• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 50: An Ace Farewell (Edited)

When Fazbear Entertainment heard about what happened, they immediately discontinued the line of Cody, Owen, and Lillie Animatronics. All Cody, Owen, Lillie animatronics from multiple restaurants were either put in storage to be used as spare parts, or scrapped, just in case the souls of those three could transfer it to new suits. As for the gang, they had their own little adventures.

Rainbow tried to prevent her pet tortoise Tank from going into hibernation by stopping winter from coming to Ponyville. The Cutie Mark Crusaders tried to bring the infamous outlaw Trouble Shoes to justice in hopes of earning their cutie marks. Discord learned that Fluttershy is taking her new friend Tree Hugger to the Grand Galloping Gala instead of him and he goes to extreme lengths to prove that he wasn't jealous. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were called to Griffonstone by the Cutie Map, but they had conflicting ideas on how to fix the problem, where Rainbow also reunited with her old friend Gilda. And while the Mane 11 were busy battling a bugbear, and the Ultra Siblings took care of a kaiju problem, the citizens of Ponyville tried to get to Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda’s wedding on time.

But while the gang were having those adventures, lurking in the shadows, evil was being planned. Somewhere deep in the Everfree Forest, a large secret base was standing, hidden from view by trees and a cloaking shield. Inside this base, aliens stood in line, prepared for the arrival of their leader. In one of the many rooms in the base, was surprisingly a well maintained conference room, with a large wooden table in the middle of the room and chairs lining along all the sides, and one large throne like chair at one of the ends.

Sitting at the end of the table, sat three figures. One was Tirek, sitting on the end facing the throne at the other end. Since his battle with Godzilla, the Ultra Siblings and the Elements of Harmony, Tirek had a cybernetic arm in place of his former arm that got blown off, and he could now properly channel and fire blasts of magic from that arm. To his right, was Starlight, leaning back with her back hooves resting on the table. To his left, was an eerie creature, with black carbonite skin, sickly green mane and tail, translucent insectoid wings, and a crown on her head. This was Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings, and she sat there with an annoyed and tired expression. The three had been sitting there for the past half hour, having been instructed to wait there for the conference meeting to start. Wanting to make a bit of small talk, Tirek turned to Starlight.

“So how did you get roped in with him?” he asked.

Starlight turned to stare at Tirek, looking unamused. “If you must know, I was roped in after Twilight Sparkle and her friends ruined my plans to bring equality to Equestria,” she replied.

“Oh so they got to you too?” Tirek remarked.

“Yes, and I want revenge for that,” Starlight responded, “what about you queenie? Why are you here?”

Chrysalis perked up when she got addressed, “Like I’ll tell to the likes of you,” she retorted.

“You might as well, since we still have time before the meeting starts,” Tirek told her.

“Fine,” Chrysalis gave in, “As you know, us changelings need to feed on love to survive, so when I found out that a royal wedding was happening at Canterlot, I knew this would be a good opportunity to gather love. So I disguised myself as Princess Cadence and took her place. But then her husband’s little sister got in the way and ruined my plans. The power of Cadence and Shining Armour’s love was too much for us and blasted us back to our hive.”

“Hmm, it seems we all have something in common,” Tirek said, “we’ve all had a run in with the same group of ponies that have put a stop to our plan for taking over Equestria.”

“It would appear that way,” Chrysalis commented.

“Yeah but unlike us Queenie, you haven’t come in contact with a group of human children,” Starlight stated.

“Ha! Human’s haven’t existed in Equestria in centuries,” Chrysalis scoffed.

“Well these children have somehow avoided extinction and have fought us,” Starlight told her, “they seemed to be close to these girls.”

“Yes it seems those girls are the kids' guardians,” Tirek thought out loud.

“And you say these are children?” Chrysalis asked in a joking tone.

“They had those robotic suits so don’t you think we got beaten by some powerless children,” Starlight stared at the Queen sitting opposite her.

“I suggest,” Tirek spoke up, “that we form a little alliance. We’ve all had an encounter with these girls and kids, well mostly. And we all want revenge on those same groups of ponies and children. The enemy of my enemy is my friend after all.”

“I guess you have a point,” Starlight agreed, “Alright, I’m in.”

“What about you Queenie?” Tirek asked.

“Fine I’m in,” Chrysalis sighed, “and stop calling my Queenie.”

They all shook hooves with each other, just as the door to the room opened and in walked a bunch of aliens who all took a seat around the table. Last to enter was the one that had brought them all together, draped in a red robe, over his Ultrasuit, Belial took a seat in his throne.

“Welcome Gentleman and ladies,” he spoke in an eerie voice, “sorry to have kept you all waiting for my return, I had to recruit a new member. You three down at the end should have heard of him before.”

As Belial finished he smirked and black smoke entered the room from the cracks in the door. The smoke swirled around the room before taking the form of a black stallion with a smoking flowing mane and tail, red horn, and green eyes with purple mist seeping out.

