• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 19: Another Luna Therapy Lesson (Edited)

Sam, Twilight, Spike and their new guest, Sunset Shimmer, arrived back home after a tiring day at the Crystal Empire. The whole day, Sam was trying to get used to Sunset, he knew that this was the human Sunset and was good from birth, but he still felt a little nervous around her. Sunset knew this and she also knew that it’s not his fault that he’s sceptical of her, Pony Sunset Shimmer didn’t have a good first impression.

While Twilight was in the bathroom getting ready for Sunset wanted to talk to Sam.

“Hey Sam,” she called to him, “you got a minute? I want to tell you something.”

Sam didn’t reply but he did come closer to Sunset. The orange pony sat down to make her seem less threatening.

“I Know that the other Sunset didn’t make a good first impression on you,” she told him, “but I wanted to let you know that I want you to be happy and accept me into your life. I don’t want you to think I’m a second mother or something, just a close friend that will help you whenever they can. Alright?”

“Yes Sunset,” Sam replied, “and I’m sorry that I’m nervous around you. Honestly I really shouldn’t be as I spent the last couple of days with you.”

“Hehe,” Sunset chuckled, rubbing Sam’s hair with her hoof, making the child giggle, “now come on let’s get to bed.”

“Alright,” Sam replied.

Twilight had offered Sunset to sleep with her, while Sam slept in his own bed he rarely used since he got it. Sunset gladly accepted the offer and while Sam was getting ready for bed, Sunset, Twilight, and Spike fell asleep. As Sam brushed his teeth, He thought about what Sunset had said.

‘I mean I do want her and I to be close friends,’ he thought to himself, ‘but I want her to be more than just a friend.’ As he walked out the bathroom and headed to his bed he saw how cute Twilight and Sunset looked all snuggled up together. ‘I think I want her to be a father figure to me,’ he thought as he climbed into his bed, ‘She seems like that sort of type.’

The Realm of dreams soon claimed another victim as Sam fell asleep.

Sam soon found himself in the soothing starry nexus again, he looked around to try and find Luna, but he could find her.

“Luna?!” he called out, his voice echoing around. Suddenly, a door appeared behind him, with Lunabel written on it. “Oh, you’re in there.”

Sam opened the door and saw Luna, in her human appearance, sitting in a chair writing something down. She turned her head upon hearing the door shut.

“Oh good evening, Sam,” she greeted him, spinning around in her chair, “come sit down.” Sam walked over to the sofa and sat down, as Lunabel pulled out her journal and pen. “So how have you been since our last encounter?”

“We saw each other like a few hours ago when me and everyone went home to Ponyville,” Sam replied.

“You saw Luna a few hours ago,” Lunabel retorted, “I’m Lunabel. And this is our second time meeting together.”

“You’re really playing with this persona,” Sam joked.

“What persona?” Lunabel asked.

“Wha… never mind,” Sam shook off, “Well I had to save the world from an evil Sunset Shimmer with the help of a good Sunset Shimmer, and of course with the girls.”

“Interesting,” Lunabel jotted down, “and where are these Sunset’s now?”

The evil one is back in the human world and the good one is living with me and Twilight now,” he said the last bit with a hint of nervosity.

“Is there something wrong with her living with you?” Lunabel asked.

“No of course not!” Sam exclaimed, “It’s just… I don’t know, I just feel sort of on edge around her.”

“Why is that?” Lunabel asked, as Sam laid down on the sofa.

“Well, I guess it’s because she looks a lot like her,” Sam replied, “she looks like her, talks like her, I just have the feeling in the back of my head, that she’s just going to betray me and act like I’m the one bullying her so she can have Twilight all to herself.”

“You fear that will happen because something like that has happened before?” Lunabel asked again.

“Well none of my friends were ever taking or betrayed me,” Sam said, “but I do know what it feels like to be blamed for something I didn’t do. My bullies were the worst, each pulling their own stunt on me.”

