• Published 24th Sep 2021
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Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 36: Breaking the Ice to Free Her (Edited)

Sam’s hunch was right. Ace had led his team to the Ice Kingdom, hundreds of miles away from Equestria. At the moment of Sam, Twilight, Sunset, and the others' arrival back in Equestria, Ace, Gwen, Devon, and Nicholas were smack bang in the middle of the cold Ice Kingdom. They had to take the train in order to keep their strength up, which took about a week to get to the end of the line.

First they needed to get a train to the Crystal Empire, then get another train to cross the Trotland Bridge that was the border of Equestria. They passed Bug Bear Territory, Dream Valley, The Purple and Black Mountains, and even Mt, Vehoovius and the Elk Mountains. They Arrived at the end of the line in the city of Shanghay and had to head through the Fields of Forever until they got to the small town of Trot, which took them another half week. They then found the path up to Poniesburg, and then they finally entered the Ice Kingdom.

As they walked through the snow, the weather changed. For the worse. It started off as snow gently falling from the sky, but eventually a blizzard hammered down, threatening to blow the four kids away.

“How much further until we get to the castle, Ace?!” Shouted Gwen over the howling wind, “This blizzard is going to kill us if we don’t get to cover!”

“Quit your whining!” Ace snapped back at her, “This is nothing to an Frostling like me.”

“But you’re not a human!” Nick yelled at him, “we could get frostbite!”

“And freezing temperatures is an Ultra greatest weakness!” Devon bellowed.

“Just shut up!” Ace shouted at them, “Man up and pull through this! The castle will be in the centre of this storm!”

“Ace, if this blizzard doesn’t kill us, I’m killing you!” Nick cried.

“I thought you guys wanted to help me save my mother?!” Ace shouted.

“You never mentioned that we had to walk through a blizzard!” Nick yelled.

“Urm guys?” Gwen tried to get their attention.

“I’m not a weatherman, how was I meant to know that there was a blizzard?!” Ace shouted.

“Guys?” Gwen repeated.

“We should have waited until Sam came back!” Nick yelled, “At least he knows how to treat a team!”

“Guys,” Gwen was not starting to lose patience.

“If you don’t want to help me save my mother then fine!” Ace shouted, “you can freeze to death if all I care for you one-eyed, little shi…”

“GUYS!!!” Gwen screamed.

“WHAT?!” Ace and Nick snapped.

“We’re in the centre of the storm,” she remarked, pointing to the giant ice castle behind her.

“Sweet Mother of Ultra,” Devon exclaimed.

“It’s so beautiful,” Gwen commented.

“I’m home,” Ace stated, looking up at the castle.

“You never mentioned that your mother was a queen,” Nick said.

“I told Sam, I guess I forgot to tell the rest of you,” Ace replied.

Suddenly the ground started to shake as snow erupted from the ground as three freezing monsters emerged from snow. The first was a monster that Sam had fought before, Peguila. The second was the yeti like monster named Guigass and the third had the head of a slug named Gandar.

“Peguila, Guigass and Gandar!” exclaimed Ace, “They should be sealed in ice.”

“What do we do against them?!” Gwen asked, “We can’t fight in freezing temperatures!”

“I know what to do,” Nick said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his three capsules, “Windom, Miclas, Agira, take care of these monsters!” Before throwing them and revealing what they were.

Windom appeared to be a robot with a head that resembled a horned owl. Miclas looked like a frog with an Incan mask. And Agira seemed to be a bipedal ceratopsian.

Windom launched at Peguila and punched it in the face, causing the monster to stumble back as the two engaged in a fight. Miclas charged at Gandar and rammed his horns into the monster, pushing Gandar back and away from the kids. Agira ran forward and headbutted Guigass in the stomach forcing the yeti monster back and into a fight.

“That should keep the guard dogs busy,” Nick commented.

“Quick, we need to get into the castle!” Ace shouted as they ran towards the castle.

They opened the icy door and then closed it once everyone was in. The monsters could still be heard outside fighting, but other than that, it was really quiet in the castle. It was also rather cold inside as well, but not as cold as outside.

