• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,364 Views, 450 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 37: Framed Beyond Trust Part 1 (Edited)

Once Sam and co had arrived back in Ponyville, everyone greeted them with smiles to Sam all fine. Elena ran up and hugged him as she missed him so much, despite the fact he was gone for a couple of hours. Sam told everyone where Ace was and introduced Elena and Chris properly to the team and his family and friends. Later he dropped off the crystal and the lab in Canterlot to see if the scientist could find out what it was.

The rest of the week was pretty eventful from the ponies. Rainbow Dash used unorthodox methods to prepare for the Wonderbolts Reserves entrance exam, their friendships were tested when they took a trip to the Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange and things went wrong and Rarity lost her creative mojo, and Spike tries to help her make her go insane with creative power. The Equestria games were also on the way, and Twilight and everyone wanted to go see them. Well, all except Sam.

He wasn’t a fan of sport, and his hearing was pretty sensitive, so he didn’t like all the shouting and cheering. So he decided to stay behind and look after the town. He stood at the Train station to see his family off.

“Are you sure you’ll be ok on your own?” Twilight asked.

“Of course I will,” Sam replied.

“Alright, We’ll be back tomorrow morning,” Twilight told him as she gave him a hug, “alright ponies, let’s board the train.”

The ponies boarded the train and waved goodbye to Sam as he stood at the platform. Once the train was out of sight and he couldn’t hear Pinkie yelling at him, he turned around and walked back to town. He promised he was going to spend the day with Elena, He found her waiting outside Sugarcube Corner for him.

“Hey Elena!” Sam called out. Elena’s ears perked up as she turned to see him running towards her.

“Sam!” she exclaimed excitedly, she ran towards him and gave Sam a big hug, “I thought you forgot and went with them.”

“Why would I, you know very well, I don’t like loud noises,” Sam said, “in fact neither should you. With you being a fox and all.”

“Yeah, my hearing is too sensitive for all that noise,” Elena answered.

The two then sat down at a table and enjoyed a milkshake and their own muffins, made by Mr and Mrs Cake. After they ate, they decided to walk around the town then they played in the Ponyville lake for the rest of the day. Sam and Elena really enjoyed their time together, but soon it started to get dark, and they decided to grab a bite to eat and head back to the Golden Oak Library.

“So where are you living again?” Sam asked her.

“I’m living with Fluttershy and her animals,” Elena replied, “but it’s rather far to walk and it’s all really dark.”

“Aren’t foxes nocturnal?” Sam questioned.

“I’m also half human,” Elena answered in a deadpanned tone.

“Well, why not stay with me tonight,” Sam suggested.

“Really? Twilight and Sunset won’t be mad when they see me with you?” Elena asked sweetly.

“You’re too cute to be mad at,” Sam replied, rubbing her ears. Elena leaned into the touch, she may be half human but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t affected by pets and the like.

The two entered the library and were greeted by Owlowiscious, Camillia and Sunset’s own pet, Ray the gecko. “Hey guys,” Sam greeted them, Owlowiscious flew over and perched on Sam’s shoulder and nuzzled him, “you don’t mind if Elena stays over tonight right?”

“Who?” Owlowiscious responded.

“Don’t pull that trick on me you wise old bird,” Sam remarked, making Owlowiscious giggle a bit before nodding that she could stay, “Thanks Owlowiscious. He says you can stay tonight.”

Elena heard him, but she was too busy getting nuzzled by the two lizards on her shoulders. “They’re so cute!” she squealed.

“Ok you two you can stop now,” Sam said holding out his hand, Camillia and Ray climbed onto his hand, and he gently placed them in their enclosure. Ray and Camillia then nuzzled each other.

“Aww, they look like us,” Elena commented, this made Sam blush.

“You… you think so…?” he stuttered.

“Yeah, they look really cute together,” Elena replied.

“Hey you hungry, because I’m feeling hungry, I’m gonna see what we have,” Sam said before dashing to the kitchen only to get stopped by Owlowiscious holding a sheet of paper with the house rules written on it. Circled in red was rule number 6, ‘no snacking at once after dinner.’ “Oh come on Owlowiscious,” Sam complained, the owl just stared at Sam, “Ok no snacking.”

“What time is it anyway?” Elena asked.

Sam looked at the clock, “It’s about 8:00 PM,” he replied, “which is the time that I have to go to bed.”

“Do you have too?” Elena questioned.

“When Ponies aren’t here, the owl is in charge,” he motioned Owlowiscious.

