• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,319 Views, 422 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 30: Leap of Faith (Edited)

A few days had passed and Nick was welcomed into Ponyville with open arms, he made plenty of friends, and helped Sam and co out when they were in trouble. At times he would but heads with Sam, but the two would make up. Nick's three monsters, Agira, Windom and Miclas all seemed to be well suited for fighting, but they did have some downsides. Miclas was a coward, Windom was slowly to respond, and Agira, the only female at the trio, would be concerned about something else. But After giving Miclas a pep talk, oiling up Windom's joints and finding out that Agira was really pregnant with an egg, the monsters fought much better, though Agira would later be left out of some battles to take care of her upcoming egg, and she would often be found behind Fluttershy's cottage, with the yellow Pegasus helping her with the egg. Nick and Rainbow also started to grow a bond the more he lived with her. Both of them discovered a side of Rainbow that not even her knew, a more motherly, soccer mom side, rather than just the brash, short tempered and boastful side.

One day, the sun was shining bright in the sky above Ponyville. The Apple family were enjoying their day at a local swimming hole. Jake would have been with them, but he was out for the day with Kerry.

“Just one more time?” Apple Bloom asked her sister, “Please?”

“Alright, but this is the last one,” Applejack replied.

Apple bloom cheered as she ran to the lake. She hopped onto a rock, then onto Big Mac’s back, before jumping over to Applejack who pushed her up with her back legs, causing her to go flying into the air and come splashing back down in the lake. The splash she made was so big, Granny Smith got wet on her chair from it all the way on shore.

“Who did that?!” she spluttered.

“Sure wish you'd come swim with us, Granny,” Apple Bloom said.

“Uh, sorry, dear,” Granny Smith replied, “I just can't bring myself anywhere near that there swimmin' hole.”

“How come?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well, I wasn't always this way...” Granny Smith remarked as she had an old timey flashback, “Time was, I was an aquapony all-star! In fact, I was the only Apple to ever come close to breaking the Equestria high-diving record! Falling six stories into a deep dish pie pan takes a toll on the hindquarters. Oh, I was so sore, took years before I could even look at the water again! Just the idea of swimmin' makes my whole body ache! Besides, these old legs can't even paddle fast enough to stay afloat.” She got down off her chair and stepped forward a bit, but she then started to panic and slip around trying to stable herself on a puddle.

“Boy, I sure would hate to be afraid of swimmin',” Apple Bloom admitted, “You think I'll ever be scared of the water?”

Suddenly, they saw a shark fin swim through the water, Apple Bloom panicked as she ran back to shore for safety. But it was only Big Mac wearing a fake shark fin on his head.

“Nope,” he answered as he and Applejack laughed.

Later, as the Apple Family were making their way back to Ponyville, Apple Bloom found it rather interesting that Granny Smith was a High Diver.

“Wow, Granny,” Apple Bloom remarked, “I can't believe you were a high diver!”

“The best one in Ponyville!” Granny responded.

“Do you think I could be a high diver?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Nope. Absolutely not,” Big Mac and Applejack shot down her hopes.

“But…” Apple Bloom tried to retort but Granny Smith cut her off.

“Now you hold your horsefeathers, little seed!” she said, “I never said bein' a high diver' was a smart decision! It's incredibly dangerous!”

“I know, but-” Apple Bloom tried to speak only to get cut off by Granny Smith again.

“But nothin'! It is the riskiest, scariest, darn-fool thing I ever did do!” she shouted, “That's not to say I didn't wish I was still young and spry and confident, but let's leave the flyin' through the air to the Pegasi.”

“Wow, when you put it that way, it doesn't sound so fun,” Apple Bloom said. Just then, a group of ponies passed them, most of them appeared to be in bandages or injured in some way.

“Wow. I wonder where everypony's headed,” Applejack questioned. They all heard some fairground music in the distance, Granny Smith and Apple Bloom started to follow the music as well, “Now where in Ponyville do you two think you're goin'?”

“Aw, quit bein' such a worry-worm and follow your ears!” Granny Smith told them.

“Come on, Applejack, aren't you curious?” Apple Bloom asked.

