• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,693 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Heroes the Gathering

"Again, ah'm so sorry," Applejack apologized.

"Don't sweat it. I'm used to getting punched in the face," Sonic said. "And thanks again for the ice pack, Fluttershy. You're friend there packs one heck of a punch."

"I should be the one thanking you. I don't want to think what would have happened to all of us had you not shown up when you did," Fluttershy replied. "Who was that metal monster anyway?"

"Metal Sonic. My "superior" copy. Eggman built him to beat me, but you saw how well that worked out for him."

"Ah thought that's who ah was punching, but it turned out to be ya," AJ muttered. "Ah'm sorry, I didn't really look before ah leapt."

"Considering how bad your black eyes are, I'm amazed you can see anything at all," Sonic pointed out. While Sonic was only holding a small bag of ice to his cheek, Applejack had two large bags over her eyes, just barely able to see. He then stood up, tossed the ice bag back to Fluttershy and started to stretch his limbs. "Well, glad I could help out and it was nice to meet the pair of you, but I need to get going. I've got friends to finds, bots to smash and a world to save. Got a lot of ground to cover."

"Wait, you're leaving already? Can't you stay a little longer?" Fluttershy asked.

"Stay isn't really in my vocabulary," Sonic replied. "And like I said, I'm busy. From the way this place looked on my run over, I wasn't entire successful in stopping Eggman. I hate it when worlds crash together like this."

"You've dealt with this before?" AJ asked.

"Twice now. Surprised I haven't seen Rock yet. But anyway, yeah, I've dealt with this and I know how to fix it. Beat Eggman, find Emeralds, Chaos Control. Day saved and I can go back home. See ya-"

"Hold it." Sonic, Fluttershy and Applejack all turned towards the couch in Fluttershy's living room, where Discord sat up sluggishly. He took a moment to look around before he focused in on Sonic. "Sonic, huh. Yeah, I can sense it. You tangle with powerful chaos on the regular, don't you?"

"Kinda my thing."

"Well then let me tell you things are...different now. What ever this Eggman and Sombra did, it severely damaged the forces of chaos. Using those...emeralds of yours might not be such a good idea," Discord warned.

"And how would you happen to know that?"

"That's Discord. He's a god of chaos," Fluttershy explained. Sonic raised an eyebrow. "He knows chaos, probably better than anypony. The reason he says he's bed ridden is because of what Sombra, and I guess Eggman, did to the chaos force."

"He mentioned the chaos force?" Sonic asked. Fluttershy nodded. "Alright, I can't ignore that. But if I can't go after the emeralds right now, what should I do? Because sitting around and waiting is not how I do things."

"Simple. Even with my powers as incredibly weakened as they are, I've still been keeping track of this world. Being in the chaotic state it is has made it easy for me to keep track of things. I've been monitoring the other Elements and each of them have seemed to meet up with somepony from...your world, Sonic. If I know how things works, I bet those are your friends."

"You certain it's them?"

"Believe me, our worlds have a way of bringing the heroes together. The forces of harmony are trying to fix what happened to Equestria and they most likely brought together those who can do just that. Same way you found Applejack and Fluttershy, I bet that's how the others met. If you all meet up, you should all be reunited."

"Alright, that saves time. But how would we all meet up? No offense, but from what I've seen of your worlds tech I can't exactly make a call."

"Canterlot. That's where we always meet up when stuff like this happens. As fer how we'll get there..." Applejack said. Then she looked over at Discord. "Do ya think ya got enough power fer one more teleportation?"

"Applejack, do not insult me. I may wield a fraction of my true might, but I can still manage that much," Discord replied with a smirk. He waved his hand. "There, I've healed your injuries and I'm not even winded." AJ looked down to find, while she was feeling better, she was still covered in bruises. "Teleportation is still nothing. Hope you didn't have a heavy lunch."

