• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,453 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Whitegold: Ponies Of Fortune

On the outskirts of the large city of Manehattan, there is dark gray unicorn stallion with white hair, resting under the shades of a tree. Both his mane and tail were short, and only wore a feathered hat. Near the back his cutie mark was a sword, with a single chain wrapped around it.

Besides him are his items; his chain mail armor, his sword, and his arquebus. On his feathered hat is the insignia of the House Whitegold, indicating his affiliation with them but not as soldier of their army, rather a mercenary working only for them.

Overwatch is his name and he was once a royal guard. During the time before the Great Divide, Overwatch was just recently new guard, fresh out of the academy. Then suddenly the two royal sisters disappeared and everything happening afterwards just got worse.

Equestria was then divided, with sides wanting to gain total power over Equestria. Overwatch got caught in the middle of all this chaos. His fellow royal guards were also divided as many joined the different factions. Being loyal to the throne, Overwatch stayed when creation of the House Moon and Star formed, he joined in their ranks as one of the many Legionnaires.

He fought for the house for couple of years, then one day he just grew tired of it. Day by day ponies battle against each, dying for a cause that doesn't give a rat ass about them. Each faction manipulating their followers into believing their cause.

Overwatch grew tired of all this talk about righteous causes and noble goals. From what he can gather, none of these faction's goals were noble. The Earthborn and dehorning unicorns, Stormwing execution of deserters and rogue pegasus, Everfree and their acts of cannibalism and blood sacrifices, Whitegold and manipulative ways, and lastly the use of slavery from the House Moon and Star.

One day during a battle, Overwatch snuck away during the fighting. He was later labelled as MIA by his superiors and never bothered to investigate, assuming he was dead. The gray unicorn then traded his armor and weapons for some food and lived his life as a hermit.

This didn't last long, since Overwatch grew up in the city. He knows little to nothing about surviving in the wilderness. And after living like a hermit for a week, Overwatch had enough of it and went back to civilization. Since spending most of young life training at the academy he decide to become a wandering mercenary, doing various jobs.

Then one thing lead to another and he found himself working for the House Whitegold. It was basically the same thing he did before, except he gets paid more and occasionally work with other mercenaries under their employment.

"Hey Overwatch wake up," spoke a voice near the resting unicorn.

The gray unicorn opened his eyes, revealing his crimson eyes. He search for the source of the voice and spotted a white pegasus with blue mane, hovering above him. Triple Strike is his name and like Overwatch, this pegasus was also a former royal guard.

During the divide Triple Strike was one of the many pegasus to join up with the House Stormwing. Like Overwatch he too grew tired fighting for the House's cause. However, his main reason for leaving was their brutal action of executing deserters and enemy pegasus.

He soon left the army by faking his own death. Then after that the white pegasus traveled around the divided land of Equestria. Eventually Triple Strike became a mercenary and found himself employed by the House Whitegold. There he met and befriended the gray unicorn, Overwatch.

Triple Strike is wearing light body armor and helmet. His weapon of choice are two swords he keeps to the side, and a detached blade tied to his left foreleg. The detached blade can attach to his helmet, very similar to the Ponies-At-Arms. His cutie mark is tree swords, the three blades crossing against each other.

"Come on the rest are waiting," he pointed his wing to the left, showing the direction.

Overwatch got up and stretched, he then turned around and gather his items. Putting on his chain mail and his two weapons. The gray unicorn trotted with his friend and headed to direction, and meet up with the rest of the group.

A short trot later the two ponies met up with the rest of the group. There was three ponies waiting for them, one unicorn and two very large earth ponies.

The purple unicorn with the black hair is name High Clarity. Wearing a chestplate with purple robes over it. He is also sporting a mage hat and use the same weapons as Overwatch. Clarity is the leader of this small group of mercenaries, hired for a mission leading deep into diamond dog territory.

Standing with him on both sides are the two large earth pony brothers name Hammer and Sickle. Hammer is the red stallion with yellow hair and Sickle is the yellow stallion with red hair. Both ponies are wearing heavy armor and both are sporting large weapons matching their name. Hammer is wielding a large war hammer, while his twin brother was a large sickle.

"Well well looks who finally showed up," Clarity sarcastically announced the arrival of the two ponies. He then glared at the gray unicorn. "And where the hell were you the entire time?"

"Oh I was just resting," Overwatch replied.