Soon Sam and Elena were upstairs getting ready for bed, Sam was just washing his face, while Elena was in his bed already. When Sam came back and saw that Elena was snuggled in his bed, he could help but smile. He walked over and climbed into the bed, as Elena half asleep snuggled closer to him. Owlowiscious fluttered off his perch and turned off the light and closed the door as Sam and Elena drifted off to sleep.

As the time struck midnight, Canterlot was as quiet as possible. Everyone was sleeping silently in their beds. Celestia and Luna had to return to Canterlot earlier than most of the ponies as they had important princess duties to attend to in the morning. But as Celestia was sound asleep and Luna was in the realm of dreams, no one was prepared for what happened that night.

At the Canterlot Laboratory, the scientists have discovered that the orange crystal was called a Devil Splinter, and whoever absorbs it, goes berserk and insane with evil and power. The only pony left at the lab was the security pony who was in the office napping. The Devil Splinter was kept in the vault in the basement near the generators. Outside, a figure stood in front of the building, and deployed his… Specium Blades.

‘Ultraman’ charged up a Specium Beam and blasted the door down, the explosion sounded the alarm and woke the security pony jumped and looked around in confusion.

“Wha…? What’s going on?” he exclaimed as he looked at the cameras. The one pointing at the front down only saw smoke, but then two glowing red eyes shone through the smoke and walked down the hall. ‘Ultraman’ was making his way down the hall and to the vault.

The security pony watched as ‘Ultraman’ stopped walking and fired his Specium Beam into the ground, creating a hole to the basement. ‘Ultraman’ jumped into the hole and landed next to the generators before using his Specium Blades to destroy both normal and back-up generators. The security pony panicked as he jumped off his chair, lit his horn and teleported to check on the vault.

‘Ultraman’ was about to open the vault, when the security pony teleported in front of him and blocked his way. “Hold it right there!” he exclaimed pointing his horn at the ‘Ultra’, “get down and hooves where I can see them!” Due to their being barely any light, apart from the magical aura around the security pony’s horn, he could see very well who the figure in front of him was.

‘Ultraman’ bent down and stared right in the face with his glowing eyes, then muttered sinisterly, “No witnesses,” before grabbing the pony by the horn, blocking him for using his magic and destroying his horn before throwing him near the two fires that were once the generators.

‘Ultraman’ sliced open the vault with his Specium Slashes and saw the Devil Splinter right in front of him. He grabbed it and calmly walked out the vault. He was about to go back up the hole, when he felt his leg get grabbed by the security pony.

“No… I won’t… let you… go,” he struggled to say, but ‘Ultraman’ pulled his leg out and smashed it hard down on the pony’s head. ‘Ultraman’ looked up and flew up the hole, before walking back out the wrecked doorway. Just as he was about to fly away, he turned back to the lab, and fired his Specium Beam at the building, causing an explosion that triggered the laboratory to come crumbling to the ground.

The explosion awoke Celestia from her sleep, she got up and dashed to her balcony. She took flight and saw the destroyed building, she gasped in horror as other ponies came out to see what was going on.

“What happened in Equestria?!” she exclaimed, she then spotted something fly away from the wreckage, it was hard to see in the night, but she made out a humanoid shape and how it flew was too similar to how someone else flies. Only one pony, or rather person came to her mind, “Sam?

The next morning, at around 10 AM, Sam and Elena were still in bed. They had snuggled closer to each other, and it was an adorable sight. Unfortunately, their relaxing sleep was rudely disturbed by Twilight bursting into the room.

“SAM!” She shouted, this scared Elena so much, she wrapped her arms around him.

“Aw that’s really cute,” Sunset remarked.

“And good morning to you too,” Sam commented, annoyed.

“What were you up to last night?” Twilight asked.

“I was asleep with Elena all night,” Sam replied.

“Are you sure?” Twilight questioned, “you didn’t take a midnight flight to Canterlot or some place?”

“Why would I do that?” Sam quizzed, “Ask Owlowiscious, he’s been keeping an eye on me all night.”

Twilight turned to her pet who nodded in response. “See Twilight, I told you Sam wasn’t the one who did it,” Sunset told her.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions,” Twilight agreed.

“What do you mean, ‘did it’?” Sam asked.

“Apparently, you attacked the Canterlot Laboratory last night,” Gwen answered as she walked into the room and handed Sam a letter, “well that’s what Celestia said in this letter.”

Sam was puzzled, he looked down at the letter and read it:

Dear my faithful student Twilight,

I have terrible news about what occurred last night. The Canterlot Laboratory was attacked and destroyed, the Devil Splinter stolen and the security ponies in incredible pain. From the wreckage of the building, I thought I saw Ultraman fly away. It was hard to see from the fire and smoke, but the structure of the figure looked like Ultraman. I suggest you keep a close eye on Sam in case this is him, I don’t want to believe a kind soul like Sam would do such a thing, but they’re too many hooves pointing in his direction.

