• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 38: Framed Beyond Trust Part 2 (Edited)

When Sam fell unconscious, he didn’t end up in the endless void of Limbo, as this time rather than using all his strength to save someone else, he was merely tired and hungry. But after he passed out, he had no idea what was happening to him at the moment. After a few hour nap, Sam started to come back to reality.

His eyes were still close, but he felt that his head seemed to be sandwiched in between two pillows. He weakly opened his eyes, his vision was blurry, and he couldn’t see very well. Slowly his memories started to come back to him. Last thing he could remember was getting chased by Telesdon, and then saved by a Harpy Dragon like monster. He also remembered just before passing out, the shadowy figures looking down at him and that one of them reached out to him.

His sense of feeling started to come back, he felt rather warm and snug, and felt that he was being hugged from behind. He tried to look down, but his head was rather limited to movement. Then he felt something shift behind him, and he heard a voice.

“Oh, you must be finally awake,” the voice spoke out to Sam. The voice sounded rather sweet, and friendly. Sam tried to turn his head to look up, he managed to turn it enough to see who was talking. The one the voice belonged to, appeared to be a fairly pretty girl, with long brown hair with orange streaks, orange eyes, a cute smile, and… wolf ears?

“AAH!” Sam yelled, this made the girl jump and she let go of Sam who fell out her grip and landed on the ground with a thud. “Ow!” he remarked, as he turned to look at the girl, only to turn red in the face and look away. The girl had no top on, exposing her bust, and now Sam realised where his head was, it was in between her bosom.

“AH! I’m so sorry!” the girl cried in a panic, grabbed a red top, and put it on, “Ok you can look now.”

Sam slowly turned back around to face her, and what he saw was a human-like girl, with long brown hair, with fiery orange streaks, a pair of wolf ears sitting atop her head, a long, following wolf tail, and a sort of edgy goth-like outfit.

“It’s good to see you’re awake,” the girl remarked sweetly, she sounded rather nice.

“Who are you and where am I?!” Sam asked in a panic.

“Calm down sweety,” the girl replied, “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“How do I know I can trust you?” Sam questioned.

“Because we saved you from those monsters,” came a second voice from behind Sam. He turned to look behind him and saw six other girls standing there.

One had pink hair, dark purple draconic wings and tail, and jewellery that seemed to relate to ancient Egypt. The second, seemed to be the shortest of the all, she had cat-like ears blended into her midnight blue hair with silver streaks, she also had an orca tail. The third had moth wings on her back, and a leafy antenna. The fourth looked the most human with long dark blue hair and red devil horns on her head. The fifth had bright blue hair with white markings and blue eyes. And the sixth, seemed to be the most different to the others, she had white hair, with green bangs in front of her left eye, her skin was white, and she had a secondary pair of arms sitting behind her main pair, she also had moth-like wings on her back.

“Who…Who are you all?” Sam asked.

“We are the Type Seven,” The first one said, “You have nothing to fear, child.”

“How do I know I can trust you?” Sam questioned, “I don’t know any of you.”

“We were the only ones that rescued you from the monsters,” the one that had been hugging Sam spoke up.

This seemed to calm Sam’s nerves a little, their voices sounded really kind, sweet and soothing to him. “Can you tell me who you’ll be?” he asked.

“I am Trickywi, the Type Guardian of Rock,” the first one replied, “But you can call me Tricky.”

“I am Shylily,” the second one replied with a German-like accent, “the Type Guardian of Ice. But you can call me Lily.”

“I’m Sanagi Yuzu, but I prefer Yuzu,” the third one responded, “I’m the Type Guardian of Grass.”

“I’m Akuma Nihmune, but Numi is easier to say,” the fourth answered, “I’m the Type Guardian of Electric.”

“You can call me Bao,” the fifth one spoke, “I’m the Type Guardian of Water.”

“My name is Juniper Actias,” the more insectoid one replied, “I’m the Type Guardian of Bug.”

“And I’m Sinder,” the last one said from behind Sam, “I’m the Type Guardian of Fire.”

Sam looked around at them, he could hear in their voices that they were friendly and wanted to help him, but he didn't know if he could trust them. He was just betrayed by the town that had welcomed him into their lives.

“We can understand why you might be a little nervous of us,” Tricky replied, “being complete strangers that look human but are not completely human.”

“But we can assure you we did not bring you here to torture you,” Sinder spoke up, before coming closer and kneeling down to Sam’s level, “in fact, we think you’ve been through enough torture for a kid of your age.”

“You don’t know what I’ve been through!” Sam snapped, thinking they had got it wrong.

“Oh we know what you’ve been through,” Tricky said, “Getting bullied to the point you have physical damage, that being you’re terror-scars.”

“Losing both parents, to an unknown illness and having their soul separated from their body,” Numi chimed in.

“Having your hands busted by Daddy’s little bratty princess,” Bao called out.

“Running away from said bully into the forest from having lost your temper,” Yuzu spoke up.

“Having your new adopted parents taken from you to be used as components to complete a heroic angel turned demon centaur,” Lily remarked.

“And now getting betrayed by the townsfolk because they believe you were the one that destroyed the town hall,” Juniper finished off the list.

“How the heck… do you know that?” Sam quizzed, he was both very shocked and very confused.

“While you were asleep, we may have looked through your memories,” Tricky innocently stated.

“How can you do that?” Sam questioned.

“Lily’s an Orcat, she can sense how others are feeling and she showed us your feelings and thoughts,” Tricky replied.

“Ok I guess that makes sense,” Sam said. He then tried to take a step forward, but he tripped and fell, smacking his face on the ground where he had his scar on his face, “OW!”

“Oh no! Sinder, get me some bandages!” Lily cried as she ran over and helped Sam up, she then used her ice powers to create an ice pack and placed it gently on his scar, “this may sting a little.”

Sam cringed in pain a little, as Sinder came back with the bandages, and helped Lily patch up Sam’s face. Soon, Sam had bandages wrapped around his head and over his damaged eye. “There you go honey,” Sinder responded with a sweet tone, “that should heal overtime.”

“Th…Thank you,” Sam replied as a tear escaped from his other eye, “you barely know me, and you’ve helped patch up my injury. Why? I’m no hero, I’m just a kid that no one believes.”

“Sam, you’re not just a kid,” Tricky said, getting on her knees and staring Sam in the face, “You’re a Warrior of Light, a Beacon of Hope, you are, Ultraman.”

“That’s not what the ponies of Ponyville think,” Sam declared, “they think I’m the one that destroyed the Canterlot Lab, set Applejack’s trees on fire and sent her to the hospital, and blew up the Town Hall. They don’t trust me anymore, and once the news gets spread across Equestria, I will no longer be wanted on this planet.”

“We believe you,” came Bao’s voice, “I don’t know how much that helps you but, if you have nowhere else to go, you could stay here with us?”

“Really? You’d let me stay here with you?” Sam asked.

“Of course,” Tricky replied, “we won’t dare abandon a child, especially when they’re the saviour of the world.”