The purple unicorn continued to glare at him. "And why were you doing that instead of looking around?"

"Well Clarity you guys already found the base, so I thought I should take a break before we attack it."

Clarity just sighed and shook his head. When he picked Triple Strike for this mission, the white pegasus suggested that he should also recruit Overwatch on this mission. Now the purple unicorn wished he hadn't. While the gray unicorn was a good warrior, he's not much of team player.

Deciding to forget about the poor excuse he got, the purple unicorn guide the group to the edge of a cliff. This spot has a overlook of the diamond dog base below. Their main base is inside the tunnel, all the tents and guards outside is their outpost.

The five mercenaries are here to retrieve something for their client. The thing they are retrieving is the client's wife, Lady Silver Shoes. Apparently the dogs has captured this guy's wife and now he hired them to go in and get the mare back. There was also a bonus to kill the dog who captured her.

Clarity has already scanned the area and explained his plan. First they will silently dispose of the dogs around the tunnel, then do the same thing when they enter the tunnel. Find the mare and get out, and if possible complete the bonus.

He, Strike, and Overwatch will go down and silently take out the dog guard, one by one. Hammer and Sickle will stay back and can only come out if they needed extra muscles.

The three slowly slide down the hill and hid behind a few crates and barrels. Clarity was about to issue a command but, Overwatch has already left his spot. Overwatch snuck around a tent and saw a lone dog urinating, the gray pony wrapped his hoof around the dog's mouth while levitating his sword to his neck. Just as the blade touched his neck, Overwatch move the sword, slitting the brown dog's neck.

After that one the gray unicorn explored the camp, taking out lone guards. While doing this he spotted two of his comrades doing the same thing. Overwatch then came across two dogs, one was showing off his ax by swing it around. When the ax got near to the other dog, the gray unicorn used his magic and push the swung ax into the other dog's face.

The dog swinging the ax started to panic over killing his friend, unknown to him a gray pony was trotting right behind him. Levitating the sword, he plunged the blade behind the dog's neck, killing him and preventing him from shouting out.

With all the guards dead, the three ponies reunited at the tunnel entrance. Clarity scolded the gray unicorn for going out on his own. The three crouched near the entrance, with Clarity entering in. The purple unicorn accidentally stepped on a tripwire, activating a ring sound.

Realizing he just activate the alarm system and those dogs will be here in any minute, the purple unicorn signaled the two brothers to come down. Both brothers saw his signal and they both slide down the hill. Once they reached the ground the two brothers gallop across the tent field.

When they got near the entrance to the tunnel, they can already their three comrades in combat. Taking out their respective weapons the brothers help take out the dogs outside. Once they are with the two brothers rushed into the tunnel crushing the approaching dog reinforcement. The tight small tunnels made it impossible for the dogs to dodge the stampeding giants.

Back outside the three ponies entered the tunnel, crossing over the many bodies of dead dogs. Along the way Triple strike attached the blade to his helmet and his wings were both wielding a sword, the white pegasus is now doing his special talent, fighting with three blades.

They went down into a large room and witness battle between the two brothers and a horde of diamond dogs. Technically it was more of massacre as the two large ponies slaughtered the incoming canines soldiers.

Hammer swung his large war hammer, breaking armor and cracking bones. When not using his hammer, the large stallion use his massive hooves to either stomp or buck a couple of them. Like his brother, Sickle killed a couple of dogs of his own. Except instead of crushing dogs, he cleave them with his huge sickle.

While these two distract the main force, the other three ponies snuck around to complete their main objective. They trotted along the series of tunnels, trailing behind a group of dogs ordered to 'protect' the prisoner. Once the guards reached their destination, the three ponies dispose of them and waited at the entrance.

Clarity put his ears on the wooden trying to hear anything on the other side, Then suddenly a paw break through the door and grabbed the purple pony's head. He was then pulled inside and tossed against the wall, knocking him out.

Seeing their leader being grabbed, two friends rushed in and saw a large black fur diamond dog, standing over the unconscious pony. Both raising their swords the charge in, intending to slay the alpha dog. The large black dog blocked their attack by raising his claymore sword

Pushing them back the dog swung his large sword at both of them. The two quickly dodge the attack and return with attacks of their own. The two opposing foes battle against each other, the two ponies trying to land a hit on the large dog. But, the dog evaded all their attacks.

