• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,320 Views, 422 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 33: The Night has Fallen (Edited)

As dawn began to break, Sam was having a dream. In his dream, he was in an empty white void, with a thin layer of mist covering the ground, thick enough to cover his feet. The void was similar to when he was in limbo, but he knew this wasn’t Limbo.

Sam decided to start walking, his footsteps echoed everywhere. There was completely nothing in this void at all. Well almost nothing. Sam could sense he wasn’t alone, he then felt a sight breeze blow from his back. He turned around and saw it was Ultraman at roughly the same size as a human, but he looked different, almost organic.

“Ultraman?” Sam questioned.

“Yes, it is I,” Ultraman replied, “don’t be alarmed, I may appear this way, because this is my true form.”

“Your true form?” Sam asked.

“I believe Ultraman Zero, or as he calls his human disguise, Devon, has told you our history,” Ultraman stated.

“I think he did,” Sam answered.

“As a reminder, us Ultra at this stage, our light is contained inside these robotic suits,” Ultraman told him, “we were once giant organic humanoid aliens as you see right in front of you.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” Sam replied, “but why am I here in this limbo like void of nothingness.”

“To tell you what is happening to us,” Ultraman answered, “as you are aware, my Specium Energy has started to grow, causing my Specium Blades to no longer be contained properly.”

“Yes I do recall that,” Sam responded, “I’ve never felt so much energy. Apart from when I killed a dragon when I let my anger get the better of me.”

“This is a result that even I didn’t expect,” Ultraman explained, “But I think I have a reason why this may be happening.”

“What is that?” Sam asked.

“It’s to do with Gwen,” Ultraman said, “Ever since she came into this world, I’ve felt a very strong connection to her.”

“What do you mean? You’re not in love with her, are you?” Sam asked.

“That’s not what I meant,” Ultraman replied, “it’s like my Specium Energy and hers are connected.”

“So, me and Gwen are connected more than we think,” Sam responded.

“But this could also be very fatal,” Ultraman suggested, “If you start to erupt Specium Energy uncontrollably, it may result in death for the both of us.”

“WHAT?!” Sam exclaimed, “So I could die! How do we stop it?”

“I say we need to stabilise this,” Ultraman told him, “It seems that it will react to strong emotions, so I suggest you try and not let your emotions get control of you. Like anger and sadness.”

“That’s going to be hard with those tormentors around,” Sam remarked.

“I know it’s going to be hard, but you have to try and stabilise this,” Ultraman told him, “otherwise, you and Gwen will both die.”

“Ok,” Sam replied, “I’ll try.”

Morning soon came, Sam was awoken by the sound of the birds chirping in the trees, and the smell of Bacon wafting through the air.

“Ooh, something smells nice,” he remarked, then he looked around the room, he was in his old room, “Oh yeah, I forgot I was back here. My word, I missed my bed.”

He decided to get up, get changed and go downstairs for some breakfast. There, he found Sunset making breakfast. Sunset heard Sam’s footsteps and so turned around to greet him.

“Good morning Sam,” She greeted him. Sam noticed that she was wearing his mother’s apron, “I’m just making breakfast for us.” She turned back to the cooker.

“What are you making?” Sam asked, “It smells great.”

“I’m making bacon and waffles,” Sunset replied.

“But isn’t Twilight a vegetarian?” Sam questioned.

“That’s why I made her scrambled eggs on toast,” Sunset answered, pointing to a plate of scrambled eggs on toast. Soon, Twilight came downstairs.

“Good morning everyone,” She called out.

“Good morning mu…” Sam didn’t get to finish his greeting to her, as she was standing at the bottom of the stairs, completely naked.

“Is something wrong sweetie?” Twilight asked.

“Why are you naked?!” Sam exclaimed.

“Well, it feels natural,” Twilight replied, “I was also all night with nothing on.”

“You can’t just walk out in public naked,” Sam told her.

“Why not? You told us your friend was a nudist,” Twilight stated.

“But she wore clothes in public,” Sam countered, “She wore nothing in private.”

“Oh, then what should I wear?” Twilight asked.

“They might be something in my sister’s closet,” Sam told her.