You’re sincerely, Princess Celestia.

“But it wasn’t me!” Sam declared, “I was here sleeping all night.”

“In any case, I think it would be best if Gwen stuck close to you,” Twilight said.

“Don’t I normally?” Gwen retorted.

Suddenly the ground started to shake as something burst out of the ground, it seemed to be the tip of a tail. It wiggled around before going back under the ground as a giant monster replaced it. The monster looked like a giant earth worm, it was the Subterranean Monster Telesdon.

Telesdon roared out loud as it stomped around Ponyville seemingly looking for something. Sam quickly jumped out the window and transformed into Ultraman, ready to fight. Telesdon turned around and saw Ultraman land behind him. Ultraman ran forward and started to wrestle with the monster, But Telesdon seemed a little stronger than most monsters, as it just simply threw Ultraman away. Ultraman stood back up just in time for Telesdon to headbutt him in the back and send him flying to the ground again. Ultraman got back to his feet only to turn around and see Telesdon launch itself and try to break Ultraman in the face with his sharp beak. Ultraman held its head back as hard as he could, but he then held something from behind him.

He looked over his shoulder and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon hugged each other in fear of the monster. “Oh for the love of…” Ultraman muttered, “Run you two! Run!”

But Diamond and Silver couldn't, they were too scared. Luckily, Devon came running up and protected them. Just as Telesdon got off of Ultraman and started to charge up its Lava Heat Ray. Ultraman stood up and protected Devon, Diamond and Silver from the blast and getting seriously burnt on his back.

Ultraman stumbled on his feet to turn around and face Telesdon, He ran forward and jumped onto Telesdon’s back then started to beat it on the head, before getting Telesdon into a headlock. Telesdon tried to get free from Ultraman’s grip as the Ultra wrestled with its head. Telesdon managed to get free and fell to the ground, it started to claw at the ground and burrow away. Ultraman stood and stared at the hole that Telesdon dug, he was a little confused and concerned, why Telesdon appeared.

Later that day, Sam, Gwen, and the others were trying to think of what had happened last night at Canterlot. Chris being the smart wise kid of the team was calculating results for witnesses of the incident.

“Right Celestia has said that she saw Sam flying away from the scene, but she also said that she couldn’t see very well because it was dark,” Chris said as he wrote notes on a chalkboard that he seemed to pull out of nowhere. “Now here’s the reasons why it couldn’t be any of us. I’m too big and bulky in my Ultrasuit so it can’t be me. It can’t be Devon because the Zero Suit is mostly blue. It’s not Ace as he’s still with his mother. It’s not Gwen as she’s the only female member of our team. So that would leave just Sam and Nick.”

“Have you got any proof that it can’t be us?” Nick asked.

“Well, Nick you’re a little slimmer than Sam and that reflects on your suits,” Chris replied, “from what Celestia said, he had the same body structure as Sam, so that rules you out.”

“But it couldn’t be me,” Sam told them, “I was asleep back at the library.”

“Ah and here’s the reason that it’s not you,” Chris said, “it was in the position of how this being flew. When us Ultras fly, our arms and legs are completely straight, legs together, and arms reaching for the sky. But this being seemed to fly in a sort of Y shape, with its arms more out to the side.”

“How do you know all of this?” Gwen asked.

“I visited Canterlot earlier today, while you’ll all headed back home,” Chris replied, “When I heard what happened, I started to ask around and get the information for the townsfolk.”

“I just still don’t get it,” Sam thought out loud, “who or what would do this?”

“Well whoever they were, they had a goal on their mind,” Nick said, “and that was to get that Devil Splinter and frame you.”

“But who would do this?” Sam questioned.

“I’ve heard for Twilight about the time Canterlot was attacked by shape-shifting creatures, Changelings I think they’re called?” Gwen responded.

“How do you know that, Twilight’s never told you that,” Sam remarked.

“I’m a female clone of you with your memories,” Gwen replied deadpanned.

“Oh right,” Sam stated, “we’ve treated you like your own self that I forget sometimes that in reality you're still just a female version of me.”

“Anyway, could it be a Changeling?” Devon asked.

“I doubt it,” Chris replied, “my guess is that they don’t know about us.”

“Yet, don’t know about us yet,” Nick declared, “they’ll find out about us someday and try to use that against us.”

