• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 27: Rise of a Powerful Ally (Edited)

As it was the same day as Rainbow’s Birthday bash that Pinkie was throwing her, It was a bright and Sunny day in Equestria. But it wasn’t all sunshine and lollipops for everyone. Sam, Gwen, and Ace for example weren’t having a good day. As they were getting pummelled by a very strong alien monster, It was black and white, with glowing yellow orbs on its chest and face, it was also a little insect-like. It was the Space Dinosaur, Zetton.

Zetton was incredibly powerful, he easily defeated Sam, Gwen, and Ace in the Ultra forms. It had knocked Ultraman to the ground, who’s colour timer was now flashing. Tiga and Mary tried to hold it still, but the monster just threw its arms up, sending the two Ultras back and causing them to be stunned for a bit. Leaving Ultraman in the monster’s wrath.

“You are one pain in the rear that won’t go away,” Ultraman remarked.

“Zetton,” the monster beeped, which was the only thing Zetton said other than a roar.

Zetton launched Fireballs from its face, causing ponies to run in fear and for cover. Ultraman got up and deployed his Specium Blade, he went to slash at Zetton, but the monster stuck up its arms and a barrier appeared around it shielding it from the attack. Jumping back, Ultraman prepared to run towards the alien dinosaur.

He went to punch Zetton, the monster dodged it but wasn’t quick enough to avoid a slash from Ultraman’s blades. After blocking two more attacks from Ultraman, Zetton threw Ultraman to the ground, then kicked him causing him to roll on the floor. Ultraman got up only to then get punched by Zetton in the chest twice, he then tried to put up a shield to block Zetton’s attacks, but after the first punch cracked the shield and the second completely destroyed, with a third punch side punch sending Ultraman flying back, and a One Trillion Degree Fireball sending Ultraman falling to the ground. With Ultraman on the ground and struggling to get up, Mary and Tiga finally got up, feeling weaker than they were before but they couldn’t give up, Tiga fired an energy bullet at the back of Zetton’s head. The monster turned around to see Tiga standing there ready to continue fighting. From Zetton’s side, Mary fired a beam from her right head, but Zetton simply stuck up its left arm and blocked it.

Zetton turned to face her as she started to charge up another beam, it turned away as she fired another blast, striking Zetton in the shoulder, but it still did nothing to the alien monster’s hard armour. It stomped over to Ultraman who was trying to crawl away on the ground and was preparing for it to attack.

Suddenly a blade appeared from the sky and slashed at one of Zetton’s antennas, cutting it clean on its head. Zetton stumbled back seemingly in pain as another came flying down towards its other antenna. But Zetton was quick enough to grab it and throw it to the ground. The monster and Ultras looked up to where the blades came from. What came down from the sky was another Ultra, this one was blue and red, and had two blade-like weapons on its head.

Zetton just stared at this new Ultra that just showed up, and seemed to decide to retreat, as it lifted its arms and teleported away. The Ultra looked around to see where Zetton was, but Zetton didn’t reappear, it had simply left. Then the Ultra looked at the weakened Ultras around him, and watched them return back to their normal human selves, before he shrank down to normal.

Sam felt too tired to get up, fighting Zetton had really knocked the wind out of him. The sun was beaming into his face, until someone stood over him and blocked it out. It was another human boy, he wore a white and blue hat, a black jacket with a white D on the back, jeans, and white and blue shoes. His hair was black, and he had green eyes.

“You alright bro?” the boy asked with his hand outstretched to help Sam up.

“Yeah, I’m ok,” Sam replied as he grabbed the boy’s hand, and he helped him up.

“Woah steady now,” the boy said as Sam stumbled to his feet.

“Thanks dude,” Sam responded as the boy helped prop him up, “Who are you anyway?”

“I’m…” the boy was about to say his name but then they heard grunts coming from Ace and Gwen who were in a worse position than Sam.

“Guys!” Sam called out as he and the boy went over to them, Ace was limping as was carrying a passed out Gwen.

“We need to get help,” Ace said.

“Let’s go to Trixie,” Sam declared.

“Right,” Ace and the boy replied, and then set off to find Trixie.

Trixie was in her wagon when Sam and the other came knocking on her door. “Oh my, you look terrible,” she stated.