Sam felt tears welling up in his eyes again as he smiled, “oh thank you,” he whimpered, as he got hugged from all seven of them.

“Shh, it’s okay little one,” Yuzu said softly, “we’re here.”

Sam continued to hug the seven, until his stomach rumbled, the girls all looked down at him who gave a nervous smile and chuckle.

“Someone’s hungry,” Numi jokes, smiling down at Sam.

“Sinder called OniGiri and asked her to make something for our new roommate,” Numi told her.

“Ok, what would you like to eat Sam?” Sinder asked.

“I fancy a pineapple and ham pizza,” Sam replied, “I haven’t had one in a while.”

“Right,” Sinder replied as she went off to contact their friend.

“Tell her not to burn it like she did with the rice!” Bao joked.

“Or to not steal and eat it!” Tricky called out, “like what she did to my jerky.”

“Alright!” Sinder chuckled as she contacted OniGiri.

“I’m feeling thirsty,” Numi remarked, “Lily, go make us some coffee would you please.”

“Sure,” Lily said before skipping off.

“Try to make it taste slightly like mud this time,” Numi called out.

“Nothing I can do about that I’m afraid,” Lily called back.

“What is that?” Numi asked.

“Because it is mud,” Lily replied, “we ran out of coffee 130 years ago.”

“So every time we’ve drank your coffee since, we have in fact been drinking hot mud,” Numi said unamused, Sam was trying to not laugh.

“With sugar,” Lily corrected.

“Of course that makes all the difference,” Numi replied.

“Well it would if we had any but unfortunately, we ran out of sugar a couple of decades before we ran out of coffee,” Lily said, “since then, I’ve been using sugar substitutes.”

“Which is?” Numi questioned, a little worried of what she was going to say.

“Dandruff,” Lily answered, everyone looked disgusted, while Sam hollowed with laughter.

“lovely,” Numi retorted.

“Still I could try adding my milk this time,” Lily added, “well my blowhole juice.”

“No!” Numi stopped her, “call me Mrs picky but I’ll let it slide for now.” Sam was on the ground laughing his head off.

“Right I’ve called Giri and she’s gonna make him a pizza,” Sinder told them, “she also said she’ll bring it herself instead of one of her Onis, so she can meet Sam for herself.”

“Yes,” Sam remarked, pumping his fist into the air after calming down enough to do so.

“In the meantime, do you want to see something cool Sam?” Tricky asked him, Sam nodded, “come with me.” Sam followed Tricky to a spiralling staircase, he walked up them until he came to a large open room that looked pretty run down, but it was when he looked up and saw a giant statue of a monster, that he knew where he was.

“Wait this is…” he stuttered.

“The Temple of Nephasis? Yes, you’re corrected,” Tricky finished his sentence, smiling, “you and your friends saved our temple from being destroyed by Golza and Melba.”

“So you’re…?” Sam asked.

“The great Nephasis, yes that’s me,” Tricky finished again, “I got to thank you for saving our temple, It was built by Starswirl the Bearded, to hide us from a powerful being that wanted nothing but to rule over all living things.”

“Why did the monsters want to destroy this place?” Sam asked.

“They were under the control of another evil force,” Tricky answered, “they want us out of the way, so we didn’t stop him.”

“Is this the same as the one that you had to seal yourselves away?” Sam asked.

“No, our enemy that we went to war against is sealed away in a mountain, behind the portal to the Breezie World,” Tricky stated, “this new foe has a darkness I’ve not felt before, though it’s similar to the dark energy of King Sombra.”

“But mu…” Sam was about to say mum, referring to Twilight, but he remembered what she did to him, “but my former caretaker said she and her friends destroyed King Sombra. Are you saying he’s back?”

“I doubt he’s going to come back,” Tricky answered, “he exploded when exposed to the power of the crystal heart and no trace of him was found. Even if he did, we’ll send Gomora here to go and stop him.” Tricky pointed to the statue.

“So that’s Gomora,” Tricky stated, “he’s in Petrification Mode for the time being, but when the time comes, we’ll summon him back to life.”

“HEY TRICKY!” called a voice from the other side of the room, Tricky and Sam looked, and they saw a girl with a demon tail, sharp horns, purple hair, glasses, and a cooking apron.

“Giri!” Tricky screeched, she grabbed Sam by the arms and flew over to OniGiri, “Hello, hello!”

“Hi Tricky, it’s nice to see you again,” Giri greeted her friend with a hug, “so this is the Sam Sinder told me about.”

“Yes, that’s right,” Sam said nervously, “it’s nice to meet you Miss OniGiri.”

“Aww, he’s so well mannered,” Giri remarked, “it’s nice to meet you too Sam, but you don’t have to be so formal. Just call me Giri.”

“Ok Giri,” Sam replied.

Sam decided to stay with The Elemental Seven for a few days, to let his eye heal. He rather liked staying with them, Tricky made him laugh many times whenever she screeched like a Pteranodon, Lily, Numi and Bao would soothe him to sleep with a little lullaby, Juniper stayed by Sam’s side, sometimes wearing barely any clothing so Sam could feel her soft moth fur, and Sinder even made him some new clothes, Even Giri showed up every now and again to give Sam food of his choice. Sam felt like he now had a new family with the seven girls, he felt happy and safe around them.

However, the ponies were feeling rather depressed. The Townhall was getting fixed, but the progress was going pretty slow. No one was smiling, everything seemed grey, and that wasn’t just because it was raining, even Sam’s siblings were down, they’ve known Sam longer than anyone, and they knew Sam would never do something like this. The Mane 7 weren’t any better.

Rarity had shut herself in her house, sobbing while eating tubs of ice-cream. Fluttershy had also shut herself in her cottage, not wanting to face the world. Pinkie had lost her colour and was just as grey as everyone else, literally, her pink fur, mane, and tail were all colourless, replaced with different shades of grey, having lost her colour, Pinkie wasn’t all bouncy and happy, but rather slow and sad. Rainbow was just as down, but tried not to show it, wanting to keep her emotions up. Twilight and Sunset were in the library, Twilight was reading with a frown on her muzzle, and Sunset was just laying on a couch staring out the window at the pouring rain.

Gwen, Devon, Nick, and Chris were also feeling the most down, they of course, knew Sam wouldn’t didn’t do it and were depressed that the ponies just exiled Sam from Ponyville. They were with the CMC in their Clubhouse and wanted to know how they were holding up.

“So how’s everyone?” Gwen asked.

“AJ’s feeling better, though a little sad that her hat had set a flame,” Apple Bloom replied, “she’s awake and still resting at the hospital. She probably doesn’t even know what happened. She was still knocked out when the Townhall exploded. Honestly, she’s probably better than everyone else in town at the moment.”

“You’ve not told her?” Diamond asked.

“Ah can’t,” Apple Bloom answered, “how do ya tell your big sister that her nephew was kicked out’a town.”

“Rarity’s not feeling too good,” Sweetie Belle said, “I was over there yesterday, and I nearly didn’t recognize the place. She had ice-cream pots everywhere, her make-up ruined, her mane and tail all messy, she looked like she hadn’t slept or showered in days.”

