• Published 24th Sep 2021
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Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 11: A True Friend with a Brave Heart (Edited)

Cadence was right. Sam caught a cold once getting back to Ponyville. He had it for a few days even to the day Twilight and her friends went back to the Crystal Empire to sort something out with the up-come friendship games. So Twilight got Trixie to look after him. Both boy and pony were delighted. Sam really liked Trixie. She performed some magic tricks for him, and they even spent time with some of the townsfolk. Derpy made him some special chocolate chip muffins. Octavia and Vinyl play him some of their music. And Lyra Heartstrings and Bon-Bon, took Sam for a picnic, before a Usar Minor ruining it.

Some time had passed. And Sam wasn’t sick with a cold anymore. But more monsters had started to rise up more frequently. He had to defeat a monster that was draining magic, a monster that resembled a green lizard like monster but was actually a mammal and a worm looking monster that was hiding in the cooler at Sugarcube corner.

One evening, Sam had just defeated another monster, this one had whips for hands and was slowly making his way back to the Library. He was really tired, once he opened the door he collapsed on the floor.

“Evening Sam,” Twilight said, not even looking up from her book.

“Evening… mum,” Sam panted. Twilight turned her head to see him on the ground. She placed her book down and helped him up.

“Are you ok sweetheart?” Twilight asked caringly.

“Yeah, just tired,” Sam replied, as Twilight used her magic to help him up, “Man, it’s hard work defending the town from monsters.”

“And you’ve done a great job today,” Twilight said, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “now go upstairs and get washed and ready for bed.”

“But it’s 7PM,” Sam responded.

“I said wash and ready, not wash and straight to bed,” Twilight said, “you have to wait to get yourself washed though, Spike’s having one of his seven-hour bubble baths.”

“Again!” Sam groaned.

“But he should be nearly done,” Twilight assured him, “His seven hours is almost up.”

“Ok,” Sam replied as he walked to the stairs. Just before he went upstairs, he passed the case with the Elements of Harmony inside.

He always found them stunning to look at. Twilight would often tell him about the times that they used them to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord. He sometimes believed that if he tried them on, he could perform magic like Twilight, or run as fast as Rainbow, or be as strong as Applejack, or be able to talk to animals like Fluttershy, or whatever Pinkie and Rarity do.

As he got to the bathroom, Spike was just coming out.

“Oh hey Sam,” he greeted him.

“Spike, why do you take such long baths?” Sam asked.

"Uh... Because I like water..." Spike replied feeling kind of embarrassed as he walked out.

Sam sighed as he took his clothes off and went into the bathroom. Sam got into the tub and turned on the shower. He sighed at the nice feeling the water felt on his body.

‘This feels so nice,’ he thought, as he sighed and closed his eyes.

He then started to wash his hair and body but as he was cleaning, he saw a flash of light in the corner of his eye. The light looked like it came from where Twilight was.

"What was that?" he said to himself as he looked around the shower curtain. "That was weird."

Sam soon stopped cleaning himself and got out of the tub drying himself off. As he did, Twilight walked passed.

“Feeling better?” she asked.

“Yes,” Sam replied.

“Come on then,” Twilight said, “I’ll tell you more of our adventures before bed.”

“Ok,” Sam responded as he followed Twilight to the bedroom.

That night, Twilight told Sam about Cadence and Shining Armour’s wedding, and about how they were set in charge to run the Crystal empire. And how Spike saved the day. Soon the realm of dream teased Sam and he soon fell asleep next to Twilight.

“I really need to get him a bed of his own,” Twilight remarked as she turned off the light and fell asleep herself.

As the sun shined into the room, Sam noticed that Twilight was gone. Sam just guessed maybe she had gotten up early, as he got up and got ready for the day. He walked down the stairs to the kitchen. He then felt something climb up his legs, he looked down and saw Camillia.

“Oh Good morning, Camie,” Sam said as he let her crawl onto his hand and he placed her on his shoulder, “you hungry?”

But Camillia seems distressed and concerned about something.

“What’s wrong, Camie?” Sam asked, as Camillia gestured to the Elements of Harmony.