“Ok, I say we split up and look around,” Devon said.

“Who made you leader of this team?” Ace snapped, “I’m going to find my mother and cure her.” And Ace stormed off.

“God he’s getting on my nerves,” Nick remarked, “why is he acting like this? He never acted like this before.”

“He’s probably grown tired of waiting to help his mother,” Devon replied.

“It has been some months since Sam first met him,” Gwen stated.

“Hmm, at least he gets to help her,” Nick retorted, “he’s lucky to still have the chance to see his mother, unlike me. Not anymore.” Nick then walked off to go looking around.

“Poor Nicholas,” Gwen said, feeling sorry for him.

“I know,” Devon agreed, “but there’s not much we can do. Rainbow can only do so much in looking after him.”

“And we’re like his family, right?” Gwen asked.

“In a way, yeah, we are like a family,” Devon answered.

“Well I guess we should start looking,” Gwen said.

“Yes, and I better stick with you,” Devon responded, “in case you erupted Specium Energy again.”

Gwen nodded as the two walked off and started to look around. Unaware that they were being watched.

Gwen and Devon entered a hallway, it was dark, and they could barely see, but Devon had a flashlight with him as they walked down the hallway, their echoing feet softened by the carpet. Suits of armour made of pure ice lined up on guard. On the walls, pictures of The previous rulers of the land seemed to watch Devon and Gwen.

“This is rather creepy,” Gwen remarked.

“I know,” Devon responded, “something about these suits of armour is really unsettling.”

Gwen looked up at the pictures on the wall as they soon arrived at the last and most recently one. It was a woman with snow white hair and ice blue skin. She was holding a baby in her hands.

“That must be Ace’s mother,” Gwen said pointing to the picture.

“Yes, it must be,” Devon replied.

“She looks beautiful,” Gwen commented, “and Ace looks so cute as a baby.”

Devon and Gwen continued to look around the castle when it suddenly dawned on them.

“Wait, what are we looking for again?” Devon asked.

“I think we were meant to be looking for Ace’s mother,” Gwen replied, “but I think he’s pretty sure of where she is.”

“Halt!” shouted a voice, Devon and Gwen jumped as they saw piles of snow move towards them before they rose up and morphed into Snow Golems.

“What the heck are those?! Gwen exclaimed.

“We Snow Golems, we Queen Crysicle guards, and you intruders,” Said the lead Snow Golem.

“And apparently not well spoken,” Devon mocked.

“We may look brainless,” the lead Snow Golem stated as two piles of snow moved behind Gwen and Devon before raising up into Snow Golems and trapping the two in their bodies, “but we are smart and sneaky.”

“And we don’t speak your language,” one of the other Snow Golems said.

“Shut up Larry!” shouted the lead Snow Golem.

“I can’t move!” Gwen shouted, “and it’s really cold in here.”

“Two down, two to go,” the lead Snow Golem remarked, “go and find them.”

“Yes Sir Chilly,” the Snow Golems cried as they all moved out.

“That’s your name?” Devon commented.

“Got problem with that?” Sir Chilly questioned, pointing an ice dagger at Devon’s neck.

“No,” Devon squeaked.

Meanwhile Nicholas was making his way through the castle, he was still a little upset with Ace.

“He thinks saving his mother is on par with saving the world. When this is over I want him to apologise to us for treating us like dead weight,” He remarked to himself as he stomped through the halls, “At least when we save her, he’ll be about to reunite with her. The only time I’ll be able to reunite with my mother is when I die.”

As he moved down the halls, he saw a door that was different to most on the floor he was on. He opened it and saw a staircase going down.

“Bingo basement,” he commented, as he started to walk the stairs, closing the door behind him.

It was dark going down the stairs, and even though he was going down, it looked like he was going up. A light appeared at the end of the seemingly endless staircase, Nick entered into the light and saw he was in some sort of control room, with buttons and levers on a control panel, and a large window in front of him. He tried to look through the window, but he couldn’t see anything.