“But I doubt they can perform our Specium Attacks,” Chris said, “let’s not focus on them and try to think of what to do about this imposter.”

“What do you think we should do Sam?” Devon asked.

“Wait, you're asking me?” Sam questioned.

“You are our leader,” Nick said, “So what do we do?”

“Hmm. I say we stay on high alert,” Sam told them, “Be on guard if something like that happens again.”

“Right,” they all replied.

But none of them were ready for what was about to happen that night.

Night-time soon came, and everyone was asleep in their homes. The night was peaceful and still, the moon high in the sky and shining down on the little town. Down at Sweet Apple Acres, the Apple Family were all sleeping soundly. Granny Smith had fallen asleep in her rocking chair, Apple Bloom was snuggled in her bed, and Applejack was sound asleep. Big Mac, however, was out in the fields patrolling the Acres. He was making sure that no vampire fruit bats were draining the apples. He trotted across the grass examining each tree as he passed them, he was getting tired, and his eyes were getting heavy.

Presently, he heard the sounds of bats screeching, but he also heard the sounds of other panicking animals. He then saw from the light of his head torch, said animals flying and running passed him.

“What is going on?” he questioned.

He was confused as to why they were fleeing and where they were fleeing from, but what he heard, and saw was nothing compared to what he smelt. He took two big sniffs of the air.

“That smells like…” he eyes widened when he realised what he could smell. He muttered, “Smoke,” before turning to see a glowing orange light coming from a selection of the Acres. He screamed and ran back to the barn and rang a cowbell to wake up everyone.

“What in Tarnation is Big Mac doin’?” Applejack queried as she groggily got up, before looking out her window to see the glow off in the distance, “What the Hay?! Big Mac what’s goin’ on?!”

“The orchard is on fire!” he shouted back.

“WHAT?!” Applejack exclaimed as she ran downstairs to meet with him out the front. Granny Smith and Apple Bloom also came out of the house.

“What’s happenin’?” Apple Bloom asked.

“The darn orchard is on Fire!” Applejack cried.

“What are we gonna do?!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“We need to put it out,” Granny Smith responded wisely, “Apple Bloom you run into town and try to get some more help. Applejack, you, and Big Mac help me contain it until real help comes.”

“Right!” they all replied as Apple Bloom ran off to Ponyville to get some help.

For an hour, Applejack, Granny Smith, and Big Mac were running back and forth with buckets of water to try and control the fire, making sure that the fire didn't spread any further. They even resorted to using water balloons and water guns to hold it back. But as Applejack was trying to contain where the fire started, she began to see something that shook her to her core.

Not only were the trees burnt, some had been sliced and lay on the ground, and helped spread to fire more due to also being on fire. She kept on running through the fiery tree, until she took a wrong turn and was blocked by a wall of flaming trees. She was about to run back the way she came from, but she held a thump behind her, she turned and saw that trees had been cut down and were blocking her way out. She tried to spray water on the fire with her water balloons and water gun, but she soon ran out and did little damage to the fire.

“HELP! ANYONE! HELP!” she cried, but no one could hear her. Well except one. The smoke was starting to get to her, she coughed and sputtered as she could barely stand.

As her vision started to fade, she looked up and saw a figure floating above, looking down at her. Applejack couldn’t make it out who this was, but they seemed to have a striking resemblance to Ultraman. The Figure looked down on her, seemingly smiling at their handy work, before flying off.

“Sam…?” Was all Applejack could say before she passed out from smoke inhalation.

As dawn began to break, the fire was finally out. Most of Ponyville were there, having helped throughout the night to put out the fire. Unicorn’s had used their magic to carry orbs filled with water from the lake until it was half empty, Pegasi had to lift up the water tower and pour it onto a real bad patch of fire.

Once they had finished, a large portion of Sweet Apple Acres looked like a warzone. Trees were either burnt to a husk, laying on the ground, or both. Apples splattered everywhere, and the grass around the whole area was just a large black patch.

Applejack was found unconscious laying in a ring of falling trees and was taken to the hospital for treatment, she was unharmed but sadly, her hat had been burnt by the fire. Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith looked over the carnage that had befell on them.

“This…This is just awful!” Apple Bloom remarked, sobbing into her hooves.

“In all my life working on this farm, I have never seen anything like this before,” Granny Smith stated mournfully.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac chimed in grief.

From a good distance away from the three, Twilight, Sunset, and the rest of them stood. They two were saddened by this.

“Man what a mess,” Rainbow remarked.

“I hope they’ll be ok,” Fluttershy commented.

“The fire had only affected about a third of the orchard,” Twilight told them, “so they still have two thirds left.”

