• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 6: An Eventful Day with Spike (Edited)

It had been about two weeks since Sam came to Equestria, and he felt like he finally belonged in Equestria. Everypony treated him fair and kindly. Last week, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow took Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo on a camping trip, and from what Scootaloo told Sam, she was scared of an old, creepy pony and headless horse. But she calmed down thanks to Sam and her friends. A few days ago, Rainbow had been recruited into the Wonderbolts Academy, and made a new rival in Lightning Dust.

But after he defeated Arstron and Trixie, more monsters had been discovered roaming around Equestria. One monster even rose up in Sweet Apple Acres during Applejack’s Apple Family reunion. The monster was named Zambolar which was brown with glowing, orange spikes and horns on his back and face.

Zambolar was hungry and had risen up to find food. It ate the apples, but what was scary about it was that Zumbolar's presence is able to create a sort of heat cyclone. The temperatures around his body can become even hotter than six hundred degrees Celsius, enough to create massive forest fires and burn steel. So it set the surrounding trees on fire. Zambolar was killed thanks to Sam in his Ultraman Suit, but during the battle, Twilight tried to help, but she got injured, and had to go to the hospital. Fortunately, Trixie was more than happy to look after Sam while Twilight was in hospital.

Spike, and Sam went to sleep that night, but we were worried about Twilight.


“S... m.”


Sam felt somepony shaking his shoulder to wake him up. He opened his eyes and saw Trixie standing there looking at him.

“Good morning, Sam,” she said.

“Good morning, Trixie,” he said, “Is Twilight back from the hospital yet?”

“No, not yet,” she replied, “But I just got word from the Hospital that Twilight should be out by the end of the week.”

“Oh,” Sam said, “that’s good then.”

“Yeah,” Trixie said, “Come on, I made some breakfast.”

Sam climbed out of bed and gave Trixie a good morning hug. She then went downstairs while Sam went to the bathroom to change clothes. After he did that, he walked downstairs and was about to go to the kitchen when he felt something touch his head. Sam looked out and saw Owlowiscious had sat on his head.

“Oh Owlowiscious,” Sam said as he grabbed Owlowiscious, “What are you doing on my head?”

“Who.” Called Owlowiscious.

“You,” Sam replied, “what were you doing on my head?”


“Stop while you’re ahead, Sam,” Spike laughed, “He doesn’t say anything else. Anyway, Trixie made pancakes.”

“I love pancakes!” Sam said happily.

Sam went into the kitchen, where Trixie placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. Sam took a bite, the moment he swallowed his bite, his eyes lit up and he began to devour his pancakes.

“I’m guessing you like them,” Trixie said with a grin.

“Yes, I do,” Sam replied, with a pancake in his mouth, “I’d say she makes better pancakes than Spike.”

“Hey!” Spike remarked.

Trixie laughed, but then she remembered something. “Hey Sam,” she said, “Pinkie said she wanted my help with something today, so you’ll be with Spike today, alright?”

“Okay,” Sam said.

After they finished breakfast, Trixie left to go see Pinkie, leaving Spike and Sam alone in the library.

“Hey Sam,” Spike called.

“Yes?” he said, walking over to him. Sam saw Spike had train tickets in his claws, "what are those for?"

“We're going to Canterlot,” he told him, "It's time for Celestia and Luna's personal rub down.”

Sam just stared blankly at him.

Spike smacked his forehead, 'of course you don't know what I'm talking about.' "We are going to give Celestia and Luna a message."

“Oh, now I got ya,” Sam said. Spike first put a piece of paper in case Trixie and or Twilight came back to let them know where they all were. Spike and Sam soon were walking through Ponyville, ponies waved at them as they strolled along the path. Soon they reached the Ponyville train station and waited for the train.

“Do you like trains, Sam?” asked Spike.

“Oh I loved them,” Sam replied happily, “In fact, I brought with me when I came to Equestria, the whole collection of Thomas the Tank Engine books. Also known as The Railway Series.”

