• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,319 Views, 422 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 25: The Ultrawoman Raises (Edited)

Ever since Ace and Sam formed an alliance, monster fights have been much easier to deal with. Just that morning on the way to school, the two of them were engaged in a fight with a monster called Sadora. Ace rose up as Tiga first as he was closer to the monster.

Sadora started to generate a thick mist around itself, making Tiga unable to see the monster. Suddenly Sadora shot one of its pincers out and Smack Tiga in the shoulder, causing him to go fighting to the ground. As Tiga stood back up, Sadora ran forward ready to attack, Tiga tried to dodge, but the monster back-slapped Tiga in the face. After a slap to the back with its pincer, Sadora clapped it around Tiga’s neck. Tiga struggled to get free, as Sam finally showed up and transformed into Ultraman.

Once Ultraman rose up, he pulled Sadora away from Tiga and threw it to the ground head first. Ultraman looked at Tiga.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yes, but please finish the monster off for me,” Tiga requested.

Ultraman nodded as he ran forward, knocked away Sodora’s pincer and elbowed Sadora in the chest. Sadora kept trying to hit Ultraman with its pincer, but Ultraman kept blocking it as he pulled it away, and smacked Sadora around the face. Sadora tried to swing its pincers down on Ultraman, but Ultra dodged it in time.

Sadora then tried to swing its tail at Ultraman and finally whipped him on the chest. Ultraman felt that and recoiled in pain. Sadora now had an opening, it extended its pincer and smacked Ultraman in the chest, making the Ultra fall back. Sadora was now proud that it knocked the Ultra to the ground, but it didn’t expect Ultraman to stand up and perform a special move. Calling out, ‘Ultraman Jack, Ultra Cutter’, Ultraman raised his left arm and pointed it forward, then crossed his right arm over his left and fired a beam from his out-stretched arm. The beam struck Sadora in the chest as the monster exploded after falling to the ground.

Ultraman and Tiga returned to Sam and Ace, Sam ran over to Ace and helped him up. Then the two realised what time it was.

“Oh crap!” Sam exclaimed, “we’re going to be late for school!”

“Come on then, hurry!” cried Ace as the two ran to the schoolhouse.

The two of them arrived just in time, completely out of breath, so much out of breath, their colour timers were flashing.

“We… made… it,” wheezed Sam.

“Cutting it close, aren’t we boys?” said Cheerilee, with a stern expression.

“Sorry, Miss Cheerilee,” Ace replied, “we had to fight a monster that had appeared on the outside of town.”

“Well, as we all know you two are Ultras, then I guess it’s excusable to be late,” Cheerilee remarked, “just try and not let this be a recurring thing.”

“Yes Miss Cheerilee,” the two replied.

“Ok now go on take your seats,” Cheerilee said as she let Sam and Ace in. Not long after Ace had moved into Ponyville, he was signed up to Cheerilee’s school to learn alongside Sam. No sooner did he join, some of the girls in the class started to act strange around him, like they were in love with him. Sam and Ace took their seats and waited for class to begin.

“Good morning class,” Cheerilee greeted them.

“Good morning Miss Cheerilee,” replied the class.

“Today we’ve got a special guest joining us this morning to show us his new project he’s worked on,” Cheerilee told them, “Let me introduce you all to Doctor Whooves.”

Just as she said his name, a brown earth stallion, with a darker brown mane and tail, with an hourglass for a cutie mark and a green tie walked in.

“Thank you Miss Cheerilee,” he said cheerfully, “Good morning everyone, today, I’m going to show you the amazing world of science and technology.”

“Ooh,” went the class.

“This can only end badly,” Sam remarked to himself.

“I have brought with me a device that can show you what you look like in an alternate universe,” Doctor Whooves said as he pulled out what looked like a smaller version of the mirror portal to Canterlot High, “With the help of Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, I was able to use some of the magic for the portal and create my own little magic mirror. Who wants to look at themselves from another universe?”

“I wanna!” Apple Bloom shouted, raising her hoof.

“Come on up little filly,” Doctor Whooves said as Apple Bloom got up and went to the front.

She looked into the mirror, at first it was just her normal reflection, but the mirror had to warp and shift until it showed Apple Bloom, looking older, with black mascara, and black mane with a poison green streak running through it.

“Holy moly,” Apple Bloom remarked, she was impressed.

“This is just a reflection of yourself for that universe so it’s not like that version it is looking into the same mirror to see you,” Doctor Whooves said, “who’s next?”

