• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,364 Views, 450 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 7: The Uncontrollable Rage of Fury (Edited)

As time went on, Sam became more and more aggressive and violent in his battle with the monsters. He would beat the monsters to death with his bare hands, through up-rooted trees and weapons at them, and even growl and roar at them. What made this worse for him, was that Sam could see all of this, but he couldn’t do anything. Like he wasn’t in control of his body.

Sam couldn’t tell anyone about this, because no one knew he was Ultraman. But Sam had also noticed that his Terror-Scars were getting even-so-bigger night he had nightmares. Which was nearly twice or third times a week.

One night, Sam was having another nightmare. He found himself in a dark void of nothingness, but he knew he wasn’t alone. He swung around to see the Corrupted Monster standing behind him.

“What do you want now?!” Sam yelled at him, trying to sound brave but he knew he wasn’t, “why are you torturing me?!”

“Why?” the monster answered with a chuckle, “because it’s fun, child. You might be wondering what’s been happening to you these past few weeks.”

“What?” Sam stuttered.

“You, losing control over yourself in your battles,” the monster said.

“You… you haven’t…” Sam spluttered.

“Yes,” the monster replied, “I’ve been slowly taking control of your body. And soon, I’ll be completely in control.”

“No, no,” Sam sobbed as he broke down into tears.

“Don’t believe me?” the monster said, “look at yourself.”

A mirror suddenly appeared, and Sam saw what he meant, his Terror-Scars were getting bigger. Sam cried harder as the monster laughed behind him. The monster started to sink into the ground as his shadow started to absorb Sam. His skin turned inky black, as his scars turned a glowing pink. Sam looked into the mirror again, only to see that he was nearly completely corrupted by the monster, except for a patch on his face with one of his eyes. Sam could only watch helplessly as the corruption slowly finished as a single tear dropped.

“Sam! Sam! Wake up!” cried Spike, as he shook Sam awake. Sam’s eyes shot open as he sat up quickly, panting and crying.

“Wha…? Where…?” he faltered in between each pant.

“Calm down, sweetie,” came Twilight's calm, and caring voice as she wrapped Sam in a hug, “it’s ok. You’re safe with me.”

Sam just cried into her soft fur, soon he calmed down.

“What happened? Another Nightmare?” Twilight asked, Sam just nodded.

“It wasn’t just that,” remarked Spike, “your scars were glowing pink. That’s what woke us up.”

“What?!” Sam said, his eyes widening in fear. He lifted up his pyjama top as his scars were much bigger. ‘He’s getting stronger.’ He thought to himself. Sam just cried a bit more into Twilight’s chest, while she soothed him to sleep. She placed him in her bed to keep him close as safe.

The next day, Twilight was thinking about Sam. She was worried about him, and his now glowing scars.

"INCOMING!!!" cried out a voice, Twilight was worrying about Sam so much that she didn’t hear until Derpy crashed into her.

“Ow!” Twilight said, underneath Derpy's body.

“Oh sorry Twi,” she said as she got up. She helped Twilight back on her hooves. “You ok Twilight?”

“Not really,” Twilight replied.

“Did Derpy crush into you too hard, Twi?” Came Octavia's pose reply, she, Lyra Heartstrings, Bon-Bon and Vinyl Scratch galloped up.

“No, I don't mean Derpy’s stunt,” Twilight assured them, “I’m just worried about Sam."

“What’s the matter with him?” Bon-Bon asked.

“His nightmares are getting worse,” Twilight replied, “And his Terror-Scars are getting much bigger and now glow pink.”

“Jeez,” Derpy said, wincing a little bit.

“Aww, poor dear,” Octavia cooed.

“Have you spoken to Princess Celestia or Luna about it?” Lyra asked.

“I have,” Twilight replied, “and Luna says that in the dreamscape, there’s a door chained shut, that must be Sam’s dreams then.”

“Sweet Celestia I hope so,” Bon-Bon said.

“Well, give him best wishes from five of us, old Friend,” Lyra said, as Derpy took off again, her friends ran after her to make sure she didn’t crash into anyone else. Twilight then continued her walk through town. Eventually she found herself in front of Sugarcube Corner. When she walked in, they saw her friends talking at one of the tables.

“Hey Twilight!” Pinkie yelled, waving at them.

“Hey girls,” Twilight said to them.

“How are you today?” Rarity asked.

“Not the best,” Twilight replied, “I’m worried about Sam.”

“Why? what’s wrong with the little fellow?” Applejack asked.

Twilight looked around, making sure nopony would be listening in. “His nightmares are getting worse, his Terror-Scars are getting bigger, and they’re starting to glow pink when he’s in pain,” she told them.

“Oh goodness!” Fluttershy said surprised, “Is he alright?”

“He said he’s fine,” Twilight replied, “but I don’t think he is. I think he’s hiding something from me.”

