• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 39: Twilight's Kingdom Part 1 (Edited)

It took a while for the Ponies to rebuild Ponyville, the Type Seven had stayed with them to help rebuild, and with their help, Ponyville was back, and looked better than ever. The Seven girls were sad to say goodbye to Sam, but they promised they would come back for a visit at some point, Sam hugged them all and then they took their leave.

Throughout the reconstruction of Ponyville, and after the Type Seven left, there was tension between Sam and Twilight. Sunset, Spike, Gwen, and the others tried to help, but nothing seemed to work. Sam still blamed Twilight for what she did, and Twilight knew that she wasn’t going to be forgiven any time soon. Twilight felt terrible, and she knew Sam hated her for what she did, even though he said that he still loved her. Twilight she had been the worst parent ever.

But when it came to her Princess duties, she had to put on a smile and attend events with the Princesses. Like Today, in which the Duke and Duchess of Maretonia were visiting the Crystal Empire. Twilight is delighted that her friends are accompanying her, but sadly, Sam had chosen to stay behind in Ponyville, with Trixie looking after him.

“He’s never going to forgive me,” Twilight sighed.

“Cheer up Twi,” Sunset assured her, “even though it was your fault he’s cross at you, but you’ll gain his trust sooner or later.”

“Soon would be better than later,” Twilight groaned.

“Seems like only yesterday I was saving this place from being totally destroyed,” Spike spoke, as he leant up against the crystal statue of himself, “Hey, you guys remember that?”

“You only mentioned it about fifteen times on the train here,” Rainbow retorted, feeling annoyed.

“Yes, and we never hear a peep out of you about your exploits,” Rarity said sarcastically to Rainbow.

“Heh, point taken,” Rainbow nervously chuckled.

“I am glad you all wanted to come, well most of you that I wanted to come,” Twilight spoke up, “but I don't think it's gonna be that exciting. I pretty much just have to smile and wave as the dignitaries arrive.”

“Yes, but you get to smile and wave like a princess,” Sunset said, trying to cheer her up.

“How exactly is that different than smilin' and wavin' like not a princess?” Applejack asked.

“It isn’t,” Twilight replied sadly.

“What's wrong, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, feeling worried for her friend.

“Why the looooooooong face?” Pinkie cried as she grabbed Twilight’s face and pulled it. Twilight rubbed her chin once Pinkie stopped pulling.

“I've just been feeling a little unsure about things lately,” Twilight replied, “It doesn't seem that my new role as a princess equates to all that much.” Twilight knew this was half the reason, the other half was that she wanted Sam to forgive her, but she knew he wasn’t going to.

“That's just silly,” Applejack remarked, “You've got a real important role in Equestria.”

“Princess Celestia wouldn't have asked you to come today if she didn't think so,” Fluttershy responded.

“I guess you’re right,” Twilight could only agree.

“Of course we are,” Rarity joked, “Now hurry along! You don't want to risk having that important role diminished because you were tardy for your regal meet-and-greet.”

Soon, the trumpets sounded out in a fanfare, signalling that the Duke and Duchess had just arrived.

“The Duke and Duchess of Maretonia!” Flash called out to the ponies of the Crystal Empire.

The Duke and Duchess trotted down the path with the crowd of ponies all standing aside and watched them trot by. Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence all trotted up to greet them, while Twilight stood out on the front balcony of the crystal castle and unveiled the royal banner. The Duke and Duchess bowed before the Princesses, as they began to lead them into the castle while Twilight smiled and waved down at them.

“That was it? Princess Celestia had you come all the way to the Crystal Empire just to do that?” Spike shouted, feeling a little confused now to why they all came if Twilight was meant to do just that. Twilight’s face fell as she lowered her head, Spike then realised what he just said and tried to cheer her up, “I mean, whoa, really regal and important!” Before he got a smack behind the head by Applejack, the girls were annoyed at Spike and concerned for Twilight.

