• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,453 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Earthborn: Equestrian Juggernauts

"IN COMING FIRE!" A earth pony in armor shouted as he drops down onto the ground. Several other ponies around a Bucker Cannon, did the same thing and dropped down. Mere seconds later , their position was hit by a of beam of light that incinerates anything the light touches.

The beam then slowly shrunk, until it disappeared. With the beam gone, the same earth pony shouted to the other pones to return fire. Loading a cannonball into the Bucker, the cannon crew aimed and lit the fuse, and fired. The solid round ball flew across the battle field and landed behind the unicorn's Sunray Cannon.

A ball exploded on impact, sending bits of shrapnel backwards, hitting the unicorns. Luckily their armor protected them against the shrapnel. "Mages concentrate fire on those cannon emplacements!" a unicorn in armor, yelled to the two mages operating the Sunray cannon.

The two mages then used their magic to manipulates the energy from the sun and transfer it into the Sunray Cannon. Once full, one of the mage got onto the contraption. Looking through the scope, he found the cannons emplacements. He then told the second mage to fire. The Sunray charge up for a bit and then unleashed beam of solar light from its barrel.

This battle is being fought two opposing forces, on one side with the earth ponies are the House of Earthborn. While the on the other side with the unicorns, are from the House of Moon and Star. Two opposing factions who hate each other. The unicorns seeing the earth ponies as the inferior race, while the earth ponies view the unicorns to be arrogant and dangerous.

Their hatred and disdain for each other helps motivate the two factions to fight harder. And it shows, while the two opposing cannons were busy fire upon each others position. Below them are rows of troops firing at each other. The Hoof Cannoneers hiding behind makeshift cover, fired their hoof cannons at the Markmages. Hiding behind their magical shield, the Markmages returned fire with their magic missiles.

The two sides had been engaged in this fight for an hour now, neither side stopping as they kept on fire at their enemies. This battle would've ended in a stalemate if their reinforcement hadn't arrived. On both sides, the two factions just received their back up. Hordes of Ponies-At-Arms came from the Earthborn side, while hordes of Legionnaires came from the Moon and Star.

The two forces clashed at the center, becoming a center of intense fighting. The Ponies-At-Arms stab and slash unicorns with their knife, the Legionnaires fought with their spears and used the occasional magic against the earth ponies.

Amidst all this chaos, the unicorns failed to notice the incoming Juggernauts entering the field. A total of five of the largest stallion anypony has ever seen, trotted pass some awed looking earth ponies. Decked out in heavy armor, these heavy troops increased their pace as they went down the hill passing the Hoof Cannoneers.

As they got nearer to the bottom, the Juggernauts were now galloping in full speed. Each step they took made a loud thump noises. These sounds alerted the Earthborn forces of the their presence but, to Moon and Star, just confusion.

Nearing the center, the five Juggernauts formed an arrow formation and charge with all their might. The earth ponies heard the approaching armored stallions and quickly got out of the way, leaving a confused unicorn behind.

Those that stood in the Juggernauts path didn't stood a chance. These armored behemoths either crushed any unicorns under them or were impaled by the three sharp blades on their helmets. One of the Ponies-At-Arms noticed a path created by the Juggernauts and lead his forces right behind them.

The large armored stallions broke through the lines of Legionnaires, and started galloping up the hills. The Juggernauts struck passed the lines of Markmages, making an opening for the Earthborn forces behind them to attack the unicorns. Continuing going up, the Juggernauts reached the Sunray Cannons emplacements. One of them rammed into one of the cannons, lifting it up with his horns, the cannon fell to its side.

The Juggernauts started destroying the unicorn's cannons, with the Ponies-At-Arms joining them later. Down below the Markmages were being slaughtered, either from the cannons or the Ponies-At-Arms. This devastating turn of event caused the unicorns to call in a retreat.

The house of Moon and Star forces started falling back leaving the Earthborn ponies victorious. However, it didn't end there. A earth pony commander ordered his troops to continue the assault and rushed towards the unicorn base camp. Listening to their leader, the earth ponies continued their attack.

They chased down unicorns, killing any of them that they came across. With the Juggernauts up front, they were causing the most damage to the Moon and Star. Stampeding through their ranks, crashing, bashing, stomping, and impaling, the unicorns couldn't do anything against these armor beasts.

Following them to their campsite, the Equestrian Juggernauts wasted no time and charged in. This caught the unicorns by surprise and failed to counter the charging armor stallions. Soon the rest rest of the Earthborn forces joined in the assault and started fighting against the unicorns.

The battle was intense, pony after pony slaying slaughtering each other and dropping like flies. One pony slew another with his blade, another impaled one with his spear. The unicorns also fought violently, lighting some poor pony on fire or blasting them apart with their magic missiles.

Soon enough the earth pony cannons arrived and the tide of battle turned. Loading them up, they fired upon the larger group of unicorns, scattering their parts around. The Moon and Star ponies were losing badly and most of them are urging to just gallop away.

In a middle of this chaos a unicorn commander fought valiantly against the earth ponies. Blasting them with magic missile and swinging his sword around, chopping down ponies one at a time. No pony can stand up against this commander, until one of the Juggernaut came up to him.

Both warriors stared at each other, their silence was enough to indicate a duel. The two then charge at one another, the Juggernaut galloping at full speed. Only mere inches before touching him, the unicorn commander activated his shield, halting the large stallion in his tracks.

Levitating his spear, the unicorn thrust it into the stallion's eye socket. Unfortunately the Juggernaut quickly moved leaving only a scratch on his faceplate. Reeling back, the stallion swung his head at the small unicorn. The pony cast the same shield spell again and blocked his attack. The large pony however, continued to thrash against the unicorns shield.

The commander held his ground against the armor stallions unrelenting assault. Casting another spell, the unicorn teleported behind him and blast the giant with his magic missile. The Juggernauts stumbled down, leaving him vulnerable for another attack. Casting incendiary, the large stallion was lit on fire. The intense heat steaming the stallion inside.

Assuming he had won the unicorn lowered his magical shield, resulting in a surprised buck from the burning Juggernaut. The kick delivered immense pain to the commander, who is on the ground trying to recover from the sudden attack.

Before he could get up, the towering burning stallion stood over him. Raising his head up, he thrust his head down, impaling the commander. The Juggernaut then raised his dead opponent up, displaying his corpse for all the see. The unicorns, upon seeing their dead commander, dropped their weapons and surrendered or galloped away.

The Earthborn forces cheered for a second time, they have not only won the battle but, also drove off the unicorns from the area. Once done the ponies gather up the prisoners and the wounded, buried the bodies and destroyed the base. With their job done, the Juggernauts were ordered to move to a new outpost, to lend their aid in any upcoming battles.

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