• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 4: First day at school (Edited)

Sam woke up the next morning, happy but nervous at the same time. Luckily that night, he didn’t have a nightmare with Camillia sleeping next to him to keep him safe. But even so, he barely spoke that morning, only speaking when spoken to. Twilight understood this.

“You ok honey?” she asked as she walked Sam to the schoolhouse.

“I’m a little nervous,” he replied.

“Don’t worry honey,” Twilight assured him, “like I said yesterday, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle go there so they can help you fit in.”

“I know, but what if the other students don’t like me?” Sam asked.

“Now don’t think like that,” Twilight replied, “sure there’s a couple that like to make a few jokes, but they all mean well. Well most of them.”

“Do you mean…?” Sam asked again.

“Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon,” Twilight replied, “The CMC talk about them all the time.”

Soon the schoolhouse came into view, with Cheerilee starting out greeting the foals and fillies. She turned to see Twilight walking up.

“Good morning Twilight,” Cheerilee spoke happily.

“Good morning Cheerilee,” Twilight greeted. Cheerilee then looked down at Sam.

“Good morning Sam,” she said with a smile, “Are you feeling better?”

“Morning Miss Cheerilee,” Sam replied, “Yes I am, thank you for asking.”

Sam smiled at her, then hugged Twilight. She nuzzled his head, and Sam walked into the schoolhouse. “Have a good day sweetie,” Twilight called out.

Sam waved back at her. Once he got inside, Sam saw the foals and fillies talking amongst themselves. He could see Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo talking to each other. Cheerilee walked around him and stood at her desk. “Good morning Class,” Cheerilee called out.

“Good morning Miss Cheerilee,” the students replied.

“Before we get started with the day, I like you all to meet a new student that will be joining us,” Cheerilee said as she motioned Sam to come forward.

Sam slowly walked to the front of the class with a brave expression on his face. Even though he was dreadfully nervous. Sam waved at everyone; the students could help but find Sam interesting.

“I know Sam seems a bit… different, but he’s just like all of you,” Cheerilee assured them, “a boy that wants to learn. Now Sam, you can go take a seat.”

Sam nodded as he made his way to an empty seat. As he made his way to the back, some of the students stared at him, and when he wasn’t expecting it, a student stuck a leg out and tripped Sam up. He fell to the ground with a thud. The students gasped as Sweetie Belle went to help him.

“Ouch,” Sam remarked as he struggled to get up.

“Oh my,” Cheerilee said, “Are you ok Sam?”

“A little,” Sam replied, Sam looked at the one that tripped him up, and wasn’t surprised to see it was Diamond Tiara.

Diamond gave innocent looks as if it was an accident. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo just stared at her with angry looks.

Sweetie Belle helped Sam to a seat, and comforted him as he sat down. Sweetie stared at the Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon as she went back to her seat. Cheerilee then became the lesson.

“Who does he think he is, he just shows up out of nowhere, and tries to steal my spotlight away,” Diamond whispered to her friend.

“He’s a fool to think that he has a chance,” Silver chuckled.

“I’ll show him who rules the school,” the pink filly said, “and it’s me.”

Breaktime soon came around. Sam was sitting on a bench, looking at his Colour timer, when he heard a voice call him. He looked up to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon coming towards him.

“Hey, twerp!” she called out to him, Sam didn’t reply, “are you deaf? I’m talking to you.”

Sam still didn’t respond, he just ignored her. Annoyed with being ignored, Diamond picked up a rock and threw it at Sam.

“Ouch,” Sam responded, rubbing his head where the rock had hit him.

“Now that I have your attention,” Diamond Tiara said, “Do you think, you can just walk in here, and steal my spotlight?”

“What spotlight?” Sam spoke back, “now one here likes you.”

“Quiet, Shrimp!” Silver Spoon said as she smacked him.

“Well let me tell you this,” Diamond said before stepping on his foot, “I run this school, and I don't like anypony that is new to try, and show me up, understand?"

“But I…” Sam tried to speak up.

“"Be quiet!" She stomped a hoof down on Sam’s other foot making him wince in pain, "Now, if you just stay out of my way there won't be a problem. You can do whatever you want outside School," She looked at him with a mean smirk, “but within school, I can do what I want with you. Understand?”

“Yes,” Sam squeaked, “can you get off my feet now?”

