• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,364 Views, 450 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 21: Bats! (Edited)

One early morning in Ponyville, Applejack was up and eagerly waited for the sun to rise over the hills.

“Any minute now...” she said. Not a moment too soon, the sun rose over the hills and Sweet Apple Acres was bathed in the sun’s light. “Yee-haw! It's officially Apple Bucking Day!” she cheered as she then galloped through the field of tree, “look at all those apples! Ripe and juicy, perfect for buckin'!”

She then kicked at a tree and the apples fell down. Applejack beamed as she went to catch on, but as it landed in her hooves, it splatted into a mosh. In fact all the apples that fell out of the tree splattered on the ground.

“What the heck is goin' on?” she questioned only to have her question answered by chittering in the tree, “They're back!”

Later on, she rang the bell in her house, calling all her friends to come to Sweet Apple Acres, including Sam’s siblings.

“Attention! This is a Sweet Apple Acres code red!” Applejack called out, “I need all the hooves, hands, paws and claws on deck!”

“Calm down, Applejack,” Rarity tried to help her friend.

“Calm down?! How can I calm down at a time like this?!” Applejack exclaimed getting into her face, “Vampire fruit bats are attackin' Sweet Apple Acres!”

“But I thought the fruit bats usually stayed put in the west orchard,” Twilight responded.

“The fruit bats do, but these aren't just your everyday ordinary fruit bats. They're vampire fruit bats!” Applejack told her.

“There’s a difference?” Kerry asked, turning to her boyfriend.

“Yes,” Jake responded, “The Fruit bats are cute, fluffy, and look like fruit like strawberries, oranges, and grapes. Vampire fruit Bats are bigger and uglier.”

“These Fruit bats sound adorable,” Rebecca remarked.

“I'll be darned if they think they're gonna sink their fangs into my blue ribbon apple,” Applejack said as she unravelled a giant apple that was so big it weighed down the tree it was on.

A chorus of wow washed over the ponies, dragon, human and anthropomorphic animals. “Awesome!” remarked Spike.

“This here's our entry into the Appleloosa State Fair's produce competition,” Applejack replied, “You know how much TLC goes into getting an apple to grow like this?”

“Applejack! When you go big, you really go big!” Rarity remarked, the apple was so shiny she could see reflection in it.

“Them vampire bats want to shrivel it up like a raisin!” Applejack said.

“Oh, I'm sure if we just let them know how special that particular apple is to you, they'll leave it alone,” Fluttershy suggested.

“Yeah, right,” Applejack scoffed, “be my guest.” Fluttershy grinned as she flew to a nearby tree with the vampire bats in.

“Um, excuse me, Mr. Vampire Bat—” she was interrupted by a dried up apple splatting down next to her, “We were just wondering if maybe you wouldn't mind leaving that really big apple alone?” She was answered by a bat shooting seeds at her. Fluttershy gasped and galloped back to her friends.

“Well? What'd he say?” Applejack asked.

“Um... yes,” Fluttershy replied.

“Huh?!” Applejack said with joy.

“But... it could've been a no,” Fluttershy admitted.

“Oh,” Applejack responded, her face falling.

“This is the first vampire fruit bat I've ever met and, well, it might take some time for me to really understand their language,” Fluttershy replied.

“I thought you understood every animal,” Sam called out.

“It’s no different to learning a Prench or something in school,” Fluttershy replied.

“Uh-huh. And in the meantime, this pest and his vermin friends are gonna go after my prized apple and, while they're at it, every other apple in the orchard!” Applejack exclaimed, “These vampire bats are nothin' but a bunch of monsters!”

“Monsters?!” Fluttershy asked, a bit shocked, “Oh, that's a bit harsh, don't you think?”

“No, I do not,” Applejack told her as she began to sing.

Those vampire bats will give you a fright
Eating apples both day and night
They rest for a minute, maybe three
Then they're eatin' every apple in your apple tree

They don't care about nada, not zilch, no, nothin'
'Cept bringin' about an orchard's destruction

Now wait just a minute, there's another side to this
And if I did not defend them, then I would be remiss
These bats are mamas and papas too
They care for their young just like we ponies do

Oh, give me a break, you're bein' too kind
These creatures have a one-track mind
The orchard is not their restaurant
But do they ever think what others may want?
No! They don't! And that is just a fact
These bats, they simply don't know how to act

That's where I have to disagree
They're loyal to their family
Spreading seeds both far and wide

You see one comin', you'd better run and hide!
They're big and ugly and mean as sin
Will ya look at the state my trees are in?