“What are they about?” Spike asked again, he wanted to know what this ‘Railway Series’ was.

“They’re about talking steam engines that have lots of adventures,” Sam answered, “I'll tell you once we get home.”

“Ok,” Spike stated, as the train started to come into view, “look here comes the train.”

Once the train stopped, and Sam and Spike were on board, the train started to move and headed towards Canterlot.

Sam was still amazed by the size of Canterlot once he got off the train. He had been to Canterlot before, when he came to see the princesses, but he still couldn’t believe it. Sam felt like he was six again.

“Sam, If I were you,” Spike remarked, “I’ll keep myself hidden but enough to see where I was going.”

“Why?” Sam asked curiously that he might need to hide himself, “I was alright last time I was here.”

“Yeah,” Spike warned, “but you were with Twilight and the girls, and probably didn’t see you. As it’s just me, you’ll be noticed and the ponies here are of a higher class and stuck up. They can be very judgemental around other ponies' appearances.”

“Oh,” Sam said as he got behind Spike.

“Just stay close ok,” Spike responded, with a nod from Sam, Spike and Sam walked off through the streets of Canterlot.

Spike was right, Canterlot was of a higher class, and the ponies, mostly unicorns, held their noses in the air and looked very stuck up.

Most of the ponies didn’t pay much attention to the baby dragon and human child, but a few did remark how strange Sam looked. Soon, Spike and Sam reached the castle, two guards stood outside the entrance wearing golden armour. One was a pegasus stallion with a grey coat and lighter grey mane and tail and blue eyes, his cutie mark was of a shield made of pure steel. The second was a unicorn mare with a rose red coat and bright red mane and tail with a green streak running through them and her eye green with red eyeliner, her cutie mark was a bloody rose.

“Morning Steel Wing, Morning Blood Rose,” Spike greeted them.

“Morning Spike,” Steel Wing replied with a smile, “Ready for that time of the mouth again?”

“Yep and I brought a friend to help me,” Spike said as he stood aside for Sam to come forth, “Blood Rose, Steel Wing, I like you to meet Samuel Metters.” The two guards were amazed.

“Oh this must be the human child Celestia told us about,” Blood Rose commented but lowering herself to not seem so scary. “Hello little guy, I’m Blood Rose, but you can call me Rosy.”

“And I’m Steel Wing,” he announced proudly, “but you can call me Steel.”

“It’s nice to meet you two,” Sam replied, he thought these two were very nice, and possibly saw them together in the future.

“The Princess’ are ready and waiting in their salon,” Blood Rose stated, as she and Steel Wing led Spike and Sam into the castle.

The two guards led Sam and Spike through the castle and into the Salon room, Celestia and Luna were just taking off their crowns, slippers, and chest armour.

“Ah Spike you’re here, I was worried we would have to message ourselves,” Luna joked, before seeing Sam by Spike’s side, “Oh, and Young Samuel is with you as well, nice to see you again little one.”

“Nice to see you again as well, Princess Luna,” Sam smiled.

“So shall we start,” Celestia stated.

“We shall, sister,” Luna replied as walked to two massage beds. Spike handled Celestia while Sam handled Luna. “Samuel, honey, do you know what you need to do?”

“Yeah I’ve done this many times with my family in the past,” Sam stated as he began to rub his fingers into Luna’s fur.

“Oh yes, oh, oh yes, that feels so nice,” Luna breathed, clearly enjoying it.

“Your fur is really soft, Princess Luna,” Sam said to her.

“Thank you little one,” Luna replied.

“Is Sam treating you well over there, Lulu?” giggled Celestia.

“Yes he is, Tia,” Luna wheezed. Sam made his way up and down Luna’s back. “So how are you feeling today Samuel?”

“I’m ok,” Sam replied, “except I ‘m worried about Twilight.”

