• Published 24th Sep 2021
  • 3,368 Views, 453 Comments

Somewhere He Belongs - SuperSamYoshi

A young boy gets sent to Equestria, in hopes to find a place where he can live a happier life. and is also bonded to a technorganic alien and must save his new home.

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Chapter 32: Welcome Home (Edited)

“Wait, this is earth?” Twilight asked, “this is where you came from?”

Sam just nodded as he wandered off, with Twilight and Sunset following him. Sam walked over to the school building and placed a hand on the brick wall. A tear fell from his face, he was remembering the good times he spent with his friends. When he wasn’t being harassed by his bullies of course.

“Are you ok Sam?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah,” he replied, as Spike came up to him and nuzzled his leg, “I’m ok, just remembering things.”

The whole playground was incredibly quiet, save for the gentle breeze blowing through the trees. Sam wanted to head inside and have a look around, and surprisingly the door leading into the school was unlocked, he opened the door and stepped inside.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Sunset asked.

“Why wouldn’t it be?” Sam questioned.

“You said a virus transformed humans into animals, who knows what animal has made their home here,” Sunset answered.

“How can a feral animal open a door,” Sam retorted as he walked inside.

Twilight and Sunset followed after him, but just before Twilight stepped a foot in the doorway, she thought she heard a rustling in the trees, like a big bird had landed on the branch. She looked behind her at the trees, but she couldn’t see anything. Unsurely, she stepped into the school, oblivious to the large bird staring at her through the leaves on the tree.

Sam looked around the school, from his old classroom to the hall, from the art room, to the computer room, the cooking room to the music room and to all the other class and staff rooms. All the time they wandered around the school, Twilight kept thinking like they were being watched and they weren’t truly alone. She thought she saw a creature sleeping in one of the classrooms, and she heard something knock over a pan or something in the kitchen. The trio stepped back outside, Sam had some more tears in his eyes, looking around the school was pretty emotional for him.

Twilight smiled at her son, but then she heard something from behind her. It sounded like something stepping on a twig, she turned around, but she couldn’t see what made the noise. She turned back to face Sam, unaware that a large lizard had snuck away in the shadows.

“Sunset, Sam, I don’t think we’re alone,” Twilight told them.

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked.

“I’ve been having this feeling that we’re being watched,” Twilight replied.

“What makes you say that?” Sam questioned.

Suddenly a loud roar echoed around the school yard, Sam, Twilight, and Sunset all jumped at the sound of that, and Spike went into defence mode. “That seems like a good enough reason,” Twilight retorted.

“So is that!” Sunset shouted, pointing to a golden lion growling and prowling towards them slowly.

The three humans and dog ran, heading back to the pond, but a large hippo, caiman and octopus jumped out of the water, blocking them from the portal back home. Panicking, they tried to go for one of the exits to the school ground, but then a hyena, bear and gorilla jumped in the way. There was only one exit left, and they ran for it as fast as they could, but they weren’t quick enough as a hawk, Komodo dragon and cougar appeared and guarded the gate. They were now terrified, as the animals backed them into a corner and started to close in on them, a rat, sheep, chinchilla, giraffe and fox came up and stood watching the whole thing. Sam shut his eyes tightly and held Spike close to him, as Twilight and Sunset wrapped their arms around each other with Sam in between them to keep him safe.

“I didn’t think I was going to die on the first day coming back to earth,” Sam said in terror, “I love you mums and Spike!”

“We love you too Sam!” Twilight cried.

“Woof!” barked Spike.

Hearing his voice seemed to perk the fox’s interest, almost familiar to it. The lion stomped forward and got ready to bite Sam, but just as it was about to bite down, the fox jumped in its way and yipped at the lion. Sam slowly opened his eyes at the sound of the fox yipping and was shocked to see the creatures slowly back away. The fox then turned and came closer to Sam, he knelt down and gently placed Spike on the ground.

The fox came really close to Sam and started to sniff his face. As the fox sniffed Sam’s face, something around the neck of the fox seemed to glimmer in the sunlight. When the fox pulled its head back, Sam saw that it was a heart shaped locket. He held out his hand and gently lifted it off the fox’s head, surprisingly the fox didn’t attack him in defence of the locket and just allowed Sam to take it off. Sam’s eyes opened wider as he could remember this locket.

“This is the same one I gave her,” he muttered to himself, as he opened it and he had to catch his breath. Inside were two pictures of Sam and a girl. One showed Sam and the girl holding hands and the other showed Sam and the girl cuddling with each other. Sam looked up at the fox, and muttered loud enough for the fox to hear, “Elena? Is that really you?”

The Fox perked up at the name, then started to lick Sam’s face. “Elena! It is you!” Sam cried with joy as Elena the fox nuzzled him like there was not tomorrow. Twilight and Sunset were at first a little confused but couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Sam getting nuzzled and licked to death by his long-time friend.