Later Twilight was pacing the crystal halls of the castle just outside the throne room, it was late, and everyone was asleep in their guest rooms. Just then the door swung open, and the Duke and Duchess stepped out, Twilight bowed to them as they stopped just in front of her.

“Your highness. Thank you for understanding our desire to keep the number of those privy to these confidential discussions to a minimum,” the Duke said.

“Of course,” Twilight replied, the Duke and Duchess then trotted past Twilight and soon left the castle. Presently, the Princesses also left the throne room, Twilight trotted up to them, “Is there anything else I can do to assist with their visit?”

“I'm sorry, Twilight,” Cadence apologised, “but their visit is already over.”

“Oh,” Twilight sighed, feeling defeated.

“Something wrong?” Luna asked.

“Well two things, the first is I just don't really understand why I'm here,” Twilight told them, “Couldn't one of the royal guards have unfurled the banner?”

“Having all four of us in the Empire to greet them lets the dignitaries know that their visit is considered an important one,” Celestia explained.

“Plus, it gives me an opportunity to see my favourite sister-in-law,” Cadence gave Twilight a sisterly smile as she wrapped an arm around her neck.

“And I'm happy to see you,” Twilight said, “All of you.”

“But...?” Cadence questioned, sensing a ‘but’ coming.

“But I... Well, it's just that Princess Luna raises the moon, Princess Celestia raises the sun, you protect the Crystal Empire, and all I seem to do is... smile and wave and be a terrible mother to her first adoptive child,” Twilight sighed as she walked out onto the balcony. She then started to sing.

It isn't that I'm ungrateful
For all the things that I've earned,
For all the journeys I have taken,
All the lessons that I have learned

But I wonder where I'm going now,
What my role is meant to be
I don't know how to travel
To a future that I can't see

I have my wings, I wear this crown
I'm a princess, this is true
But it's still unclear to me
Just what I am meant to do

I wanna have a purpose
Wanna do all that I can
I wanna make a contribution
I want to be a part of the plan

Your destiny's uncertain
And that's sometimes hard to take
But it will become much clearer
With every new choice you make

Patience is never easy
I understand wanting more
I know how hard it is to wait
To spread out your wings and soar

But you stand here for a reason
You're gifted and you are strong
That crown is upon your head because
You belong

Know that your time is coming soon
As the sun rises, so does the moon
As love finds a place in every heart
You are a princess; you'll play your part

We understand you wanting more
A chance to shine, a chance to soar

Soon will come the day it turns around

Know that your time is coming soon
As the sun rises, so does the moon
As love finds a place in every heart
You are a princess; you'll play your part

You are a princess; you'll play your part

“You’re time to come,” Celestia told Twilight as she gave her a hug, this cheered up Twilight a little.

“Oh before we head off,” Luna said as she was about to go back inside, “what was the second reason?”

“Oh, It was just I don’t think Sam will ever forgive me for betraying him,” Twilight sighed again.

“Don’t feel so upset, he’ll come around to you,” Celestia told her motherly, “he may show that he hates you but deep down he still loves you.”

“Try not to let it get to you, sis,” Cadence said. Twilight smiled at them as they walked back inside, Twilight decided to stay outside on the balcony a little longer as she stared up at the moon.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot, a unicorn, with brown fur, white mane and tail, blue eyes, and a cutie mark of four emeralds, named Rare Find was walking through a dark, misty alleyway while levitating a bucket of oranges. Rare Find was feeling nervous, he sharply spun his head around upon hearing something behind him. But it was only an empty can rolling on the floor. Breathing a sigh of relief, Rare Find turned to continue onward, but he jumped in fright when he saw a figure staring in front of him. The figure was wearing a cloak, so he was hidden underneath it, his breath was heavy and warm as vapour escaped his mouth into the cold air.

“Very sorry,” Rare Find apologised, “you came out of nowhere.”

"‘Is he friend or is he foe?’ the pony wonders,” the figure narrated, the figure's voice was eery, raspy and weak sounding, “I can assure you... I am no friend. I am Lord Tirek, and I will take what should have been mine long ago.”