Applejack and Big Mac looked at each other with worried expressions before following everyone else. They soon arrived at a large circus tent, where everypony was gathering. Applejack and Big Mac stood at the back with Apple Bloom and Granny Smith stood at the front, as the lights dimmed, and a mechanical organ started playing cheery music, two familiar voices spoke up to greet the ponies.

“Thank you, one and all, for your attendance, and we guarantee that your time here will not be spent in vain!” said the first.

“In fact, we think it will prove to be the most valuable time you've ever spent!” The second joined in, as the curtains opened up to reveal Applejack’s sworn enemies.

“The Flim Flam Brothers!” Applejack yelled softly, “This should be interestin'.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied.

“Welcome, one and all, to the demonstration of a lifetime!” Flim announced.

“A demonstration of a better life!” Flam declared.

“A demonstration of a better time!” Flim continued, “And if we haven't captured your interest just yet, by the time we've finished, an unfortunate phenomenon practically guarantees that we will!”

“A phenomenon? What's that?” Flam asked.

“It's a circumstance perceptible by the senses,” Flim answered, “but in this case, it's the simple fact that:”

“Now I understand that some of you don't think you're sick,” Flim spoke to the crowd.

“But twisted hooves and aching joints don't heal all that quick,” Flam spoke up.

“Consider just how dangerous this world is! You might...” Flim said before singing again.

“Thank you, one and all, for your attendance, and we guarantee that your time here will not be spent in vain!” said the first.

“In fact, we think it will prove to be the most valuable time you've ever spent!” the second joined in, as the curtains opened up to reveal Applejack’s swore enemies.

“The Flim Flam Brothers!” Applejack yelled softly, “This should be interestin'.”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied.

“Welcome, one and all, to the demonstration of a lifetime!” Flim announced.

“A demonstration of a better life!” Flam declared.

“A demonstration of a better time!” Flim continued, “And if we haven't captured your interest just yet, by the time we've finished, an unfortunate phenomenon practically guarantees that we will!”

“A phenomenon? What's that?” Flam asked.

“It's a circumstance perceptible by the senses,” Flim answered, “but in this case, it's the simple fact that:”

There's ailments all around us in everything we touch and see
A sickness that lies waiting there in every breath you breathe
Disease will up and grab you as it crawls from land and sea
It's amazing how infected that the natural world and all its things can be

“Now I understand that some of you don't think you're sick,” Flim spoke to the crowd.

“But twisted hooves and aching joints don't heal all that quick,” Flam spoke up.

“Consider just how dangerous this world is! You might...” Flim said before singing again.

Slip and fall, break or sprain something here tonight
But luckily for you, we've got the thing you need
And it's easier when all you need's the cure
The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic
Is just what the doctor ordered, I'm sure

“Now I know our claims seem fantastical,” Flim said.

“Impractical. Improbable. Impossible. And magical!” the two declared.

“So we welcome every suffering pony to make their way up to the stage,” Flim told them.

“Now don't crowd,” Flam informed them.

“And we'll prove our tonic's effectiveness before your very eyes,” Flim declared.

“You there! Come up here, good sir,” Flam said to a pony, wearing glasses, a hat, and overalls, he also had a pair of crutches. He made his way up to the stage.

“I'll wager you're tired of those crutches, my friend,” Flim said.

“Try taking a sip of this!” Flam stated as he held up a bottle of the special tonic with his magic.

He poured the liquid into the stallion's mouth, the crowd gasping as they watched the ponies slowly step down from his crutches and onto his front hooves. The stallion was overjoyed to be back on all fours.

That's why you're so lucky we've got the thing for you
Just come on up, we've always got some more
Of the Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic
I won't need these crutches to dance out the door

“Now how do ya like that?” Granny Smith asked.

“I don't,” Applejack admitted, “There's somethin' funny about this whole thing.”

Now some of you may suffer from feelings of despair
You're old, you're tired, your legs won't work, there's graying in your hair
Just listen and I'll tell you that you don't need to fear
Your ears will work, your muscles tone, your eyes will see so clear

Luckily for us, you've got the thing we need
The answer to our problems in a jar
The Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic
Is the greatest ever miracle by far!