“Me!” cried Diamond Tiara as she got up. Apple Bloom moved out the way for Diamond to have a go. When Diamond looked at her reflection the mirror changed to show her and a farmer like Apple Bloom, “Oh my, I look like you a little Apple Bloom.”

“Yeah you do,” Apple Bloom said, as she looked back in the mirror to see that she was smartly dressed in a gown, “and I look a little like you.” The two of them laughed.

“Who’s next?” Doctor Whooves asked, “Come on, don't be shy.”

“I’ll go,” Sam said as he stood up.

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara made room for Sam to look at himself in the mirror. As he looked, the mirror warped and shifted until Sam was looking at himself as a girl.

“Oh damn,” he remarked, “I look rather pretty. It looks so real.” He reached out to touch the mirror, but as he placed a figure on the surface, something went wrong. The mirror started to malfunction, and Sam’s hand was sucked in the mirror. “Help!” he cried, “I can’t get my hand out!”

Quickly thinking, Ace ran up and grabbed the mirror and pulled. But he wasn’t strong enough. With Cheerilee, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo grabbing a hold of Sam, and Doctor Whooves, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon grabbing a hold of Ace, they all pulled as hard as they could, without ripping Sam’s hand off. The Mirror started to glitch out and Sam swore he could feel something grab his hand. Finally, with one big pull Sam was free just as the device short circuited and exploded in a blinding flash.

The other students had taken cover under their desk when the explosion happened, as they looked up all they saw was smoke. As the smoke cleared, Cheerilee got up and looked around.

“Is everyone ok?” she asked.

“Yes,” replied the class.

“I think so,” replied Sam, feeling his wrist. But something didn’t seem right, he felt someone on his leg, but as he looked around, everyone was in front of him. He slowly turned his head, and he jumped in fright. There, on his leg, was himself as a girl from his reflection in the mirror.

Girl Sam started to slowly walk up and turned her head to look at Sam. Both jumped back shocked to see each other.

“Who are you?” Sam asked.

“I’m Sam,” replied Girl Sam.

“But I’m Sam,” Sam retorted.

“What? Are you an imposter?” Girl Sam said getting into a fighting pose.

“This isn’t Among Us,” Sam stated.

“Look, I don’t know who you really are, but I am the real Sam,” Girl Sam declared, “and to prove it…” she then donned her Ultrasuit, it was basically the original Ultraman suit but had a feminine build, “I am Ultrawoman.”

“I am the real Sam,” Sam announced as he donned his Ultrasuit, “I am Ultraman.”

“Lair!” Ultrawoman shouted and fired a Specium beam at him, causing him to crash through a wall and out of the Schoolhouse.

“Huh, so that’s what it must feel like to be hit by my Specium beam,” Ultraman remarked as Ultrawoman walked out the hole in the wall, “The real Sam wouldn’t put the lives of kids in harm’s way!”

“Then I best get rid of him,” Ultrawoman remarked, bearing Specium Blades on her arms.

“I don’t want to fight you,” Ultraman stated.

“Too bad!” shouted Ultrawoman as she ran forward with blades ready. But just before she could slice Ultraman, Tiga jumped out and blocked it for him.

“What?!” Ultrawoman exclaimed.

“If you want to get to him you’re going to have to go through me,” Tiga said.

“Gladly,” Ultrawoman replied as she and Ace began to fight. Ace was being smart and made her fellow him to the field so no one could get hurt. Ultraman watched them fight as he returned to Sam to conserve energy.

“Do I really act like that?” he asked himself.

Because Tiga hadn’t fully recovered from his fight with Sadora, though it was more Sadora beating up Tiga than the two fighting, he was quickly drained of energy fighting Ultrawoman. As he fell back to the ground, Ultrawoman stamped on his arm, and as Tiga tried to get up, Ultrawoman stamped on his chest. Tiga struggled to move and just laid still, his colour timer blinking fast. Behind Ultrawoman’s mask, Girl Sam just grinned. Soon Ultraman arrived, he saw Tiga laying on the ground feeling very weak.

“Tiga!” Ultraman cried, ran over to him and kneeled down next to him, “Are you ok?”

“I’ve been worse,” Tiga replied weakly.

“You best change back to yourself to conserve energy,” Ultraman told him.

“Good idea,” Tiga said as his Ultrasuit retracted, and he reverted back to Ace. Ace then limped off to get to safety.

