• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,320 Views, 422 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 46: The Cutie Map Part 2 (Edited)

The Ponies and kids were moved to an empty house that was sort of like a prison. Two Ponies stood outside and guarded the door, as on a loudspeaker, Starlight’s voice spoke out.

“In sameness, there is peace. Exceptionalism is a lie. Free yourself from your cutie mark. Choose equality as your special talent. Difference is frustration. To excel is to fail. Be your best by never being your best.”

The message she had set on repeat was to manipulate the girls into agreeing with her plans, but so far it just made them all get annoyed. Rainbow was struggling to get the door opened, but due to no longer having her Cutie Mark or her special talent, her strength had been halved.

“Hey, this is pretty good!” Pinkie said as she was looking through a book. I say looking because all the pages had the mark as them and the other ponies.

“Ugh, we've gotta find a way out of here!” Twilight remarked, “I can't take much more of that voice!”

“Oh, this is horrible!” Rarity cried.

“There, there, Rarity...” Fluttershy comforted her, “It's not so bad...”

“Yes, it is! Look at those drapes!” Rarity replied pointing at some drapes that looked worn as heck, “I have no idea if they're tacky or not!”

“Well, I think they're nice,” Fluttershy responded.

“So do I!” Rarity shouted as she burst into tears, her mark pulsing as she said that. Due to having her special talent taken away, Rarity had lost her sense of fashion. Fluttershy backed up and heard a twitter at an open window, she turned and saw a bird land on the windowsill.

“Oh, thank goodness!” she stated, “Can you help us, little birdie?”

The bird tweeted at Fluttershy, but because Fluttershy’s had her Cutie mark and special talent stolen, she couldn’t understand animals anymore.

“Go on, now! Fly away and get us help!” She told the bird. The bird also didn’t understand what Fluttershy was saying as it tilted its head in confusion and flew away. “Oh, even tweets don't make sense anymore!”

Applejack tried to kick the door down, as she ran up to the door and kicked it, but she too had lost most of her strength, as she toppled over after kicking it. Luckily Rainbow had leaped out of the way before Applejack kicked the door.

“This door's shut tighter than a... summer of...” Applejack tried to say, but she had also lost her country-style mannerisms, “...uh, piglets in... shoot! I can't even make countryisms no more!”

“I don't know! Maybe it'll be super fun to be all the same!” Pinkie remarked, as her mark also pulsed, she was now less cheerful as a result of her losing her special talent, “Sort of. More pleasant than fun, I guess...”

“Something odd about that staff,” Twilight remarked, “I haven't studied Eastern unicorns as much as I should have, but I'm pretty sure Meadowbrook only had eight magical items, not nine. And I don't remember any of them being a staff.”

“When I was back in the human world, I studied a bit of that world’s Eastern History, and it would seem that it’s rather similar to this worlds history,” Sunset chimed in, “I knew one of Meadowbrook’s was a plague doctor-like mask, but I but the others I guess aren’t staff.”

“Well, it looks like you'll have plenty of time to try to think about it,” Adagio remarked.

A Long time seemed to pass by, as the girls started to slowly lose hope. Twilight continued to think of a plan while Sunset and Sonata looked over the kids, who all still seemed to be out cold. The night soon came around, the ponies slept as Twilight continued to think. And all the while, Starlight’s voice came through the loudspeaker, and recited her words of manipulation, Twilight was now getting a headache at listening to it. The next morning soon came, and Twilight hadn’t gotten any sleep, she was still thinking, when…

“I’ve got it!” she announced waking everyone up, “I know how we can get out!”

“Forget it, Twilight,” Rainbow sighed, “This door's not opening.”

“And I'm afraid the windows are much too small for escape,” Rarity responded.

“Oh I got it, let’s get Sam to blast a hole in the wall so we can escape!” Aria remarked, “Oh wait, we can’t, because Starlight killed them!”

