• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 8: The search for Sam (Edited)

All night Twilight was tossing and turning in her sleep. She was thinking about Sam. From what Trixie told her, his eyes were red, and his voice was much deeper than before. And she couldn’t get her head around the fact that Sam was Ultraman. Twilight was very worried about him. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, and soon she decided to get a drink of water to try and help her sleep. She got one and was just about to go back upstairs but stopped when she saw Trixie standing at the bottom of the stairs. She seemed to have been crying.

“Trixie?” Twilight questioned.

“You can’t stop thinking about Sam?” she asked quietly, “me neither.” Trixie walked over to her to give her a hug.

They then heard sad chittering, Twilight and Trixie saw it was Camillia who was looking up at her with a look of sadness and worry.

“I hope he’s okay too,” Twilight said as she picked up the chameleon and patted her head, “I really do.”

“I’m so sorry, Twilight,” Trixie said, “I should have tried to stop him from flying away.”

“It’s not your fault Trixie,” Twilight assured her, “Diamond shouldn’t have pushed him too far.” The two continued to hug for a little longer.

Early next morning, Celestia’s sun was just coming over the mountains, as Twilight gathered together her friends in front of her home. Twilight and Trixie told them what had happened to Sam, and they were shocked, worried, and sad for Sam’s safety. Rainbow and Applejack were determined to find him and bring him home safely.

“Rainbow and Fluttershy look for him from above,” Twilight asked.

“Right Twilight,” Rainbow said as she flew away.

“Don’t worry Twi,” Fluttershy assured her, “We’ll find him.” Before taking off after Rainbow.

“Pinkie and Applejack search the north and west side of Ponyville,” Twilight asked. The two earth ponies nodded and ran off. Pinkie taking the north and Applejack taking the west.

“Trixie and Rarity, you two are with me in checking the Everfree forest,” Twilight said to her remaining friends. So the trio went into the Everfree forest.

Sam woke up in a room unfamiliar to him, the wall seemed to be made out of wood, he also noticed he was in a bed.

“How did I get here?” Sam thought out loud, “I was at the bottom of a tree, last thing I remember.”

Just then he heard two voices coming from the other side of the door.

“You reckon that kid is awake yet,” one said.

“I don’t know,” said the other, “let’s go check.”

Sam watched in fear at the door leading out the room, only to feel less scared when two Alpacas walked in. One was white and the other was brown.

“Oh look,” the white one said, “he’s awake.”

“I can see that,” the brown replied.

“Llamas?” Sam questioned, a little nervous.

“Llama?!” the alpacas cried, they seemed offended.

“We are not llamas,” said the brown one, “we are alpacas.”

“Ok, but who are you two?” Sam asked.

“He doesn’t know who we are, Scratch,” said the white one, “why don’t we tell him.”

“Hmm, yes Nuzzle,” said the brown one, “but instead of tell, we shall sing.”

“Please don’t,” Sam said but the two alpacas sang anyway.

“Here we are! Nuzzle and Scratch!"

"Best by far! Nuzzle and Scratch!”

“We’re alpacas from the Andes.”

“With hooves instead of handies.”

“No two other’s can match Nuzzle and Scratch."

"Nuzzle and Scratch!”

When the two stopped their little song, Sam was just staring at them.

“So you’re Nuzzle, and you’re Scratch,” Sam said pointing at the white one then the brown one.

“Yes that is us,” Nuzzle replied.

“Now answer our question,” Scratch said, “what’s a little kid doing here in the Everfree Forest?”

Sam then began to tell Nuzzle and Scratch everything since he got to Equestria, while the two alpacas listened with interest.

“So I ran away, so I won’t hurt anyone else,” Sam finished, his eyes tearing up again, “I did it to protect mum and everyone close to me.”

“Aww you poor thing,” Nuzzle said, patting Sam on the head.

“You can stay here as long as you would like,” Scratch replied, “but I think you should go back to your mother. She must be so worried about you.”

“I know,” Sam sighed as the tears started to fall down his face.

“Come here,” Nuzzle said as he and Scratch wrapped their arms around Sam.

“Will take you back to your mother,” Scratch declared.