Sam walked closer and started to see what was wrong. Twilight’s Element was fine, but the others weren’t, they were all the wrong colours. Rarity’s was red, Rainbow’s was pink, Fluttershy’s was blue, Pinkie’s was orange and Applejack’s was purple.

“Ok, that doesn’t look right,” Sam remarked, then he heard a knock at the door. He went to answer it and was surprised when Lyra, Bon-Bon and Derpy all tried to squeeze through the door at once and then all fell onto the floor, Octavia came in after them.

“Uh, Good morning,” Sam responded, not sure what else to say.

“Morning Sam,” Derpy replied, giving him a wave.

“Sam, where's Twilight?!” Lyra exclaimed.

“I don’t know, why?” Sam asked, in a more calm tone.

“Because something is wrong with the sky,” Octavia replied sounding concern.

Sam stood outside and looked up, he saw that the sky was a patchwork of sorts. Some clouds were raining, and others were snowing, with the sun barely able to shine out.

“What the?” Sam questioned, “why isn’t Rainbow doing her job?”

“Because It’s not Rainbow that’s trying to sort everything out,” everyone looked and saw Twilight galloping up to the front of the library.

“What do you mean?” Octavia asked.

“It’s Rarity, she’s trying to sort everything out,” Twilight replied.

“Why?” Bon-Bon questioned.

“Because she has Rainbow’s Cutie Mark!” exclaimed Twilight. Everyone gasped.

“That would explain why the Elements are different colours,” Sam remarked.

“Show me,” Twilight said. Sam showed her the elements, Twilight gasped and brought out a notebook, “Starswirl’s spell.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Sam.

“After you went upstairs to have a shower, the Postpony showed up with a package from Celestia,” she replied as she levitated the book to Sam, “this was Starswirl’s journal and had an incomplete spell, the spell must have done something to the elements.”

At that moment, Spike came downstairs. “Twilight?” he asked, “what’s wrong?”

Twilight looked at the Elements, “If Rarity is doing Rainbow’s job, then where’s…” she stopped mid-sentences when she saw the colours of the elements. She levitated Spike and Sam onto her back and dashed out the door.

“What about us?” called Derpy.

“You five make sure no one gets hurt,” Twilight called to them as she dashed out of town to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Where are we going!?" Sam exclaimed as Twilight galloped down the path. She was galloping so fast and so roughly, that Spike bounced off her back.

"When I asked where Rainbow Dash was, Rarity told me that she was at her cottage! Rainbow Dash's cottage!" She exclaimed. "I have a very bad feeling about this..."

As Twilight ran, Sam could see how nervous she was. "Mum, please calm down... I'm sure you can fix it." Twilight slowed down when they got closer to the Cottage. Twilight knocked on the door and to everyone’s surprise, Rainbow Dash was the one who answered.

"Hey guys..." Rainbow said, sticking her head out the door.

"Rainbow Dash, what's going on? Why aren't you controlling the weather?" Twilight asked. Just as Rainbow was about to answer, there was a loud noise coming from inside, and Rainbow ran back in. "And what is going on in... Here...?" Twilight, Sam, and Spike were shocked to see the place was a mess of animals running around. Rainbow Dash was desperately trying to calm the animals down inside but putting them in the wrong cages and just having a hard time.

"Mum, I'm gonna go find my friends... I want to make sure that they're okay." Sam said as he turned to walk back to the town.

"Wait! Sam, are you sure? It could be dangerous!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I know, but that's why I have to make sure they're ok!" Sam exclaimed running out the door, donned his Ultrasuit and flew back down to the town.

"Sam!" Twilight exclaimed, but Sam was already gone.

"Where to go, where to go..." Sam said, looking around. He then saw Rarity as she was making the clouds in the sky into a patchwork pattern. "Rarity?" He shouted as he landed near her and took off his mask.

"Oh Sam! You startled me,” she responded, “what brings you here darling?"

"Have you seen Sweetie Belle?” Sam asked.

"I can't say that I have... Why don't you check Pinkie Pie's farm?" She said getting back to the weather.