“But will that be enough to keep them in business?” Rarity asked.

“Let’s hope,” Sunset replied, “for their sake, they need it.”

“Does anyone know the condition of Applejack?” Pinkie asked.

“We Found her surrounded by fallen trees, out cold from inhaling too much smoke,” Twilight replied, “we managed to make her conscious again before Ratchet and First Aid came and took her to the Hospital. Though what she muttered when she regained consciousness was a little unsettling.”

“What did she say?” Fluttershy questions.

“She said it was Sam who set the trees ablaze and sliced them down,” Twilight replied, looking at Sam who was resting and catching his breath.

“You don’t think it was Sam, right?” Rarity questioned.

“I don’t want to believe it,” Twilight replied, “But there’s evidence that it could be him.”

“How so?” Rainbow inquired.

“Well for starters, he wasn’t home last night,” Twilight replied, “Gwen said he went for a walk.”

“Anything else?” Pinkie questioned.

“When he came back he was covered in soot,” Twilight answered.

“It does seem like it could be him,” Sunset thought out loud, “But I doubt Sam would do something like this. Like how I don’t believe he was the one who destroyed the lab.”

“Sam would never do anything like this,” Fluttershy said.

“I don’t know,” Rainbow responded, “he has the power to do something like this.”

“I can hear the townsfolk start making speculation about who did this,” Rarity stated, “and most of them are thinking it’s Sam.”

“Whoever this was, they were quick, stealthy and knew what they were doing,” Twilight said, “and knew he had to bring Applejack far enough that no one could hear her.”

“I suggest that today, we keep a close eye on him,” Sunset remarked, “just in case he does something.”

Meanwhile, over with Sam and his team, they were trying to put together what could have happened.

“Ok so if this connects to the events the other night, then it does rule out everyone but Sam,” Chris stated.

“You had one job Gwen,” Ace joked.

“I thought it would be fine for him to go for a walk at night,” Gwen replied, “he didn’t need my company for that, plus, we were getting bored of each other.”

“But I keep telling you that I didn’t do it,” Sam explained, “I was going on a night walk to try and clean my head and figure out who could have destroyed the lab, when I saw the orange glow at Sweet Apple Acres. I heard Apple Bloom screaming fire and went to help put it out. I can fire a stream of water from my right hand, so I had to help.”

“Devon, you’re awfully quiet,” Nick stated, “why don’t you share with us your opinion.”

“You want my opinion?” Devon repeated, “I’m just waiting for you all to make fools out of yourselves.”

“So you know what’s going on?” Ace asked.

“Well if you want to know,” Devon said, “this all seems like the work of an imitation alien.”

“An imitation alien?!” they all repeated.

“They can take the forms of Ultras or others to trick beings,” Devon told them, “their forms range in likeness depending on the alien. When a Zarab imitates an Ultra, the giveaway is red eyes, extra black markings, and pointed feet. But when a Babarue imitates an Ultra, it’s pretty much identical.”

“Well damn,” Nick remarked.

“Zarab aliens also can’t perform the normal energy attacks us Ultras have, but a Babarue can,” Devon continued, “so who did this is highly likely to be a Alien Babarue, but I need concrete evidence to prove I’m right.”

“In any case,” Sam said, “we need to prepare for the worst. I have a feeling that we’re going to have close eyes on us.”

“You’re grounding us?!” Sam shouted.

“It’s only until we can confirm it's not you,” Twilight told Sam and Gwen that evening.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme,” Gwen stated.

“Yes, what if a monster attacks?” Sam exclaimed.

“Then we will call for you,” Sunset replied.

“Then at least we know what you’re up to,” Twilight chimed in.

“Ok fine,” Sam said, “but it’s not me, I keep telling you all that.”

“You do believe him right?” Gwen questioned.

Twilight didn’t know what to say, she wanted to believe Sam but there were just too many hooves pointing in his direction, so she didn’t answer the question. “I’m going to have a word with Mayor Mare about the situation,” she said, “I want you two in bed before we get back.”

“Ok mum,” Gwen and Sam replied, a little annoyed. Twilight and Sunset left the library and headed into town.

The hours passed by. Sam and Gwen were bored out of their minds, even Spike was bored. They tried to pass the time with some board games and a game of Eye-spy. But because they were so bored, and Sam was still a little upset that Twilight seemed to not believe him, he was getting rather grumpy, and Spike was being a bit of an idiot. Clearly this was his first time playing it.

“I spy with my little eye,” Gwen said, “something beginning with ‘M’.”

Spike was trying to think of something that began with M, while Gwen was trying to help him by nearly saying it and motioning to the object. But this only made me get more frustrated.

