• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Earthborn: Buffalo Raiders

The Frontier, home to a race of large furry creatures called buffaloes. They have lived on these lands for many generations. Then came the day the ponies arrived.

The pony settlers were looking for a place to build their new town. While most buffaloes welcome these new strangers, many others however showed disdain towards them.

The relationship between the two race started to strain, when the ponies built their farms over lands, which are important to the buffaloes.

This act almost caused a war between them until a compromise was made. In exchange for allowing their structures to stay on their grounds, the ponies agree to supply the buffaloes fresh apple pies.

This simple deal not only prevented the war, but it also strengthen the relationship between them. This bond created a everlasting friendship for the ponies and buffaloes.

Then came the day when the great divide happened. While the buffaloes are not effected by this, their pony companions were. Seeing that their allies are at war with their own people, the buffaloes lend their assistants to the House of Earthborn.

The various buffalo tribes offered their numbers and strengths to the House. A single warrior of theirs is equal to one strong earth pony, and since their entire race is like that, the House has a army of massively strong behemoths on their side.

Besides offering their strongest warriors, the buffaloes also offer fast moving troops known as raiders. The buffalo raiders are made up of young buffaloes who are looking to prove themselves to be capable warriors. These younglings are drastically different then their adults, smaller and thinner.

However, what they lack in brute strength these young warriors make it up with agility. Used for flanking, scouting, and guerrilla warfare, the buffalo raiders are a great asset to the House.

The story begins in a small buffalo camp in the outskirts of the pony town, Appleloosa. The Greyhorn tribe are here because the ponies require their aid and the tribe is willing to help their allies.

In this small camp there is a young buffalo, feeling anxious. His name is Roughneck and he is part of the buffalo raiders.

In buffalo culture every tribe has their own rite of passage. Some of them are unique, while others are the same. For the buffaloes of Greyhorn, their rite of passage is for a young buffalo to kill. Before the divide, the Greyhorns usually kill some wild animal on their land, but now with the war, a new opportunity has opened up.

The young Roughneck just happens to be near the age of adulthood. He'll need to pass his rite of passage, so that his tribe will see him as an adult. While this tradition will make him into an adult, he has another reason for doing this.

Roughneck's father has recently passed away. Not from battle, but from an illness. To the tribe, this was no way for a warrior die, especially one who happens to be their greatest warrior. Now with him gone, Roughneck will have to live up his father's legacy.

The young buffalo was ready for the next battle. He remembered all the training he was taught and practice everyday. Now it was time to put all that training to use.

A pony arrive at their camp. Heading to the buffalo chieftain, the pony courier hoofed the paper to the large dark furred buffalo. The buffalo chieftain read the paper and finishing it, called all his warriors to gather around.

He told every buffalo what he read in the paper. Apparently some diamond dogs have been moving into the Frontier, setting up bases.

The ponies asked of them to remove these invaders immediately, less they fortified their defences.

The chieftain then commanded his warriors to head out to this location, given to him by the paper. And with that the buffalo warriors move out. Their hooves shook the ground as they all galloped to their destination.

The raiders being lighter and faster then their large counterparts, moved ahead of the main force. They are to scout ahead and if possible weaken them for the main army to arrive.

The raiding pack was small, consist of only eight young buffaloes. The leader of this group is a buffalo named Rush. Rush has been a raider for almost a year now, he has already proved himself to be a warrior, but he chose to stay behind so he can teach the newer members of the raiders.

The group eventually reached their destination. Staying low as possible, the raiders crawled near the Diamond Dog's encampment. Making sure to stay away from the dog's range of view, the raiders mentally map out the entire camp.

The Diamond Dog's camp was fairly big. Tents were scattered around, all surrounding a large hole in the middle of all this.

Those mutts must have travel pretty far just so they can get here, Roughneck thought to himself as he was looking over the campsite. Once done he relay his information back to his group leader, Rush.

Gathering all the info from his troops, Rush took a couple of minutes to formulate a plan. First they'll poison the dog's food and water supplies. It will be a slow active poison, so that way the dogs won't be alerted to their comrades death and will probably get more dogs sick from consuming the poison supplies.

The second part is pretty straight forward, all raiders will go in and take down as many dogs before they call in the reinforcements. In order to do this, they'll need to fast and quick about it. No slowing down for anything.

