• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Stormwing: The Fallen

Once upon a time there was a green pegasus mare named Healthy Green. When she was just a little foal, she lived a happy life in the peaceful land of Equestria. She would have had a normal life if it weren't for that tragic event.

The day when the two royal princesses disappeared was the day when Equestria started its downfall. The harmony that existed between the ponies had been shattered; many of the ponies of Equestria have divided, with each one seeking to gain total control over the country.

Healthy Green was caught up in all this conflict and found herself fighting for the House Stormwing, one of the major factions of the divided nation.

At first the young mare was eager to fight alongside her winged brothers and sisters, but then all her enthusiasm instantly vanishes upon entering her first skirmish. The battle was intense, ponies were slaying each other left and right, they being impaled, stabbed, sliced or smashed.

Overwhelmed by such carnage before her, the green mare panicked and retreated back to base. There she was questioned by her superior. After explaining everything to him, her superior labelled Healthy Green a traitor and had her sent to prison.

A few days have passed since her imprisonment and Healthy Green was getting worried. Ever since she was called a traitor by her superior, everypony was giving her a hard time, everypony used to give smiles and friendly waves to her. Now all she received were silent glares from her comrades.

Finally the day came for her trial. She was presented to a couple of the higher ups and was ordered to tell her side of the story. The green mare believed that if she told them honestly, they would go easy on her.

Sadly, after she told them they were infuriated. Calling her a coward they moved her outside and held a public punishment for her. Giving the call to have everypony present, the commanding officer proceeded to cut her wings off in front of the large gathering of pegasai.

This was to set an example for any ponies who dared break their laws and Healthy Green just happened to be the unfortunate pony to be that example.

After her wings were clipped, the green mare was brought to solitary confinement. It is unknown what those tormenters did to her in there, but whatever it was, the young mare was forever changed.

By the time she got out she was no longer the same pony from before. Gone was the sweet and innocent filly, Instead she has transformed into a battle hungry berserker. No longer will she shy away from the sight of blood. Instead she will embrace it and will spill more blood from her enemies.

So for the next couple of years Healthy Green was kept in a heavily secured cell, guarded by a squad of six pegasus guards. Whenever she is taken somewhere they had to tie her up with a series of chains wrapped around her body. Once they reach a destination the handler unlocks the chains and points to where she should go. From there on it is absolute carnage for the poor ponies that had to face her.

Soon the green mare became infamous amongst the troops. Some of them feared the vicious mare after witnessing the brutality of her actions. They saw her split a stallion's head in half with one swing of an axe, then there was the time they watched her rip some poor pony's head off while he was still screaming. They still have nightmares of that scene.

However other ponies view the green mare as nothing more than a mindless beast. Sure she all tough and scary, but she is still one pony against all of them. Even a savage like her can know she is seriously at a disadvantage.

But unbeknownst to all troops, this savage mare wanted them to think that way about her. Inside her head is a plan to break free from her jailors and be free once again.

She has been planning this for years now and she knows that it has to be perfect, otherwise they would just hunt her down and kill her. So far she always had to delay her plan because of the watchful eyes of her 'escorts'.

Then fortune smiled upon her, she heard from the guards outside her cell that a new handler will be replacing the old one. She was happy because the new handlers are usually inexperienced when given the task to watch over her.

This was too good of an opportunity to waste, once when she is unleashed she will turn against her handler and the six guards. After that she will finally have her life back.

Then a strange twist of fate happened. She became friends with her new handler, Shamrock. Shamrock was also a green coated pony, except he was a darker shade of green. This new handler was drastically different from the others before him.

Shamrock was kind and actually wanted to converse with her. He displayed kindness and respect, something that was totally alien for her. They were something she hadn't had for a long time.

For the next few weeks Shamrock would ask the guards to leave the two alone and they would talk. Mostly it was him doing the talking since Healthy has forgotten how to. From their many conversations she learned that he just joined the army after reaching the mandatory age for enlistment.

The more time they spend together the more she learned about Shamrock. Like how was from a large family and how he was eager to serve his faction. This was something that reminded of her at that age, so young and naive, he held a childlike view about how wars are done.