“MUG!” he shouted.

“Well done, bro,” Gwen cheered, “right your turn.”

“I spy with my bored little eye,” Sam sighed, “something beginning with ‘T’.”

“Breakfast!” called Spike, Sam and Gwen just looked at him.

“What?” Sam questioned.

“I always start breakfast with tea,” Spike replied, “then I have a little gem, and then an egg and some slices of bread.”

“I wasn’t referring to the sound Spike,” Sam answered, “I was talking about a letter.”

“No, it doesn’t begin with a letter,” Spike responded, “Derpy doesn’t get here until 10:30.”

“I can’t do this anymore,” Sam remarked as he got up, “Gwen you take over from me.”

“Alright,” Gwen commented, “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘R’.”

“Army!” answered Spike, raising his claw.

“For Celestia's sake Spike, the army begins with an ‘A’!” Sam snapped, “She means something that begins with ‘R’. RRRRRRRRR!”

“Motorboat!” Spike cried.

“What?!” Sam shouted.

“Motorboats begin with a RRRRRRRR! RRRRRRRR!” Spike replied.

“OK, Ok, my turn again,” Sam said, “what begins with ‘come here’ and ends with ‘ow’?”

“I don’t know,” Spike replied.

“Come here,” Sam said, Spike came closer before Sam bonked Spike right on the nose.

“OW!” Spike cried.

“I don’t think you got the hang of this game Sam,” Gwen joked, “tell you want, let's try something else. Urm. I hear with my little ear, something beginning with ‘U’.”

“What?” Sam questioned.

“Ultraman,” Gwen replied.

“I don’t hear an Ultra,” Sam replied.

“Listen very closely,” Gwen said, Sam listened, and they could hear very faintly, an Ultra go flying pass.

“Oh yeah,” Sam responded, but then it clicked, “Wait, all of us are grounded.”

“Yeah,” Gwen retorted, as it clicked for her, “then why is one of us outside?”

“I’m gonna check it out,” Sam declared as he jumped out the window and donned his Ultrasuit.

“Sam, wait!” Gwen cried after him, but Sam didn’t hear her.

Sam made it to the middle of town, his Ultrasuit allowed him to see in the dark much better with his night vision mode. He looked around for the slightest movement and listened out for the slightest sound. He slowly and quietly moved around, his arms ready to fire his Specium Beam. He thought he heard something from behind him, he turned around, but he didn’t see anyone.

He continued to move slowly until he was nearing the town hall, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a little bit of movement, the town hall's doors open then close. Ultraman quickly and quietly reached the front of the town hall, he slowly opened the door and entered the building. The lights were off meaning that nopony was inside, Ultraman looked around, but he couldn’t see anyone inside the building, he stepped forward a bit, but then he felt something break under his foot.

He looked down and saw it was the devil splinter he gave the scientist at the Canterlot Laboratory, except now it was in broke in two, and was starting to glow brighter. Suddenly Ultraman heard someone rush out of the town hall. He didn’t get a good look at them, but he did see the door open and close behind whoever ran out. But his attention was drawn back to the broken devil splinter, it glowed brighter and brighter until Ultraman then realised what it was about to do.

“When it breaks it explodes!” he exclaimed, and just as he was going to dispose of the devil splinter, the town hall detonated in a massive explosion. Ultraman was launched out the entrance bringing the doors with him, he rolled on the ground before coming to a stop a good distance away. Sam deactivated his Ultrasuit and groaned as he stood up.

“Holy Tartarus,” he remarked as he looked at the blazing inferno that was once the Townhall.

Ponies came out to find out what the noise was and were shocked and horrified to see the town hall in flames. Sam could hear them mutter about what happened, and why Sam was the only one present.

“Sam!” cried Twilight’s voice, Sam turned his head slowly to face Twilight who was staring at him with horror written on her face. She ran over to him, Sam expected that she was coming over to comfort him, but he was wrong. Instead of a nice warm hug, he was met with a cold hard smack across his face by Twilight’s hoof. “What in Equestria did you do?!”

“But I didn’t do anything!” Sam replied.

“He’s lying!” cried a voice for the crowd of ponies.

“I saw him enter the building, and destroy it,” shouted another.

“He’s the one to blame for all of this,” yelled a third.

“He’s a devil!”

“He should be here!”

“It’s all his fault!”

These callouts started to convince the crowd, Sam couldn’t believe what he was hearing, the ponies that had welcomed him into their town were calling him a monster, a devil, the one that started it all. Sam looked and saw Rainbow and the others also looking at him with anger, horror, and fear.

