• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,450 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Everfree: Iron Bulls

Iron Bulls

In the settlement of Appleloosa, the 17th Earthborn Company were taking a rest in this town, before heading out to the Appeloosan Ridge. During this time some pony soldiers likes to visit some of the town's attractions. One of them just happens to be The Salt Block Saloon.

In this saloon, a lone Earthborn stallion was telling everypony of one of his war stories.

“So there I was alone, me against a dozen of those flying bugs things, coming straight at me. Their sharp white fangs ready to sink into my flesh and all I had was just this little knife to defend myself with.”

His audience listen in to his tale, awaiting for him to continue his story.

“How did ya git out outta that mess?” One of them asked.

To this the stallion smiled. “When they all began to charge at me, I used my small knife and struck the piece of flint I hid. This cause a spark which in turn lit up a trail of gunpowder that lead back to its home. By the time those changelings were near near me, the barrel exploded and blasted them all!”

The stallion watch as everyponies mouths drop and eyes widen. His ears caught the sound ponies whispering among themselves.

“Oh but, wait it doesn't end there!” He said getting them to be silent. “Apparently one stubborn changeling refuse to die and went right at me! His little bug body was scorched, but he still have some fight left in him. He tackled me to the ground, hiss in my face and was choking me with his hooves.”

“Is it true them changelings have holes in their hooves?” A mare from the audience questioned.

“Yep, that is true.” He answered. “Ask anypony from my company and they will verify that fact.”

“Now then where was I, oh right the strangling part.” He continue his story. “So there I was, being strangled by this guy. Thankfully he had such weak arms, that I had time to look at his face. The changeling glare at me with his big blue eyes, his teeth grinded against each as he tried in vain to kill me. So tired of waiting I buck the bug off and he fell into the flame where the barrel use to be. I watch as the bug was roasted alive, screaming in agony as I watch it die. And that was my time at the Northern Earth Bastion.”

After he was finished, the ponies began talking each other. Their conversation about the stallion's stories lead to other stories they heard and they were soon lost in their own little chats.

“Man that's one hell of a story, Sgt. Break Back.” Another Earthborn soldier complimented. “You got any more to share?”

Break Back shook his head. “Nah, sorry guys no more stories.”

This earn him a collective disappointed aw from his audience.

“Hey now, just because I have no stories, doesn't mean none of y'all have one.” He then turn to face the stallion next to him. “How about you Private? You got any interesting stories to tell?”

The Private in response shrugged. “Sorry sir, but I only been in the army for a two months. So nothing interesting happened to me yet.”

Sergeant Break Back then turn to face an Appleloosan Ranger. “How about you Ranger? Got any tales to share?”

“Sorry Partner, but I'm here to listen to stories, not talk about mine. Besides if you want to hear about my story, then there is a short one-shot of it written a couple of months back.” The Ranger took a large sip from his mug.

“Alright then those anypony else have a good story to share? Anypony?” When he got response, he about to give up before the Private spoke up.

“Hey Sarge how about Capt. High Price over there?” The private pointed to a blue stallion with brown mutton chop. The pony currently drinking by himself.

“Captain who?” Break Back questioned.

“Captain Price, Sarge.” The private corrected. “He was just recently transferred here from The Heartlands.”

“The Heartlands eh?” Break Back then focus his eyes on the drinking stallion. “Hey Captain Price!” He shouted.


“You're from The Heartlands, right?”


“Then that means you gotta have some amazing stories to tell.”

“Yeah I do, but I'm not really in the mood to tell tales.” High Price reply.

“Oh come now Captain, you don't want to disappoint these folks now do ya?'

Price took a look around and saw all the eager faces of the ponies. Taking a breath, he decided to just go with it. “Buy me a cider and I'll do it.”


After one large mug of cider later, High Price was facing a large crowd of ponies. He was busy thinking about what kind of story he should tell.

“Captain is true that the Griffons eat the bodies of the ponies they killed.?”

“Captain, do the unicorns use prisoners for their dark rituals?”

“Captain, are the ponies of Whitegold in a secret alliance with the Moon and Star?”

“Captain, does Twilight secretly have a dragon under her command?”

Too bad Price was being bombard by these folks strange questions to think of one.

“Sorry folks, but I'm not entirely sure about any those things. I was station with the forces, facing against the Everfree forces.” He said.

“Whoa, does that means you fought against them vile Timberwolves?”

“Yeah Timberwolves, Ents, Zebras, you name it. Spend most of those years fighting against that blasted forest.” Price answered. “But I'm not here to tell you any of that, instead I'll tell about the time I went against a Minotaur.”

Everypony gasped upon hearing this. “But I though those guys were rare?” One mare pointed out.

“Yes they are and I just happened to the unluckiest son of bitch to meet one.”

“Wow was really that bad?”

“Not really, I defeated this guy myself.”

Again everypony gasp, all were shocked by this stallion's claim.

“Impossible!” One stallion shouted. “Minotaurs are the toughest bastards around, heard they were strong enough to stop a rampaging Juggernaut in their tracks. No way in hell you could have face against this beast and beat him.”

At this, High Price smirked. “Don't believe everything you hear soldier, most of them are just over exaggeration made up by gossipers.”