Diamond got off his feet, but then Silver Spoon kicked the back of his legs, causing him to fall forward, and then with his hands on the ground, Diamond slammed her front hooves on his hands. Sam screamed in pain, now he knows how Tom from Tom and Jerry must have felt half the time.

“Oh, one more thing twerp,” she said, getting in his face, speaking in a whiny mocking tone, “you really think that Ms. Cheerilee, those Blank Flanks, and everypony else really cares for you, and loves you? No they don’t.”

“Your… Lying,” Sam winced he could feel his hands.

“Oh please, why would they?” Diamond said, “you aren't even a pony. You’re just a dumb, hairless, ape."

She finally got off Sam’s hands and walked away smiling to herself. Sam tried moving his hands, but he could barely lift a finger. He heard voices coming towards him, he looked up to see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo running to him.

“Sam!” Sweetie called out to him as she helped pick him up.

“Are you ok bud?” Scootaloo asked.

“I can’t move my hands,” Sam cried softly, tears began to form.

“Come on, let’s get you to Miss Cheerilee,” Apple Bloom said.

The CMC told Sam to Miss Cheerilee, who was getting the next lesson ready.

“Miss Cheerilee!” called out Sweetie Belle, “we need medical help!”

“Girls? What happened?” Cheerilee asked as she turned around.

“Diamond Tiara…” Sam tried to speak by flashback to his old school, showing what happened the last time he told his old bullies off on.

“Diamond Tiara did what?” Cheerilee asked, sounding worried, “What did she do?”

“Go on Sam, you can tell her,” Apple Bloom said. But Sam couldn’t, he feared that Diamond and Silver would do the same as his old bullies.

“Sam I can’t help you if you don’t tell me,” Cheerilee told Sam in a motherly tone.

“Excuse me, Miss Cheerilee,” said a voice from the door, everyone turned to see a little unicorn filly with a yellow mane and tail, and pinkish grey fur coat, “I know what happened to Sam.

“Dinky?” Scootaloo said.

“I saw Diamond Tiara stomp her hooves on to his hands, after Silver Spoon kicked his legs making them collapse and him falling to the ground,” Dinky said as she walked over to Sam. Sam looked at her, as she rubbed his back and kissed his hands.

“Is that true Sam?” Cheerilee asked, Sam just nodded, “Well she’s going to have a stern talking to after school. But for now, let me help you with your hands.”

Cheerilee got out her medical bag, and covered Sam’s hands in a special healing cream then wrapped them in bandages.

“Try not to move your fingers so much,” Cheerilee told him.

“Ok, thank you,” Sam said while hugging Cheerilee’s neck.

“You’re very welcome,” Cheerilee replied, “Sam if Diamond Tiara does anything else to you, please tell me.”

“I will,” Sam replied, as Cheerilee called the fillies and colts back in for the next lesson.

When the next lesson started, Sam learnt a bit about Pony history and found it was pretty similar to human history back on earth. Well, save for the evil magical ponies and other mythical creatures. Next, they did a little art, and Sam put his art skills to the test. When Cheerilee came over to see how he was doing, she was amazed to see Sam’s drawings. He did five drawings of monsters based on a crocodile, a monkey, a rat, a mammoth, and an armadillo mixed with a pangolin.

Lunchtime soon came around. Sam was sitting on the same bench, looking at his hands. He looked up to see Scootaloo coming towards him.

“Hey Sam,” she said, “are you ok, how are your hands?”

“Hey Scootaloo,” he said while rubbing his arm, “yeah, they still sting both Cheerilee said I can take them off once I get home? But I didn’t do anything to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon,” Sam said, “Why are they picking on me?”

“They pick on the new students because they think that they’re stealing their spotlight,” Scootaloo responded, “It’s not just the new kids they bully, they also bully those that they think are lower than them. Ones with no cutie marks like us, or those that are sort of special.”

“Special? In what way?” Sam asked.

“You see Lily Longsocks over there?” Scootaloo said, pointing to a little pink earth filly with a two-toned magenta mane and tail, blue eyes, and a hedgehog for a cutie mark. She was standing near a broken tree branch with some other students who were trying to move it from the playground.

“She seems normal,” Sam remarked, but he quickly ate his words once a colt called her over to help and she lifted the heavy branch with ease and moved it completely off the playground.

“As I said, special,” Scootaloo responded.

“Wow is all I can say,” Sam said.

“Anyway, I came over to see how you’re doing after this morning,” Scootaloo said.

“Thanks for your concern, Scootaloo,” Sam told her, “but I’m ok.”

