• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,451 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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Cult of Laughter: Revelers


“Are we there yet, brother?” Said a pony in purple cloak.

“Yes, Brother Ratchet we're almost there.” Said the lead pony, wearing the same color cloak.

“He he he, I can't wait!” Exclaimed another cloak pony.

“Yes, Sister Book Smart, I know you're excited, but please contain your enjoyment before we reach the party.”

The cloak mare calm down a bit. “Sorry Brother Heartstone.” She apologizes. “It's just that we been planning to crash the Count's party for almost a month now. You can't imagine how excited I am!"

The lead cloak pony smile under his hood. “Oh trust me Sister, we all know that feeling. Ain't that right guys?” He turn to the other ponies behind them. They all responded by saying various yeses, yeahs and yeps.

“See Sister, you're not the only one excited for this party.” Heartstone smiled to the mare.

The big group of cloak ponies continue trotting the dark streets until they reach their destination. It was big mansion, complete with swimming pool, water fountain, large flower garden, and a big, long wall that surrounds the place.

The group headed towards the main gate, where two guards immediately spotted them. “Hold it right there, this is private property!” Said the stallion on the left. “You are not allowed to be here!”

“But Mr. Guard, we're all here for the party.” Said Heartstone.

“Oh yeah, then where's all your invitations?” The guard on the right asked.

Heartstone checked his pockets, attempting to find the items he didn't have. “Oh dear I seem to lost our invitations.” Suddenly an idea popped in his head. “Oh now I remember!” He turn to face on certain pony in the group. “Brother Honey Bunch, why don't you give this guard here our invitation.”

The cloak pony named Honey Bunch, stepped out and swiftly pull a bow out under his cloak. He aimed his weapon at the right guard and fired. The metal tip arrow pierce the guard's head, killing him instantly.

“Holy shi-” Before the left guard could finish that word, Heartstone smack him in the face with his crowbar, knocking him down

“Now Mr. Guard I appreicate if you don't use such bad words." He scolded the down guard. "There are children present."

“Oh come on Brother Heartstone, we're teenagers, not kids.” Ratchet complained.

“That may be so, but you're all still children to me. Now come, there is a party that needs crashing.”
Heartstone lead the group to the mansion up the hill.

Inside the mansion, the party has already started. It was your typical high society kind of party. A lot important ponies mingling with each other, talking about the latest news and gossips. Waiters and waitresses would come around and offer the attendees with refreshments.

Tonight is the celebration of Count Obsidian's birthday, and everypony was there hoping to get on the Count's good side. After all he rules this city and everypony in it. He was given this city by Mistress Rarity, for his excellence services to her.

The Count was busy talking to talking to one of his buddies when he took a look at his watch. It was time for him to give his speech. He ended the conversation with his friends and went to the stage, his two guards came with him and stood on both his sides.

When the ponies saw him standing on his stage, everypony silenced each other and listen in to what he has to say.

“Ladies and gentlestallions, I would like to thank you all coming here tonight, to celebrate my birthday. You have all been invited here because from day one since I took control, you have shown support to my rule and I thank you for it. The citizens of this city may not like me now, but within a few years they'll come around. Until then, a toast to you all for your support of my reign.”

Everypony clop their hooves in praise for the Count, however when it starts to die down, there was a single loud clop coming from the back. They all turned around and saw a group of purple cloak ponies, with the front one clopping his hooves loudly.

“Truly inspiring words Count.” Heartstone sarcastically said. “Did you wrote that speech yourself or did you hire somepony to write it for you?

“And just who the devil are you?” Count Obsidian demanded.

“Why we're the entertainment for tonight.” Heartstone answered. “Sister Violet, why don't you show the Count your flute. The cloak pony named Violet step out from the group and took out a blowgun. Putting her lips on one end, she blew into it and a small dart projectile flew out the other end. The poisonous dart was speeding towards the Count. Before it could hit its mark, a guard jumped in and took the shot.

The Count saw this happened and immediately bolted out of the room. Leaving his guards to deal with his assailants. Everypony in the room panicked and scrambled to get out of here, the only ones who weren't running was the group of cloak ponies and the Count's guards.

The guards surrounded the group of mysterious ponies, each one pointing their sharp spears at them. The Captain of the Guard ordered them to drop their weapons and surrender. The Guard Captain was totally oblivious to who he was facing.

These aren't some regular assassins, these are some of the Cultist's most dangerous warriors. They were once former militias and bandits before the Cult swayed them to their side. They not only bring with them their combat skills and training, but they also bring something new to the battle, unpredictability.

These Revelers as them call themselves, can act normal in one moment, then they'll go ballistic the next moment. Not only that, the Revelers are also known to use a variety of unusual weapons.

“Alright everypony lets show these guards your instruments!” Heartstone ordered. All the cloak ponies fanned out, each one targeting a surprised guard.