“I’m… Not… Dead… yet…” came a wheezing voice. Everyone looked behind them, to see Sam slowly getting back to his trembling feet. He didn’t look great at all, his skin was sickly pale and his muscles felt too weak for him to even walk. He tried to take a step, but he tripped and fell. Twilight dashed over to him and caught him before hit the floor.

“Don’t push yourself sweetie,” Twilight spoke motherly.

“How?! Rainbow shouted, “How are you alive?!”

“Ultraman… Separated… Me…” Sam huffed, even talking was exhausting, “He was… like a… life support… for me… I fear that… I might be… slowly dying.”

“Don’t say that!” Sunset shouted, “we’ll get your colour timer back.”

“I also have… no Specium Energy… Running through me…” Sam commented, “I won’t be… much help to you’ll…”

“Well there goes the idea to blast a hole in the wall,” Aria remarked before getting smacked by Adagio.

“Anyway, you were saying Twilight?” Adagio asked.

“Oh right, there is another way to get out of here,” Twilight replied.

“Of course! Eventually the wind and the weather will wear down the walls until they start to crumble! Then all we have to do is wait for a big enough hole to form and we can just walk out! It's the perfect plan!” Pinkie explained, before her chipper mood dropped again, “I guess.”

“We don't actually have to escape,” Twilight told them, “They'll just let us out when they think we've accepted their philosophy!”

“But they're never gonna believe we switched over in just one night,” Applejack retorted.

“There's one of us they might believe,” Twilight said, turning to look at Fluttershy.

“Oh! Me?!” Fluttershy exclaimed as everyone stared at her.

“You've been saying how great this place is since we got here!” Rainbow shouted.

“But that's because everypony's so nice and their village is so pretty, and, and...” Fluttershy started to speak, but then realised what they meant, “Oh, you're right. They probably would believe me. I hate to lie to them. They've been so welcoming and friendly... aside from locking us in here and trying to brainwash us into abandoning the things that make us special... Okay. I'll do it.”

“Woo-hoo!” Pinkie cried before calming down again, “I mean, cool.”

“But what do I do once I'm out?” Fluttershy asked.

“You've gotta find a way to get our cutie marks back,” Twilight told her, Fluttershy gulped.

Suddenly the loudspeaker came on, and Starlight’s voice spoke out.

“Oh, good morning!” came her voice, as the door opened and Starlight walked in, “I trust you had a pleasant night? And how’s our little heroes doing?”

“Stay away from them!” Sunset snarled, hugging Sam close to her. Starlight looked at Sam as he stared back at her crossly.

“I see he’s recovering well. This way, please. There are some friends who'd like to see you,” Starlight remarked as she led the girls outside, “Gather round, friends, gather round! We've come to ask if any of you are ready to join us! There are so many friends to be made once you realise you don't need your cutie marks or the talents that come with them.” Twilight and the girls all scowl at Starlight.

“We have a welcome ceremony for new friends!” Double Diamond called out, “The whole village joins together to build you your own cottage…”

“Not interested!” shouted Rainbow Dash, “You may have them now, but we're going to get our cutie marks back!”

“Y'all don't understand, do ya?” Applejack spoke up, “You can't force nopony to be friends! It doesn't work like that!”

“Please, join us!” cried Sunny Song.

“We love new friends!” called out Rosemary.

“It's all right, everypony. This is a perfectly normal part of the equalisation process for those who haven't...” Starlight paused as she looked back at the girls, “quite seen the light yet. We'll try again tomorrow once you've had a bit more time to consider our philosophy!”

Twilight and the girls were led back inside the cottage, but just as Twilight was about to enter, she realised that Fluttershy didn’t speak out. She gave a slight kick in her arm. Fluttershy knew that was the que for her to act.

“I'd like to join!” she cried out before covering her mouth. The townsfolk all cheered that they had a new friend, while Starlight smirked.