“But be quick, or your breakfast will get cold,” Sunset called out to her.

Twilight ran back upstairs to get change, While Sunset finished up breakfast. Twilight soon came back wearing a pink top, a purple skirt, blue jacket, red thigh socks, and lavender trainers.

“How does this look?” Twilight asked.

“That looks good on you,” Sunset replied.

“Thank you,” Twilight said, “now where’s my breakfast.”

“On the table,” Sunset mentioned. Twilight walked over to the table and sat down to have her breakfast.

While they ate, Sam still had his dream on his mind. It was quite concerning that he was told he could die if he started to erupt pulses of Specium Energy. Sam knew he had to keep his emotions in check in case that does happen, but it would be hard with his tormentors still around. His silence made Twilight and Sunset grow a little worried for him.

“Sam, are you ok, sweetheart?” Twilight asked.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, I’m fine,” Sam replied, but he didn’t mean it. He didn’t want to tell his two mothers he could die, “I think today I might go check on my friends. Is that ok?”

“Of course it is,” Twilight assured him, “You haven’t seen them for a long time, just make sure you be careful.”

“I will, don’t worry,” Sam said, hugging Twilight.

Sam soon left the house and started to make his way to his school to check on his friends. He wanted to go by himself, as the way to school meant he could be alone with his thoughts, he had a tone on his mind. That fact he could die if he spends too much time away from Gwen, where Red King came from, and why his tormentors were still human. Also, he still had to try and find the thief that stole from the laboratory, as well as, the thief seemed to know who he, Twilight, and Sunset were. Sam was very worried about everything, normally when he’s with his team he’s confident, and cool, but when he was on his own, he had the fear that he couldn’t do anything.

It's like Nicholas said, he wasn’t getting weaker, the monsters were getting stronger, and they would get stronger together. But Sam wasn’t so sure he could do it, even with his powers getting stronger and would soon become nearly uncontrollable, he felt like he could die before the final fight starts. Sam started to doubt he could even do this, was coming back to earth really a good idea.

But then he thought of his friends, and the fact they still remembered him, they were always there for him, whether it was helping him keep him tormentors away or with school work. Sam’s nervousness started to go away as a confident smile grew on his face, if anyone was going to help him it was his friends. Even though they were animals and couldn’t speak.

Sam soon arrived at his old school, as he pushed open the gate, and walked on to the school grounds, he noticed that he could hear his friends. He looked around and called out their names, then he heard the little squeaks of a rat. He then saw Erin run up to him, Sam bent down and held his hand out to her.

“Erin? What’s wrong?” Sam asked, Erin motions over to the field, Sam placed her on his shoulder and ran to the field.

To his horror, he saw his friends all laying on the ground, completely knocked out. His tormentors were also there standing over their bodies. Ruben grinned evilly as he turned around and saw Sam standing there. Sam felt angry for what they did to his friends and took a few steps forward.

“Not a single step closer!” Ruben called out as he grabbed the unconscious Elena by the neck and held her up, “Or the fox will get the worse of it.”

What did you do to them?!” Sam shouted in both anger and worry, his temperature started to rise a bit.

“Don’t worry, we’re not gonna kill them, yet,” Ruben told him, “We simply just knocked them out, our boss just wanted them out of the picture for a while.”

“You are monsters!” Sam growled, steam started to come off his body but it was pretty transparent, “why do you do this?!”

“Why? Because it’s fun,” Ruben replied, “and we can’t get into trouble, because there’s no people around to stop us.”

“I will stop you!” Sam shouted.

“Oh please, what can you possibly do to stop us,” Ruben mocked, “turn into a giant superhero and stomp on us.”

Sam was beyond shocked, they knew his secret, “How…? How do you know?!” he yelled.

“We were the ones that summoned that Red King,” Abdul called out.

“And empowered it into EX Red King,” Nathen chimed in, holding the ray gun.

Sam was frozen, they were the ones who summoned Red King in the first place, “Boys get him,” Ruben ordered.

Kyle and Kevin chuckled as they came closer to Sam, they then grabbed him by the arms, Erin tried to bite at Kevin’s fingers.

“Dumb rodent,” he remarked, as he pinched her tail and threw her to the ground.