“Rainbow is the only one trying to keep her emotions up,” Scootaloo responded, “she doesn’t want to believe it was Sam, but she’s believing Twilight’s logic.”

“I’ve asked her if she really thinks that it was Sam,” Nick remarked.

“What she’d say?” Devon asked.

“She said she wants to believe Sam, as he’s Ultraman, but everything just points to him, and she has to go along with the crowd,” Nick replied, “she didn’t want to seem disloyal to the townsfolk.”

“Well at least we know she’s not as bad as the others and thinks Sam isn’t to blame,” Silver Spoon said.

“My mum is probably the worst,” Diamond said.

“What do you mean?” Chris asked.

“She never liked Sam from the start,” Diamond replied, “she was actually glad that Sam was exiled, I couldn’t believe her.”

“Oh I’ll give her something to be glad about,” Nick remarked.

“Don’t get so hot headed,” Gwen told him, “Twilight is just not believing me, she’s sticking to the facts and refuses to believe anything else, unless it's a hard fact that it wasn’t Sam.”

“Which makes no sense!” Devon declared, “I thought she loved Sam like he was her own.”

“She does, or she did,” Gwen answered, “and I don’t get why she believes logic over love. Plot convenience, I guess.”

“Guess so,” everyone agreed.

Back at the Library, Twilight was still silently reading, with Sunset also now reading on the couch. Though she wasn’t as focused as Twilight. Spike was just feeding Peewee, Owlicious, Camillia and Ray, he too was also sad about losing his brother, as well as the pets, they all missed Sam as well. Spike couldn’t stop thinking about Sam, and got distracted, as he poured seeds onto Owlicious.

“WOO!” the owl cried.

“Oops, sorry Owlicious,” Spike apologised, Sunset heard Owlicious cry, and went to go check on them.

“What happened?” Sunset asked.

“I accidentally poured bird seed onto Owlicious,” Spike replied.

“You’re normally very careful with feeding the pets,” Sunset remarked.

“I guess I got distracted,” Spike admitted.

“By what?” Sunset questioned.

“By… Sam,” Spike answered, sad and softly.

“Ok, that’s it!” Sunset declared as she stomped over to Twilight in her study room and pulled her book away from her.

“Hey!” Twilight yelled, “I was reading…” she didn’t get to finish as Sunset shouted back.

“We need to talk about Sam,” Sunset told her.

“What’s there to talk about that we haven’t talked about already,” Twilight answered as she got up from her chair and started to walk away. Sunset followed her out into town.

“You know very well what I mean,” Sunset clarified, “we need to talk about how he wasn’t the one who did it.”

“Sunset we’ve gone over this,” Twilight said, “Sam was the one who did it, everything points to him.”

“He wasn’t!” Sunset shouted.

“Firstly, he said he would stay in Ponyville the day of the Friendship Games, which would give him time to fly to Canterlot and destroy the lab before any of us knew,” Twilight told Sunset.

“Only Celestia noticed him, and she said he was flying differently to Sam,” Sunset snapped back.

“Secondly, Sam was the other one at the townhall at the time, and after I told him not to go out,” Twilight noted.

“Gwen claimed they saw and heard something that looked like Ultraman, while Sam was with her,” Sunset told her.

“And Thirdly, Applejack said she saw Sam floating above her before she passed out, meaning that Sam was the one that set her trees on fire and cut them down!” Twilight shouted crossly.

“He arrived there first to put out the fire!” Sunset yelled, “he even rescued Applejack the ring of fire for crying out loud!”

“Applejack is honest,” Twilight said, “and she would give me the honest answer that…”

“Sam was the one that saved me from burnin’ alive!” came a southern voice from the gloomy weather. Twilight and Sunset turned and saw Applejack with a cross look on her face.

“Applejack?! What are you doing out of the hospital?” Twilight asked.

“I was discharged an hour ago,” Applejack, “but I wished I stayed in there.”

“Did they tell you what happened?” Sunset asked.

“Yes,” Applejack grumbled, “and I have somethin’ I need to tell you on the matter.”

“So you agree with me that Sam was the one who did all this,” Twilight said.

“Wrong Twilight,” Applejack told her, surprising her, “I want to say that you’re wrong.”

“But how am I?!” Twilight questioned, “he was there at all three events. He…” Twilight was suddenly back-hooved by Applejack across her face.

“Open your damn eyes, Twi!” Applejack shouted, “Princess Luna appeared in my dreams and Princess Celestia visited me in the hospital and explained what they determined.”

“What did they say?” Sunset asked.

“Celestia told me what the security pony saw, the Copycat Ultraman’s colour looks dull compared to Sam’s bright red, the colour timer’s colour was purple, and the eyes were red and pointed. He also pointed out that his Specium beam and blades where purple and dark red energy helix ray,” Applejack told them, “The next night, where my apple trees where set on fire, one of Luna’s night guards noticed the fire and reported that same being hovering above my trees before they were set alight. And I can say that that was the copycat I saw.”

“But what about the town hall?” Twilight questioned, still rubbing her face where Applejack had smacked her.

“It was from this,” Applejack answered, as she took off her hat, and poured out what remained of the devil splinter. “This was what was stolen from the Lab and was used to explode the townhall. All of these are connected to the fake Ultra, not the real one. The real one, your own son, who you had exiled from the town.”

This finally got through to Twilight, and the realisation hit her like a ton of bricks. Twilight believed Applejack, she knew Applejack couldn’t tell a lie if she tried to, and she was being 100 percent honest. This was too much for Twilight to handle and she slowly laid down on the wet ground. She had abandoned her son in a time where he needed all the help and support from his family and friends, and she tossed him aside like a piece of rag.

“What have I done?” she whimpered.

“You abandoned your own son,” Sunset said, “he’s now out in the middle of who knows where, probably cold, wet, hungry and everything else worse.”

“You’ve screwed a lot of things up before Twi,” Applejack said, “but this is by far the worst. You’re a terrible mother.”

And then the dam broke, Twilight burst into tears, she couldn’t handle it any more and just let her tears pour out like streams. Applejack was right, she was a terrible mother, deep down in her heart, she hoped that Sam would forgive her, but her mind was saying that no matter what he would never forgive her. Suddenly, all three of them held a very unsettling laugh echoing around them. The three ponies looked around to see who this bellowed to, when they spotted a figure standing a good distance away from them.

“S…Sam…?” Twilight sobbed, struggling to see through her tears.

The outline seemed to be Sam, but as the figure started to make its way towards them, they could see a difference. For one his colours were much darker, his eye black with red reptilian irises, and with no mouth.

Despite not having a mouth, he seemed to be laughing without any issue. The Figure stopped close to them, Applejack, and Sunset stared angrily at it, while Twilight hid behind them.

“You silly ponies are so easy to fool,” the figure spoke, his voice sounding like a deep and menacing version of Sam’s, “But I must congratulate you for getting it right eventually."

“Who are you? And how are you talking with no mouth?” Sunset growled.

