• Published 18th Sep 2013
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Equestria Divided Tales - Grenazers

A series of short stories, each one spotlighting one of the six factions troops.

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House of Stormwing: Wind Riders

The sound of thousands of hooves were trotting across the Heartlands. From a distance the animals can feel the ground shake below them, causing them flee. The one causing this earth shaking movement is the ponies of Earthborn.

The Earthborn were heading north, to the Northern Expansion. In the past the ponies of Earthborn tried numerous attacks on the military pegasus in the north, but they always met with failed results. This time however, was going to be different.

This marching army was twice the size of any previous force they ever before. This army contains a huge variety of units; from the regular ponies to their buffalo allies. They were also bringing a lot of their war machines as well.

As the army continued to march, from up high in the sky, there was pegasus spying on them through his telescope. This sky blue pony with white is named Arctic Breeze and she is a Wind Rider.

The Wind Riders are part of the House of Stormwing. They are the house's most fastest and agile warriors. On the battlefield the Wind Riders usually scout and flank enemy position, but their primary purpose is to take down any airborne opponents.

Arctic Breeze continued to look through her telescope. She spotted numerous ground troops and cannons. There were also some pegasus in that army as well. When she notice a certain pegasus unit amongst their ranks, she frowned upon recognizing them.

Lighting's Finest, they were the elite pegasus troops of the Earthborn army. Those ponies were train personally by their general, Lighting Dust.

Arctic though that she had seen enough, the blue mare flapped her wings and return back to base.

Upon arriving back, Arctic headed straight to her commanding officer. After describing in details what the Earthborn army have, her commanding officer then went to work, strategizing and requesting for reinforcements.

By next morning a large garrison of prgasus troops arrived at the camp. Normally a force this size would have taken a few days to get here, but since they were pegasus, they got here in a mere couple of hours.

Arctic Breeze was up early in the morning when they arrived. She was impressed at just how well discipline they all were. Despite probably flying all night to get here, these warriors look like they ready for a fight.

As she eyed her new comrades, her commanding officer left his tent and flew right in front of the large group. He asked who was in charge, in response a lone stallion popped out of the garrison and presented himself to the CO.

From what she can hear from her position, the stallions is named Captain Season Change and he has arrived with the reinforcements, the CO requested.

After that the CO lead Captain Change to the command center, to discuss strategy. The rest of garrison were to joined up with the rest of the Stormwing's forces.
Arctic then decided that it was time for her to regroup with her team. Something tells her that this was going to be another long day, so she'll need to prepare herself.

One hour passed and the pegasus CO called for everyponies attention. The stallion ordered all the assembled forces to head to a certain destination. From there their Captains will start the next part of the plan.

As every pegasus warriors left together in a massive flock, Arctic Breeze and the rest of the Wind Riders went separately. They either hanged back or flew ahead of the main army. This was done so that the Wind Riders can watch out for any enemies that might be coming from the front or from the sides and back.

The huge flying army were flying to meet their enemies head on. First they will await for them to get near and when they do, they will all swarm them. The Earthborns may have the largest number of infantry on their side, but the Stormwings have the strongest warriors.

Their warriors will overwhelm the grounded ponies, using their flight as an advantage over them. While their cannons and war machines are useful from the distance, they will get up close to them, preventing them from using their large cannons properly.

The large flock of pegasus found their spot and lay there, waiting for the Earthborn army to arrive. While they were waiting, Arctic Breeze and was looking through her telescope. So far nothing. As she continue to watch, the blue mare though about the coming battle.

Truth be told, she never really got into a fight before. Sure she was in some few small fights before, but this was an actual combat. In the past all she ever did was reconnaissance, nothing more. Now here she is getting ready for a battle.

Arctic was getting nervous at this point. To keep herself calm, the mare remembered what her drill sergeant told her. The Wind Riders are only there to take down any enemy fliers, this way they will have air superiority.

Finally something came into view. From afar it looked like a long black line, but through the lens of a telescope, it was a large line of marching Earthborn soldiers.