“It cures the reins, the spurs, and the Clydesdale fur blight,” Flim said.

“Hooferia and horsentery cured in just a night,” Flam remarked.

“You've got swollen hooves and hindquarters or terrible bridle-bit cleft,” Flim responded.

“Saunter sitz and gallop plop will give your tail some heft,” Flam mentioned.

“Mane loss, hay fever, or terrible tonsillitis,” Flim retorted.

“You heard it here, folks -- this is the only place in all of Equestria you'll find it!” Flam shouted.

It can make you shorter, taller, or even grow old
But who'd want that?
When with one drink
You can be young again–

“SOLD!” shouted Granny Smith.

“Congratulations, Granny Smith!” announced Flim, “You just made the purchase of a lifetime!”

“Are you as worried as I am?” Applejack asked her brother.

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied.

Later, the family where back at the creek, Applejack and Apple Bloom talk while Big Mac fished with an apple as bait.

“Boy, I just can't believe all the things that Flim Flam Tonic can do!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.

“When somepony says somethin's too good to be true, it usually is,” Applejack told her.

“You mean Granny wasted her money?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Well, I don't know about that, but I don't think there's a tonic in Equestria that can make an old pony young again,” Applejack told her.

“Howdy!” cried Granny Smith’s voice, they three looked to see her swimming on her back in the water.

“Granny?!” cried Apple Bloom.

“Hang on now! We'll get ya!” exclaimed Applejack.

Believing she's in trouble, the siblings try to save her. Big Mac threw his work horse collar to Granny Smith, but she just swam past it. Applejack tried to stop her by knocking a tree into the river, but Granny Smith just swam around it, almost like she didn’t know it was there. The siblings slide down the bank, with Big Mac almost knocking them into the water.

“Granny, I thought you were too afraid of the water to swim!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, “And, and what about your hip?!”

“Well, I reckon it might have been a problem before I had myself a dose of that there Flim Flam Tonic!” she replied as she pulled out a tonic bottle.

“I'm not so sure that tonic really does anythin','' Applejack admitted.

“Doesn't do anythin'?!” Granny retorted, “What d'you call this?” she downed the tonic and started to dance around like nothing was wrong with her, she appears to be as fit as a filly.

“I'm glad you're feelin' good, but how do you know it's from the tonic?” Applejack asked.

“I looked out at the water this mornin' and I felt the same terrifyin' aches and pains I always do,” Granny replied, “But one sip of that magic elixir and it all went away! Why, I might even get a head start on my chores! What do you say, Big Mac-a-doo? Up for a little afternoon applebuckin'?”

“Uh, no,” he replied, a little unsure what to do or say.

“Oh, quit your bellyachin'!” Granny responded as she started to pull him along.

“Gee, it looks like that tonic works after all!” Apple Bloom declared, “I wonder what's in it.”

“I think maybe it's time we found out,” Applejack stated.

That evening, the sisters made their way to the Circus tent that Flim and Flam were in, with the fairground music playing from the tent.

“So you're just gonna walk up and ask them how it works?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I guess,” Applejack said, “Though if it's a genuine cure, I don't suppose they'll be too keen on sharin' the recipe.”

Just as they came closer to the entrance, a pony came out, the same pony for that morning’s demonstration.

“Wait a second!” Apple Bloom pointed out, “That's that same pony from before!”

The pony panicked and ran away, “HEY!” Applejack cried as she and Apple Bloom chased after him. After crashing into some barrels, they cornered the pony. “Now hold it right there, Mister...?”

“Shill. Silver Shill,” the pony replied, nervously, “Ooh, what do you two want?”

“Our Granny took some tonic, and we want to know how it works,” Applejack told him.

“Granny couldn't swim before, and now she can. Just like you couldn't walk and now you can,” Apple Bloom stated, “But what are you doin' back here? I mean, if the tonic cured you and all...” Silver Shill gulped.

“...Because he's part of the act!” Applejack exclaimed after spotting a bunch of props and wigs, “It's time for you to tell the truth! You never needed crutches at all, did ya?”

