• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,450 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Earthborn: Battle Buckers

I remembered a long time ago, when I was just a little colt. I would go to school, listen to all the lesson the teacher talked about, and when the school ended I would go and hang with my friends. Then at the end of the day I would go home to my parents.

Back then ponies were living in harmony with one another and conflict was just a rarity. But, then all of sudden things started to change. Now we were all serious and everything was dire.

As a child I didn't know what the hell was going. All I could recall was something about the two princesses going missing and riots going around the streets.

At first me and parents were scared and worried at the declining state of our beloved country. Reports of uprisings occurring everywhere made us all paranoid.

Then came the day when the Elements decided to take control of things. I didn't know who they were, but my parents apparently do. They assured me that with them in control, everything is going to be back to normal.

However, things didn't went to normal. In fact it just got worse.

I don't know much of the detail, but I do know that the Elements had a falling out. Each one had a different view of how to lead the country and with different ideas comes the arguments that escalated to conflicts.

Eventually the six Elements divided to form there own faction. This divided the ponies of Equestria, forcing them to pick sides. My family being earthponies, we went and join up with the Earthborns. And thus begins my story.

Fast forward fifteen years later, I'm no longer a colt. Instead I am a young stallion, fighting in the Earthborn army. At first my parents tried to talk me out of it, but I argued that this was the only I could earn money for us.

Ever since Equestria was divided, it caused a serious rift in our economy. Soon the normal jobs were not enough and with the everyday threat from the rival factions, this made almost everypony signed up for the army.

While some joined for patriotic reasons, some us are only doing this for the benefits it provides.

Like any other soldier, I went through boot camp. I passed that and was put into the army, given the role of Battle Bucker, a unit that specializes in bucking projectiles at our enemies.

Kinda funny now think about, who would of thought that this would be used in combat?

Anyways the first year of being a Battle Bucker was simple. Most of the combat that I do are always in small skirmishes and even when I do go in a major battle. They would place me in the sidelines providing cover fire for our close close-quarter comrades.

Things were fine in the beginning, I even got promoted to a corporal.

But, then all this change in this one battle.
I remembered that battle well, it cost me my leg.

It started of like any other day, we were called in for battle. Apparently the Moon and Star are sending another force into our territory. Since we are near them, we joined up with the defending forces that came by our outpost.

We travel near our border and set up a defensive line. As the Battle Buckers were setting up, we were given a new weapon to try out.

The eggheads just developed a new type of projectiles for us to buck, bombs. Of course we were sceptical, I mean for pete sake they're expecting us to kick some explosive bombs.

However, to their credit those things work. We feared that if buck them, they would've exploded and either kill us or take our legs.

So with the bomb tested, we took them to the frontline and prepare for the unicorns to arrive.

Hours passed and the sun was slowly setting down. Finally they arrive, coming over the horizon, the Moon and Star forces charged at our defensive line. We responded by blasting them with cannons and bombs.

I bucked so many bombs that day, I lost track of how many ponies I hit with them. Eventually the unicorn commander ordered a retreat and they all started to ran away. Our commander order half our forces to chase after them, while the other half stays here. I was in the half that stayed.

As we watched our enemies run away, we were unaware of the flying unicorns above the our forces. The Seraphs are apparently there to provide cover for the retreating forces. They blasted our guys with their magic and disrupting formations.

Some these winged unicorns came at right at us. Luckily we managed to take most of them down before they could do any real damage. Unfortunately for me and my comrades we were hit hard.

This happened when we were busy bucking bombs at our aerial foes. Then one those bastards got a lucky hit and shot his magic at our stockpile of bombs. This caused a the bombs to exploded and started a chain reaction where all the bombs blew up.

I was near one them and I somehow managed to survive. I was hurt and could barely move, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes were bodies of my allies laying around me. Ignoring my pain I got up, I found myself unable to stand properly and look back at my rear legs.

I gasped upon what I saw, one leg was still standing and the other one was missing. In its place was bloody stump with a crooked bone sticking out of it. To say that I was horrified would a be understatement.

I collapse on the ground, screaming in pain for my loss leg. But, then I saw something that shocked me even more then my loss leg. I saw the Earthborn forces, but they running away. Looking at the direction where they were running from I could see that the enemy managed to launch a counter attack and have push our guys back.

I tried to go with them, but I was unable to move due my missing limb. Realizing that I would not get out of here alive, I decide to make my stand here and take out as many of those horn bastards I can.

Finding a bunch of rocks, I aligned myself with my back to the rocks. Using my front legs to keep me standing I used my one rear leg and bucked the rocks at my enemies.

I kept on doing for a while, continuously bucking the rock, falling to ground, getting back up, and repeat. Each time I did this I was getting exhausted, but nevertheless I pushed beyond my limits.

Soon enough one of the unicorns spotted me. He galloped towards me and knocked my to the ground. Flipping myself over, I came to face my killer, pointing his spear in my face. Raising his weapon up I await for him to end me, when suddenly the stallion was struck dead.

Next thing I knew I was carried and place on somepony's back. That pony then started to gallop with me still on him or her. I never did get see my rescuer's face, but I more then happy for the rescue. As we left the battle, I sort of blacked out.

I reawaken in a medical tent, the doctor and nurses were treating my stump leg and any other injures I sustained. I asked the two of the mysterious pony who saved me, both didn't know either, they said that I was dropped off right in front of their tent.

To this day I still have no idea who the mysterious pony was.

After staying for the night, I was given a letter saying that was discharge from active duty and was sent home. Upon arrive back my parents were both happy and shock to see me, happy that I was back and shock when they saw my missing leg.

Things were rough for me in the beginning, could barely do any blue collar jobs, instead I mostly do desk jobs. Everyday is write this stuff down, deliver this to this pony, and shred this paper up. Pretty mundane, but it pays well and that all it matters.

A couple of days later I got a wooden leg for my stump. With this I am bale to trot around on my own legs, instead of using that wheelchair. Because of this I can now leave my boring job and do some more physical job.

As I gathered the various apples and put them in the buckets, I noticed the many ponies bucking the trees. Memories of my service flash in my mind. I shrugged off and continued my new life working the farm. Fully content with where I am.

Author's Note:

Hey guys sorry for lack of updates, kind of busy with trying out some of my other stories.


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