They help your trees, they'll grow stronger faster

They've turned my life to a total disaster!

Well, I for one don't have a doubt
These vermin must be stamped right out

I second that, they've got to go
These bats, they've got to hit the road

It comes down to just one simple fact
They've crossed the line, it's time to fight them back!

Stop the bats! Stop the bats!
Make them go and not come back!
Stop the bats! Stop the bats!
Make them go and not come back!
Stop the bats! Stop the bats!
Make them go and not come back!

Yes, it comes down to just one simple fact
They've crossed the line, it's time that we attack!

“Girls can we stop,” Sunset called out, “I think we’re scaring Sam.” Sam was hugging Emily tightly, shaking like a leaf.

“I'm sorry, Fluttershy, you too Sam, but I believe Applejack has made the better argument,” Rarity said helping her friend up, “These vampire fruit bats sound downright dreadful.”

“So let's get to roundin' them up so they don't destroy the rest of my orchard,” Applejack told them.

“Fruit bat round-up, fruit bat round-up!” sung Pinkie in a tune similar to Winter Wrap Up.

“Um, excuse me, but, um, what if instead of rounding them up, we... let them have part of the orchard?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Have you lost your pest-lovin' mind?!” whinnied Applejack.

“A bit harsh there Auntie AJ,” Sam remarked.

“They're only here because they're hungry! If we build a sanctuary for them, they could have their own apples to enjoy!” Fluttershy said, “After a while, they could even help the rest of your orchard! The vampire bats don't eat the seeds of the apples, and when they spit them out, they grow into even more productive apple trees!”

“Listen, Fluttershy. That sounds real nice 'n' all, but every second we spend buildin' this so-called 'sanctuary' is a second they'll spend destroyin' orchards!” Applejack told her, “You don't know what it was like the last time there was an infestation, but Granny Smith has told me enough stories about it that just the thought of it gives me nightmares! Granny says we lost a huge section of orchard that year. They had to ration out apples all winter!”

“What about the cider?” Rainbow asked, “There was still cider, right?”

“Not...a...drop,” Applejack replied ominously.

“No cider?! No cider?!” Rainbow exploded, “We need to round up these monsters, and we need to do it now!”

“It’s ok, I can’t drink cider,” Sam said.

“We can,” Scott mocked with a smirk.

“If Granny Smith wasn't with Apple Bloom an' Big Mac checkin' out our produce competition in Appleloosa, she'd be here tellin' us to do just that!”

“I'm sorry, Fluttershy, but I think Applejack is right,” Twilight told her, “I just wish there was another way we could convince them not to eat them in the first place.” Twilight then thought and had an idea, “Maybe there is...!”

The friends regroup at the Golden Oak Library, as Twilight got some books and spread them over the floor. “So, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that I found a spell that can get the vampire fruit bats to stop wanting to suck the juice from the apples,” Twilight told them before her face dropped and looked to Fluttershy, “But in order for the spell to work, I need the bats' full and complete attention.”

“Oh no!” she gasped, she knew what Twilight was going to say.

“Fluttershy, I need you to do your Stare on the bats,” Twilight informed her.

“What's the problem?” Rainbow asked, “You've used the Stare plenty of times before!”

“Yes, but it's not something I take lightly,” Fluttershy replied, “I've made a vow not to use it except in dire circumstances.”

“This circumstance is plenty dire to me!” declared Applejack.

“Me too! Think of the cider! Won't somepony please think of the cider?!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“I'm sorry. I just don't like the idea of taking away the thing that really makes the vampire fruit bats, vampire fruit bats!” Fluttershy said, “It just feels wrong!”

“But if we don't do this, there won't be any apples left for anypony here in Ponyville,” Twilight said, “Doesn't that feel wrong, too?”

Everyone just looked at Fluttershy waiting for her answer.

Later, everyone arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy trailed behind still making her mind. “So what's it gonna be, Fluttershy?” Applejack asked, “Will you do your Stare on the bats or not?”