Suddenly, the figure started to absorb Rare Find’s magic, stealing it from his horn and eating it. Rare Find’s eyes started to fade as his magic was taken, as the last of his magic was stolen, his cutie mark disappeared and fell to the ground dropping his oranges and feeling really weak. As Tirek ate the last of his magic, his body started to tremble as he grew a bit bigger, Rare Find was now terrified by this. Tirek grinned evilly as his eyes glowed a menacing yellow.

Suddenly Celestia shot up in her bed, gasping from the horrifying dream she just had. Luna then burst into her room concerned and worried as well.

“Sister are you alright?!” she cried.

“I've just had the most terrible dream,” Celestia told her.

“Why do you think I'm here?” Luna said, “You know as well as I that this was not a dream, but a vision.”

“Then we haven't much time,” Celestia stated, “The stronger he becomes, the more we are all in danger.”

The next morning Celestia and Luna had called Cadence and Twilight to the throne room to explain what is about to come to Equestria.

“Tirek and his brother Scorpan came here from a distant land, intent on stealing Equestrian magic,” Celestia started, “But Scorpan soon came to appreciate the ways of Equestria, even befriending a young unicorn wizard.”

“Scorpan urged his brother to abandon their plans,” Luna continued, “When Tirek refused, Scorpan alerted us to Tirek's intentions. But Tirek had stolen enough magic to grow to a gigantic size, and he was nearly unstoppable.”

“Until, a giant monster that had been attracting lightning to its back plates from the stomp clouds appeared and defeated Tirek. Scorpan returned to his own land, and Tirek was sent to Tartarus for his crimes,” Celestia finished, “But it appears he has found a way to escape.”

“We believe it happened when Cerberus left his post at the gates,” Luna theorised.

“But that was a long time ago,” Twilight stated, her eyes twinkling when Cerberus showed up in Ponyville, “Why is he just now starting to steal magic?”

“His time in Tartarus left him very weak,” Celestia remarked, “He has just now gained enough strength to use his dark powers.”

“But with each passing moment, he grows stronger still,” Luna said.

“And I know just the princess who can stop him,” Cadence grinned.

“Yes,” Twilight replied, “I'll find him and…”

“No, Twilight,” Celestia stopped her, “I'm afraid I must call in another to stop Tirek. Discord.” Cadence, Luna, and Twilight all gasped at Celestia’s decision.

“...As in Discord, Discord?” Applejack questioned. Twilight had told her friends what Celestia had decided once she arrived back in Ponyville, and they were equally as shocked.

“Yes!” Twilight replied.

“Who’s Discord?” Chris asked.

“He’s a draconequus that’s a mixture of different animals,” Sunset replied.

“He caused a lot of trouble for us,” Rainbow chimed in.

“How come we’ve never meant him?” Chris questioned.

“Because He’s not properly appeared in the story until this point,” Sam replied, sounding fed up.

“I don't think it's that big of a surprise,” Fluttershy stated, “He can be very helpful.” Fluttershy turned back to see the other’s faces looking at her with ‘really’ expressions.

“He can sense when there's a magical imbalance,” Twilight said, “The next time Tirek steals magic, Discord will be able to track him down!”

“So what are you supposed to do in the meantime?” Rainbow asked.

“Nothing,” Twilight answered, as she turned around and started to walk away, “Unless of course one of you needs me to smile and wave.”

“Where are you going?” Gwen called out.

“To the Castle of the Two Sisters,” Twilight replied, “I'm not really needed anywhere else. Might as well catch up on some of my reading.”

“You want some company?” Rainbow asked.

“It has been a while since we visited the castle,” Applejack chimed in, “Might be fun!”

“Maybe I could use a little company right now,” Twilight remarked. As the gang were entering the Everfree Forest, Sunset realised that Sam wasn’t with them, and noticed he was walking back to Ponyville.

“And where do you think you’re going?” she asked sternly.

“I’m going back to Ponyville, to hang out with the CMC,” Sam replied as he tried to walk past her.