“I, uh...”Silver Shill stuttered as he panicked and flipped a switch that activated some pipes, blindsiding the two sisters with steam and he ran away. Applejack motions to Apple Bloom to split up and find him, Applejack manages to spot him hurrying back into the tent as a crowd of ponies make their way out the tent. She waited until the ponies had left as she peeked inside the tent.

“Well, if it isn't our most favourite Apple!” came Flim’s voice.

“What brings you back to our humble abode?” Flam asked.

“You two charlatans sold my Granny a bottle of tonic, and now she's off actin' like a filly again,” Applejack told them.

“What's so bad about that?” Flim questioned.

“If she keeps gallavantin' around like a yearlin', she's apt to drop from exhaustion or worse!” Applejack exclaimed, “What's more, I know for a fact that your friend here is dressin' up as a different pony every night so he can pretend to be cured!”

“Well, well, well, that's quite an accusation,” Flam stated.

“But let's say that it's true... Hypothetically... Theoretically... As I understand, your Granny was a famous aquapony,” They spoke in their manner, “ The star of the show, once upon a time. But hasn't set so much as a hoof in the water since.”

“Until now, that’s right,” Applejack replied.

“Well, then even if our tonic were nothing more than a mixture of apple juice and beet leaves... Hypothetically... Theoretically... The fact is that Granny is happier now than before she tried it,” They responded.

“I guess…” Applejack stated.

“So, the question is...” Flim started.

“Do you really want to be the pony who takes all that happiness away?” Flam finished.

“I…” Applejack didn’t know how to reply.

“There you are! I've been lookin' all over!” came Apple Bloom’s voice as she made her way to her sister, “Did you find out what's in the tonic?”

Applejack looked back at Flim and Flam, “Honestly, Apple Bloom... as long as it works, I... don't suppose it really matters,” she replied.

“Well, if it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't matter to me either, sis,” Apple Bloom replied, Applejack smiled at her sister as the two left the tent.

“That's the spirit!” Flim cheered.

“Come back anytime!” called out Flam.

At the swimming hole the next morning, Granny Smith is able to take part in her grandchildren's fun thanks to the tonic, Though Applejack just sat on a swing hanging from a tree near the swimming hole.

“Hey, Granny! Think you can buck me over the water?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I don't see why not!” Granny Smith replied, “Come on, Big Mac, toss her this way!”

“Granny, wait!” cried Applejack. But everything was fine, as Granny Smith bucked Apple Bloom in a circle.

“Uh, what were you sayin', dear?” Granny Smith asked Applejack.

“Granny, don't you think you should take it kinda easy?” Applejack asked.

“I've been takin' it easy for too long!” Granny Smith announced, “And now, thanks to that Flim Flam Tonic, I don't have to!”

“Granny, you think I could be an aquapony like you?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Of course you can, sapling,” Granny replied, “There's nothin' to it but to do it!”

“Well, the Ponyville swim meet is comin' up,” Apple Bloom said, as she, Granny Smith and Big Mac came back onto the shore, “We could enter together! A legendary water pony like you? We'd be a cinch to win!”

“Mm, ee, uh, I don't know... Bein' back in the water is one thing, but a competition is a pony of a different colour,” Granny replied.

“Oh. Okay,” Apple Bloom responded defeatedly.

Applejack looked at the Tonic bottle that Flim and Flam gave her, “I don't know, Granny. A swim meet sounds pretty safe,” she told her, “And after all, if that tonic lets you swim in a river and a swimmin' hole, a pool should be no problem at all.”

“Well, I'll be a tart turnover, you are right!” Granny replied, “All we need now is more tonic!”

With this encouragement, The Apple Family headed back to Flim and Flam’s tent, where there was a long line of ponies waiting to buy the tonic.

“Welcome, friends, and step right up! The next show starts in five minutes!” Flam announced.

“But why not buy your tonic now and avoid the rush?” Flim declared.

“Right this way, good sir!” Flam exclaimed to Silver Shill, who was wearing a fake beard and wig.

“We'll take the whole case!” cried Granny Smith, as Big Mac dropped a bag full of coins. Flim and Flam looked a little confused but then their expressions changed to grins.