Fluttershy was reluctant to say, “Um... Um... Okay, I'll do it,” she sighed.

“Good choice,” Rarity said, “I knew you wouldn't side with those icky bats!”

“They're not icky,” Fluttershy muttered to herself.

“First round of cider's on me!” Rainbow called out as she flew up onto of Applejack’s house.

“Hold it right there!” Applejack said, “We've gotta round up these beasts with wings first. Time's a-wastin'!”

The rest of the day, the gang rounded up all the bats. Applejack tied some apples to Pinkie’s head, she hopped down the field attracting the vampire fruit bats attention. Rarity was trying to catch some in a net, while in a hazmat suit, she hit the tree one bat was on, an apple fell down off the tree and splattered on her suit. The bat landed on the suit and licked the apple of Rarity’s suit.

“Ew, ew, ew, ewwww!” she screamed. Scott and Jake were nearby, and they found that very funny as Rarity ran away screaming while some more bats chased after her.

Rainbow was just snatching them out of the trees, as all of them rounded up the bats to a single tree with plenty of apples for them.

“Good work, everypony! I think we got 'em all!” called out Applejack.

“That’s all of them?” Sam responded, “ I thought they’re much more.”

“Now all we need is for you to do your Stare,” Applejack said to Fluttershy.

“Oh, um, are you sure I really need— Okay,” Fluttershy said as she flew up to the bats, “I really, really, really hate to do this to you... I just hope you can forgive me...” and she gave them the Stare. The bats hissed at her but then stopped and froze upon her Stare.

“Have you actually seen her Stare before?” Scott whispered to Kerry.

“Only when she’s trying to stop fights between her animals,” Kerry replied.

“Good... Now you go, Twilight!” Applejack said.

“Alright,” Twilight replied, as she used her magic on the bats to make them not want the juice from the apples, while Fluttershy continued to stare at them. Soon the spell was done. “You can stop staring, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy blinked and looked down at the other.

“Did it work?” Sam asked.

“Only one way to find out for sure,” Applejack said, Rainbow held an apple to one of the bats. It sniffed it and turned and flew away.

“Ye-he-heah, whoo!” cried Rainbow.

“My crop is saved! Yee-haw!” Applejack declared.

“We'll be drinking cider all winter long!” exclaimed Rainbow.

“I wanna thank you for your help,” Applejack said to her friends, “I couldn't have done it without you.”

“Aw, don't mention it, Applejack,” Sunset said.

“It was my pleasure! Really!” Spike remarked.

“Now all we gotta do is sweep up these cores so I can start buckin' fresh tomorrow mornin'!” Applejack said as everyone went to start cleaning up. As they walked away, Fluttershy sniffed the air and turned to see a fresh, juicy apple on the ground.

That night, as Kerry slept on Fluttershy’s couch, her ears picked up on something. She got up and tried to find what that sound was. “Hello?” she called out quietly, “Is someone here?”

She entered the kitchen and jumped to see something standing just in front of the backdoor, the object seemed to turn and stare at Kerry with blood red eyes.

“What the…?!” Kerry exclaimed before the creature jumped at her and bit her on the neck. It just back and flew out the door off to who-knows-where. Kerry cried in pain on the floor, unbeknownst to her, her own fangs sharpened a bit as her golden fur turned a slight brown.

Applejack was up early the next day ready to do a ‘take two’ on Apple Bucking Day. “Apple Bucking Day, take two!” she said, as the roosters crows and the sun raises over the hill. “Yee-haw! Time to collect those juicy, sweet apples!” She kicked a tree and watched an apple fall to the ground, only to have her hopes fall when the apple went splat on the ground.

Applejack rounded up her friends again, Twilight was just as shocked to see this.

“The spell didn't work!” she exclaimed.

“You're darn tootin' the spell didn't work!” Applejack responded, “I think we're gonna have to take more extreme measures!” Just then, Kerry stumbled up to them, she didn’t look good at all. “What’s the matter with her?” AJ asked.

“I found her on my kitchen floor this morning,” Fluttershy replied, Kerry’s fur seemed to be pale and she felt like throwing up, “I also had two red spots on her neck. I have no idea how that got there.”