“Oh no you don’t,” Sunset stated as she teleported in front of him and picked him up with her magic, “you’re coming with us, and you need to forgive Twilight.”

“Come on, she exiled me from Ponyville,” Sam argued.

“And you flew into the sun to save us all!” Sunset disputed back, “so you are coming with us and you’re going to forgive Twilight for banishing you!”

“You can’t make me do something I don’t want to do!” Sam shouted back, but stopped and gulped when Sunset gave him a death stare and lit her horn with powerful magic, “On second thoughts I come, get some fresh air, why waste it cooped up inside a stuffy treehouse.”

“That’s a good boy,” Sunset smiled as she placed him on her back and trotted off after Twilight, with Sam frowning on her back.

Soon the girls and kids arrived at the Castle of the Two Sisters, they looked over the cliff to see the Elements of Harmony attached to the tree of Harmony from when they had to give them back to the tree when Twilight became a princess and the Everfree Forest started to take over. (Jeez, Sam and co have missed out on a lot.)

“I still can't believe we had to give back the Elements,” Rainbow stated.

“It had to be done or the Tree of Harmony wouldn't have survived,” Rarity responded.

“But Twilight was right,” Fluttershy spoke up, “Even without the Elements, our friendship is as strong as ever.”

“I just hope another 'friend' of ours never makes us sorry we had to give them up,” Applejack remarked.

“Oh, you're talking about me, I presume?” Came a voice, everyone looked up to see the one called Discord, floating down from the sky with an umbrella and holding a bag.

“Did he just arrived like Mary Poppins?” Sam questioned to no one.

“How'd you guess?” Applejack asked sarcastically.

“My ears were burning,” Discord replied, with his ears were actually on fire. He pulled out a cup of water and splashed the water on his ears putting out his flaming ears.

“What are you even doing here, Discord?” Rainbow asked annoyed.

“Oh, just a bit of light reading before I head off on my extremely important mission,” Discord replied, putting on a pair of reading glasses and flicking through the girl’s friendship journal. Then he landed on the ground in a sergeant’s uniform, and pulling down a flag with Celestia, Luna and the sun and moon on it, “I suppose you all know that I've been tasked to capture a certain escapee.”

“Big deal,” Spike scoffed.

“You're right, Kid. It is a big deal,” Discord replied as he blew bubbles out his pipe and blew one big enough to trap Spike inside it, Spike floated into the air, the bubbled popped and Spike fell started fall, but Rainbow flew up and caught him, “Seems I possess a magic that gives me quite an important role in Equestria. Maybe they should make me an Alicorn princess.” As Discord teleported in front of them with Alicorn wings and horn and a massive crown, Offscreen cheering can be heard as he gave out wet kisses. This made Twilight rather bothered.

“In your dream!” Rainbow declared as she kicked Discord’s crown off his head.

“Oh, I never dream of such things,” Discord replied, “Ask Princess Luna.”

“Don't you have a creepy magic-stealin' villain to track down?” Applejack asked rhetorically.

“Yes, yes, yes, of course,” Discord replied as he grabbed them all and teleported in front of the Tree of Harmony, “It's just that I couldn't help but notice that Twilight hasn't yet opened this little chest of hers.” Everyone turned to look at Twilight when he pointed out the chest, “I-I-It got me thinking, what if what's locked inside is something that could help her prove her royal worth? I only bring it up because she said that she's been feeling like her role as a princess doesn't equate to much.” He then made Twilight have a pouty expression.

“Wait a minute!” Pinkie exclaimed, “How do you know how she was feeling?!”

“Oh, my. Is eavesdropping not the way you're supposed to find out what your best pals are up to? Woe is me. Will I ever learn the intricate nuances of being a good friend?” Discord responded in mock sadness, the girls, and Ultra Siblings just gave him looks, Discord cleared his throat, “Well in any case, I suppose now is as good a time as any for me to make my exit.” He then walked to a scooter that wasn’t there before, and after putting on his helmet and starting the scooter, he teleported away.

“And good riddance!” cried Applejack, when suddenly Discord teleported back right behind her.