“Fluttershy? How could you?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“If giving up my cutie mark means I get to stay in this lovely village with these lovely ponies, then I'll do it,” Fluttershy replied, giving Starlight a nervous smile. Twilight smirked back at Fluttershy as she went back into the cottage and Starlight closed the door behind her.

“We have a new friend, everypony!” Starlight announced as the ponies all chattered as they surrounded Fluttershy, “Now, there's one more order of business. It seems some in our midst might be... dissatisfied with the village life!” All the ponies gasped in shock.

“Unfortunately, it's all too true, my friends!” Starlight Continued as she turned to Fluttershy, “Will you kindly tell us the names of those friends who so desperately miss their cutie marks that they would sneak around in the shadows talking to strangers about it? Just so we can be sure your intentions are indeed pure.” At the back of the crowd, Party Favour, Night Glider, and Sugar Belle looked at each other nervously.

Fluttershy gulped in worry. “Um, I don't know who they were,” she said, sweating in fear, “Um, I'm sorry. I don't know your names and faces yet.”

“Nonsense! Obviously these ponies must have asked you directly. Kindly point them out!” Starlight told her. Sugar Belle, Night Glider, and Party Favour were getting more worried and nervous. Feeling more worried about his friends than himself, Party Favour knew what he had to do.

“It was me!” he shouted, everyone turned to look at him, “It was only me! But I only wanted it back for a little while!”

“And you're quite certain it was only you?” Starlight asked, holding his head up with her hoof.

“I just wanted to remember what it was like,” Party Favour sadly replied.

“And no thought to the pain you'd cause your friends. Such selfishness,” Starlight retorted, as she pointed to the cottage.

“I'm sorry, everypony! I never wanted to leave the village!” Party Favour called out as he limped into the cottage, “I love all of…” He never got to finish what he was saying as the door slammed shut in his face. Sugar Belle and Night Glider felt sorry and bad for Party Favour, they would have rather gone with him than to watch him go himself.

“What was I thinking?!” Party Favour yelled as he slammed his horn into the door, “I can't believe I even considered asking for my cutie mark back.”

“Don't worry. Fluttershy will have us out of here in no time!” Rainbow tried to reassure him.

“Didn't you see what just happened out there?!” Party Favour exclaimed, “Your friend has accepted our way! You will all accept our way! It's only a matter of time!”

“This guy's a barrel of laughs,” Aria remarked.

“Laughs don't come in barrels. They come from inside you as your body's response to delight,” Pinkie replied flatly, everyone all turned to look at her with shock.

“That might have been the flattest reaction I’ve seen from her,” Sam commented.

“So what are we gonna do while Fluttershy's out there lookin' for our cutie marks?” Applejack asked.

“We have to stay as positive as we can,” Twilight replied, “If Party Favour sees how much we really do like each other, even though we're all different, maybe we can use him to spread our message to the rest of the village.”

Suddenly the loudspeaker came on again, and Starlight’s message started to repeat. “To excel is to fail.”

“Let's hope they don't convert any of us first,” Rarity stated.

“If I had my powers I would blast the loudspeaker to shut it up,” Sam remarked.

Starlight was leading Fluttershy down the street, as the townsfolk greeted her. “Gosh, you really are the nicest ponies I've ever met,” Fluttershy remarked.

“Come. All new friends stay with me until their cottage is completed,” Starlight told her as she led her to her cottage, “Let's get you settled, and then you can enjoy all that our little village has to offer.” Fluttershy turned to look back at the village, Sugar Belle and Night Glider watched with worried smiles on their faces. Fluttershy entered the cottage, as Starlight gave an evil smirk behind her back and followed her inside before closing the door.

Once night falls, Fluttershy sneaks out through the chimney to retrieve the cutie marks from the vault. She coughed and sputtered as she shook herself clean of soot. “Get the cutie marks back. That's all you've gotta do, Fluttershy,” She tried to encourage herself, “Just sneak through the dark up to that spooky old cave with the scary magical staff and get the cutie marks back.” She fluttered out the chimney and started to walk.