“Gentlemen, ladies, I like to introduce you to King Sombra,” Belial stated.

“Sombra?!” Starlight, Chrysalis and Tirek exclaimed.

“Hmm, didn’t know he recruited you two,” Sombra commented looking at Chrysalis and Tirek.

“But how are you alive?!” Tirek asked, “You were blown up by the pureness of the Crystal Heart.

“I was killed, but thanks to Belial's dark powers I was revived,” he replied, looking towards Belial.

“Now, if you may take Sombra, we can get down to business,” Belial said, as Sombra took a seat next to Chrysalis, “So, what’s the news on their experiments?”

“Well as you are aware of, Project Mimic succeeded in framing Ultraman, and placing distrust in him amongst the ponies close to him,” a white alien with red spots named Nackle pointed out, “but unfortunately failed when Ultraman flew him into the sun.”

“How’s the process coming along for his successor?” Belial asked.

“We have three ready for testing,” Nackle replied, “One male and two female. The male is dubbed Subject DG-01 and the two females are dubbed Subject DG-02 and Subject GI-01 respectively. We are also in the process of giving them real names.”

“Excellent,” Belial smirked, “how’s Project Tantabus coming along?”

“We’ve managed to created enough of our artificial Tantabus to fully corrupt two individual,” a brown alien with a silver head named Zarab replied, “we’re still in the testing phase to check how it functions to the original Tantabus sample we collected from the Castle of the Two Sisters.”

“That’s great,” Belial sneered, “how is the process of my monster army?”

“We are at 68 Kaiju, Lord Belial,” an egghead bird-like alien named Guts spoke up, holding a chart showing how many monsters they had, “wait scratch that, we have 69 kaiju. Seems like they just destroyed a Gromite.”

“Heh, 69,” snickered a few male aliens.

“Lord Belial, I’m getting tired of waiting to kill these Ultras,” Alien Hipporit said, “I think it’s time I show them what I am capable of.”

“Hipporit enough with your boasting!” shouted a pink fish head female alien named Pitt.

“It’s getting annoying,” cried her sister, who was also an alien Pitt but had an orange head rather than pink.

“No, I shall let you have your fun with them,” Belial stated.

“I won’t let you be disappointed Lord Belial,” Hipporit said as he teleported away.

“Was it wise to let him go?” asked Nackle.

“Oh I know he can get over his head, but with what he’s capable of, I’d let him enjoy himself,” Belial assured his alien followers. They continued their meeting, discussing how their project was coming along and how to kill the Ultra Siblings.

Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, Sam and his team were all busy having some relaxing time. Sam was hanging out with Elena again, Gwen was with Nicholas, and Chris and Devon were busy training with each other. But poor Ace was on his own, he hadn’t been feeling like himself. Sam and Elena noticed this about him and stopped training to check if he was ok.

“Hey Ace, you ok buddy?” Elena asked.

“Hmm, yeah, I’m fine,” Ace replied, with his head lowered.

“You don’t sound fine,” Sam remarked as he and Elena helped Ace to his feet, “Come on tell us what really is wrong.”

“Fine,” Ace said, “I feel like I’m not needed on this team.”

“Why in Equestria do you think that?!” exclaimed Sam.

“Because I’ve not been able to defeat a monster without assistance,” Ace replied, “I haven’t been able to defeat a monster on my own, everything, it’s one of you guys that takes it out, most of the time it’s you who defeats them.”

“Come on, you’ve defeated monsters surely,” Sam said, “You stopped your corrupted mother from taking over Equestria.”

“I did most of the fighting, and you were the one that cured her,” Ace replied.

“What about when you fought Mimic,” Elena brought up, “you went toe to toe with him.”

“Yeah, but he nearly killed me, and you were the one to finish him off,” Ace answered.

“Well, didn’t you defeat a monster on your own before you met me?” Sam questioned.

“I was encased in ice, with the help of another Ultra,” Ace replied.

“Oh, wait really?!” Sam shouted, “there’s another Ultra in Equestria?!”

“I mean maybe,” Ace remarked, “I haven’t heard anything from him since I met him.”

“Well in any case, don’t feel down about yourself,” Elena assured him, “you might not be able to defeat a monster now, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to at all.”

“Yeah, you’re an important member of this team,” Sam told him, placing a hand on his shoulder, “you’re the first member to join, and that makes you special.”

“Thanks guys for the reassurance,” Ace said with a meek smile.

“Hey, tell you want,” Sam told him, “when a new monster appears, I’ll let you have the honours to defeat it yourself.”

“Thanks mate,” Ace responded.

As if on cue, Alien Hipporit appeared to stand over Ponyville, where he was spotted by everyone.

“Citizens of Ponyville, I am Alien Hipporit!” He called out, “and I am here to cause destruction to your puny town!”