“Yes,” Luna said, “Spike wrote us a letter expanding what happened with Twilight and the monster in Ponyville.”

“It's a good thing that Ultraman came in to save everyone,” Celestia declared. Everyone agreed.

Suddenly the earth started to shake. Everyone was very confused until they looked out the window and saw two monsters rise from the ground. One was blue and looked like a mutated sea ray. The other was red and crawled on all fours.

The monsters stood about fifty metres tall and were fighting in the middle of the city. Sam knew what he had to do. When no one was looking, he snuck out of the room, and ran out of the castle. He activated his Ultrasuit and grew to fifty metres tall before landing on top of the monsters while they fought each other. Sam’s impact down onto them blasted the monster back.

Ultraman stood proud as the lava monster Grangon and the Freezing monster Lagoras roared and started to charge towards Ultraman. Ultraman decided to attack Lagoras first. Ultraman kicked Lagoras in the chest then roundhouse kicked it in the face. Lagoras roared in pain as it fell back. Ultraman then grabbed Grangon’s head as the monster charged towards him, Ultraman held it back.

The ponies on the ground watched as Ultraman pushed Grangon back, then performed an uppercut to the jaw, making Grangon’s chest exposed before Ultraman kicked it. Grangon stumbled back as Lagoras came charging up behind Ultraman. Ultraman turned around to see Lagoras coming. Celestia, Luna, Spike and the ponies watched as Ultraman flew into the sky dodging Lagoras’ tackled, the drop-kicked Lagoras on the head.

Ultraman landed next to Grangon then kicked its side, causing the monster to roll over. Ultraman stood in a fighting pose, before hearing Lagoras coming up from behind him. Ultraman punched Lagoras in the chest then elbowed it in the jaw causing it to fall back onto the ground. Ultraman turned around to see Grangon coming towards him. Ultraman dashed behind it with speed that Rainbow would be jealous of, grabbed its tail and then started to lift and swing the lava monster around in the air. After spinning around for a bit, Ultraman threw Grangon into Lagoras.

Ultraman started to pant as his colour timer started to flash. He was running out of energy. Grangon and Lagoras got off each other, then fired a fireball and Freezing beam at Ultraman. Thinking fast, Ultraman diploid his Specium Blades on his arms, he slashed at the fireball, destroying it, and blocked the freezing beam. He was about to fire his Specium Beam at them, Grangon ran forward, Ultraman was going to dodge but he was running out of energy and Grangon bit down on his leg. The bite was so powerful, and Grangon’s teeth were so sharp, they went through the metal armour and into Sam’s skin. Sam cried out in pain as Lagoras ran forward and punched Ultraman in the face, causing him to fall back, and releasing Grangon’s grip on his leg. Ultraman tried to crawl away as blood poured out his wound and as the monsters closed in. Ultraman charged up his energy and fired his Beam dubbed the Specium Beam at the monsters, first destroying Grangon, and then exploding Lagoras.

Panting and in pain, Ultraman returned back to Sam, who collapsed onto the ground. He then turned to the castle, ‘I got to get back to the castle, but I’m too tired to walk back.’ He started to limp back to the castle, but he felt so weak and tired and thanks to his leg injury, he could barely walk. His colour timer was still flashing. If it stopped Sam would completely shut down and fall unconscious until the colour timer had absorbed enough solar energy.

Then he just fell to the ground, “Oh mum's never going to hear the end of this,” he thought out loud. Then he heard a voice.

“Oh you poor thing,” it cried, Sam turned to see a tall unicorn mare with a white coat, pale pink mane and tail, light purple eyes, and a cutie mark of three fleurs-de-lis, “Are you Ok?”

“Nope,” Sam grunted in pain, as he grabbed his leg were Grangon’s bite mark was.

The mare got closer to Sam, “May I?” she said, Sam allowed her to. The mare lifted the trouser leg, and saw the bite mark, blood was seeping from the wound. “Oh dear,” she said, “That’s going to need to be patched up.” She levitated Sam on to her back and raced off the Canterlot Hospital.