“Oopsie-doopsie, I almost left with the little journal you've all been keeping. What a fascinating read. Haven't you girls just learned so much? I've bookmarked a few of the more interesting passages. You really should take a look!” He said as he balanced the journal on Twilight’s horn, before turning to Fluttershy and whispering to her, “We're still on for tea later, aren't we, Fluttershy?”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” she replied sweetly.

“Well, I'll bring the cucumber sandwiches...!” Discord declared in a singsong voice as a doorknob appeared, he twisted it and opened a door, before disappearing into it and closing the door behind him.

“My, what a strange creature,” Chris commented.

“Indeed,” Nick agreed.

“Sometimes I think the 'reformed' Discord is more obnoxious than the 'before-he-was-reformed' Discord,” Sunset remarked, “and I wasn’t even there when you’ll reformed him.”

“Indeed,” Rarity chimed in.

“But he could be right, couldn't he?” Fluttershy spoke up, “What if there is something important in that chest?”

“There's only one way to find out,” Twilight said.

Later everyone was in the Castle’s library looking through book, to see if they could find anything about the chest. They had basically cleared about half of the libraries books and found nothing. Everyone was looking for anything that mentions the chest, except Sam. He was in the corner reading one of his comic books, and luckily, this one wouldn’t send them all to another world.

“Anything?” Twilight asked. Array of various no’s came back in reply, “There must be something in this library that can help me figure out how to open it. The answer's in one of these books. I just know it.” Twilight spotted the journal laying on the ground amongst a bunch others, Twilight rolled her eyes and levitated over to her, before she started to look through it as well.

Their search to find answers about the chest had led into the night, as Tirek was still absorbing unicorn magic as he did to poor Neon Lights. As Tirek grew larger after absorbing his magic, he spotted another unicorn sorting out a box. Tirek crept towards the unicorn, but just as he was about to absorb his magic, the pony’s head spun around, but it wasn’t a pony’s head that was looking at him, it was Discord.

“Tirek, I presume?” Discord questioned with a smirk. Tirek was shocked, he wasn’t expecting Discord. He squinted to make sure he wasn’t seeing things.

“Discord,” Tirek groggily remarked, “You're free?”

“As a bird,” Discord responded as he used his magic to turn himself into one.

“I commend you on your escape,” Tirek bowed.

“I'm afraid the feeling isn't mutual,” Discord stated as he snapped his fingers and chains appeared and locked Tirek’s arms. Tirek then tried to fire a blast of his magic at Discord, who dodged it by simply splitting his head in half and merging them back together.

“Oh, I should have known you would want to have Equestria all to yourself,” Tirek grumbled.

“Oh, I'm not doing this for me,” Discord said as he was suddenly in a police uniform, and spinning a police baton around, “I'm doing it for my friends.” He then went up close to Tirek and whispered, “Just between the two of us, it's mostly for Fluttershy.”

“Fluttershy?” Tirek questioned, “You're not saying you're friends with ponies?”

“Surprise!” Discord shouted as he burst out a large birthday cake.

“I am surprised that someone with your intellect does not see this 'friendship' is but a new form of imprisonment. Clearly you've had to abandon your true nature to stay in their good graces,” Tirek remarked.

Discord was playing the harp with a halo above his head, as Tirek waffled on, “I have done nothing of the sort!” he protested, before waving his halo away.

“Oh, please, I've seen this before. But he was always weak minded. You are Discord, you are legend, you cannot fall into the same trap that claimed my brother! Help me to grow strong and be rewarded with something far greater than friendship. Freedom,” Tirek’s eyes glowed yellow as his words started to get to Discord. Discord perked up an eyebrow, “Once I've stripped these ponies of their magic, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see their world turned upside down. Who better to do so than the master of chaos himself? Join me, Discord, and reclaim your greatness. Unless, of course, 'pony errand boy' is the role you've always wanted to play in this world.”

Discord looked behind himself to see a photo of himself and Fluttershy, and his Discord lamp beside it, he then ponders Tirek’s offer.