Seeing them the mare immediately took off in the direction the hiding army. Arctic alerted the Captain of the approaching army. He thanked the the mare and told her that her task is done and she should meet up with the rest of her team. As she left, the Captain send his couriers to the other Captains and informing them of the approaching army.

Once everypony were informed, they all lay flat on the grassy ground, waiting for their time to strike. As the Earthborn draw closer, the ground shook from their thunderous hooves. So strong the shake, that the pegasus laying on the ground can feel from there position.

From high above Arctic and the Wind Riders watch the whole scene from the safety of their clouds.

Then when the Earthborns were close enough, Stormwing's made their move. A swarm of pegasus flew from the ground and were making a beeline to the surprised army.

The warriors of Stormwing cut through the front line of Earthborn with ease. They didn't waste on a single target as they aimed for the groups. Any they missed are picked off by their comrades hanging back.

The Earthborn troops tried their best against the flying warriors, but they were easily beaten. Finally the Stormwing warriors met with resistance from the Earthborn's fliers. These pegasus aligned themselves with the Earthborns and are considered traitors by the House. And as traitors, they are to be shown no mercy.

Arctic Breeze watch the two opposing fliers combating each other in mid-air. Seeing that the Earthborns had brought out their fliers, it was time for the Wind Riders do their job.

Flying down from their cloud, the Wind Riders descended into the battlefield below them, quickly blending themselves in.

The Wind Riders did not engage any of the Earthborn ground troops. Instead, they went right after the Earthborn's pegasuses. Not wanting their side to lose their advantage, the Wind Riders quickly took down these airborne ponies.

Arctic Breeze was flying in a middle of all this chaos. She avoided any engagements and went after the lone targets. These ones were easy since they are too busy fighting to notice her.

True fact, the Wind Riders don't use any weapons, to them it will only slow them down. Now you might ask, then what the hell do they use to fight with? The simple answer is, their own hooves.

The Wind Riders were train specifically to use hoof-to-hoof combat. Not only that, they are used their own speed to increase the damage a hoof can do. You see, they theorize that since a fast moving objects can bring a lot of pain then a normal moving object, they believe they can recreate that by using the natural speed of a pegasus.

Spotting her target, the mare thrust herself forward, increasing her speed. She moved like a bullet and bucked the winged pony in the back of his neck. The fast momentum combined with her strong hoof, broke the spine, shattering it into pieces.

Once he was done, Arctic quickly back off and went against another pegasus. This time she broke the pony's face with her punch. She kept on taking down Earthborn pegasus, while her allies take care of the ground forces.

During all this the cannoneers managed to set up their cannons and blasted into the flock of Stormwing's pegasus. While not effective, the cannon balls did hit a few of their comrades.

Seeing this the Stormwing warriors broke through the line of enemy pegasus and attacked the cannoneers.

The battle was in utter chaos, Arctic watched as ponies were slaughtering each other and dropping dead all around her. She was so distracted by this, that she was blindsided by a another pegasus. Looking up, she recognizes her attacker as Lighting's Finest.

The two engage in combat, the Earthborn mare had a serious advantage over Arctic as she was wielding a weapon. But, the blue mare was going to give up that easily.

Lowering her right hoof, Arctic swung it up and uppercut the other mare. Arctic turned around and bucked her in the gut, causing her to drop her spear.

Catching the weapon in mid-fall, Arctic thrust it and stabbed the other mare with it. Once she was dead,
the mare took a moment to collect herself. She was a bit shocked from brutally killing that mare, but she shrugs it off, saying to herself that she needed to get out of here.

Arctic looked up in the sky and saw that her comrades had defeated the Earthborn's pegasus and are dealing with the rest.

Seeing that she is no longer needed, Arctic Breeze spread her blood stained wings and flew up. She was joined by the rest of the Wind Riders, who are also leaving the battlefield. As they flew up, the battle between the two armies continued on behind. Neither side willing to give up. This battle will only end until one side

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