“So anyways my story begin some years ago. I was part of the invasion force, heading into the Everfree Forest. I don't need to tell you how disastrous that went.” Some ponies in the audience nodded their heads in agreement.

“Back then I was just a leftenant, second in command to some Captain.”

“It's lieutenant sir.” The private corrected.


“It's pronounce lieutenant.”

“What did I say?”

“You said leftenant”

“That hell is a leftenant?”

“I don't know sir, you are the one that said it.”

“You know what let drop it and get on with my story.” Price ended the subject.

“So any way there I was, deep in the Everfree forest with my squad mates. We were apparently being sent to reinforce the armies at the frontlines. And while we may have won the first few battles against them, our winning streak was about to end.”

“Out of nowhere and without warning the armies of the Everfree descended upon us. That was the day when we face the full might of this forest. They emerge from the depths of the forest, zebras, predators, wild ponies and many more like that. Soon the trees we past by started becoming alive and crushed our forces.”

“We put up a good fight, still got the scars of the time that damn Timberwolf bit me.” The blue stallion showed the bite marks on his left forearm. “But try as we might, we knew we wouldn't last long. So somepony with the right idea order a full retreat. Problem with that plan is that when ponies start panicking, they don't tend to listen. Which is why the many of us got separated from the main group when we ran.”

“I still remember the feelings of galloping through that forest, the adrenaline coursing through my body as ran with my buddies, while being chase down by the wolves behind us. The sound of their growls serve as both a fear and inspiration to keep us moving.”

“The only one that was still with me was this one guy, Sgt. Soap. Seriously, what kind is Soap anyways?” Price ask no one in particular.

“So it was just us two, running through the damn forest. The wolves we're far behind us, but luckily for us they were busy hunting other preys. We reached a narrow passage way that would lead us outside this forest. Unfortunately, there was a big mean looking minotaur blocking our exit.”

“We stopped in our tracks and saw the carnage around him. Apparently we weren't the first to come and face him. The minotaur itself was currently busy fighting against three other ponies from our army. The large bipedal beast was holding one pony by his neck. Another pony went in and stab the guy with his spear, but the minotaur didn't seem to register the pain and instead use the head of pony he was holding and smash his head against the other pony, shattering both their skulls.”

“The third pony watch gruesome display from afar and was hesitant to attack. He gather up what little courage he had left and charge at the minotaur with his sword. In response the minotaur smack the stallion down to the ground and stomp his head.”

“After popping the pony's head like a watermelon, the minotaur pulled the spear out and dump it on the ground with other discarded weapons. Normally any other pony would've just got out of there and find another way out, but I was sure that we could take him down.”

“I observe the minotaur and spotted the many scars and bruises he has on himself. Not only that, but he was also panting heavily. The minotaur was tired from all the fighting, so I figure if we play it right we can defeat this guy and get out of here.”

“So after convincing Soap to be a part of my plan, we both came out of hiding and I announce our appearance by throwing a knife at him. My blade sunk in his flesh, but he found more annoying than painful.”

“We all got into our battle stance, waiting for one of us to make a move. Following my plan, Soap taunted the big guy, leaving him focusing on my partner and not me. My part was to hit the back of his legs, which will make him drop down, lowering himself enough for Soap to finish him off.”

“It worked at first, the minotaur was on his knees and Soap was about to deal with the killing blow. But, the bastard grab Soap with both his hands and began squeezing his head. Soap scream in pain as his head was being crushed. Quickly I jumped on top of the Minotaur’s back, pulled the throwing knife off him and repeatedly stab him with it.”

“The big guy release Soap from his grasp and got a hold of me instead. He threw hard to the ground and started stomping on me. I curled myself up, hoping this would shield me from his blows. After his relentless attack, he grew tired and back up a bit. I dare take a peek and saw him preparing to body slam me.”

“He started his run and in that second he leap towards me. At that moment it felt like time slowed down as I look for anything to defend myself with. I spotted the spear he threw down and grabbed it with my broken arms. I lifted the weapon up, just as he was about to slam onto my body. The spear pierce right through his stomach and the minotaur died instantly. His dead body slid down the shaft and trapped. I was buried by my fallen foe and I was too injured to move.”

“I was about to accept my faith, but then Sgt. Soap came over and pulled me out of there. He carried my broken body out of that forest and into a medical tent outside. That guy save my life that day and we soon became good friend.”

When High Price finish his story, everypony in the saloon was left amazed by his tale. “Boy, you sure weren't pulling my leg when you said that you beat a minotaur in battle.”

“Yeah, can't believe you made it out alive.”

“I sure am, but it was Soap that save me from dying that day.” Price pointed.

“How is Soap? Do you two still talk to each other?”

“Well last I saw Soap, the guy was being promoted to a Captain. So with a new rank comes new responsibilities. So to answer your question, we do still talk to each other, but it is mostly when we're not busy with our duties.”

“Well that's a shame, I really wish to meet this Soap fella.”

“Well then I'm finish with my story, does anyone else got one?” Price look around for anypony to say something.

“Oh I got one.” One soldier raised his hoof. “My story is about how my squad went against a squad of griffon prowlers.” And just like that all eyes and ears were on him. The stallion began his tale, adding various elements to making a wonderful story.

Author's Note:

Trivia: The story the Appleloosan Ranger mentions is the chapter I written about him a couple of months ago.

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