Once they broke the embrace, Sam’s stomach began to rumble.

“I guess I’m pretty hungry,” he retorted.

“Nuzzle, prepare the breakfast,” Scratch told him.

“Ok Scratch,” and Nuzzle went off to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Rarity and Trixie had been searching for Sam almost all day and it was almost noon. The Everfree Forest was very big.

“Oh Sam, where are you?” Twilight sighed, she was getting worried again.

“Rarity, Twilight,” Trixie said, “maybe we should look near Zecora’s house.”

“I agree,” Rarity said, “maybe Zecora has seen Sam.”

Twilight nodded and they made their way to Zecora’s. Little did they know that something was following them, or rather hunting them. Twilight stopped after sensing something.

“Twilight what’s wrong?” Rarity asked.

“I sense something following us,” she said, looking around.

“Is it the others?” Trixie asked, looking around as well.

“No…” Twilight paused as she noticed Rarity and Trixie were staring at something right behind her, “It’s behind me, isn’t it.”

Rarity and Trixie nodded slowly as Twilight turned around to look at the follower. It was big and brown and had red enzymes under its jaw. It stared down at them with hunger in its eyes.

After Sam had eaten, Nuzzle and Scratch gave him a ride back to Ponyville. They were just walking down a path, when they heard a rumbling sound.

“What was that?” Sam asked.

“Well it wasn’t me,” Nuzzle remarked, “was that you Scratch?”

“No it wasn’t Nuzzle,” Scratch replied. Then came a roar.

“Ok that definitely wasn’t me,” Nuzzle said.

“Look!” Sam yelled, pointing at the dragon that seemed to be chasing something.

“Dragon!” Called Nuzzle.

“And look it must be hunting,” Scratch said, pointing at Twilight, Rarity and Trixie running from the monster.

“MUM!” cried Sam so loud, Twilight heard him.

Sam?” she called out to Sam hoping she wasn’t hearing things. She looked to her left as saw Sam on top of Nuzzle’s back. Without thinking properly. She turned left and ran towards Sam, Rarity and Trixie followed her and the dragon followed them.

When Twilight, Trixie and Rarity came closer to Sam, Nuzzle and Scratch, the dragon fired a fire ball at them, it exploded upon hitting the ground, sending everyone flying.

Sam was thrown a good distance away. He rolled on the ground and stopped, he looked up to see Twilight and everyone was knocked out from the fire blast. Trixie had broken a leg, Rarity’s mane and tail were messed up as well as some cuts and grazes, Nuzzle and Scratch were laying on top of each other up against a tree and Twilight had blood pouring from a wound on her head.

Sam ran to Twilight to try and shake her awake, but she didn’t wake up. The dragon chuckled and licked his lips. Sam felt his anger rising as he stood up and donned his Ultrasuit.

Ultraman flew to the dragon and punched it, the dragon fell back and breathed fire at Ultraman. Ultraman dodged it and punched the dragon in the stomach, the dragon grabbed Sam and then threw him to the ground. The impact made his suit retract as he rolled on the floor.

The dragon swooped down and grabbed Twilight, and everyone in his claws. Then flew back to his cave. Sam slowly stood up, but he couldn’t walk. He had broken his leg upon the impact on the ground.

Within his mind, Sam was feeling weak as the corrupted monster chuckled.

“You’re too weak,” he mocked as he slowly started to take control. Sam’s body started to turn black and his scars glowed pink. The monster laughed, but just before he could completely corrupt Sam, the corruption stopped.

“No,” Sam muttered.

“What?” the monster said as he looked at Sam.

“The one thing that makes me more angry than Diamond Tiara telling me I'm a freak…” Sam said as he slowly stood up, “Is demons like you trying to control me!”

Suddenly the Corruption was blown off Sam as he screamed. Ultra-energy surrounded him in a ring of blue fire which grew brighter and pushed the monster back. Sam turned to face him with his eyes blazing blue.

“NO!” cried the monster, “I’m supposed to stay here until the second act.”

“Plans change,” Sam said as his rage became too much for the corrupted monster, and he was incinerated from Sam’s mind.