Honey Bunch, shot an arrow and pierce a guard's skull. Ratchet uses a mallet to break a guard's leg, before hitting him again in the head. Book Smart using a perfume bottle to spray into the guard's faces, causing them to cough violently and tears leaking from their eyes. There was more of this happening, such as throwing a glue filled pie, shoving bake bads down their mouths, and even one pony was using a rubbing chicken.

As this was occurring, Heartstone trotted pass the battle and was making his way to the guard who took the poisonous dart. He found the stallion still alive, but barely. The poison was taking affect and he will die shortly.

Upon examining the dying guard's face, he noticed how young he was. Barely in his twenties yet. “Sister Violet, get over here quickly!” He shouted to mare, who was in a middle of a fight.

Violet finishes a guard off, before galloping to her Brother. “Yes, Brother Heartstone?”

“Give me the antidote.” He requested.

The cloak mare rummage through her pockets and took a bottle of green liquid. She hoofed to Heartstone, who then pour it down the dying guard's mouth.

“Brother, if I may ask, why are you giving him the antidote?” Violet questioned.

“Because Sister Violet, this young stallion really impressed me tonight. He showed selflessness when he took your poison dart, meant for the Count. He sacrifice himself so that his boss can live. And in my book, that's really admirable.” Heartstone answered, praising the young stallion. “Beside his sacrifice would have been in vain, since the Count will still be dead by tonight.”

The stallion got up from his place and headed off after the Count, leaving the rest of his friends to finish off the remaining guards. Heartstone trotted the long silent hallway, murmuring a musical tune in his head. He spotted two guards stationed outside the Count's room.

One guard charge at him with a spear. Heartstone twirl to evade the attack and swung his crowbar up, hitting his lower jaw and breaking some of his teeth. The second guard came after his companion and swung his sword down. Heartstone immediately blocked it with his crowbar. He then bucked the guard's knee, causing him to fall, leaving an opening for Heartstone to move around and swung the crowbar to the back of the stallion's head. This knocked him out instantly.

Heartstone left the two down guards behind so that he can face the Count alone. He burst through the door and found the old stallion brandishing a rapier.

“I don't know who you are, but you made a grave mistake attacking me in my home, on my own birthday no less!”

“Well Count, we just saw how dull your party was, so my people decided to liven things up a bit.” Heartstone retorted.

"And your idea to liven things up is an attempt on my life?"

"Of course, what better way to liven things up then an assassination." Heartstone grin. "

“Enough of this nonsense! Your life end here!” Count Obsidian thrust his weapons forward, intending to stab that stallion.

Heartstone dodge the stab and sunk his teeth onto the Count's arm. Obsidian yelled in pain and shook the pony off, but before dodging the crowbar swing from his foe.

Once again Obsidian tried to stab the pony with his rapier, but like before his opponent evaded it. Heartstone grab some sand from his pocket and threw in the Count's face, blinding him.

Obsidian swung his blade wildly, hoping to keep his assailant away from him, until his eyes are clear of sand. Unfortunately for him, Heartstone broke though his barrage of swings and tackle him to the ground. Before he can get up, Heartstone head butted him, breaking his snout.

Heartstone then picked up his crowbar and began brutally beating him with it. He did this with a big grinning smile on his face. He kept this up for a while, the sound of smacking and bone snapping filled the silent room, and echoes along the hallway. When he finally got tired, the Count was a complete mess. Bruises were everywhere, swelling was forming, and blood was leaking through the few cuts he had on his body.

As gruesome as it was, he was not done with him yet. Picking the injured stallion up, Heartstone carried him to his balcony and place him on the railings. Then with one strong push, Obsidian fell off his balcony and crashed hard on the concrete ground below. Creating a big bloody pile of flesh and bones.

Heartstone stared down at the messy pile before turning around and leaving. He trot out the bedroom door, pass the two down guards and down the long, quiet hallway. He entered the ballroom and found a bunch of dead or injured guards lying around.

“Guess the others are waiting outside for me.” He said to himself.

Heartstone trotted past some more doors and rooms before he reach the front door. Outside the door, the rest of his group was there.

“Bother Heartstone, you're back!” Ratchet exclaimed.

“What took you so long?” Book Smart asked. "We been waiting been waiting out here for you like forever!"

“Well Sister, I was originally going to be done with the Count for a few seconds. But, the guy was so entertaining that I had to stay a little longer." Heartstone answered. "Sorry If I kept you guys waiting."

“Well as long as you have fun sir, then it's alright with me.”

“Oh trust me, it was fun. Now come, it's late and you have school tomorrow.”

The group of cloak ponies trotted down the hill, leaving the mansion behind. The party was over and everypony was heading back home. While the party was short, they knew there are always going to be even more fun parties in the future. Until then they shall wait and plan for the next one.

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