“So is this one of your friends?” Twilight asked.

“Not just any friend, my best and closest friend, Elena,” Sam replied. Elena looked up at Twilight and Sunset and stopped nuzzling Sam to have a closer look at them. She sniffed their hands and nuzzled her head into them, “She likes you two already.”

“So you’re the girl that Sam talked so much about,” Twilight responded, “my, your fur is really soft.” Elena seemed to blush under her fur.

Sam turned back to look at the other creatures, “So, you are all my friends? My team?” he asked. The lion walked forward, making Sam a little nervous. Then it bowed its head as a sign of respect, then rubbed Sam's head with its paw. “Wait Joe?” The lion nodded, “Of course you’re a lion, your work is so full of pride.”

“Oh my goodness! Sam, my love, your back!” cried a voice from behind his friends. Sam was confused as he saw a girl run past them and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, “Oh I missed you so much! Now we can be together forever!”

“Urm… what?” Sam questioned, he was very puzzled.

“Do… Do you not remember me?” the girl asked, sounding a little sad, while weakening the hug. Sam didn’t reply, “I’m Eden, I sat behind you in class, I wrote you love letters and put them in your bag every day. You’re the love of my life.”

“You wrote those letters, I thought it was some creepy fangirl,” Sam replied.

“Yes,” Eden responded.

“Well looks like I wasn’t that far off from the truth when I say creepy fangirl,” Sam spoke dryly.

“I’m not creepy,” Eden told him.

“I had nightmares that I was being watched at night,” Sam said.

“I was only making sure you were alright,” Eden retorted, “plus you look so cute when you sleep.”

“You are a creepy fangirl!” Sam snapped, “That’s just really disturbing.”

“But I…” Eden tried to say but she was cut off by Sam.

“Get away from me you sinister weirdo!” Sam shouted.

“Oi fellows, it seems that the Salamander is back,” came a voice that made Sam freeze in place, “And it seems he’s being harsh to our new girl.”

From behind the creatures, five boys and two girls came up led by the lead bully of Sam’s nightmares.

“No, I thought you would have been turned into animals,” Sam said with fear in his voice.

“You’re wrong Salamander,” Ruben said, “just like always. I’m glad nothing has changed.”

“You’re wrong, I have changed, I no longer have the scars you gave me,” Sam tried to sound brave, as he lifted his t-shirt.

Then out of nowhere, a fist came flying in and punched Sam across the face. Twilight and Sunset were horrified at this.

“Nathan, Abdul, grab him,” Ruben ordered, two of his lackies went over and grabbed Sam by the arms, “Looks like we need to start again.” He then pulled out his pocket knife and was about to cut into Sam’s skin again.

“Back off from him,” Twilight declared as she and Sunset punched Ruben’s back and forced Nathan and Abdul off Sam.

“Who gives you the right to harass others like this!” Sunset shouted, making sure Sam was all right.

“You two aren’t the boss of us, so we can do what we want,” Ruben said, as he suddenly went to attack Twilight with the knife.

Quick thinking, Twilight blocked the stab with her arm. She cried in pain as the knife pierced her skin. Ruben chuckled as the caiman jumped and chomped down on his arm, making him cry out in pain and pull the knife out Twilight’s arm. Twilight clutched her arms to try and hold the blood back as Ruben’s lackies tried to pull the caiman off his arm. The small crocodilian let go and fell to the floor, Ruben looked up to Sam who was looking at him in fear, and Sunset looking at him with blazing anger.

“This isn’t over you slippery fuck,” Ruben shouted as his team walked away.

“See ya soon my love!” Eden called back, which turned Sam’s fear into annoyance. But he also picked up the fact that they were walking strangely, like Eden seemed to be waving her body around, like she was about to lose balance.

“Are you ok Sam?” Twilight asked.

“I am but what about you?!” Sam questioned.

“Let me have a look, Spike, keep Sam company,” Sunset said as she looked at Twilight’s mark, “That looks pretty bad.”

“What are we going to do about it?” Twilight asked.

The Lion roared and started to walk away, “I think Joe wants to lead us somewhere,” Sam said as he started to stand up. Twilight, Sunset, Sam, and Spike, along with all her friends with Elena close to Sam, then followed Joe back into the school and to the nurse’s room. As Sunset helped patch up Twilight’s arm, Sam was putting names to faces with his animal friends.

“So you’re Sommer,” he said to the sheep who baaed in response as Sam patted her head, “You even look like a New Zealand sheep.”

“So who’s who then Sam?” Twilight asked through gritted teeth, trying to hold the pain back.