Back at the Castle of the Two Sisters, Twilight was reading through the friendship journal, focusing on the sections Discord had bookmarked, and she was a little shocked to discover a pattern. She smiled at what she saw.

“I think I found something!” Twilight called out, the girls and Ultra Siblings all turned to face her, except Sam who had fallen asleep, “I've been reading our journal, and there's something interesting about the sections that Discord bookmarked.” The girls all started to come closer to Twilight, “Applejack, do you remember when you had to tell everypony that the tonic Granny bought from the Flim Flam brothers didn't really work?”

“How could I forget? It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do,” Applejack replied as the memory of playing in her head, of when she pointed out the tonic was a fake, “And in that moment, I knew I had to be honest. I just knew it. But what's that got to do with openin' the chest?”

“I've found that each of you has had to face a situation where living up to the Element of Harmony you represent wasn't easy,” Twilight answered, “Fluttershy, it was when you realised that the way to show kindness to the Breezies was by forcing them to leave your home.”

“Oh, the looks on their poor little faces!” Fluttershy responded, “But I knew that, as difficult as it was, pushing them away was the kindest thing I could do.”

“Rarity, even after Suri took advantage of your generosity at Fashion Week in Manehattan, you didn't let it cause you to abandon your generous spirit,” Twilight stated.

“I simply couldn't have lived with myself if I didn't do something special for the friends who have always been so generous to me!”

“Rainbow Dash, you had the chance to fly with the Wonderbolts at the Equestria Games, but instead you chose to compete with your friends,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Sure!” Rainbow admitted, “But being loyal to my friends was way…”

“Ooh, my turn, my turn!” Pinkie shouted, cutting Rainbow off.

“Pinkie Pie, you realised that seeing your friend laugh was more important than proving you were a better party planner than Cheese Sandwich,” Twilight stated.

“Best party I've ever had,” Rainbow declared.

“And yet we missed it, due to Zetton rampaging,” Sam dryly stated.

“It's clear we've all had our moments to shine, Twilight, but I'm with Applejack,” Sunset said, “What does any of this have to do with the opening of the chest?”

“All of you had tough choices to make. But when you made the right one and embraced your element, it helped somepony else make the right choice too. Each of you received something from the pony whose life you helped change,” Twilight replied, “I know it sounds crazy, but maybe there's something special about those objects that could lead us to the location of the keys. The chest is connected to the Tree of Harmony, the Tree is connected to the Elements, and the Elements are connected to all of us. There must be a connection! I hate to admit it, but maybe Discord was trying to be a good friend after all.”

Later the group stood in front of the chest with their objects. Rarity had Coco Pommel's spool of rainbow thread, Rainbow had Spitfire's Wonderbolts pin, Fluttershy had Seabreeze's flower, Applejack had Silver Shill's gold bit, and Pinkie had Cheese Sandwich's rubber chicken Boneless. The girls placed their respected objects down on the ground.

“I don't see anything on them that would give us a clue as to where the keys might be,” Sunset pointed out, “They're just... ordinary, everyday objects.”

“Come on, Boneless!” Pinkie shouted as she started to shake Boneless around, causing it to squeak, “Give us that key!”

“I don't think that's going to work,” Twilight said, before ducking out the way as Pinkie threw Boneless across the room and it smacked into the chest.

A bright light shone out the chest and engulfed Boneless, turning the rubber chicken into a golden key that resembled Pinkie’s cutie mark. Everyone watched at the chest, pulled and inserted the key, even Sam was impressed. The girls then placed their objects on top of the chest, the same magic surrounded the items and turned them into keys that resembled their cutie marks. The keys floated down and inserted themselves into the chest, leaving only one key left.

“There's still one key missing,” Twilight stated, “The key that represents the element of magic. My element.”

“Oh, but I'm sure that if we've gotten our keys, you have too, Twilight,” Fluttershy commented.

“Think, Twilight,” Rarity encouraged, “When have you completed a difficult magical task, and in doing so encouraged another pony to do the same?”