“Sis?” Sam went up to his sister to give her a hug.

“I’m ok little bro,” she assured him, “I’m fine.” But then her face turned green, and she ran to a bush to throw up. She came back and fell into Jake’s arms.

“Take it easy, babe,” he told her.

“Anyway, I hear ya, Applejack!” Rainbow declared, “C'mon, everypony! Let's track down those vampire bats!”

Everyone ran off to find those vampire fruit bats, with Jake supporting Kerry and taking it slow for her. The Ponies, Spike, Sam, and his siblings soon found the bats but were a little confused to see that they weren’t eating the apples. Rainbow heard one out to one that was reading a book, and it just slapped it out her hoof, and landed on Sunset’s horn.

“Wait a minute... I don't think these bats are the ones that sucked my apples dry,” Applejack said.

“But if the vampire bats aren't eating your apples...” Rarity said.

“Who is?” Twilight questioned before turning to Fluttershy “Fluttershy, you're our animal expert. Do you know of any other creature that might be capable of this?”

“I'm sorry. I don't,” she replied.

“Well, there's only one way to find out,” Twilight announced, “We'll have to catch whoever it is in the act.”

“And how do you propose we do that?” Rarity asked.

“A stakeout?” Sunset asked.

“A stakeout!” Twilight confirmed.

That evening, the gang all walked through the orchard, at night, the dead trees coupled with the mist made everything seem really spooky. Sam was clinging to Sunset's back in fear.

“I’ve never seen Sam this scared since he watched the spooky episodes in Thomas and Friends,” Rebecca said to Emily as she walked beside Sunset and stroked Sam’s hair with one of her arms.

“The witching hour...” Rainbow remarked. As they heard something in the distance, it was only an owl, but it creeped everyone out.

“Maybe we should just call this off,” Fluttershy said before looking up to see an apple on the branch, “Not sure about the rest of you guys, but I'm really hungry...” She was salivating at the apple.

“Oh, Fluttershy, it'll be okay,” Rarity assured her, “Don't forget, darling, we're all in this together.”

“That's right. Nopony leaves this orchard until we've solved this mystery. Agreed?” Twilight said.

“Agreed!” Everyone replied.

“Does everypony have their pony signals?” Applejack asked, Twilight, Rarity and Sunset replied by lighting their horns, Pinkie pulled out a flashlight that shone out her cutie mark, “Now remember, Pinkie Pie, only use the signal if you see somethin' suspicious.”

“I got it. Something suspicious...” Pinkie said as she saw Fluttershy about to eat an apple, “Whatcha doin'?!” she scared Fluttershy out of her wits. The group soon arrived at the darkest and spookiest part of the orchard.

“Alright, now everypony split up. We'll each patrol our own row of the orchard,” Applejack said, “Whoever or whatever's destroyin' my apples has gotta be here somewhere.”

Everyone started to split off into pairs, Twilight and Sam, Sunset and Spike, Rarity and Emily, Applejack and Jake, Pinkie and Rebecca, Rainbow, and Scott, and Fluttershy and Kerry. Everyone had fear written on their faces, even if some tried to hide it.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Fluttershy said to herself, “A really bad feeling about this...”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy,” Kerry assured her, “I’m here with you to keep you…” she didn’t get to finish as she bumped into Fluttershy who seemed to be entranced by an apple. “Fluttershy? Why did you stop?

“That apple... It looks...” Fluttershy mumbled as her eyes turned red, “so juicy... and sweet...” Fangs grew out her salivating mouth.

“F-Fluttershy?” Kerry asked in fear as she watched her roommate change, Fluttershy turned to look at Kerry, she hissed and flew off. Something then clicked in Kerry’s head, “that was her that bit me,” she whispered to herself, feeling her bite mark on her neck, “and that means…” Kerry was then cut off as she fell to the ground in pain, her own fangs grew sharper, and her feline ears became more like bat ears as her fur darkened.

Pinkie and Rebecca were walking around their row of the orchard, as a shadowy figure was lurking around, suddenly they heard something. “What was that?!” Pinkie cried.

“Look,” Rebecca said, she pointed over to a mushy apple on the ground.

“Suspicious!” Pinkie giggled, “It's pony signal time!” she was about to turn on her pony signal, when suddenly something dashed passed her spooking her and Rebecca.