“Ok, so we have, Elena the fox, Joe the lion, Thomas the caiman, James the hawk, Sommer the sheep, Kelly the bear, Bethany the giraffe, Reece the cougar, Oscar the gorilla, Chloe the Komodo dragon, Erin the rat, Sophia the hyena, Phoebe the octopus, Millie the chinchilla and Tyler the Hippo,” Sam answered, “Did I get that all right?” Elena nodded in response.

“Wow,” Sunset replied, as she finished cleaning Twilight’s wound, “they’re so friendly, and kind.” Oscar then handed her some bandages. “Thank you,” Sunset thanked, Oscar just gave her a thumbs up.

“So why are you guys here and not in the wild, or with your families?” Sam asked. His friend went quiet, like all then looked to Oscar, who walked off and back with a pen and some paper.

“Of course he’s a gorilla, the closest we can get to a human,” Sunset said. As Oscar wrote down something. When he was done, he then gave it to Twilight.

“You want me to read it?” Twilight questioned, Oscar nodded, “Ok.” Twilight then began to read what he wrote:

‘We were all at our homes when it happened. Our families are reduced to nothing but common wild animals. We all met up at school and tried to contact you Sam, but we couldn’t. We went to find you, but your house was empty, save for a donkey outside on the lawn. We went back to school, and as it happened to us, we started to change into animals, even our teacher could stop it as we all turned to animals. And we’ve been living here since that day. We all thought we had lost you but we had our hope that you’ll come back.’

“Wow guys,” Sam replied, “it’s nearly the same as what happened to me, my mother was that donkey you probably saw.”

“That's sure to do it,” Sunset said as she finished patching Twilight up.

“Thanks Sunset,” Twilight thanked her.

“Guys, what happened to our teacher?” Sam asked.

Elena got up and wanted Sam to follow her. She led Sam to their old classroom, where in the middle of the dark room sat a large elephant.

“Holy!” Sam exclaimed, shocked to see the elephant. The elephant was just as shocked to see Sam, he looked into its eyes and could see right away who this was, it was his old teacher, “Miss Dickson?”

The elephant reached its truck over to Sam and rubbed his head with it. This was indeed Miss Dickson. Sam looked up and saw her shed a tear, it was clear she was worried about him, and surprisingly, she was still in control of herself.

“I’ve missed you too, both of you,” Sam said as Elena pawed at his leg. “I think I need to explain where I’ve been all this time.” He then started to tell them about everything that had happened. From bonding to Ultraman to forming a new family with Twilight and Sunset. Miss Dickson and Elena listened to his story and were both happy and upset for Sam for all the stuff he had gone through. “… And the main reason why I’m back, is to stop this thief, and return the capsules to the laboratory,” Sam finished, “So I guess I’ll be here for a while, until I find this thief.” Elena jumped up and started to lick his face. “Thank you Elena, but I think I might head back to my house, I want to show my mums my house and get something to eat.”

Miss Dickson nodded, and Elena got down off him. She had really missed him, but she knew that he had to do what he had to do. Sam then left the room and went to get Twilight and Sunset.

Sam took Twilight and Sunset on a trip into town, it was very quiet, as there weren't any people walking around or any cars driving. There was the odd animal cry but that was about it. As they walked through the town to get back to Sam’s house, Sam was pointing out places to shop for food and other things.

“I must say, you live in a pretty nice town,” Sunset said as she patted his shoulder.

“Thanks, I’d never want to live anywhere else,” Sam replied, “My house is just this way, hopefully the food hasn’t gone out of date.”

Meanwhile hiding in an alleyway, two of Ruben’s lackies had followed Sam, they had a plan.

“You ready?” Abdul asked Nathan, who was busy checking himself out in his mirror, “Stop checking yourself, you look fine!”

“I don’t just look fine, I look fabulous,” Nathan replied.

“Oh god,” Abdul sighed, “do you have the ray or not?”

“Ugh, fine, here's the ray,” grunted Nathan as he handed Abdul a ray gun.

“Ok, first we summon the monster to see if the boss is right,” Abdul said as he pulled out a small capsule with a monster on the side. Abdul loaded the capsule in the ray and pointed it to the sky and shouted the monster's name, “RED KING!” He fired the ray gun as energy blasted out and a monster suddenly appeared. This monster was yellow and had a skull-like head. This was the Skull Monster, Red King.

Red King roared out, and started to rampage, Sam, Twilight, Sunset, and Spike all looked up and saw the monster.

“What?! How?!” Sam shouted, “Why is there a monster here?!”

“That doesn't matter right now,” Twilight told him, “right now, you need to stop that monster.”

“Right,” Sam replied as he dashed off to stop the monster, as Sunset, Twilight and Spike ran for cover. Sam activated his Ultrasuit and increased his size to match Red King’s.

“Come on, Red King, let’s dance!” Ultraman cried, getting Red King’s attention.