In the cold still night, it felt like hours before Fluttershy spoke again, “Okay, you're doing great. The cave's gotta be closed now...” She remarked, but it turned out that she had only walked a couple of steps on the roof of the cottage.

“Excellent work, Double Diamond,” came Starlight’s voice, Fluttershy looked over the edge of the roof to see Double Diamond standing outside the door, with a crate of jars and talking to Starlight.

“Of course, but I don't understand why you wanted me to bring them here,” he said as Starlight levitated the crate with her magic, “Fluttershy is one of us now. Surely she can be trusted.”

“This one belongs to a princess, and this one belongs to that son of her,” Starlight said as she pulled out a jar with Twilight’s cutie mark inside and one with Sam’s Colour Timer, Fluttershy peaked through the window and watched being careful not to get spotted herself, “they could be very important to our cause.”

“But if Twilight Sparkle and her son become our friends, then why do we care about this old cutie mark and flashy thing?” Double Diamond asked.

“I just want to keep them close until everything is... settled. Maybe I could use my magic to rework one of their chest devices to work on my and help us spread out messages,” Starlight replied, “You may go, Double Diamond.”

Fluttershy zipped behind the cottage to hide as Double Diamond left. “Oh, dear. How am I ever going to get the cutie marks back now?” Fluttershy questioned herself, she then heard Starlight cry out, she flew up to spy on her, and saw that she had tripped over a bucket of water, getting herself soaked with water.

“Ugh! Starlight, you clumsy foal!” she remarked as she placed the jars down and levitated a towel over to dry herself off. But as she dried herself up, Fluttershy discovers something shocking about Starlight, Her equal sign cutie mark is fake! Her real cutie mark was a glimmering star. Fluttershy watched Starlight as she hid her cutie mark with makeup and painted the fake cutie mark back on.

Fluttershy gasped in shock, alerting Starlight. Fluttershy dipped away as Starlight looked at the window with a frown. Not seeing anyone, Starlight went to her bed and turned off the light. Fluttershy was now more nervous than ever. “Oh no,” she remarked as she fluttered back to her room.

The next morning, Starlight had gathered the townsfolk up again, to see if any of the girls had converted yet. By this point, Gwen, Ace, and Chris had also woken up. Devon and Nicholas were still out cold. In Devon’s case, as his is Ultraman Zero, removing his colour timer legibly put him in a coma, and Nick didn’t even have a colour timer, his beam lamp was on his forehead, and it’s rather unclear if he'll wake up because of this.

“I've got a good feeling about today!” Starlight announced, as the girls all stepped outside, Sam, Gwen, Ace, and Chris all sat of Twilight, Sunset, Pinkie, and Rarity’s backs respectively, and not one of them had gotten a wink of sleep, “So, do any of you have anything you'd like to say?” no one replied, they all just looked away. “Aw, pity. Well, let's try this again tomorrow, shall we? No new friends today, I'm afraid!”

“Wait! I'd like to lock them in,” Fluttershy said to Starlight.

“Marvellous, Fluttershy! That's the spirit!” Starlight cheered, “Party Favour, will you join us, please?”

Just as Applejack was about to enter the cottage, Party Favour darted out, and hugged Starlight’s arm. “I'm sorry, Starlight! I'm sorry, everypony! I've seen the error of my ways! I never want to look at my cutie mark again!” Party Favour cried.

“It seems there's cause for celebration after all!” Starlight announced, the townsfolk all cheered.

“They tried to break me!” Party Favour replied, “They wouldn't stop talking about how different they are, and that somehow makes their friendship stronger!”

“Such backwards thinking,” Starlight retorted.

“But I didn't listen!” Party Favour rose to his hooves, with an extremely derpy face, “I knew what they were up to, and I didn't listen!”

“Well done, Party Favour!” Starlight responded, “We welcome you back with open hooves!”

