• Published 18th May 2021
  • 3,674 Views, 461 Comments

Way Past Equestria - Onomonopia

The Elements of Harmony and the Freedom Fighters will have to fight together to save both of their worlds.

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Rescue Mission

"Everybody to the war room, on the double," Sonic called out as he ran through Canterlot castle. "Sally's cooked up a plan for us and I bet it's going to be dangerous, risky and have little chance of working! So don't miss it!"

Sonic ran to every room and hall, making sure he gathered as many of the ponies and fighters as possible. Within a few minutes, all of the heroes had gathered together around Twilight's war table, where Sally stood with a look on her face that told Sonic they were in for a doozy.

"Friends. I've called you here today because I've come to a realization. I am tired of playing defensive," Sally stated. "We have been doing a good job of gathering the Elements and the Emeralds, but there is one front we have not been strong enough on. Locating Eggman and Sombra. We've given them a safe place to return to after each time we fight them. That is an error that must be corrected. Because as long as they feel safe, they won't slip up or rush. And that gives them the advantage."

"I agree that we have to find them, but we're already struggling with our numbers," Twilight pointed out. "Rarity and Rotor are not ready to go back into the field yet, while I don't want to risk Tails or Rainbow Dash being out there. If we send our friends to look for their lair, then it puts greater strain on those who have to find our Elements and Emeralds."

"I am aware of that. Which is why I won't be diverting any of our members to this mission. I will create an entirely new team," Sally said with a smile. "Everyone, meeting the Infiltrators."

The group turned to see four figures enter the room, two pony, two hedgehogs. Big Mac, Shining Armor, Silver and Amy stood side by side, some smiling, others serious.

"Shining Armor has magic and tactical experience. Big Mac is a powerhouse. Amy is a master tracker and Silver brings versatility. Not only that, they have been to the villains lair. They might be able to find it again."

"How's that? I thought they had no memory of what happened when they were under our foes control?" Tails asked.

"We don't. But we have...deja vu. Like we know of a place but we can't remember where," Amy said. "So using my tracking ability with Silvers TK powers with a hint of magic from Shining Armor, we figure that maybe we can track down where this sense of deja vu is leading us."

"It's worth a shot, anyhow," Rarity said. "And I do agree about having them help us. With Rotor and I in the shape we are in, we will do a better job supporting all of you back here than out there."

"Come on guys, you aren't dead weight. You do plenty of good out there for an old dude and a drama queen," Rainbow teased.

"Oh we are very much aware, but Rotor and I are working on a few projects right now and will need a good amount of time to get them done. So we will leave the barbaric fighting to the mare that opens jars with her face," Rarity returned with a smile.

"Rotor?" Sally asked.

"It's as Rarity says. We have a few plans we're cooking up that should help us against Eggman's roboticized creatures and Sombra's mind controlled ones," Rotor confirmed. "I can't give you all the details, but I ask that you trust us."

"Always will," Sally answered. "Celestia sent a letter saying that they found another Element on a beachfront not too far from the city where Antoine and Rarity met. That will be the main teams next objective, while the Infiltrators begin their search. Partner up and get ready to head our. Dismissed."

"You guys finally decided to stop freeloading and start helping, huh?" Sonic asked.

"Well, I did learn freeloading from the master," Silver shot back with a smile. He and Sonic shook hands.

"Glad to see you up and about, we were worried about you," Sonic said. Then he looked over at Amy. "And I'm glad to see that you're willing to take Amy with you. Careful Silver, she has a history of chasing hedgehogs with a hammer."

"Not all hedgehogs, Sonic. Just you," Amy teased sweetly. "You know, crush and all that."

"Your relationship confuses me," Silver muttered.

"You two sure you're feeling better?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I think we are. It's hard to actually...feel like this," Shining Armor replied, his voice metallic. Big Mac just nodded in agreement. "But we got tired of sitting around and waiting for you twelve to save the world. We need to start contributing and Sombra still has my wife and daughter. I will make him pay for that."

"Heh, normal this is the part where the voice of reason would tell you not to push yourself and wait until we learned more about your metal bodies before you head out. But seeing as neither Twilight nor Jackie is here at the moment, I'll just say hit Sombra extra hard for me," Rainbow said.

"You know I will," Shining replied with a wink. At least Rainbow thought he winked. It was hard to tell with a visor covering his eyes. "What about you? Shouldn't you be resting? I heard you got blown up saving Big Mac."

"Yeah, but I'm feeling better. Actually, this is the best I've felt in a long time," Rainbow said, her facing beaming. Big Mac walked up to Rainbow Dash, staring at her for a long moment before he bent his head to Rainbow.

"Thank ya," was all he said.

"Hey, not sweat. You needed saving. Like I told Applejack, you guys have already lost enough," Rainbow shrugged. Big Mac lifted his head to gaze at Rainbow, before he looked over at where Applejack was talking to Rarity. For a long moment he stared at his sister with a look of...acceptance on his face? Rainbow couldn't tell because his face almost never changed, especially as a robot. Then Big Mac looked back to Rainbow, nodded at her and patted his hoof on her shoulder before walking off.

"What was that about?" Rainbow asked Shining.

"You got his approval," Shining said as he walked by. He gently elbowed Rainbow with a smile on his face, leaving the confused mare to stare after them before shaking her head and walking over to Tails.

"So you're getting back in the fight too, huh? How about we have our long overdue team-up?" Rainbow asked.