“Are you saying this stuff actually works?” asked a disabled pony named Jinx.

“It seems to work for Granny,” Applejack replied.

“You heard it here first, folks!” Flim shouted, “Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic is Granny Smith-tested and Applejack-approved!”

“If Applejack says it works, that's good enough for me!” Jinx exclaimed, as the swarm of ponies held out their hooves wanting to buy the tonic, Applejack could only sigh, she had unwittingly given the tonic her stamp of approval.

At the Ponyville Swim Meet, Granny Smith and Apple Bloom prepare to compete.

“Hoo-ha, hee-hee, ha-hoo-ha!” they cried as they stretched. Applejack came over to talk to them.

“Just remember, you two,” she said, “The most important thing is to be safe and have fun, right?”

“Fiddlesticks!” Granny Smith declared, “With the routine we've been workin' on, I'll be a plum puddin' if we don't win this thing!”

“Uh... good luck, then!” Applejack replied.

“Luck? Pfft, who needs luck? We got tonic on our side!” Granny shouted as she pulled a tonic bottle out her swimming cap.

“Flim Flam's Miracle Curative Tonic!” Flam cried out.

“Get your Applejack-approved tonic!” Flim called, “Granny Smith drinks it – why shouldn't you?”

“Right,” Applejack sighed.

“Now, if'n you'll excuse us, we have some swimmin' to do!” Granny exclaimed.

Together, the filly and elderly mare gave a graceful performance that earned cheers from the crowd and a perfect score from the judges.

“Well, I'll be...” Applejack remarked as she their performance finished, and they climbed out the pool, and were given a trophy.

“That was some of the most amazing aquabatics I've ever seen!” Sappy Scoop said, as he took their photo, “How in Equestria did you do it? Hard work? Lots of practice?”

“Yeah, but mostly it's the tonic!” Granny answered.

“That's Flim Flam Miracle Curative Tonic, to be precise,” Flim said as he and Flam slipped into frame.

“Buy it now while supplies last,” Flam said, holding a bottle to the camera.

As ponies went over to Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, Flim and Flam, Applejack noticed Silver Shill, giving out tonics to other ponies. She went over to him.

“What are you doin' here?” Applejack questioned, staring into Silver Shill’s face.

“Oh, things are going so well, Flim and Flam gave me a promotion! Just made my first bit as a salespony,” he said, holding up a bit to show Applejack, “No more costumes for this pony. This is more of a uniform.”

“If you say so,” Applejack assumed.

“I used to wonder if I was doing the right thing. You know, pretending to be cured, basically lying to folks about this tonic,” Silver Shill said, “But thanks to you, I realised that sometimes honesty isn't the best policy.”

“Thanks to... me?” Applejack asked, a little confused.

“With Flim Flam's magical Curative Tonic, my Granny can do anything!” Apple Bloom announced, “Just ask Applejack!” The ponies all turned to face Applejack as she was blinded with camera flashes. Applejack had had enough of this.

“No! This has gotta stop!” she shouted putting her hoof down, “If ponies keep believin' that tonic can do things it can't, who knows what'll happen?”

Silver Shill tapped on Applejack’s shoulder, “Maybe something like that?” he said, pointing up. Applejack looked up and was horrified to see Granny climbing the high dive, wanting to break the Equestria high-diving record.

“Granny!” Applejack gasped as she dashed over to Apple Bloom, who was putting a pic dish of water where Granny was going to drive into, “What in blazes does she think she's doin'?!”

“Granny's gonna break the Equestria high divin' record!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“Land sakes!” Applejack yelled, as she ran to get to Granny before she jumped.

Granny Smith took a swig of her tonic and just as Applejack made it to the top of the high dive, Granny dived off the board. Applejack gasped as she saw a lasso, she then used it to wrap around Granny’s back legs and stop her from seriously injuring herself.

“Now what in tarnation did you do that for?!” Granny snapped at her grand-daughter.

“That was the most fool-pony thing I've ever seen anypony do in all my life!” Applejack shouted as she slid down the ladder back down to the ground, “You can't do a dive like that!”