“Um, Starlight? I think we might have one more friend joining us today,” Fluttershy said, as Twilight stepped out the door. The crowd of ponies all gasped.

“Is this true?” Starlight questioned, shoving Party Favour aside.

“I-I think so,” Twilight answered, “But I just want to be sure. If I agree to leave my cutie mark in the vault, will I really be happier?”

“Just look around! Equality has given us more happiness than you've ever known!” Starlight told her.

“And you wouldn't let me just live here in the village with my old cutie mark?” Twilight asked.

“Out of the question,” Starlight replied, “A pony with a different cutie mark in our midst would destroy our entire philosophy. We are all equal here!”

“Then how do you explain this?!” shouted Fluttershy, as she chucked a bucket of water down on Starlight. The Unicorn jumped out of the way before she could get soaked in water, and reveal her secret to everyone.

“I knew you couldn't be trusted!” Starlight snarled at Fluttershy. Party Favour noticed that a bit of water had splashed onto Starlight’s flank and trickled down her cutie mark, removing the makeup. He got his clothes and whipped it clean, “No! Get away!” Starlight shouted but it was too late, her true cutie mark was on full display. The townsfolk couldn’t believe it as they muttered to each other. Starlight tried to hide her cutie mark using her tail as she turned to face the crowd. “Wha... What are you looking at?! They're the problem, not me!”

The Mane 10 all stood behind her with smirks on their faces, and feeling proud of Fluttershy. “How could you?” Party Favour questioned, as tears formed in his eyes, feeling heartbroken.

“You said cutie marks were evil! You said special talents led to pain and heartache!” Double Diamond chimed in.

“They do! Don't you see?! Look at them!” Starlight shouted, pointing at the group behind her.

“Then why?” questioned Sugar Belle, “Why did you take ours and not give up your own?”

“I... I had to, you fools!” Starlight snapped, her kind demeanour replaced with anger, “How could I collect your cutie marks without my magic?!”

“But the staff has all the magic we need!” Night Glider responded.

“The staff is a piece of wood I found in the desert!” Starlight retorted, “It's my magic that makes all this possible! You'd all still be living your miserable lives thinking you're better than everypony else if it weren't for my magical abilities! I brought you friendship! I brought you equality! I created harmony!”

“I bet she didn’t pay for their internet,” Sam whispered to his team, “that’s if they had any.”

“You lied to us!” shouted Double Diamond.

“So what? E-Everything else I said is true! The only way to be happy is if we're all equal!” Starlight stated.

“Except for you,” Party Favour retorted. Starlight snapped around and snarled at them, lighting her horn up with magic and making a sound similar to that of Springtrap’s jumpscare sound.

“Everypony has unique talents and gifts,” Twilight started to speak up, “and when we share them with each other, that's how rea…”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!” Starlight roared, she was so furious that a vein was visible on her neck. Everyone jumped back in shock.

“Watch your profanity,” Sam finally spoke up quietly. Starlight just about heard what Sam said, and in her fury, forcefully levitated him over to her.

“I’m going to kill you with the very thing I stole from you!” Starlight growled, but before she could do anything, the townsfolk started to surround her.

“Let him go, Starlight,” Twilight stated sternly.

“You can't have a cutie mark, Starlight!” Sugar Belle spoke up, “Either we're all equal, or none of us are!” the ponies all closed in on Starlight. She started to panic, she used her magic to push them away, and galloped back to her cottage.

“Come on! Let's get our cutie marks back!” Double Diamond shouted. The townsfolk all cried out as well as they all galloped to the cave housing the Cutie Mark Vault.

“Come on! Let's go get our cutie marks!” Rainbow Dash yelled before Fluttershy stopped her.

“Our cutie marks aren't in the vault! They're in there with her!” She replied pointing to Starlight’s cottage.

