• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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Cult of Laughter: Converted Townfolks

It was a bright and sunny day in the divided land of Equestria. Despite being a beautiful day I couldn't enjoy it. The reason for this is because it wasn't a day of happiness, rather it is a day of sorrow. Today is the day of my wife's funeral.

Her name was Cherry Berry and she was the most amazing mare I ever met.

The funeral was small, her parents died long ago and she had no other relatives. The only ponies that showed up were either friends or acquaintances. They were all Cherry's friends of course, I was never really much of a sociable type.

I was the first to arrive at the funeral, everypony else arrived later. Once everyone was here, the funeral finally started. One by one each pony took to the podium said their things. It was mostly about how sad they were that Cherry was gone and how she made a big impact on their lives.

Finally when it was my turn to take the stand, I told everyone how much she means to me. I told everyone that she was wonderful mare that help through some hard times, that her cheerful personality was heart warming, and that she was the color that brighten up my grey world.

After I was done I return to my seat. As the next stallion talked about Cherry, all I can think about in my mind was how I could have prevented this. I felt that it was my fault for allowing this to happened. I felt that if things have gone differently, then my wife wouldn't be in the coffin and she will still be amongst the living.

This whole mess started many months ago. Back then me and Cherry were struggling to pay rent for our house. Job opportunity was low and the ones available payed very little. She suggested moving to a more cheaper house, but I refuse. I don't want my wife to live in some crappily made shed.

Getting desperate on my search, I eventually found a job that will pay wells and keep our house. The army was looking for new Ground Guards and enlisted immediately. Cherry was shocked when told her this, but I assured her that things will be fine.

The ground guards mostly stay near towns and cities and some villages. Sure I won't be around the house much, but I'll still be there for her.

So after enlisting I received basic training and given my task of patrol the area. While on these patrols I made sure that I meet Cherry everyday. This became our regular routine and I was content with that.

Then came the day of the transfer. Apparently my pegasus commander is gathering all available troops for something. I later found out that it was an attack on a enemy fortress. This news didn't bold well with me or Cherry.

She dislike the idea of me leaving, but again I assured her that it won't be that long. After all it's just attack one small fort, how hard can that be?

I soon regretted saying those words. For the battle at the fort too us a whole year to be done. The enemy knew we were coming and has asked for reinforcements. Soon our two armies clash with one another in a bloody battle.

Many of our comrades died that day, but our commander never gave in and continued the assault. We would occasionally take ground, only to lose them in a month. This prolonged the battle longer, and keeping us from accomplishing our goal.

During this conflict I made sure to write letters to Cherry and have the fastest courier, deliver them to her. Once every couple of days I would get a response from her. Her letters contains all the stuff that is happening in her life and how much she missed me.

We kept sending letters to each other for the next few months. Then suddenly after delivering my last letter, the courier was killed in action. The enemies killed him, thinking that he was containing very important information.

Now with no way of contacting her, I was truly alone in this bloody battle. For the next couple of months, it was the same battle and the same bloodshed, that I became accustomed too.

Finally we won the battle and drove the enemies away. However, we didn't celebrate our victory. The causality was high, making this victory hollow.

As I waited to be taken back home, we receive an order from high command. At first I though it was another transfer order, taking me away from my beloved wife. But, it turns out that the order was for us to go directly to my home. Apparently there's seem to be an uprising going on there and fear that Cherry is in danger.

We all went to the town and met local resistance. Upon seeing I sense a strange vibe coming from them. They were smiling, not a happy smiling, rather a very creepy smile that makes you uneasy.

They charged right at us and we were forced defend ourselves. The ponies galloped at us in large numbers. Despite this disadvantage we managed to slay each one of them.

When the horde stopped our commander ordered us to do a clean sweep across the town, told us to show no mercy for these traitors.

We all spread out into the town, trotting over the slain bodies of the traitorous ponies. Their faces still smiling even after death.

While eveypony were busy doing sweeping the place, I sneakily broke away from the formation and made a beeline to my house. Before this started all I could think about was whether Cherry Berry was safe or not.

I roughly opened the door and stormed inside. Once inside I called out to Cherry, the while searching each room of the house. After searching everywhere and receiving no response I was to give up when she appeared.

Out of nowhere Cherry came out and greeted me with a smile. I was glad to see her, that I rushed over and embraced her. I kept hugging my wife, not wanting to release her from my grasp.

Suddenly the moment was ruined by a sharp pain coming from my chest. Looking down I saw a knife planted into my chest, but what shocked me more was that Cherry was the one that did it.

I looked up at her face and backed off immediately, she wore the same creepy smile on her face like those ponies from before.

'Oh husband why did you stop?' Cherry said me as she took out another knife.

I asked her why she was doing this as I try to comprehend why she stabbed me.

Cherry told me that while I was away she discovered a way for us to be at piece. No longer will we have to live in this ever decaying country and return to a time of laughter and happiness. No more pain, no more losses, just eternal peace.

I was shocked at what I heard, Cherry has been swayed by the Cult and is now a part of their ranks. I try convincing that all what the cult said were lies, but she having not of that.

Cherry lunged at me with the knife. I managed to knock it off, all the while gabbing hold of her. She struggled in my arms, trying to reach the knife. However, I held a firm grip on her.

Cherry then turned to me and grab the knife that was imbedded into me. She repeatedly stab my body, this force me to push her off of me. As I lay on floor bleeding, Cherry came at me with the knife that knocked away.

Reacting quickly I pulled the knife out of my body and attempt to use it against her knife. Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough and I accidentally pierced her heart.

Cherry dropped her knife as the blood started flowing from her wound and onto the knife I head in my hoof. Realizing at what I have done, I pulled the knife out and tried to prevent more blood from leaking out. I knew I was futile, but I still tried.

My last words to her was telling her not to die. Without saying anything Cherry lean up and kissed me in my lip before going back down and closing her eyes. Cherry just passed away right before my eyes.

Seeing her pass away made me lost all hope in my life. I lie next her on the blood stained floor and close my eyes, hoping that my wounds would kill me.

But, instead of death I woke up in a hospital bed, covered with a bandage around my chest. The doctor told me that some soldiers found me at my house, they saw that I was still breathing and immediately took me to this place.

After recovering, I was ordered to meet my superior and tell him what happened. In my report I lied about how Cherry was a member of the cult and instead told him that she killed by a cultist and that when I went to my house, I saw him killed her. I try to fight him, but he was strong and he easily overpower me and left me for dead.

The pegasus stallion wrote down what I said and told me that it was over and that I can go. But,not before saying sorry about my wife.

So now here I am attending the funeral of my deceased wife. As we all watch her coffin being lowered into the hole, I had restrain myself from breaking down in front everyone. It got even harder when they started burying hole with dirt. Each time the dirt poured in I felt a piece of her was disappearing. Every time the hole is filled, she was slowly disappearing from life. This was the last time I am ever able to see her again. Once the hole is filled, everypony departed, evrypony except me.

I don't how long I stood there, staring at her grave. But, eventually I had to leave.

As I why trotting back home all I could think about was what I am suppose to do now. Should I stay in army and find a new job or do continue on with what I am doing.

I enter my home, with Cherry here I feel all alone in this house. I went up to my bed and slept on it., all the while thinking about all the good times I has with her.

While it's good to never forget your loved ones, you also shouldn't allow it to prevent you from moving on with your life. Never forget about them, but also don't let it consume you.

Life just moves on and you have to too.

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