• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 17: Time to Come Together (Edited)

After school, the girls took Twilight, Sam and Spike to a café run by the human world’s Mr and Ms Cake. The girls were sitting at a table with Sam who was eating a chocolate muffin, the girls all finding him rather adorable as he ate it, while Twilight stood in front of the desk as Ms Cake made her a hot chocolate, she was just topping it off with whipped cream.

“And... Can I get mine with extra oats?” Twilight asked.

“Oats?” Ms Cake questioned, confused at the request.

“Uh, scratch that,” Twilight replied, chuckling nervously, “however you normally make it is fine.”

Unsurely, Ms Cake gave Twilight her hot chocolate, she took and turned around to walk back to the girls at the table, but she didn’t watch where she was going and bumped into the same boy from yesterday that helped her off the ground when she crawled out of the sea of students. Twilight dropped her cup onto the ground as the rest of her drink spilled out.

“Oh! We've got to stop bumping into each other like this,” the boy remarked as Twilight bent down to pick up her cup.

She placed her hand on the cup, and the boy placed his hand on hers. The two looked at each other shocked as Twilight pulled her hand back and the boy picked up the cup.

“You know me! Always trying to make a big splash around here,” Twilight replied nervously, “Cause my drink kinda splashed... on the ground!” she let off a nervous laugh. “I'm gonna go over there now.”

Twilight quickly went back to her friends and sat on the arm of the couch they were sitting on and twirled her hair with her finger.

“Don't even think about it! You're already trying to get her crown,” Rarity warned Twilight, “who knows what Sunset Shimmer would do if you ended up getting her ex-boyfriend too?”

“I'm not trying to. I don't even know... We just accidentally...” stubbled Twilight, “Ex-boyfriend?”

“Flash Sentry broke up with her a few weeks ago,” Fluttershy said, “I can't believe she hasn't done something awful to him yet. Oh, I guess you didn’t know that.”

“No, I knew,” Summer Breeze replied in a sad tone, “She told me that day that she dumped him.”

“Maybe she's just waiting until she has the power to do something really awful,” Sam remarked.

“All right, girls. Dance is tomorrow night, and we still don't know how we're gonna get Twilight the votes she needs to be named princess. Right now, folks only know the Twilight from the videos Sunset Shimmer posted online,” Applejack said, “we need to help 'em see her differently.”

The Girls all remarked in agreement, and all thought of how to help Twilight.

“I'VE GOT IT!” exploded Rarity, she shouted so loud that everyone in the café went quiet and looked at her, “Ahem. I mean, um, perhaps I have a solution. Now this may be an absolutely preposterous idea, but what if we all wore these as a sign of unity?” She pulled out and put on a pony tail and a pair of pony ears on a headband. “Freshman year, they were very, very popular. A way for everybody to show their school spirit! You know? "Go, Canterlot Wondercolts!" Ahem. I haven't sold any in ages.” She pulls out more pony ear headbands and hands them to the girls and Sam. “I mean, the five of us are obviously very different, but deep down, we're all Canterlot Wondercolts! Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us, Twilight Sparkle is the one who united us. And we're gonna let everyone know it! What do you think?”

One by one, the girls loved the idea and agreed with her. Spike had hearts in his eyes as he found Rarity more attractive with the ears and tail. Rarity hugged Twilight from behind and she just smiled.

The next day in the cafeteria, the students were eating their lunches and chatting in their separate groups. Rarity sat with the fashionistas, wearing a blue jumper with a C on the front that resembled a horse shoe, and the pony tail. She looked across the room and put her pony ears on. Rainbow Dash sat with the athletes wearing the same as Rarity and place her pony ears on as well. Pinkie was getting her food as she placed her ears on her head. She then began to smack her tray on the counter.

Rarity started to stamp her feet in time with Pinkie, as well as clapping. Fluttershy joined in by banging some cups on the table. Then Applejack chimed in, hitting her hands on the table and clapping. Rainbow was also banging her tray on the table, they were all creating a beat together.

In the corner of the room, Sam and Spike had a music player ready, Spike turned it on and the girls banging, and clapping faded into drums beating, and the girls then started to sing.