The townsfolk all tried to break the vault and retrieve their cutie marks, but they weren’t strong enough to break it open. That’s when Double Diamond had an idea. “Stand back, everypony!” he shouted, with the hunk of wood Starlight had said was a staff, in his mouth, as he galloped forward. He then threw the piece of wood at the vault, causing it to crake, once it struck it. The vault began to crack more, until it shattered, causing the cutie marks inside zipped all over the place and landed back on their respective owners.

Double Diamond’s cutie mark, a trio of blue snowflakes, reattached itself to him, he then began to float into the air, as he started to glow, when the glow vanished, Double Diamond had his original mane and tail style, and his colours were bold once more. The other townsfolk undergo the same change, when they got their cutie marks back as well, including Sugar Belle, Night Glider, and Party Favour. They all exited the cave, as cutie marks zipped outside and returned to the ponies.

“Even without my cutie mark, I can tell this is beautiful!” Rarity remarked. From inside her cottage, Starlight witnessed the ponies get their cutie marks back.

“They think they can come to my village and disrupt my life?” she remarked, “Let's see how they like spending the rest of their lives without their precious cutie marks!” She used her magic to levitate her bed away and reveal a secret staircase out her house.

Back outside, Applejack tried to kick down the door, but she wasn’t strong enough due to her losing her strength. Rarity tried to help but it kinda seemed like she wasn’t trying at all. The girls then heard a whistle, they looked up to see Double Diamond, Party Favour, Sugar Belle, and Night Glider.

“Stand back, everypony!” Night Glider called out and flew up and charged at the door, breaking it down. The ponies all ran in and started to look around for their cutie marks and the kids’ colour timers. Fluttershy opened Starlight’s door, expecting to see them there.

“They're gone! They were right over there!” She stated. They all looked around the room and saw that Starlight had flipped her bed and escaped through a secret exit. They all went down the stairs and ended up outside her house. They all looked around a little more, and Rainbow spotted her.

“Look!” Rainbow shouted, pointing at Starlight as she ran away.

Party Favour couldn’t see her very well, so he pulled out a balloon and made a pair of balloon binoculars. “She's headed for the pass!” Party Favour shouted, “If she makes it into those mountains, we'll never find her!”

“These are amazing!” Sonata remarked as she took the balloon binoculars and looked around with them.

“There's a whole network of caves up there!” Sugar Belle stated, “Your cutie marks will be gone forever!”

“Then let's get moving, y'all!” Applejack announced.

The group of ponies then started to run after Starlight, as Rainbow tried to fly ahead, she was overtaken by Night Glider in the sky, and Sugar Belle, Party Favour, and Double Diamond on the ground. She looked back and saw her friends, trotting as fast as they could, which wasn’t very fast at all.

“Oh, come on!” She shouted in anger.

Starlight ran as fast as she could to get to the mountains, pulling a wagon with the girls cutie marks and the kids’ colour timers. Night Glider was quickly catching up to her.

“Are you all so willing to give up everything because of these strangers?!” Starlight shouted as she blasted some snow with magic, causing it to fall down and crush Night Glider under it. Luckily she was ok.

“We gave up everything for you,” cried Sugar Belle, “because we thought you were our friend!”

Meanwhile, far behind, the mane 10 and Ultra Siblings were trotting along as fast as they could to catch up with Starlight.

“I can't believe we have to count on these other ponies to save our cutie marks!” Rainbow remarked.

“If we hadn't come here to help them, they'd still be living under her rules!” Twilight told her, “Now it's their turn to help us!”

“And I know they can do it!” Fluttershy commented.

“I just want my powers back,” Sam remarked, “I feel so tired and drained without my Specium Energy.”

Starlight was just crossing a bridge, as Double Diamond, Party Favour and Sugar Belle were catching up to her. Sugar Belle got an idea, as she looked at her cutie mark, she levitated over some snow and shaped it into a pie.

“My newest recipe – snow pie!” She shouted as she threw the snow pie at Starlight.