“Quick get Gwen on the bed!” Sam shouted, Trixie gasped at how beat up Gwen looked, she used her magic to lift Gwen from Ace and onto her bed.

“What happened?” Trixie asked, as she put bandages around Sam’s arm and Ace’s leg, “I thought you Ultras were strong.”

“Zetton’s can be stronger,” the boy said as he stood at the door.

“Who are you?” Trixie asked.

“Well you can call me Devon,” the boy replied, “but really, I am Ultraman Zero.”

The wagon went silent, until Sam blurted out, “Wait what?!”

“Yep, I’m really an Ultra,” Devon replied.

“I thought the Ultras were the names of the suits we bonded too,” Ace stated.

“It's hard to believe,” Devon spoke, “but, the Ultrasuits you refer to, are actually living, beings with their life force the light inside the suits.”

“So did this kid die in some way like us?” Sam asked.

“Wait, you died?” Devon asked.

“Yeah,” Sam replied, “I fell into a bottomless lagoon and drowned, then got saved by Ultraman.”

“I got attacked by a three headed dragon, then Tiga bonded to me,” Ace explained.

“And what about her?” Devon asked, pointing to the unconscious Gwen.

“I guess the same as me, but everyone’s genders are swapped,” Sam replied, “She is a female clone created in an accident, so it’s hard to tell.”

“Right, well this kid, is actually a form I created,” Devon said, “Ultras can create a disguise for themselves to blend in with inhabitants of the planet they visit.”

“So then why did you go with a human disguise?” Trixie asked, “when it is us Ponies that are the inhabitants of this planet. Mostly.”

“Well a human form just felt natural to me,” Devon replied.

“Well you are a living humanoid machine,” Sam said.

“That was not always the case,” Devon said.

“What do you mean?” Sam asked.

“I guess you’ll deserve to know,” Devon said, as they all sat down to listen to Devon. This is what he told them.

Two hundred and sixty thousand years ago, the Ultras were a race of human-like beings who lived in a peaceful technological utopia. Unfortunately, the peaceful society lived on a planet orbiting a red giant sun near the end of its life. Their sun died, with the Ultras' ancestors surviving only due to their advanced technology, but they were left in perpetual darkness without their sun. For an unknown amount of time, the planet's greatest scientific minds came together and eventually devised a replacement for their sun, the Plasma Spark. A tower was built so this artificial star could illuminate the planet, saving it and its people from freezing to death in the cold dark of space.

During work on the project, two of the workers were exposed to the Differator Rays and transformed into silver beings. Upon study, it was found that they were incredibly strong and generated natural steroids to enhance their strength, could fire energy beams from their hands and could change their sizes at will. The Elder who then ruled the planet decided that all of his people should gain these powers and the project continued. When activated, the planet was bathed in the Plasma Spark's light and its people were transformed. However the light also travelled beyond their planet, disrupting the natural flow of evolution and causing monsters to appear on nearby worlds. The people renamed their planet the Land of Light and soon their race became known as Ultramen by other species. As the Ultramen advanced, they developed the Colour Timer, which was attached only to those Ultras that left for deep space.

The people of the Land of Light had a strong cultural sense of justice and duty and so decided to use their great powers for the peace of the universe. The Ultras took to patrolling space, protecting planets by fighting invaders and monsters. However, more belligerent races were opposed to these activities and became enemies of the Ultras' crusade against evil. Despite the many enemies they gained, the people of the Land of Light were only ever dealt serious blows twice in their long history as giants. The first was from a being called the Emperor and the second from one of their own named Belial. The first invasion was fought off and ended when Ken duelled and wounded the Emperor, as well as being wounded himself. The result of this was the formation of the Inter Galactic Defence Force as a proper organisation with Ultraman Ken being its first captain. To commemorate this victory the Ultra Tower was constructed.

The second threat was caused by the jealousy of Belial towards Ken, and he tried to take the power of the Plasma Spark. But the light emanating from it was too strong for him to resist. After being exiled from the Land of Light, he was forcefully fused with a power alien known as Alien Reiblood appeared and turned the Ultra Warrior into a Reionics by infusing him with his genes. Bestowed with the Giga Battlenizer and with his army of 100 monsters, he attacked the Land of Light for revenge. The threat was ended by Ultraman King who sealed Belial away in what came to be known as the Space Prison, which orbited the Land of Light like a moon.

