• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Stormwing: Stormbringers

Near the border between The Heartands and The Northern Expansion, there is a lone white cloud, that floats around in the vast blue sky.

To a pony below, they would just assume it was another lost wandering cloud. What they don't know is that the cloud is actually a Stormwing's outpost.

The outpost itself was created for the sole purpose of watching the border and making sure nothing sneak pass.

However, nowadays it has become a perfect place to dump their 'failures'. This basically meant any pegasus who is unfit for duty, will be put into a none combat role.

So now the outpost is filled with inexperience\incompetence\disabled solders ever.

On this cloud outpost, five pegasuses were hanging around a camp fire. One of them, a greenish blue mare was telling all the gathered ponies her story.

“So then there I was guarding the sides with some guys, when suddenly several Timberwolves came out and attacked us.” She said drawing the attention of the ponies in front of her.

“We managed to hold them off, but one of them broke through our line. I saw this and acted quickly. I chased after the wolf, unaware of another one coming right behind me!”

“Another Timberwolf jumped on back and sunk his wooded fangs on my right wing!” She showed her damaged right wing to everypony, earning her a gasp from all five.

“The wolf pinned me down as he continued gnaw on my wing. It hurted like hell, but I knew I have get him off before he kills me. So taking the spear I had, I used it to knock the beast off and plunge my weapon in his throat!”

“And that is how got my right wing damaged.” She concluded her story.

“Whoa.” Said one of the ponies.

“Dude, that hardcore.”

“Man, sorry about wing there, Air Streaker.”

“Don't be, I already made peace with that long ago.” Streaker assured. “So anyways that my story, anyone else got one they want to share?”

Looking around, the mare found no one raising their hoof. But, then a yellow mare named Sunshine, raised her hoof.

“Oh Sunshine, you got one?”

“Well no, but I know Springfield has one.”

“Springfield? The new guy?” Streaker questioned.
“Yes, Streaker.” Sunshine answered. “Springfield was part of the defence during the siege of Fort Hurricane.” Upon hearing everypony was surprised.

“Wow, really?”

“Can't believe it.”

“That guy was part of that?”

The siege of Fort Hurricane was an attack by the Earthborn army, they plan to capture the fort and use it as a forward base. Unfortunately for the them, they were repel back by the pegasus troops station there.

What made the battle so well known is there was only ten pegasus station there, Those ten managed to fight back against the Earthborn forces by using the weather.

According to the tale, the pegasus created various weathers to attack the invaders.

At this point the description of the battle changes between ponies. Some say that they cast down thunderstorms upon the Earthborn, some say they rain down hail the size of ball on them, and in one tale they created a huge wind that sent their army flying.

“Hey, where is Springfield?”

“Oh he's on patrol.” Said Sunshine. Just as she answered, and new pony enter the campsite. This white stallion with dark green mane took off his helmet.

“Hey guys I'm back from patrol.” He said as he sat down with them.

“Just in time too, Springfield.” Streaker spoke. “Sunshine here told us that you were part of the siege of Fort Hurricane.”

“Oh that thing?, yeah I was part that.” He responded. “Why? You guys want to hear it?”

Everypony nodded.

“Well first, let me tell you that all things you heard, are all just fantasy.” He stated “Here is what really happened that day.”

Fort Hurricane was small fort, built on the ground. Now before you ask, the fort was meant for our Earth pony comrades.

Anyways the main army station moved out, apparently the commander got orders to move his troops and intercept an Earth pony attack.

I wanted to join in, but the commander wouldn't allow it. He explained that I would be more useful here defending the fort. However, I knew that this was bullshit. He didn't want me to join is because I frail and weak.
Yeah back then I was quite a different pegasus, I could barely throw a hard punch and I thought my bones will survive one. No, before the this whole war I was just simple weather pony, clearing the skies of clouds or moving clouds around.

Kinda wish I was still doing that, instead this.

Anyways back to the story, I was left behind to defend the fort. Excluding myself, nine other ponies were also left behind.