Then came the day for her battle, the six guards and her handler led the chained up mare to the battlefield. The dark green stallion unlocked her chains; at the same time Healthy was contemplating whether she should kill Shamrock. He was the only the pony to treat her like a normal pony, but on the other hoof he could go tell his superiors of her escape and they will no doubt sent a squad after her.

Before she could even make her decision, the group came under attack. Out of nowhere a swarm of arrows came flying at them. Some the guards were killed instantly, the others were injured at first, but were killed seconds later.

Healthy Green instinctively ducked and watched her escorts being killed by the arrows. When it was over it was only her and the injured green stallion. Acting quickly she dragged his body into the nearby woods.

Once they were out of sight, the mare did her best to take care of his wounds. She remembered watching the medics that used to take care of her wounds closely so that she could do it herself. She watched them closely, so that she can do it herself.

Once she made sure his wounds were closed up, her sharp ears heard something. The sound of stomping leaves alerted her of their presence. Hiding the injured stallion, the green mare followed the source to the intruders.

It was the ponies that ambushed them. They must have followed their tracks she thought to herself. Seeing only a couple of them, the green mare thought she could take them out. Silently lowering herself, Healthy slowly moved towards the nearest target.

Normally the berserker is not one to be stealthy, but the situation called for it. As she got close to one of them, she quickly grabbed the pony and ripped a big chunk out of his neck with her teeth. The next one suffered a less gruesome death as the mare slit his throat.

Then on her third target she tried to slit the stallion's throat, but he was able to scream loudly drawing the attention from the other soldiers. Healthy Green stayed near the corpse, waiting for his friends to show up.

Eventually one of them arrived on scene, he was then immediately pounced on by the savage mare and was stabbed repeatedly until he was dead.

Looking up the mare spotted three more coming this way. Normally when a pony is outnumbered they would've fallen back, however Healthy Green was not a normal pony. Smiling she charged into the trio of ponies. The first one was taken out by her slicing his throat; the second got his right front and back leg sliced. The third one blocked her attack with his sword.

The two held their ground, not one of them was backing up despite both ponies pushing against one another. Healthy then heard the sound of the second pony getting up, she pushed the third pony away and jumped onto the second one.

Taking the knife with her hoof she thrust it into the second pony's neck. As she was pushing it even further the green mare found herself being pushed off. Turning around the mare saw the third pony charging at her, sword raised high.

He swung his mighty sword at her, but she quickly evaded each swing. The mare watched the stallion continuously swing his sword and saw an opening. Healthy tripped the stallion and he fell face down onto the ground.

She then jumped on the downed stallion, pinning him to the ground. She then proceeded to pummel his face. By the time she was done both her hooves were bloodied and the stallions face was pulp.

With them taken care of, Healthy Green returned to the place she hid Shamrock. Checking his pulse, the mare found he was still alive. Despite his fine condition, she knew that if Shamrock didn't receive proper medical care he would surely die. The only place that had those is the
Stormwing outpost nearby.

Healthy soon found herself making a choice, she could simply leave and hope that the Stormwing scouts will find him or he can take back to base and risk being put back into the cell. After weighing her options she finally came to a conclusion.

Hours passed and Shamrock found himself sleeping in one of the medical tents. Asking where he is and what happened, the doctors and nurses explained that they found him near the outpost. He was found by a patrol and brought here.

After the explanation they asked him what he remembered. The green stallion said he remembered an attack and his escorts being killed. He was about to say that the only other survivor was the mare, but stopped. Realizing that she was the one that saved him and dragged him here.

Shamrock continued by saying that the Fallen he was handling died during the attack. The doctor got his answer and told everyone to give this pony some rest. As they all left Shamrock laid back on his bed and turned his head towards one of the opened window. If he had looked closer he would've seen the face of his saviour hiding behind some trees.

Once she was sure he was alright, Healthy Green trotted off into the woods. Giving one last look back, the green mare disappeared into the forest, never to be seen or heard from again.

Proofread by FleetlordAvatar

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