Then he let loose a stream of fire from his mouth destroying a nearby building. Luckily, it was empty, but ponies screamed and ran in fear. The Ultra Siblings all gather to witness all, the mane 11 soon came out and joined them to check on them.

“Is everyone ok?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, we are,” Sam replied.

“Come on out Ultraman!” cried Hipporit, “I’ll show you all how I’ll kill Ultraman!”

“Well Ace, here’s your chance to defeat him on your own,” Sam told him.

“Right,” Ace nodded as he pulled out his Spark Lens and transformed into his Ultrasuit.

Tiga landed in front of Hipporit and tried to land a flying kick, but he travelled right through Hipporit. “What?!” he questioned.

Hipporit laughed as he fired some fire bombs from his mouth. Tiga dodged some of them, but he did get hit by a couple as well. Down on the ground, the others were confused with what happened.

“Ace just went right through him!” Pinkie shouted.

“It must be an illusion,” Twilight responded.

Tiga figured this wasn’t a fake and set off to find the real Alien Hipporit. The Alien taunted Tiga to come back, but Tiga continued to fly away, until he found the real Hipporit in a case near the canyon. Tiga landed and fired his Multi-Specium Beam at the case, destroying it, this caused the illusion to disappear.

“What happened?” Fluttershy questions.

“Tiga must've found the real alien,” Rainbow remarked.

“Come on,” Twilight said to everyone, “let’s go and check on him.”

“I think he was heading to the canyon,” Adagio said, so the girls and kids all ran off to the canyon.

Tiga was now engaged with Hipporit in a proper fight. Tiga ran forward and grappled with Hipporit before the alien grabbed Tiga by the leg and tripped him up. Hipporit tried to fall onto Tiga, but he kicked him off and away with his legs before getting to his feet again. Hipporit rolled on the ground before jumping to his feet and grappled with Tiga before getting thrown to the floor. As Hipporit stood back up, he fired a white smoke from his mouth, Tiga ran forward, with the smoke causing explosions around him, Tiga had to roll on the ground to get out of the exploding smoke cloud. Hipporit chuckled as he ran forward towards Tiga, but the Ultra jumped out the way, somersaulted in the air, and kicked the back of Alien Hipporit’s head causing the alien to topple over and fall to the ground.

With Alien Hipporit in the floor, Tiga changed to his Power Type form.

Then he ran up and jumped on top of the alien, grabbed him by the antenna and repeatedly slammed his head on the ground before beating him in the face. Hipporit managed to kick Tiga off him, as he stood up he fired a spike missile from his hands at Tiga. The Ultra managed to dodge it in time before it struck the ground upon it exploded. Hipporit roared in anger, as he stomped forward, Tiga jumped into the air again, spun around and landed on a nearby hill, Hipporit turned around, just as Tiga leaped off the hill and kicked him in the face.

Hipporit rolled on the ground before Tiga ran over and the two began to tussle again, with Tiga bashing Hipporit on the head, and Hipporit smacking Tiga away. Hipporit chased after Tiga as the Ultra got back to his feet, grabbed the alien by the shoulders and threw him to the ground. Tiga prepared himself as Hipporit stood up with a boulder in hand, the alien threw it and Tiga, but he caught it and threw back at Hipporit, striking him on the head and causing him to fall back to the ground.

As Hipporit got back to his feet, Tiga changed from his Power Type form to his Sky Type form.

Tiga then fired his Runboldt Beam Shell, launching multiple energy arrows at Hipporit. The Alien staggered back before teleporting away. Tiga was surprised and looked around to see where Hipporit disappeared to, suddenly two half cylinders appeared and started to close around Tiga. The Ultra tried to push them away, but he wasn’t strong enough and the cylinders trapped him.

Hipporit reappeared and laughed menacingly. “What a shame, Tiga,” he responded, “you won’t be able to witness your own demise. But I’ll be enjoying your death as slowly as I can!”

The capsule started to secrete a green liquid that seemed to burn Tiga as he desperately tried to get out.

“Suffer! Suffer!” Hipporit shouted, “Suffer a painful death!”

Tiga felt himself grow weaker by the second, as his arms went limp, and he dropped his head. Hipporit laughed as Tiga fired a beam from his colour timer into the air before his eyes dimmed.

“Fool! You’ve sent an Ultra Sign?” Hipporit yelled, as the chamber emitted a green gas which filled up the capsule rapidly. The Capsule disappeared, to reveal that Tiga had been turned into a Bronze statue, “Next with be the five Ultra Siblings’ deaths!” Tiga’s Ultra Sign flashed in the sky, which Sam and co witnessed.

“Ace!” Sam shouted, “Ace is in trouble!”

“You all go on ahead!” Twilight told them we’ll be right behind you.

Sam nodded as he and his team donned their Ultrasuit and flew to where Tiga was. First Ultraseven landed, followed by Zero, Ultraman, Mary and finally Jack. Once they saw Tiga turned to bronze, they bolted to him.