"Pinkie Pie's farm?!" Sam exclaimed and ran towards 'Pinkie's' farm, Sam decided it was best to keep the Ultrasuit on. Finally he reached the farm. He called out to his friends, when he heard sounds coming from the trees, but when he turned to look up, he saw Pinkie Pie except her hair and tail was flat.

"Pinkie Pie!?" he exclaimed, running to her. "What happened to you!?"

"Oh hi Sammy," She sighed, "Nothing, just having trouble getting apples..."

"but... those trees don’t have apples in them," Sam said, pointing at the empty tree.

"Oh... That explains it," She sighed moving to a different tree. "If you're looking for Apple Bloom, she's at her Clubhouse with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle."

Sam thanked her and ran into the clubhouse, only to find the three confused and scared. "Girls? Ouch!" Sam exclaimed as he banged his head on the door frame. Having his Ultrasuit on increased his height to almost as tall as Celestia, and Celestia would not fit through the door.

They all looked at him and quickly went to see if he was alright. "Sam!" They exclaimed.

“Are you ok,” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” Sam replied as the Suit retracted to his Colour timer, “just banged my head on the door frame.”

"We're so happy that nothing happened to you!" Scootaloo exclaimed as she helped him up.

"So what happened? Where's my big sis?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You didn't see her this morning?" Sam asked.

"No... She just vanished," Apple Bloom replied, “and next thing I knew, Pinkie came and started to work, like she lived here.”

"And Rarity was trying to control the weather when I woke up," Sweetie Belle added.

"She still is..." Sam sighed. "And right now, mum is trying to fix all of this." Just as Sam was about to sit down at the table, the four of them heard Silver Spoon’s voice.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders! Help!" Silver Spoon said, the Scootaloo opened the door, and a scared grey filly came running in, "Diamond Tiara has ran into the Everfree Forest, she wouldn't listen when I told her that we should find some place safe to be!"

Sam looked down for a moment. "Well if you ask me, she'll get what she deserves if she gets hurt!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

“After all the stuff she’s done to Sam,” Apple Bloom added.

“Including you,” Sweetie Belle pointed at Silver Spoon.

“I know, and I want to apologise,” Silver Spoon said, “I’ve realised that what Diamond has done was not fair, and she’s been technically racist. I don’t want to torment Sam anymore. He’s special and special ponies should be treated fairly and with more kindness from anyone.”

“Wow,” Scootaloo remarked, “I didn’t expect to hear you say that.”

“Well I didn’t really do much, Diamond was the one that did everything,” Silver Spoon responded, “I just followed along and last night, I started to think what I was doing was really good.”

“Well you’ve done a good thing in coming to apologise,” Apple Bloom said as she placed a hoof on Silver’s shoulder.

“What do you have to say to that Sam,” Sweetie asked, but Sam wasn’t there anymore.

“Where did he go?” Scootaloo asked, when they all looked at each other with worry.

“You don’t think he…?” Sweetie questioned.

“He wouldn’t! Would he…?” Apple Bloom asked.

“He must have!” Scootaloo added.

“Oh no!” Silver Spoon commented.

He did. Sam had donned his Ultrasuit again and was hurrying to the Everfree forest to get Diamond. But by the time he got to the entrance to the forest, his Colour timer started to flash.

“I better hurry and find her,” he said to himself, “I’m running out of energy. I would fly but that just uses more energy.” So he decided to go after her on foot.

It was dark in the Everfree Forest, but luckily, the Ultrasuit had night vision so Sam could see perfectly. A few minutes later, he saw Diamond jumping, hopping on rock over a swamp.

“Diamond Tiara!” he called out to her. Diamond Tiara turned and saw Sam, but she just scowled and ran on, “Diamond Tiara wait!”

Sam chased Diamond over the swamp, passed Everfree beasts like Manticore and Cragadile, and up a mountain. Diamond finally stopped running at the edge of a cliff, and Sam was still onto her, but his Colour was blinking faster.

“Stay away from there,” Sam called to her.