“I haven't,” Twilight admitted, “If I had, I would have written about it in the journal.”

“Don't worry, Twilight,” Spike assured her, “I'm sure you'll get your key eventually.” Suddenly Spike covered his mouth and let out a burp, as green flames flowed out his mouth and a scroll appeared. Twilight used her magic to levitate the scroll over to her.

“What’s it say?” Spike asked.

“That I'm needed in Canterlot at once!” Twilight exclaimed.

Twilight flew as fast as she could to Canterlot, Sam and Gwen had come with her, Sam didn’t want to go, but at Sunset’s insistence he was forced to go. The trio arrived at the castle and dashed into the throne room.

“We came as quickly as we could!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Is something wrong?” Gwen asked, “Is it Tirek?”

“I'm afraid I put too much trust in Discord and the effect that friendship would have upon him,” Celestia declared.

“Discord has betrayed the ponies of Equestria and joined forces with Tirek,” Luna spoke out.

Meanwhile, in a theatre, a crowd of ponies were about to want a play, but they were shocked to see Discord on stage, dressed in a magician’s outfit. The ponies were not pleased to see him and were suspicious of him. Discord took off his hat, placed it on the floor and tabbed it with his wand, the hat shook, and Tirek emerged from it and decloaked himself. The crowd gasped and tried to leave, but Tirek started to absorb their magic. As Discord applauded, Tirek grew bigger as his muscles bulked up and his colours became boulder.

“How could he do this?!” Twilight exclaimed, “I thought our friendship meant something to him! I thought he had changed.”

“Tirek has stolen enough magic that he now has the strength to steal flight as well,” Celestia told Twilight, “Without Pegasi to control the weather, there will be no rain in Equestria. There is word he has gone after Earth ponies as well. Without their strength, they will not be able to tend the land.”

The Wonderbolts had tried to stop Tirek, but Discord held them still, and Tirek absorbed their ability to fly. Then Discord lassoed the Earth Ponies and Tirek absorbed their strength. Discord was pleased to be having fun, as Tirek grew larger and larger.

“Ponies will no longer be in control of their world,” Luna stated gravely, “That power will belong solely to Tirek.”

“There is no doubt that Tirek is after Alicorn magic,” Celestia said, "With Discord by his side, we will not be able to stop him from taking it.”

“Once it is in his possession, his power will know no bounds, and all hope will be lost,” Luna sighed.

“But there is one solution. It is only by making this sacrifice that Equestria and the lands beyond it might be saved,” Celestia declared “We must rid ourselves of our magic before Tirek has the chance to steal it from us.”

Twilight, Sam, and Gwen all gasped.

“Princess, do you think this is wise?” Sam asked.

“Tirek is set on possessing Alicorn magic,” Luna replied, “When he comes for us, we cannot have what he is looking for.”

“I'm more than willing to do my part and give up my magic,” Twilight announced.

“You misunderstand. Our magic cannot just disappear into thin air,” Luna told her, “Somepony must keep it safe.”

“That somepony is you, Twilight,” Cadence stated.

“What?!” Shouted Sam.

“Why me?” Twilight asked.

“Can someone even handle that much power?” questioned Gwen.

“We do not believe that Tirek is aware that a fourth Alicorn princess exists in Equestria, nor do we believe he knows the existence of you humans,” Celestia said, “If we transfer our magic to you, Tirek will not know where it has gone.”

“Do you understand what we're asking of you?” Cadence asked.

“Yes. It's just... I'm only now learning how to control my own Alicorn magic,” Twilight replied, “To take on even more…”

“She could explode or worse!” Gwen exclaimed.

“I feel you don’t understand how alicorn magic works,” Luna remarked.

“We’re 10 year old kids that can become giant superheroes,” Sam responded, “I think you know even less about us.”

“Fair point,” Luna admitted.

“Twilight, you represent the element of magic,” Cadence told her sisterly, “If there is anypony who can do this, it's you.” Celestia and Luna nodded in agreement.

“Taking on this task will be one of the most difficult things I'll ever do, but with the help of my friends…” Twilight said, but Celestia cut her off.