“Ace!” Ultraman shouted.

“Is he…Ok?” Mary asked.

Seven walked closer and fell around Tiga’s bronze body, he lowered his head and shook it, “He’s dead.” Was his only response.

Ultraman cried out as he pumped his arms out in anger. “This is my fault,” Ultraman shouted, “if I didn’t give him this chance he wouldn’t be turned into a bronze statue.”

“You can’t blame yourself brother,” Mary told him, “any of us would have fallen into this trap.”

“And fallen you have!” cried Hipporit’s voice as a laugh followed it, the Ultras tensed up and looked around. Hipporit appeared in front of them as the Ultra Siblings prepared to fight. Hipporit suddenly summoned three capsules and dropped them onto Ultraman Mary and Zero. Seven and Jack managed to get out of the way in time, but Ultraman, Mary and Zero were all trapped in the capsules.

Ultraseven jumped at Hipporit and started to wrestle around his head and knee him in the face. When Hipporit tried to get Seven to the ground, the Ultra grabbed Hipporit from underneath and threw him to the ground. Back with Jack, he tried to get his siblings out by lifting the capsules, but they were two heavy, even for his more bulkier suit. Jack stood back and charged up his Railgun, but another capsule enclosed around him, trapping him as well, and leaving Ultraseven on his own. The glass capsules started to secrete it’s Hipporit Tar burning the Ultras inside, they felt the strength vanishing every second.

Seven tried his best to defeat Hipporit on his own, but the Alien was much stronger than him. Hipporit grabbed Seven and held him tightly, as Seven chopped at the back of the neck to get him to let go. Ultraseven the cartwheel kicked Hipporit in the face causing him to get knocked to the ground. Seven then jumped onto Alien Hipporit’s back and started pounding his head, and slamming his face into the ground, before Hipporit knocked Seven off. Hipporit increased his physical attacks by lighting his fist on fire and punching Seven with his flaming chop.

Seven groaned in pain as Hipporit chopped him in the stomach, then grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground. Seven struggled to get up when suddenly Hipporit fired lightning-likes from his eyes and struck Ultraseven in the chest. Seven groaned in pain as he could no longer keep fighting, Hipporit was just too strong for him. Hipporit laughed as he summoned another glass capsule and dropped in on top of Ultraseven, trapping him as well.

Hipporit continued to laugh as the Ultras all cried in pain, feeling their strength disappear. All the colour timers started to blink as they all slowed down and gas started filling the capsules. Soon the five capsules faded away, revealing the bronzed statues of the Ultra Siblings. They were all no more. Hipporit continued to laugh as he slowly teleported away, just as the girls arrived at the canyon. They were horrified and saddened at the site.

“Oh my…” Rarity commented, covering her mouth with her hoof.

“This can’t be! This has to be a bad dream!” Fluttershy sobbed, she couldn’t believe it as she and Pinkie embraced each other for comfort.

“It must be a nightmare!” Pinkie shouted, as she cried into Fluttershy’s shoulder.

“Unfortunately, this isn’t a dream. It’s the cruel reality,” Applejack remarked, lowering her head. Rainbow had tears building up and she had to look away.

“Dagi…? Are they…?” Sonata stuttered, she didn’t want to finish her sentence as she was embraced by Adagio and Aria.

“Twilight?” Trixie asked her friend, “Are you ok?”

Twilight herself was trying to hold back tears. Though she was upset, she had been through similar scenarios before, and she instead had a stern look on her face.

“Twilight? Aren’t you scared for your children?” Trixie questioned.

“I am,” Twilight replied dryly, “but I know Sam and the others are fine.”

“How is that fine?!” Rainbow shouted.

“I’m not seeing them as dead,” Twilight replied, “they’re just in suspended animation.”

“We can’t lose faith in them,” Sunset said, “We need to figure out a way to save them, and stop Hipporit.”

“Sunset’s right,” Adagio chimed in, “If we defeat Hipporit, maybe then the effect will lift.”

The girls slowly gathered themselves and nodded confidently. As the sun started to set over the mountains, shimmering on the bronzed statues of the Ultra Siblings, the girls headed back to Ponyville to rest up for the night. But as they headed home, Twilight thought she saw something, she turned around, and looked around but she couldn’t find anything.

“Hey Twi, you ok?” Sunset called to her.

“Hmm? Oh yeah,” she replied, “I just thought I saw something.”

“Well I don’t see anything so maybe you didn’t,” Sunset stated.

“Maybe,” Twilight responded as she followed the rest.

But little did see know, she did see something. It was hard to make out due to it being far away from, but it seemed to be a figure that was watching the Ultras, before turning away and heading in a different direction.