“I wonder what these buttons do,” Nick responded, as he looked over the switches and buttons.

He flicked a switch, and he turned on the lights in the room on the other side of the window and was shocked to see what was on the other side. It was a large room with Snow Golems with pickaxes chipping away at a giant ice block which contained a giant monster with wings, blue scales, and sharp spikes.

“Oh Sweet Celestia!” he exclaimed, “what is that thing?”

“Intruder!” cried a voice, Nick turned to see a Snow Golem at the entrance to the control room, it grabbed a pile of snow out of its own body and threw it at Nick. I splatted down on Nick's right leg and held him in place. The Snow Golem threw another chunk of itself at Nick's other leg, freezing that in place as well. With Nick stuck in place, the Snow Golem jumped and absorbed Nick into its body.

“What the crap are you?!” Cried Nick, his mouth was covered by the snow and his voice came out muffled.

“Silent Intruder!” the Snow Golem ordered as he started to walk back up the stairs.

Ace had just reached the top of the stair and was making his way down the hall. This was his home, so he knew the way around the castle like the back of his hand, so he knew where his mother was going to be. But he was also a little cross still with Nick and the others.

“They know how important this is to me, but they’ve done nothing about it,” Ace said, “I know I lived off Equestria, but still, most of the time we could have saved her we’ve been playing around. And I’m not saying Sam is a bad leader, I’m saying that everything up to this point has surrounded him. Well I’m going to show that we all have something important in our lives we want to get back.”

He soon came to two large wooden doors, and he knew what was on the other side. He grabbed one of the handles and opened the door, he entered the room and closed the door behind him. The room was a large study room, lit by a fire in a fireplace. Books stacked on the shelves and chairs sat around the room. A large chair sat in front of the fire, a hand was held out of the armchair holding a glass of wine, and Ace knew that was his mother’s chair.

“I started to wonder when you will return home,” said a sinister yet soothing voice.

“I’ve come back to save you mum,” Ace stated.

“Oh have you now,” a figure stood up from the chair, and revealed to be a curvy woman with a long beautiful blue dress, long white hair, and blue skin. Ace was taken aback by her red glowing eyes, he was expecting them to be turquoise not blazing red and yellow. She also had red veins covering her body, “well let me welcome you home my dear son.”

“Mum…? What happened to you?! You look worse than the day left!” Ace declared.

“Hahaha,” Queen Crysicle chuckled, “over the months you were away, I started giving into the evil that coursed through my body. I’ve created this blizzard so that no outside force could stop me in my grand plan to take over this world.”

“And what’s that?” Ace asked.

“There’s a monster, frozen underneath this castle, everywhere it goes, it’ll bring the blizzard with it, creating a frozen waste land where I can rebuild and rule over this place alongside my new husband,” Queen Crysicle replied.

“That jerk was the one who corrupted you in the first place!” Ace shouted, “this isn’t you mum, you’re not evil, you’re caring and kind.”

“This is me now, you brat!” Queen Crysicle shouted, “It feels so good to be bad! You could join me, you know. Rule this world as mother and son.”

“I’ll never betray my friends,” Ace replied.

“Oh, then I guess you wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them,” Queen Crysicle said as the three Snow Golems entered the room with Nick, Gwen, and Devon all still stuck in the Snow Golems bodies.

“Guys!” Ace cried, “Don’t hurt them!”

“You have two choices, son,” Queen Crysicle said, “you can join me in taking over Equestria, and your friends will die. Or you can help your friends where you’ll freeze to death.”

“Don’t worry about us, Ace!” Gwen cried, “save yourself!”

“Guys,” Ace muttered, “Nick, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think about you guys.”

“I forgive you,” Nick responded, his voice muffled by the snow.

“So what’s your choice?” Queen Crysicle asked.

“Let them go,” Ace replied, “you can’t kill me, I’m your son.”

“NO!” cried Gwen.

“Don’t be an idiot!” shouted Nick.

“Well if you’re against me, then you’re no son of mine,” Queen Crysicle remarked as she created a large icicle.