“Where are you taking me?” Sam asked.

“To the Hospital,” the mare replied.

“No,” Sam muttered weakly, “Take me to Princess Celestia.”

The mare stopped and looked at him, “Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes,” Sam breathed, he was getting weaker, his colour timer on his chest was flashing faster.

They knew she had to hurry, so she galloped off to the castle. Steel wing and Blood Rose were standing outside when they saw the mare galloping fast up to them.

“Fleur!” Steel yelled as the pony came to a stop, “What’s the matter?”

“It’s this child,” Fleur said, “he must have gotten hurt in the monster fight.”

“Sam! How did he get out of the castle!” Rose yelled, “Are you alright?”

“Blood… Rose…” Sam spoke weakly.

“Don’t worry champ,” Steel assured him, “you’ll be alright.”

Rose, Steel and Fleur ran inside the castle to the throne room where Princess Celestia, Luna and Spike were pacing around.

“Princess!” Steel called as they burst into the door.

“Did you find him?!” Celestia asked.

“Miss. Fleur Dis Lee did,” Steel stated as Fleur walked forward and levitated Sam in front of Celestia.

“Sam!” she cried, she went into full mother mode, she found the wound and started to heal it. But as she did, his Colour Timer started to malfunction, and a pulse of energy shot out from Sam’s chest sending everyone back.

“Tia! Stop!” Luna cried, as Celestia was about to heal Sam again. When she stopped, his colour timer was still blinking but it was flashing slower. Luna went to Sam and pulled down his shirt, to show his colour timer, then it clicked. For Celestia too.

“Sam,” Luna asked, “are you… Ultraman?”

Sam just nodded slowly as his strength started to come back slowly.

Celestia wrapped Sam in her arms, “Oh Sam,” Celestia muttered as tears started to build up in her eyes, “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I didn’t want to put you all in danger,” Sam said with more energy in his voice his colour timer started to flash even slowly, “I didn’t want anyone to find out.” He lifted his arms up and wrapped them around Celestia’s neck.

“Thanks to my Ultra powers, I can self-regenerate,” Sam said.

“Were you like that the whole time?” Spike asked, thinking that Sam was acting weak from the start.

“No, I literally fell outside,” Sam told him, “Thank you Grangon for biting my leg.”

Luna teleported in some bandages and wrapped around Sam’s leg, until the bite mark was completely covered. “There you go,” she said.

“Thank you, Princess Luna,” Sam thanked, “And thank you, Fleur was it? For bringing me here.”

“You're very welcome, little one,” Fleur replied with a smile.

“So… Care to explain your superhero persona?” asked Spike.

“Ok, so it goes like this,” Sam said, and he explained what happened to him.

“So before you came to Equestria, you almost drowned, but Ultraman saved you,” Luna said.

“And now you can become Ultraman to fight and protect Equestria,” Celestia said.

“Yeah,” Sam replied, “but can you not tell Twilight or anyone else please.”

“Pinkie Promise,” Spike said, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

“And you have our word,” Celestia said as Luna gave Sam a soft smile.

“So how are we going to explain this to Twilight,” Spike said, pointing at Sam’s broken leg.

“Don’t worry, Spike,” Celestia assured him, “I’ll take you two back home myself.” She Levitated Sam and Spike on her back.

“Twilight’s not good to let me out her sights again,” Sam chuckled.

Celestia opened her wings and took off. A few minutes later, they landed outside the Library, “it’s a good thing Twilight is still in the hospital,” Spike said as he opened the door, “it gives Sam time to recover.”

“What’s that about giving Sam time to recover?” said a voice behind Spike. Spike turned around to see Twilight. Her arm in a sling, and a raised eyebrow.

“Uh oh,” Sam said from Behind Celestia’s mane. He knew this was going to be a long evening.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, I hope you liked this chapter

that's really all I got to say

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