Discord snapped his fingers and the next thing Sonic and the mares knew, they were standing in Canterlot, just outside of Twilight's castle. The mares were woozy from the teleportation for a moment, but Sonic was unaffected. "Benefit of running and spinning as fast as I do is that I've got an iron stomach. It takes a lot for me to lose my chili dogs."

"Glad yer taking this so well."

"So Discord said that we'd all be meeting up around here. Guess that makes me the first one here...as usual," Sonic said before he found a tree and sat under it, closing his eyes. "Let me know when your friends or my friends show up. Might take a while, with how fast we got here. Oh yeah, should probably give you there names. First there's-"

"No need, Sugar-Hog. Ah can introduce mahself just fine."

Sonic, AJ, and Fluttershy looked up just in time to see a rocket powered rabbit land in the center of the castles courtyard, dropping off a coyote with a sword and Rarity. "Bunnie D'Coolette. Nice to meet ya all!"

"Antoine D'Coolette. I see that you had ze misfortune of being stuck with Sonic," Antoine teased.

"That's what I'd expect the bronze medal to say," Sonic smirked.


"Your wife did all the heavy lifting. You were just along for the ride."

"Eh, you are not ze wrong."

"You alright Rarity?" Fluttershy asked.

"Fine, darling, thanks to these two," Rarity said as she nodded to the couple. "Oh Applejack, what happened to you? Have you been headbutting trees again?"

"No. An evil double of Sonic over there showed up at Fluttershy's cottage. Ah fought as best ah could but...well, ah'm grateful Sonic showed up."

"Ah. Well I'm glad he did," Rarity said. "Hello there, Mr. Sonic. Thank you for saving my friends. I am Rarity."

"Yo," was all Sonic replied with. Then he looked up and let out a small whistle. "And that is a unicorn with wings. Think you've seen it all."

The group stepped back as Twilight and Sally landed in the yard. "Applejack! Fluttershy! Rarity! You're all safe! Considering what shape the world is in, I was afraid..."

"Don't worry about it non, Twilight. It will take more than this to stop us," Applejack replied. "Though ah will admit things would have been a lot harrier than ah would have liked if Sonic and his friends weren't here."

Twilight wanted to say something about her injuries, but bit her lip instead. "And you must be Antoine, Bunnie and Sonic. Sally was telling me about you all on the way over. It is nice to meet you all and thank you for helping my friends."

"Well, let us be saying that your friends saved us as much as we saved them," Antoine politely pointed out. "I like to think of it as we all saved each other."

"Sure, we can say that's what happened," Sonic muttered.

"Ignore him Twilight, he's just upset that he's not going to get to save the world by himself," Sally teased.

"Dunno Sal, the day is still young."

"Which is why we need to get working." All eyes looked upward to see a large piece of metal was being lowered down by a rainbow maned pegasus. She set down the metal sheet to reveal that Tails and Rotor had been standing on it, allowing the pair to step off. "I'm glad to see that everyone is still alive. Because things have gotten even worse."

"Dare I ask how?" Sally asked.

"Because Eggman has learned dark magic." All of the Freedom Fighters, even Sonic, looked shocked at that revelation. "He attacked the Sky Patrol with Tails and I on it, ripping it and us apart with ease. Had Rainbow Dash not shown up...we wouldn't have made it."

"We ran into a similar situation. Sombra...is a cyborg now. It is like his entire body is covered in an armor stronger than any I've seen," Rarity added on.

"Is Sombra a master of dark magic, because what happened to him sounds a lot like something Eggman would do?" Sally asked. When Rarity nodded, Sally sighed. "I think I know what happened. Eggman and Sombra are working together and have shared their secrets with one another. Things just got a whole lot more complicated."

"Not really. Fight bad guys, save world. Seems like the same M.O as always," Sonic added in. Sally gave him a look before shaking her head.

"So you're Sonic, huh?" Sonic cracked open one of his eyes to see Rainbow Dash standing over him, a smirk on her face. "From what Tails told me on the flight over, you're the fastest being on your world, right?"