“Erin! Let go of me!” Sam shouted but the two boys just lifted him up off the ground.

“Now, let’s start with those scars again,” Ruben said as he pulled out his pocket knife.

“NO!” Sam cried, and tried to break free, but it was no good. Kevin and Kyle had strong grips on his arms. Kevin lifted up Sam’s shirt as Ruben drew his knife closer. Then it happened.

Just as Ruben was about to carve Sam’s skin, Sam screamed and unleashed a light blue shockwave, knocking the three boys back and to the ground. His tormentors all stared at Sam, steam was visibly coming off his body, as his eyes glowed blue.

“Get him, fools!” Ruben shouted in anger.

His group ran forward to get Sam, but as they went to grab Sam, another Specimen Shockwave erupted from his body, sending a heatwave across the area. Sam’s shirtless body started to glow orange as red and yellow markings started to appear on his body, his eyes turned from blue to orange as he stared at them all. Elena was starting to come around, Ruben let go of her when he was thrown backwards by the shockwave. She looked up to see Sam in this furious state.

Kevin ran up to punch Sam, but Sam was letting so much heat that he was boiling to the touch. Sam grabbed Kevin’s arm and threw him into girls knocking them to the ground. Then he kicked both Abdul in front and Nathen behind him and threw them into Kevin and the girls. When Kyle tried to grab Sam, he just got punched several times in the stomach, before also getting thrown into the group on the ground, trapping them under his weight.

“Come on, how hard can it be!” Ruben cried, “Get up you useless…”

He didn’t get to finish when Sam suddenly grabbed him by the throat and held him on the ground. His grip was red hot as it seemed to damage his throat.

“Just leave me the fuck alone!” Sam screamed, his voice echoed across the field.

He went in to punch Ruben in the face but then something smacked the back of his head, hard enough to knock him out. He fell over Ruben, his temperature dropping back to normal as he stopped glowing.

“You fools are so useless,” the figure who smacked Sam remarked, “it’s just a kid.”

“Sorry boss,” Ruben said, getting up and massaging his throat.

“Get him in the van, and you lot get up,” the boss ordered.

“Yes boss,” Ruben said as she slowly got up, grabbed Sam by the arms and dragged him to a white van.

Elena saw the whole thing. Once the group on the floor had got up and followed their boss’s orders, she got up and ran off to Sam’s house, knowing that Twilight and Sunset would be there.

Elena ran all the way to Sam’s house, once there she started to scratch on the door to try and get their attention inside. It worked, Twilight opened the door to see Elena yipping like mad.

“Woah there Elena, calm down. What’s wrong?” Twilight asked as she let Elena in.

Elena started to make hissing sounds like she was trying to say something that began with S. “We can’t understand you,” Sunset told her.

Elena thought about how she could tell them, she couldn’t ask Oscar as he was still out cold, then Spike walked in, she yipped at Spike, and he understood what she was saying.

“Spike what’s wrong?” Twilight asked, Spike barked at Twilight and he and Elena ran off.

“I think they want us to follow them,” Sunset said as both girls ran after the two canines.

The four made it back to the school, they saw that Sam’s friends were starting to come too. Elena ran off then came back with a pencil and paper, she then yipped and nudged Oscar awake so he could write what she was saying. Twilight and Sunset took in what they saw.

“My word, what happened here?” Sunset remarked.

“And where’s Sam?” Twilight questioned with concern in her voice, “he said he was going to check on them.”

Oscar started to wake up, and Elena told him what happened and what to do. He started to write down what Elena was saying, once he was done, he gave the paper to Twilight and Sunset. They were both shocked to see what it said.

‘We were all knocked unconscious by Ruben and his gang. Sam went berserk and attacked them, but then someone came up behind him and smacked him over the head. They kidnapped Sam.’

“No, Sam,” Twilight said, tears forming in his eyes.

“It's gonna be ok,” Sunset comforted her, “we’ll find him.”

“I promised nothing bad will ever happen to him again,” Twilight cried into Sunset’s shoulder, “he’s just a kid.”