“Like what?” Rainbow asked.

“Some sort of deep secret he really doesn’t want to tell anyone,” Twilight answered, “but I can’t help him unless he tells me what’s wrong.”

“Maybe he thinks we’ll judge him,” Applejack said.

“Where is Sam anyway?” Fluttershy asked.

“He’s with Trixie,” Twilight replied, “I don’t know if they’re at the library or Trixie’s wagons.”

“Oh ok,” Pinkie said as she ate a cupcake.

“I’m just really worried about him,” Twilight said, sighing.

“Cheer up Sugarcube,” Applejack comfited her friend, “you’re his new mother, and I doubt he would want to see her upset.”

“AJ’s right,” Rarity chimed in, “he probably had to watch his old mother worry as she became a donkey. He probably feels scared that you’ll change too.”

“Yeah, I guess you girls are right,” Twilight said.

“Of course we are,” Pinkie replied, “we’re best friends!” all the girls started to chat more happily.

Sam was currently on his own while Trixie was getting some things. He was alright on his own, he could be alone with his thoughts. He didn’t know what was happening to him. Why this corrupted monster was trying to control him. He had also noticed that morning that one of his scars was starting to poke up from his shirt on his neck. He was worried about what the ponies would do if they saw him with it. It was pretty quiet where he was save for the sound of Trixie’s voice not being too far from him, but he then heard more voices. And they sounded angry, they sounded like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“You told us off didn’t you?!” shouted Diamond Tiara. “What did I say would happen if you tattled on us!”

“I...I... I...” Stuttered another voice. It was Dinky! Sam guess Diamond Tiara found out who told Cheerilee what she did to Sam.

‘God that took a while,’ Sam thought.

“Quiet blank flank!” Diamond shouted, striking Dinky across the face, “You’ll pay for this!”

“Stop that!” Sam sounded as he ran over. Dinky was crying on the ground, as Sam petted her mane gently to try and calm her down.

When Sam saw them, Diamond Tiara's eyes flared up in anger. Silver Spoon eyes did the same.

“Leave her alone!” Sam yelled at Diamond Tiara, trying to sound more confident.

“Well, well, well,” Diamond Tiara said as Sam stood between her and Dinky, “The monkey wants to get tough. Beat it you ape. This has nothing to do with you.”

“Yes it does!” Sam snapped back at her, “Dinky told Miss Cheerilee what you did to me. About how you hurt my hands. I’m not scared of you Diamond, I’ve pigeons make better insults than you ever can you dirtbag!”

“How dare you!” Diamond Tiara said crossly. Sam didn’t back up though, he kept standing there, weirdly his emotions won’t build up which was a good thing too. “So, it’s not this Blank Flank’s fault for getting us into trouble, it’s your fault for showing up here.”

“No, it’s your fault for being a bully in the first place,” Sam said back.

“I knew you’d give me trouble the minute the moment I saw you,” Diamond said, “You’re gonna pay for having this Blank Flank getting us in trouble.” She then pushed him back.

Dinky was still behind him, and Sam tripped backwards over her, and he then felt a cold breeze blow on his stomach. Sam realised his suit had revealed his chest. Sam quickly pulled it back down, but it was too late. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had seen his scarred chest. Diamond Tiara had a mean grin on her face, but Silver Spoon looked as if she had just seen a ghost. Diamond grabbed Sam’s top and pulled it off. Sam’s fear was out, everyone could see his scars.

“Well, well, well,” Diamond Tiara said trotting over, “looks like I was right, huh? You’re even more of a freak than I thought.”

Sam didn’t say anything because his eyes started filling up this time. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had found out his secret, and they were going to tease him for it. By now some ponies were gathering.

Trixie came back and squeezed through the crowd to see what was happening.

“Sam!” she called out. But Sam couldn’t hear her from Diamond Tiara’s words echoing around his head.

“You’ll never fit in with us, weirdo,” she said, “You know why? Because you don’t belong here. I freak like you should be put into a cage and kept in a zoo. Maybe if you stay long enough, that will happen. Jeez your mother must’ve been blinded to have loved someone as gross and as freakish as you.”

Then something snapped, Sam stood up slowly, his eyes a blazing red, as Diamond Tiara was laughing Sam dawned his Ultrasuit and suddenly shot forward, grabbing her by the throat and choking her.

“You don’t know what I’ve been through,” Sam said but it didn’t sound like him, “every day I would wake up to see my scars still there, all the bullying and abuse I went through. LEAVE MY MOTHER OUT OF THIS!! AT LEAST MINE WAS CARING AND LOVING UNLIKE YOUR STUCK-UP STRUMPET OF A MOTHER!!! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT HELL I WENT THROUGH YOU LITTLE PINK BITCH!!!!”