Hey, hey, everybody
We've got something to say
We may seem as different
As the night is from day

But you look a little deeper
And you will see
That I'm just like you
And you're just like me

Hey, hey, everybody
We're here to shout
That the magic of friendship
Is what it's all about

Yeah, we thought we were different
As the night is from the day
Until Twilight Sparkle
Helped us see another way

So get up, get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping Twilight win the crown

So get up, get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown

Hey, hey, hands up now
We're sending a message to the crowd
Hands wave up, then come down
We party together all around

Generous, honesty

Laughter, kindness, loyalty

Twilight helped us each to see

All that we can be!

So get up, get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
Helping Twilight win the crown

So get up, get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we work together
Helping Twilight Sparkle win the crown

I'm gonna be myself
No matter what I do
And if we're different, yeah
I want you to be true to you

If you follow me
We'll put our differences aside
We'll stick together and
Start working on that school pride!

Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Start now, make a change
Gonna come around

Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown

Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Start now, make a change
Gonna come around

Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Canterlot Wondercolts
Help her win the crown

Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around
Start now, make a change
Gonna come around

Jump up, make a sound (Hey!)
Stomp your hooves, turn around

Everyone was jumping around, dancing and singing along with Twilight and the girls. But from outside the room stood Sunset Shimmer she watched them all dance and sing but she wasn’t deterred. She turned to Snips and Snails who had tails and ears of their own and they were dancing to the music as well.

“Take those off!” Sunset Shimmer snapped, the two boys took them off quickly, “I have something I need you to do.” Sunset grinned evilly.

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch, students wore pony tails and ears as they made their way down the halls of the school. The Girls and Sam were happy that their plan worked.

“Doesn't everyone look just fabulous?” Rarity said.

“It was a great idea, Rarity!” Twilight responded.

“Don't know what she's smilin' about,” Applejack said as they saw Sunset Shimmer walk down the hall smiling to herself, “Twilight's the one that's gonna be Princess of the Fall Formal.”

Sunset Shimmer knocked on the office door of the Vice-Principal Luna. “Vice Principal Luna!” she cried in a shocked and worried tone, “something terrible has happened!”

Sunset Shimmer took Vice Principal Luna to the Auditorium, where all of the decorations were smashed, broken, and destroyed. Vice Principal Luna was in shock.

“Isn't this just awful?” Sunset cried, “And after Pinkie Pie worked so hard to make things so perfect! Why would Twilight Sparkle do something like this?”

“Why would you think Twilight was responsible for something like this?” Vice Principal Luna asked.

“Because I have proof,” Sunset said, pulling out a folder. Little did either know, Flash was watching from behind the door, and grew suspicious.

Later Twilight is brought to Vice Principal Luna’s office, she felt like she was in an interrogation room, in how it was dark and only little light came in from the blinds. Luna had told Twilight why she had been called to her office.

“But... But I don't understand!” Twilight replied, she didn’t understand why she was being blamed.

“This is clearly you in the photographs, is it not?” Luna said as she placed the folder in front of her. Twilight saw three photos of her in the auditorium wrecking the place.

“Yes, but...” Twilight tried to say in horror, but Vice Principal Luna cut her off.

“I think it should be fairly obvious that the school cannot let someone who would do something like this compete for the Fall Formal crown,” she said sternly. Twilight was on the verge of tears, but then came a knock at the door, and in came Flash.

“Vice Principal Luna. I found these in a trash can in the library. Thought you should see them,” he said, giving Vice Principal Luna rough cut outs of when Twilight was playing football with Rainbow, “someone obviously combined these photos to make it look like Twilight was the one who trashed the gym.”

“I appreciate you bringing these to my attention, Flash,” Luna told Flash before turning back to Twilight, “in light of this new evidence, you may of course continue your bid to be crowned the Princess of the Fall Formal.”

“Thank you! You have no idea how important this is to me!” Twilight shouted, giving Flash a hug.

“What was I gonna do? Not prove your innocence?” he chuckled, “wouldn't be much of a Canterlot Wondercolt, would I?”