“I have no real name, but you can call me Mimic,” he replied, “as to how I’m talking, I am merely speaking to you through telepathy, and it’s not just you, but everypony in this town!”

He was right, ponies started to crowd around, with Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow coming up to their friends. As for Fluttershy… she was still inside her cottage, due to being too far away to hear Mimic’s voice in her head.

“Attention Ponies of Ponyville!” Mimic called out, “I have an announcement to make! I am the one behind the great tragedies that had befallen upon you all!” Everyone gasped as Mimic continued. “I was the one who framed Sam for destroying the Lab and sealing the Devil Splinter! I was the one who set Young Applejack’s trees on fire and surrounded her in a ring of fire! I was the one who blew up your precious town hall! But it was all of you that had turned your backs on your beloved Hero of Light! So who’s the real villain? HUH?! Is it me? Or all of you?!”

The crowd of ponies whispered to each other, Mimic had a point. He may have caused destruction and nearly killed a couple of ponies in the process, but they were the ones that betrayed Sam, broke his heart, banished him from their town. From his hometown. Mimic was right, they were the true villains.

Suddenly, as Mimic was laughing evilly, a powerful blast of fiery magic struck Mimic in the arm, tearing it off from the upper arm. Mimic cried in pain as he and everyone else turned to see Twilight, her fur coat was cream, her eyes blazing red and her mane wings and tail completely aflame. Her face of pure sadness was replaced by a look of pure rage, rain drops evaporated upon landing on her burning mane, tail, and wings, even her own tear evaporated before even falling down her face.

“Shut up!” she shouted, “We might have been the ones to turn our back on my son, but it was you who pulled the strings and set everything into motion! You wanted Sam to be out of the picture so you could destroy us all! But I won’t let you destroy our already broken hearts!”

“YEAH!” cried her friends as they stood behind her, but Mimic only chuckled, as he bent down and picked up his arm, and brought it back to his stump, before his muscle and tissue grew back and connected back on the arm.

“You fools,” he chuckled, “you can’t kill me, and I’m not the one you should fear. My master created me from the cells of your beloved hero, and he’s the one you should all fear. I’ll path the way for his wrath, and he’ll destroy you all and allow the darkness to consume this universe!”

“Not if I have anything to say about it!” came a voice from the sky, as a blast of Zeperion energy struck Mimic in the shoulder, tearing his flesh but he regenerated his muscles and tissue.

“Who dares?!” Mimic cried looking up, everyone else looked up and saw Tiga floating above them all.

“Ace!” cried Gwen from within the crowd.

“I leave you all for a few weeks and this is what I come back to?!” he shouted, “Sam’s gone and all of you are to blame, and we have this creepy clone of Sam in his place.”

“I’ve been wondering where you were,” Mimic remarked, “but you’re foolish to come back. Unless you come back to seal your fate.”

“I fear that it will be your fate that will be sealed,” Tiga responded, getting into a fighting pose, “permanently.”

“Do you really think you can destroy me?” Mimic laughed, “I’m powered by darkness and minus energy, what makes your Zeperion energy any powerfuller?”

“I fight for Light and Justice,” Tiga told him, “I will burn away the darkness in order to ensure that vermin like you don’t succeed and that this universe can live in peace.”

“Come on then hero of justice,” Mimic taunted as he transformed into his dark copy of Ultraman, “let’s see what you can do!”

“Glady!” shouted Ace as the both of them charged at each other and started to tussle.

Ponies ran for cover as Tiga and Mimic fought, Tiga ran forward and tried to kick Mimic, but the dark clone jumped and dodged it before trying to slash at Tiga, but he managed to block it twice in time. With both arms blocked, Tiga kicked Mimic in the chest causing him to stumble back. Mimic went to punch Tiga in the face, but the Ultra dodged it and side-stepped around the copycat, before grabbing a punch and pulling it away so he could elbow him in the chest, then Tiga grabbed Mimic by the leg and hoisted him up and threw him to the ground, however Mimic somersault throw the air and landed on his feet.

Tiga ran forward at Mimic, who roundhouse kicked Tiga in the face, sending the Ultra flying back into a bunch of barrels. Mimic laughed as he stuck a fighting pose again as Tiga got up. While Tiga and Mimic were fighting, Devon, Chris, Nick, and Gwen agreed they needed to find Sam. So While Mimic was distracted with Tiga, Gwen snuck out of town, donned her Ultrasuit and flew to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Fluttershy!” Gwen shouted as she burst into Fluttershy’s cottage, her mask off to not scare her even more.

“AAHH! Oh Gwen, you scared me,” Fluttershy remarked, “what’s going on?”

“I’ll explain on the way,” Gwen said, “we need to go find Sam. Ponyville and possibly the whole of Equestria will be in danger if we don’t find him.”

“But I thought he blew up the Town Hall,” Fluttershy responded.

“Again, I’ll explain on the way now, come on!” Gwen yelled. So she and Fluttershy flew up in the sky and headed off to find Sam.

“How do you know where he is?!” Fluttershy called out.

“We’re mentally linked to each other,” Gwen replied, “I can sense where he is. Got him.” Gwen soured through the sky with Fluttershy on her tail.

Gwen could feel that Sam was somewhere west of Ponyville, and as she and Fluttershy flew in that direction, Gwen could sense they were getting close. Soon they arrived at the Temple of Nephasis, Fluttershy was feeling rather nervous, she remembered the last time she went into the temple she was really scared and could have died from falling rubble when Fire Golza attacked.

“Are you sure Sam’s in there?” Fluttershy asked, with nervosity in her voice.

“Positive,” Gwen replied, “Our link has been getting stronger the closer he is to me, he has to be in here.”

Suddenly the ground started to shake, as a cloud of sand and dust erupted from the ground, as a giant insectoid monster crawled out the ground. The monster seemed to be a mix of an ant and a stag beetle, It was the Magnetic Monster Antlar.

Antlar stared at the temple, and then down at Gwen and Fluttershy, hunger in its eats. “Stay Behind me Fluttershy,” Gwen said as she got ready to fight.

“Trust me, I will,” Fluttershy agreed.

Just before Antlar could give the first move, a foot knocked it on the back of the head causing Antlar to stumble forward. Gwen and Fluttershy looked and saw just landing near them, Ultraman. Gwen and Fluttershy to the opportunity to take cover in the temple. Antlar screeched in pain as it rubbed its head, before turning to face Ultraman who stood in a fighting pose.

The two just stood there waiting for one of them to take the first move. Ultraman sprinted towards Antlar and grabbed a hold of it before starting to push it back. As Ultraman pushed Antlar back, the insect monster tried to get a grip on the sand, and once it stopped moving Antlar dug its claws into Ultraman’s armour, piercing it and digging into Sam’s skin. Ultraman managed to pull back and then punched Antlar in the stomach and chopped it in the chest before kicking it in the chest again.