“SAM PLEASE STOP!!!” called a voice, Sam turned his head and saw Trixie, his eyes widening behind his mask, “please calm down and put her down.”

Sam snapped out of his fit of rage, he looked around to see a crowd had gathered around. Sam looked at what he was doing, his Ultrasuit deactivated and unwrapped from Sam’s body, he put Diamond back on the ground and as tears started to build again.

“I’m sorry,” he sobbed quietly, “I’m so sorry.”

Then it happened. Sam kneeled down in pain as he clutched his stomach. Everypony watched as his scars glowed pink and grew larger, the scars crawled down his arms and up his neck. Sam cried in pain and the scars stopped growing. Everyone had seen this and now he just wanted to get out of here.

“Sam, come to me,” Trixie said calmly, as she slowly came closer to Sam.

But Sam dawned his Ultrasuit again and then flew away. He didn’t care where he was going, he just wanted to get away from everyone.

“Sam!” Trixie called out, “come back!!! Sam!!!” It was no use; Sam was already too far away to hear. Trixie turned to Diamond who had stopped coughing and was looking in the direction Sam had flown away.

“So long you demon”, Diamond cried out.

“Sam…” Dinky whimpered, as she stood up and hugged Trixie.

Twilight was getting nervous, Sam had said he’ll be back in a few minutes, a few hours ago and it was getting late. She hoped that maybe Sam had lost track of time, but that was two hours ago. She then thought that Sam was hanging out with his friends but when she got no word from anyone about Sam she grew ever more nervous.

“Twilight calm down,” Spike tried to assure her, “he’s properly at a friend’s house or something.”

“But wouldn’t their parents contact me and say Sam is spending time with them,” Twilight said as she paced back and forth, “It’s getting really late.”

Just then there was a knock at the door. Spike went over to it and opened the door. On the other side was Trixie with a very worried expression and out of breath.

“Trixie?” Twilight said a little shocked, “what are you two doing here? And where’s Sam?”

“Twilight, he’s the reason I’m out of breath,” Trixie breathed worriedly.

“Why what happened?” Twilight asked.

“Sam’s Ultraman and has run away,” Trixie told her, the colour seemed to drain from Twilight’s face.

“WHAT?!” Twilight yelled.

“Sam was being bullied by Diamond Tiara and she revealed his scars, which then made him really angry and he turned into Ultraman to strangle her,” Trixie told her, “then after his dropped Diamond, his scars started to glow and grow bigger, then his suit came back, and he flew off. I tried to find him, but I couldn’t find him.” Twilight was worried and frightened for Sam’s safety. She couldn’t believe it, the thought that Sam was Ultraman and that he ran away was all too much for her and she broke down into tears.

“Spike”, she sobbed, “s-send a l-letter to P-Princess Celestia”.

“Right”, Spike said as he started to write down a letter to Princess Celestia and Luna. Once he was done writing, he sent it away to the princesses.

“What do we do now?” Trixie asked her.

“Now… we wait for… the Princesses response,” Twilight answered through sobs. No sooner had she said that, Spike burped as a scroll appeared. He opened it and began to read it.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle,

This is terrible news; it appears Sam’s anger has become stronger from the description you told me. I would say to you to go look for him right away but due to this late hour and the fog that’s due tonight, I’m afraid that it’s going to have to wait until morning. Luna’s night guards are too busy tonight to even send one out. In the meantime, try to calm down and get some sleep.

Your Mentor,

Princess Celestia.”

Twilight was even more worried now, knowing that Sam was out there all alone and cold. But she trusted her mentor, so she made a decision.

“Okay we’ll go to sleep and find Sam in the morning”, She said. Everyone agreed as they had their dinner and got ready for bed. Trixie decided to stay with Twilight tonight to make sure she’ll be all right. As Twilight was brushing her teeth, she thought to herself, “Oh Sam, where are you?”

Sam was making his way through the Everfree Forest, he didn’t know where he was going but he thought care, he just wanted to get away from everyone. Ponies had watched him trying to commit a murder and seen him donned his Ultrasuit. Soon a thick fog rolled in, what’s worse Sam hadn’t eaten anything all day. He saw a tree in the distance so he went to it and sat at the bottom of it.

“Well I had a good run,” he said weakly as his colour timer started flashing, “I’m doing this for your safety mum, brother and aunties.” He closed his eyes and waited for the day to come out.

But before he closed his eyes completely, he saw two figures walk up to him through the fog. Sam couldn’t make out who it was through the thick fog but heard the creatures speak to each other before passing out.

“Oh look at this. Oh it looks cold and hungry.”

“Ooh, we should take it back to our hut.”

“Good idea.”

“Come help me get it on my back.”

Author's Note:

hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter

I've been struggling with ideas, so if you have any ideas for chapters I would love to hear them

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