• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Earthborn: Behemoth Cannon

Behemoth Cannon

Inside the Whitetail Woods there is a large Earthborn encampment that is bustling with activities. Troops were returning to their base after a failed attack. The wounded were given to the medics to take care of and the engineers went to work repairing the damaged Bucker Cannons that were being dragged in.

Watching from the sideline was a elderly green stallion by the name of Oak. The good colonel was currently watching the line of troops returning back to base. He didn't need to ask them how it went, as the answer were written on their faces.

Colonel Oak frown and trotted back to the commander center. As he trot pass the many tents and ponies, the Colonel was thinking back to the event that lead to their situation.

A month ago Colonel Oak was given a task to attack a newly built fortress of the Moon and Star. He was given the task by Applejack herself and was more then honored to complete this campaign. However, his enthusiasm vanished when he hasn't made any kind of progress.

The castle's walls were protected by some sort of magic that causes their cannonball to bounce of them. Not only that those unicorn Markmages and Sunray cannons were literally tearing his troops apart, or in the Sunray Cannons case, incineration.

For days his troops assaulted the castle, trying to find a weakness in its defense. But, so far none can be found. This cost him the lives of many ponies under his command and he worried that he'll lose more if this continues on.

Now Colonel Oak was never the type to ask for his assistance, his pride doesn't allow it. However, at rate it's either continue to lose more troop or bite the bullet and ask for aid.

He picked the latter and sent a messenger to high command requesting for assistance.

Three days passed before he receive a response from them. They heard of his problem and have already sent reinforcements. Among them is a brand new weapon, created by some of the greatest minds from their House.

Hours later and a scout inform the Colonel of a large army coming from the south. Heading to the south part of the encampment, the old stallion picked up a telescope and spotted them.

From a distance the Colonel could see the legion of Earthborn soldiers marching in their direction. Through his scope, Col. Oak can see the Ponies-at-arms, the Battle Buckers, Equestrian Juggernauts and many more. Even their buffalo allies were among them as well.

Then Col. Oak spotted something behind them, something big.

It looked like a Bucker Cannon, but at a larger size it was currently being pulled by some of the strongest stallions he ever seen. Right behind the massive cannon was a cart with a crane and some huge cannonballs in the back.

The army and the massive machine reached the base and all of his troops watched them come in. Most stared agape at the large cannon being pulled into their camp.

Once they were in they all stopped and awaited for something to happen. Then a lone mare came out and everypony in the camp gasp. Standing in front of the large reinforcement was none other then the orange mare herself, Applejack.

The Supreme Commander of the Earthborn was waiting patiently for who ever was in charge to come up to her. The elderly stallion upon seeing the mare immediately rush down and to greet her, surprised that Applejack was actually here.

When he spoke to her she asked if there was any progress with the siege. The Colonel dishearteningly said no and expected a scolding. However, instead of a scolding Applejack told him that this campaign will finally come to an end.

Within an hour all of the Col. Oak's troops and Supreme Commander Applejack's troops marched to where the unicorn castle was. The two armies spotted the castle, still standing and no damage despite all the effort Oak's forces did in the past month.

Applejack ordered the setup of the behemoth cannon. Oak and several other ponies watched in fascination of the pony crew preparing the massive weapon. The crane grabbed a cannonball, lifted it to where the cannon is and dropped it in. They then aim the cannon at the castle walls and pulled the trigger.

A loud boom was heard, startling some of ponies. They the iron ball blasted out of the cannon and smack against the wall. Instead of bouncing off of it, the cannonball broke the magical enchantment and destroyed a good portion of the wall, killing any poor unicorns station there.

The Earthborn ponies stood in shock at what they just saw. After a month besieging the the castle and not making a dent, most have hope of ever taking the castle. But, now to actually see a wall destroyed sent a boost to their moral.

With a clear opening, Applejack ordered everypony to attack the castle. Oaks joined in too as he ordered his troops to attack. After a hour of the fighting the Earthborn finally took the castle. Ridding the unicorn occupants inside.

In the aftermath of the battle, Oak's forces were to move into the castle and turn it into a new base of operation.

Before Applejack and her army left, Col. Oak met up with one last time and apologize to her. He was apologizing because he felt that he wasted her time for something he should've done on his own.

To his surprise the orange mare inform that there was nothing to apologize for. She told him that she personally read his letter and felt sympathetic with him.

She knew that the old stallion was prideful and would not ask for assistance. However, he knew that if he didn't more of his troops will die. So he bit the bullet and ask for help.

She then told him how she was just like that, but a good old friend reminded her that there was no shame in asking for assistance.

And with that the Supreme Commander left, returning back to base. Leaving the Colonel to think about those words.

The End

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