“Shh,” Sunset soothed Twilight. Elena and Spike started to sniff around to get Sam’s scent, they then found the burned patch of grass that Sam fell on when he was knocked out and still in his fury mode. The two canines sniffed the patch, and got Sam’s scent, Spike barked at Twilight and Sunset.

“What is it Spike?” Sunset asked, Spike pointed to the patch of burned grass, “Was Sam there?” Spike nodded and pointed off into the distance. “Twilight! Spike and Elena have Sam’s scent!” she cried, “We can find him!”

Twilight wiped her tears away and put on a confident expression, “then let us go find my son,” she said. Tyler, Joe, and Beth all heard this, and they wanted to come as well. Twilight and Sunset climbed on Joe’s back and Elena, and Spike led them down the trail that would lead them to where Sam was.

Sam woke up tired to a chair in a dark room with only a light bulb shining directly upon him. He saw that he was surrounded by his tormentors, he tried to speak but found out that he was gagged.

‘So I’ve been kidnapped, just great’, he thought. Sam looked around and guessed he was in some sort of abandoned storage warehouse, but he was definitely not at school. Just then a door opened, and Sam saw the silhouette of a girl walking into the room, but it was hard to see her as she was in the shadows.

“Ungag him,” she spoke, Nathan lowered Sam’s gag as he stared daggers at the girl.

“So I’m guessing you’re the thief that stole the capsules?” he asked, his voice sounded not impressed.

“Correct,” the thief replied.

“And you’ve made these low lives follow you,” Sam asked again.

“Correct again,” the thief answered.

“So what do you want with me?” Sam questioned.

“Oh, nothing from you”, she sweetly said before an evil grin stretched across her face, “I only want Twilight and Sunset.”

“Ok, so what do you want with them?” Sam quizzed, “I still don’t know who you are.”

“Oh, naïve little Sam,” the girl said, “you really don’t recognise me.”

“Should I?” Sam questioned.

“It was a few years ago when you were still here,” the girl said, “there was a girl you used to idolise. She was kind, sweet, and caring to you. She would babysit when Emily was busy with either her boyfriend or something else. An older girl, in the higher years. Had brown fuzzy hair, purple eyes, and sounded. Just. Like. Me.”

“Wait. No. It can’t be…” Sam stuttered in shock.

“Yes, It’s me, Nicole Foster,” she announced, getting into the light.

“No. Why are you doing this…?” Sam asked worriedly in his voice.

“I’m assuming that backstabbing Princess Celestia has told you about my origins,” Nicole said, as she started to walk around Sam, “about how I was once one being, but then I was split up into three with my sisters, Twilight and Sunset.”

“She has,” Sam replied, “but you were the one who stabbed her in the back by running away.”

“Incorrect child,” she retorted, “she knew that I was Princess Eclipse the whole time and she didn’t say anything. She didn’t care for me, she only had eyes for Twilight and Sunset. Until Sunset ran away, and all her attention went to Twilight.”

“That’s not true!” Sam shouted, “She loved you, like you were own daughter!”

“Silent, silent, SILENT!” Nicole cried out in fury, she calmed down pretty quickly, “I still have my magic, it is what’s keeping these twits there human looks, but once I’m Princess Eclipse again, I can summon my EX Monsters and rule both this world and Equestria.”

“I would let you destroy my home!” Sam shouted, struggling to get free.

“Gag him, I’m getting tired of hearing his voice,” the girl commanded, as Nathen re-gagged Sam.

“Well, we better get back to school,” Nicole said, “Oh and before I forget…” She spun around and looked at Sam, “when your mothers come looking for you, they’ll be falling into a trap. But I’m not going to spoil anything.”

“You utter bitch!” muffled Sam from behind the gag.

“Soon Equestria will see the return of Nightfall, the true pony that Princess Eclipse has become!!” she declared before laughing and walked out the room followed by her goons.

Sam just looked to the ground, he started to feel scared, as tears leaked from his eyes. “Mum, where are you? I’m scared.”

Author's Note:

Hi guys

wow, I didn't know what to do for this chapter, I had dug a pretty hole, but I climbed out and finished it. Though, sorry if it seemed a bit rushed. I plan for the 'return the earth' saga to go on for another two chapters but I'll just have to see what I come up with

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next one

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