That night, none of the girls could sleep, they couldn’t get the thought of the Ultra Siblings being beaten so quickly and easily by Alien Hipporit. As the morning sun rose over the mountains, Twilight hadn’t gotten any sleep, she was busy all night to possibly find a spell that could de-bronzed the Ultra Siblings. But she had come up with nothing and she couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer.

“Twilight!” Cried Sunset when she saw her friend, “have you been awake all night?”

“I’ve been trying to find a counter-spell to free Sam and the others,” Twilight told her, “but I’ve found nothing.”

“Don’t give up hope Twilight,” Sunset responded, “We’ll figure out a way to save them.”

“We better,” Twilight replied, “I don’t think my heart can handle something like this again.”

Just then, the illusion of Alien Hipporit appeared over Ponyville again, but not just the town, but all around Equestria, being witnessed by ponies alike in Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, Manehattan, Los Pegasus and more. Celestia and Luna came out onto their balconies and stared up at the illusion in Canterlot.

“Ponies of Equestria! I have single handedly killed the Ultra Siblings!” Hipporit announced as he showed an illusion of the bronzed Ultra Siblings, “Surrender Equestria to the Dark Kings now, or else I’ll turn your major cities into hell! Ponies will become our Slaves! Rulers of Equestria, I await your answer!”

“We refuse!” Shouted Celestia, “We cannot accept your request! Equestria belongs to the us! We will project Equestria until we die! We’ve done it long before the Ultra’s came to this planet, and we’ll continue to do so!”

“How foolish!” Hipporit chuckled, “Think it over, I await a better answer.” And with that the illusions disappeared.

Later, Celestia and Luna had called the girls to Canterlot together to discuss what they could do, and Twilight was sent to one of the guestrooms for some rest. The ponies all gathered in the Throne room and continued their meeting until late in the afternoon. No one had come up with a plan that could work, until Celestia brought out a book containing a power spell. A spell that would blast a power beam of energy.

“So run me by that again,” Rainbow stated.

“Alien Hipporit is bound to appear again,” Celestia said, “the illusions of him are likely to appear again and cause destruction. So the plan is, while you all distract the illusions in different cities, with his guard down, I’ll head to the canyon, and perform this power spell. That should get his focus off the cities and onto me.”

“Don’t think you are going to perform that spell on your own sister,” Luna commented, “this spell is hard enough for one pony to perform on their own. You’ll need my help.”

“Thank you sister,” Celestia smiled, “now, here’s what we’re going to do. You'll split up into teams. Rarity, you, Applejack and Fluttershy will stay here. Sunset, you Rainbow and Pinkie head to Cloudsdale. Adagio, you, Aria, Sonata, and Trixie head back to Ponyville. When the illusions disappear, teleport to me and Luna, and we’ll take him down for good.”

“That sounds like a plan,” Sunset remarked, just as the doors to the throne room opened to reveal Twilight.

“Twilight? You should be resting,” Applejack said.

“I am not going to be waiting on the sidelines while my friends risk their lives,” Twilight announced, “I’m coming too.”

“Are you sure you’re up for it?” Celestia asked, Twilight nodded, “very well. Ponies, let's do this.”

And so the plan was set into motion, the teams all dispatched to the different cities and waited for Hipporit to appear. Twilight was assigned with Rarity and her team to protect Canterlot. Sunset and Pinkie were given the ability to walk on clouds, to help Rainbow in projecting Cloudsdale. Adagio and her team headed back to Ponyville to prepare for Hipporit’s arrival, and the Princesses flew from their castle to the canyon where they saw the bronze statues of the Ultra Siblings.

Sure enough, illusions appeared around Equestria, and the ponies set to work distracting the illusions. Cadence had been told by Celestia about their plan, and she helped by annoying the illusion in the Crystal Empire. As the illusions breathed its explosive mist on a building, the Rainbow, Fluttershy and Aria flew around the faces to get their attention. As they flew around the faces, Twilight, Rarity, Sunset, Adagio and Trixie fired blasts of magic up at the illusion to confuse them even more despite the fact that their blasts went straight through the illusions. While Applejack, Pinkie and Sonata ran around getting ponies to safety.

“Ponies just stop your useless attack!” Hipporit called out, “just submit to the Dark Kings already!”

With the illusions distracted, Celestia and Luna trek through the valley and discover where the real Hipporit was. He was contained in one of his Hipporit capsules.

“I see now,” Celestia remarked, “the alien used the smoke in the valley and made projections of himself. Luna, let's put an end to this.”

“Yes Sister,” Luna nodded.

The two sisters crossed horns and started to charge up the magical energy beam, they aimed their horns towards the alien, and unleashed a powerful blast of magic that exploded the chamber upon contact. The illusions around Equestria all disappeared, signalling that Celestia and Luna did it.

“The illusion’s disappeared,” Applejack pointed out.

“Celestia and Luna must have done it,” Twilight told them, “quick girls to me and I’ll teleport us to them.”

So Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy stood next to Twilight, as she used her magic to teleport them to Celestia and Luna. They were soon joined by Sunset’s and Adagio’s groups as well.

Meanwhile, Alien Hipporit, annoyed, found Celestia and Luna and tried to incinerate them with his flames. Celestia and Luna had used most of the strength on the energy blast, and now were weaker than before. They tried to hide while firing magical blasts at the Alien.

“You figured me out!” Hipporit shouted as he grabbed a massive boulder and lifted over his head. Just as the ponies teleported to the scene.

“The Princesses are in danger!” Twilight shouted, “girls aim your horns at the alien and attack!”

Twilight, Sunset, Trixie, Adagio and Rarity all aimed their horns at the alien and fired, this disrupted Hipporit and caused him to drop the boulder on the ground and land on his foot. Hipporit roared in pain as he growled at the ponies.

“I’ll tell you what, your plan was pretty genius. Distracting my illusions while you’re Princesses took care of me while my guard was down,” he responded, “however, you don’t have the power to defeat me! Tiny ponies like yourselves are too weak to even hurt me! Now I’ll show you the Strongest power of an Alien Hipporit!”

Hipporit then fired his Wind Hell at the group as the girls united with the Princesses. They coughed and gagged as Hipporit then fired his Flame Hell and trapped the group inside a ring of fire. The girls all started to panic, and Applejack got PTSD from this.

“Burn! Burn!” Hipporit laughed, “These flames will burn the Ponies! First the Six Ultra Siblings and now the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses are at their wits end too!”

Standing on the edge of the valley, a figure watched the whole scene go down. Before grabbing his cloak and throwing it off, and revealing to be another human. He wore a yellow jacket with red sleeves, green trousers, black boots, and a yellow streak in his hair. The kid crossed his arms, then reached to the sky, before getting engulfed in a bright light before the light moved towards Hipporit.

“What is that?!” Rarity shouted. Everyone looked and watched the light land in front of Hipporit and exploded causing the alien to topple over to the ground. As the light faded, in its place was another Ultra.

“What?! Zoffy?!” Hipporit exclaimed as he struggled to get back to his feet.

Zoffy crossed his arms and charged up his energy before firing a powerful beam of electricity at Hipporit stunning him. With Hipporit temporarily stunned, Zoffy turned to face the ponies in the ring of fire, and emitted a stream of freezing mist that was so cold it extinguished the flames. The girls quickly made sure that each other was okay, as Zoffy turned to face Tiga and emitted the same freezing mist from his palms to de-bronze Tiga. And it worked, Tiga was no longer a bronze statue, but his colour timer wasn’t blinking.

Hipporit roared in fury, Zoffy turned to see Hipporit charging towards him. Zoffy got ready to fight as he grabbed Hipporit by the head, to stop him from running, then Zoffy chopped at his neck. Hipporit went to smack Zoffy, but the Ultra stopped his arm and grabbed his head antenna before throwing him to the ground. As Hipporit stood back up, Zoffy channelled his energy and launched a Zoffy Slash at Hipporit striking it in the head and causing the alien to fall backwards.

Zoffy ran forward and grabbed Hipporit by the head again, before lifting him and flipping him over his shoulder, Hipporit rolled on the ground and back onto his feet. Zoffy ran towards him and kicked the alien in the face, causing the alien to fall and roll on the ground once again. Zoffy fired another Z-Beam to stun the alien, the attack struck Hipporit and weakened him, but the alien wasn’t done. He lifted his head and emitted blinding sparks from his antennas and eyes, this stunned Zoffy as Hipporit stood back up and fired a laser from the red orb on his chest, striking Zoffy in the chest, and making him fall to the ground.

With Zoffy on the ground, Hipporit took the opportunity and started to beat down on Zoffy’s back, before lifting him up and tossing him to the ground again. Zoffy’s colour timer started to blink as Hipporit roared, he waddled over to Zoffy as he staggered to his feet, then the alien smacked him in the face causing Zoffy to stumble to his feet. Due to Hipporit’s Breast Crusher beam, Zoffy was severely injured and was struggling to battle Hipporit. Low on energy, Zoffy suddenly grabbed his colour timer, tore it off and threw it at Tiga. The energy from his colour timer dispensed into Tiga’s reviving him, but at the cost of his own, as Zoffy dropped to the ground and his eye dimmed.

“Tiga’s came back to life!” Sonata shouted.

With Zoffy’s energy running through his body, Tiga turned to face Hipporit. Tiga then channelled the energy and unlocked a new form, Tiga’s suit turned gold and glimmered in the light of the sun. Tiga had become Glitter Tiga.