“Do you want to come and play with us?” Scootaloo asked, “we can keep you safe from Diamond Tiara.”

“Thanks, but I think I'll stay here and watch,” Sam told her.

“Well if you’re sure,” Scootaloo said as she patted his shoulder and went to go and play with her friends. Sam just sighed as he lay back and ate his lunch and waited for the day to continue.

Once the day was over, Twilight came to pick Sam from the school. As the school fillies and colt came running out, came out with the CMC, his hands still in the bandages.

“Hey Twilight,” he called out to her.

“Hey Sam,” Twilight called back as she hugged him, “did you enjoy your first day of school?”

“Well… almost,” Sam said as he showed her his hands.

“Sweet Celestia!” Twilight exclaimed, “what happened?”

As she said that, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked out the schoolhouse and stared daggers and Sam. “This isn’t over,” she whispered loud enough for Sam to hear.

“Twilight,” Cheerilee called out from the doorway, “Can I have a word with you. It’s about Sam day today!”

“Ok,” Twilight said, “Sam, can you wait here for me?”

Sam nodded as she went to talk with Cheerilee. As Twilight spoke with Cheerilee, Diamond Tiara’s words echoed around his head. Twilight came back out and gave Sam a big hug.

“Cheerilee told me everything,” Twilight said, “come on let’s go home, I bet you’re hungry.”

“I am actually,” Sam replied as both Twilight and Sam started to make their way back to the library. As they did, Sam wanted to ask Twilight what Diamond said.

“Twilight?” Sam asked, “do you and the others really love me, even though I’m not a pony?”

Twilight was taken aback by the question, “Of course we all still love you. I don’t care if you’re not a pony, I think you are one of the cutest creatures to ever come into Equestria. What in Equestria makes you think that?”

“It was something Diamond Tiara said,” Sam replied, saddened, “she said that you and the rest don’t really care and love me because I’m not a pony. I’m a dumb, hairless ape.”

Twilight stopped walking when Sam finished. “Sam, listen to me, you’re not a dumb, hairless ape,” she said as she looked into Sam’s eyes with her hooves on his shoulders, “you’re a human being, and… I was going to tell you this later, but… I’ve been talking to the girls today and we’ve considered making you my son.”

“R…R…Really?” Sam stuttered, tears in each of his eyes, “you really want me as your son?”

“Yes, Sam,” Twilight replied with tears of her own starting to build up, “I would like you to be my son. I don’t want you to feel like you have no mother so I was hoping that I would be your new mother. And don’t worry, I don’t want to replace your old mother, but she’ll still be your old mother within your heart.”

Sam couldn’t hold it anymore, he burst into tears as he hugged Twilight, crying into her neck fur. “Yes! I would love you to be my new mother,” he cried happily.

“And I would love you to be my very own children,” Twilight started to happily cry too, “I love you my baby.”

“I love you too mum,” Sam replied sobbing. The sight was adorable to anypony walking by. Twilight stopped crying as she pulled away from Sam, kissed his forehead, and whipped away his tears.

“Come on sweetie,” she said sniffling, “Let’s go home for some dinner. We can sort out the adoption papers with the mayor tomorrow.”

“Ok, mum,” Sam replied, as he held Twilight’s tail in his hand, and they made their way back home.

That night, it had started to rain as a hooded mare gallops into an empty marketplace and enters a darkened curio shop. She begins to rummage around the shop until a small candle is lit.

“May I help you, traveller?” said the Shopkeeper as he examined the cloaked mare, “Hmm, something drew you to my shop... something powerful.”

The cloaked mare points to an amulet inlaid with a crimson gem kept under glass on the shelf behind him.

“Ah, you have a keen eye,” the Shopkeeper responded, “the Alicorn Amulet is one of the most mysterious and powerful of all the known magical charms.”

The cloaked mare indicates that this is what she's looking for.

“Uh, ah— I'm afraid this is... far too dangerous,” the shopkeeper warned her, “they say that the magic in it corrupts the user, turning them into monsters. On the inside and outside.”

The cloaked mare then threw a large bag of bits on the counter. “Would you like that gift-wrapped?” the Shopkeeper quickly said, changing his mind once seeing all the bits.

The mare walks slowly to the amulet and an evil smile is reflected onto the glass dome.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, I hoped you like this chapter

and the little cliff-hanger at the end. I bet you can guess what the next chapter would be

also, those drawings were done by myself. those are my drawings

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