• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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Cult of Laughter: Jesters of Baltimare


Baron Iron Reign of Baltimare, is one of the House's high ranking nobles. He supported Mistress Rarity during her rise to power and for his efforts, he was rewarded with the city of Baltimare. Even though he is just a baron, Iron Reign felt like a king ruling this city.

When he took over, crime has almost become nonexistent. In the first few months under his rule, the militia guards cracked down on a lot of criminal organizations. From mobs to gangs, Baron Reign cleanse the city of these vermin. By the time he was done, the majority of those criminals are either dead, in jail, or have fled the city.

Once they were out of the way, Baron Reign finally has total control of Baltimare. Not only did he have the support of the House, but also from the citizens as well. The ponies of Baltimare were so glad to be rid of those thugs that they praise the Baron as a hero.

Baron Iron Reign was more then happy to accept their praises. This way he'll look good in front of his Mistress and he would not have to worry about any opposition.

For a while, things were looking up for him.

That was until the sudden appearance of a new group. They called themselves, the Cult of Laughter.

At first the cult quietly infiltrated into the city, not getting the attention of the Baron. But eventually they made a mistake or two and now Baron Reign has become fully aware to them.

Iron Reign knew the danger of these cults as he has heard stories of their dark magic and horrifying atrocities. He decided to put an end to these freaks before they can grow any further. Just like the criminals, Baron Reign's guards cracked down on a lot of cultist. However, unlike the mobsters and gangsters, these ponies won't go away. They were not discourage to leave the city and they just continue their unholy activities.

Strangely enough his guards has reported that some of the cult's members are citizens from this very city. When questioned the cultist refuse to say anything and kept their mouth shut. Even through torture they still won't talk.

Fearing that the cult's influence has been fully entrenched into the populace, the Baron then ordered marshal law. Everywhere the ponies had their rights suspended as they and their homes are searched by the guards.

While this halted the cultist's progress, it made a lot of ponies unhappy. Fights between citizens and guards were becoming common sights to see and so were small riots.

However, these things were the least of his worries. Recently he has been receiving death threats by the cults. Everyday his he gets large bags of letters, all detailing gruesome ways they are going to kill him. It also didn't help that he read some of the reports his guards send, each report describe in detail the disturbing rituals these freaks do.

Nevertheless, Iron Reign didn't let these threats stop him and ordered his guards to keep up the crack down on these cultist.

For this the cultist stepped up their games and have made numerous attempts to take his life. They tried poison, they tried arrows, they even tried a cannon once. But, the Baron managed to escape each of their attempts intact. But, while these attacks didn't hurt him, it did affected his psyche.

These attempts on his life cause the stallion to be both paranoid and stressful, to the point of being unfit to lead.

Baron Iron Reign followed his doctor's advice and too a few days off to relax. During this, Iron Reign heard of the city's most popular performers, Jesters. The stallion was not one for court buffoons, but his doctor told him to relax and what better way to rid of stress is some fun entertainment.

The next day Baron Reign sat on his throne and awaited for the arrival of the jester. The pony eventually arrived, wearing a typical jester outfit with white and blackish purple color scheme. The most unique feature this pony had was this bronze mask that covered the pony's face.

The jester started off by playing a flute. The pony played a great melody, soothing everypony in the room. After that the jester took a large colrful ball out of nowhere and stood on top of it. As the pony rode the ball around, the jester then proceeds to juggle a ball. Soon that ball turns two, then to four, and then lastly to eight balls.

The Baron and the guards were so drawn into the jester's performance that none of them notices the little strings attach to each of the balls. It was until the jester lit each of them on fire did they finally notice.

The jester then toss each of the lit balls near a guard. This confuses them and one even pick one up. His eyes watch the fire slowly burning down to the base of the string. When it reach it mark, the ball exploded in his face.

Simultaneously all the balls exploded, either killing or wounding the guards. The blast didn't kill Iron Reign, but it did left him disoriented. Through the smoke, the stallion could see the jester slowly trotting towards him, brandishing a sharp dagger.

Before his assailant can sink that blade into him, one of his guards tackled the jester down. He told him to get out of here while he deal with this pony.

Baron Iron Reign complied and began slowly trotting away. He then heard the sound gurgling and turn his head around. His eyes widen in shock as he spot the jester stabbing the dagger into his guard's neck.

This only inspire to hasten his trot, passing by numerous guards that were going to attacking the jester. From the screams he is hearing behind him, his guards weren't doing very well.

Iron Reign retreated back his personal chamber and relax for a minute. He hid in room, waiting for the jester to come so that he could ambush him.

Soon enough he hears the sound of hoof steps approaching his door. He watch as the gold doorknob turn and the wooden door slowly open. On the other side of the door was jester, covered in the blood of his guards. The once happy and cheerful outfit has been stained with the blood of his victims.
The pony scan the room, hoping to find the Baron. Unbeknownst to him, the Baron was right behind him. Iron Reign struck the jester with his sword. He was about to finish him off, but a lit ball roll out under the jester.

Recognizing what it was, Iron Reign hop back, distancing himself from the blast. However, the jester swiftly pick it up and threw it directly at him.

The stallion manage to swat it away with his sword, but the ball explode near him, sending him flying to a wall.

Iron Reign lay on the floor, his body aching from the immense pain from hitting his stone wall. Fighting through his pain, the stallion tried to get up, but was suddenly kicked down. Looking up, the jester was looking down on him, Wielding the bloody dagger, the jester thrust it downward, aiming for his exposed neck.

The stallion brought both his hooves up and tried hold back the dagger. However, the jester proved to be more stronger then it looks. The pony continue to push down the dagger down, despite all the strength Iron was putting into his forearms.

The tip of the blade penetrated his flesh, drawing blood to leak out. The jester moved the blade along the Baron's neck, creating a long nasty cut. Huge amount of blood was spewing out, covering both him and the Baron in blood.

The jester then felt the stallion losing his strength as he didn't put up much resistance anymore. Soon the Baron completely stopped moving. His body laid their covered in the puddle of his own blood. His eyes remain wide opened, but all life in them were all gone.

Once the deed was done, the bronze mask wearing jester turned around and left. Leaving the dead body there to serve as a reminder for those who cross the Cult of Laughter.

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