After Rush made his plan, Roughneck and the other raiders sneak into the camp. Fortunately for them, the dogs do a poor job of guarding the area. They managed to passed through a couple of patrols and reached the tent that contains all their food and water.

Roughneck sprinkled a couple of poison dust into a both the food and water, Once done, he stealthy left the camp, he was joined up by the other raiders who went in and did their own task.

Once everybuffalo was back, the group waited for the right time to attack.

Time passed as the diamond dogs below continued on with their life. Some of them has already consume the poison and will be dying very soon.

Rush waited a little more, but eventually the time to strike is now and informed it to all the gathered raiders.

Rush gave the order to attack and every raider charged.

The dogs were completely caught surprised by this attack. While many went and deal with the attackers, some of them weren't in fit condition to fight. Those who consume the poison started to fee the effects and are now dying.

The buffalo raiders moved swiftly through the camp like rushing water through a tunnel. The raiders quickly eliminated any dogs they come across. Those who were poisoned didn't put much of a fight and taken down easily.

Roughneck was running through the encampment, so far he hasn't met any dogs. The one he saw were either dead or were drawn away from him by his comrades. The young buffalo was beginning to worry, he wasn't sure whether or not he will be passing his rite of passage.

Then opportunity came in a form of punch to the head. Roughneck was knocked to the ground by a hard punch to his head. Looking up, the young buffalo saw a big grey dog standing over him In his right paw was machete.

Raising his weapon up, the dog thrust the blade downward, hoping to stab the little buffalo. Roughneck saw this and instinctively backed away, barely dodging the machete.

Getting up, Roughneck grip his hatchet in his mouth and swung it at the dog. The diamond dog evaded the attack and kick the buffalo in his mouth, forcing him to release his hatchet.

The dog then pulled his weapon from the ground and was once again standing over the little buffalo. Raising his right arm up, he swung the blade down, only to miss again.

Roughneck dodge the blade and went right under him, to retrieve his fallen weapon. Before he could reach, he felt something grab his tail. The large dog has his left paws on the little buffalo's tail. Pulling the little guy back, the dog swung his blade again.

The little buffalo tried to dodge it and while the blade missed his head, his tail wasn't so lucky. The dog still had his paw on his tail and he swung the blade, it sever the tail of the young buffalo.

While painful as it was, Roughneck knew that he needs to move or else he is finished. Quickly crawling under the dog again, he picked up his fallen hatchet and turned around, just in time for the dog to turn around.

The tailless buffalo threw his hatchet at him like a tomahawk. He hoped at this distance the blade part will hit him.

The hatchet spun forward until it was embedded into the dog's forehead.

The large dog dropped his weapon and took a few step back, he was shocked to feel the weapon stuck in his head. He was sure if he should leave it in or he should pull it out. Before he decide he felt a sharp piercing pain coming from his stomach. Looking down the dog saw that the little buffalo have stabbed him with his own machete.

Feeling his life disappearing the dog fell on knees and onto his side. He laid their dead as blood started spilling from his gut.

Roughneck was about retrieve his hatchet, but was stopped by a whistle from his leader. The dogs has finally called in the reinforcements and now the raiders must leave.

As they left the main buffalo forces and finished off the diamond dogs. They crushed the dogs, trampled their tents, and collapse the tunnels below.

In the aftermath of the battle most of the buffalo already left, seeing that their job here is done. Before joining them Roughneck stayed back so that he can retrieve his weapon.

Going back to the destroyed camp, the young buffalo search for the body of the dog he killed. After walking over a dozen dead bodies he finally found him.

He was still laying in the exact same stance when he died. Instead of pulling his hatchet out, the little buffalo stared at the corpse. He wasn't happy that he killed the guy nor was feeling bad for doing it. All he felt was just a nothing.

Sure he was his enemy, but he was still a living being. However, he was threat and needed to be taken down. These though went through his mind as he stood there, not sure how to feel.

Roughneck shook head of these thoughts and pulled hatchet out, blood started spilling from the hole in his head.

As he trotted back his group, the young buffalo return to his thoughts. He figured that this was how most soldiers felt when they just killed someone. They weren't prideful about it and they weren't remorseful about either.

They probably just felt like it had to done, since this kind thing was normal during wartime and from what he has heard, this conflict is going to be a long one.

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