Tiga jumped, spun in the air, and kicked Hipporit square in the face. Hipporit struggled to get to his feet, but before he could even stand up, Tiga kicked him in the back and knocked him to the ground again. Tiga picked up Hipporit and started to kick and punch him in the chest before grabbing him and flipping the alien over himself. Once again as Hipporit got to his feet, Tiga grabbed the alien, and tossed him to the ground, then Tiga placed his arms on his shoulders, then quickly thrusted them forward in an energy wave that struck Hipporit in the chest.

Hipporit stumbled from the attack, as Tiga ran forward to try and kick him, but the alien side stepped, causing Tiga to miss. Hipporit then grabbed Tiga and tossed him aside, before chasing after him, Tiga got back to his feet, and flipped Alien Hipporit over his back. Tiga jumped at Hipporit before grabbing him by the head, and slamming it into the ground multiple times before getting him up off the floor and throwing him to the ground again. As Hipporit stumbled to his feet again, Tiga jumped into the air and kicked him in the back of the head, sending the alien falling to the floor.

Tiga grabbed Hipporit and pulled him up and back on his feet, Hipporit tried and struggled to get free from Tiga’s grasp. Down on the ground, Celestia, Luna and the other unicorns had their horns pointed at Hipporit.

“Shoot at the alien’s head!” Celestia ordered as the ‘corns all fired magical blasts at Hipporit. Tiga jumped out of the way as the magical bullets struck Hipporit in the face.

Tiga grabbed Hipporit once they had stopped firing and threw him into a nearby hill, Hipporit stumbled to his feet as Tiga charged up his beam attack.

“NO! You can’t kill me!” Hipporit cried, “I’m more powerful than any of you combined!”

“Then I guess I was just stronger. Glitter Zeperion Beam!” Tiga shouted as he fired the beam at the alien causing Alien Hipporit to explode into a million pieces, leaving behind a flaming, smoking crater.

“Tiga won!” Pinkie cried.

“But, his siblings are still…” Rainbow spoke, “poor Tiga.”

“Wait, look!” yelled Trixie. The ponies all looked and saw the bronzed Ultras turn back to normal.

Tiga changed back to his Multi type form and restored Zoffy’s colour timer, which he then used to restore energy for the other Ultras. One by one, the Ultra Siblings came back to life.

“Oh my head,” groaned Ultraseven.

“That was something,” Zero remarked.

“Are you ok, Gwen?” Ultraman asked.

“I’ve been better,” Mary replied.

“Guys look, Ace’s saved us,” Jack commented. The five of them went to check if their brother-in-arms was ok.

“Well Ace, you’ve finally defeated your first monster on your own,” Ultraman remarked.

“Well I did have a little help,” Tiga replied.

“Yeah but you defeated him on your own,” Mary pointed out.

“‘Defeated’ is a way to put it,” Nick remarked, as he picked up a chunk of Hipporit’s face.

“Well I wouldn’t be able to if… he… didn’t free me,” Tiga lowered his head as he turned to face Zoffy, who laid on the ground motionless.

The six Siblings walked over to the fallen Ultra, they all lowered their heads in respect, as Tiga got on his knees and clutched Zoffy’s hand. Tiga placed Zoffy’s depleted colour timer back on his chest and lifted his arms onto his chest in a cross, as the others gathered around and gently picked Zoffy up. Ultraman, Tiga and Mary holding his left and Jack, Seven and Zero holding his right. Using their powers to revert back to normal, they caused Zoffy’s Colour timer to change him back as well.

Back with the ponies, a couple of them had shed some tears at the sight. Twilight looked forward and she could see the outline of figures walking towards them. It was Sam and his team carrying their fallen ally.

“Sam!” she cried as she ran towards them, followed by the others, “are you hurt? Are you ok?”

“Yeah, we'll be fine now,” Sam replied, “but our friend here…”

The six of them lowered the kid gently onto the ground, as Celestia came up to look him over. “We need to get him to a hospital,” she told them, as she and Luna used their magic to teleport them all to Canterlot Hospital.

Back in the secret base, hidden in the Everfree forest, Belial was sitting in his throne room, clutching his Giga Battlenizer, when Alien Guts came into the room with news.

“Lord Belial, Hipporit has failed,” Guts reported.

“I know,” Belial replied, “his soul has entered my Giga Battlenizer.”

“Shall we continue on without him?” Guts asked.

“Yes, progress may be slowed, but he didn’t really do much, and just bragged all the time,” Belial answered, “how’s Subjects DG-01, DG-02 and GI-01 coming along?”

“They’re coming along just nicely,” Guts told him, “we are about to test their skill against monsters.”

“Excellent,” Belial remarked as he stood up and gave Alien Guts his Giga Battlenizer, “pit them against Golza, Telesdon and Sadora.”

“As you wish my Lord,” Guts bowed and left the room leaving Belial in the dark room.

“Beware, Ultraman. Your days are numbered,” he spoke, followed by an evil chuckle.