Antlar’s pincers moved in and out before the monster charged at Ultraman, but the Ultra grabbed it by the pincers and held it back, but Antlar put the pressure on Ultraman, causing his feet to sink into the sand and thrust its head so hard that it sent Ultraman flying and landing hard on his back. Antlar charged forward, but Ultraman kicked it to keep it back as he got back to his feet. Ultraman then grabbed Antlar around the waist and started to squeeze it, Antlar then used its magnetism powers to lift a boulder up from the ground and smash it into Ultraman’s back, causing Ultraman to loosen his grip and Antlar tossed him to the floor.

Antlar started to dig with its feet into the group until he was completely submerged. Ultraman waved away the dust and looked around for Antlar, suddenly the ground underneath him caved in and Ultraman fell into a sick hole dug by Antlar. Said monster poked its head out of the ground right in front of Ultraman and tried to close its pincers around Ultraman, but Ultra held his arms out to force it to not shut.

“Come on Bro!” Gwen cried out.

“Sam!” shouted Fluttershy.

Ultraman held them calling out to him, he started to spin around, faster, and faster until he shot out of the sand trap. Antlar borrowed back into the sand, as Ultraman landed and burst out of the ground behind him. Ultraman started to charge up his Specium Beam, but Antlar used its magnetic waves to disrupt the charging beam, before stomping forward and clamping its pincers around Ultraman. The Pincers pierced the suit and dug into Sam’s flesh, causing him to scream in pain as he tried to pull against the pincers.


“Rock Blast!”

Suddenly two voices cried out from behind Antlar, as Ultraman looked up and saw a giant Whirlpool carrying Five large boulders. The whirlpool crashed down on Antlar, followed by the boulders landing on its head, causing the monster to screech in pain and let go of Sam. Antlar stumbled back and while it was distracted with the pain, Ultraman charged up his Specium Beam and fired it at Antlar, after firing it, Antlar exploded.

Ultraman sighed as he clutched his sides and reverted back to Sam. Sam stumbled to the entrance of the Temple and was greeted by Bao and Tricky who helped support him. Gwen and Fluttershy came running over as well.

“Are you ok, Sam?” Bao asked, generating water over his flesh wounds to not get infected.

“I’ll live, I’ve had worse,” Sam retorted, getting a little chuckle from Tricky and Bao.

“Don’t worry,” Tricky assured him, “Sinder and Yuzu will patch those wounds up nice and quickly.”

“Sam!” Gwen cried, with tears of happiness to see her brother.

“Gw-Gwen?” Sam questioned as he looked up and saw the two running towards him. Gwen opened her arms and wrapped Sam in a tight hug.

“I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered in his head.

“I did too Gwen,” Sam replied, “but do you think you could loosen your grip on me? I’m still bleeding from Antlar.”

“Oh sorry,” Gwen apologised as she let go of him.

“Sam!” Fluttershy called out, she had a big smile on her face, expecting Sam to be happy to see her. But Sam wasn’t happy, he was annoyed.

“What are you doing here Fluttershy?” he questioned harshly, “come to accuse me for being the criminal that destroyed the Town Hall, Applejack’s apple trees and the Canterlot Lab?”

“N-no,” Fluttershy was shocked and a little heartbroken that Sam didn’t call her auntie.

“Bro calm down,” Gwen told him, “we came here looking for you.”

“So is this the Gwen and Fluttershy you told us about?” Tricky asked.

“Yeah,” Sam replied, “and what do you mean looking for me? Has Twilight decided to didn’t want her only daughter now?”

“No, our mother has finally seen sense and wants you to come back,” Gwen stated.

“Your mother,” Sam retorted, “My mother is a jackass.”

“Are you referring to your previous mother or Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, but only got a glare from Sam, “I’ll keep quiet now.”

“Ok I will admit that she didn’t treat you right, when the townhall blew up,” Gwen admitted, “but Auntie Applejack told mum off, and the real criminal behind the destruction revealed himself to everyone and is right now fighting Ace! We want you to come back home, no, we need you to come back home and destroy Mimic.”

“My home is here now!” Sam shouted, “with my new protectors.” He motioned to Tricky and Bao.

“Sam, not only do you need to be projected, but you also need to protect others,” Gwen said, “You. Are. An Ultra!”

“So say I do come back, what will happen once I do destroy the enemy?” Sam questioned, “How long will it be until they want me gone again, and then what would happen to me Gwen, you tell me?!”

“You selfish idiot!” Gwen cried as she slapped Sam around the face, “the Sam I know would risk his own life to save someone that had bullied him. And I came all the way out here to find him, because I believed that it wasn’t him from the start.”

“Well you wasted your time,” Sam responded. Gwen’s eyes widened before she closed them tightly.

“Let’s go Auntie Fluttershy,” Gwen finally spoke, her voice shaken.

“But what about Sam?” Fluttershy asked.

“He’s made his choice, he’s not coming with us,” Gwen answered as she turned her back and walked away. Fluttershy looked at Sam and then back at Gwen and followed her, as Gwen donned her Ultrasuit, she looked back at Sam.

“I hope you understand what I’m doing sis,” Sam said, “this is my only choice.”

“To do what, Sam? Protect a ruined temple rather than the town that had welcomed you? Some choice,” Mary remarked as she looked to the sky and flew back to Ponyville with Fluttershy in tow.

“Man, what do I do?” Sam said as he fell to the ground, he was now starting to feel conflicted.

“You fear that you’ll lose the ones that had welcomed you into their town, like you were betrayed before,” Tricky remarked.

“What do you think I should do?” Sam asked.

“Simple, you go,” Tricky replied.

“But…” Sam tried to say but Tricky cut him off again.

“But nothing,” Tricky stated as she looked Sam in the eyes, “Listen, what difference does it make, if a few individuals with elemental powers can fight and defend themselves from monsters, compared to a whole town of defenceless ponies? And it's not just any town, it’s your town. The town you’ve been living in. Learning. Living. Laughing. Loving. All the ponies in that town, in your town, need your help. Even if you’re afraid, we all are afraid, but we got to stare our fears in the face and show them that you are not afraid. So what are you? A little scared baby? Or Ultraman, Warrior of Light, Fighter of Justice.”

“I’m… I’m Ultraman,” Sam responded.

“I didn’t hear you!” Tricky shouted, “Who are you?!”

“I’m Ultraman!” Sam shouted.

“I still can’t hear you!” Tricky screeched, “Who. Are. You?!”

“I am Ultraman!!” Sam yelled, “I’m the Warrior of Light! Fighter of Justice! And my home is Ponyville!”

“That’s the spirit!” Tricky screamed, “Now go and save your home!”

“Yes!” Sam shouted as he donned his Ultrasuit and flew after Mary and Fluttershy. He quickly caught up with them. Fluttershy and Mary were shocked to see him.

“Sam! You came?!” Mary questioned.

“I’m not going to let some creepy destroy the place I worked so hard to call home,” Ultraman remarked.

“Good to see your back to yourself,” Fluttershy stated.

“Yes, and Gwen, I’m sorry for getting mad,” Ultraman apologised, “you too Auntie Fluttershy.”

“That’s the Sam I know,” Mary responded, she then looked behind herself and saw a harpy dragon flying this way.

