• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,450 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Whitegold: Gem Golems

"Hey Lyra is the coast is clear," a whitish yellow earth mare whispered to her greenish unicorn friend.

After a second of waiting, the unicorn turned her head back. "Yeah Bonbon, the coast is clear," she replied back.

After hearing those words, Bonbon signaled the other militia group behind them. A total of ten ponies, including themselves all marched forward. In the middle of the group is a caravan, carrying a large pile of gems.

The group of ponies surrounds the caravan, with Bonbon and Lyra at the front. Before The Divide, these two lived peacefully in a small town called Ponyville. Then things changed after The Divide, conflict arose and ponies were choosing sides. After Ponyville was flooded, the two tried to live in New Ponyville.

Then words spread of the brutal practices of cutting the horns of unicorns, Lyra didn't feel safe here. With Bonbon accompanying her, the two made to the city of Manehattan, home of the House of Whitegold. At first both ponies lived in the slums of the great city.

Soon fortune smiled upon these two as they were drafted into the militia forces. Sure it sounds bad to be forced to join the army but, they were given food and beds. More than anything they could get living in the slums. Also the house was not at war with any of the other houses, therefore not many battles to be part of.

The only these two have to worry about were the Diamond Dogs and a couple of criminals in the Undercity. All was normal when the Dogs started attacking. Just recently various dog tribes had dared to attack the house of Whitegold, one of their attacks involved the attacking of caravans, stealing their goods.

Members of the house ordered a retaliation to these series of attack. With the idea becoming popular, the house began creating armies and sent them to attack the various dog tribes. This was where Bonbon and Lyra got their first taste of combat, at first they couldn't stand the bloodshed but, soon they start to get used to it.

On this particular mission the group is to deliver the caravan to its destination. They are ordered not to lose the gems or else face the consequences. Nopony knew the importance of these gems, only a few knew what they really are. And they just happened to be Bonbon and Lyra.

By their standards both ponies are veterans compared to the other ponies in the back. Together the two survived the most brutal of battles. Side by side and watching each others back, this dynamic duo has fought through the harshest of fights.

As the group kept on trotting, Bonbon raised his right hoof. This was to signal the group to stop, they stood there for minutes, staying silent and not hearing anything. Then a spear was lunged near them. Coming from down a hill and small pack of dogs came rushing at them.

"Ambush!" Bonbon shouted. as she dodged a swing of an axe.

"Protect the caravan!" Lyra shouted, as she charge into a dog and impaled it with her spear.

Seeing their leaders in action, inspire the rest of the troops to fight. Unlike the other militias these ponies are properly trained and better equipped than most other militias. Because of this, is the reason why these ponies are able to fend off the attacking dogs.

The unicorns used a variety of magic to fight the dogs, the pegasi used their flight, and the earth ponies used their incredible strength. The pack of dogs were easily defeated, their bodies lay slain on the ground near the ponies, who are covered in their blood.

After Lyra finished the last dog the group continued on. The ponies behind them were tired from the battle but, knew to press on to complete their mission.

The group trotted forward, their hooves get sore from the long trot and the blood have dried up by now. They kept on going until they all stopped again when Bonbon raised her right hoof again. Then out from the ground hordes of Diamond Dogs emerged, surrounding the group and their cargo.

Unlike the dogs from, before these guys are wearing metal armor, not some raggedy old vest. Out of all the dogs one stood out from the rest. This one was in full body armor. He lifted his face plate showing his yellow eyes and sharp canine teeth.

"Little ponies give us gems or else Barker will release the hounds. His subordinate growled when their leaders mentioned them. As good fighter as they are, they can't fight off hordes of dogs. Seeing no other option, Lyra told the ponies behind to give them the gems. They did as they were told and pushed the cart towards the leader.

Barker picked the gems and ordered the dogs to head back to base. They all dug into the ground and just like as they suddenly appeared, they quickly disappeared.

The militia frown at what just occurred, they lost the gems, failed their mission, and now they will face the consequences. While the group were depressed, Bonbon and Lyra were grinning for two things, reaching their destination and the surprised for the dogs.

Down below in a cavern, the dogs were celebrating their latest steal from the ponies. Barker puts the gems in with the others and rejoin in celebrating with his soldiers. As he left, the dog didn't hear the sound of the gems activating. It started to levitate the other gems around it, assimilating them into it.

The more gem it absorbs, the more bigger the assimilating gets. Soon the gems start to mold out four limbs, a neck, and a head. By the time it was finished the gem was in a shape of a pony and it was the size of a Manticore. After this the Gem Golem search for an entrance and followed it.

The Golem came across some partying dogs, somewhere wasted from drinking. Upon seeing the dogs, the Golem then proceeds to its objective, trotting to the two nearest dog. Grabbed them by the head, he smashed them together, causing two bloody faces.

The noise caused every dog in the room to stare at the Golem. Seeing its hooves holding the bloody dogs. The reactions were different. So some ran away and others charged at the Gem Golem. The gem beast easily dispatched the dogs. Knocking them around or crushing them under its hooves, the dogs were helpless to the walking killing machine.

The Gem Golem trotted into a large chamber, in its the golem faced a dog in full armor. "So, you are the one, killing me boys." Barker rhetorically asked, while taking out a large hammer. "I'll break you into bits!" he charged in and swung his hammer. The weapon hit the golem's leg, bit of gem came flying off upon impact.

The golem backed off, this dog's attack is actually hurting it. Barker swung the hammer again, aiming for the creature's head. He raised his other hooves, saving its head but, in cost of damaging its arm. Swinging the hammer left the alpha dog vulnerable, and the golem took advantage of it.

Raising its hoof, the golem punch the dog's gut. He felt the pain but, did stop him from swinging his hammer again. This time it smashed the beast's head into many pieces. Barker smile at the success of his attack, it was short lived as the headless golem crushed his head with both of its hooves.

Back on top, the militia ponies were just sitting around and waiting. After the dogs stole their gems, their two leaders ordered everyone to stay put. Most were confused as to why but, was shrugged off by a her greenish blue friend, Lyra. An hour has passed and all the ponies were bored at this point.

Eventually they all felt something coming from the grounds, and out popped a large gem golem. This one was covered in dry blood and some scars over its body.

"Well I'm sure that was a successful," Lyra commentated.

"I know Lyra, I know. Hey golem go back to the cart," she commanded and it obeyed. The golem got up onto the cart and returned back into the gems. With that done Bonbon nd Lyra will have to report back to base, and tell them that Project Golem was a success.

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