Yes, she told Twilight about the time she too became a monster that nearly destroyed the world, but having it aired out like this didn’t make the sting hurt any less.

“Stop it, Shiny, I already know that about her!” Twilight exclaimed.

“You were not a good person in the past, Sunset Shimmer. Stealing, manipulation, attempted homicide, and destruction of public property. All of these crimes are enough to put anyone away for a long time.”

The rest of the girls began to gather around Sunset, with Applejack and Rainbow making up the front line, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity comprised the back line.

“Now you listen here, Officer Armor! Sunset Shimmer is the best friend anyone could have, she’s turned her back on the person she used ta be and became someone Ah’d be proud to call family!” Applejack declared.

“Yeah, Sunset was a bitch in the past, but so what?! She changed, she proved that people can change!” Rainbow’s eyes drifted back to the limo. “And I won’t turn my back on her, not now or ever!”

“She’s the epitome of generosity, she’s shown that time and again,” said Rarity.

“Sunset may not have been a nice person before, b-but she’s definitely changed and become a much kinder person!” Fluttershy insisted.

“Yeah! Sunset’s brought smiles to everyone ever since she’s changed, and we all love her!” Pinkie added.

At that moment, five of the girls began to glow bright colors. Their hair extended and became long ponytails, and each of their ears changed from human ears and into pony ears. When it came to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, they grew yellow and blue feathered wings. Shining Armor’s eyes widened at the sight of the transformation, the pony version of his little sister described what happens when the girls call upon their magic, but still, seeing it happen before him was still a shocking thing to see.

Shining chuckled nervously for a moment before saying, “Okay…well, good thing the princess version of Twilight gave me a bit of a heads up or I would’ve thought you guys were going monster.”

“Well…They aren’t the only ones, Shiny.” Twilight declared, stepping to front of the group and letting her body glow with magical light, growing large purple wings, pony ears, and a long ponytail. “I have the same kind of magic as they do, the Magic of Friendship. Shining Armor, what’s going on here?”

Shining Armor stepped forward to meet his little sister, Sunset wanted to stand at her side, but right now she feared what he would do. “Answer me this, Twily. Did you know Sunset was Kamen Rider Unicorn?”

Twilight steeled her nerves as she spoke, “Yes.”

“How long?”

“I’ve known since the beginning, I’ve always known, Shining Armor. And yes, I know what that means, I’ve aided a vigilante, but I don’t care!”

Shining Armor narrowed his eyes. “Twilight…”

“I am the one, who made Sunset’s Driver, and the mech-animals, and I’ve helped in different ways, some I’m not proud of, but considering the alternative to letting the Dopants attack and hurt innocent people, then I’d gladly do it again!” Twilight stated. “Because if we didn’t do anything, this city would’ve been thrown into chaos thanks to the actual criminals using the Gaia Memories, and the lives of those who were overwhelmed by the power of the more powerful T2s!”

Twilight thrust out her wrists to Shining Armor, making the girls all gasp in shock. “If you’ve decided to take Sunset in, then you’re going to take me, too!”

Rainbow Dash stepped up next to her and said, “If you’re taking them, then you’re taking me in! After all, if you’re taking Unicorn, then you’re also going to take Kamen Rider Nasca! We’re partners, and I stick by my friends!”

The rest of the girls nodded, as each one stepped up and offered their wrists to the police officer.

“If’n yer takin’ mah friends in, then yer takin’ me in, we all knew and helped out,” said Applejack.

“Yeah, if you’re taking one of us, you take us all!” Pinkie Pie stated.

Rarity and Fluttershy nodded in agreement, all of the girls stood as a shield before Sunset, all of them willing to give up their freedom and their futures; they would not let their friend suffer alone. The amber girl gently pushed her friends aside as she looked to Shining Armor. “Do you want to take me in? If so, then I ask that you just take me and no one else.”

Shining Armor looked deep into Sunset’s eyes, she was afraid, yes that much was certain, but not for herself. He could see that she was afraid more for what would befall her friends. This was the girl who fought for the city, who had turned her back on her mentor’s teachings, who was once arrogant and selfish, and saved both this world and her own home world. Shining Armor raised his right hand, and Sunset shut her eyes tight, but then she felt something on her head that confused her. The blue haired boy’s narrowed gaze had softened; he was actually smiling at Sunset.

“You’re really something else, Sunset Shimmer. I can see why the Princess version of Twily spoke so highly of you,” said Shining Armor as he ruffled her hair.