“Why are you following me?!” Diamond yelled at him.

“Why did you run into the Everfree Forest?!” Sam called back.

“To get away from the weather!” Diamond replied, “and you!”

“Why me?” Sam asked, “I hadn’t done anything to you since I came here.”

“Because you took away Silver Spoon!” snapped Diamond Tiara, “after I broke your hands, and you strangled me, she’s been getting quieter and stops me from harassing the Blank Flanks.”

“And that’s a bad thing because…” Sam said.

“because she was my friend! She told me this morning about how she didn’t want to torment you and the Blank Flanks anymore!” Diamond shouted, “and that it wasn’t fun to bully you.”

“So you came to the Everfree Forest to avoid me!” Sam shouted back, “Diamond, Silver Spoon made the right choice to stop, she’ll be happier, and have more friends, isn’t that what everyone wants. Friends that can help you, make you laugh, have fun with. I don’t know what you’ve been through to lead you to become such a bratty Princess, but I’ll tell you, I know what you’re going through.”

“You… you do?” Diamond asked, it seemed like Sam’s words were getting to her.

“Yes, back where I came from, I was like you now,” Sam said, “I was scared, alone, sad, just wanting to have a friend. I was tormented by bullies, but then I gained friends and they became like my second family. You can have that too.”

“I… Can…?” Diamond asked.

“Yes, you just have to come with me, back to girls, you can apologise, and they’ll welcome you with open arms,” Sam said as he reached out his hand.

Diamond was not sure, Sam was right, she would pretend to act all high and mighty, but behind the scenes, she was constantly talked down to by her mother. And she secretly wanted to be friends with the CMC, she just acted the way she did to impress her mother. She reached out a hoof to Sam, but then, things went from bad the worse.

A stray lightning bolt shot from the sky, and struck the cliff where Diamond was standing on. It started to crumble, Diamond didn’t move in fear, as she fell off the cliff. Sam tried to grab her hoof, but he didn’t grab it in time. Diamond screamed as she fell, Sam could only do what came to mind, he jumped off after her. He managed to get past her, and then spun around to protect her from the ground below.

“What are you doing?!” Diamond screamed, “now we’re both going to die!”

“Nope!” Sam yelled, “I’m willing to sacrifice my life for a friend to live on!”

Those words melted into Diamond’s mind, soul, and heart. As the ground came closer, she embraced Sam and he wrapped his arms around her body. The ground came with an uncomfortable thud. Diamond rounded out of Sam’s embrace. She groaned as she slowly got up and looked at Sam.

Sam was laying in a cross with his arms out and legs together. Diamond Tiara ran to him, worried.

“Sam? Sam wake up!” she said, nudging him gently, “Sam! Come on Sam, you have to get up!”

But Diamond’s affords were useless as Sam's Colour timer stopped flashing, and the suit retracted back into the colour timer. Sam lay there lifelessly, Diamond pressed her ear on his chest, she could hear his heart beat which eased her a bit, but she was still very worried. Diamond could only do one thing. Call out for help.

“HELP!” she yelled out, her voice echoed around the trees, “HELP! HELP!” A few minutes later, Diamond heard a voice from behind her.

“What is this I have found, you must have fallen quite a height to hit the ground with a pound.” Diamond looked up to see a familiar face. A familiar stripey face.

“Zecora!” Diamond Tiara cried as she ran to hug the zebra, Diamond started to cry into Zecora’s chest.

“Well this is something unexpected coming from you, what had gotten you so down and blue?” Zecora rhymed, as she patted Diamond’s head.

Diamond Tiara didn’t say much, “It’s…It’s…It’s Sam,” she stuttered, “h…he saved m… me from the fall from all the way up there.” She pointed all the way up to the cliff she and Sam fell off of.

“My, my that is quite a far fall, it’s amazing how your even able to crawl,” Zecora said as she looked down at Sam, “It would seem that Twilight’s son is in a comatose like state, we should get him to the hospital, there’s no time to wait.”