“Do you mind telling me about them?” Lunabel asked, “you don’t have to if you don't want to.”

“No, no, I’ll tell you about them,” Sam replied. And this is what he told her.

My bullies were horrid and cared for no one but themselves. It wasn’t just me they bullied, but it was mostly me, this made me feel really small. I never asked for help from the teachers, because of my autism making me unable to speak up for myself, but I also believe that asking for help was a sign of weakness, so I didn't show that I’m capable of standing up for myself. Clearly that wasn’t the case as I needed help with everything, but I was just too scared to speak up.

Each one of my bullies in my eyes represented each one of the deadly sins, with their leader Ruben representing Wrath. He was the biggest and the rudest of them all. He commanded them like a chief and if he didn’t get it his way, he would get very violent, even to his own group.

Kevin was pretty lazy, so I guess he was the Sloth of the group. He really only hung out with them, so he won’t get disturbed by others, and they have to do his dirty work. He was pretty annoyed as he won’t do anything even his own friend would get annoyed at him.

Nathen represented Pride, he was always thinking of just himself, carrying around a mirror and getting all angry when even a single hair of his head was sticking up. When something like that happens, he would lash out at anyone for, quote, ‘spoiling his image’. He would never do anything that might ruin his gorgeous look. My friends and I thought that his girlfriend was either blind or mad to fall for him.

Speaking of her, Claire represented Lust due to falling in love with him. To be honest, I think Claire actually lusted out for all of them, she would always act so sexual around them even to the other girl in the group, her tongue hanging out with pleasurable thoughts in her head. Just because she was lustful, that didn’t mean she wasn’t cruel, she would often talk me down to impress Ruben and the others.

The other girl I said is Caroline as she represented Envy. She was always jealous of Ruben, she left like she should be leader and that everyone followed her. She took out her frustration on others, including me. Like I said, Claire lusted over everyone in the group, even Caroline, which I think she liked.

Abdul was definitely Greed. When he wanted something, he took it. He would take things for others, and if he then got bored of it or promised to give it back, he would… in pieces. When I had something precious, I would hide so he wouldn’t find me, take it and break it.

And finally Kyle, and as he’s the last one in the group, he was Gluttony. He was definitely on the fat side, he would think of nothing but food. He would either steal other’s lunch money, or just steal their lunch itself. I swear sometimes he wouldn’t even chew his food, he just swallowed it.

Yeah that’s them all, they’re very rude and mean to everyone, mostly me. I did have my friends to help me but even they were bullied by them. But there was one girl that even creeped them out. She was new to the school, a gothic girl, with a very creepy and unsettling atmosphere around her, but despite her scaring everyone, including my own friends, she didn’t scare me.

I found her one day sitting on her own, having her lunch. I wanted to say hello to her, because clearly no one else would. I asked her if I could sit next to her, she didn’t say anything but she shuffled over to make room for me. I started to chat to her, like what her name was. She responds with Bethany. She wasn’t much of a talker, but I kept on talking and she started to warm up to me, she even mentioned that I was like a little brother to her. Later when I got home that night, I told my mother about her, which then she replied in saying that she knew her. Apparently Bethany’s mother’s, mother's, brother, was my mother's, sister's, husband's, brother.

I told her the next day, and she was shocked as well, then out of nowhere, she hugged me, like I really was a younger brother to her. I then introduced her to my friends and truth be told, they felt rather uneasy around her, but then she started to talk a lot and said that I had opened something in her heart that she wanted to keep shut. Soon everyone loved her, and she became the newest member of our group. The bullying now was less but they still got to us when she wasn’t around, but she would stand between us and defend us from the bullies. She was definitely the older sister of our group.

“Yep those are my bullies and older gothic sister figure,” Sam finished.

“I see,” Lunabel remarked, “It’s a sad thing bullying. You were also bullied when you first came to Equestria.”

“Yes I was,” Sam replied, “but then I saved Diamond Tiara’s life.”

