• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 1,450 Views, 77 Comments

Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Stormwing: Heavy Lancers

"Charge!" shouted a earth pony commander as he led his Earthborn forces in a attack.

"To battle!" yelled pegasus commander leading the ground forces to counter the invaders.

It is unknown how such a large force of Earthborn managed to get so deep into their territory. But, right now these ponies need to be dealt with. The pegasus led his forces against the invading Earthborns but, the problem was that the Earthborn are trained soldiers, while the Ground Guards are just militias.

The two forces clashed, the sound of their weapon parrying and hacking can be heard amidst all this combat. Despite their lack of training, the Ground Guards gave it their all and fought valiantly. However, if they are going to win this battle they are going to need reinforcements.

Up high in the clouds hovering above the battle below, a team of pegasi is awaiting orders from their leader. Unlike the other pegasus who are small and light, these pegasus is larger and more bulkier than their lighter brothers and sisters.

Because of this, these hulking pegasus are not as fast. But, they do make up for it with their indomitable strength. Becoming a specialized units called the Heavy Lancers, these large stallion fly around the battlefield and dive bomb onto their targets.

The line of waiting pegasus was eager to go dive down and take on those Earthborn. But, they are soldiers, and as soldiers they follow orders. Finally their team leader arrived, Captain Knuckle Head, and like the rest, he too is large stallion.

"Listen up stallions!" the teal captain ordered. The line stallions stood straight and listen in to their squad leader.

"Our orders are simple, we do not engage the battle unless necessary." He said, as he trotted in front of them. Looking at each of their faces. "Pegasus reinforcements will be arriving soon to help out the ground forces. We are here waiting until the Earthborn bring out their own back."

Captain Knuckle Head then stopped in his tracks. "Our scout says that the Earthborn are bringing in their heavy hitters. That means they are bringing the cannons and the Juggernauts."

Upon hearing the word Juggernauts, the line of Heavy Lancers mentally prepared themselves. They heard tales of these Earthborn warriors. Like them the Juggernauts are also huge and can be quite unstoppable. This seems like the perfect opportunity to see who is the better warrior.

While the Heavy Lancers waited above, down below, the battle between the two factions was intensifying. The Ponies-At-Arms were proving to quite the tough foe for the Ground Guards. The Ponies-At- Arms slashed, stabbed, impaled, and crushed every militia force that came at them.

Seeing that his troops were getting destroyed out there, the pegasus commander signaled the Ground Guards he had in reserve, to jump into the fray. As soon as the backup soldiers revealed themselves, the Earthborn commander thought it was time to reveal his back up as well.

Sending out a signal, a group of Eaethborn came out of hiding. The group consist of cannons, their operators, and the Equestrian Juggernauts. The cannons got into position, preparing to fire upon the reserved Ground Guards.

Up in the clouds, the captain spotted the Earthborn reinforcement emerging. The time has finally come for the Heavy Lancers to strike. Captain Knuckle Head turned around and faced his troops.

"Alright guys, our time has come! Are you ready?" the captain shouted, receiving a collective sound of yeahs and yeses. Including one from a very muscular white stallion.

Hearing their answers, the captain turned again and face the edge of the cloud. "Then lets fly," he said, before jumping off the edge. Knuckle Head descended from the cloud and was falling at a fast pace, soon the other Lancers were falling with him.

Using their wings to push themselves towards the cannons, Captain Knuckle ordered his troops to ready their lances and pick a target. Faster and faster they fall, building up momentum as they go.

As they got nearer, the Lancers spread out and chose their targets wisely. The earth pony cannoneers were too busy setting up the cannons to notice the incoming attacking. One pony was caught by a large black shadow over him, he looked to see what is was. He was met with a lance, piercing his face.

After that other ponies were attacked, ponies were suddenly stabbed by lances and cannon are suddenly destroyed by some fast and heavy. By the time they could recollect themselves from the sudden, the Heavy Lancers began their attack. Stabbing or whacking ponies around with their giant lances.

The Earthborn troops tried to retaliate, but the large pegasus simply took flight and dive down onto them. Eventually the Juggernauts arrive on the scene, they made a grand entrance by ramming into one of the Heavy Lancers, impaling the him with his sharp horn.

Seeing one of their own getting killed, all the Lancers dropped what they were doing and engaged the Juggernauts. The two groups of giant clashed with each other, while lacking the heavy armor the Lancers make it up with wings and maneuverability.

The two groups of large stallions fought hard and brutally, the Juggernauts impaled or stomped on the Heavy Lancers. They in returned pierced their mighty armor with their mighty lances. Captain Knuckles Head took down two Juggernauts by himself. The first he stabs in the eye with his lance and the second one, he picked and dropped him from the sky.

While this battle was happening, with the additional reinforcements the Ground Guards managed to outnumber the Ponies-At-Arms and defeated them. With the opposition gone, the pegasus commander ordered the his remaining forces and assist the Heavy Lancers.

Seeing the incoming Stormwing troops, the Earthborn commander ordered a retreat. The Earthborn forces followed their commander's order and began falling back. Once they were far enough, the pegasus commander stopped their pursuit and returned to their positions.

As they trotted back, each of troops cheer for their victory. Some started to either brag of praise about each others skills. Each of the Heavy Lancers talked about their fight against the Juggernauts and compared kill counts. While they were doing that, their captain just stays silent and smiled. Today they not only defeated the Juggernauts but, they also established themselves as one of the greatest units in the army of Stormwing.

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