• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,453 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Whitegold: Sapphire Sirens

Long ago, before the unification of the three pony tribes. The Earth, pegasus, and unicorn ponies were at war with each other. Their conflicts lasted for many years, with no sign of peace in the near future. Amidst these chaotic times, mercenaries were a common thing.

The mercenaries ranges from former soldiers to regular ponies, looking to make some big cash. Mercenaries had no allegiance to anyone, except themselves. They do not care about the cause or the reason for the fighting, all they care is about the payment.

Then when the three tribes united and peace was brought to the land. All the mercenaries slowly disappeared. With no ongoing conflict, these ponies had no reason to stay around and just simply vanished.

Soon these mercenaries were all forgotten from history and the new nation of Equestria, flourished for many years to come. That was until the great divide.

After the two royal sisters disappeared and the nation dividing into different factions. War started to emerged from these factions and with conflict, came the revival of the mercenaries.

It started of small, with small band of ponies offering their aid in battles, in exchange for specific payment. Later those small group will grow big and become larger mercenary organization. Offering their mightiest of soldiers to anypony who is willing to pay.

Amongst the various mercenary organizations, one stood out from the rest. This organization calls themselves, the Blood Brothers Brigade.

This mercenary group is lead by two stallions, Crimson Scar and Scarlet Crusade. Recently the two has made a contract with the House of Whitegold. Their deal is that the Blood Brothers Brigade will become the House's own private military company. In exchange for their services, the House will pay them handsomely, plus some perks as well.

One of these perks, includes a very attractive mare, named Eye Candy.

Eye Candy is light blue pegasus, with long emerald mane and eyes. This beautiful mare acts as liaison for her House. Other then being a link between the two faction, Candy also sings for the mercenaries. When ever she is on stage, the entire audience pay full attention to her.

Her voice is truly a magnificent sound to hear. Every word she says, uplifts the ponies of all their worries and all just listens to her.

While Crimson enjoys her singing, he has other use for her. This involve the two of them and his bedroom. The large stallion pick the mare up and took her upstairs, all the while his troops shout out praises.

As Crimson trotted up the steps, he was unaware of the one pony that was glaring daggers at him. The pony that was looking at him with great disdain was his best friend Scarlet Crusade.

The pegasus was envious of his friend, jealous of all the attention he was getting with their subordinates.

It wasn't always this. Long ago when the two started this mercenary group, the two of them were praised for amazing fighting skills. Back in those days it was just him and Crimson against the world. It was great for the first few years, but all that changed after that incident.

He remembered it very fondly, for it cause the end of his soldier career. Scarlet and Crimson were hired to take down a caravan of Earthborn forces, before they reach their destination. The two accepted and gather up only a few troops, believing it to be a simple and easy mission.

Unfortunately, when they attacked the caravan, the Earthborn were prepared and fought back. Using a bunch of flame throwers, the Earthborns burn any ponies that got near them. Scarlet was leading the pegasus squad when they got hit. The flames burned his entire left side, scorching his left wings and two legs.

After that horrible event, the red pegasus was barely alive, but by a miracle he was still able to live. Scarred, but still alive.

With some magic and surgery, his scar was removed, but the damaged was still there. His wing was gone and he could barely walk with his two damaged legs. Because of his disability, Scarlet couldn't fight in the fields anymore. Slowly all of his achievements started to disappear, overshadow by his friend, Crimson.

Soon Crimson Scar got all the fame and praises, while he himself is forgotten. His growing jealousy went unnoticed by the many mercenary ponies that work for his organization. However, one certain mare saw this and smiled.

Later that night Eye Candy visited the crippled stallion in his personal room. Instead doing what Crimson did in his room, the two pony just talked to each other. From their conversation, he learned that the mare was quite smart. Sure she didn't went to any fancy university, but she was still smart nonetheless.

The two continued doing this for the next couple of days, each day brought a new and different topic. They talked about their family, their lives, and other certain things.

Then one day, Eye Candy met up with Scarlet Crusade and gave him some grave news. Apparently the mare overheard that Crimson Scar was going to kick Scarlet out of the organization, saying something about him being useless and a pathetic stallion.

Scarlet was shocked by this and wanted to confront Crimson about this, but was stopped by the light blue mare. She warned him that by confronting him, he'll put himself in danger. Realizing this the Scarlet tried to thing of new way to handle this.

Eye Candy then made a suggestion. The mare suggest that by early next morning he'll go down to armory and sabotage Crimson's broad sword. He is to make a little crack on the blade and while still solid, will shatter upon hitting something hard. This would most likely leave the stallion unarmed and defenseless.

Scarlet was appalled by this plan, but he did not show it. For some reason the words coming from this mare convince him that this was a great idea.

By next morning, Scarlet enacted the plan and chipped a small cut in Crimson's sword. He knew that stallion was never big on weapon inspection and rarely ever check out his broad sword. After doing the deed, he left it there and went back to his room.

An hour later, Crimson Scar gathered his equipments and ponies and went off on their latest mission. As he left the compound with his troops, Scarlet watched him from a window on a second floor of the building he was in, with a sinister smile on his face.

Time passes and Scarlet was still waiting for news from the latest skirmish. To pass the time, the red pegasus decided to go to Crimson's room and look for evidence of his friend's betrayal. While scavenging around, he happens to find a journal.

Opening it up, Scarlet skip through the first few pages as they only talked about his earlier life, before joining becoming a mercenary. Flipping through the pages, he stopped at the part where Crimson describe his buddy's accident.

As he read the entry, the face on Scarlet turns to utter shock. Apparently ever since his accident, Crimson wasn't trying to steal all the fame and attention, he only got them because of the extra work he has do now without his partner by his side. He also wrote about how Scarlet was distancing himself from him and how he is also seclusive.

The more read, the more guilty Scarlet felt for his friend. Then his eyes widen to the part of the mare. Crimson sent Eye Candy to help get Scarlet to opened up and he saw how the two of us were getting along, he though that Scarlet has finally opened up.

From reading Crimson's journal, Scarlet realized that his friend had no malicious intent for him. If this is true, then why did Eye Candy-.

His thoughts halted upon discovering the truth. The mare Eye Candy has tricked him. She only befriended him, so that she earn his trust. And he is here, sabotaging his friend's weapon and letting him use it in battle.

Before he could go and confront the treacherous mare, he heard the announcements of Crimson and his troops. Looking outside a window, the pegasus watched as group of ponies, carrying a stretcher of a familiar large stallion on it.

Seeing who it was, Scarlet rushed as fast as his damage legs can go and meet the returning group outside. He went up to the ponies carrying Crimson and asked if he was alright. They didn't respond, but their silence was the only answer he needed.

He dropped down on his knees and wept for the loss of his one true best friend.

From a distance, Eye Candy watched as Scarlet broke down upon seeing his decease friend. With Crimson gone, this left the other stallion in complete control of the organization. However, this stallion will be under the control of the House, otherwise they'll tell everypony of his terrible deed.

They got Scarlet Crusade by the balls now and he'll be their obedient little slave for the rest of his life.

Author's Note:

Sorry for lack of updates, been trying out new stories.

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