Rarity and Emily were looking around, when it seemed to get darker for them.

“Who's there?” Rarity asked as a shadowy figure flew over them. “Oh, well, there's obviously no need to worry about that shadowy figure overhead...” Just as the shadowy figure flew low over their heads, nearly hitting them. “Or maybe there is!”

“Maybe we should just go see how Rainbow Dash and Scott are doing...” Emily suggested.

“Agreed!” Rarity answered nervously as she trotted faster, and Emily jogged off.

Rainbow Dash was flying in the air and Scott was prowling on the ground, as a large shadow flew over them. Rainbow and Scott saw the shadow, but they could see what made it due to it being misty.

“Uh... who's there?” she called out, she then spotted a shape in the distance.

“Answer me or you'll regret it!” She shouted, the shape didn’t reply “Fine, have it your own way!”

“Uh, Dash?” Scott tried to say, “I think that’s just a…”

But he didn’t finish as Rainbow dashed and tackled the shape to the ground. “Take that, you, you, you...” she said but now seeing the object in the light, she saw it was just a…

“Scarecrow,” Scott said as he ran up, “it’s a scarecrow.”

“Oh,” Rainbow remarked, feeling a little silly.

Twilight was walking around, with a scared Sam on her back. They heard an owl hoot, Twilight gasped, and Sam jumped so much he jumped into his Ultrasuit in defence.

“Relax honey,” Twilight soothed his nerves, “it’s just an owl.”

“Oh,” Sam said as he retracted his suit.

Just then they saw in the sky, Applejack’s pony signal. Sam hopped back onto Twilight’s back, and she galloped off to find Applejack and Jake just staring up into a tree.

“Applejack, what is it?” Twilight asked before she and Sam got hit on the heads with two dried up apple cores. They both looked up to see two figures hanging upside down.

“Suspicious!” Pinkie and Rebecca yelled, hanging upside down as well while holding their flashlights at them. The figure opened their bat wings revealing an angry Fluttershy and Kerry, as the two hissed at the pony and spider girl.

Soon the others arrived upon seeing Applejack Pony Signal, and they had the same facial reactions as Applejack and Twilight. Fluttershy used her tongue to latch onto an apple and suck it dry before it landed on the ground. Sam took note of Kerry’s appearance, she still resembled a cheetah a little, with the tail and spots, but her fur was not brown rather than gold, she had bat wings for arms, bat ears, feet and a slight bat muzzle. She also appeared to be naked but luckily her fur was thick enough to cover her.

“Fluttershy?” Pinkie called to her friend, “Yoo-hoo! Fluttershy!”

“Come on big sis, you recognize me right?” Rebecca asked, but both of them were answered by feral hisses. Pinkie and Rebecca slipped off the tree branches and landed on the ground.

“That's not Fluttershy... That's Flutterbat!” cried Rarity.

“And I guess Kerry the Cheetah-bat,” Scott remarked.

“We've gotta get her down from there!” Twilight demanded.

“Uh... Fluttershy, sweetness, please come down, and... do stop being a vampire bat,” Rarity asked, only to get a hiss from Flutterbat.

“Kerry Babe, come on down and give you hunky rhino a big kiss,” Jake tried to flirt her down by flexing but like Rarity, Kerry just hissed and bit into an apple and slipped the juice out.

“Fluttershy! It's me, Rainbow Dash!” The rainbow maned Pegasus called, “Why don't you cut the bat act and come on down?!”

This seemed to insult Flutterbat as she opened her giant bat like wings and flapped them sending Rainbow barrelling through the air.

“Whoa!” she exclaimed as she flew back down to her friends, “Maybe we should just let her come down when she's ready.”

Just as she said that, Flutterbat and Kerry came down from their branches and raced over everyone’s heads.

“Flutterbat and Cheetah-bat on the loose!” cried Pinkie, “Run for your lives!”

“Pinkie Pie, calm down!” Twilight said before pointing up into the tree “See? They’re back on their... branches.”

“They’re just biding their time!” Pinkie said, “Waiting for the right moment to pounce!”

“Pinkie Pie, bats don't eat ponies,” Applejack told her, “Not even vampire bats.”