“Hey Sam!” called a voice on the dragon’s back, Sam turned and saw that the voice belonged to Sinder, and that the dragon was Tricky and on her back, was Lily, Numi, Yuzu, Bao, Sinder, and Juniper, “I hope you don’t mind by we want to help.”

“Really?” Ultraman questioned.

“We’ve been locked in that temple for millennia!” Lily cried, “we want to have the chance to fight again.”

“Very well then,” Ultraman said as he landed on Tricky’s back along with Mary and Fluttershy. To make room, Juniper got off and turned into her monstrous moth form, and Numi, Bao and Yuzu climbed onto her. The Dragon and moth monsters both then flew off to Ponyville, where the fight was not going in their favour.

Back in Ponyville, the little town looked like a warzone. Ponies hid from the raging fight outside, foals and parents were separated from each other, and some ponies had been caught in the fight and were badly injured, this included the remaining Elements of Harmony.

The Ultras weren’t having much luck with Mimic. He was wiping the floor with the Ultras. He had thrown Jack into a building causing it to crumble, pelted Nick into the ground, broken Devon’s back and had Ace’s laying in the mud.

The Elements of Harmony had tried to help in the Ultras place, but they were quickly taken out of action. Rarity and Pinkie ran at Mimic who dodged them and the two clashed into each other. Rainbow and Applejack tried to attack him at the same time too, with basically the same result, Mimic dodged them, and Rainbow crashed into Applejack. Twilight and Sunset tried blasting him with their magic, and it seemed to work, until he absorbed the blasts and fired them back and powerful beams that sent Sunset crashing into a building and shot Twilight out of the sky. Mimic placed his foot on top of Twilight’s head and chuckled to himself as he looked around at all the destruction he had caused.

“Master will be happy that I’ve wasted the Ultra Siblings,” he laughed, “and soon my first kill.”

“Even if you kill me,” Twilight said, “the others will avenge me, and the Princess’ will incinerate you.”

“I’ve knocked your friends out cold, and your head is under my foot,” Mimic responded, “you don’t have a chance to stop me. Say goodbye fool!”

Mimic was about to crush Twilight's head with foot, but then suddenly a blast of fiery plasma struck him and sent him flying backwards. Twilight looked up and her eyes widened with hope and happiness. Up in the sky, flying out of the rain clouds and clearing them revealing the night sky behind them, Tricky followed by Juniper, carrying their passengers.

“YAHOO!” screamed Sam as he stood at the front on Tricky’s neck. Sam and Gwen jumped off and landed on the ground in their Ultrasuits. Fluttershy gently fluttered to the ground and quickly helped Twilight up and helped her to safety. Tricky and Juniper transformed back to their humanoid appearances and landed on the ground with the others in heroic landing poses.

Mimic groaned as he got back to his feet and looked to see Sam. Finally the real and the false were meeting face to face. “So you finally decide to show yourself,” Mimic said.

“Damn no wonder you guys banished me,” Ultraman said, “you can hardly tell us apart.”

“But I have to ask, why are you even back?” Mimic questioned, “why are you back to defend and save the very ponies that abandoned you?” Ultraman didn’t answer intimately, he had to think about his answer. “Well?” Mimic was getting impatient.

“They may have betrayed me, exiled me from their town, and may have made it so I have nowhere else to go,” Ultraman replied, “This is my home, and these ponies are like family to me, and I will defend them with my life! Girls now!”

Tricky and the rest summoned their elemental weapons and charged their attacks. Earthquake!” Tricky shouted as she slammed her Garnet Hammer into the ground, causing the ground around Mimic to erupt and shake.

“Ice Spinner!” Lily yelled as she threw the blade of her Opal Axe at Mimic slashing him across the chest.

“Razor Leaf!” Yuzu screamed, as she spun around, summoning razor sharp leaves and firing them at Mimic, cutting him on the arms.

“Electrio Web!” Numi cried, as she whirled her Ettringite Whip around, and launched some electric webbing at Mimic, trapping him and let off a discharge of electricity through his body.

“Scald!” Bao bellowed, as she pointed her Lapis Trident at Mimic it started to glow and fired a powerful stream of scalding water at Mimic giving him burns.

“Fire Spin!” Sinder roared, as she spun around and shot fire out her Ruby Scythe, the flames spiralled around and landed around Mimic, surrounding him in a flaming vortex.

“X-Scissor!” Juniper shouted, as her claws started to glow with sickly green energy, she the ran forward and slashed Mimic across his chest in a X shape, causing him to flinch.

“Hebdomad Type Finale!” The seven girls all cried together, and they crossed their weapons. Their weapons started to glow in their respective colours, they then pointed their weapons at Mimic as Ultraman charged up a Specium Beam. The Type Seven unleashed a multi-coloured beam from their crossed weapons and Ultraman fired his Specium Beam at Mimic, striking him in the chest and blasted him through multiple buildings and causing an explosion.

“Damn those were some cool attacks,” Ultraman panted, using that much energy made him a little exhausted.

“Some of our best,” Tricky responded.

But then all their hearts skipped a beat, when they heard the evil laughter coming from where Mimic was. They all turned and saw Mimic slowly making his way toward them, but now he looked more twisted and disturbing than ever. He was no longer in his Ultra disguise, his skin was torn and blood, his limbs were longer, his hands were massive and sharp, his eyes were empty, clothes ruined and had a wide, unsettling open smile, with sharp teeth and flesh strands.

“HAHAHAHAHA!” he laughed, even his voice sounded more twisted, “That tickled.”

“How the fuck are you still alive?!” Lily shouted.

“I merely absorb Type attacks,” Mimic said, “now let's see how you like them back at you.” And Mimic raised his arms and fired each Type attack back at them, empowered by his dark powers. Each blast was too quick for the girls, and they got struck by all of them, and were launched back. Ultraman managed to dodge his Specium beam and got ready to fight Mimic.

Mimic and Ultraman charged at each other, Mimic tried to kick Ultraman, but he dodged it in time. Ultraman tried to punch Mimic, but the demonic copycat grabbed his fist before they could make contact. They pushed back against each other, and circled each other, waiting for the other to attack. Mimic tried to chop at Ultraman who blocked it and spun around him, before pushing the demonic copycat back and getting kicked in the side.

Ultraman tried to chop at Mimic, but he dodged the attack, grabbed Ultraman’s arm, and kicked him in the back, then threw and flipped him onto the ground. Mimic tried to elbow slap Ultraman, but the Ultra rolled out of the way in time and got back to his feet. Mimic cartwheeled over to him and back kicked him in the side, then managed to block and dodge some attacks from Ultraman. The two continued to tussle with each other until Mimic grabbed Ultraman and threw him into a cart, destroying it.

“Sam!” Tricky cried, as Mimic ran over and started to strangle Ultraman, “Numi give me a hand!”

“Right!” Numi replied.

“Thunder Cage, Rock Throw, Combo Thrust!” The two girls shouted Tricky summoned a large rock, and Numi trapped it in an electric cage. Both girls then picked it up and threw it at Mimic, striking him in the back.