Zecora walked to Sam and managed to lift him onto her back. She then started to make her way out the Everfree Forest with Diamond Tiara walking much slower than her. Zecora noticed this, she knew about Diamond Tiara from Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and how she would bully and mock them for being talentless. But here she was, worried for someone else rather than herself.

“You seem quiet back there, something must be on your mind,” Zecora spoke up to Diamond Tiara, “I’ve heard that you’re normally very rude, but here you are being caring and kind.”

“Well, It feels like this is my fault,” Diamond replied, “when Sam first got here, I’ve been rude and harsh to him, and in reality, he’s never done anything to me. True he did strangle me, but I now see that I deserved that. I don’t deserve to be around anypony.” Diamond was looking at the ground, so she didn’t see Zecora stop, and she walked into the back of her.

“Tell me this Diamond Tiara, what would've happened if the roles were reversed,” Zecora asked, “would you save him, or experience an outburst?”

“I… I… would have let him fall, and then everyone would never talk to me again,” Diamond replied, “but why did he save me after all that I’ve done to him?”

“Because that’s what sort of a friend that is Sam,” Zecora replied as she started to walk again, “he’ll help friends out even ones like you out of a jam.”

Diamond didn’t say anything, she just followed Zecora out the forest and to the hospital.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville hours later, Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie came running out the library. They seemed panicked.

“Where did she go?!” Rainbow yelled.

“I don’t know!” Applejack replied.

“Did we…” Fluttershy gasped, “did we… vaporised her?”

“Don’t be silly,” Rarity retorted.

“Sis?!” called a voice, the girls turned to see Apple Bloom running up to them with her friends.

“What’s wrong Sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Have you seen Sam?” Sweetie questioned.

“I saw him this morning,” Pinkie replied.

“That doesn’t help Pinkie,” Rainbow said.

“Where did you last see him?” Applejack asked.

But before Apple Bloom could reply, In the night sky over Ponyville, a variation of Twilight's cutie mark appears and floats down to the ground. Twilight's friends watch as the light fades away, they could see a silhouette of a pony.

“Twilight, is that you?” Applejack asked as the light faded. As Twilight got up, she then extended her new wings, leaving the other ponies in shock. “I… I’ve never seen anything like it.”

““Twilight’s got wings!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed excitedly, “Awesome! A new flying buddy!”

“Why, you've become an Alicorn,” Rarity said as she looked at Twilight’s wings, “I didn't even know that was possible.”

“Alicorn Party!” screamed Pinkie.

“Wow,” Fluttershy started. “You look just like a princess.”

“That’s because she is a princess,” Celestia said, flying down.

“Huh?!” Everypony said in unison.

“Hold on a second!” Pinkie said as she pulled out a glass of water and pretty much did a spit take.

“A… A Princess?” Twilight let out.

Celestia placed a hoof on Twilight. “Since you’ve come to Ponyville, you have displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course the leadership of a true princess.”

“But… does this mean I won’t be your student anymore?” Twilight asked.

“Not in the same way as before.” Celestia answered. “I’ll still be here to help and guide you, but we’re all your students now too.” She bowed her head “You are an inspiration to us all Twilight,” everypony else and Spike bowed as well… however Twilight noticed the concern looks on the CMC’s faces.

“Hang on a second,” Twilight said looking around, “where’s Sam?” she asked looking at the three crusaders. “he told me he was going to find you. Where is he?”

“We don’t know,” Scootaloo said, “he was with us, the Silver Spoon showed up and then he was gone.”

“Probably scared of her or something,” Rainbow suggested.

“He didn’t seem scared when she showed up,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“I know what happened to him,” Zecora’s voice came into earshot as everyone looked to see her coming up to them, “but the chances of you being relieved are very slim.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, tears could be seen starting to form in her eyes, “Zecora, where is my son?”

Twilight ran toward the direction of the hospital as quickly as she could with everypony, including Princess Celestia, following me.

‘Please… Please be alright! You promised me you would be!’ she thought to herself as tears were practically streaming down her face. Twilight soon ran into the hospital. “Where is he!?” was the first thing she yelled out, “Where’s my son!?”