“Now, you’re mine,” Ultrawoman said.

“When did I sound so evil?” Ultraman remarked. Ultrawoman then punched him in the chest and flipped him over her shoulder, “Ow, hey I’m not ready.”

“Well too bad,” Ultrawoman replied as she went in for a roundhouse kick. But Ultraman dodged it in time and stood up to battle.

The two Ultras traded punches, kicks, chops and headbutts with each other, seemingly evenly matched. Both smacked each other in the face, then Ultrawoman grabbed Ultraman around the waist while Ultraman chopped her back. Ultrawoman then pushed Ultraman into a pile of steel pipes, then pulled him up and kicked him in the chest. Ultraman squirmed on the dirty ground as Ultrawoman chuckled to herself as she continuously kicked Ultraman in the sides. She then kept stomping on Ultraman’s chest, causing the male Ultra to grunt in pain as his colour timer started to blink.

Ultrawoman then forced Ultraman up on his feet, beat him on his head, then did a wrestling move and flipped him back onto the ground. Ultrawoman continued to get Ultraman up and then forced him back down. She stopped to take a breather as Ultraman groaned and squirmed on the ground. Ultrawoman then saw a pole sticking out the ground, she pulled it out, as Ultraman tried to get up, she kicked him down and then started to beat him with the pole. Ultraman started to feel really weak, as he tried to claw away. But Ultrawoman stamped on his leg to keep him from moving.

Ultraman tried to claw away again, but Ultrawoman was ready with the pole. But just as she swung the pole down, Ultraman rolled to the left and dodged it. Ultrawoman then tried to swing the pole down on Ultraman again, but the male Ultra rolled to his right and dodged it again.

“Hold still!” cried Ultrawoman in fury as she swung down the pole. Quickly thinking, Ultraman pulled out another pole next to him and blocked Ultrawoman.

Ultrawoman started to whack her pole down, but Ultraman blocked it with his own, then using his legs kicked the female Ultra back. With Ultrawoman down, Ultraman pulled out another pole as Ultrawoman got up and the two started to duel with them. Using one of his poles, Ultraman smacked Ultrawoman so hard that she dropped her pole and went falling to the ground. Ultrawoman panicked and clawed back from Ultraman, who threw his poles to the ground.

“Now I shall show you why I’m the real Sam!” he declared, and he pulled a fighting pose.

The two ultras started to grapple with each other, then Ultrawoman punched Ultraman in the chest and face, but the male Ultra swung his arm back and punched her hard enough to send her flying back. Ultraman then pulled her up then kicked her in the stomach and threw her to the ground again. Ultraman picked Ultrawoman up and smacked her in the stomach and back twice before shoving her back to the ground. Ultrawoman struggled to get back up as her colour timer started to blink fast. Once she stood up, she made one final attempt to attack but Ultraman activated his Specium Blades and sliced at Ultrawoman’s chest, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground, defeated.

She lay on the ground breathing heavily, as Ultraman collapsed to the ground exhausted from the fight. Both Ultras retracted their suit and were Sam and Girl Sam again.

“Ok… I believe you,” breathed Girl Sam, “You the real Sam.”

Sam stumbled to Girl Sam and held out a hand, “Want a hand up?” Sam asked.

“Thank you,” Girl Sam replied.

“You know, I don’t think you or I are imposters,” Sam said, “I think we are our own beings.”

“Yeah, I guess we are,” Girl Sam responded, “I’m sorry for attacking you, I guess I just came to conclusions too quickly.”

“Now that isn’t like me at all,” Sam said, “I just hoped that whatever happened I didn’t take you from your own dimension or something.”

“My own Dimension?” Girl Sam questioned.

“Wait, do you remember anything before you appeared here?” Sam asked.

“All I can remember is that I’m Sam, bonded to an Ultrasuit, my mother passed away, my father got turned into a donkey, my brothers and sister moved out a while ago and I have to protect this world,” Girl Sam replied, “among some other personal things that I’m sure you already know.”

“Ah, so basically all the stuff I’ve been through, just gender-swapped,” Sam thought aloud, “maybe that accident back at the Schoolhouse somehow caused you to be created, meaning that you’re a clone of the real female me from that universe. And if we play by the rule that the same adverts happen in other universes, then in that one, a male version of you was created in that universe.”

It's possible,” Girl Sam remarked, “oh and sorry for destroying the schoolhouse.”

“That’s fine,” Sam responded, “but I think we’re going to have to do something about you.”