She was just about to stab Ace with it, but suddenly, the window of the study room shattered as Ultraman and Ultraman Jack burst through. Ultraman kicked Queen Crysicle in the side, sending her to the floor and grabbing the icicle and throwing it into the fire, melting it. While Jack readied his railgun and fired a sonic blast that completely destroyed the Snow Golems.

“Sorry I’m late guys,” Ultraman said, “We only just came back to Equestria, and it took us quite a while to get here.”

“If you just got back from Equestria then how did you get here so fast?” asked Nick.

“We can fly at Mach 5 speed,” Ultraman replied as his suit retracted, and Sam ran up to Gwen to give her a hug.

“Well it’s good to see you, Sam,” Devon greeted before pointing at Ultraman Jack who retracted his suit, “but who is he?”

“I’m Chris,” he said, holding out his hand, “Sam helped me back on Earth.”

“More like you helped me,” Sam said, “If it wasn’t for you I would be dead.”

“Aww shucks,” Chris giggled. But then they all heard evil laughter coming from Queen Crysicle.

“You think you have won?” She chuckled as she got up off the floor, “the fun is just beginning. Awaken Glaciero!”

The Ground started to shake as underground, the monster in the block of ice awoke and started to come alive. It burst out its ice block prison and burst out the snow outside the castle where the monsters were still fighting. The six monsters stopped their fighting and looked at the monster known as Glaciero.

Glaciero roared out loud as it charged up an energy beam and fired it at the six monsters striking them all. Gandar, Guigass, and Peguila launched back and exploded on the ground, while Miclas, Windom and Agira were greatly weakened as they fell to the ground.

“Nick, call your monsters back before they get destroyed!” Sam called.

“Right. Miclas! Windom! Agira! Return!” Nick shouted as his monsters disappeared into energy particles and returned to their master in small capsules.

Glaciero turned to look at the castle and started to make his way toward it. Sam got ready to fight but then Ace stopped him.

“No Sam, This is my problem,” he said, “let me deal with it.”

“Right, I’ve used too much energy getting here anyway,” Sam remarked. Ace nodded as he donned his Ultrasuit and jumped out the window before growing to match the size of the monster.

Glaciero roared at the Ultra as both ran forward and started to fight. Tiga slammed his shoulder into Glaciero’s chest before jumping up and chopped its head. Glaciero tried to slash Tiga with his claws, but Tiga dodged it and punched the monster in the chest multiple times. Glaciero managed to get a few slashes in then grabbed Tiga by the shoulders and threw him to the ground, Tiga rolled on the floor before kicking Glaciero in the chest to get it back while he got back up.

Tiga grabbed Glaciero by the head and kneed it in the face, then kicked it back and cartwheeled away, but Glaciero charged forward and knocked Tiga to the ground. Glaciero roared out loud as Tiga stood back up, Glaciero roared as it charged up and fired energy bolts for its second pair of eyes on its head crest but Tiga dodge most of them and fired some Hand Slashes at some. Glaciero roared and opened its wings and took flight, it flew towards Tiga and slashed the Ultra with its wing, causing Tiga to stumble.

“What a fool,” Queen Crysicle commented, before anyone could do anything, Crysicle jumped out the window and grew to a giant size.

Tiga turned to look where Glaciero flew off to, when suddenly she appeared behind Tiga, and grabbed him on his arm and around his neck.

“You’re being a naughty boy,” Crysicle said, as she choked Tiga.

“Mum please stop!” Tiga cried.

Crysicle held Tiga still as Glaciero came back and started to swipe its claws across Tiga’s chest. Tiga kicked Glaciero in the chest, then got his arm free and elbowed Crysicle to get her off him. He tried to elbow her again, but she blocked it and then shoved Tiga into Glaciero, who slashed Tiga with its claws and sent him back to Crysicle who kicked him in the chest. Tiga tried to hit Crysicle but she backed up as Glaciero came closer, Tiga kicked it in the chest then in the side, sending the monster falling to the ground.