“He’s alright Twilight,” Nurse Redheart spoke to her, “unconscious, but alright.”

“What happened to him?” Twilight asked in a panicked and sad tone.

“From what Zecora has said, he fell of a cliffside trying to save a young fillies life,” Nurse Redheart replied calmly to try and calm Twilight down, “he was wearing his Ultrasuit, so he was mostly fine.”

“Mostly?” Twilight asked again, “what do you mean mostly?”

“His Colour Timer stopped blinking,” Nurse Redheart replied, “his heart’s still beating, but he’s in a coma-like state.”

“Where is he?” Twilight asked, she was on the verge of tears again.

“He’s on the second floor, room 123,” Nurse Redheart said, “but he already has a visitor.”

“Who?” Twilight questioned.

“The filly he saved, Diamond Tiara,” Nurse Redheart said.

Twilight thanked her and went to find room 123. She found it and went inside to see her son lying unconsciously, with a blank Colour Timer, next to him she said Diamond Tiara, she had a hoof over Sam’s hand, and tears were falling down her face.

Diamond slowly looked up to see Twilight, she felt nervous to say anything. Twilight could see how scared she looked, She slowly made her way over to her and sat next to her. She then draped a wing over Diamond in a comforting way.

Diamond Tiara tilted her head to look at Twilight’s wing, and then to Twilight. “Since when did you have wings?” she asked.

“About 10 minutes ago,” Twilight answered with a little chuckle, “I’m a princess now.” Saying this made Diamond Tiara become totally shocked.

“A… princess…?” She let out, “You’re a princess now?!”

Twilight just nodded again… more focused on Sam.

All Diamond could do was turn back to Sam and sniff. “Thank you for being here…” Twilight quietly said to her.

“It’s all my fault,” Diamond Tiara, sniffed, “if I had just listened to Silver Spoon, he wouldn’t be here.”

Celestia slowly walked into the room looking down at Sam. “Nurse, may I ask you to step out of the room for a moment?” Celestia asked.

“Yes your highness,” Redheart said before leaving the room.

Celestia moved closer to Sam’s bed, looking down upon him. She sat on the other side of the bed and gently started to stroke Sam’s hair.

“I believe Sam needs to stay here and rest, Twilight,” Celestia spoke calmly, “he can’t be healed by a spell.”

“No, I must take him home and…” Twilight tried to speak but was cut off by Celestia.

“In normal cases yes, but you got to remember, Sam died and bonded to Ultraman,” Celestia replied sternly but calmly, “The Colour Timer will probably get affected by your magic and possibly put Sam into a deeper coma.”

“But…” Twilight tried to argue but Celestia’s point was true. Twilight could have tried to heal Sam but that would only put him into a deeper coma. She sighed as she looked at Sam’s peaceful face, sleeping away. Tears started to stream down her face again as she hugged Sam. She hated seeing her child hurt, and there was nothing she could do to help. Celestia and Twilight were just about to leave, but Diamond didn’t get up.

“Diamond come on, we need to leave so Sam can start to heal,” Twilight called out.

“I’ll go in a minute,” Diamond Tiara replied, “I just want to say a few things to him.”

“Of course,” Celestia said, “take all the time you need.” Twilight and Celestia left Diamond with Sam.

“Sam…” Diamond began, “I… I just want to say… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you run away, I’m sorry for bullying you on your first day, I’m sorry for everything. You didn’t deserve to save me, I should have died. I know you can’t hear me but when you’re better, I would like to be your friend. Actually, I want to be more than your friend. You see… I actually have a crush on you. I just didn’t know how to show my feelings. When you wake up, I want to know your past because everypony has been saying how awful it was. I’m just really, really sorry Sam and please forgive me.”

Diamond Tiara then gave a little kiss on Sam’s cheek, before leaving the room. Within Sam, his soul was smiling that Diamond Tiara had finally apologised to him.

Author's Note:

hi guys, hoped you like this chapter

this was originally going to be chapter 13, but I could think of anything that could happening before this after Sam had when to the Crystal Empire.

Next chapter, we'll see Sam meet someone in his mind.

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