“What do you mean?” Girl Sam asked.

“Well we can’t have two Sams running around,” Sam replied, “you’re going to have to look different.”

“I guess you’re right,” Girl Sam said, “but who’s going to change me.”

“Don’t worry I know just the mare,” Sam said as he took Girl Sam’s hand and walked to town.

Sam led Girl Sam into town, a few ponies waved at Sam to which he waved back. Some Ponies looked at Girl Sam and just stared and thought, ‘there’s another human like Sam’, and ‘she looks a lot like Sam.’ Soon the two reached a cart not too far from Twilight’s house, Sam knocked on the door, and not long after, Trixie opened the door.

“Oh hello Sam,” Trixie greeted him, “Why aren’t you at school?”

“It’s a long story,” Sam replied, “but to make it short, this girl was created in an accident, and she needs a new identity because she looks like me.”

“Oh,” Trixie responded, “well I’m not as good at magic as Twilight, but I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you,” Sam said.

“Now stand aside, the blast radius is quite big,” Trixie told him, so Sam stood away from Girl Sam as Trixie charged her horn and fired a blast of magic at Girl Sam.

Girl Sam was engulfed by a bright pink puff of smoke, as the smoke cleared, it slowly revealed what Girl Sam now looked like, instead of red and blue clothes like Sam, she had pink and light blue clothes, with a pink streak in her now blonde hair, even her eyes were pink.

“Wow,” Sam remarked, “great work Trixie.”

“Thank you,” Trixie said.

“Now we just need to give you a new name,” said Sam.

“What’s wrong with Samantha?” asked Girl Sam.

“You’re still called Sam,” Sam replied.

“Ok, hmm,” Girl Sam thought.

“How about Gwen?” Sam suggested.

“Gwen,” Girl Sam repeated, “hmm, I like it.”

“Then Gwen it is,” Sam said as he gave her a hug, “and as you’re in a way related to me, we’re brother and sister. We’re twins.”

“Yeah, I guess we are,” Gwen replied, hugging back.

“Wait, you’re Ultrasuit’s going to had to change as well,” Sam said.

“No need,” Trixie said, “my magic should have affected it and changed it too.

“Then let’s see,” Sam said as Gwen dawned her Ultrasuit. Trixie was right. She had changed it too. It didn’t look like just a female Ultraman, it had pigtails, a skirt, and a completely different pattern.

“Ooh, I like this,” Gwen remarked, “I think I’ll call this the Mary Suit.”

“Great name for a new look,” Sam stated as Mary became Gwen again.

“Come on Gwen,” Sam said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, “let me show you your new home and family.”

“Ok,” Gwen replied happily.

“And then you can repair the Schoolhouse,” Sam said blankly.

“Ah, I was guessing I’ll do that,” Gwen remarked.

Just then Ace came up, he was still feeling really tired and beat up, his colour timer was still blinking.

“Oh you poor thing,” Gwen said giving Ace a hug, “I’m so sorry for hurting you.”

“What the?” Ace remarked.

“This is Girl Sam, or now she’s Gwen,” Sam remarked.

“Oh,” Ace replied, “Ow.”

“Oh no,” Gwen said, “let me heal you.” She donned her Ultrasuit again, then crossing her arms, channelled some energy from the red bands on her arms and released soothing energy that healed Ace’s brushes and his colour timer stopped flashing as his strength returned.

“Wow,” retorted Ace, “I feel better than ever, thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” Gwen politely replied.

“Since when did you get so kind,” Sam asked.

“Trixie must have given me a new personality too,” Gwen replied.

“Makes sense,” Sam said.

“Say, do you want to join our alliance?” Ace asked.

“Your alliance?” Gwen questioned.

“United we stand, together we fall, you help me, and I help you,” Sam and Ace said at once.

“Sure, sounds like fun,” Gwen smiled as the three high fived.

Gwen is now happy to be living with Sam in the Golden Oaks Library with Sunset and Twilight. When Twilight and everyone came back from their trip to the Equestria Games Try-outs, they were surprised and relieved that Sam was alright, and welcomed Gwen into their family with open hooves. Gwen was just happy to have a family now. and she’ll be the best twin sister Sam will ever have.

Author's Note:

Sup y'all

hope you like this chapter; I know I did

Next, after a short break from this story, it's Pinkie's Pride and then we'll take a break from Sam getting new members for his Alliance, and do something I had planned for a long while

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