Crysicle created a rod and pure solid ice, Tiga turned around to see her make it and started smacking him with the rod, causing him to go crashing to the ground and causing his Colour Timer to start flashing. Snow came down hard as mother and son wrestled in the blizzard. Crysicle had Tiga pinned to the ground, Tiga tried to get his mother off him because she was too strong and was holding him down, Glaciero was making its way over.

“That’s just not fair,” Gwen remarked.

Chris was analysing the battle, his Ultrasuit mask was over his head, and he was taking notes. He switched his visuals and noticed something about Crysicle. It seemed like she had absorbed something bad.

“Sam, I can see that Crysicle has absorbed something,” he told him, “I might be the reason why she’s evil.”

“Ok, so how do we get it out of her?” Sam asked.

“You can use your Ultrix device and use the power of Ultraman Cosmos to pull it out,” Devon stated.

“Right, Gwen, charge me up!” Sam asked.

“Ok,” Gwen said as she donned her Mary suit and used her powers to give Sam the energy to fight.

Once she was done, Sam jumped into the snow, donned his Ultrasuit and grew into Ultraman. Ultraman charged and knocked Crysicle off of Tiga, once she was off, Ultraman held out his hand and Tiga grabbed him as Ultraman helped him back up.

“I know you don’t want to fight your mother,” Ultraman told Tiga, “but you’ll need to hold her off while I take care of Glaciero. Do you think you can do it?”

“I can try,” Tiga said, “but you can’t fight in the cold like I can.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t try to,” Ultraman said as he deployed and extended his Specium Blades and ran toward Glaciero, while Tiga went to fight his mother.

Ultraman and Glaciero ran at each other, as Ultraman slashed it with his Specium Blades causing the monster great pain. Ultraman retracted his Specium Blades and created a large Specium Slash out of them before throwing it and vivisecting Glaciero clean in half, the two halves falling to the ground and exploding. Crysicle had created a whip coated in a flexible ice and was striking her son with it. Tiga was trying his best to block it, but the ice whip was very painful. Ultraman appeared behind her and got her attention as Tiga ran up and grabbed Crysicle from behind.

“Hold her still Tiga!” Cried Ultraman as he deployed a Specium Blade and slashed at Crysicle’s chest creating a cut on her chest. The Ultraman jumped back and activated his Ultrix.

“Ultraman Cosmos, Luna Extract!” Ultraman called out as a hologram of the Cosmos appeared above him.

Ultraman gathered his Energy at his Colour Timer and let it fly out his right palm towards Crysicle. The warm soothing energy was absorbed into Crysicle and forced out the evil source from her body. An orange glowing crystal was forced off the cut on her chest and fell to the ground, once Ultraman stopped firing the energy he healed completely. Crysicle’s eyes stopped glowing red and turned back to turquoise.

“Wha… What’s going on?” She questioned.

“Tiga got her back in the castle,” Ultraman said.

“Right,” Tiga said as he walked his mother back to the castle. As he did, Ultraman looked down and grabbed the orange crystal, it was blinking like a beating heart.

“What is this thing?” he questioned as he teleported back to the study with the crystal in hand.

Ace gently placed his mother in his chair, her red veins had disappeared and her uses were turquoise again. She weakly looked around the room at all the kids but when her eyes fell on Ace’s, she couldn’t believe it.

“Ace? Is that really you?!” she questioned, blinking a few times to check if her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her.

“Yes mum, it’s me,” Ace replied. Crysicle was overjoyed to see her son, so she grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

“Oh, mummy has missed you so much, baby!” she exclaimed.

“I’ve missed you too mum,” Ace responded, with a tear falling from his eye, “but can you not do this in front of my friends.”

“Hmm?” Crysicle quizzed as she looked around at the rest, “oh sorry sweetie, it's just I’ve been so worried about you.”

“I know,” Ace replied, “but I did it, I found a great hero to save you from corruption.”

“And that was me you’re highness,” Sam said bowing to her.