Since Bug and Rock were not energy attacks, they had more effect on Mimic as he couldn’t absorb them as well. Mimic cried in pain, giving Ultraman the chance to get his grip off his neck and hold him back and throw him over his shoulder. Mimic slammed on the ground, creating a dust cloud. As Mimic stood back up, he focused his energy, as his arms and legs swelled up with muscles, and blades grew out his forearms and forelegs.

“I’ve got more tricks up my sleeves,” He remarked as he got ready to fight again.

‘He’s like Ace,’ Sam thought, ‘he’s got a strong form.’

He was right, Mimic was much stronger in this form, as Ultraman found out as he went to hurt him, Mimic barely flinched as he then chopped Ultraman with more power than before. Mimic grabbed Ultraman’s arms with one hand and punched him in the chest, then kicked him in the side before throwing him to the side and kicking him in the back to the ground. Ultraman stood up and shook his head, he turned around and braced for a smack from Mimic, he managed to duck from another smack and block a third, but he was then pulled to the ground.

Ultraman stood back up and blocked another swipe from Mimic, he tried to punch him in the chest, but Mimic barely felt it, Ultraman then tried to kick him, but Mimic stopped it with his claws, and smacked Ultraman across the face before kicking him in the stomach hard, causing Ultraman to recoil over. Ultraman looked out to see Mimic stepping closer to him, Ultraman backed up against a building, as Mimic brought a fist up and brought it down, luckily, Ultraman dodged it time, however, the building was destroyed by the powerful punch.

The two continued to brawl, Ultraman dodged a roundhouse kick from Mimic and tried to do one of his own, but Mimic dodged it as well. Mimic did manage to land a kick onto Ultraman and even slash with his arm blade, Ultraman couldn’t do much to hurt him; he just wasn’t strong enough on his own.

“Whirlpool, Rock Blast, Combo Drop!” cried Tricky and Bao’s voices as they didn't use the same attack to help Sam against his battle with Antlar earlier.

A large whirlpool with boulders inside, dropped onto Mimic and boulders fell on top of Mimic causing him to cry in pain, with this distraction, Ultraman got up and slugged Mimic in the face, knocking him to the ground. Ultraman looked to the sky and flew up into the air, Mimic got up and looked to the sky to see Ultraman flying away, he then focused his energy, his blades stayed as his muscles shrank away and were replaced with wings on his back, before he too took flight.

“Juniper,” remarked Tricky, “you fly up and see if you can give Sam a hand.”

“Right,” Juniper replied as she opened her insect wings and flew into the sky after Ultraman and Mimic.

“In the meantime, let’s make sure my friends and family are ok,” Mary said.

“Yes, right,” Tricky agreed as the six of them went to check on everyone.

By this point, Ultraman’s Colour Timer was starting to blink as he flew high into the sky followed by Mimic. Ultraman tried to fly faster, but with Mimic being in a sky form, he caught up and knocked Ultraman out the sky. Juniper buzzed up behind Mimic.

“Pin Missile!” she cried as she used her spear to fire spikes of energy at Mimic. The copycat dodged them and headed back to the ground, Juniper cursed and flew after him.

Ultraman came falling down and crashed onto the ground, Mimic landed nearby, laughing like a mad man. Ultraman couldn’t move, he didn’t have enough strength, as Mimic placed a foot on top of his head. But just before he could slam his foot down off Ultraman's head, Bao, who had grown to match Mimic’s height appeared and pushed Mimic away from Ultraman. The two began to brawl and tussle.

“This isn’t looking good,” Lily remarked.

“I know,” Yuzu responded, “how can we stop him, and how do we help Sam?”

“If only our leader was here,” Sinder retorted, “she could use her dragon type abilities or her healing light.”

“Wait! Sinder, you're a genius!” Tricky shouted.

“Am I? What did I say?” Sinder asked, confused.

Tricky didn’t reply; she just turned to the crowd of ponies that had come out of hiding. “Unicorns! Ultraman needs your light!” she shouted, “Aim your horns at his chest and give him your light! Sinder, use your Sunny Day move!”

The unicorns, including Twilight, Sunset, Trixie, and Rarity, were a little confused what Tricky meant, but they aimed their horns and unleashed beams of light at Ultraman’s chest, Sinder got what Tricky was saying and used her Sunny Day move to summon a mini sun over Ultraman. Ultraman absorbed their light, but it wasn’t enough.

“We need more Light!” Tricky shouted.

“We don’t know where to get more!” Twilight yelled back.

Just at that moment, the sun started to rise from behind the mountains, the rays from the sun shone down upon Sam, who started to shift. Twilight then heard the flutter of wings above her, she looked up to see Princess Celestia and Luna flying down to aid them.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight gasped, “what are you doing here?!”

“Rainbow came to us and told us everything,” Luna replied, Twilight turned to look at Rainbow.

“I snuck away while Mimic was busy,” she replied.

“Now, let’s help our young hero,” Celestia said as she lit her horn and fired a beam of light at Ultraman, with her powerful light beam.

Ultraman was completely re-energized as he stood back up, he turned and nodded to Celestia, as a way to say thank you. He looked back at Mimic who was biting down hard on Bao’s shoulder, causing blood to pour out. Then Ultraman turned to look at the sun, he knew what he had to do.

He created a Specium Slash and threw it at Mimic, slicing at his shoulder to let go of Bao. Mimic roared in anger and pain before turning to face Sam, Bao shrank back to normal size as Numi and Yuzu came over to help her. Ultraman charged at Mimic and grabbed him by the arms before lifting him up into the sky. Twilight could see the direction Ultraman was heading.

“SAM!” she yelled as loud as she could, but even if Ultraman did hear her, he didn’t listen, he just kept flying higher and higher into the sky until they were out of sight and in space.

Mimic slashed and scratched at Ultraman but he just kept flying. Mimic started to feel hotter every passing second, when he looked behind him, he saw that Sam was flying straight towards the sun. Mimic’s skin started to tear and burn from the heat of the sun, but no sooner did he regenerate, his skin would burn and tear again.

“What are you doing you fool?!” Mimic shouted, “you’ll kill us both!”

“You made it so I have no use living in this world anymore!” Ultraman shouted, “So I’m making it, so you don’t either!”

“Stop! Stop!!” Mimic cried as his body was set aflame, “STOPP!!!” Those were the last words that Mimic said as Sam flew the both of them into the sun, incinerating the both of them.

Back on Equus, Twilight and everyone stared up at the sun, and saw a massive light blue explosion that sent a Specium Shockwave across the universe. To the mere pony or other creature that lived in Equestria, this was just a random occurrence, but to Twilight and the ponies of Ponyville, this was the end of Ultraman, and the death of Sam. Twilight’s eyes shrank to the size of pins as she sat on the ground, and tears flowed out her eyes.

