• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Whitegold: Dogs of war

How does one describes a diamond dog?




While many ponies has their own opinions about those tall bipedal canines, we can all at least agree that the one thing that best describe them is their greed.

These materialistic dogs are so greedy that it is practically in their genes. The only thing that differentiate them from each other is what they want, with the diamonds being the most common and how much determination they have to want it.

Among these various individuals one dog stood out. His name is Gorehound, and he the self-proclaim Chieftain of all the Diamond Dogs.

Not Much is known of Gorehound's past, but we can assume that he used a minor soldier until he rose through ranks and became pack leader. With him in charge, he lead his pack on a campaign of conquest.

Slowly he fought against other packs and challenge their leaders. He defeated them and assimilated their members into his pack, making his forces larger everyday.

Words of his accomplishment quickly spreads and soon Diamond Dogs from other clans and packs wanted to join Gorehound.

Eventually the Diamond Dog Chieftain has amass a huge army. An army so large they can be an actual threat to one of the major Equestrian factions. Out of all of them Gorehound focus his attention on the pony city called Manehattan, home to the Whitegold faction.

The reason for his chose is because the city of Manehattan is full of wealth and treasure, just ripe for the pickings. He has thought this for many years, he knew that is was impossible for a small pack to raid a fortified city. However, if it was much larger pack, then they might stood a chance.

That was in the past, right now Gorehound has assembled the most largest army of Diamond Dogs ever record in history. With a force this huge they might not even raid the city, rather they will take the city for themselves.

For the next couple of months, Gorehound has gathering information of the city. Everyday his spies and informants gives bits of info of the city's defensive, armies, and strategies. From the prisoners he has interrogated the House of Whitegold have been increasing their defences, presumably because of the increasing conflict between the houses.

During this time the Diamond Dog Chieftain had to keep his warriors in check. Daily Gorehound had to deal with dispute among the various clans, that makes up his army. The most common is the conflict between the different clans, all of them hold grudges against each other.

The Chieftain managed to quell their fighting down for a bit, but he knew that they'll fight again. Gorehound knows that the only way to stop their fighting is to have them fight against the ponies, however it is too soon to attack the city. For now he has to keep these dogs in line until the time comes.

In the days leading to the assault, Gorehound noticed some strange things. The first being his lack of updates from his spies and informants. Before they would deliver bits of information everyday, now they coming by weeks and the info barely contain anything worthwhile.

The second strange things is recent new clans to join his army. Gorehound has never heard of them before, they claim that they come far away lands. He found these new guys suspicious and order warriors from his own clan to keep an eye on them.

This was task that he doesn't just give to anybody, this was a task of utmost importance and he couldn't think of anyone to do this beside his own clan mates.

This was a trait that most other races don't know about, loyalty. Sure their species have been known to be greedy and aggressive, but if treated right they will be the most loyalist companions ever.

This was how Gorehound saw his own warriors, they were with from the beginning and they are still here today. It was because of them that he got this far and because this he feels that once they attack Manehattan he will reward them generously.

That right, generously. This was something that might seem uncharacteristic, but like every rule there is an exception and this showed how much he trusted his troops.

With the assault of Manehattan nearing, Gorehound was getting anxious. For a long time he has been planning this. Back when he was just a lowly guard he could only dream of this, but now here is the Chieftain of the largest army ever in Diamond Dog history.

If they succeed on this invasion, Gorehound will make a name for himself and his infamy will spread across the land of Equestria. Hell, once he is done conquering this city he fortify its defensive and secure his territories.

Afterwards he will sent his army to attack the other factions. One by one they will fall and soon he will have the entire country to himself.

However, unbeknownst to him his vision of a conquered Equestria will crumble before him.

His downfall happen one night while he was in his tent, looking over his battle plans. One of his messengers enter his tent and told him grave news.

Apparently the clans are fighting again, however this time it was different. Before they were just small fight, but now they are in a much larger scale.

Picking up his weapon, the dog Chieftain order his men to quell this fighting. Outside his tent Gorehound witness his army tearing itself apart. He spotted dogs slaying each other and dropping like flies.

He has to act quick, otherwise he won't have any troops left and his plans will be set back.
Gorehound and his warriors did their best to stop the fighting. But, this proved to be quite difficult since they can't kill them because that would just act to the body count. This force them to knock out the dogs or subduing them.

Once they got enough of them down, Gorehound noticed the absence of that mysterious clan that joined a while ago. Putting two and two together, the Chieftain assumes that they are behind this treachery.

Taking some of his warriors with him, Gorehound followed the trail of the mysterious clan.

When he found them, they were just sitting around and doing nothing. Suddenly their leader walked in with a pony at his side. Listening closely he can her their conversation. From what he gathered, these dogs are mercenaries hired by that pony.

Their job was too cause conflict amongst the clan so that Whitegold's army will come in and finish them off.

Gorehound was shock about this, not only did they knew of his plan, but if what they said is true then his army is in danger. Before he could even get up and leave, he felt someone smacking him in the back of his head.

This caused to fall of the small cliff he was on and into the mercenaries campsite. Looking up his eyes widen upon seeing who attacked him, it was his own warriors.

Gorehound was so shocked by this he didn't notice the approach of the mercenary Diamond Dog. They towards him and hold him. Once he was captured, he brought before the pack leader and pony with him.

The pack leader gloated when he saw the Dog Chieftain. After exchanging some insults with him, the pony next to him stepped in.

The pony told Gorehound how his mistress knew of his plans to attack Manehattan. Her spies has been watching him from the very beginning. They observe him in case he does something incredibly dangerous to her house.

Usually they would simply just crush something like this before it grew huge, but Rarity has other ideas. To make this doesn't happen again, she allowed his army to grow in size and when it is at its peak, she would swiftly and brutally eliminate his forces.

This was to ensure fear to anypony or anybody that is dumb enough to attack her city. The destruction of his army will make history and will serve as message that the House of Whitegold is no push over.

Once he was done explaining everything to him he ask for one of Diamond Dogs to execute him. Gorehound stayed motionless the entire time, his entire dream was crushed when he heard the pony's words coming from his mouth.

At the beginning he was destine to fail, but instead she allowed his hopes to get up and once he was high enough he dream came crashing down.

However, despite all that what hurt him the most was the betrayal of his own warriors. He though they were loyal to him, but he guess he was wrong. He guess that when it comes to it, greed wins over loyalty any day.

Looking up to face his executioner, Gorehound wasn't surprised to see the mercenary leader aiming the barrel of his pistol at him. The next thing that happened was a loud bang and everything going dark.

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