The Land of Light, with their super science, have been making advancements into multiversal research, which has allowed them to interact with Ultras from parallel worlds, send their own warriors to fight in other worlds, and even summon Ultras from other universes. However, this remarkable technology, developed by the planet's greatest scientists, has occasionally led to large-scale conflicts with other alien races who desire to use the technology for themselves; one such incident occurred after Hikari invented the Life Solidification Device, which could bring beings back from the dead; on Planet Bat, a civil war erupted as a result of its inhabitants' fury over the Ultras seemingly keeping this technology to themselves. This war concluded with the planet's Federal Army emerging as the victors, who immediately set to work enacting the Ultra Annihilation Project, an invasion of the Land of Light which Jack and other members of the Inter Galactic Defence Force successfully repelled.

At an unspecified point in the past, Dark Zagi, an evil being from another universe, tore through the dimensions and entered the Land of Light in the midst of his battle with the silver giant, Ultraman Noa. Noa and the Inter Galactic Defence Force joined forces to battle Zagi, and were eventually successful in expelling him from the planet and the universe, but Noa lost his true form during the battle, eventually becoming Ultraman the Next.

The Land of Light also faced a potential catastrophe at the hands of Alien Babarue when he stole the Ultra Key when disguised as Astra. Without the Key, the Ultra Planet reeled off course and headed straight to Earth, which would have destroyed both planets. The combined efforts of Ultraman King and the Leo Brothers helped to prevent the potential crisis.

Not long after Ace’s godson Zett defeated Destrudos and left earth, The Plasma Spark started to malfunction. The top scientists tried to fix it but the Plasma Spark sent out shockwaves that transformed Ultras from across the multiverse into smaller mechanical beings, with their life force contained within their body shells. With their new mechanical bodies, the Ultras could change their sizes at will like before and also alter themselves to look completely different or similar to another, the Ultras could even switch back and forth between their giant and machinal forms, with came helpful when venturing to planets that the atmosphere was harmful to the normal organic Ultra body. But the shockwaves not only transformed the Ultra warriors, it also relieved and transformed the evil Ultras as well. With this new threat of old, revived enemies, the Ultras from across the multiverse united and formed The Ultra Alliance, with their alien allies. But then sometime later, the Princess of the Land of Light had been kidnapped by an unknown evil force, and she was tracked to the Planet Equus, Ultraman Taro was sent to rescue her but he never returned. Soon more Ultras felt the deaths of innocent humans and left to give them a second shot at life.

“… and that’s it up to now,” Devon finished, everyone was amazed.

“So Ultraman bonded with me because he sensed me drowning?” Sam asked.

“Yep,” Devon replied.

"Wait... So is the atmosphere here dangerous for Ultras?!" Sam shouted.

"No, of course not," Devon remarked, "it's just the a normal Ultra wouldn't be able to transform or contain their form with this type of atmosphere."

"So basically, you in your normal form wouldn't be able to breathe?" Sam quizzed.

"More or less yeah," Devon answered, "unless an Ultra is born on this planet, there's no way an organic Ultra could sustain their form in this atmosphere."

“Still... That’s just a lot to take in,” Ace said, just then they heard Gwen groan as she slowly sat up.

“Oh my head,” she moaned, “What happened?”

“You were out cold and missed Devon here, tell us the history of the Ultras and the Land of Light,” Sam replied.

“Oh,” Gwen said as she turned and saw Devon looking at her, she just waved and smiled at him.

Just then, the ground shook underneath them, Trixie looked out her wagon and saw that Zetton had returned, but it looked different. This creature resembled Zetton but seemed to be more evolved and had scythe blades in place of hands.

“Holy…!” Ace cried, “he looks stronger than ever.”

Not thinking clearly, Sam ran out the wagon and towards Zetton.

“Sam! Wait!” Trixie cried out to him, “You still need to recover!”

“I’ll go after him,” Devon said as he ran after him.

Sam donned his Ultrasuit and transformed into Ultraman, while also growing to giant size. Zetton stopped its rampage and turned to see Ultraman standing there. Ultraman charged up and launched an Ultra Slash at Zetton, but the monster just caught it on its scythe and then threw it to the ground like it was nothing. Because Ultraman hadn’t rested long enough, his Colour then started to flash. Suddenly Zero appeared behind Ultraman and put a hand on his shoulder.