“So you it was one of your bullies, would you save them?” Lunabel asked.

This made Sam pause and think about it. Diamond Tiara was nothing like them, sure broke his hands and called him names, but she never went as far as his old bullies. If he had saved his old bullies, Sam doubted they would be as forgiven, if anything, they would beat up Sam while he was unconscious. But then again, if he let them die, he won’t be any better than them.

“I don’t know,” Sam replied.

“And what if it was Sunset Shimmer?” Lunabel questioned.

“NO! I would not let her die either!” Sam snapped.

“You do care for Sunset Shimmer don’t you,” Lunabel remarked.

“Yes, I do,” Sam replied, “In fact I don’t want her to just be a friend.”

“What do you want her to be?” Lunabel asked.

“Well, I have Twilight as my mother, and the other girls are great aunts, and I have my brother and sisters,” Sam said, “but there’s something missing.”

“A father figure?” Lunabel answered, Sam just nodded, “and you want Sunset to be that father figure?”

“Yeah…” Sam replied.

“Well, it’s not too late to tell her that,” Lunabel said as she looked at the clock. The time had flown by and it was nearly time for Celestia to raise the sun.

Sam looked at the time as well as he sat up. “I guess our time is up,” Sam said.

“Yes but don’t worry, I’ll be here next month for us to have another chat,” Lunabel said as Sam got up and hugged her.

He couldn’t help but think to himself that Lunabel had increased the size of her breasts. They did seem a little bigger. Once the hug was broken, Lunabel opened the door and Sam walked through the bright light.

Sam slowly opened his eyes, the sun beaming into his face through the window. He got up slowly and noticed that Sunset wasn’t in bed with Twilight.

“Ha, maybe she got up due to Twilight’s snoring,” Sam muttered to himself. He got up and went to look downstairs. He saw Sunset cooking breakfast, or she tried to cook breakfast as she was still trying to control her magic. She noticed Sam at the entrance to the kitchen.

“Oh good morning Sam,” Sunset greeted, she wasn’t expecting Sam to be up so early, “what are you doing up?”

“The sunlight gets in my face,” Sam replied, “that’s why I like sleeping with mum.”

“Oh, well as you can see I’m trying to make breakfast,” Sunset said, “I was going to surprise you and Twilight.”

“Oh,” Sam replied, he went quiet, he knew he had to tell her how he felt, “Sunset, I need to tell you something.”

“Sure buddy, what up?” Sunset responded and looked down at him.

“I thought about what you said last night, and I don’t just want you to be a friend,” he said.

“Oh, well I can’t blame you,” Sunset said, “after what the other Sunset put you through…”

“I’m not finished,” Sam cut her off, “I don’t just want you to be a friend because I want you to be… my father figure.”

Sunset gasped and stopped what she was doing. “Are you sure?” she asked, “I don’t know if I’m ready to be a parent yet.”

“You seem really nice and supportive like a father figure,” Sam responded, “and you and mum looked really cute snuggled up together in the bed last night.”

Sunset was still at a loss for words. “Sam… I-I don’t know what to say,” she stuttered, “I guess, yes, yes I would love to be your father figure.” And she scooped him up in a hug. “But don’t call me dad, that seems really weird to call a mare day.”

“No promises, dad,” Sam joked.

“You little nutcase,” Sunset joked as she rubbed his head.

“Aww,” came Twilight’s voice from the kitchen entrance.

“Twilight, I’m Sam’s father figure!” Sunset cried out. Twilight then ran up to join the hug. Spike just stood watching them, with Owlicious and Camillia. Suddenly Twilight smelt burning.

“What’s that burning smell?” she asked.

“AH THE WAFFLES!” Sunset screamed as she dashed to turn off the waffle maker, giving mother and son a chuckle.

Author's Note:

Sup guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter

this and other future Luna therapy chapters with reveal more of Sam's backstory

comment down below what you think of this chapter, your feedback is really helpful

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