The snow pie smashed down and severed the wooden rods in between Starlight and her cart, sending the jars flying over the edge. Starlight used her magic to catch the jars before they could shatter on the ground. She started to run on again, but not before destroying the bridge, so the ponies couldn’t follow her. Double Diamond nearly fell off but luckily Sugar Belle caught him. It was time for Party Favour to do his thing, Starlight seemed to have forgotten what he could do with Balloons. He pulled out some balloons and quickly made a balloon bridge. Night Glider helped connect it to the other side, and the quartet continued after Starlight. The Mane 10 were just rounding a corner when they saw this.

“She's gonna get away!” yelled Aria.

As they chased after Starlight, Double Diamond skidded to a halt when he saw his old skis. “Whoa! These are my old skis!” he remarked, “This is where I first met Starlight!”

“Maybe you can reminisce another time!” Night Glider called to him, “She's almost to the caves!”

“Feel like an air drop?” Double Diamond asked.

Starlight was almost at the cave entrance, when Night Glider flew over her, holding Double Diamond, all kitted out in his snowboarding gear. Night Glider dropped Double Diamond on the side of the mountain, and he slid down on his skis, causing the snow under him to shift and catch Starlight just before she could enter the cave. Starlight was covered in snow, and so, let go of the jars, which shattered on the ground, and sent the Cutie marks and colour timers flying back to the mane 10 and Ultra siblings. The moment the colour timers reattached to the kids, they immediately turned into their ultra forms.

“Yee-haw! Finally, I can buck like a five-bit snake herder in an Appaloosa ranch house again!” Applejack announced.

“And you got your countryisms back, too!” Fluttershy remarked.

“Oh it feels so great to have the Specium Energy running through my body again,” Ultraman stated.

“Nick?” Mary asked as she turned to Ultraseven, who was starting to wake up.

“Oh my head is banging,” he commented, “What did I miss?” He didn’t get a reply, save from Mary launching at him and giving him a hug. After Mary let go, the group all ran as fast as they could to help their new friends.

As Double Diamond joined back up with his friends, Starlight crawled out of the snow, she scowled at the four ponies that stopped her. She climbed out the snow, charged up her horn and fired a powerful blast of magic at them. But just before the attack could hit them Twilight and Ultraman landed in front of them and protected their new friends. Starlight soon stopped firing once she saw what Twilight had done.

“Wh… I studied that spell for years!” she declared, “How can you…”

“I studied magic for years too! But what I didn't know then was that studying could only take me so far,” Twilight replied, “Each of my friends has taught me something different about myself! It was their unique gifts and passions and personalities that helped bring out the magic inside of me! I never would have learned that I represent the element of magic without these nine! And I certainly wouldn't be here to stop you now!”

“Spare me your sentimental nonsense!” Starlight yelled, rolling her eyes, “I gave these ponies real friendships they never could've had otherwise!”

“How do you know that?!” shouted Double Diamond, “You never even gave us a chance!”

Scowling, Starlight lit up her horn, and caused a bright flash of light, when the light died down, Starlight was gone. She had disappeared into the cave.

“She's getting away!” Rainbow cried.

“We'll never find her in there!” Double Diamond responded.

“I give Sinder a call later and see if she can be able to track her down,” Ultraman stated.

“Can she do that?” Tiga asked.

“She’s a hellhound so I would guess so,” Ultraman answered.

“We just have to hope that when she's had a chance to think it over, she realises that you all have taught her something,” Twilight replied.

“It's you who have taught us something,” Party Favour said, “We all came to this village because we were searching for something missing from our lives. We thought Starlight had given it to us, but now... now it seems it was in front of us all along. It's us!”

“Does that mean you'll stay in the village?” Twilight asked.

“It's our home,” Night Glider replied, “I'm not going anywhere.”

“This is a chance for all of us to get to know each other again for the very first time!” Double Diamond responded.

“And I finally have a chance to bake something besides terrible muffins!” Sugar Belle stated, giving everyone a good laugh.