The following day, the Ultra Siblings and the Elements of Harmony were all having a picnic together, Rainbow, Aria and Pinkie played in the lake near the picnic spot, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity were getting the food ready, and Sam and the gang were resting on a nearby hill.

“So I heard your friend is in a stable condition,” Gwen told Ace.

“That’s good to hear,” Ace remarked.

“Who is he anyway?” Sam asked.

“He’s a friend that I met before I met you,” Ace replied, “his name’s Yellow, and he helped me in sealing a monster away.”

“He must have been pretty strong,” Jack stated.

“He was,” Ace responded. The group fell quiet for a little while, just listening to the ponies playing and chatting. Eventually Ace spoke up again. “Guys. I have something to say that I’ve been thinking about for a while.”

“What’s on your mind?” Sam questioned.

“I’ve… I’ve been thinking about leaving the team,” Ace answered.

“WHAT?!” the other five all shouted.

“Why?!” Asked Gwen.

“Well I’ve been thinking, and I don’t think being an Ultra is really cut out for me,” Ace stated, “I’m not a fighter, I’m just a kid with ice powers.”

“You know what, I respect your decision Ace,” Sam remarked, sitting up, “you were my first teammate, and our alliance is still holding strong.”

“We’re going to miss you,” Gwen stated.

“You were a great teammate,” Devon expressed.

“You sure Ace, it wouldn’t be the same without you,” Nick commented.

“Thanks guys, I’m sure this is what I want to do,” Ace replied, “it’s also a little bit for the best, because I’m not the same age as you all.”

“What do you mean by that?” Chris asked.

“I’m 34 years old,” Ace replied.

“YOU’RE WHAT?!?!” The five kids shouted, so loud that the girls heard them.

“Hey, what ya yelling about?!” Applejack called to them.

“Ace says he is 34 years old!” cried Sam. Everypony was shocked and gathered around them. Ace explained to them that Frostlings like himself age faster than normal beings. Due to him living in this warming climate, slowed his growth, so he was stuck in a child body.

“Wow, I guess that makes sense,” Twilight remarked.

“Wait, he’s 34 years old,” Sonata retorted, “that’s the same age as me.”

“Oh Sonata, I really wish I could have told you sooner,” Ace said as he came closer to her and held her hooves, “when I’m around you, my heart just yearns to you how I feel. I fell in love with you the moment our eyes met in Principal Luna’s Office back in the human world.”

“It’s a long story,” Sam remarked when Twilight and Sunset turned to face him.

“Sonata Dusk,” Ace said, getting on one knee, “please, would you become my girlfriend?”

Sonata and everyone was at a loss for words, they didn’t expect this. “I… I… I…” Sonata stuttered, “I’d love too!”

Ace cheered and he kissed Sonata on the lips, taking most of the guard, Sonata included, but she accepted it and kissed him back. Later, as the sun started to set behind the mountains, everyone gathered at the train station to see goodbye to Ace. He had packed his stuff and was waiting for the train that would take him to the Crystal empire, where then he would meet his mother and they’ll head back to the Ice Kingdom.

“Are you nervous Ace?” Sam asked.

“A little yeah,” Ace replied, “Sam, Gwen, everypony, I’ve had such a great time living with you.”

“It’s been fun having you around Ace,” Twilight responded.

“And mostly to you Sam, thank you for being a true friend,” Ace stated.

“Hey, A true, true friend helps a friend in need,” Sam replied.

“A friend will be there to help them see,” Gwen chimed in.

“A true, true friend helps a friend in need,” Chris continued.

“To see the light that shines from a true, true friend,” Ace finished making everyone laugh, “oh and before I forget… here, I think you should hold onto this.”

“Your Spark Lens?” Sam questioned.

“I won’t be needing it anymore,” Ace remarked.

“I’ll make sure it’s given to someone worthy,” Sam told him.

Just then the Train came into view and stopped at the station.

“Ponies wanting to go to the Crystal Empire, please board,” called the train conductor.

“Well this is it,” Ace remarked, as Adagio and Rarity helped get his things onboard.

“I guess so,” Sam responded as he and the others all embraced Ace in one last hug. After that, Ace ran to catch the train before it could leave without him.

As the train started to pull out the platform, Ace stuck his head out the window and waved goodbye to his friends. Everyone waved goodbye until he was out of sight, then one by one, they left the station, with Sam, Gwen, Twilight, and Sunset last.

“Sayonara Ace,” Gwen called out before she turned around to follow Twilight and Sunset home.

“Farewell Ace,” Sam declaimed softly.


Author's Note:

Greetings all, I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter

first off, wow, 50 chapters of this, what a milestone. I didn't expect to get my story that far, and yet here we are.

For those that want to know, no Ace hasn't left the series, he'll just be absent for a good long while. for those wondering if any other characters will be leaving, the answer is yes, but you'll have to wait and see who. and for those who like to be curious, want to try and guess what's going to happen with the Villains' plans?

again I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in the next one

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