The black canine swung his claymore at the two, when he missed one he continue to swing it to the next one. He also kept moving, making it impossible for them to hit him. Once the two were getting tired, the alpha dog swung his sword hard on the three-bladed pony, knocking both swords from his wings. Disarmed the dog kicked the white pegasus in the mouth, chipping his tooth. The dog then quickly turn around and parry a sword strike from the gray unicorn.

Overwatch was getting tired and scared, both his comrades are down and the dog got him to the wall. He wished he still remember those combat magic he learned during his Legionnaire days, he could really use them now.

While the dog kept attacking him, the gray unicorn remembered one simple spell he hadn't forgotten. Concentrating hard on this spell, his horn cast a bright shining light. This blinded the dog but, made him drop his sword. Levitating out his arquebus Overwatch smash the butt end of his gun on the dog's face.

The large dog fell on his back, Overwatch aimed his gun at the head. As he was about to splatter his brain over the rocky floor, he was stop by a feminine voice from behind.

"Please don't hurt him!" a silver-gray mare came out rushing to the fallen dog. She then started to caress the big black dog, tears coming from her eyes. At this point Overwatch was just confused. The mare explained that she is Silver Shoe and that she was never captured, instead she elope with him.

Overwatch was shock by this revelation but, ignore it as he has a job to do. He told her to move away from the dog so that he can put him out of his misery. She refused to and made an offer to let her and him go. The gray unicorn told the mare that her husband has paid a lot of money for her and he intend to get his reward.

Before the mare could say anything, her lover interjected. "Listen pony," he said in a gruff voice. "I can offer a choice that not only gets you paid but, also an extra."

Overwatch kept his gun pointing at the dog and held his place for a few seconds. Then he finally open his mouth. "Alright dog you got my attention."

The dog smiled and explained his plan to the pony.

Outside the tunnel Hammer and Sickle were waiting for their comrades to come out. Both brothers were cover in blood, their once clean armor is stain with the blood of their enemies. As the two waited they finally spotted something coming out of the tunnel.

It was Overwatch carrying both the unconscious Clarity and Three Strike. Traveling with him is the mare they came for. When both ponies regain consciousness Overwatch told them and the two brothers that the dog escaped but, they still got the girl.

Accepting his answer the group escorted the mare back to their client. He of course paid them handsomely, which was then divided among the group for their shares. After that the group parted ways and went of to do their own things. Except for Overwatch who stayed around for a bit.

A couple of days later news spread of Lady Silver Shoes death. According to the official report she just suddenly fell ill and died. But the gray unicorn knew what really happened, the mare has taken her 'poison' which is actually a special potion that can simulate death.

On the day of her funeral Overwatch was escorting a large figure in cloak around the area of the graveyard. His buddy made a quick trip to the graveyard and return back with another cloak figure. The unicorn led the two to the city's outskirts.

Once they thought they were safe the two cloak figure took off their cloaks, revealing them as the big black diamond dog and Silver Shoe. Overwatch turned to the two lover and held up his hoof.

"Alright I held up my end of the bargain, now where is my extra?"

The dog then reached down into her pouch belt and took out a small bag full of gold coins. He handed the bag to the pony. With their transaction done they parted ways, the two lovers went back home while Overwatch decided to hit the taverns.

When he got to a tavern he saw a very familiar pony sitting at the counter. Three Strike was drinking by himself at the counter. Overwatch took a seat next to his friend, the pegasus took him a moment before realizing his friend was next to him.

"Oh hey Overwatch, whatcha you doing here?" he asked, a bit drunk.

"Oh you know getting a drink myself."

"Really? hey can you lend some bits? I'm all out."

"Sure," he responded and took out the small bag of bits.

"Whoa! where the hell did you got that?"

"Well Strike I'm a mercenary, what do you think?"

"Jeez found yourself another job already?" the white pegasus remarked.

"Oh just something small, nothing important," He lied.

Triple Strike then eyed the small bag of bits. "You sure about this man?" he question his friend.

Overwatch smiled. "Of course my friend, use as many as you want."

Triple Strike smile and took out a couple of bits. "However," Overwatch interrupted. "Leave some for me, I need a few drinks myself."

They both laugh and both ordered their drinks. For the rest of the night the two ponies of fortune traded tales of their adventures with each other, bragging about whose mission was more better

Author's Note:

Took me all day to make this chapter, hoped you enjoyed it.

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