“I am afraid enough damage has been done to the gym that we will have to postpone the dance until tomorrow night,” Vice Principal Luna said as she began to leave her room, “If you will excuse me, I need to let my sister know about this latest development.”

“So, uh, I was wondering. If you aren't already going with somebody, wanna go to the Fall Formal with me tomorrow night?” Flash asked. Twilight looked at him with an adorable face.

“That would be... Tomorrow night!?” Twilight responded in a panic, “No, no-no-no-no-no, no, no, no, no, no! Nonononono! I can't! The portal! That'll be too late!” She grabbed her bag and dashed out the door. Sam was waiting outside for her, and he dashed after her in worry.

“One "no" would have been fine!” called Flash out to her, but Twilight was already gone. He turned on his heel and walked away sad and slowly.

Twilight and Sam dashes into the boutique where their friends are picking out what to wear at the Fall Formal, as Twilight runs into a changing booth. They were shocked and worried to see Twilight in such a panic.

“Everything okay there?” Rarity called to Twilight.

“Yes!” Twilight replied before muttering to herself, “only it's not okay. It's not okay at all! If I don't get my crown tonight, I won't be able to go back to Equestria for another thirty moons! Oh, what are we gonna do?” Spike didn’t know what to say, he was just as worried.

“We tell them the truth,” Sam responded, “let them know what's really at stake if you don't get the crown tonight. They'll help us figure something out.”

“But what if they won't?” Twilight asked, “What if they find out how different I really am...?”

“Mum, these girls rallied around you cause they saw what was in your heart,” Sam replied, “they aren't gonna feel any differently about you when they find out you're a pony princess in Equestria. If they find anything they have to believe it would be the truth about me.”

“I'm glad you followed me here, Sweetie,” Twilight said, hugging her adoptive son.

“Me too,” Sam responded.

“Unless, of course, we get stuck here for another thirty moons,” Spike remarked.

Twilight pulled back the curtain, worry and concern was across her friends faces. “You okay?” Applejack asked.

“The Fall Formal isn't happening tonight,” Twilight said.

“WHAT?!” exclaimed Pinkie.

“It had to be postponed because Sunset Shimmer had Snips and Snails ruin all of Pinkie Pie's decorations,” Twilight responded.

“WHAT?!?!” Pinkie shouted again.

“But the Fall Formal has to happen tonight,” Twilight replied.

“Wha…!” Pinkie was about to yell again but Summer Breeze placed a hand over her mouth.

Twilight took a deep breath and sighed, “You see…”

“You're from an alternate world and you're a pony princess there and the crown actually has a magical element embedded in it that helps power up other magical elements, and without it, they don't work anymore, and you need them to help protect your magical world, and if you don't get the crown tonight, you'll be stuck in this world and you won't be able to get back for, like, a really, really long time!” Pinkie exclaimed, “Oh and Smokescreen over there, is really named Sam who comes from a world with a virus that has turned all of the humans on his earth into animals, and is also your adopted son.”

Twilight, Spike and Sam’s jaws dropped to the floor in pure shock and bewilderment.

“What. The. Heck!” Sam remarked.

“Yeah, I'm pretty sure that isn't the reason,” Rainbow said.

“Nope, she's pretty much spot-on,” Spike spoke up.

“He can talk?!” exclaimed Rarity, she was freaking out.

“Oh, yeah! And back where I come from, I'm not even a dog! I'm a ferocious, fire-breathing dragon!” Spike announced, making himself sound smug.

“This is so amazing!” Fluttershy cried, pushing Rarity and Pinkie out the way, “tell me, what are you thinking right now?” She got right down in Spike's face.

“Did you know about this?” Rainbow asked Summer Breeze.

“Yeah, they told me when they found me in the broom closet,” Summer responded, “they had to tell me for all of this to make sense.”

“Are you really Twilight’s adoptive son?” Applejack asked Sam.

“Yep,” he replied, he was both glad and worried that Pinkie didn’t mention that he was Ultraman, did she know but didn’t say.

“Sure would love a scratch behind the old ears!” Spike said, walking up to Rarity.

“Gah…” was all she could say.

“Uh, maybe later,” Spike responded.

“How did you know all that?” Twilight asked Pinkie.