Now I don't remember all their names, but did knew three of them. One was Captain Iron Curtain, he was the only high ranking soldiers there. Now you're probably wondering why a guy like him was left behind?

I asked him this one time and he said,“Well Pvt Springfield, the good commander doesn't like me or my preference.”

I asked what preference and he just told that he is a type that likes stallions. Never really got that.

The second pony I remembered was shy girl, who was also our medic, her name was First Aid. The reason why she was here is because she was weak flier. She can't fly fast or manoeuvre quickly. Because of this the mare was looked down upon by others.

Then thirdly was a pony named Pvt Star Struck and he has Hemophobia . This meant that this guy was terrified of blood. And since being a soldier, involves you getting your hooves bloody, Star Struck couldn't put up with it and was therefore left behind.

So the day came and the commander led his army out of the fort. With them gone the fort felt totally empty without the many ponies crowding the place.

Normally we would be patrolling the fort's walls, but most of us relax and chill around. Some were talking, some were playing games, hell some of us were napping.

The Captain tried to keep the troops alert, but he is only one pony and he leading a group of rejects.

While this was going on, were totally unaware of a line of Earthborn cannons being formed in the distance.

Apparently this strike force was part of the main army, but was split out and tasked with attacking the fort.

They announced their presence by firing their cannons. They fired their projectiles over the stone walls and into the building inside. Their attack caught off guard and we started to panic.

Luckily Captain Curtain silence the panic screams and ordered us to rally to him. When we did the Captain told us he has plan and it will only work if we all contribute.

Some of argued that they outmatched by numbers and strength. Other complained that none of them were real soldiers.

The Captain assured everyone that his plan will not involve them getting close to the enemies, rather instead from a distance.

After explaining his plans to us, we all made our way to the sky and grab ourselves a cloud. Those of us with dark grey clouds were told to pour the rain down onto the cannons below. The water moisten their large weapons, rendering them useless.

Next came the black clouds, those who have them are told unleash the lighting within and aimed them at the ponies below. They stomped on the clouds with all their might, each stomp created a ear piercing thunder, that struck down on the Earthborns.

Some scattered, trying to avoid the hit and others were electrocuted. It also didn't help that they were wet from the rain earlier.

With their forces in disarray, it time to finish them off with a little wind, or tornado more like it. I remembered I flew in a circle with great speed, soon enough I created a tornado and I set loose upon the enemies. Combined with the other tornadoes from my comrades, the Earthborn strike were literally blown away.

When the last of the enemy is gone, everypony celebrated. I however, was not among them. The reason was because I discovered Star Struck was injured. He was trying too hard to make a tornado that he lost control and crash to the ground.

I then took my fallen friend to our medic, First Aid. She informs that Star Struck will be alright, but sadly the incident broke his wings, he'll never fly again.

Now I thought that he would be all mopey and stuff, but the guy was pretty OK with it. He told me that he was never much of flier anyways, always prefer to trot around on his own four hooves.

In the aftermath of this battle, our commander and his army returned from his battle. We explained to him what happened after his departure. He wrote it down in his report and send to the high command. They were so impress by this that they decided to create a unique unit that specializes in using the weather as their weapon. This would be later known as the Stormbringers.

“And that was the true story of what happened at the Siege of Fort Hurricane.” Springfield finished his tale.

“That is quite the story.” Said Air Streaker.

“Happened to everyone else?” Sunshine asked.

In response, the stallion simply shrugs. “I have no idea.”

“After that we all went our separate ways, last I heard Captain Iron Curtain was given the position of leading the new Stormbringers.

“What about First Aid and Star Struck?”

“Well I'm not sure, but I think I heard those got hitched or something, I don't know.”
“Alright enough.” Streaker said. “If nopony has any stories, then let's call it a night.”

The mare put the fire and everypony went to the barracks. As they all went to respective beds, and as they slept each one of them dream of the famous Stormbringers.

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