“How could he,” Fluttershy sobbed.

“We loved him,” Pinkie wept.

“It can’t be true,” Rarity cried.

“Guys it wasn’t…” Sam tried to say but Rainbow cut him off.

“Back off monster!” Rainbow shouted, “don’t get any closer if you know what’s good for you.”

Sam covered his mouth as he looked around, at all the anger frowns staring at him. He saw his team who were blocked by the ponies even Elena was blocked for seeing him. She had tears welling up in her eyes, but she was upset that ponies were turning him away and not believing him.

Same with the rest of his team, Gwen and Chris were shocked and Devon and Nick were cross with the ponies. Sunset and Trixie were standing with each other, and they couldn’t believe what the townsfolk were shouting either. Twilight heard what the townsponies were yelling and she had to come to a decision.

“Mum please, you have to believe me,” Sam pleaded. But Twilight didn’t as she stared down at him with tears and anger in her eyes.

“No son of mine would do such a thing, I don’t even recognise you anymore, you’re not my son,” she spoke grimly, Sam’s eyes widened with shock and sadness, “from this day onward, you are hereby exiled from Ponyville.”

“No,” Sam stuttered.

“Get out and never return,” Twilight spoke again, in tears Sam stood up and started to run.

Sam didn’t know where he was running too, but he just kept running. He passed ponies who gave him death glares and ran out of town while the townsponies sang until he was out of sight.

Sunset stood next to Twilight and the others, watching Sam run away.

“Are you sure that was a good idea?” Sunset asked.

“Best choice since I adopted him,” Twilight scowled as she turned and walked back, followed by her friends. Sunset, Trixie, Gwen, Nick, Devon, and Chris stayed there a little longer and looked out across the land, neither of them could see Sam.

“Please be ok Sam,” Sunset whispered, “for Mumma Sunset’s sake.”

Sam had been running all night, and the sun was just starting to rise over the mountains. Sam was tired, his colour was flashing, and he was hungry. But he didn’t stop, he didn’t stop for food, water, or some place to rest, he didn’t even know where he was going.

“I must be heading towards Appleoosa or something,” he thought out loud. Sam did slow down once his Colour Timer started to blink, “maybe Braeburn or the Buffalo would want me. Clearly no one in Ponyville and Canterlot would as they all think it was me. Man, I don’t even recognise myself with this scar on my face.”

Sam continued to walk until his feet hurt and his legs ached, he saw a rock and went over to sit on it. He then started to plan what to do next.

“So I have a few options here,” he said to himself, “I could either wait until I have enough energy to fly to the Crystal Empire and stay with Auntie Cadence, or I could continue on to Appleoosa. What to do. What to do.”

He was so focused on thinking about what to do, that he didn’t realise he was being watched. Suddenly the ground started to shank, Sam looked around and saw the ground erupt and open up as Telesdon climbed out of the earth. Telesdon roared out loud before looking down and spotting Sam and growled at him.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me?!” Sam cried as he jumped off the rock and started to run again, Telesdon chased after him.

Due to his Colour Timer still flashing, Sam was soon running out of breath, but he knew he couldn’t stop. He looked behind himself and saw that Telesdon was slowly gaining on him. Because he was looking back at Telesdon he wasn’t looking where he was going and he tripped and rolled on the ground, before coming to a stop, laying on his back. He looked up to see Telesdon staring down at him.

“Come on then!” Sam shouted, “finish me off already! I have nothing to live for anymore!”

Just as Telesdon was about to open its mouth and chomp down on Sam, another roar was heard close by. Telesdon and Sam turned and saw Sadora who wanted Sam for itself. Telesdon roared at Sadora and went to challenge it in a fight, this gave Sam the opportunity to take cover from the fight that was about to happen.

The two monsters circled each other, before they charged at each other Telesdon got the first hit as it slammed its shoulder into Sadora’s body. Sadora threw Telesdon off it, then grabbed the Underground monster by the neck with its pincer, Telesdon cried in pain and kicked Sadora back with its foot. Sadora stumbled back before charging forward to attack again, but Telesdon ducked and caused Sadora to roll over it and slam on the ground hard.

Telesdon went in to peck Sadora’s face with its sharp beak, but the Rock monster grabbed Telesdon’s head with its pincer before smacking it with the other, sending Telesdon back and giving Sadora the chance to get up. The two monsters wrestled around for a bit before they were interrupted by a blast of purple fire. Sam looked up and saw a monster he had never seen before. The monster appeared to be female and resembled a harpy dragon with a face similar to a bird, with purple fur covering her body; she also had the Egyptian Symbol of Life on her chest.