"So many have said. Why? You want to disprove that claim?" Sonic asked with a smile. Rainbow smirked back as Sonic rose to his feet, stretching out his legs. "But now that I get a better look at ya...you're no slouch to speed yourself, are you? Heh, maybe I can get a decent race out of someone while I'm here."

"You sure you want to do this?" Rainbow asked. "I mean, losing your claim as the fastest being so soon after meeting us? Why not wait a bit so you can have time to say goodbye to it?"

"Oh ho, now it is on," Sonic replied. "I saw a kingdom made of crystal on my way here. How about the first to get there and back is the winner?"

"You're on. How about on the count of-"

"Enough!" both Twilight and Sally yelled. Rainbow and Sonic flashed them an annoyed look.

"The worlds are merged together, our enemies are stronger than ever and the two of you want to race?!" Twilight exclaimed. "We have far more important things to worry about right now than who is faster!"

"Fine, fine," Rainbow muttered, before she set eyes on Applejack and her eyes went wide. She was AJ's side a moment later. "Oh geez, are you alright? What happened?"

"Nothing. Just got into a fist fight with a metal version of Sonic," Applejack responded. "Don't worry, ah'm fine."

"You sure? Because you don't look fine...and all of this happening this week of all weeks," Rainbow said with concern. Applejack smiled at Rainbow and put a hoof on her shoulder.

"Ah'm fine. And thank ya for yer concern, but right now we have more important matters to deal with, don't we princesses?"

"Applejack is right. And with all of us here, we can finally begin planning," Sally said as she looked around at her friends. Then she reached towards her pocket only to grimace. "How about you, Twilight? Are you ready to begin planning?"

"Well, nearly all of my friends are here," Twilight said as she looked around. "But I'm still missing Pinkie."


Sonic looked to his side and let out a yelp as a pink pony who had not been there a second ago spoke up. "Sorry I'm late Twilight. I lost track of time having fun with my new bestest friend!"

"...I'm glad to see that you're okay," Twilight said. She then nodded to Sally before looking at all of the new faces. "That's all of my friends...aside from Spike...but these are the Elements of Harmony. Champions of Equestria."

"And these are the Freedom Fighters. Heroes of Mobius," Sally replied as she spoke to the ponies. "Now then, we will need a place where we can plan and be safe from any surprise attacks. As the Sky Patrol is apparently out of action, Twilight has generously offered to let us stay in her castle and operate from in there. Any problems?"

"Why are you looking at me?"

"You know why, Sonic."

"The Freedom Fighters will be staying with us while we figure out what to do about...this," Twilight said as she motioned to the world. "But considering the scope of how royally screwed we are, I have also called in Celestia and Luna so that they can share their expertise with us. They ruled the world for thousands of years, so maybe they've dealt with something like this in the past. They should be arriving any-"

"We're here. And we don't know what we're looking at."

Twilight turned around to see the princesses of sun and moon standing at the edge of Canterlot. Both of them were looking out at their land, which was only half of their land anymore. The sea had killer whales attacking ships, the grassland and giant loopdeloops and weirdest of all was the giant, purple cat fishing in their fountain. Celestia stared out at the land in disbelief, while Luna simply waved to Twilight.

"Hey Twilight. How's being a princess all by yourself going?"

Author's Note:

"So Pinkie..."

"Yeah cousin?"

"The rest of us met up with one of the Freedom Fighters before we came here. Discord said that it was Harmony or something like that bringing us together. But if ya weren't with any of the Freedom Fighters, then where were you?"

"Oh, I met a badger named Sticks and we got to talking about all sorts of things. Crossovers, how time works in comics, why the higher up gods of her universe hate all versions of her friends which aren't "their creations". We got along great. But then we realized that this was a crossover with Archie characters and not Boom characters and that she wasn't supposed to be in this crossover. Oh well, maybe the next one."

"Pinkie, ya been eating raw sugar packets again?"


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