• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Moon and Star: Legionnaires

In a large beautiful park located in Canterlot, a little white unicorn colt with a scarlet mane was playing around with several other colts. This little pony was named Ruby Runner and he and the rest of his friends has just left the school, they are now engaged in a sport of hoofball. The colts played their games for some time now, eventually each of the colt's respective parents/guardians arrived and picked them up.

Among them are Ruby's parents, they picked up their son and trotted back to their homes. Along the way the happy little colt smiled cheerfully, today was a great day for him. He enjoyed going to class and learning new ways to master his magic, then after school played some games with his friends, and now heading back home to spend some time with his mom and dad.

Unbeknownst to the joyful colt, his parents had the look of concerns on their faces. There were rumors going around about something big happening in the royal castle. Then came the day they finally announced a dire news, the two royal sisters has disappeared. This basically leaves the position of power empty, leaving for some eager opportunist to try and seize the throne.

Ruby's mother worried of the coming conflict and wanted to leave, the father not wanting to leave everything they have, he assured his wife that the everything was going to be fine. That there are smart ponies in the castle that will fix everything.

Sadly in the following months there have been several violent uprisings and riots. Ruby lost his mother in one those horrible events. As the little colt cried for his mother, his father also weeps for the loss of his wife. He felt responsible for getting her killed and allowing his son to grow up without a mother.

5 Years Later

Much has changed over the last few years, the riots and uprising had finally stopped when the Elements of Harmony arrived and took charge. They were successful at first, they managed to calm everything down and for a while there was peace. Unfortunately, this didn't last long. The Elements themselves fought among themselves, this created a rift between. Destroying their friendship and disbanding the elements. Soon it was only Twilight Sparkle that stayed behind in the castle.

During those years Ruby Runner has grown up to be a fine young stallion. In his senior years, the white unicorn graduated from his high school and earned his diploma. Now the question is whether he should continue his education in college or just get a job.

He wanted to go to college, but since money was tight he decided to hold it off for a year. Normally money money wouldn't be a problem with his father's business. However, they suffered greatly during the previous conflict. While job searching, Ruby found interesting deal. He found an ad looking for new recruits to join the Legionnaires, in-exchange for joining up and serving the army for five years, they'll pay for your education.

Ruby saw this as a perfect chance to pay for education and to serve his country, without even thinking it through the white unicorn signed up for this program.

5 Years Later

Much time has passed and with time comes change, Ruby Runner was no longer the young optimistic stallion he was before. His time in the army had shaped him into a true soldier, serious, intimidating, and most of all powerful. Originally Ruby was supposed to only serve for five years, but when his time came, the white stallion wanted to permanently join the army. The reason for his choice was that with the current state of the Equestria this faction will need all the soldiers they have.

So now with Ruby Runner in the army, he has fought in over dozen of battles against the various factions formed by the former Element bearers. Applejack leading the House Earthborn, Rainbow Dash leading the House Stormwing, Rarity leading the House Whitegold, Fluttershy leading the House Everfree, and lastly Pinkie Pie and her Cult of Laughter.

Despite facing so many enemies, the white coated and red mane Legionnaire didn't waver, instead stood his ground and aimed his horn. During his military career his commander noticed his heroic actions and promoted him. Soon Ruby Runner was leading his own squad of troops against the enemies of the Moon and Star.

Then came the day when the white unicorn finally gain the recognitions from his superiors. It all started at the battle for Hill Outpost, a large force of Earthborn ponies were making their way to capture the little base. With only a small battalion of unicorns facing against a large army, many of them thought of just abandoning the base.

However, some of the senior unicorns warned that the higher ups will not appreciate losing a territory to the enemy and they would most likely punished the deserters. With no other options the soldiers had no choice, but hold their ground. Surrendering was not an option since the House Earthborn were known for cutting the horns of unicorns.

With morale low, Ruby Runner thought it was time to step in. He inspired the troops and spoke to the commander of his idea. While the Earthborn forces have the advantage of number, they have one thing that the enemy don't have, magic.

Ruby Runner explained his plan in greater detail, to his commanding officer.

The first part of the plan was to manipulate the weather with their magic, pegasus are not the only creatures able to control the weather. Gathering all the surrounding clouds, the unicorns made them in to rain clouds and have them cause a downpour in the surrounding area.

The heavy rain rendered their cannons useless, forcing the Earthborn to head up the hill without support. As the troops trotted up the hill they were assaulted by a couple of magic bolts. The bolts hit some of the Earthborn troops, but a majority of them ducked. They slowly moved up the hill, while staying low as possible.

When they got near to the top of the hill, they saw something coming down from the top. Large round boulders and logs rolled down, hitting some of the ponies below. Some of them evaded the rolling objects, but only to hit by a magic bolt. Eventually their numbers started to dwindle and the last remaining troops were taken out by the Marksmages.

The Earthborn commander saw his troops get destroyed up the hill, he then ordered his Pegasus Auxiliaries to attack the hill. The pegasus flew up the hill, flying low enough out of the Marksmages range and high enough to avoid anymore rolling boulders. When they too, got near the top all the pegasus got blasted away from by some magical shock wave.

Back on top Ruby Runner was guiding all the unicorns in concentrating their spells. First they rolled down all the logs and boulders they could find, next when they sent the pegasus the unicorns gathered all of their magic and created a huge shock wave.

With the first two parts of his plan down, Ruby decided it was time to end this. Telling everypony to aim in the direction of the enemies, they all fired their magic missiles. However, unlike the usual magic missile that goes straight. Instead their missiles went straight up, but then starting to descend down. Soon their magic missile started to pour down on the ponies below.

The Earthborn commander and his troops were shocked to see the bright color magic falling from the sky. The magic bolts then started hitting them, killing over dozens of Earthborn ponies. The commander watched as the magic bolts continued to rain from the sky. In order to stop the growing casualties the commander ordered a retreat, declaring this battle to be a loss.

They watched their foes retreat into the Whitetail Woods and after they were gone from their sight, the unicorns of the Hill Outpost celebrated. Ruby's commander praised him and will mention his accomplishment to his superiors.

The white unicorn smiled at his commander's comment and turned his gaze at the celebrating troops. In his mind he wonders what the future will hold for him.

5 Years Later

In Canterlot a middle aged Ruby Runner was watching the rows of new recruits, watching this brought back some nostalgia. He reminisce the time he joined the Legionnaires, those rigorous training, the shouting drill sergeants, and the lessons they learned. He stayed for a while, but had to leave and file some paper reports.

He trotted away from the boot camp, but not to his office, rather to someplace else. The white unicorn trotted to the graveyard, he entered and went to one specific tombstone. The one that had two names, one belong to his mother and the other being his father. His father had only recently passed away and upon his death, he requested to be buried next to his wife.

Ruby stood in front of his parent's grave, thinking back to all the times he had spent with them as a child. He wished he could've been there in his father's last moments, unfortunately duty calls. He stood there for a while and thought about what his parents would say if they saw him right now. Would they proud, disappointed, or indifferent.

He shook those thoughts out of his head, it doesn't really matter now. He made his decision and was not going to regret it. He then trotted away from the grave, but not before leaving a flower on their grave. Ruby Runner trotted back to the barracks, thinking about what the future will hold for him.

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