“No,” Fluttershy gasped, her voice nothing but a quiet squeak, like a mouse in an empty room. Rainbow was in total shock and silence, she turned away to try and hide herself crying. Applejack just looked down in sorrow, hummed a little tune, the Theme of Ultraman. Rarity and Pinkie were just so horrified that they hugged each other and cried their eyes out. Sunset and Trixie trotted up beside Twilight and sat down next to her and embraced her for comfort.

Even Sam’s friends were devastated, Gwen was trying to hold her tears back, and was hugged by Nick for comfort. Devon turned away and looked to the ground. Chris closed his eyes and lowered his head, Ace looked over to Elena who was crying her little heart out, Ace walked over to her and gently petted her head. Celestia and Luna glanced at each other both with sorrowful expressions.

“I never got to tell him… That I’m sorry,” Twilight muttered.

“Don’t blame yourself Twilight,” Sunset told her.

“It wasn’t your fault,” Trixie responded.

“But it is,” Twilight retorted, “I was the one who exiled him. I’m his mother, and I should have been there for him, but I wasn’t.”

At the back of the group, Tricky and the other Elemental Seven were also feeling sad. They had only known Sam for a few weeks, but to them it felt longer, like they had really bonded to the child. Tricky was using her own wings to wipe her tears away, while the others just let them fall to the ground, though in Lily’s case, they turned to ice drops and Sinder’s just evaporated.

Meanwhile in a place in between Space and Time, Sam's motionless body lay floating in place in a misty yet bright and golden space that seemed to be endless. Though it seemed that Sam was alone, he wasn’t. Two giant figures, both red and silver, one with horns and a beard and the other pigtails and a feminine build and both had long red capes.

The Female raised her arm above Sam’s body and opened her hand as a shower of golden energy gently flowed over Sam’s body. The energy felt warm to Sam, as he slowly opened his eyes, and looked up to the figures.

“Wha…?” he questioned in a groggily tone, “where… am… I…?”

“You are in the Realm in between Space and Time,” spoke the male figure.

“And… who are… you?” Sam asked again.

“I am the Commander of the Inter Galactic Defence Force, better known as, The Father of Ultra,” the male figure answered.

“And I am the Commander of the Silver Cross Aid, also known as, the Mother of Ultra,” the female figure replied.

“Oh, so why am I here and not in the afterlife?” Sam inquired.

“I have performed a miracle on you,” Mother of Ultra replied, “I have revived you from the dead.”

“You shouldn’t have bothered,” Sam remarked, “no one wants me, the ponies have made that clear.”

“That is not true,” Father of Ultra said, “they had given you their light so you could continue the fight.”

“And there are those who do not wish your death,” Mother of Ultra told him. Sam then started to get memories flash in his head, of the time he and his friends having fun, and being loved and cared for by his family.

“My boy,” Father of Ultra spoke again, “Your job isn’t completed, the kaiju that have been appearing have been summoned by an evil force. And you need to stop them.”

“We have given you a second chance of life to lead your team, family and friends in the right direction,” Mother of Ultra told him, “do you think you’ll be up to the task?”

“Yes, Yes I am,” Sam replied.

“Good,” Father of Ultra smiled, “before you go, hear my advice. To really remember this, be strong enough to be gentle.”

And with that, Sam was enveloped by a bright light, and he was teleported back to Equestria. He appeared behind everyone who was still crying. Not much time had passed in Equestria, a minute in the realm between Time and Space was about a second or so in the real world. Sam walked over and stood next to Tricky who was now wiping her eyes with her tail, she just gave her tail to Bao who was on the other side of her.

“Here you go Bao,” Tricky sobbed.

“Thank you,” Bao wept as she dried her eyes.

“Something must be very sad?” Sam said as Bao gave Tricky her tail back who then gave it to Sam without knowing that it was him standing there.

“Well of course it’s sad,” Tricky retorted.

“Sam?!” Both exclaimed.

“What did I miss?” Sam asked. Tricky and Bao's shocked faces turned to faces of joy as Tricky screeched and picked Sam up.

“Sam’s Alive!” she screamed. Her screams of excitement and joy cause the others to turn to her and also smile and shout and yell with happiness.

Once Sam had been smothered by Tricky, and she placed him down, Sam’s team ran up to him and hugged him to death, Elena then jumped onto him and started to lick his face non-stop. The Elements of Harmony all ran over and helped Sam back up onto his feet.

“I can’t believe you’re alive!” Fluttershy shouted.

“Are you a ghost?” Rainbow asked.

“Well I’ll be,” Applejack remarked, “someone just couldn’t pass on just yet.”

“This is a miracle!” Rarity exclaimed.

“I need to throw ‘Sam’s back from the dead and save the world’ Party right now!” Pinkie screamed, her bright pink colours, puffy mane, and tail, and bounced back as she dashed off to get the party ready.

“It’s good to see you’re back safe and sound,” Celestia said as she lowered her head and kissed Sam on the forehead.

“But we must ask, where in Equestria did thou go?” Luna asked, letting her old self slip out.

“Well it wasn’t Equestria,” Sam replied, “I remember flying into the sun to kill Mimic, and then I’m waking up the Realm between Time and Space with these two giants looking down on me. The female one used her powers to revive me.”

“Mother and Father of Ultra?” Devon asked.

“Yeah that’s them,” Sam replied.

“The Realm between Time and Space?” Celestia questioned.

“Those are the realms of two of the Creation Trio,” Luna said.

“Well either way, I’m so happy you’re back my son,” Sunset commented as she gave Sam a tight hug.

“So am I,” Trixie chimed in as she joined the hug.

“I’m glad to be back home too,” Sam replied, but then his eyes fell upon Twilight. She stood in front of him and had something to say to him.

“Sam, I know how you’re feeling about me,” she began, “I know you hate me for not being by your side and believing the crowd rather than my love for you as a parent. I understand that you hate me, and I will understand that you don’t want to forgive me, but please, I’m so, so sorry that I abandoned you. Please can you forgive me, if not as your mother, but as a friend? Please?”

Sunset and Trixie let go of Sam as he made his way to Twilight, she hoped that he was coming to her to hug her and forgive her. But Sam just walked right past her, shattering Twilight’s already broken heart. But then he stopped, turned his head, and he spoke.

“I’m not one to hold a grudge, and I can see how you can mistake him for me,” he said, “I do still love you, but I can’t, and I wouldn’t get over how you betrayed me, and it’s going to be a long time before I have trust in you.” Sam then turned and walked off. Leaving Twilight with a lot to think about.

Soon, one by one, everyone walked off. Celestia and Luna flew back to Canterlot, the Elements of Harmony went back to their homes, Sam and his team wandered off to meet with the CMC, and the Elemental Seven stuck around and helped repair the town that the battle had destroyed. Sam may have sounded a little too harsh and maybe he could have worded it differently, but I think Twilight deserved that. Don’t you?

Author's Note:

Hi guys

OH MY F*CKING GOD! Now this is the longest chapter by far and a total of 10,916 words.

I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, because this took so long to complete.

Next up is the Twilight's Kingdom double parter then Rainbow Rocks and then that will be the end of act 2, and the beginning of act 3 with begin

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