• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,450 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Moon and Star: Ursa Minor

It was a quiet night in the Whitetail Woods. Th night has covered the forest in its shadow and everything is silent and peaceful. This is odd since even if it was night time, the nocturnal creatures would still be roaming around. In fact the entire forest seems to be devoid of any life at all, except for some insects.

To some ponies, this was a mystery, but what they don't know is that the woods isn't entirely devoid of life. There was one creature that lived in these woods, a creature so massive and dangerous that it laid claim to the entire forest to themselves.

Deep in the Whitetail Woods, there was a huge cave. The entrance to the cave was is both wide and big, fit perfectly for the occupant sleeping inside.

Slumbering within the large rocky cave was a Ursa Minor. The Ursa Minor are bear like creatures, but instead of being made of flesh, these giant beast are made of the night. Their bodies are dark blue and have twinkles of stars over it. It's as if somepony has carved a bear from the night skies and brought it to life.

This large bear was the sole reason why there are no animals living in these woods. The Ursa's very present brings fear to those who confront it. This effectively made this bear the top of the food chain, a apex predator.

As such this bear have no worries of any creatures trying to take him down. However, as the Ursa Minor slept something was moving through the woods and heading towards him.

The bear was sleeping peacefully when suddenly a light was shine in his closed eyes. The light was bright enough to awaken the bear. Still feeling sleepy the Minor's vision was blurry and he saw was the bright yellow light shining at him.

Rubbing his tired eyes with his paw, the dark blue bear got a clearer view of the light that awoken him. The source of the light was a strange illuminating orb, floating right in front of him. The Minor didn't what this odd thing was, but whatever it is, it got his attention.

The bear tried to touch the bright orb with his paw, but the orb in response backed away from him. Stretching his arm out, the Minor reach out for the orb again and got the same result.

Standing up on all fours, the Minor walked towards the bright orb, which in response kept on moving away from him. He followed the strange orb outside his cave and into the woods. The orb lead the bear far away from his cave home and into a large opened clearing.

The glowing orb stopped and stood floating over the grassy field. The Ursa Minor saw this and walked up to it, unaware of the obvious trap before him. The bear was about to touch the orb when suddenly he felt a sharp pain coming from his shoulder. Looking to his left, the bear saw a large steel spear with a chain attached to the other end, piercing his shoulder.

He then felt another spear piercing his other shoulder. Before the bear could do anything, the chains on both spears pulled and the Minor fell face down into the dirt ground.

Things were happening to fast for the Minor to process. Soon enough both his legs were shot with a spear and pulled down.
The Minor struggle to get up, but his assailants toss a large net over him. The net were made of steel, making it impossible for the bear to break through. The chain net kept the bear from getting up, basically immobilizing him.

As the Minor was pinned down, he was finally able to see the face of his attackers. Out from the shadow were a group of ponies, ones with horns on their heads.

He couldn't turn his head, but the Minor knew that there were a lot of them. From his position he could only see five ponies trotting up to him. They stopped near his face and one of them was looking for something in her saddlebag.

Suddenly a loud ear piercing roar came from somewhere behind him. It was a roar so loud it nearly gave some of the ponies hearing damage. Everypony in the area heard the roar and all had he look of utter horror on their faces.

That roar they just heard came from the Ursa Major, the mother of the Ursa Minor. The very same Minor that they have trapped and injured.

Ursa Major were a whole different league then her child. They thought an Ursa Minor was bad, the Majors were ten times bigger then the Minors and much more dangerous as well.

While the ponies stood in shock after the terrifying roar, the lead stallion of the group ordered the mare to quickly take something out of her saddlebag. The mare responded by hastily plucking the item out of her bag and toss it to the lead pony.

The item the stallion held was a small brown bag, closed tightly with a piece of string. The stallion untie the string and levitated over the Minor's face. He then proceeds to empty the bag and dump the contents over the bear.

It is revealed that the brown bag contains blue dust and it was being inhale by the Minor. At first nothing happens, but moments later the Minor was losing consciousness. His body started to feel numb and his eyes started flicker a lot.

The Minor tried desperately to stay awake, but the effects of the dust was stronger and eventually his eyes finally closed.

During his time being unconscious, the bear only had a few glimpse of being awake. This happened numerous times, but were really short. In one glimpse he remembered seeing some ponies, in another one they were building something.

Then came the day when the Minor regain his consciousness. It started with him in a middle of a large field. Confused, the bear slowly walked around, noticing the pain in his arms and legs were gone.

While glad that his injuries weren't severe the bear still feel pain. The source of it came from his head. At this point the bear finally noticed that there was something on his head. He tried to take it of, but was unable too.

Deciding to see what he is dealing with, the Minor looked around for a lake. Upon finding one, the Ursa Minor walked up to it and look at his reflection.
Upon looking in the water, the Minor saw himself in it, wearing a strange helmet. His headgear bare the symbol of a crescent moon on top.

The Minor was about to try and take it off again, but halted. He stopped because in his mind someone told him not to. This was not his thought, but to him it was and he obliged.

The voice then told the Minor to head north. The Ursa obeyed, thinking that it was his own thoughts.

The Ursa Minor kept walking north until he spotted something. From a distance the Minor could see something illuminating, he went and investigate. What he found was large pony campsite full of regular ponies.

As he watched them, the minor heard the voice in his giving command. Destroy, it said and suddenly the Minor focused his attention to the ponies before him. The bear for some reason had the desire to crush and kill those ponies, despite not being provoked by them.

He didn't question this as the rage within him was building up quickly. The Minor then follow his instinct and unleash wrath.

The ponies at the camp were caught off guard by Ursa Minor attack. Most didn't even know what to do against this type of enemy.

The large blue bear swept through the campsite, crushing any resistance that was foolish enough to fight him.

While the ponies were hopelessly fighting off the Ursa Minor, somewhere far away a small group of unicorns were watching the carnage through a telescope. The field test prove to be very successful as the bear shows promising results. The unicorns smile at the sight of their newest weapon.

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