“Oh, quit your fussin'!” Granny Smith argued, “I had enough tonic to do a dive ten times as high!”

“Twenty times, by my count,” Flim spoke up.

“Thirty, with a favourable breeze,” Flam stated.

Flam gave Granny Smith another bottle of tonic as she guzzled the bottle down, the sun's rays reflecting off the bottle and creating a rainbow. The same array of colours shimmer in Applejack's eyes, as she decides to come clean.

“I hate to disappoint everypony,” Applejack said, “but there's no way Granny could have made that dive, because this tonic is a fake!”

“But you gave it your stamp of approval!” called out Jinx.

“Are you saying you lied?” asked Rainbowshine.

“… I am,” Applejack replied as the crowd gasped, as she continued, “I didn't mean to! But everypony seemed so much happier, I couldn't bring myself to tell you when I found out the tonic wasn't real. I know it was wrong. I just hope, with time, I can win back everypony's trust.”

“But if the tonic is a fake, then how come Granny can swim again,” Apple Bloom asked, “and what about all that aquabatics stuff we just did?”

“I reckon sometimes you can forget what you're capable of, and it just takes a little extra confidence to remember that it was inside of you all along,” Applejack replied, “But tellin' ponies your tonic can do things it can't is just wrong!”

“But you just said it boosts confidence!” Flim exclaimed.

“And that's not all it does, folks…” Flam tried to speak but was cut off by Silver Shill.

“Yes, it is! In fact, it's not a tonic at all! I know, 'cause I helped make it!” he declared, “Watching Applejack save Granny and then admit to lying, well, that made me realise I was making ponies believe in a thing that just wasn't so!”

“Believin' in somethin' can help you do amazin' things,” Applejack stated, “But if that belief is based on a lie, eventually it's gonna lead to real trouble.”

“Thank you, Applejack. I got this through dishonest means. That was a mistake I won't be making again!” Silver Shill said as he held up his bit, and gave it to her, “I'd like you to have it, as a reminder of how you helped me finally see the truth.”

“I don't know...” Applejack questioned.

“Oh, don't worry,” Silver Shill told her, “I'll track down the pony I sold that worthless tonic to and give him another bit to replace this one! Honest.”

“I'm sorry, Granny,” Applejack frowned as she turned to face Granny Smith, “I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop swimmin'.”

“Why in tarnation would I do that?” Granny Smith questioned, “I just can't believe those two salesponies had me believin' I could near fly! Hey, where'd they go?” Flim and Flam had snuck away while everyone was distracted.

Later, as Big McIntosh tended to the fields at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack wrote her friendship lesson in the Mane 6's journal.

‘Bein' honest sure gets hard when it seems like the truth might hurt somepony you care about. But I think believin' a lie can end up hurtin' even more. Maybe some ponies don't care about that – but I sure ain't one of them.’

“Now you take it easy there, Granny!” Applejack called out her Granny.

“Oh, I plan to!” she replied as she jumped off a diving board and into a smaller pool and played with Apple Bloom.

Applejack was about to join when Derpy flew over with a speed that she wasn’t used to, she was looking really concerned.

“Applejack! There you are!” she panted.

“Derpy?” Applejack said looking up at her, “what’s wrong?”

“According to Twilight, a laboratory in Canterlot has been looted,” Derpy called out.

“Sweet Celestia!” Applejack cried.

“Twilight wants you'll to go to Canterlot and see Princess Celestia,” Derpy replied.

“Ok, tell Twilight, ah’m on my way,” Applejack told her, Derpy nodded and dashed off to tell Twilight.

“Granny! Bloom! I gotta go!” she called them.

“Go where?!” Apple Bloom called back.

“Important stuff with the girls!” Applejack cried as she dashed off.

As she ran away, the bit given to her by Silver Shill shines with a rainbow-coloured glow.

Author's Note:

greetings all

OH my god, that's those boring-ish chapters out the way, next, I get to do something I didn't get to finish when it was called His new Home in Equestria. Going back to earth!

I hope you all stay tune for that, but in the mean time, this is SuperSamYoshi signing out

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