"Finally! I've been waiting to team up with you ever since you saved us back at the Sky Patrol!" Tails exclaimed.

"Sounds great! Hear that Sonic, you're being replaced!" Rainbow Dash called out.

"Woe is me. My best friend, leaving me for a speedster with wings. My poor heart," Sonic "sobbed", clutching at his heart. "Whoever will I be able to replace this void in my soul with? Hey Fluttershy, want to team up again?"

"Sure," Fluttershy replied.

"There. My heart is healed."

"I'm glad to see that you are all taking this seriously." All eyes turned toward the entrance where Discord stood. He was practically a shell of his former self and everyone could tell that he was struggling to stand. But if he needed help he never asked for it as he walked up to the war table, tapped it with his claw and brought up a location. "I've found another Emerald. This one is in the wastelands to the far south of here. And I've sensed some of Sombra's magic in the area."

"They're already after another Emerald," Twilight muttered. She then looked at her friends and sighed, hating to do this. "Looks we're going to be splitting up again. Rainbow, Tails, Applejack and Bunnie on one team. Fluttershy, Sonic, Antoine and me on the other. My team after the Element. Applejack's on the Emerald."

"Are me and Sally staying behind this time?" Pinkie asked. Twilight glanced over at Sally, who nodded.

"No Pinkie, you and I are not staying behind. In fact, pack as much as you can, because I'm going to need your help with something big," Sally revealed. "You and I...are going after Nicole."

"Sure that's a good idea, Sally?" Rotor asked. "The last time you did that things didn't go well."

"Yes, I am sure. Last time Eggman took advantage of my desperation and it nearly cost us. This time I'm playing by my rules," Sally said with a devious smile. "And by my rules...I mean no rules. That's why Pinkie's on my team."

"Going to cause a little mischief and chaos, huh? I like it," Pinkie said.

"There is your assignments, everypony. Discord, can you hold this place by yourself?" Twilight asked.

"Feh, like you need to ask," Discord replied.

"Good enough for me," Twilight stated before joining her group. "Antoine, are you alright with being apart from Bunnie? I know that the two of you prefer to work together."

"I trust your judgement, princess. Ma cherie will be fine without me there. I trust her," Antoine replied.

"What about you, princess?" Sonic asked. Twilight flashed him a questioning look. "I know Eggman. And it's been too long since he had you and Spike fight it out. What happens if Eggman or Sombra try the trick they pulled with Big Mac with Spike?"

"Why are you bringing this up?" Twilight asked.

"Because last time we weren't ready and it nearly cost Big Mac his life. If not for Rainbow Dash, we'd be singing a different tune right now. And I will not let that ever happen again," Sonic whispered. "So before we go out there, I want you to tell me that you've got a plan in case they pull that again."

"Don't worry Sonic, I've got a plan," Twilight promised.

"Then I'm all good."

"Now that I think about it, I think this is the first time we've had this configuration for our team," Tails pointed out. "Which is upsetting, because I love going on missions with my Aunt Bunnie. She's the coolest, after all."

"Aw, ya little cutie, ya are just the sweetest."

"I think this is the first time Ja-Applejack and I have been on the same team since all this started too," Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Well then we need to start making up fer lost time," Applejack replied. She smiled softly at Rainbow Dash while Bunnie giggled slightly, getting Dash to flash her a look while Tails looked between the three in confusion.

"But ya know, ah'm kinda offended, Rainbow Dash," Bunnie began. "All this time ya have been trying to challenge Sonic to races, when ya haven't once tried to race me. Ah may not be as fast as sugarhog on the ground, but ah'm a cut above the rest in the air."

"Oh, is that a challenge?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Here we go."

"Ya bet yer wings it's a challenge," Bunnie replied with a fiery smile on her face. "When this is all over, ah wanna race ya. Because if ya can't beat me, then you will stand no chance against Sonic."

"It's a deal," Rainbow replied. "I'm looking forward to it."

Celestia and Luna entered into the room a moment later and Twilight took a moment to fill them in on the plan. The groups then gathered together so that the former princesses could teleport them out, but Bunnie held back AJ for a moment to talk to her.

"Ah'm glad to hear that yer brother's okay," Bunnie said. "Ah know what it's like to lose yer family to Eggman, so ah'm glad that it didn't happen this time."

"Yeah...ah don't know what ah would have done if he...if he...well, ya know," Applejack said with a sigh.

"Good thing Rainbow thought up that solution so quick. She's something special, isn't she?" Bunnie asked, glancing down at AJ as she said this. "Ah mean, she's fast, strong, brave and couragous, but she's as loyal to ya as sugartwan is to me. It sure is nice knowing that there's someone out there whose always got yer back, no matter how bad things get."

"Yeah...she's...something special, alright," AJ agreed softly.

"Bunnie! Applejack! Are you two coming?" Rainbow asked.

"On our way!" Applejack called out as she raced over. Bunnie followed after her with a smile on her face, with similar memories of her own making her smile grow wider.

Author's Note:

"Come on Rotor, it is not that bad, darling."

"I hate it. The writer realized he has too many characters to juggle and so, as always, I get written out of the story."

"It is not like that. He's having us make something amazing in the background that will surely be a huge plot point that leads to the resolution of the story."

"Nope, he's writing us out. We're the two characters he likes the least from either team and he's done with us. Always happens."

"What are you talking about? I am not his least favorite member."

"Really, Rarity? How many stories has he done where you're the main pony?"

"...Author, we need to have a talk."

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