Red King charged forward, as Ultraman fired a Ultra Slash at it, but Red King just back handed it away. Ultraman then ran forward and tried to punch Red King, but the monster’s hide was too strong and his punch did nothing as Red King kept moving and pushed Ultraman back with just its body. Red King then grabbed Ultraman by the shoulder and threw him to the side, Ultraman stumbled for a bit and turned around just in time for Red King to grab him and lift him over his shoulders and slam back down on the ground.

Red King then grabbed a telegraph pole and was about to smack it down onto Ultraman, but Ultraman used all and more of his strength to stop the arm and push it back. Ultraman then managed to get it out of Red King’s grip and place it back in the ground. Once Ultraman was happy, he elbowed Red King in the face, making the monster let go of the Ultra. Ultraman then grabbed Red King by the neck and then flipped it over his shoulder and slammed its body hard onto the ground.

“Well the boss was right, the Salamander is a superhero,” Nathan retorted.

“And this Red King monster is terrible!” Abdul raged, as he pulled out another capsule, this one was different, and it held the gas that the thief had stolen, “Let’s boost up the power on this Skull Monster.” Abdul then added the capsule to the Ray gun and then fired it at the monster. Red King absorbed the gas into its body and suddenly changed into a much stronger form. Its body was molten lava with it behind charcoal black with red markings, It was now EX Red King.

EX Red King roared in fury as it then slammed its fists into the ground creating a seismic earthquake around the nearby area. EX Red King lifted up its fist and punched Ultraman square in the face, causing sparks to fly and Ultraman soaring to the ground. Ultraman sat up rubbing his face, and then launched a stream of arrow shaped beams at the monster, but EX Red King merely blocked it with its fist, seemingly doing nothing. In retaliation, EX Red King fired a flaming bullet at Ultraman, striking him in the chest and knocking him back.

“Alright, time to get serious,” Ultraman remarked as he deployed his Specium Blades.

But something was up, he seemed to be producing more Specium energy than normal, and his Specium Blades showed it, as the suit seemed to change and allowed the blades to extend into a more energy sword, reaching past his hands. With the Blades out, Ultraman dashed forward seemingly with Rainbow’s speed, and slashed at EX Red King’s body, creating large gashes where the gas escaped and reverted Red King back to normal. Ultraman retracted his Specium Blades, and prepared to fire his Specium Beam, his arms charged up with the energy and then he let off a more powerful Specium Beam at Red King. The Skull Monster roared in pain as it exploded.

Ultraman breathed heavily, having used so much Specium Energy, “Holy cow, what the heck happened?” Ultraman questioned himself as he shrank back to normal size, “I’ve never used so much energy before.”

Twilight, Sunset and Spike came out of hiding and saw Sam stagger, the two girls ran up to prop their son up.

“Don’t worry, we’ve got ya,” Sunset said.

“What happened?” Twilight asked, “You seemed to fight with more Specium Energy than normal?”

“I don’t know,” Sam replied, “that’s never happened before.”

“I just want to know why monsters exist here?” Sunset questioned.

“That’s what I want to know,” Sam remarked.

Back in the alleyway, Nathan and Abdul had watched the fight go down, and weren’t happy.

“Well that was a bust,” Abdul commented.

“The Boss won’t be happy about this,” Nathan stated.

“We’re going to think of a better plan for the Salamander with that much power,” Abdul said as the two started to leave.

“Welp this is the place,” Sam said as the group made it to Sam’s old house.

“Wow this looks amazing,” Twilight commented.

“I mean it’s pretty standard,” Sam replied, “three bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, back garden.”

“Still,” Twilight said, as they came to the door, they saw a donkey eating away at the lawn.

“Sam, is that…?” Sunset didn't finish as Sam walked up to the donkey and just stared at it.

“Yes, this was my mother,” he replied sadly.

“Oh Sam, I’m so sorry you have to see this,” Twilight remarked as she gave him a hug.

After the hug Sam walked up to the door and saw it was still unlocked. He turned the knob and opened the door. The house was quiet and seemed to be exactly how he left it.

“Wow,” he thought, “I really missed this place.

After getting settled back in his house, Sam found Twilight and Sunset in the kitchen trying to make sandwiches. Sam just walked up to them and gave them a hug. Both girls saw him come in and accepted the embrace.

“I love you two,” Sam told them.

“We love you too,” Sunset replied.

“And we’ll do anything to protect you,” Twilight remarked.

Sam was happy to be with his mothers and after they had dinner they all felt tired. So they went to sleep with Sam sleeping in his own room and Twilight and Sunset in his old parents room.

Author's Note:

Greetings all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

sorry if this seemed a bit rushed, I wanted to get this finished really badly

I do have a rough plan for the next few chapters, but as I didn't finish this part of the story in the original, I'm not really that sure on what to do. So if anyone has any ideas, I would be glad to hear them.

but anyway, I'll see you all in the next chapter

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