As the group started to make their way back to the village, the Ultras all returned back to normal, and looked normal as well. But something didn’t feel right.

“I feel different,” Chris remarked.

“Me too,” Nick agreed.

Sam looked down and noticed that he still didn’t have his Colour timer, but his chest was completely fine. No scar, no wound, nothing. Then he felt something in his pocket, he reached in and saw he had a small capsule.

“Guys, I don’t have my Colour timer, but I do have this thing,” Sam told them, he also somehow knew what it was called, “I think it’s called a Beta Capsule.”

“I’m the same,” Ace replied, “but my thing is called a Sparklence.”

“I’ve got something called a Flash Prism,” Chris called out.

“I’ve got my Zero Eye,” Devon replied.

“I have an Ultra Eye,” Nick said.

“And I have this beautiful ring called the Sister Ring,” Gwen responded.

“Why has this happened?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t know,” Sam replied.

“Maybe it’s foreshadowing something,” Nick guessed.

“Or maybe it’s the sense that we’re levelled up or something like that,” Chris theorised.

“Who knows,” Ace said.

“and who cares,” Gwen responded, “I just love this ring.” The team just rolled their eyes and chuckled.

Once the group got back to the village, they all celebrated the return of their cutie marks and their true selves, as they gave real smiles instead of their fake ones. Everyone was enjoying themselves, chatting and laughing amongst themselves, Sugar Belle made tons of tasty treats, and even one pony in the back made a Wilhelm scream. The Mane 10 and Ultra Siblings looked upon them all having fun.

“Now those are real smiles,” Pinkie commented. Suddenly they all feel their cutie marks pulsate, they all look down to see them flashing.

“I'll never get used to that,” Applejack remarked.

“I think it's divine,” Rarity commented.

“Does that mean that the map is calling us somewhere else?” Fluttershy asked.

“I have a feeling it means our work here is done,” Twilight replied.

“Looks like you were right, Twilight,” Applejack stated, “The map did have a reason for sendin' us here. We brought real friendship to these ponies. Guess that's why you're the Princess of Friendship.”

“But the map didn't send me,” Twilight told her, “It sent us. You're a part of me, all of you. And there's no doubt you're a part of my mission to spread friendship too.” Everyone squealed as they all came in for a group hug.

“This feels like an ending! It doesn't have to be an ending yet, right? 'Cause that Sugar Belle can bake!” Pinkie remarked.

“Maybe we can stay a little while longer. Come on!” Twilight said, and so the girls and kids stay from the rest of the party.

Meanwhile, in the cave, Starlight was now lost. She could remember where she had come from, and was getting a little scared that she might run into a monster. But she was still furious with Twilight and her friends.

“They have ruined my life!” she growled to herself, “this is the second time my life’s gone wrong. Oh, but don’t worry Twilight, I’ll get my revenge. On you, your friends, and your son.”

“Don’t you want to take revenge? Don’t you want unlimited power, and get all that you desire.” A voice echoed in Starlight’s head. Starlight jumped as she looked around to see where the voice came from. Suddenly a portal opened behind her, she turned around and saw a figure step out.

“Who are you, and what do you want with me?” Starlight snarled at him, ready to hit him with a blast of her magic.

“Don’t you want revenge on those that have wronged you?” he spoked, “I can help you with that. In exchange, you help me conquer Equestria.”

“Ugh, fine,” Starlight begrudgingly agreed, “but I’m only helping because I want revenge on Twilight.”

“You’ve made the right choice,” the figure said, as he led Starlight through the portal as it shut behind her.

Author's Note:

Greetings all,

I hope you enjoyed this chapters. I'm still have my Ultraman burnout, so these next chapters might come a bit slow. Plus I'm still trying to sort out a SHB Christmas special. I do have an idea for the next chapter so that might come before I start that three way crossover story I mentioned before.

anyway, again, I hope you'll enjoyed the chapter, now I need to get a drink because my head it aching. This is SuperSamYoshi, signing out.

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