“You may be my father’s Ultra Brother,” he commented, “but you still have things to learn, like not running off into danger when you’re at your limit.”

“Sorry,” Ultraman replied.

“You go back to the wagon and rest,” Zero told him, “and I’ll deal with Hyper Zetton Deathscythe here.”

“Right,” Ultraman said as he shrank back down, and Sam ran back to Trixie’s wagon. Zero watched him and then turned back to Hyper Zetton.

“Ok, Zetton, let’s dance,” he declared, as he jumped, and slash kicked Hyper Zetton causing the monster to stumble.

The two giants then engaged the fight, with Hyper Zetton slashing its scythes at Zero and the Ultra dodging them all. Zero performed multiple slash kicks, some striking Hyper Zetton and some just barely missing. Hyper Zetton swung down its right scythe, but Zero deflected it, and dodge out the way as the left came swinging from behind. Hyper Zetton went in for another swipe of its scythe, but Zero kicked it in the chest, sending it to the ground.

On the ground, Ace, Sam, Gwen, and Trixie watched in awe as Zero fought Hyper Zetton, as the monster tried to slice at Zero’s throat, the Ultra knocked back the scythe and tried to flip Hyper Zetton over his shoulder. But just as Hyper Zetton was about to leave Zero’s grip, the monster teleported away. Only to then appear flying in to kick Zero. The Ultra grabbed its legs and started to spin, after spinning a bit, Zero let go sending Zetton flying only for the monster to then teleport away and reappear metres away. Zero then summoned Zero Sluggers and then threw them at the monster, but Hyper Zetton just teleported away again. Hyper Zetton suddenly re-appeared behind Zero and fired Dark Fireballs at the Ultra, sending him flying back.

Zero got up as Zetton teleported away again, Zero looked around, then teleported as well. The two met in the air and fell back down to the ground, right above Sam, Ace, Gwen, and Trixie. The four braced themselves but Zero and Zetton teleported before they could crush them. The two appeared on the ground again, Hyper Zetton started to charge up a Large Dark Fireball, as Zero summoned his Sluggers and then started to spin around. As Hyper Zetton fired the large Dark fireball, Zero deflected it with his Sluggers which then summoned a lance weapon, known as the Zero Lance.

Zetton then changed up and fired a lot of Dark fireballs, thinking quick Zero charged up his Zero Lance and fired a beam from the blade on the end, destroying the fireballs and sending clouds of smoke everywhere. Hyper Zetton tried to keep up the dark fireballs, when suddenly Zero appeared out of nowhere out of the smoke and stabbed Zetton in the chest, sending energy into the monster, and causing it to explode. Zero’s Lance disappeared and the Ultra returned back to human size and went back to his friends.

“Oh my Celestia!” cried Gwen.

“That was so awesome!” Ace shouted.

“Unbelievable!” Trixie declared.

“Thank you,” Devon replied, “It was nothing really. I fought monsters way more powerful than that.”

“Zero,” Sam spoke up, getting Devon’s attention, “I would like to say thank you, for coming here and taking care of Zetton. And as a thanks for helping out and seeing how powerful you can be, I would like you to join our team.” He then held out his hand.

“I would be happy to help you,” Devon replied as he grabbed Sam’s hand and shook it, “and please call me Devon.”

“Ok Devon,” Sam responded with a smile.

“Ok, now that the threat is taken care of,” Trixie said, “why don’t we head back to Ponyville, let’s see if we can get to Rainbow’s party before it’s over.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot it was Rainbow’s birthday,” Sam said as they climbed in the wagon, Trixie hooked up to it and started to pull it along with Sam, Ace and Gwen telling Devon all about Ponyville and the ponies that live there, as well as adventures they had.

Meanwhile standing on a hill, watching Trixie walk away with her wagon, stood a black alien.

“Hmm, the boss isn’t going to be happy,” he said as he turned and teleported away.

Author's Note:

Howdy all

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry if the ending seemed rather rushed I wasn't sure on hard to properly end it

Next up is Fluttershy's chapter with the breezies, and honestly, that the only episode I don't not remember watching, but stay tune to read it

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