“Yeah, but vampire ponies can turn others into vampires!” Spike remarked.

“And I'm not taking any chances!” Pinkie cried as she started to dig into the ground.

“How did this happen?” Rarity asked, “That's what I don't understand.”

“I think this was actually our fault,” Twilight replied.

“Our fault?” Rainbow questioned.

“And how'd you figure that?” quizzed Applejack.

“Sunset mind giving me a hoof,” Twilight asked.

“Sure,” Sunset replied, as the unicorn and alicorn lit up their horns and created a holographic diagram.

“Okay, so this is me, these are the bats, and this is Fluttershy doing her Stare,” Twilight started, “The spell was supposed to go right onto the bats like this, but somehow the spell must have backfired. It took the vampire fruit bats' desire to be vampire fruit bats and transferred that desire into Fluttershy, and to how Kerry is a cheetah-bat, Fluttershy must have bitten her on her neck. C'mon! We'll reverse the spell and make it right!”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Pinkie then suddenly burst out of the ground, “Let's save Fluttershy and Kerry before those things eat us all!”

“Hit the deck!” Rainbow cried out as Flutterbat and Kerry raced down over their heads, but Kerry flew off, Flutterbat landed on Rarity, bit her neck, and flew off too.

“Auntie Rarity!” cried Sam as he rushed over to her. She cried in pain as she felt her ears changing.

“Stay back!” yelled Rarity, “I don’t want to hurt you!” as she grew bat wings, her eyes turned red, and she grew fangs.

She slowly stood up and turned to everyone, they got ready to defend themselves, but Rarity didn’t charge at them, in fact she seemed to act more curious than anything. Sam was the closest and Rarity walked to him and nuzzled him while making a soft purring noise.

“Uh, what is she doing?” Sam asked.

“I think she’s liking you,” Twilight said.

“Rarity?” Sam asked, trying to get her attention, Rarity stopped nuzzling and looked down on him, she tilted her head in curiosity.

“She’s acting like a pet,” Sunset remarked.

Sam found a fresh apple and held it out to Rarity, she tilted her head, and bit into it and sucked the juice out of it. She smiled happily and went back to nuzzling Sam.

“Maybe every bite makes somepony act differently,” Twilight guessed, “in Rarity’s case, friendly and curious.”

“Why don’t you guys go after the two bats, while I look after Rarity-bat here,” Sam said petting Rarity’s mane, she liked the feeling.

“Good idea,” Twilight agreed.

“Follow that bat!” cried Pinkie as everyone, minus Sam, and Rarity, ran off after Flutterbat and Kerry.

Little did they know, Flutterbat and Kerry were perched on branches onto some trees, they clutched their heads and Flutterbat’s ears became more bat-like, and Kerry’s nose became more bat-like.

“I can't believe we lost them!” commented Sunset.

“Oh, Fluttershy, where are you?” called Twilight. But Flutterbat and Kerry were closer than expected. They jumped off their branches and flew down to them hissing like feral creatures.

Spike ran from Flutterbat, but then tripped over an apple. Spike ducked in fear as Flutterbat swooped down and grabbed the apple.

“Look out! Whoa!” Applejack cried, as Flutterbat drained the apple dry, as she dived back down and spat the apple core at the girls.

Kerry tackled Jake to the ground and hissed at him, while trying to bite his neck. Scott and Rebecca managed to get her off him. She snarled at them and took off after Flutterbat.

“If they keep this up, your whole crop will be gone in no time!” Rainbow remarked.

“That's the least of my worries,” Applejack replied, “I just want my friend back.”

“And we want our sister back,” Scott remarked.

“And my girlfriend,” Jake said.

“We'll never get them back unless we corner them and catch them so I can reverse the spell!” Twilight said. They all dashed off after them.

They group crept through the misty, dark orchard. They soon spotted Flutterbat and Kerry on the ground, draining apples dry.

“There they are,” Twilight whispered. But then Scott let off a howl alerting Flutterbat and Kerry, as they dived towards them and away.

“There they go!” Applejack cried.

Emily turned to stare and Scott, “Hehe,” he chuckled nervously, “force of habit.”

“Oh, this is no use,” Twilight stated, “I think the only way we're gonna catch them is if we find a way to lure them closer to us.”