Sam was at last freed from his anger, his scars were gone, and his eyes were blazing blue. He donned his Ultrasuit again and flew after the dragon.

The Dragon wasn’t too far from his cave, when suddenly Ultraman flew past it. The Dragon, now getting annoyed, shot a powerful fireball at Ultraman, but he just grabbed it and threw it back. The fire ball struck the dragon in the face, making it far out the sky. Ultraman created a saw-like dice of light and used it to slice off the dragon’s claw holding Twilight and the rest. The Dragon crashed onto the ground, as Ultraman caught the claws and gently dropped it on the ground. The Dragon got up as Ultraman flew high into the sky. Twilight slowly opened her eyes to see the dragon breathe a powerful breath of Fire as Ultraman. The flames engulfed Sam, as Twilight slowly got up and cried out to him.

“SAM!” she yelled fearing she may have lost her son again. But when the dragon stopped breathing fire, Ultraman was still there, completely unharmed.

Ultraman placed his arms on a plus sign on his right side, and with a swipe of his left arm down to his elbow, fired a powerful Specium Beam that sliced the dragon clean in half. The dragon’s sliced body fell to the ground, as Ultraman slowly calmed down and lowered to the ground in front of Twilight and everyone, who were now starting to wake up. He retracted his Ultrasuit and collapsed to the exhausted.

“Oh I was so worried about you Sam,” Twilight cried, tears rolling down her cheeks as she slowly made her way to Sam and gave him a tight motherly hug.

“I’m sorry mum,” Sam replied petting her mane, “I’m sorry for running away, I was afraid that I could hurt you in the same way I did to Diamond.”

“Please don’t blame yourself,” Twilight cried more, “I don’t want to lose you again.”

“Can we go home now mum?” Sam asked.

“Yes,” Twilight sniffed, “yes we can.”

“But first, we need to go to the hospital,” remarked Trixie as she limped over.

When everyone walked out the Everfree Forest, the other Elements were waiting and started cheering when they saw Sam on Twilight’s back. They then saw them limping and helped them to the hospital. After getting checked up, Twilight and everyone sat in the lobby as Celestia, and Luna came in.

“We’re so glad you’re safe Sam,” Celestia said, as she nuzzled Sam’s cheek, making him giggle a bit.

“Yes indeed,” Luna retorted.

Sam then explained the battle in the forest, when Sam finished, Celestia and Luna were interested and scanned Sam to see if he was still the same. But they didn’t detect anything wrong.

“Sam?” Celestia asked, “Could you please lift up your shirt.”

Sam did so and was gobsmacked to see that his chest was clean, no scar to be seen.

“What the?” Sam expressed, “HOW!?”

“Do you not remember how they’re gone?” Luna asked.

“No,” Sam replied, “I fact I can’t remember much I was knocked out of my Ultrasuit.”

“Maybe your anger got so powerful that you burned the scars right off,” Pinkie suggested.

“I guess that makes sense,” Sam said while shrugging his shoulders.

The rest of the day was celebrating Sam’s return and finally letting go of his anger. Night came and Sam was more tired than ever as Twilight tucked him into her bed with her next to him she wanted to make sure Sam was safe and hopefully got no nightmare.

“I’m so happy that you are finally back to normal, and home safe and sound sweetheart,” she said, giving him a kiss on the forehead.

“Thanks mum,” Sam replied, “and again, I’m sorry for running away. I didn't know what else to do after I attacked Diamond Tiara.”

“Just next time she is annoying you tell me or anyone else or just to control your anger,” Twilight responded, “now have a good night sleep honey, sweet dreams.”

“Good night mum, I love you,” Sam said before closing his eyes.

“Mummy loves you too,” Twilight replied as she got into bed and turned off the light.

Sam felt safe snuggled next to Twilight, and he knew tonight he wasn’t going to get any nightmares as he had incinerated the corrupted monster from his mind. He snuggled in closer, kissed Twilight on the forehead and fell asleep. Knowing that this was going to be the first best night he has had in a long time.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

sorry if it seems a bit rushed but I didn't know what to write

next chapter might be a bit short to give you guys a heads up

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