• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Everfree: Wildling Ponies

The Everfree forest, home to various critters and tribal zebras and ponies. There is a little white rabbit running through the forest. Despite the bright shining sun hanging in the sky, the thick foliage from the trees, blocked any light from going through. Because of this the little white rabbit was having a hard time navigating through this dark forest.

Just a few minutes ago, the little rabbit was just scavenging for food to eat. The little guy spend most of his days hiding from the many dangerous predators that are looking for a small prey to sink their fangs into.

For days, the rabbit hid from the hunters and went out to find something to eat. For a while the rabbit was doing fine. But, then his luck ran out.

While eating a wild carrot he found, the little rabbit was unaware of a pair of scarlet eyes staring at him. It wasn't until his hunter made some noise, did the rabbit sense its presence. He instinctively made a mad dash out of there.

Normally when this happens, the rabbit would be able to outrun any hunters. However, this one was different. It move through the crowded forest with both speed and swiftness.

It was slowly getting closer, making the rabbit pushing himself beyond his limits.

Sadly the rabbit's attempt was in vain. His hunter snatch the rabbit off the ground with its mouth. It then sink its sharp yellow fangs into the rabbit's soft furry body.

In his dying moments, the rabbit wanted to look up, to see the face of his killer. To his surprise, his killer is a pony. But, this was no ordinary pony. Gone was her intellect, in its place is the mind of a savage beast, who would tear a pony to pieces if it ever come across one.

Believe it or not, but long ago this mare used to be a great musician, living in the Equestria's main capital, Canterlot. How did this amazing musician became this wild creature? Well it all started by one indecent, followed by a series of unfortunate events as well.

It all started long ago, when this green mare had a name. Her name was Capella and she was once a very promising singer.

At a young age, Capella was born into a poor family. She lived in a house with a roof over head and there was plenty of food. The only problem is that money was always tight. All the money her parents earned went into rent and food. Any other things, like furniture, clothing, and entertainment were found in thrift shops.

The little filly always wanted to be musician when she grew up. However, musical instruments are really pricey. So with that option out, she decides to try another alternative, singing.

Everyday the little filly practice singing and each day she was improving. A month passed and Capella felt that she was ready to try her singing to the public.

Going to her school, Capella sang in front of a large crowd of ponies and everypony loved it. From that day on the green filly concentrated her singing talents. Finding a part time job at a coffee shop, Capella used the bits she earned and bought herself a guitar.
With her new musical instruments and her singing voice, the now older filly found herself being hired to many places and sang there. As things were going good for her, she was unaware of what is coming in the next few days.

Her downfall started with the disappearance of the two royal sisters. After that came the fall of Equestrian society. Several riots and uprisings started popping out of nowhere, leading to some very violent conflicts.

The young earth pony mare was even caught in a middle of a fight between the royal guards and the rioters. She barely escaped with her life.

Time passed and the situation only grew worse by the day. Like everyone else, she thought that the Elements of Harmony would save their country. Sadly it didn't happen.

The Elements broke up and went and form their own factions, dividing the country and severally worsening the situation.

When the city of Canterlot was slowly become the main city of the Moon and Star. She heard some terrifying rumours about the unicorns turning all the earth and pegasus ponies into slaves. Fearing that they would come for her, Capella immediately left the city and search for a place to call home.

Originally the green mare was planning to go to Ponyville. Before, she heard that this little town was really a pleasant place, despite all the crazy stuff that happens there. Unfortunately for her, when she arrived, she found the entire town flooded.

Capella was about to turn around and leave, until somepony called out for her. It was another pony, a red earth pony mare. She introduce herself as Scarlet, she told Capella of a group of refugees setting up a camp inside the Everfree forest.

Scarlet invite Capella to her camp and gave her tour around the place. She showed her where the medical tent is, where they keep all the books and board games, and where they stored their food. The red mare even introduce her to the many ponies residing there.

Stone Maul is the dark grey unicorn stallion and is the leader of the camp. A former royal guard he sets up the rules and gives each ponies their assigned task.

Tenderheart is a blue unicorn mare and is the group medical doctor. Technically the mare was nurse, but since she was the only one here besides Stone Maul that knows anything about medicine, she is the best they got.

Crimson is another red earth pony and is the twin brother of Scarlet. The twins lived separately from each other before the divided, but now they are together and help the group by scavenging for food.

Ladybug is white pegasus mare and is a single parent to her son, Cloud. The mother does the cooking around here and her son sometimes help.

Stormbreak is dark blue pegasus and is another former royal guard. With his experience, the pegasus serves as both the scout and a guard.

The last pony on this list is a old brown earth stallion named, Walnut. This elderly pony used to run a farm, but was lost during the flood. Now he here in this camp, starting up a small garden and growing various vegetables for them to eat.

Capella was nervous of meeting this large group of ponies. While some showed friendliness to her, others just glared at her. She didn't want to stay here, but she had nowhere else to go.

For the first few days it started off rough, she was given task that she never did before and was failing miserably. But, slowly she was getting better and improving each time.

Her increased performance made the ponies like her, even the ones who glared at her. She did helped a lot around the camp, from aiding Walnut, assisting Tenderhoof, joining the scavenging, help cooking and playing with Cloud. The mare was finally accepted into the group.

To celebrate, Capella sang them a song. While everyony was enjoying the music, her song travel through the woods and attracted the unwanted attention of some dangerous critters.

Next morning Capella woke up to the sound screaming outside her tent. When went outside, she saw that they were under attack. But, the ones who are attacking are not wild animals, rather they are ponies.

Upon looking closer, Capella saw the pure primal savagery on their faces.

These ponies were running around, attacking every pony in the camp. To her left Stone Maul and Stormbreaker were fighting the feral ponies off. To her right Crimson and Scarlet were defending Tenderheart as she busy fixing Walnut's bloody wound. The only ponies she didn't see was Ladybug and her Son.

Stone Maul shouted to everyone that the camp is lost and that everyony needs to escape. They were reluctant at first, but knew that he was right. While he and Stormbreaker fought the ponies, everyone else will escape into the woods.

As Capella and the others left, she gave one look and saw the savage ponies ganged up on Stormbreaker. She continued galloping through the dark forest, during this she got separated from the others.

She wanted to find them, but she heard the sound of galloping feral ponies. She kept on running, all the while hearing the dying screams of her friends off in the distance.

The mare then got talked to the ground. Looking up she saw the face of the pony, his face was dirty, there was some strange marking on face as well. He opened his mouth displaying his fangs and was about to use them on her face.

She pushed him back by placing her hoof on his neck. The stallion in response push his head harder, inching himself to Capella's face.

Fear was starting to take over her mind. She didn't want to die, but there is nopony that is going to save her. In a act of survival she bit into the stallion neck, she bit hard and tore a chunk of his neck off.

The stallion soon lost all strength as the blood starting pouring out of his neck and onto the green mare below him. The stallion then collapse onto Capella, all life within him, gone.

Capella pushed the dead pony off her and wiped the blood of herself. She got of it off, but her green fur is still stained by the blood of the pony she killed.

Looking at the gory display she just did, she vomit the content of her stomach onto the ground. She trotted away, not wanting to be here. Capella now realize that she was alone again, lost deep in the Everfree Forest.

For the next couple of days, the green mare had to survive on her own in this dark woods. Everyday was battle of survival as she was pitted against the many carnivorous creatures that went after her. Each time they left a scar on her.

Slowly the mare's mind started to deteriorate, losing a piece of herself and replacing it with a more savage piece. While this helped her survive, she was no longer the same mare she was.

The pony name Capella was gone, she is a Wildling Pony now.

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