“You did? Oh thank you so much,” Crysicle thanked, “oh and please, you don’t need to bow to me, you did save me and looked after my son.”

“Oh ok,” Sam said, just then Crysicle noticed that Sam seemed family to her. She leaned in closer to have a better look at Sam, this made him feel a little uncomfortable, “Urm… Is something wrong?”

“No nothing to worry about dear,” Crysicle assured him, “you just seem to resemble my ex.”

“He was the one that corrupted her in the first place,” Ace clarified.

“Ah,” Sam replied as he held up the crystal, “so he was the one who implanted this into you.”

“Yes,” Crysicle replied, “we were making love, when he made me absorb that. It made me go through a painful experience that led to the decision for Ace to go and find someone to help me.”

“Oh dear,” Gwen commented.

“What happened to you after Ace left?” Nick asked.

“I just lost myself,” Crysicle replied, “I could feel and see everything I was doing but, my mind wasn’t in the right place.”

“What did your ex look like,” Devon asked.

“He was tall, had a beard and deep voice, had red and yellow glowing eyes, he wore a suit with a red cape, and he had red veins across his body,” Crysicle answered, “oh and he had this on his chest.” She pointed at Sam’s Colour Timer.

“What?!” Sam exclaimed before calming down, “that description almost sounds like… like my father. But that can’t be, he’s dead.”

“But most of us died and bonded to the Ultrasuits,” Nick mentioned.

“Yeah you’re right,” Gwen chimed in.

“Well in any case, I’m glad that I did help you,” Sam replied.

“We best get back home now,” Devon said, “they’ll be wondering where we are.”

“Right,” everyone replied as they got ready, but Sam noticed that Ace wasn’t.

“Ace? Aren’t you coming?” he asked.

“I… I actually want to stay with my mother a little while longer,” Ace replied.

“Really?” Sam questioned.

“Yes, don’t worry, I’m not leaving the team, I just want to catch up with her,” Ace said.

“Fair enough,” Sam responded, reaching out his hand, “see you soon, Ultraman Tiga.”

“Same here, Ultraman,” Ace replied, shaking his hand.

“Ok Guys let’s head home,” Sam called out as they donned their Ultrasuits and flew back to Ponyville, Ace and Crysicle waving goodbye to them. The blizzard was gone so it was clear weather for the whole trip back.

But on the trip back, Sam couldn’t get this off his mind. This orange crystal, that can turn beings evil and berserk, and Crysicle’s ex resembles himself. It was all strange to him and he didn’t know what to think of it, he thought to himself that he’ll drop the crystal off at the Canterlot Lab and see what the scientist can find about it. But the whole time back, he felt like this wouldn’t be the last time he hears about this ex that resembles himself.

Meanwhile, deep in the dark part of the Everfree Forest, a secret base was hidden from view. Inside the base, in one of its many labs, two otherworldly creatures were discussing the situation.

“This is just great,” one remarked, "this is twice that our plans have been foiled by those kids.”

“Settle down Hipporit,” the second retorted, “we have the main plan in action, Dada has collected the DNA from the boss and Zarab and Guts have started the process.”

“I guess I should calm down, Temperor,” Hipporit said, “but how long is the process going to take?”

“From what I held, it shouldn’t be too long,” Temperor replied, “I’ve spoken to Guts, and he says it’ll be ready before we know it.”

“I hope so,” Hipporit remarked, “the sooner he’s out of the picture the better.”

“Welp, we’ve goofed around long enough,” Temperor stated looking at the time, “we best get back to work.”

“Right, what were we doing again?” Hipporit questioned, “making the Nightmare Fumes for the Princesses?”

“Yes, now let's get to work on them,” Temperor said, “you got the sample of the tantabus?”

“Yes,” Hipporit replied. And the two aliens got back to work. Knowing that the end of Sam was soon to come.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

I tried to not give too much spoilers at the end there, but this was still great to get out.

and again, Ace is not leaving the story, he'll be back in the next chapter.

as for what might happen, all I'll say is that, the ponies wouldn't be able to trust Sam after the events that will happen in the next chapter

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