• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,459 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Moon and Star: Marksmages


Laying hidden in some tall grass, two Unicorns from the Moon and Star were observing a refugee camp from afar. They looked through their tripod scopes and saw that the camp was in total disarray. The camp was full of trotting undead roaming around the camp. In the mix of this, they caught glimpses of Pegasus soldiers slaughtering the undead ponies.

These Pegasi were from the House Stormwing. They were sent here to do one simple thing, exterminating the entire camp. That includes both the dead and the living.

Before all this happened, the refugee camp was like any other camp. Overcrowded, filthy, smelled awful, and always lacking in any supplies. It was a den of violence and disease waiting to happen happened. This particular one, lies in the Northern Expansion, territory belonging to the Stormwing House.

It was just another day at the camp, except for this one stranger. This pony wore a raggedy old cloak that covered much of his body. The inhabitants of the camp didn't recognize him and tended to avoid him. This went on until the cloak stallion suddenly drop dead. A group of refugee then began looting the dead stallion of anything valuable.

As they were going through his stuff, they were totally unaware of his eyes opening. The dead stallion cast his lifeless eyes on the pony looting his body and sunk his teeth onto his neck.

From that single bite, the entire camp fell.

Once the Stormwing got word of this, they sent a garrison of troops down there to contain the outbreak before it spreads. They were given the order to slay everything in the camp, including the survivors. Can't risk letting them live if they're infected.

While they are doing that, the two Unicorns in hiding continued to watch from afar. The two Unicorns are a special unit called, Marksmages. They were once Legionnaires, but got promoted after showing their incredible skills with magic missile.

“Do you see him?” The Orange unicorn said to her partner.

“No, Starline I don't see him.” The blue unicorn answered.

“Well keep looking Dawn Breaker, we gotta find this guy.”

The two were here on a mission. According to their intel, a pegasus commander was somewhere down there, leading the operation. Their main objective is to assassinate the commander. His death will give their House an advantage in the upcoming battle.

As they scanned the camp, Starline spotted something and fired a spell from her horn.

“Did you got him?” Dawn asked.

“No, just one of his Lieutenants.” She responded and resumed scanning. Also down in the refugee camp, the commander brought his Lieutenants with him. While their main target was the commander, their optional objective was to take down his Lieutenants. Killing the pegasus commander was still their top priority, but since they are with him, they might as well kill as many as they could.

Looking through his scope, Dawn found another Lieutenant. He was able to distinguished him from the regular troops by the different shade of color of his uniform. Once he aligned his targeting reticule, the stallion fired the magic missile. The missile sailed across the field, entering over the camp, and then hitting it mark. The pegasus's head blew up, sending fleshy chucks flying all around.

Blood began gushing out, as his headless body dropped to the ground. The ghouls he was fighting, all gathered around, feasting on his dead body. They sunk their teeth in and tore out large pieces of flesh out. They chewed the flesh for a bit before swallowing it down and resume their feeding.

Dawn watch all this from his spot and almost threw up. That gory scene was now imprinted into his memories. The unicorn stallion took a deep breath and shake it off, he still got a job to do.

The two Marksmages continued to look for the commander, but only found ghouls and pegasus soldiers. They would occasionally spot a lieutenant and quickly took them out with ease.

However, they been doing this for a while now and they still haven't spotted this commander.

“Dammit, where is this bastard?” Starline frustratingly questioned. “We scanned the entire camp and the commander is nowhere to be found!”

“Perhaps, he already died?” Dawn suggested. “Perhaps one of those ghouls got him.”

“And do you have proof of that?” Starline retorted.

“Well no, but-”

“Then he's not dead.” She quickly interrupted him. “Even if he did died from one of the ghouls we need confirmation of his death. We can't just go back to the House and say we think he died.”

“So what do you suggest we do then?”

“Well Dawn, looks like we're going to go into the camp and find our target.”

“In there with those undead freaks!”

“Would you rather we return and tell them we only assume that our target died?”

Dawn paused to think about this for a second before taking a deep breath. “Shit, let's just go.”

Both unicorns stoop up and rose above the tall grass. They then galloped across the fields, heading for the ruined refugee camp.

After taking out the perimeter guards, the two Marksmages entered the camp. The place was tight, lots of enclose area and narrow passage ways. This kind of environment was most suited for a close quarters fighter, not for range soldiers like them.

The two travel around the camp, sneaking pass many ghouls and pegasus alike. As these two sides battle, the two assassins sneak passed them. The only time they ever killed anyone was when they had to or when their target was alone.

While sneaking, they eavesdrop on a conversation between two pegasus soldiers. The two Hoplites has just recently slayed a small group of undead, evidence by all the dead bodies surrounding the two warriors.

“How many of these things are there?” One of them asked. “If feels like no matter how many we kill, they just keep on coming.”

“Look doesn't matter, we still got a job to here.” The other pegasus said to his comrade. “Do you still have that first-aid kid?”

The pegasus answered by showing him a small white box with a red cross on it. “This is for Commander Harshwind right?”

“Yeah that for him.” The other pegasus clarified. “Commander Harshwind needs it badly.” The two Hoplites then left the scene and headed for their commander. Both were unaware of the two unicorns tailing them.

Starline and Dawn Breaker followed the two pegasus from the ground as they both flew in the air. They kept up to them, until they saw them land down somewhere. The two hastily tried them again and almost missed them, but thankfully Starline spotted them entering a tent with a large turned over wagon sitting in front of the entrance. The two silently approach the entrance and listen closely as they heard soft talking within.

“Commander, please relax, I can't apply this bandage if you're struggling.”

“Just hurry up and do it, I need to get back out there.”

“No offence sir, but you're in no condition to fight.”

“Are you a doctor private?”

“No, but she is.”

“She a medic, not a doctor.”

“Well actually...”

As the group of pegasi bickered inside. Starline move her hoof around, signalling something to Dawn. The stallion understood what she was saying and prepared himself. With both of their horns glowing, the two rushed in and pick their targets.

Inside the tent there are four ponies. Two of them are the Hoplites they followed here, the third was a short mare, and the fourth one was their target. Commander Harshwind, a purple pegasus wrapped with a lot of bandages around his chest and left arm.

Before they could even react, the Marksmages fired their spells. Dawn took out the mare, blasting her face with his magical bolt. Starline took down both Hoplites with a single bolt, conveniently the two stood in a perfect line for her to take them down.

With the mare dead, Dawn moved his horn to the Commander. The stallion's eyes were wide by the sudden attack and looked straight in the eye of his killer. Dawn stare at the Commander for a brief second before ending his life. His magical missile struck his head, tearing it into pieces.

After their surprise attack, all that was left inside was four dead bodies, with one of them missing his head. Once they confirmed his death, both unicorns left the bloody scene behind.

As got they trotted out, they found themselves surrounded by a swarm of undead ponies. These wretched ghouls smelled the bloody mess inside the tent and were lured in by it. What they didn't expect to find was some fresh meat.

“Looks like we're going to have to fight our way out.” Dawn commented as he saw no opening in the horde for them to escape through.

“Looks like it.” Starline replied. “You ready?”

Dawn charged his horn. “Yep.” He answered.

Both Marksmages began blasting the ghouls away with their magic. Despite heavy casualties, the undead horde was unrelenting and continued marching forward, trotting into the slaughter.


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