“I'm sorry, Princess Twilight, but you must keep your new abilities a secret,” she declared, “I fear that your friends being aware of your new power could put them at great risk. Do you still think you can take on this responsibility?”

Twilight thought about it, and quickly replied, “This is the role I am meant to play as a princess of Equestria! I will not fail to do my duty!”

“Then we must begin at once,” Celestia stated Luna and Cadence circled Twilight.

“Children, advertise your eyes,” Luna told Sam and Gwen, “this could be very bright.”

Sam and Gwen shielded their eyes, as the princess prepared their magic for the transfer. Celestia, Luna and Cadence all charged their horns, as their eyes glowed pure white, they fired their magic, their beams absorbing into each other in a massive sphere of magic above Twilight. The Sphere grew larger and larger, as Twilight prepared for what was to come next, the sphere fired a beam straight down, and was absorbed into Twilight, causing the sphere to get smaller and smaller. While this was happening, Tirek was outside Canterlot, absorbing more pony magic, as Discord suddenly shivered.

“That can't be right,” he remarked to himself, Tirek overheard what he said.

“What can't be right?” he asked, his horns grew larger and longer and his voice sounding more deeper and less raspy.

“Nothing,” Discord assured him, “Carry on.”

Back in the castle, Luna, Cadence and Celestia where laying on the floor, ridden themselves of their magic left them very tired and exhausted. They all turned to Twilight, who was levitated in the middle of the room, her mane and tail flowing like Celestia and Luna’s did. Her body twitched due to having so much magic inside her. Sam and Gwen uncovered their eyes, and were shocked to see Twilight like this, even Sam felt concern for her, and started to feel less angry at her. And Twilight slowly levitated back to the ground, Celestia, Luna and Cadence stumbled toward her. Twilight clutched her head, as she returned to normal, she made a dash to Celestia, giving her a hug and letting a tear be shed. Sam and Gwen went over to hug Luna and Cadence and to check if they’re ok. They then noticed that their Cutie Marks were gone.

“It is done,” Celestia stated, she sounded out of breath.

That night in Manehattan, Coco had just arrived back at her apartment. Tirek and Discord had appeared not long ago in the centre of the city and had absorbed her strength. She had just enough to get herself back home, but she felt too tired to do anything. Using what strength she had left, she struggled to her bedroom, and laid on her bed. Suddenly, she saw a flash of light, followed by a rumbling sound.

“There must be a storm coming,” Coco thought out loud, just as the lights and power all went out, “and a blackout, just great.”

She felt a little cold and was about to get up and get herself a cup of tea, when something hit her. If Tirek had stolen the flight of Pegasi, then how could there be a storm coming. The Pegasi can’t fly, and even if they could, they would probably go right through the clouds. So how is it possible for a storm to manifest?

Another lightning bolt flashed, lighting up her hold apartment, followed by another rumble of thunder. But after the thunder, she heard something else. It sounded like the deep breathing of an animal, along with a deep rumbling sound that caused her apartment to shake. The shaking stopped, as another lightning flashed, but her apartment was obstructed by a large shadow. Coco was now a little scared, as she looked to her closed curtains.

She slowly trotted to her curtains and creeped them open. At first she could see anything, just the blackness of the outside, but then another lightning strike happened, and she saw it. A giant creature that resembled a dinosaur with large dorsal plates ran down its back, towered over her apartment complex. Its eyes glowed yellow as lightning crackled around the beast and struck its dorsal plates.

The Creature then started to make its way down the street and out of the city, leaving behind two things. The Image of it when the Lightning struck its dorsal plates, lightning up the sky revealing the creature's appearance, and the sound of its roar which echoed across the city.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, I hope you liked this chapter

Ok I'll start off by saying, yes I know part 1 ends with Celestia announcing they had to get rid of their magic, but I thought including the beginning of part 2 would structure this a lot better. Honestly, I quite pleased with how this came out, especially the ending.

anyway, I hope you'll like this and I'll see you in part 2

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