The Harpy Dragon Monster flew down and kicked Telesdon away and sucker punched Sadora in the face, knocking it to the ground. Then gave Telesdon a right hook to the side of the head before kicking Sadora, causing it to roll on the ground. The Harpy Dragon grabbed Telesdon as the monster was running out her, lifted it up above her and threw it to the ground before stomping on the monster’s chest repeatedly. The Harpy Dragon then grabbed Telesdon but the head and got it in a headlock while beating the monster in the head before tossing Telesdon to the ground.

Sadora came back into the fight but was headbutted in the chest by the harpy dragon. The dragon smacked Sadora in the face, then grabbed it by the horns and kneed it in the face. The Harpy Dragon tossed Sadora to the side and then grabbed it by the head and got it in a headlock as well. Sadora tried to get free, but the Harpy Dragon’s grip was too strong, as she started to choke it. Foam formed in Sadora’s mouth as it struggled to breath and break free, but soon, its arms went limp and Sadora stopped struggling, the Harpy Dragon had strangled it to death. The Harpy Dragon roared as she tossed Sadora’s body to the ground, roaring in victory, before turning and looking directly at Sam.

Sam’s heart dropped in fear as he backed up from the monster staring at him. But he looked into her eyes, and he saw that she didn’t want to hurt him and showed kindness and compassion. But that was interrupted by a blast of magma energy to the back, the Harpy Dragon spun around and saw that Telesdon was joined by a Golza.

The Harpy Dragon roared at the two monsters as the three of them charged at each other. The Harpy Dragon headbutted Telesdon in the chest and grabbed Golza by the head as it came close to her before smacking it and sending Golza stumbling. Telesdon got back up and the two monsters tussled with each other before the Harpy Dragon threw Telesdon to the ground. Golza then had a wrestle with the Harpy Dragon before he too was shoved to the floor.

As the Harpy Dragon was grappling with the Telesdon, Golza came up from behind and held the Harpy Dragon still while Telesdon slammed into the harpy dragon, Golza let go which sent her falling to the ground. The ground shook as she fell, knocking Sam off his feet and on the floor hard. The Harpy Dragon noticed that Sam was hurt and roared in anger as she stood back up. Golza swung its tail, smacking the Harpy Dragon in the face causing her to stumble.

The Harpy Dragon pushed Telesdon back and kicked Golza in the chest, then she tussled with Telesdon. Golza snarled and stomped over to the Harpy Dragon but suddenly, something flew in front of its vision. It was a giant monstrous lunar monster creature that flew around Golza.

Golza tried to swat it away, but the moth creature was too fast, managing to slash at the monster’s head. The Harpy Dragon headbutted Telesdon pushing it back before swinging her tail in the monster’s side sending Telesdon rolling to the ground.

Telesdon weakly got up and started to charge up its magma stream, the Harpy Dragon also charged up her Plasma Fire. Both monsters fired their attacks and were caught into a beam lock, but the Harpy Dragon pushed more and overpowered Telesdon, as her attack struck Telesdon in the chest, pushing the monster back and causing it to cry out in pain. Telesdon let out one final weak roar as it collapsed to the ground dead.

The Moth creature kept Golza busy as the Harpy Dragon then charged and headbutted Golza in the chest, pushing the monster back. Golza held the Harpy Dragon’s head, but she just threw Golza to the ground, before kicking it in the chest as it stood back up. After Swiftly dodging a Supersonic Ray fired from Golza, the Harpy Dragon grabbed Golza by the head and smacked it away, making Golza stumble. As Golza turned around the Harpy Dragon ran forward and performed a running kick into Golza’s chest, Golza stumbled back some more, clutching its hurt chest. The Harpy Dragon roared as she fired her Plasma Fire again, Golza could take it and exploded.

The Harpy Dragon had won, as the Moth creature landed near her, the moth creature lifted up a claws and the two monsters high-fived each other. They then looked around for Sam and saw him lying on the ground. Sam was really tired, he was starving, and he felt too weak to move. He felt his consciousness slipping away as he looked up at the two remaining monsters. As his vision started to fade, he saw five silhouetted figures look down at him, one reaching out to him, just as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Who are those strange figures? Why are these two monsters friendly? Will Sam be forgiven? Will the truth be revealed? Stay tuned to find out.

Author's Note:


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, its was a long time coming. It would've been out a while ago, but I had a cold and couldn't focus very well with it, that and I was busy.

Again I hope you guys enjoy this and I'm looking forward to answering the questions at the end of this chapter, and any you may have about my story in general

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