“Uh…I…” Sunset stammered.

“Big brother…?”

Shining Armor sighed as she looked at each of the girls. “I’m not going to do anything to Sunset, girls. I think it’s time I was filled in on a few things, but those can wait. This night is still yours after all.”

Twilight moved closer to her big brother, eyes full of hope. “Do you…Do you really mean that, Shining?!”

“I do, and I’d be a pretty crappy big brother if I went and made my little sister cry on a special night like this.”

Twilight rushed up and hugged her brother tight. “Thank you…”

Shining Armor hugged her back, being mindful of her large wings. Sunset felt the strength in her legs fail her as she nearly collapsed onto the ground, if it wasn’t for Applejack and Rainbow Dash who caught her by the arms.

“You alright there, Sug?”

“Ha, aha, ha…I think I’ve reached my limit for tonight…”


It wasn’t until after school when Sunset, Rainbow, and Twilight met up with Shining Armor at Sunset’s home. It was here that the two girls went into detail regarding the recent events with the Dopants. How Sunset obtained her Gaia Memory, Twilight’s ability to access the Infinite Library, and of course…Starlight Glimmer’s involvement with the manufacturing and distribution of the weapons known as the T1 Gaia Memories, and her hunt for the T2 Gaia Memories.

Shining Armor sat there, taking it all in, trying to make sense of everything. If he was told this before meeting Princess Twilight, Shining Armor would’ve thought they were crazy, but too many things lined up. With each story they told, every “case” they solved, it just filled in the blanks perfectly. Although, Shining Armor wasn’t too happy about the fact that Sunset went to an illegal underground casino, or that Rainbow Dash went undercover into a street gang and nearly got herself killed trying to stop it.

After the lengthy explanation, Shining Armor sighed heavily. “I can’t believe I let Starlight Glimmer fool me…”

“You’re not the only one, Shining Armor, she tricked all of us,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Unfortunately, she’s still in a better position than either of us. Even if you said something, with all her company has done to fix the damage to the city, and to arm the police, we’d need hard evidence to show that she’s doing what she’s doing before even think of taking her down,” said Sunset.

“She seems to trust you guys, if I can get a warrant for something to investigate, then I can take care of the rest,” Shining suggested.

Twilight shook her head. “She’s fully aware that we know that she’s Equal, and that she can tell the whole city Sunset’s secret, and we can’t risk Sunset being taken in because of it. I won’t risk it!”

Shining Armor crossed his arms and nodded. “Well, we may be safe, public opinion favors Unicorn and Nasca, especially considering the times you’ve saved the city, and not to mention the world from that Virus Incident. So…it may be a risk, but you’d probably be safe from any kind of backlash. As much as I my pride hates to admit it, the city would most likely go into a riot if they found out their heroes were taken away.”

Rainbow Dash smirked at hearing that, and Sunset smiled with comfort knowing that the people would support her.
Twilight felt at ease as well, however, “We still can’t let our guard down. Without knowing Starlight Glimmer’s true intentions, any attempt to stop her could mean us falling into her clutches. For all we know, she’s anticipated that we may just throw caution to the wind and launch an attack, knowing that public opinion may favor us. But, she may not have anticipated this.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “‘This’, what?”

“I mean this,” Twilight gestured to all of them in the room. “All of us, in the same room, Shining Armor aware of your identities and willing to fight with us, instead of trying to take you in.”

Sunset grinned at that idea. “You’re right, Shining was meant to be her ace in the hole, but she couldn’t have figured that you’d have a change of heart.”

Shining Armor nodded as he stood up from his seat. “Alright then, starting from here on, we’re allies. Sorry for…uh…what I did…and for calling you a coward when Twilight got hurt.”

Sunset stood up and shook Shining Armor’s hand. “Hey, I get it; you were worried for Twilight and everybody in the city.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow. “Wait, Shiny, what was the first part, what did you do?”

Rainbow, Sunset, and Shining all froze up.

“Uh…well…” Shining looked to Rainbow Dash for help.

“Hey, this is your own grave pal,” Rainbow stated.

“What happened,” Twilight asked again.

“Heh, funny story…do you remember Halloween Night…Twily?” Shining asked.

“And how I was kinda avoiding you for almost a week?” Sunset added.

“Yeeeess…” Twilight’s brain took all of one second to piece it altogether. “SHINING FRANCIS ARMOR!!!”

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