• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,364 Views, 450 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 3: Enrolment (Edited)

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, birds were singing, and Sam was snoring. Twilight shook him awake gently, hoping to not startle him. Sam slowly opened his eyes to see the smile on Twilight’s face. She kisses him on the forehead.

“Good morning sleepy head,” she giggled, “you snore almost as loud as Spike.”

“Good morning Twilight,” Sam replied, “sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry Sam,” Twilight assured him, “I’m used to it. Come on, we got something important to do today.”

“What’s happening?” Sam asked as he got out of bed.

“I’m going to enrol you at the Cheerilee’s schoolhouse,” Twilight said.

“School,” Sam muttered, his face seeming to freeze in fear.

“Yeah, as you’re ten years old, you haven’t finished school,” Twilight said, she had her back turned to Sam so she didn’t see his face, “so I thought it would be best if you went to school. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo go there so you’ll have some friends.”

Hearing the CMC’s names made Sam less nervous. “Come on then, get ready,” Twilight told him.

Sam soon got dressed and had breakfast provided by Spike. Then he and Twilight made their way to the Schoolhouse, as it was a Sunday the schoolhouse wasn’t open, but Cheerilee was still there as she had stuff to do to get ready for the next day. As Sam and Twilight walked through town, ponies would give Sam a friendly wave, which he responded with a wave of his own. Soon they arrived at the Schoolhouse, Sam noticed that Fluttershy’s cottage was close by.

“If I’m too busy when school finishes, I’ll get one of my friends to take you home ok?” Twilight asked, as she knocked on the door.

“Ok,” Sam replied.

Not long after Twilight knocked, the door opened to reveal a moderate cerise earth pony, with a pale rose and greyish rose mane and tail, she had greyish green eyes and her cutie mark was three smiling faced flowers.

“Oh Good morning Twilight,” Cheerilee greeted her, “I wasn’t expecting you today.”

“Good morning Cheerilee,” Twilight returned the greeting, “I was hoping that you could enrol Sam here into your school.” She nudged Sam closer.

“Oh my goodness,” Cheerilee said, rubbing his cheek with a hoof, “he’s a cute one. Of course he can be enrolled here.”

“That was quick,” Sam thought to himself, “what’s going to get this chapter to over 1,000 words long? The script so far only goes on two pages.”

“You’ll just need to sign some papers,” Cheerilee told her.

“Of course,” Twilight replied, “Sam you wait out here.”

Cheerilee led Twilight into the schoolhouse as Sam waited outside. This gave Sam some time to think about something. His school life. He thought back to his friends.

Chloe, the sweet and kind one. Reece, the fancy talking and gay one. Erin, the cheeky prankster. James the overconfident hot head. Oscar, the lone-wolf. Kelly, the artist, hippie, and nudist. Sophia, the Miss Bossy Boots. Sommer, the hard-working New Zealander. Millie, the shy, quiet one. Phoebe, the Queen of Kisses. Thomas, the short-tempered one. Tyler, the big, strong one, that scares the bullies away. Joe, the team leader before Sam came along. And Elena, In Sam’s option, the most beautiful, the most caring and the most lovable girl in his life.

He thought about his teacher, Anna Dickson. He viewed her as a sort of second mother, she would help support him when he got bullied, and would help him a lot in class. He thought about the schoolwork and how English was one of his favourite as most of the time, it would be learning about a book he’s read or how to write a story.

But then he thought about his bullies. He remembered what they did to him. He looked around to make sure no one was around and took his shirt off. His eyes widened in horror as he screamed.

Twilight and Cheerilee were just finishing up Sam’s enrolment papers, when they heard him scream. Twilight and Cheerilee ran out to see Sam with his shirt off, and scars on his back.

“Sam!” Twilight ran to him, worried about him, “What happened?”

Sam slowly turned around, to reveal more scars on his torso, and tears in his eyes. He ran to Twilight and wrapped his arms around her neck. He cried into her fur as she rubbed his back. She could feel his scars on his back.

“Shhh, Shhh, Shhh,” Twilight hushed him. Sam still had tears falling out of his eyes, as he started to slowly calm down. Twilight used a hoof to wipe his tears away, “Can you tell me how you got these scars.”

Sam took a deep breath and told her and Cheerilee what happened. “It was when I was five,” Sam began, “When I first joined my primary school, I was a lonely boy, but I was also a target for bullies. They bullied me for a really long time, and they forced me to do their schoolwork and when I talked back to them, they gave me one of these. I called them Terror-Scars, because whenever I have nightmares, the scars would give me unbearable pain.”

Twilight and Cheerilee were silent, they had never heard such a sad story. “Did anyone not help sweetheart?” Cheerilee asked, breaking the silence.