“But even if we can lure them to us, how're we gonna get them to stay still long enough for you to do your reverse spell?” Applejack asked.

“Aww, if only we had Fluttershy to do her Stare on the Flutterbat and Kerry,” Pinkie remarked.

“That's it!” Twilight gasped, and she began to explain her plan.

The plan was set into motion, Twilight was levitating Applejack’s giant apple over to the entrance to the spooky part of the orchard.

“The smell from the Apple will also attract Rarity when we get three birds with one stone,” Twilight remarked.

“Don’t you mean three bats with one stone?” Pinkie chuckled, getting a snort from Rebecca.

“If you say so,” Twilight sighed, “Okay, let's get our friend back. Action stations!”

Applejack pulled out a knife to slice the apple open, “So much for having the winning apple in the Appleloosa State Fair, huh?” Rainbow stated.

Applejack just sighs as she sliced the apple letting the juice ooze out. Rainbow then used her wings to carry the smell in the wind. Flutterbat and Kerry picked up the smell of the apple and flew down to the apple. Rarity also picked up the smell and dashed off, Sam ran after her.

“They're coming!” called Rainbow.

As Flutterbat, Kerry and Rarity hissed and arrived to take a bite of the apple, Applejack kicked her apple out the way to reveal Rebecca holding a mirror. This stopped the three and froze Rarity. Flutterbat and Kerry tried flying away, but Jake held out another mirror, freezing Kerry. Flutterbat panicked and tried to fly away again but Emily held up another mirror and this made Flutterbat freeze. Twilight lit up her magic and used her reversal spell on them all, their fangs shrank away, ears returned to normal, and soon, Fluttershy, Kerry and Rarity were back to normal.

“Oh... where am I?” Fluttershy questions.

“Ow my head,” Kerry remarked.

Everyone burst into cheers, happy to have their friends back. “Thank goodness you're okay!”

“But... What happened to me?” Fluttershy asked.

“You turned into a vampire pony and then turned Kerry into a vampire cheetah-bat and Rarity into a vampire pony too!” Pinkie replied.

“I attacked my friends?!” Fluttershy gasped.

“Yes!” Pinkie replied.

“Oh dear!” Fluttershy remarked but then got a hug from Sam.

“But I’m just glad you’re back,” he stated. Fluttershy just smiled and nuzzled him.

“Hey little bro, what a hug for me?” Kerry asked.

“In a minute,” Sam replied.

“Cheeky,” Kerry remarked.

The next morning, Applejack decides to take Fluttershy's advice and sections off a part of the orchard for the vampire fruit bats.

“Fluttershy, I'm really sorry I didn't take your suggestion in the first place,” Applejack apologised.

“And don't forget, now you'll get seeds that will grow into even bigger and better apple trees,” Fluttershy told her.

“Does that mean what I think it means?” Rainbow asked excitedly.

“Yup! More cider too,” Applejack replied.

“Yea-he-heah, whoo!” Rainbow cried out in joy.

Later, everyone was in Fluttershy’s cottage. Sam was writing about what had happened.

“Okay, got the part about the spell, Fluttershy turning into a bat, building a sanctuary...” Sam listed.

“Be sure to put in there that I came to see that my short-term solution was a little short-sighted,” Applejack said.

“And that you shouldn't let anypony pressure you into doing something that you don't think is right,” Fluttershy chimed in making Applejack blush, “Sometimes you have to tell even your closest friends 'no'.”

“Now, how about we celebrate our stronger than ever friendship with a nice, ripe, juicy apple?” Applejack suggested while holding up an apple.

“Stand back!” Pinkie said in a fake Dracula voice with fake fangs, “I vant to suck its juuuice!” Pinkie bit into the apple and the fake fangs got stuck in it.

Everyone let out a hearty laugh. But as they did, no one knew, not even Fluttershy herself knew, she still had a little bit of fang left. Hinting to the fact that Flutterbat might not be over yet.

Author's Note:

Sup guys

hope you liked this chapter

I'm getting more and more excited to show you want with be happening soon, but we got to go through one more episode before that, Rarity Takes Manehatten.

I'm sure a friend of mine with know what or rather who is coming soon:pinkiehappy: :raritywink:

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