“Just a hunch,” she replied.

“Is there anything else you know about me…?” Sam asked.

“Nope, don’t think so,” Pinkie replied.

“Wait a minute! Lemme get this straight,” Applejack said, “you're a pony?”

“You're a princess?” Rarity asked.

“You're from another world?” questioned Fluttershy.

Twilight gulped and nodded, “Mm-hmm.”

“That... is... awesome!” cried Rainbow.

“See? Told ya,” Spike as the girls surround Twilight. Summer Breeze and Sam just stood off to the side smirking and fist bumped.

“I simply cannot believe they did all this!” Rarity remarked looking at all the damage that Snips and Snails had done.

“If I only had some kind of... party cannon that could decorate everything super-fast!” Pinkie said.

“Ha, if only,” Sam smirked.

“I know it seems impossible, but, maybe if we all work together?” Twilight said.

“Now that's the kinda can-do spirit I'm lookin' for in a Fall Formal Princess! Let's do it, y'all!” cried Applejack, placing her hand out.

“Absolutely!” shouted Rarity.

“Rock on!” shrieked Rainbow.

“Yes, indeedily!” yelled Pinkie.

“Yaaay!” wept Fluttershy.

“I’m with you girls,” confirmed Summer Breeze.

The girls all looked at Twilight, as she placed her hand in the middle with the girls and they all cheered after raising them.

“Now let’s start the clean montage,” Sam remarked as he handed them all brooms.

The girls started to sweep up the rubbish on the ground. They sweep them into piles and put them into bin bags, and straight into trash. Twilight tried to move a broken table, as two boys, known as Red and Sierra, saw Twilight struggling and decided to help. But they were completely shocked to see Applejack carry one with no problem.

Pinkie was now resorting to cleaning the floor with her hair and made a right old mess of it. Fluttershy and Rarity were now throwing streamers up into the air and into the scaffolding, as two girls one grey with a green streak in her hair and a long red dress named Roxy and the other a white, pink skinned girl with green triangle earrings named Chica passed by. They saw what we were doing and thought it looked fun. Even the green boy Monty came in thinking it was going to be fun. The two girls and boy started to help throw steamers into scaffolding, one streamer was caught by an orange boy with a headband that had bear ears on named Freddy, the three went over to him as Chica put a streamer around his neck.

Two more named Ace and Sparkler were moving a speaker when they saw a boy with an eyepatch named Switch was about to fall off a ladder trying to replace one of the stage lights, but then the ladder was steadied by another boy with an eyepatch named Star chaser. Twilight was pleased that she got the students into helping her.

Flash and his band were on the stage practising and tuning their instruments for the dancing when they looked over to the left of the stage and saw Microchips sorting out the sound and lights. Twilight was sweeping backwards on the stage when she bumped into Flash. The two looked into each other’s eyes and Twilight blushed. Sandalwood, Minty and Firefly were setting up a photo booth while Photo Finish was sorting out her camera. Twilight, Sam, and their friends stood on the stage watching over all the students as the auditorium looked better than ever.

“This... looks... sooooo... GOOD!” cried Pinkie when they all heard Principal Celestia clapping.

“All right, everyone! Fall Formal is back on for this evening,” she announced, “So you'd better get out of here and start getting ready. Oh, and don't forget to cast your ballots for the Fall Formal Princess on your way out!” The students had to walk out the auditorium, passing the principal and placing their votes in a box Vice Principal Luna held.

“You got my vote, Twilight,” said Scott Green.

"Mine, too!” responded Cloudy Kicks.

“Mine too!” spoke up Roxy.

“Mine too!” called out Sparkler.

From a closet, I watched an annoyed Sunset Shimmer. She scowled at the students voting for Twilight. “You're lucky she was able to pull this off,” she said turning to Snips and Snails, “Next time I ask you to make a mess of things, try to show a little restraint! I need this Formal to go on tonight just as much as she does.” She smiled evilly as she looked at the students.

Author's Note:

Sup ya

hope you'll like the new chapter

next up is the finale of the EG saga, the Fall of the Formal

also, if you would like to see your OCs cameo, ping me up

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