“When I got my first scar,” he said, “two kids came to me and felt bad for me. So they became my first friends. But the problem is that they're bigger than before.”

“So are you saying that they somehow grew,” Twilight asked.

“I don’t know,” Sam said as he cried some more.

“You poor, poor child,” Twilight stated as she wrapped her arms around him, she started to tear up herself, “I’m so, so sorry you went through those terrible times. But don’t worry Sam, I would let anything like that happen to you again.”

“Thank you,” he said as she snuggled up into Twilight’s fur.

“You’re all signed up Sam,” Cheerilee said nuzzling his cheek, “so you’re all ready for tomorrow.”

“Thank you Miss Cheerilee,” Sam said, hugging her neck. He then turned to put his shirt back on.

Twilight then had an idea, “Sam, how about we pop over to Fluttershy’s to get you a companion,” she said.

“Do you mean like a pet?” Sam asked.

“Yeah, but I’ll help you in taking care of it,” Twilight replied.

“Ok, sure,” Sam said, “I always wanted a pet of my own.”

“Come on then,” Twilight said, “Thank you for your time Cheerilee.”

“Thank you Miss Cheerilee,” Sam called to her as he waved her goodbye.

“See you later in class, Sam!” Cheerilee called back as Twilight and Sam made their way to Fluttershy’s cottage.

Sam was still a little shaken up from finding out that his scars had grown bigger. Twilight noticed he was still a bit sad and shaken about his scars, she placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“Are you feeling any better Sweetie?” Twilight asked with a worried look on her face.

“Better, but I’m still a bit shaken”, Sam replied, “I just don’t understand how they started to grow.”

“Maybe because you said that when you have a nightmare, they gave you pain,” Twilight said, “maybe the magic of you being teleported here affected them to grow when you have nightmares as well.”

Sam thought that that could be a good reason. Soon Fluttershy’s cottage came into view and the two could see she was attending to her birds. When they got nearer, Fluttershy noticed them.

“Hello Twilight, Hello Sam,” she greeted sweetly, “what brings you all up to my cottage?”

“Hello Fluttershy,” Twilight began, “Sam has been having nightmares and has been in real pain from his uh… Terror-Scars.”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy gasped as she wrapped a hoof around Sam, letting him in one of her ‘Flutter-Hugs’, “What’s a Terror-Scar?”

Sam lifted her t-shirt and showed Fluttershy his scars. “Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy exclaimed, “How did you get those?” Sam then Told Fluttershy his story, when he was finished, Fluttershy had tears in her eyes. “You poor baby,” she muttered while hugging him.

“We don’t even know how they got bigger though,” Twilight said, “but I thought it’s due to the magic of how he arrived here.”

“It’s very possible,” Fluttershy replied.

“So Sam said that he would like a pet”, Twilight finished.

“Well come in and choose one,” Fluttershy said as she calmed down and broke the embrace, she went back inside followed by Twilight and Sam

Inside her cottage, Fluttershy started to show Sam her animals.

“Would you like a dog?” Fluttershy asked.

“No thank you,” Sam replied, “Although I do love dogs, they’re just too full of energy.”

“Ok, then maybe a cat,” Fluttershy said.

“No thanks,” Sam responded, “They’re too lazy and demanding.”

“A bunny.”

“Too cute.”

“A mouse.”

“Too small.”

“A bear.”

“Too big.”

“A parrot.”

“Too loud.”

“A snake.”

“Too long.”

“A squirrel.”

“Too hyper.”

“A spider.”

“Too scary.”

“Well I’m afraid that’s it,” Fluttershy said.

Sam felt defeated, as he walked to Twilight, something caught his attention at the corner of his eye. There, in a cage, was a middle-sized chameleon. It was grey, with a pink underbelly, and blue spots.

“Fluttershy, who’s this?” Sam asked.

“Oh, that’s Camillia,” she answered, “I found her in the Everfree forest just last week.”

“Can… I have her please?” Sam asked hopefully.

“Of course,” Fluttershy replied smiling, “I bet she makes a wonderful pet.”

Camillia seemed to nod. “She is quite cute,” Twilight stated.

“Thank you Fluttershy,” Sam said, giving her a hug around the neck, “I take good care of her”.

“Your very welcome sweetie,” Fluttershy responded, as he left smiling with his new pet.

“It’s nice to see him smile”, Fluttershy remarked as Sam walked down the path to Ponyville.

Twilight could only agree.

“Twilight, are you coming?” Sam called to her.

“Just coming!” Twilight called back, “thank you Fluttershy.”

“No problem, Twilight,” Fluttershy said as she hugged her friend, and Twilight left to catch up to Sam.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, here's the third Chapter in Sam's new life in Equestria.

I know it's a little short but my mind was a little dry, and I didn't know what to do, but next chapter should be longer

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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